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 Definition and Purpose:
 Sensory assessment refers to the systematic evaluation of an individual’s sensory abilities and
responses. It involving and measuring and analyzing the sensory information processing, including
perception, discrimination, and interpretation of sensory stimuli.
 Importance of Sensory Assessment in Understanding Tactile Perception:
 Tactile perception, specifically related to the sense of touch, is crucial for our interactions with the
environment and our ability to navigate the world around us.
 Here are some key reasons why sensory assessment is important in understanding tactile perception.

 Identifying Sensory Processing Disorders: Sensory assessment helps in the diagnosis and identification
of sensory processing disorders (SPD).
 Informing Intervention Planning: Sensory assessment results guide the development of personalized
intervention plans.
 Rehabilitation and Sensory Integration: Sensory assessment is essential in rehabilitation settings,
such as occupational therapy, where it helps identify sensory deficits and disorders.
 A. Overview of the Five Senses:
 The human body perceives the world through five primary senses: sight (vision),
hearing (audition), taste (gustation), smell (olfaction), and touch (tactile
perception). These senses work together to provide us with a comprehensive
understanding of our environment.

 B. Focus on the Sense of Touch:

 Among the five senses, touch is one of the earliest to develop and plays a
fundamental role in our daily lives. Our skin, with its network of specialized
sensory receptors, allows us to perceive tactile sPercepti
 Tactile Perception and Its Significance:
 Tactile perception refers to the brain’s ability to interpret and make sense of the
sensory information received through touch. It involves the integration of

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