Citizens Respond To Massachusetts's Declaration of Rights, 1780

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Citizens Respond to Massachusetts's Declaration of Rights, 1780

may 1780
Citizens disagree with what the documents on Massachusetts's declaration of rights has
to say. Their first objection was; They denied that civil government was run by
Christianity, they say that civil government existed before the coming of Christ and that
the statement was unreasonable, "If therefore civil government existed and flourished
before Christianity was revealed to the world, it cannot in reason be said essentially to
depend upon it."

What does America Stand For?

Freedom + Liberty, social and civil justice, democracy, capitalism, justice
America wasn't considered a liberal democracy until 1965, capitalism is nowhere in our
constitution. America had slaves in its founding. Is justice equal for everyone?
These are aspirations; America as a concept versus America as a practice is very
Our country in practice is a ball of contradictions. Foreign policy and domestic policy are
barely used.

There is a disconnect

1676, Bacon's rebellion

Massachusetts's Bay Colony (legacies we like to think of; Freedom and liberty,
democracy, capitalism) This is not true in Virginia.
Aristocracy; Government run by titles given by the king. Usually lead with land, land
owned by king but he includes land in the title. They don't work
It was Beneath them to work, so they got their money from rent; it goes to the oldest son
Virginia colony has wannabe aristocrats or children of aristocrats become close knit and
undemocratic; nepotism

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Wannabe aristocrats electing each other and excluding everyone else; some people
held multiple offices at the same time; in Massachusetts, every adult male will hold an
elected office at some point in their life; real democracy
By 1680 slavery replaced indentured servitude,
In Virginia, people come seeking gold, first winter killed 2/3rds of the population. Were
on their way back when the resupply ship was on its way, so they try again. Still no gold,
but tobacco saves them.

Berkeley wrote the king, was ignored, beginning of rebellion

Slaves permitted to meet Saturdays and Sundays without supervision, in 1972 Virginia
assembly adopts laws that limit the movement of the slaves; down to clothing.
Nathanial Bacon was related to governor Berkeley, but he felt that he was being denied
a certain provide he deserved; the gentry clique was so cliquish that he didn't feel that
he was part of the inner circle; he decides that because people are unhappy with how
the gov is dealing with the whites and indigenous people; he puts together an army to
fight indigenous people on the frontier. He brings together unhappy indentured servants
who don't have good land; in the process finds slaves whoa re willing to also join the
rebellion; begins as an Indian war. In the course of winter 1676-77, Bacon dies of
natural causes (Fairly common; caught head lice and got a disease over the winter)
Bacon doesn't suffer consequences for his actions
Governor Berkeley sends letter to kind saying " i have a problem"
King decides he will; king dispatches two ships (Berkeley doesn't notice)
Berkeley decides after Bacon is dead and commission arrives with pardons for all of the
rebels; removal of governor to follow. Berkeley doesn't pardon rebels; decides to
execute 23 of them. More people would've died, but second ship arrived, with Berkley's
replacement. He has been recalled.

Consequence; Burned Jamestown to the ground in the winter; servants and slaves
together fought together; us military today said that's great, but 1676, this was seen as a
major threat. Gentry clique of people about to also find themselves with imposed new
rules; monarchy imposes reforms over decades; series of laws followed

1. slavery is now defined by race. 1682. (including captured indigenous people)

2. Resistance of escaped slaves are permitted execution

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3. Slaves denied right to serve as a witness in court

4. Whites permitted property after their service

5. Permitted right to complain to county judges about unfair treatment (Only white
indentured servants

Now there is a white social class and a black social class, when they were together
beforehand. This was a surefire way to ensure that the next rebellion will not have both
Weight of history is dragged into the present even if it was better off abandoned

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