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An Undergraduate Research
Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Criminology
College of Criminal Justice Education
Visayas State University
Tanghas, Tolosa Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Course Crim 107
Criminological Research
Chapter 3


Research Design
In the case of On the Job (OJT) training safety for students, descriptive research
would involve collecting data on the specific safety measures and procedures that are
being taught during the training program, as well as the methods used to deliver the
training. The research could also involve gathering information on the perceptions and
experiences of the students during the job training, such as their level of engagement,
comprehension, and satisfaction with the training program.The data collected from this
type of research can be used to improve the job training program in order to enhance
the safety of the students and ensure that they are adequately prepared for their job

Research Environment
This research was conducted at VSU Tolosa, which stands for Visayas State
University Tolosa and is located in Tanghas Tolosa, Leyte, Philippines. It is known for
its agricultural programs and research activities, and it is composed of five colleges,
such as the College of Criminal Justice Education, the College of Teacher Education
Arts and Sciences major in Science, the College of Teacher Education Arts and
Sciences major in Mathematics, and the College of Teacher Education Arts and
Sciences Elementary Education. The students who are studying at this university are
coming from different parts of the country with different beliefs, cultures, and traditions.
Research Informants
Research Informants The participants of this study are the 4th year on the job
training students of Visayas State University. they are chosen because they meet the
criteria of how the participants should be determined which is being an intern. This
study focuses on both male and female 4th year students of BS- Criminology of Visayas
state university with no age limit. These students will answer series of questions that will
provide answers to the researchers.

Research Procedure

Data Collection
On-The-Job Training (OJT) programs expose the students to work in their
field and prepare them once they get out of the University or College. It ensures
the possibility of good performer graduates, it provides various real-life learning
experiences that could be of great help towards the achievement of greater
knowledge, skills, and values necessary for job placement. Specifically, our study
evaluates the student -trainees in terms of their performances and their
compatibility on the said On-The-Job Training (OJT). The study aims to
determine also the level of satisfaction of the student-trainees on their Job
training where they are in. The researchers are able to use the method such as
using questionnaires and conducting interviews in gathering information from the
respondents ensuring that their given information are in its utmost confidentiality.

Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
When conducting this study entitled "Students On-the-Job (OJT) Safety on
Real-World Work Environment", ethical considerations must be taken into
account. The respondents' full consent should be obtained prior to the study. This
includes explaining the purpose and nature of the study, as well as the
respondents' rights and benefits of participating. Prior to the process of gathering
the needed data, we researchers wrote a formal letter to our respondents,
requesting that they grant us permission to carry out the study. Additionally, they
must be fully informed about the study's purpose, procedures, and benefits, and
they must be able to voluntarily choose whether to participate. In terms of
confidentiality and privacy, it is important that we, as researchers, take steps to
protect the personal circumstances of the informants involved in our research
study. This includes all personal information that could identify the individual,
such as their name, civil status, and age. The importance of our study is to
ensure that any information collected about the student’s personal information
during their on-the-job (OJT) process is kept confidential, stored securely, and
will only be used for academic purposes. Furthermore, we researchers ensure
that the study does not cause physical or psychological harm to our participants
and that any risks are justified by the potential benefits of the study. Overall,
researchers ensure that the data collected during studies is managed in an
ethical and responsible manner. Ensuring that any personal information is
anonymized or de-identified to protect the privacy of participants.

Trustworthiness of Research
To establish the trustworthiness of the study, we observed its four
components. These are the following: credibility, confirmability, transferability, and
Credibility. To establish the credibility of our study, we ensure that rigor was
properly observed during the data collection especially during the interviews. wherein
we avoided drawing conclusions from the interviews but based everything on factual
data, directly from the participants. We saw to it that no relevant data was excluded, and
no irrelevant data was included.

Confirmability. To address the confirmability or our study, will set aside our
personal opinions, assumptions, and judgement in order to guard against distortion of
data. The use of questionnaire, interviews and note taking that we kept throughout the
study is one way of ensuring confirmability.

Transferability. To address transferability, we described in detail the research

context and the assumptions that are central to the research and showed all data as
transparent as possible. We made sure that the data are rich with descriptions, so that
the person who wishes to transfer the results to a different context is then responsible
for making the judgement of how sensible the transfer is.

Dependability. To establish the dependability of our study, we ensured

consistency during the data collection and analysis by doing the code - recode system
during data reduction and applied the peer examinations and investigator triangulation
of the data collected and analyzed. This made the study reliable.

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