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ul. Aleksondrowsko ó7 l93
Lodz, 1B June 2015

91-205 Łódż
tel. + 48 42 253 óó 00 EC Declaration of conformity - 15
fox + 48 42 25j óó 99 acc. to EN ISO/lEC 17050-1.2010
common@ commo

F"?t & Hereby we declare that our products:

r_s ą#
Turbine gas meters type CGT-02
as well as meters cooperating with CWSL-* Encoders
meet the requirements of the following directives:
Directive 20041221EC (MlD), modules B+D
Module B _ EC Type Examination: Ceńificate No. PL-MI002-1450CM0003 rev.3 issued by
lNiG (Oil & Gas lnstitute), Notified Body No.'1450
The meters comply with the following harmonised standards: EN 12261'.2002+AC.2003+41:2006
as well as lnternational Recommendation OIML R 137-1&2.2012
Module D is under supervision of lNiG, Notified Body No.1450
ul. Lubicz 25A, 31-503 Krakow, Poland"
Ceńificate No. 1 450-MlD-005
Directive 97lz3lEc (PED), categories l, ll and lll, modules B1+D
Module B1 _ EC Design Examination: Ceńificate No. '10196/JN/2007lc6l001/04 issued by
UDT-CERT (Office of Technical lnspection), Notified Body No.1433
The meters conform to the specification: WUDTiUC/2003 "Pressure devices"
Module D is under supervision of UDT-CERT, Notified Body No.1433
ul. Szczęśliwicka34, 02-353 Warsaw, Poland.
Certificate No. 42277 lJ N/001 /07
3 Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX), modules B+D
Modu|e B _ EC Type Examination: Ceńificate No. KDB 04ATEX036 with Annexes No 1 and
No.2 issued by GIG (Central Mining lnstitute), Notified Body No.1453
ll 2G Ex ia ilB T5 Gb or
ll 2G Ex ia llC T5 Gb
The meters comply with the following harmonised standards: EN 13463-1:2009
EN 60079-0 .2012+ A1 1 .2013
EN 60079-11'2012
Module D is under supervision of GlG, Notified Body No.1453
Plac Gwarkow 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland.
Certificate No. GIG 13 ATEXQ 009
4. Directive 20041108/WE (EMC) -
LF and HF pulse transmitters installed in the meters, comply
with the harmonised standards: EN 60947-5-2.2007 and EN 60947-5-6:2000 (NAMUR).

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KRs 00021 ó81 8 Kopitał zakładowy: 500 000'00 zł

NIP: 729-011-03-20 Sąd Rejonowy dlo Lodzi.śródmieścio w Łodzi, Konto; BRE Bonk SA olŁódź
REG0N:0080ó7570 XX Wydział Krojowego Rejestru Sqdowego 54 1 r40 1108 0000 4123 1200 1001

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