Dorane - Staine - Group4 - Singer Solution.

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My Singer Solution Experience

March 20, 2023

Day 1: Do I think the Singer solution will make us save money? Yes, but it is still not enough to
end poverty. Poverty has a high rate in Belize and has been around for quite some while now. I
think this project will allow me to look at things differently and appreciate what I have. It will also
allow me to save money, but I also think this project is going to be hard for me to complete. As I
love my “luxurious” stuff. My plan to complete this assignment is to give up three things that I
consider “luxurious”, (such as: having my dad drop me to school or taking the bus, buying food
on the way home after school and drinking soft drink with every meal) in hopes of not flaking
out. Singer says that it is our moral duty, but I don't think so. As it is, we Belizeans are already
poor, so the little we have left after our responsibilities nobody would willingly give up. I believe
that to end poverty it would have to be a long term thing so that people in the future will benefit
from it, because if we decide to give up our money now that still wont help. If we continue
though, the people in the future will benefit from it more than us, the people who sacrifice for it.
This is an interesting assignment and I'm excited to see how this would turn out for me.

Day 2: This has been the most challenging week of my life,because not only have I got sun
burns, my stomach's growling in class and on my way home. But on a brighter side, I can say
my lips and skin have not looked dehydrated and I feel more energized and less tired. I think it’s
because of the amount of water I've been drinking lately. I also have lost a pound since I
started. There were multiple times I wanted to catch a bus or buy food when I would pass El
Paso, but then I remember I made a commitment to give up those things, so I waited until I
reached home. I’m not going to lie the Singer Solution has been useful because the money I
would have spent I gave back to my dad to put toward the bill. I honestly don’t feel any
difference while living this Singer solution experience. I do feel like I'm living morally right but at
the end of the day all I'm doing is taking away my “luxury” in hope of ending poverty, which
more than likely will not happen in years. Which is one of the critiques of this theory, that people
will still end up thinking of themselves first. I honestly don’t think we should have to live this way
to help out people because I don't think that it’s our responsibility to fix that issue. Our
government makes a lot of money, maybe if the “upper class” people live by the singer's
solution then it would work because they don't have as much to lose as we the poor people.

Day 3: I’ve learned that probably this solution would work if everyone would actually agree on it,
cause I've saved a good amount of money since I've started . Am I considering continuing this in
the future? Nope. I enjoy life more with my “luxurious” things. At the end of the day everyone
has different morals and what they consider ethical behavior, so me reverting back to my
luxurious activities is my moral and what i consider ethical behavior. I don’t think that it’s my
obligation to adjust my lifestyle to help people I don't know, who themselves might not want to
change theirs to help me. I do think i’m a moral person because i try to do everything right and
with good intentions

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