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College of Health Sciences

Nursing Department

Arellano St., Dagupan City


March 2023


GABRIEL, RAYMUND JR. E. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING has been rigorously prepared and found to be
acceptable in content by the undersigned and is recommended for thesis PROPOSAL



The Problem and its Background

Life will never be the same again, whether your pregnancy was
meticulously planned, medically induced, or unexpected (Jones, 2019).

Teenage pregnancy is a major societal issue that affects people worldwide.

It has a significant impact on maternal and child health, particularly in
developing countries where health care is less advanced. This case is very
alarming and a timely relevant issue in Global where teenage mothers
experience the changes in her social status and lifestyle. Adolescent mothers
experience difficult obstacles from bearing to rearing a child and it is not easy
especially it affects their life. The lifestyle they had right now is different from
the lifestyle a normal teenager should have. Teenage pregnancy continues to
increase, resulting in poverty, poor education, risky behaviors that lead to poor
health issues, and child welfare. The situation of teenage pregnancy is
controversial for the reason that it jeopardizes adolescents' safe transition to
adulthood, affecting not only them but also their families, babies, and society.

Mothers who experienced pregnancy in their adolescence face numerous

challenges after giving birth, such as providing adequate care and needs for
their child. High-performing teen mothers have college degrees and work to
support their child's needs; However, low-performing teenage mothers become

housewives; and as a result of the situation, some teenage mothers have fewer
chances to complete their studies due to early pregnancy. They face difficulties
in providing financial assistance as well as caring for their child. Teenage
mothers' academic performance, financial status, and family support
determine whether they can continue their studies and achieve their personal
goals (Angeline, 2014).

As per Howard et al. (2013), becoming a teenage mother marks the start of
an important phase of one's life. According to some studies, teenage
motherhood increases a person's sense of responsibility and serves as
motivation to achieve personal goals (Dlamini, 2016). Furthermore, the
difficulties associated with being a teen mother are not limited to the mother.
Because children born to teenage mothers, as well as society, face these
challenges. Children of teenage mothers, for example, are at risk of health
complications, poor socioeconomic conditions, neglect and abuse, and the
possibility of becoming a teenage parent (Aparicio et al., 2018).
Early Adolescent pregnancy remains a major challenge in both developed
and developing countries. Early and unintended pregnancies among
adolescents are associated with several adverse health, educational, social and
economic outcomes. Initiatives to expand girl’s education and reduce
household poverty are also important in improving adolescent sexual and
reproductive health. Broader development programs that have positive impacts
on girls educational and employment opportunities, may potentially influence
their agency and decision-making around if and when to have children.

Further study is required to understand the effects of media exposure
including social media and contextual community level factors on adolescent
pregnancy and early motherhood (Wado et al. 2019.) Initiatives to expand girl’s
education and reduce household poverty are also important in improving
adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Is not simple, for the reason that it
contains a lot of risk factors to both mother and child, family, health,
education, and society. It is important to have knowledge regarding to sex
education, in order to prevent the increasing rate of teenage pregnancy. On the
other hand, teenage mothers are aware of the mistakes they made, the reason
why instead of persecuting them because of their situation, they choose the
right path which is giving them a motivation to continue their new chapter of
life. Remember that with every decision a person makes, there is a
responsibility that must be accepted or faced.

Conceptual Framework

The research team used the input, process, and output model to
introduce the conceptual template of the study. The study intended to
determine the lived experiences among teenage mothers in Barangay Bonuan
Gueset, Dagupan City. The research design that was applied in the process of
the paradigm was qualitative design and the collection of data was done
through the use of formal interview.

Figure I.

The figure shows a diagram that includes Input, process, and output, the
researcher came up with the following:

The first frame consists of (1) respondents and (2) the details specified in
the statement of the problems are stipulated here.

The second frame involves the processes on collecting information

regarding lived experiences among teenage mothers in Barangay Bonuan
Gueset, Dagupan City by the use of (1) formal interviews.

The third frame contains the output of the study which is (1) Held a
health teaching program in barangay communities that promotes the
prevention of teenage pregnancy, and (2) distributes graphic materials that
raises awareness regarding teenage pregnancy, as well.

Rationale For Research Approach

This research study uses a qualitative method in gathering information

regarding the lived experiences among teenage mothers. It tackles their
adjustments, situations, and experiences from bearing to rearing a child and
how it affects their life. The lifestyle they had right now is different from the
lifestyle a normal teenager should have. This study gives awareness and
knowledge regarding the avoidance of having a child at an early age and is
significant to the community, students, parents, and future researchers.
Hearing the insights and stories of young mothers will open the eyes of youth
to become responsible in their actions. This research focuses on

responsibilities a teenage mothers has to deal with and how they handle them.
And also, the adjustments experienced by a teenage mom in having a child at
an early age and how did she accept it. Lack of knowledge regarding safe sex is
one of the main reasons for early pregnancy.

The literacy reviews shows that teenage motherhood is understood as a

social problem by governments and in public imagination. This is underpinned
by studies linking teenage motherhood to a range of poor outcomes. Sloan
(2019). Perspectives that consider teenage mothers as a ‘social problem’ are well
described in the literature. However, the attitudes towards teenage mothers
held by other teenage mothers are not well understood. Given the growing use
of peer support in the reproductive health of teenagers, the attitudes of teenage
mothers towards their contemporaries is worthy of exploration. We aimed to
examine the discourse around teenage pregnancy in teenage mothers who have
recently experienced teenage pregnancy and motherhood for themselves. Forty
mothers aged 15–19, who had recently given birth and used a home based
sexual health service took part in semi-structured interviews to explore their
views on pregnancy in other teenagers. Jones et al. (2019).

The researchers' study will provide guidelines regarding the cause, effects,
and outcomes of having a child at an early age. The researchers aim to know
the reasons for teenage mothers in being a mom at an early age and also, to
know if this research study has a significant impact on teenage mothers. The
attitudes towards teenage mothers held by other teenage mothers are not well

understood. Given the growing use of peer support in the reproductive health
of teenagers, the attitudes of teenage mothers towards their contemporaries is
worthy of exploration. Researchers aimed to examine the discourse around
teenage pregnancy in teenage mothers who have experienced teenage
pregnancy in the past 2 years and motherhood for themselves.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to gain a better grasp of the experiences of teenage

mothers in Barangay Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City.

This research specifically seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of the teenage mothers about their pregnancy?
2. How do teenage mothers handle the adjustment from adolescence to

Significance of the Study

This research study is made with the aim to provide crucial information
and knowledge regarding the chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies
or theses, and related sites needed for the expected importance to the
individuals as follow:
Community. This study will be most beneficial to the community as it plays an
important role in spreading awareness and prevention of early pregnancy by
developing health teachings such as family planning and sex education. This

study will also contribute to a better understanding of the lives of teenagers
who have experienced early pregnancy, thus, changing the society's perception
of teenage pregnancy.
Academic Institutions and administrators. Through this research, academic
institutions and administrators may promote programs and advocacies
regarding the prevention of early pregnancy to the youth.
Teenage Students. The study will also benefit students who still are at school
because it will make them aware of the consequences and possible risks that
they could face if they do not understand the concept of this matter. This paper
will also enlighten the students about early pregnancy and guide them in
setting priorities before they involve themselves with intimate relationships.
Parents of teenagers. This study will also benefit the parents to enable them
to realize their great role in educating their teenagers, protecting and
preventing them from indulging in early sex. With this, they will be able to
improve and maximize the capacity for parental guidance of their children.
Future researchers. This study will also contribute to a better understanding
towards teenage pregnancy. This can be used as references to other studies
and it also provides a guide material for related research. This can help
recommend other researchers to focus and explore more in this field for their
future research.

Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation of the study

The following were the scope, limitations, and limitations identified by

the researchers for this study.

The focus of this research is to determine the lived experiences of
teenage mothers for the past 2 years among teenage mothers ages 15 to 19 of
Barangay Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City. The researchers will gather an
interview with teenage mothers who are dependent on their parents, school
dropout, and a single mom. These teenage mothers will be interviewed
personally where questions are asked personally directed to the respondents
for the researchers to fully understand the statement of the teenage mothers.
The teenage mothers selected are a non randomized selection since it is a
quick, simple, and inexpensive way of obtaining data and only gathered in one

This study is delimited to non-residents of Barangay Bonuan Gueset,
Dagupan City. The number of teenage pregnancies in this Barangay based on
the data gathered is high, so the researchers decided to choose this Barangay
and only the residents from Barangay Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City have the
access to be part of research as a respondents. Additionally, this study is also
delimited to teenage mothers who are independent. Researchers want to find
out the situation of teenage mothers as dependent on their parents or

guardians. And also, ages less than 15 and above 19 years of age. The
researchers decided not to choose teenage mothers ages 15 and below because
they are too young to bear a child from the past 2 years of their life and to
avoid inconvenience while interviewing. It also delimited those teens who are
currently pregnant and new mothers. Since, researchers target respondents
were those teenage mothers who already have a past 2 years experience of
early pregnancy. This study was also delimited to a teenage mother who is
currently in a relationship and lives in partnership with the father of their
child. The researchers only focus on the teenage mother's point of view of
herself and her baby, and not to include the father of the child. And was also
delimited to teenage mothers who are also students.

Limitations are perceived weaknesses of a study. One perceived
limitation of the researchers is finding respondents. This can be solved by
asking permission from the Barangay officials of Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City
to help us find respondents by giving us information or data regarding teenage
mothers in their respective Barangay. With the Barangay officials' help,
researchers can now easily find respondents and can save a lot of time.
Another limitation of the researchers in this study is time management.
Researchers are having a hard time balancing their studies, tasks at home, and
doing research. Research really consumes a lot of time for a student because
research is not just research. It is a broad study and has a lot of things to be
studied, investigated, and explored well to find answers to a research. Also,

financial problems were limitations of the researchers in this study. Fare,
printed copies of research, and foods were costly as the researchers were only
students. Students who had a minimum budget for everyday expenses. This
can be solved by having contributions every week or letters for parents or
guardians of each researcher to at least support the researchers by giving extra
money depending on the needs. By doing this the burden to the researchers
will at least be lessened.

Definition of Terms

We utilized conceptual definition in defining the terminologies in our study,

to provide better understanding of word meanings. Conceptual definition is
used as seen in dictionaries. A conceptual definition is the process of defining a
concept in terms of other concepts, typically by referring to how other social
scientists and theorists have defined those concepts in the past.

1. Lived Experiences. Something one has personally experienced, gone

through, or lived through.
2. Teenage Mother. A female between the ages of 13 and 19 who has given
birth to a child.



This chapter presents the related literature that covers the experiences of
early pregnancy among teenage respondents, with portions of several literature
materials shown to fully understand the research to be done.

Conceptual Literature


The Philippines had one of Southeast Asia's highest rates of adolescent

pregnancy. Although access to contraception has gradually improved since the
Reproductive Health Law's implementation in 2013, the need for emergency
contraception remains a barrier to better sexual health and wellness for young
Filipinos. President Rodrigo Duterte declared in June 2021 that preventing
teenage pregnancy should be a national priority. Although the executive order
(EO) recognizes endangered patterns of discrimination, deep-seated norms and
attitudes that normalize and justify violence against women, EO141
emphasizes that the root causes of pregnancy can be fully addressed through
sex education, employment, and health promotion. However, medical experts
believe that more steps should be taken to address the issue,beginning with
making emergency contraception a viable option. Finally, panelists emphasize
the importance of better patient rights for teenagers in order to empower their

decision-making. They claim that having access to the right contraception is a
game-changer. They claim that teenagers aren't as unaware of their actions as
many believe; they simply need space to act wisely (Buenaventura, 2022).

However, Natividad (2013) expressed his thoughts that women aged 15

and younger were at increased risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight.
Data from the 1995-2000 nationally linked birth/infant death data set
compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention revealed the same elevated risks for teenage
pregnancies, independent of known major confounders such as low
socioeconomic status, inadequate prenatal care, and inadequate weight gain
during pregnancy. In developing countries where large data bases do not exist,
evidence from smaller samples shows similar results, indicating that the risks
are specific to the age group and its associated biological immaturity for
childbearing, rather than the level of development of a country's health care
system and the availability of appropriate maternal care for very young
pregnant women. The risks increase with age, they are generally higher at the
younger end of adolescence and decrease as adolescence progresses.

Furthermore, the Population Commission (POPCOM), 24 babies are born

to teenage mothers every hour. Every year, approximately 200,000 Filipino
teenagers, most of whom are between the ages of 15 and 19, become pregnant.
As per the World Bank, 47 out of every 1,000 births in the Philippines are from
mothers aged 15 to 19. The fact that nearly 2,000 Filipinas aged 10 to 14

became pregnant in 2017 is particularly concerning. In data comparing 2011
and 2018, there was also a 63% increase in the amount of births delivered by
10- to 14-year-old teenage mothers. The Philippines' teen pregnancy rate
reveals child sex abuse. As reported by POPCOM, 130,000 teenage pregnancies
were with fathers aged 20 and up. As a result, teen pregnancy is a serious
issue that must be addressed. Teenage pregnancy is still stigmatized in the
Philippines. Most often, they are coerced into marriage by their families in
order to escape the sense of embarrassment of being an unwed mother.
Nevertheless, these typically result in much more emotional stress on the
mother, which raises the likelihood of complications during pregnancy. This
may result in low survival rates for both mother and child. It is possible to have
a healthy teenage pregnancy. However, most teenage pregnancies are afflicted
by an array of stress factors, health risks, and other possible problems. Aside
from the negative impacts on a teen mother's physical and mental health, teen
pregnancy has an economic impact on the country (Bunag, 2023).

In accordance with the latest civil-registry statistics for 2019, the

Philippine Statistics Authority confirmed that births among adolescent girls
remained high in Central Luzon. According to data, this contributed a total of
20,974 or 31.27 percent of the country's total adolescent birth rate of 67,082.
Whereas the most teen pregnancies in the region continues to be among
adolescents aged 15 to 19, there were 311 live births, or 1.48 percent, among
very young adolescents aged 10 to 14. Bulacan led the seven provinces in
teenage pregnancy in 2019, with 5,414, followed by Pampanga with 4,708,

Nueva Ecija with 3,928, Tarlac with 2,032, Bataan with 2,006, Zambales with
591, and Aurora with 485. The region's highly urbanized cities recorded a total
of 1,251 teenage pregnancy cases, with Angeles City accounting for 907 and
Olongapo City accounting for 344. As per empirical evidence, the interaction of
information and communication technology, poverty, insufficient access to
reproductive health information and services, ineffective parental guidance,
negative peer pressure, and early engagement in risky behaviors are among the
critical factors that contributed to the predominance of teenage pregnancy. As
stated by the agency, the issue is both a health and development concern
because it influences the wellness and total development of the individual, with
possible consequences for the family, the community, and socioeconomic
development (Flora, 2021).

The City Health Office in Cagayan de Oro is now concerned about the
city's rising rate of teen pregnancy. As reported by Bombo Radyo, Jeanette
Rodriguez, one of the region's Public Nurse II, stated that based on their
records, approximately 5 teenagers give birth each day. This distress was
exacerbated by the fact that the youngest pregnancy recorded in Cagayan De
Oro (CDO) this year was at the age of ten. Furthermore, Rodriguez stated that
the influence of social media, sexual curiosity, and a lack of parental guidance
all contribute to an increase in teenage pregnancy (Luis, 2022).

The researcher used an informal interview as a data collection tool. The

data of the participants revealed five themes: the meaning of a woman and a

mother, becoming young mothers, the importance of pursuing their dreams,
the challenges and difficulties they encountered in their studies, and the
impact of schooling on their lives. All participants agreed that women are
resilient in the face of adversity. Mothers of participants, on the other hand, do
not need to rely on men to support their children. Mother was also associated
with love and sacrifice, according to the participants. These student-mothers'
lived experiences inspired me because they live their lives to the fullest while
also becoming responsible mothers and at the same time a good student
(Dasig, 2020).


Every year, approximately 16 million girls aged 15 to 19 years and 2.5

million girls under the age of 16 give birth in developing countries. These are
the figures to be concerned about, and when teenagers enter into sexual
relationships, they do not consider the consequences. The health consequences
can be disastrous. As a result, significant investments in reproductive health
prevention are required. Prevention should not only focus on preventing
sexually transmitted diseases and adolescent pregnancy, but also on
developing attitudes toward responsible sexual behavior. This primarily refers
to delaying the start of young people's sexual lives because too early entry into
sexual relationships can be harmful to their health. Franjić (2018)

Moreover, Devi et al. (2019) stated that teenage pregnancy accounts for
11% of all births worldwide, with 95% occurring in low and middle-income

countries. Pregnancy and its complications are the leading cause of death for
these young women. This research was done to assess the prevalence and
whether teenage mothers are at risk for undesirable pregnancy outcomes.
Between July 2015 and December 2017, a retrospective study was conducted
at a tertiary teaching hospital in India. All teenage mothers who gave birth after
28 weeks of pregnancy were included in the study. Women with diabetes, renal
disease, or thyroid disorders were not eligible. Demographic information was
collected, as well as maternal complications such as anemia, hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy, preterm birth, mode of delivery, low birth weight,
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admissions, stillbirth, and early neonatal

In civilizations where traditional gender norms are still prevalent,

motherhood plays a significant role in the lives of many women. Motherhood is
viewed as a vital function in many African cultures, where big families and
early childbearing are valued. From a young age, there is a positive orientation
towards motherhood. Although motherhood in the context of migration is
frequently very different, it may still be important after migration and
settlement. Young immigrant women often experience the dual transitions of
becoming a mother and adjusting to daily life in a settlement site without
extensive social support networks (Watts, et al. 2015).

Teenage pregnancy is a global health issue that has a negative impact on

birth outcomes. Teenage pregnancies are more likely to occur in communities

experiencing social and economic disadvantage in all settings. Antenatal and
postnatal care can help this group improve their maternal and neonatal
outcomes. In teenage pregnancies, Sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) are an
important consideration. During the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, teenage girls
smoke more than older pregnant women. Young people are starting to drink at
a later age, and pregnant teenagers are much less likely to consume any
alcohol prior to pregnancy than women over the age of 20. Teenage pregnancy
contributes to the mother's and her child's lifetime socioeconomic disadvantage
and health disparities. These factors can have a negative impact on
childrearing competency and behavioral outcomes for their children (Mann, et
al., 2020).

In line with Kirchengast (2016), teenage pregnancies and motherhood are

a worldwide source of concern. Teenage pregnancies are not a new
phenomenon historically. Throughout the majority of human history, it was
absolutely normal for girls to marry in their late adolescence and have their
first child in the second decade of their lives. This type of reproductive behavior
was socially preferred and accepted as normal. Nevertheless, prevention of
adolescent pregnancy and motherhood is now a public health priority in nearly
all developed and, progressively, developing countries. For a long period of
time, teenage pregnancies were associated with serious medical problems;
however, the majority of data promoting this viewpoint were gathered decades
ago and primarily reflect the situation of socioeconomically disadvantaged
teenage mothers. According to more recent research, teenage pregnancies are

not inherently dangerous. Extremely young adolescent mothers less than 15
years old face not only medical risks such as preeclampsia, preterm labor, and
small gestational age newborns, but also significant social downsides such as
economic hardship, unemployment, low levels of education, and single

Unprotected sex not only results in early childbearing, but also in

unplanned pregnancies, unsafe and illegal abortions, and their complications,
which include death, sexually transmitted infections, birth-related
complications such as fistula, and dropping out of school. Adolescents
frequently do not disclose their reproductive health challenges to their parents
or guardians because they are afraid of how their communities will treat them,
and as a result, they do not use health services. This is attributed to a lack of
health-related information, ignorance about health needs and rights, a lack of
financial resources, a negative attitude among health-care providers, and a
negative attitude among community members. Lower Middle- Income Countries
continue to oppose efforts to improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes.
These mothers face a tangle of challenges that disproportionately predispose
them to poor health outcomes. Their bodies are not yet ready for birth, they are
socially stigmatized, they lack social support to raise their children, they lack
financial means of survival, they have limited access to family planning
services, they lack an education or drop out of school, and they will be dealing
with the psychosocial issues and changes of adolescence. Furthermore,
evidence suggests that their newborns have a lower chance of survival,

including a higher risk of stillbirth, low birth weight, or neonatal death due to a
variety of causes including infection ( Apolot, et al., 2020).

Research Literature

One in every ten Filipino women aged 15 to 19 is a mother or is pregnant

with her first child. The data revealed themes such as regret and confusion,
seeds of hope, sacrifice and hard work, motherhood joys, and future dreams.
The data revealed that teen mothers were capable of rising above their past and
present challenges and nurturing their dreams for a bright future (Rosario,

In addition to this, pregnancy rates in the Philippines have been rising,

primarily negatively affecting young mothers, who are frequently forced to drop
out of school and become financially dependent on their parents. When they
become pregnant, their social circle rejects them and they are left on their own
because they are considered a disgrace. As a result, the environment is critical
to their lives' outcomes, and organizations play an important role in their lives
by empowering them to take action and start something new (Nielsen et al.,

In a research study, one in ten young Filipino women between the ages
of 15 and 19 have started having children in the Philippines, according to the
Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA). Of them, 8% are already moms, and 2%

are expecting their first child as a result of the National Demographic and
Health Survey (NDHS). Early pregnancy increases the risks of eclampsia,
puerperal endometritis, and systemic infections among adolescent moms
compared to those between the ages of 20 and 24. Teenage pregnancy differs
from other issues around the world in that, although being a topic of general
concern, people don't seem to be all that bothered by it. Not until they are
personally impacted by the problem or until they eventually understand that it
has been progressively approaching an abnormal stage or the point where it
has already adversely affected too many lives and too many facets of urban
residents who have started having children in their teens (Ganchimeg et al.,

Additionally, a research by Gatbonton (2021), adolescent pregnancy is a

major societal issue that leads to missed opportunities for teenage girls in both
developed and developing countries. The lived experience of adolescent mothers
during their college years was investigated in this phenomenological research
study. In an unstructured interview, eight participants were asked to share
their experiences as college students who were pregnant. To ensure
trustworthiness, data was analyzed using Collaizi's method, and member
checks and expert audits of interview outputs were performed. The findings
show that the participants went through several stages in their situation: they
dealt with the complexities of adolescent pregnancy while attending college;
they dealt with life and educational conflicts; they recognized the value of
education; they found the resolve to continue for their child; and they dreamed

of a better future for their families. These findings were organized into themes
and related to Parson’s Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, and Latency
theory, as adolescent pregnancy paved the way for teenagers to assimilate
society’s expectations of responsible adulthood. Consistent with academic
literature, the participants’ experiences show that adolescent mothers are
vulnerable in the education setting, and need proper guidance to achieve their
full potential. This research can serve as groundwork for initiating several
educational reforms. A multicomponent intervention program was developed
that is rooted in school and community partnerships.

As reported by Shaik (2018), the study primarily wanted to explore and

described the experiences of student teenage mothers in Southern Philippines
particularly in the predominantly occupied Bangsamoro. This study was only
limited to their experiences, aspirations, and realizations. There were 12
participants who happened to be minor Maguindanaon mothers and returned
back to school for education. Interviews and focused group discussions (FGDs)
including audit-trail were conducted using purposive sampling to ensure
consistency in the responses. The findings revealed that they went back to
school the least to finish high school although they find hard time and
difficulty in time management, financial and attention as a student mother and
as a student. Moreover, the participants hoped to have some poverty alleviation
driven programs and similar mechanisms offered to them by the local and
national government.

As claimed by Sicam et al. (2021), this phenomenological study sought to
explore the lived experiences of student mothers enrolled in a Philippine higher
education institution situated in the province. Participants were determined
using a purposive sampling technique with the following criteria: currently
enrolled in the higher education institution; has at least a child; 20 years old or
above. Facebook (FB) Messenger was used in interviewing and gathering the
research data. From the thematic data analysis, four major themes were
revealed: (1) challenges faced by student mothers; (2) advantages of being a
student mother; (3) managing time in dual roles; and (4) support by others. The
student mothers face challenges in performing their dual roles such as
bullying, time management, and financial problems. The student mothers,
however, get a source of inspiration, respect, school excuses, and important
lessons in life. Their parenting experience gives them a strong personality and
an inspiration to continue their education pursuits. Though managing time is
really hard for them, they are able to surpass it through time management and
parental help. Support systems such as their teachers, classmates, parents,
friends, and relatives also play a significant role in their lives. This study
provides understanding on how to make tertiary education more accessible and
transformational most especially to women who handle the dual roles as
students and parents.


Teenage pregnancy is a worldwide concern for everyone concerned about

the health and well-being of young women and their children. It raises
significant health and social concerns, with unique medical and psychosocial
consequences for both adolescents and society as a whole. Six young women in
the study shared their stories of living the reality of becoming mothers under
extremely difficult circumstances and doing their best to thrive through a
series of 18 in-depth, semi-structured interviews exploring experiences of both
being mothered and mothering. Their experience was characterized by themes
of darkness and despair (e.g., substance abuse, poverty, and child
maltreatment), glimpses of light in the darkness (e.g., relationships with their
partner's family), and new beginnings (e.g., identity as mother). There are
implications for practice, policy, and research in the areas of teen pregnancy
prevention and family strengthening support (Pecukonis et al., 2015).

Moreover, early pregnancy difficulties exacerbated an increased burden

of responsibility during the transition to motherhood. Recent research on
adolescent mothers' experiences has increased. In Erfina (2019), factors
affecting a successful transition to motherhood for adolescents included
physical problems associated with birth and breastfeeding, psychological
well-being, ability to care for their baby, social support, education, financial
stress, and healthcare provision. The literature found a link between social
support and the development of positive maternal identity during the

adolescent motherhood transition period. Future healthcare interventions for
adolescent mothers during the transitional period should aim to provide social
support and increase adolescent mothers' ability to manage the physical and
psychological challenges of young motherhood, as well as to improve new
mothers' knowledge of caring for babies.

The study of pregnancies between the ages of 10 and 19 are more

dangerous than older pregnancies. Babies born to adolescent mothers are 50%
more likely to suffer complications and end up dying than babies born to adult
mothers (20-29 years). Furthermore, babies born to teenage mothers are more
likely to be premature, underweight, and anemic (Astuti et al., 2020). Many
people in developing countries suffer as a result of early pregnancy. To reduce
the impact of adolescent pregnancy, particularly in developing countries,
governments can make changes in public policy, such as improving education
quality, providing health access, and eliminating cultural stigma (Lemon,

As elaborated by Maly et al. (2017), pregnancy complications, unsafe

abortions, and childbirth are the leading causes of death and disability among
Ugandan female adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. Despite these statistics,
researchers know little about how girls perceive adolescent pregnancy. This
qualitative study investigated the social and contextual factors that shape
adolescent pregnancy and childbirth perceptions in a sample of 12 currently
pregnant and 14 never pregnant girls living in Uganda's rural Rakai District.

Interviews were conducted to elicit perceived pregnancy risk factors, associated
community attitudes, and personal perspectives on adolescent pregnancy.
Findings shows, perceptions of control over getting pregnant and readiness for
childbearing are the most influential factors in adolescent pregnancy.
Premarital pregnancy was viewed negatively, whereas postmarital pregnancy
was viewed positively. Understanding the individual and contextual factors that
influence perceptions can aid in the development of salient, culturally
appropriate policies and programs to reduce unintended adolescent

The attitudes towards teenage mothers held by other teenage mothers are
not well understood. Given the growing use of peer support in the reproductive
health of teenagers, the attitudes of teenage mothers towards their
contemporaries is worthy of exploration. We aimed to examine the discourse
around teenage pregnancy in teenage mothers who have recently experienced
teenage pregnancy and motherhood for themselves. Forty mothers aged 16–19,
who had recently given birth and used a home based sexual health service took
part in semi-structured interviews to explore their views on pregnancy in other
teenagers. The negative portrayal of teenage pregnancy within wider society
impacts the ongoing stigma attached to teenage pregnancy within the teenage
population. Approaches such as peer education and peer support used in
reproductive health should not be considered neutral, taken for granted
processes, but may be complex and more nuanced. Health and social care
professionals supporting young parents should be aware of the potential for

stigma, discrimination, isolation and exclusion within teenage peer groups.
Policy makers need to ensure young mothers have access to a broad range of
support opportunities and this should include formal, professional support
(Jones et al. 2019).

Adolescent mothers faced multiple developmental challenges at the same

time, including the transition to adulthood, marriage, pregnancy, and
mothering responsibilities. As per (Meleis et al., 2016), good physical and
psychological well-being of mothers would positively influence the process of
maternal transition. According to the review, teenage mothers experienced
some negative feelings associated with motherhood, mostly related to mourning
for a life as it was with friends and school. However, feelings of love for their
infants expressed by teenage mothers in this review's studies highlighted their
amusement with the process of becoming mothers. (Lisa et al., 2019)

As explored in the research of Dlamini (2016) , this study investigates the

experiences of motherhood among a sample of fifteen (15) teenage mothers in a
peri-urban area of KwaZulu Natal. The study's main focus is on understanding
the factors that lead to teenage pregnancy, teenage mothers' risky sexual
behavior, and lack of access to contraception and how this affects teenage
pregnancy. Findings shows, teenage motherhood is associated with feelings of
fear and sadness upon learning of the pregnancy. Family reactions vary as
well, with some expressing anger and disappointment at the pregnancy.
Participants frequently reported that they were unaware that they were

pregnant and had symptoms of teenage pregnancy, and for some, knowledge of
their pregnancy came from the child's boyfriend and father before they realized
they were pregnant. The reasons for returning to school were influenced by
their desire to have a better job in the future and to care for their children.
Others returned to school as a result of the influence of parents who had been
teenage mothers. Some participants claimed that teacher support influenced
their decision to stay in school. Those who dropped out of school did so due to
a lack of support from family and friends, as well as teacher attitudes toward
them during and after the pregnancy, financial constraints, and a lack of
someone to care for the child while they were in school. I conclude that
understanding how adolescent mothers experience motherhood will aid in
unraveling complex situations and informing policy on structural,
context-specific interventions that will help keep adolescent mothers in the
education system.



This chapter presents the methodology of this study. It consists of the

research design, sample and sampling technique, research instrument and its
validation, data-collection procedure, analytical method, and establishing
trustworthiness used in analyzing the data as well as interpreting the results in
accordance with the chosen qualitative research design principle.

Research Design

This study used a Phenomenological design. Phenomenology is the study

of consciousness structures as experienced in the first person. The central
structure of an experience is its intentionality, or the fact that it is an
experience of or about something. By virtue of its content or meaning (which
represents the object) and the appropriate enabling conditions, an experience
is directed toward an object (Smith, 2013).

The Researchers

We are PHINMA - University of Pangasinan Level II student nurses. As

researchers, we have personally witnessed many teenage pregnancy rates. We
formulated questions for the study that will interview, transcribe , and describe
the data going to be generated from the informants with their authorization.
Based on our previous qualitative research studies, we encountered gathering
data through questionnaires and surveys that met the desired outcome.

Sources of Data

We studied teenage pregnancy as the sources of data in the study. The

informants were the ones who experienced early teenage pregnancy. The
inclusion is as follows; teenagers who gave birth at 15 to 19 years old for the
past 2 years.

Sampling Type and Technique

Snowball sampling is going to be used in the study, in which a

participant refers to another one until data saturation is achieved. We will stop
interviewing after there is a replication of the informants’ responses on the

Locale of the study

The research study is going to be conducted in Barangay Bonuan

Gueset, Dagupan City. In this study, we chose resident participants aged 15 to
19 years. We chose the Barangay Bonuan Gueset to be the area of the study
since it has many cases and has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy, thus
giving us easy access for information and was considered to provide rich and
thorough representation of their expressions desired in the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument that will be used in collecting data is face-to-face interview

with guide questions. This method was considered by the researchers, to
ensure that the discussion is properly conducted. In addition, the researchers
will also make use of voice recorders to fully-analyze and transcribe the
answers and camera for documentation.

Trustworthiness of the Data

Elo et al. (2014) concluded that it is important to scrutinize the

trustworthiness of every phase of the analysis process, including the
preparation, organization, and reporting of results. The trustworthiness of
qualitative content analysis is often presented by using terms such as
credibility, dependability, conformability, transferability, and authenticity. This
article helps to clarify how content analysis should be reported in a valid and
understandable manner, which would benefit reviewers of scientific articles.
Credibility. The researchers use triangulation, prolonged engagement with
data, persistent observation, member checks and referential adequacy to show
that the research study findings are credible. This will ensure how confident
the qualitative researchers are in the accuracy and truth of the research study
findings. This involves measurement of truth in research study that the
researchers conduct. The respondent evaluation of the comprehensive and
accurate interpretation of the responses in the interview of respondents as
recorded by researchers.

Dependability. The researchers will use inquiry audit in order to establish
dependability of the study. This will help eliminate another person who wants
to replicate the study, they should have enough information from the report to
do so and obtain similar findings. This will track the precise methods used for
data collection, analysis and interpretation and provide adequate contextual
information about each piece. This will demonstrate the consistency and
reliability of the study.
Conformability. The researchers will provide an audit trail, which highlights
every step of data analysis that was made in order to provide a rationale for the
decisions made. The researchers will ensure that the findings are based on
participants responses and not any potential bias or personal motivations of
the researcher. The content of each question that is asked to the respondents
during the interview will be summarized and all the details should be heard
and recorded.
Transferability. This research is for the teenage mother ages not lower than
15 years old and not higher than 19 years old and from Barangay Bonuan
Gueset, Dagupan City. Ages 15 to 19 years old is the target age for the teenage
mother to be interviewed face to face by researchers. Barangay Bonuan Gueset,
Dagupan City was the chosen place to conduct the study with at least 10

respondents due to its high rate of teenage pregnancy. The researchers target
age group, respondents and location has been chosen to include in this study.
Authenticity. The researchers ensure that the study that will be conducted
contains goodness, reliability, validity, and rigor that the readers will fully
understand and explore the lived experiences of early pregnancy among the
teenage mothers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will ask consent from the Barangay Captain of Bonuan
Gueset, Dagupan City, for permission to conduct the study in their barangay.
The researchers will formulate a letter to the respondents, explaining the
objective of the interview and requesting permission to carry out the interview.
The survey questionnaires are to be given to the respondents. The interview will
be halted if the respondents have stated the same responses, indicating that
data saturation has been met.

In this study, the audio recordings will be used to transcribe data. The
crucial stage in preparation for data analysis was verbatim transcription of
recorded conversations. It was imperative that the researchers ensure the
transcriptions are accurate and reflected on the experience of the respondents.

Data Analysis

We will use narrative analysis to analyze the data that will be gathered
from informants by the researchers. Narrative analysis refers to a cluster of
analytic methods for interpreting texts or visual data that have a storied form.
The data used for narrative analysis could be any piece of qualitative data such
as an interview, observation, survey questionnaire or an audio tape (Figgou et
al., 2015). Narrative analysis is all about listening to people telling stories and
analyzing what that means . We can gain insights into ways that people deal
with and make sense of reality by analyzing their stories they've told and what
the researchers observe. Subsequently, by categorizing concepts, comparing
them and driving patterns one can develop theories and hypotheses by reading
between the lines in the data (Warren, 2020).

Protection of Study Participants

Protection of participants’ rights is prepared as an aid to deliberations

about whether appropriate consideration has been given when a study
involving survey interviews or questionnaires is proposed. All approaches start
with the researcher's own knowledge of the importance of confidentiality, which
proved to be a key factor in enhancing quality in this study, as it is in most
research. Values associated with confidentiality include autonomy, privacy and
keeping a commitment.

The protection of participants’ rights was acknowledged and prioritized in this
study in order to avoid conflict of information and maintain the validity of the
research study. The identities of the participants were kept hidden to ensure
their safety and security. To protect participants’ information, relevant
documents such as written consent and tape-recorded information in any form
were kept under lock and key, with access restricted to researchers and
specific participants only. As a result, in order to protect individual thoughts
and emotions and ensure accurate information, the researchers provided
detailed information of every participant who was informed about the research
study both verbally and in writing. This is done to raise awareness about
participating in the study and obtain verbally and written consent from
participants. Participants have significant defenses against becoming
embarrassed by answering a survey question. They can refuse to answer if they
wish to do so. The researchers are obligated to participants’ protection and
respect their right to refuse or withdraw from the study.

Right to freedom from harm and discomfort. Researchers ensure that

participants are safe from harm and are protected from unnecessary stress.
Researchers must analyze potential risks and benefits to research participants.
Examples of possible participant risks include physical harm, loss of privacy,
unforeseen side effects, emotional distress or embarrassment, monetary costs,
physical discomfort, and loss of time. During the research process, the
researcher demonstrated she valued the participants’ needs and tried to secure
the trust the participants placed in the researcher. This requires establishing

honest and reciprocal relationships with participants and researchers and
adhering to the ethical principles of non-maleficence, necessity of participants’
privacy and the imperative of obtaining informed consent. This study complied
with these idealized principles in order not to compromise the participants’
identities because the individuals within this particular group of healthcare
professionals could be easily recognised if personal data were exposed.
Consequently, it was necessary to adopt certain strategies in order to address
various ethical issues that came up during this study.

Autonomous right to self-determination. Potential participants must be

informed that they have the freedom to choose whether or not to participate in
research studies, and that declining to participate in any research would not in
any way affect them. Researchers must also inform participants that they may
stop participating in the study at any time without fear of penalty.

Right to full-disclosure. The researchers will make sure to clarify and elaborate
the study's purpose and intention, as well as any benefits it may have for all
study participants, before the process of data collection.

Right to privacy. Researchers are required to treat any shared information

with the utmost confidentiality. Upholding the right to privacy often involves
procedures for anonymity or confidentiality. For participants’ data to be
completely anonymous, the researcher cannot have the ability to connect the
participant to their data. Various methods can help researchers assure
confidentiality, including locking any participant identifying data and

substituting code numbers instead of names, with a correlation key available
only to a safety or oversight functionary in case of emergency, but not readily
available to researchers themselves.

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Letter to the Dean

University of Pangasinan
PHINMA Education Network
College of Nursing
Dagupan City

March 2023
Maria Teresa R. Fajardo, R.N., M.A.N., Ed.D
Dean College of Health Sciences
Dear Madam,
Good day! We, The Level II Nursing Students, will conduct a study entitled “Lived
Experiences Among Teenage Mothers in Barangay Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City.” This is a
qualitative study that will involve interviews among teenage mothers ages 15-19 years old living
in Barangay Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City. These teenage mothers will be interviewed
personally where questions are asked directed to the respondents for the researchers to fully
understand the statement of the teenage mothers.

This study will be held outside the university and we, the researchers, would like to
respectfully request your kind permission in allowing us to conduct the study among the teenage
mothers. We guarantee to be careful outside of the campus. Confidentiality will be observed with
utmost care and for academic purposes only.

Thank you very much and God Bless! Respectfully yours,

Escosio, Irish Jane B.
Ferrer, Nhizza N.
Edades, Rhyszel N.
Estrada, Patrice Sahar E.
Estrada, Princess Joy C.
Ferrer, Hannah Grace M.
Gabriel, Raymund Jr. E.
Noted By:
Prof. Rosario Charisse R. Venzon
Research Adviser

Approved By:
Dr. Maria Teresa R. Fajardo, R.N., M.A.N., Ed.D
Dean, College of Health Sciences

Letter to the Participants

University of Pangasinan
PHINMA Education Network
College of Nursing
Dagupan City

March 2023

Dear Participants,

Good day! We, the Level II Nursing Students of PHINMA - University of Pangasinan,
are currently conducting a study titled "Lived Experiences Among Teenage Mothers in Barangay
Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City" as a requirement for our Nursing Research 1 subject.

In accordance with this, we have chosen you to be one of the participants, and we hope that you
will take the time to honestly answer our interview questions. Rest assured that all data collected
will be treated with strict confidentiality and used solely for academic purposes.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!

Respectfully yours,

Escosio, Irish Jane B.

Ferrer, Nhizza N.
Edades, Rhyszel N.
Estrada, Patrice Sahar E.
Estrada, Princess Joy C.
Ferrer, Hannah Grace M.
Gabriel, Raymund Jr. E.
Noted By:
Prof. Rosario Charisse R. Venzon
Research Adviser

Approved By:
Dr. Maria Teresa R. Fajardo, R.N., M.A.N., Ed.D
Dean, College of Health Sciences

Letter to the City Health Office

University of Pangasinan
PHINMA Education Network
College of Nursing
Dagupan City

March 2023

Dear Ma'am/Sir,

Good day! We, the Level II Nursing Students of PHINMA - University of Pangasinan,
are currently conducting a study titled "Lived Experiences Among Teenage Mothers in Barangay
Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City" as a requirement for our Nursing Research 1 subject.

In accordance with this, may we request for your permission to get the total number of the
highest rate of cases of teenage pregnancy in your community.

We appreciate your kind response to our request. Thank you!

Respectfully yours,

Escosio, Irish Jane B.

Ferrer, Nhizza N.
Edades, Rhyszel N.
Estrada, Patrice Sahar E.
Estrada, Princess Joy C.
Ferrer, Hannah Grace M.
Gabriel, Raymund Jr. E.
Noted By:
Prof. Rosario Charisse R. Venzon
Research Adviser

Approved By:
Dr. Maria Teresa R. Fajardo, R.N., M.A.N., Ed.D
Dean, College of Health Sciences


Letter to the Barangay Captain

University of Pangasinan
PHINMA Education Network
College of Nursing
Dagupan City

March 2023

Hon. Manuel Balolong Bumanglag

Dear Sir,

Good day! We, the Level II Nursing Students of PHINMA - University of Pangasinan,
are currently conducting a study titled "Lived Experiences Among Teenage Mothers in Barangay
Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City" as a requirement for our Nursing Research 1 subject.

In line with this, may we request from your good office to allow us to conduct a simple interview
from your Barangay. We are looking forward to a favorable response regarding this matter.

Thank you!

Respectfully yours,
Escosio, Irish Jane B.
Ferrer, Nhizza N.
Edades, Rhyszel N.
Estrada, Patrice Sahar E.
Estrada, Princess Joy C.
Ferrer, Hannah Grace M.
Gabriel, Raymund Jr. E.
Noted By:
Prof. Rosario Charisse R. Venzon
Research Adviser

Approved By:
Dr. Maria Teresa R. Fajardo, R.N., M.A.N., Ed.D
Dean, College of Health Science


University of Pangasinan
PHINMA Education Network
College of Nursing
Dagupan City

Semi-structured Interview Guide

Direction: Below are a list of questions about lived experiences among teenage mothers. Kindly
fill up and put your answer below.
Name:________________________________________________ Date: ____________
1. How are you doing today?

(Kumusta ka ngayon?)


2. What does it feels like to be a mother at an early age

(Ano ang pakiramdam na maging isang ina sa murang edad?)

3. What are the challenges you went through that strengthened you as a mother at a young
age and how did you get through it?

(Ano ano ang mga pinagdaanan mong pagsubok na nagpatibay sa iyo bilang isang ina sa
murang edad at paano mo ito nalagpasan?)


4. How can you compare the changes in your life since you became a mother versus the life
you had before?

(Paano mo maikukumpara ang pagbabago sa iyong buhay simula noong ikaw ay maging isang
ina kumpara sa buhay na mayroon ka noon?)


5. What were your thoughts and the person that was close to you when they found out
you’re pregnant?

(Ano ang iyong naisip at mga taong nasa paligid mo nang kanilang nalaman na ikaw ay
nagdadalang tao?)

6. How does teenage pregnancy affect you in terms of education, social, mentally,
emotional, and responsibilities?

(Paano nakaapekto sa iyo ang maagang pagbubuntis pagdating sa larangan ng Edukasyon,

Sosyal, Mentalidad, Emosyonal, Tungkulin?)



A. Personal Data

Name: Escosio, Irish Jane B.

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: October 10, 2002

Place of Birth: Manaoag, Pangasinan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Father: Isidro S. Escosio Jr.

Name of Mother: Joy B. Escosio

Home Address: 151, San Jose, Labrador, Pangasinan

Mobile phone No: 09156639619

Email Address:

B. Educational Background:

● Tertiary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

● Secondary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

St. Columban’s School Inc.

● Primary
St. Columban’s School Inc.

A. Personal Data

Name: Ferrer, Nhizza N.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: May 18, 2001

Place of Birth: Alaminos City, Pangasinan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Father: Benedicto R. Ferrer

Name of Mother: Divina N. Ferrer

Home Address: 216 Mahogany St. Brgy. San Jose Alaminos City

Mobile phone No: 09774075480

Email Address:

B. Educational Background:

● Tertiary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

● Secondary:
Alaminos City National High School

● Primary:
Alaminos Central School

A. Personal Data

Name: Edades, Rhyszel N.

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: October 12, 2002

Place of Birth: Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Father: Edmundo M. Edades

Name of Mother: Antonina N. Edades

Home Address: 327, Bolosan District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Mobile phone No: 09472572180

Email Address:

B. Educational Background:

● Tertiary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

● Secondary:
St. John’s Cathedral School

● Primary
St. John’s Cathedral School

A. Personal Data

Name: Estrada, Patrice Sahar E.

Age: 19 years old

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: March 10, 2003

Place of Birth: Lingayen, Pangasinan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Father: Patricio L. Estrada

Name of Mother: Chona E. Estrada

Home Address: Malimpuec West, Lingayen, Pangasinan

Mobile phone No: 09274745635

Email Address:

B. Educational Background:

● Tertiary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

● Secondary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

Saint Columban’s Institute

● Primary
Jesus Good Shepherd Development Center

A. Personal Data

Name: Estrada, Princess Joy C.

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: December 29, 2002

Place of Birth: Tuliao, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

Religion: Born Again

Name of Father: Mario G. Estrada

Name of Mother: Aida C. Estrada

Home Address: Poblacion Norte, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

Mobile phone No: 09693040272

Email Address:

B. Educational Background:

● Tertiary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

● Secondary:
Daniel Maramba National High School

● Primary
East Central School

A. Personal Data

Name: Ferrer, Hannah Grace M.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: January 21,2002

Place of Birth: Manaoag, Pangasinan

Religion: Christian

Name of Father: Ronnie Ferrer

Name of Mother: Cristina Ferrer

Home Address: Dilan, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

Mobile phone No: 09102719328

Email Address:

B. Educational Background:

● Tertiary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

● Secondary:
Mary Help of Christians’ Boarding School

● Primary:
Dilan Integrated School

A. Personal Data

Name: Gabriel, Raymund Jr. E.

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: July 14, 2000

Place of Birth: Poblacion Mapandan Pangasinan

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Father: Raymund E. Gabriel

Name of Mother: Analyn Gabriel

Home Address: Poblacion, Mapandan, Pangasinan

Mobile phone No: 09456517781

Email Address:

B. Educational Background:

● Tertiary:
PHINMA University of Pangasinan

● Secondary:
Mapandan Catholic Catholic School

● Primary:
Mapandan Catholic School


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