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Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum

Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum

The equation of motion for a particle can be dv
written:  F = ma = m dt
Rearranging the terms and integrating gives: Or, alternatively:

 t  t
t2 v2 t2
Fdt = m  dv Fdt = mv 2 − mv1
1 v1 1

Linear Momentum
Each of the two vectors on the right side of the above equation are referred to as
the particle’s linear momentum:
L = mv
Linear Impulse
The term involving the integral of force over a discrete time is referred to as a
linear impulse:

I =  Fdt I = Fc ( t2 − t1 )
Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum

Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum

It is often convenient to write the
mv1 +   Fdt = mv 2
principle of linear impulse and momentum t1
EQ 15-3
The principle of linear impulse can be
m(vx )1 +   Fx dt = m(vx ) 2
resolved into its x, y, z components so t1
m(v y )1 +   Fy dt = m(v y ) 2
EQ 15-4
The principle of linear impulse
m(vz )1 +   Fz dt = m(vz ) 2
can be illustrated with the t1
momentum and impulse
Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum

Solving Impulse and Momentum Problems

– Draw a FDB (or multiple FBD’s for objects interacting with
one another)
– Write the Principle of Impulse equations for each direction
where there is a force acting on the object(s)
– Make sure to include forces between objects if that is
something you are trying to calculate
– All of the external forces should be included in the
Principle of Impulse equations, multiplied by the time the
forces are acting on them
Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a System of Particle

Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a System of Particles

The principle of linear impulse can
be extended to a system of particles:

 m i ( vi )1 +  t Fi dt =  m i ( v i )2
EQ 15-6

The location of the mass

center G of the system is
determined by: mrG =  mi ri
Taking a time derivative
mv G =  mi v i

The equation above states that the total linear momentum of the system of particles
is equivalent to the linear momentum an imaginary aggregate particle moving with
the velocity of the mass center of the system. Thus:

m ( v G )1 +   Fi dt = m ( v G )2

Conservation of Linear Momentum for a System of Particle

Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a System of Particles

When the sum of the external impulses acting on a system of particles is zero, the
conservation of linear momentum equation is:

 m i ( vi )1 =  m i ( vi )2 EQ 15-8

This equation states that the total linear momentum for a system of particles
remains constant during the time period from t1 to t2.

By making the substitution mv G =  mi v i , , EQ 15-8 can be written:

( vG )1 = ( vG )2

This equation indicates that the velocity of the mass center for the system of
particles does not change if no external impulses are applied to the system.
Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

 When a Ball hits the ground and sticks,

the collision would be totally inelastic
 When a Ball hits the ground and bounces
to the same height, the collision is
perfectly elastic
 All other collisions are partially elastic
Why does an egg break or not
 An egg dropped on a tile floor breaks, but an egg
dropped on a pillow does not. Why?
FΔt= mΔv

In both cases, m and Δv are the same.

If Δt goes up, what happens to F, the force?
Right! Force goes down. When dropped on a pillow,
the egg starts to slow down as soon as it touches
it. A pillow increases the time the egg takes to
Sample Problem
A 57-gram tennis ball falls on a tile floor. The ball changes
velocity from -1.2 m/s to +1.2 m/s in 0.02 s. What is the
average force on the ball?
Identify the variables:
Mass = 57 g = 0.057 kg
Δvelocity = +1.2 – (-1.2) = 2.4 m/s
Time = 0.02 s
using FΔt= mΔv
F x (0.02 s) = (0.057 kg)(2.4 m/s)
F= 6.8 N
Sample Problem
A 12-Mg “jump jet” is capable of taking off vertically from
the deck of a ship. If the jet exert a constant vertical force
of 150 kN on the plane, determine its velocity and how high
it goes in t = 6 seconds, starting from rest. Neglect the loss
of fuel during the lift.
Sample Problem
Car A has a weight of 1500 kg and is travelling to the right
at speed 110 km/hr. Meanwhile, Car B of weight 2000 kg is
travelling at a speed of 170 km/hr to the left. If the cars
crash head-on became entangled and move together,
determine their common velocity just after the collision.
If we only want to know final velocity, could treat as one object
Since we want the force between the two objects, we need to do
separate FBD’s for each crate
FBD of Crate A, and Principle of Linear Impulse Equations in y and x directions
FBD of Crate B, and Principle of Impulse Equations in y and x directions
Two Equations, and Two Unknowns


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