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Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU.

Hawassa University


Torsional stresses in uncracked members

Members subjected to a torsional moment, commonly known as a torque, develop shear

stresses. In general, these tend to increase in magnitude from the longitudinal axis of the
member to its surface. If the shear stresses are sufficiently large, cracks will propagate
through the member and, if torsion reinforcement is not provided, the member will collapse

The elastic behavior of uncracked concrete members with torsion, particularly non-circular
members, is difficult to modes precisely. In a circular member subjected to a torque T, such
as the member in Fig. 1(a), the circumferential shear stress at a given cross-section varies
linearly from the longitudinal axis of the member to a maximum value, τ max , at the periphery
of the section (Fig. 1(c)). The stress at any distance r from the longitudinal axis of a circular
member is given by:

-------------------------------------------- (1)

where Ip is the polar second moment of area of the section and is equal to π4/32, where  is
the member diameter. The maximum shear stress, τmax is found by setting r = /2 in equation

Figure.1 Member of
circular section
subjected to torsion:
(a) geometry (b)
loading (c) section

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

For a non-circular member, the distribution of shear stress is not so straightforward. The
rectangular member of fig. 2(a) , for instance, has the stress distribution illustrated in Fig.
2(b) at any given section when subjected to the torque illustrated. Unlike in the circular
member, the stress distribution in a rectangular member is non-linear. The maximum shear
stress occurs at the mid-point of the longer side and the shear stress at the corners of the
section is zero indicating that the corners of the section are not distorted under torsion.
Analytical studies have shown that the maximum shear stress, τmax, in rectangular section is
given by:

-------------------------------------------- (2)

Where x and y are the lengths of the shorter and longer sides, respectively. The value of the
parameter  depends on the relative values of x and y. For a square section,  = 0.208, while
for a section with x/y = 0.1,  = 0.312.

Figure 2 Member of rectangular section subjected to torsion:

(a) geometry and loading; (b) section A-A (y > x)

The stress distribution in thin-walled hollow members is much easier to determine than for
solid non-circular members, even for a member with complex shape and varying thickness
such as illustrated in Fig. 3(a). The shear stress in the walls is reasonably constant and is
given by:

-------------------------------------------- (3)

Where t is the thickness of the wall of the member and Ao is the area within a perimeter
bounded by the centre line of the wall (Fig. 3(b)). On a given section, the shear stress is
maximum where the thickness of the wall is minimum.
Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

Figure 3 Thin walled hollow section: (a) hollow bridge of box section;
(b) definition of A0

Failure of concrete members with torsion

Consider the rectangular member of Fig. 4 subjected to a torque T. Since there are no other
external forces (and ignoring self-weight) the member is considered to be in pure torsion. The
torque causes the member to twist and to develop shear stresses.

Figure 4 Elements in member subjected to torsion

Consider small elements on each face of the member, as illustrated in the figure. As for
members with applied shear, shear stresses act on the sides of each element in the directions
shown in fig. 5(a). The equivalent principal stresses, inclined at an angle of 45 0 to the
horizontal, are illustrated in Fig. 5(b). In the same way as for shear, the principal tensile
stresses cause the development of cracks inclined at a angle of 45 0. However, in the case of
torsion, they form a spiral all around the member, as illustrated in Fig. 5(c). Since the shear
stresses in members with torsion are greatest at the surface, these cracks develop inwards
from the surface of the member.

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

Figure 5 Stresses and

cracking due to torsion: (a)
shear stresses; (b) principal
stresses; (c) spiral cracking

The member illustrated in Fig. 6 is subjected to a vertical force, V, in addition to the applied
torque. This results in a combination of bending, shear and torsion and alters the orientation
of the inclined cracks. As for members with shear, the introduction of priestess has the effect
of delaying the onset of torsional cracking and altering the orientation of the inclined cracks.

Figure 6 Combined shear, moment and torsion

For members with no form of reinforcement to prevent the opening of Torsional cracks,
failure of the member will occur almost as soon as the cracking begins. Therefore, torsional
failure of a member without reinforcement is prevented only if the shear strength of the
concrete exceeds the shear stress due to applied torsion. In practice, the shear strength is
Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

increased slightly through dowel action by the longitudinal reinforcing bars which cross the
The torsional strength of a concrete member can be significantly increased by providing
suitable torsion reinforcement across the cracks. This is usually provided in the form of
‛closed’ four-sided stirrups, as illustrated in Fig. 7, in combination with longitudinal bars
distributed around the periphery of the section. This reinforcement controls the propagation
of cracks and ensures that when failure occurs due to yielding of the reinforcement, it is not

Figure 7 Torsion reinforcement

To quantify the behavior of members with such torsional reinforcement, an equivalent space
truss model, similar to the plane truss model for shear, can be used. This theory, developed by
Lampert and Collins(1972), assumes that solid members can be designed as equivalent
hollow members. Extensive tests indicate that this is a fair assumption since it has been found
that the presence of the concrete at the centre of the member does not have a very significant
effect on its torsional resistance. Thus, members are designed as equivalent thin-walled
members. The thickness of the wall, t, is commonly taken as:

------------------------------------ (4)

where Ag is the gross cross-sectional area of the member and u is the length of the perimeter.

The space truss model proposed by Lampert and Collins is illustrated in Fig.8 for the member
of Fig. 7. Each leg of the closed stirrups acts as a tension member, the longitudinal steel bars
act as continuous top and bottom chords and the concrete in compression between the cracks
acts as compression struts. The concrete struts are inclined at an angle  which, like shear,

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

varies in the range 220 <  < 680. The truss dimensions, xo and yo, are measured from centre to
centre of the notional thin walls.

Figure. 8 Space truss model

Referring to Fig. 9(a), the number of stirrups crossing a side face of height yo is yo(cot )/s
where s is the stirrup spacing. Hence, assuming that reinforcement has yielded, the total
vertical shear force transmitted across the cracks by the stirrups on one side face is:

---------------------------- (5)

Where Aleg is the area of one leg of the stirrup. Similarly the shear force transferred across the
top or bottom face is:

---------------------------- (6)

The shear force on the side wall of a thin walled member is the product of the average stress
due to applied load and the surface area. Hence the shear on a side wall if (see Fig. 9(b)):

Where t is the wall thickness.

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2

Figure 9 Details of truss model: (a) stirrups transferring forces across cacks;
(b) equivalent thin walled member
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

Substituting for  from equation (3) gives:

--------------------- (7)

------------------------------------- (8)
Similarly it can be shown that:
------------------------------------- (9)
Substituting from equation (5) into equation (8) (or from equation (6 into equation (9)) gives
torsions at which the stirrups yield:

-------- (10)

Thus the stirrup reinforcement required to resist a torsion of T is:

-------------------- (11)

In addition to the stirrup reinforcement, longitudinal reinforcement is required to resist

torsion. As can be seen in the truss model of Fig. 10(a), diagonal compression struts join the
vertical members of the truss. Equilibrium at a joint of the truss where these members meet is
considered in Figs 10(b) and (c).

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2

Figure 10 Equilibrium at joint in truss model: (a) part of truss model;

(b) free body diagram for joint A; (c) elevation of free body diagram at A.
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

The compressive force in the diagonal members, C, must equal V1/sin. There must also be a
force in the longitudinal members of N = Ccos = V1cos. Substitution from equation (5)

--------------------------- (12)

The total force in the longitudinal members from all four joints at a given cross section is:

If the total area of longitudinal reinforcement is Along, then:

Substituting from equation (5.8) and (5.9) gives:

------------------------ (13)

This is the total area (all bars) of longitudinal reinforcement required to resist an applied
torsion of T. It is additional to whatever longitudinal reinforcement is required to resist
bending moment. Alternatively, equation (13) can be rearranged to give the maximum torsion
possible without leading to yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement:

----------------------- (14)

Regardless of how much stirrup and longitudinal reinforcement is provided, the torsion must
not be of such magnitude as to cause crushing of the concrete in the diagonal struts. As
mentioned above, equilibrium at the joints of the truss requires a compressive force in the
struts of C =V 1/sin . This force is resisted by stresses in the concrete between the diagonal

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

cracks. The surface area of concrete to which this is applied is, from Fig. 11, yo(cos ) t,
where t is the thickness of the notional wall. Hence the stress in the struts is:

Figure 11 Breadth of compression struts

This must not exceed the compressive strength of concrete, fck/c, where  is the
effectiveness factor for torsion, that is:

--------------------------------- (15)

Substitution for V1 from equation (7) gives:

From which the torsion which could cause crushing of the concrete struts is Tw, where:

-------------------------- (16)

Design of members for torsion in accordance with EBCS2

Where the static equilibrium of a structure relies on the torsional resistance of individual
members, that is, in the case of equilibrium torsion, EBCS2 stipulates that a full design for
torsion is necessary. The torsional resistance of members is calculated on the basis of an
equivalent thin-walled section (i.e. the truss analogy) as describe above. As for shear, the
strut inclination angle,, can have any value in the range 22 0    680. The thickness of the
equivalent wall is given by equation (4) but must not be less than twice the cover to the
longitudinal steel. In the case of hollow members, the equivalent wall thickness should not
exceed the actual wall thickness.

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

For sections of complex (solid) shape, such as T-sections, the torsional resistance can be
calculated by dividing the section into individual elements of simple (say, rectangular) shape.
The torsional resistance of the section is equal to the sum of the capacities of the individual
elements, each modeled as an equivalent thin-walled section.

Members with pure torsion

For members with pure equilibrium torsion, EBCS2 requires that:
(a) the applied ultimate torque, T, does not exceed the torsional capacity, as dictated by the
quantities of stirrup and longitudinal reinforcement present; and
(b) the applied ultimate toque, T, does not exceed the level that would cause crushing of the
compressive struts,Tw.
The longitudinal reinforcement limits the capacity for torsion to that given by equation (14)
while the stirrup reinforcement limits the capacity to the value given by equation (10).
Alternatively, equations (13) and (11) can be used to determine the areas of longitudinal and
stirrup reinforcement required to resist a torque T. The torque that would cause crushing of
the compression struts, Tw, is calculated from equation (16). However, for torsion, the
effectiveness factor, , is restricted to 70 per cent of the level allowed for shear, that is:

 = greater of 0.7(0.7- fck/200) and 0.35 ----------- (17)

 In order to prevent diagonal compression failure in the concrete, the torsional resistance
TRd = 0.80fcdAefhef ----------------------- (18)
Where Aef = area enclosed within the center line of the thin-wall cross-section including
inner hollow areas (Aef = xoyo).
 The torsional resistance of concrete for the torque Tc shall be taken as (see figure 12):
Tc = 1.2fctdAefhef ----------------------------- (19)

hef  A/u  the actual

wall thickness
Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2

Figure 12
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

 Minimum torsional reinforcement in the form of stirrups and longitudinal reinforcement

shall be provided. The minimum web reinforcement shall be, and the

spacing shall not exceed uef /8 . The longitudinal bars required for torsion shall be
distributed uniformly (at least one in each corner) around the perimeter of the closed
stirrups at a spacing not exceeding 350mm.
Members with combined actions
For members subjected to combined moment and torsion, EBCS2 recommends that the
requirements for each action be determined separately and that the following rules are then
(a) In the flexural tension zone, the longitudinal reinforcement required for torsion should
be provided in addition to the amount required for moment.
(b) In the flexural compression zone, if the tensile stress in the concrete due to torsion is
less than the compressive stress due to moment, then no longitudinal torsion
reinforcement need be provided.
For members with combined torsion and shear, the ultimate torque, T, and the ultimate shear
force, V, should satisfy the condition:

------------------------ (20)

Where TRd and VRd are the torque and shear force respectively that would, acting alone, cause
crushing of the concrete struts. The calculations for the design of stirrups may be made
separately for torsion and shear. However, the angle, , for the concrete struts must be the
same in both cases. The requirements for shear and torsion are, of course, additive.
 The limiting values of torsional and shear resistance shall be taken as the basic values TRd
and VRd (TRd = 0.80fcdAefhef and VRd = 0.25fcdbwd), respectively, multiplied by the
following reduction factors t and v.

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

(a) Torsion

(b) Shear

 The torsional and shear resistance of the concrete shall be taken as the basic values Tc and
Vc (Tc = 1.2fctdAefhef and Vc = 0.25fctdk1k2bwd), respectively, multiplied by the reduction
factors tc and vc.

(a) Torsion

(b) Shear

Example 1. Member with pure torsion

Problem Determine the maximum torque which can be applied to the member of Fig. E1
given that fck = 30 N/mm2, the yield strength for the longitudinal reinforcement is fy = 460
N/mm2 and the yield strength for the stirrup reinforcement is fy = 250 N/mm2.

Figure E1
The total area of longitudinal reinforcement available to resist torsion is:
Along = 4(162/4) = 804 mm2
From Fig. E1, the dimensions of the analogous thin walled section are:

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

Hence assuming a compression strut angle of 450, equation (5.14)

Similarly, equation (5.10) gives the torsional capacity as dictated by the area of stirrup
reinforcement. The label ‘R10’ indicates a 10 mm diameter mild steel stirrup with a
characteristic yield strength of fy = 250 N/mm2. The area of one leg is:
Along = 102/4 = 78.5 mm2

The effectiveness factor for torsion is, from equation (5.17):

 = greater of 0.7(0.7- fck/200) and 0.35
= 0.385
Hence the torque that would cause crushing of the compression struts is, from equation (3.16)

Thus, with a compression strut inclined at an angle of 45 0, the torsion capacity is governed by
the area of stirrup reinforcement. However, the strut inclination angles can have any value in
the range 220    680. Hence, cot  can vary in the range 2.5 ≥  ≥ 0.4. By trial and error
(or by equating the two equations for T), an optimum value for cot  can be found. Taking cot
 = 1.4 ( = 360), the longitudinal reinforcement dictates a torsional capacity of 37 kNm and
the stirrup reinforcement dictates a capacity of 38 kNm. The corresponding value for Tw is 94
kNm. It can therefore be concluded that this beam has the capacity to resist torsion of 37
1 Do example s1and 2 using EBCS-2, 1995 design procedures and example 3 using
equivalent truss analogy.

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

2 Given a cantilever beam with l=2.5,p=70kN applied at an eccentricity of 400mm from the
beam center line. Material C-25, S-460(long),S-300(lat).assume θ=450& b/D =300/500.
Required: design for flexure, shear and torsion.
3. Design a rectangular Rc beam to sustain a design torque of 56kn-m; where this beam is
made fromC-25, S-300, Class-II

Example-2: Design a rectangular section of 300mm*600mm overall dimension for torsion.

The design torsion to be resisted is 26kNm.material used.C-25 and S-300 steel.


Tsd = 26kNm; C-25; fck=20MPa, fcd=11.33Mpa; fyd=

Aef = (300-100)*(600-100) = 100000mm2
Uef = (200*2)+(500*2) = 1400mm
Tc = 1.2*fctd*Aef*hef = (1.2*1.03*100000*100)* = 2.06kNm
Tsd = 26kNm; Tef to be resisted by reinforcement = 26-2.06=24kNm

Tef =

Spacing of stirrups = S = = 109.27mm

Provide a spacing of 100mmC/C

Maximum permitted spacing = = 175mm; hence ok

Al= = 643.99mm2

Number of 12mm diameter rods = = 5.69

Provide 6 numbers of 12 mm diameter rods as torsional longitudinal bar apart from

longitudinal flexural reinforcement.
Example 3

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

A Rectangular section of 250mm breadth and 400mm effective depth is reinforced with 3
number of 22mm diameter bar for flexure. It has to resist a shear force of 160kN and
torsional moment of 10kNm .
Material strength; fck = 24 MPa
fyklon= 460Mpa
fykstirrup = 250Mpa
Design the section for shear and torsion
h = 400+11+8+25 = 445mm

fyd = = 400 Mpa; fcd = 0.85* = 13.6MPa fctd = 1.165 MPa

Vsd = 160kN Tsd = 10kNm

h ef= = = 80mm

Aef = (250-80)*(445-80) = 62050mm2

Uef = (250-80)2+(445-80)2 = 1070mm
Actual value of Tc and Vc
Tc= 1.2*fctd*Aef*hef = (1.2*1.165*62050*80)* = 6.9kNm

Vc = 0.25*fctd*K1*K2*bwd; ρ= = = 0.0114

K1= 1+50(0.0114) = 1.57 < 2.0 -----------ok

K2 = 1.6-0.4 = 1.2 > 1.0 --------------ok
Vc = (0.25*1.165*1.57*1.2*250*400)10-3 = 54.87kN
Reduction factor

= = 0.445

Limiting value of Tc= 0.445*6.9=3.07 kNm

Reinforcement has to be provided for torsion of 10-3.07 = 7kNm


Consider As = = 50.3mm2 and S = = 193.85mm

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

Maximum spacing of reinforcement permitted = Uef/8 = 1070/8 = 133.75mm

Hence provide a spacing of 130mm

Tef = implies Al = = = 150.88mm2

Provide 2 number of 12mm diameter bar

Aspro = 226.19mm2

Example 4
A RCC beam of rectangular cross section having b = 350mm and d = 460mm is subjected to
a design torsional moment of 44kNm .the material used are
C-20 concrete; S-460 steel for longitudinal bars; S-400 steel for stirrups
There are 5 number of 14mm diameter longitudinal flexural reinforcement are provided
Using 8mm stirrups ;design the member for torsion
Vsd = 41kN; Tsd = 44kNM; C-20 concrete; fck = 16Mpa

Fctd = = 0.8889; fydlong = = 400MPa; fydstirrups = =

Overall height of the section h = 460+25+7+8 = 500mm

hef = = = 102.94mm

Aef = (350-103)*(500-103) = 98059mm2

Vef = (350-103)*2+(500-103) = 1288mm
Tc = 1.2*fctd*Aef*hef = (1.2*0.8889*98059*103)* = 10.77kNm

Vc = 0.25*fctd*K1*K2*bwd; P= = = 0.00478

K1 = 1+50(0.00478) = 1.24<2.0 -----------ok

K2= 1.6-0.46=1.14 > 1.0 --------------ok
Vc= (0.25*0.8889*1.24*1.14*350*460)10-3 = 50.58kN
Reduction factor

= = 0.980

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2
Dept. of Civil & Urban Eng., iOTec-HU. Hawassa University

Design value of Tc = 0.980(Tc) = 0.980*10.77 = 10.6kNm

Torstion for which reinforcement are designed Tef = 44-10.6 = 33.4kNm

Tef = implies S = = 102.6 8mm;

Provide stirrups at 100mm spacing

Implies Al = = = 548.33mm2

Number of 14mm diameter bar = = 3.56

Provide 4 numbers of 14mm diameter rods at corner of the beam as torsional reinforcement
apart from the longitudinal flexural reinforcements

Structural Engineering IV (CEng 3312) Chapter 2

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