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INTRODUCTION: The problem of piracy

We all know that piracy is a crime. Unfortunately, lots of youth and adults think sharing software,
games, music, e-books, pictures, etc. is just a convenient tool to help reduce costs. In fact, digital piracy
is often portrayed as a victimless crime, but that portrayal is false. Piracy is defined as the copying,
stealing, reproducing, transmitting, and selling of the intellectual property (IP) of an individual without
his or her express consent. Piracy as we know pertains to buying IP products at deeply discounted prices
since the product would have been pirated and hence, there are no costs for the pirate except the
minimal cost of reproduction.

Effect of piracy:

It is estimated that the world loses billions of dollars annually due to piracy because as mentioned
earlier, all that the pirate has to do is to reproduce the IP products by stripping them of the digital
protection that the manufacturers would have put in place. The problem of piracy that was hitherto
restricted to the developing world wherein Asian countries were identified as the main culprits has now
spread to all corners of the world thanks to the advent of the internet and the relatively anonymous
protection that the internet offers to the pirates. What this means is that the problem of piracy is not
restricted to the Third World alone and now affects the entire world.


It's really sad that piracy has evolved, from being a question of ethics, into a state where people can't
tell the difference between right and wrong. Piracy is keeping us in the past. It's preventing the digital
world from being able to stand on its own. Piracy is killing the wrong people, for all the wrong reasons.
It's not destroying the traditional publishers. In fact, it's helping them by keeping us in the past. Piracy is
really destroying the new world of digital creators. People who want to do it right. Having said that, it
must also be noted that both sides must work together instead of at cross purposes as ultimately, both
sides lose in the process with the industry losing revenue thereby killing innovation and creativity which
affects the consumers in the end. We should wake up and start creating new rules for the future of our
digital age.

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