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Bulk Forming Processes (II)

Sezer Özerinç

Middle East Technical University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 1

◼ Extrusion and Drawing
◼ Classification of Drawing
◼ Forward Rod Extrusion Force
◼ Backward Can Impact Extrusion
◼ Empirical Force Calculation
◼ Extrusion
◼ Drawing
◼ Piercing
◼ Examples

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 2

Classification of Extrusion
1. Reducing: Rods, Tubes.
2. Extrusion
a. Extrusion with rigid tools
i. Forward (direct): Rods, Tubes.
ii. Backward: Rods, Tubes.
iii. Transverse: Rods, Tubes.
b. Extrusion with non-rigid tools
i. Hydrostatic forward: Rods.
3. Impact Extrusion
a. Impact extrusion with rigid tools
i. Forward (direct): Rods, Tubes, Canes.
ii. Backward: Rods, Tubes, Canes.
iii. Transverse: Rods, Tubes.
b. Impact extrusion with non-rigid tools
i. Hydrostatic forward: Rods, Tubes.

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Forward Rod Extrusion Forward Tube Extrusion

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Transverse/Lateral Extrusion

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Classification of Drawing

Drawing of tubes Drawing of wires, rods and slabs

Drawing of tubes Drawing of wires, rods and slabs

Drawing of tubes without a mandrel

Drawing of tubes without a mandrel

Drawing of tubes with a stationary mandrel

Drawing of tubes with a stationary mandrel

Drawing of tubes with a free mandrel

Drawing of tubes with a free mandrel

Drawing of tubes with a moving mandrel

Drawing of tubes with a moving mandrel


5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 6

Wire Drawing Tube Drawing

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 7

Forward Rod Extrusion Force by the
Elementary Theory of Plasticity

The total external work for deformation composes as:

Wtotal = Wideal + W friction + Wshear + WBending

For quasi-stationary processes the total forming force is:

Ftot =
punch displacement

yielding: Ftotal = Fideal + Ffriction + Fshear + FBending

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 8

Forward Rod Extrusion – Ideal Work
Ideal work:

dWideal = (z  2r )  dr   r + A  d (z )   z

initial position = z  dA   r + A  d (z )   z
final position
Using volume constancy V = A  z = constant

 ( r −  z )
we obtain dWideal = V 
The infinitesimal
 ( r −  z )
dWideal dA
specific ideal work: dwideal = =
V A

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Specific Ideal Work

Using the Tresca yield criterion  z −r =  f

leads to dwideal = − f 
A A1
Integrating over the deformation zone: wideal   dwideal =  −  f 
 A0 
Utilizing the mean value theorem: wideal = − fm  =  fm  ln 
A  A1 
1  f 0 +  f1
The mean flow stress is defined as:  fm = 
  0
 f ()  d 
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Total Ideal Work
The work to deform a material of volume V is simply:

A 
Wideal = wideal  V = V   fm  ln 0 
 A1 

The ideal equivalent strain for  A0 

extrusion (drawing) is defined as:  eq = ln 
 A1 

Finally, we obtain: Wideal = V   fm   eq

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 11

Assumptions on Pressures
◼ It is difficult to determine local stresses in the
scope of the elementary theory of plasticity.
◼ Pressure distributions in the container and
die-shoulder must be assumed.
◼ Siebel assumes that the internal pressures
are in the order of the local yield stresses:
◼ Interface pressure in container ~ f0 (Y0)
◼ Interface pressure at die-exit ~ f1 (Y1)
◼ Interface pressure in shoulder ~ fm (Ym)

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 12

Frictional Work for Die Shoulder
Frictional Work:
die − shoulder
position A0 W friction = W friction
+ W friction
Ym s
dz s
cos 
  d  s dz
Ym dz die − shoulder
dW friction =    fm  

cos  cos cos
d The decrease in the cross-sectional area is:

  d  dz  tan  = −dA
Area: A
Also: s =

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 13

Frictional Work (Cont’d)

V 1
Hence: die − shoulder
dW friction = −    fm   dA 
A cos  sin 

Integrating between A0 A0 
die − shoulder
W friction = V   fm  ln 
and A1 results: A1 cos  sin 

Utilizing the concept of die − shoulder
W friction = V   fm   eq 
the equivalent strain: sin 2

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 14

Frictional Work for Container
r container
dW friction = (  d 0  h )  (   f 0 ) ds
Utilizing the relationship

Y0 s = h0 − h


position and integrating between h0 and h

=   d 0     f 0  (h02 − h 2 )
container 1
W friction

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 15

Forward Rod Extrusion – Shearing
r Infinitesimal shearing dWshear 0 =  f 0  tan   dV
work at inlet: 2
z r0
Integrating over the whole inlet shear zone:
r dr r0
1 r 1
Wshear 0 =   f 0   2r  s  dr =   s   f 0  r03 / s
2 s 3

dV Specific shearing
s work at inlet: Wshear 0 1
max0 wshear 0 = =   f 0  tan 
V 3
max1 Specific shearing
work at outlet: wshear1 =   f 1  tan 
2 3

Total shearing work 2
for a volume V: Wshear =  V   fm  tan 
5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 16
Shearing Work (Cont’d)

r s tan  Wshear 0 =  (s  tan  ) max 0 (2r  dr )

max0 0
 dA r0
s r 1
Wshear 0 =  (s  )  f 0  2r  dr
s 2
s 1
 =   s   f 0  r03 / s
V r0
s = , tan  = , A = r02 
A s
1 V 1
Wshear 0 =  f 0 ( r0 ) 
 tan  =  f 0 V tan 
3 A 3

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 17

Forward Rod Extrusion Force
The total forming work required for a volume of V by Siebel (1925):

2 2   1

Wtotal = V   fm    tan  + 1 +  
 eq  +    d 0     f 0  h0 − h
2 2
( )
3  sin 2   2

2  2   and
=   d 0  h    Y0
with F = A0  Ym    tan  + 1 +    eq  Ffriction
3  sin 2  
The total average forming force can be determined as Siebel (1925):

2  2  
F =F +F container
= A0   fm    tan  + 1 +    eq  +   d 0  h     f 0
 sin 2 
3 

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 18

Example - Extrusion

Example 1:
A 110Ø75 mm billet made of C15 steel
(annealed) is cold extruded to Ø45 mm in a die
with a die angle of 2 = 90o. If the flow curve
of C15 can be represented by
 f = 700   eq0.24 MPa
with an initial flow stress of
 f 0 = 240 MPa
Determine the extrusion force. Assume that the
coefficient of Coulomb friction is 0.06.

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 19

Extrusion Force by Empirical Methods
A0 A 
Re = Equivalent strain:  eq = ln Re = ln 
Extrusion ratio:
A1  A1 
6  v punch  d 02  tan 
Mean strain rate: m =  eq (required in hot extrusion)
d −d

Extrusion force F = pe  A0 = Qe   fm  A0 with Qe = 0.8 + 1.2   eq

(without container friction)

F = F + F0 friction = F +   d 0   friction  
For forward extrusion:

For backward can extrusion Fpiercing = (3 to 5)   fm  ( A0 − A1 )

check also the piercing force:

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 20

Drawing Force by Empirical Methods

d 0 + d1
where h=

 z1 =  fm  (1 +   cot  )    ln
Drawing stress at the exit:

h h
where  = 0.88 + 0.12  (axisymmetrical) or  = 0.8 + 0.2  (plane strain)

Drawing force: F =  z1  A1
Remark: Centerburst (Chevroning) occurs if h/L  2.

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 21

Example - Drawing

Example 2:
A shaped wire is drawn from annealed,
3-mm-diameter 302 stainless steel wire. d0
The cross-sectional area of the shape is
5.0 mm2. A commercial oil-based
lubricant is used, the dies have 12o
included angle, and drawing speed is 2 
m/s. Calculate the force and power
requirements. Take the coefficient of
friction 0.04 and the material constants d1
in the Ludwik expression as
K = 1300 MPa and n = 0.3.
5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 22
Backward Can Impact Extrusion Force
The relative area reduction is
defined as

3 3
A0 − A1 d i2
A = = 2
2 1 A0 de

The solution by Dipper (1949) is

valid for:

 A  0.5 to 0.6

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 23

Backward Can Impact Extrusion - Zone 2
 =  (1 + 0.5)
Upsetting in Zone 2: The effective coefficient of friction:
Force equilibrium
in z-direction:
 z 2 − ( z 2 + d z 2 )   (d e2 − di2 ) = 2     f 2  dz  d i + s  2  
4 2

Simplifying yields: − d z  s = 2     f 2  dz

2    f 2  z 2m = −  f 2 
Integrating:  z2 = −  (b − z ) Mean stress:

 b
Using Tresca’s yield criterion:  r 2 m =  z 2 m −  f 2 = − f 2  1 +   
 s

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 24

Backward Can Impact Extrusion - Zone 1

Upsetting in Zone 1: Let us consider radial force equilibrium:

 r1 − ( r1 + d r1 ) 2   r  b = 2  1  f 1  2   r  dr − d 1  b = 2  1   f 1  dr
2  1   f 1  d i 
Integration:  r1 = −   − r  +  r 2m
b 2 
1 d
Mean stress:  rm = −  1   f 1  i +  r 2 m
3 b
Applying Tresca’s  =  −  = −  1 + 1    d i  −   1 +   b  = − p
f1   f2  
yield criterion:
zm rm f1 1 punch
 3 b   s 
 di 
With:  f 1 →  eq1 = ln h0 b   f 2 →  eq,total =  eq1 +  eq 2 = ln(h0 b )  1 + 
   8s 

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 25

Piercing Force by Empirical Methods*
Constrained Piercing: Unconstrained Piercing:
dp dp

d0 d0

Fpunch = (3 to 5)   fm  Ap Fpunch = 3   fm  A p (for d 0 d p  3)

[*] Adapted from Schey (1987).

Fpunch = (d 0 d p )  fm  A p (for d 0 d p  3)

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 26

Example – Backward Impact Extrusion

Example 3:
A C15 steel can of 70 mm outer diameter
and 58 mm inner diameter is to be produced
by the back extrusion of 70-mm diameter
annealed slugs (initial length = 35mm). The
can base is 5 mm thick. If the flow curve of
C15 can be represented by
 f = 700   eq0.24 MPa
with an initial flow stress of
 f 0 = 240 MPa
Determine the extrusion force. Assume that
the coefficient of Coulomb friction is 0.06.

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5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 28

Remarks on Extrusion and
Drawing - Remark 1
◼ For the reducing type
extrusion (a.k.a. open-
die extrusion) process,
the friction force in the
container must be
omitted since during
reducing there is no
contact between the
billet and the

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 29

Remark 2
◼ In the case of
backward (impact)
extrusion, the frictional
force in the container
must be omitted.

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 30

Remark 3 '

◼ Rod extrusion is usually performed with a

die-angle of 2=180o.
◼ A dead zone is built at the corners of the die
leading to an artificial cone of 2’=90o.
◼ In that case, the friction force in the die shoulder must be taken as Fideal with
 = 0.5 and ’=  = 45o
◼ When 2 is not 180o but close to 180o, it is not possible to tell if there will be
a dead-zone or not. In this case, calculate shear and friction forces for two
◼ i.  = 45° & µ = 0.5 i.  = given angle & µ = µs given in the question.

◼ The actual behavior will be the one with a smaller required force.

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 31

Remark 4
◼ The computations of the
forces for tube drawing
process assume that the
inner diameter of the tubes
do NOT change.
◼ If the inner diameters
change, bending force
components must be taken
into consideration.
Here, bending force occurs!

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 32

Remark 5
◼ In case of forward
impact extrusion of
tubes, the interface
friction (pr) at the
mandrel-exit can be
assumed as 10...12
◼ In this region, the
material is not
plastic anymore!

5/23/2023 ME 303 - Section 03b 33

Remark 6
◼ The negative sign in the
friction force at the
Fp Fp
mandrel-die interface
must be used in the case
of ironing process.

In that case, the force at

Direction of
Material Flow ◼

the base of the tube is

Friction Forces

Fp − Ff ◼ To compute the pressing
force (Fp), this frictional
force must be omitted!
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