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Human Resources Policy Manual Section-1 (INTRODUCTION)

Human Resources Policy Manual

This manual comprises the official human resources policies and procedures of ________. The specific
policies that follow promote the philosophy of _________ with regard to standards of excellence;
terms of employment; employee development; and employee services. 

This Human Resources Policy Manual is provided as a central reference for all managers,
supervisors and employees and applies to all the employees of corporate office and the factories.

_________ is committed to assuring that its employees and applicants for employment have equal
employment opportunity, with regard to race, religious or political affiliation, marital status and
gender and will afford each employee a workplace free from discrimination or harassment. Based
on the principle that _________’s workforce must be of the highest quality, employment decisions will
be based on an employee’s ability to competently perform the duties of his or her position. It also is
expected that each employee devote himself or herself to the job with diligence, loyalty, and effort
so as to be a credit to the Group.

It may be necessary to change these policies from time to time to reflect changes in the Government
regulations, employment trends, workforce and economic conditions etc. However, any changes in
policy will be consistent with the Group’s approach to: 

 Employing talented individuals whose creativity and imagination will support and
contribute to achieving the Group’s business objectives;
 Communicating Group standards and expectations in all aspects of employment
including performance;
 Valuing diversity, and assure equal employment opportunity and a workplace where
relationships are based on mutual respect;
 Treating all staff, workers, contractors and customers in a professional,
nondiscriminatory manner;
 Providing safe, effective working conditions, and;
 Providing competitive terms and conditions in our workplace market.  
Where the manual conflicts with specific Government regulation or with _________’s Board policy, the
Government regulation or Board policy shall prevail.


Managing Director

Company Name

Table of Contents


1.1          Purpose of the Manual.

This manual summarizes all major human resources policies and procedures that are currently in
force in _________ and its subsidiaries. Any terms and conditions of employment not covered in part
or in whole in this manual, shall be subject to the provisions of labor Law in force in Bangladesh.

The manual is intended to serve as a reference guide to full‐time employees on the human
resources policies and procedures of _________ as well as the rationale and principles of how they
should be implemented and enforced. The provisions stipulated in this manual shall be subject to
change from time to time at the discretion of _________. 

1.2          Human Resource Philosophy. 

_________ recognizes the contributions of its employees and treats each individual employee fairly
and consistently in all matters, with a uniform application of the following human resources

a)  Human resources are best allocated to achieve optimum productivity and efficiency.

b)  Pay and benefits offered are fair, equitable and competitive.

c)  Employees are always encouraged to well‐equip themselves for the present job and future
development of _________.

d)  Reward is based on merit. High performers are given priority to take up more responsible

e)  Two‐way communications between employees and the management are promoted as a means
of building mutual understanding and trust.

f)  Workplace safety is given top priority to protect human health and enable employees to deliver
their best performance.

g)   Human rights are supported. Equal opportunities of employment are advocated. Employees’
freedom of speech and association are respected as long as they are within the legal boundaries.

1.3          Organogram of Admin & HR Department.   Given at Annex A.         

Human Resources Policy Manual Section-2 (EMPLOYMENT)

2.1  Principles of Employment.   _________ employment policies are based on the following guiding

‐ Equality.   All applicants have equal opportunities of employment irrespective of their age, sex,
marital status, pregnancy, family status, race, nationality or religion (provided that these do not
impede the abilities of the prospective appointees to carry out normal duties or affect the health
and safety of fellow employees). Job applicants are treated fairly and equally. Employment is offered
only to the best qualified applicants with reference to their merits and abilities to meet the
requirements of the jobs irrespective of whether they are referrals or direct applicants.

‐ Maintaining Organization Standard.   The steps and procedures being followed during the
course of recruitment, selection and placement conform to the standards of the organization.

‐ Realistic Planning.   Appropriate HR planning is given due importance as the Group grows rapidly.
It is the policy of _________ to recruit the best qualified people and to maintain a pool of human
resources according to the manpower requirement and planning of _________.

‐ Placement. Ensuring the best match of skills is vital for the organization and thus it recruits
competent persons in the right job at the right time. 

‐ Performance.      Throughout the complete recruitment process, efficiency and effectiveness is
ensured in every step.

‐ Progress Centered.  The Organization is committed to develop its human resources to achieve the
organization’s vision, goals and to explore and use all available development opportunities. It is also
the policy of _________ to transfer or promote well performing and capable employees to fill
vacancies so that employees are provided with opportunities to widen their exposure and further
their career development within _________.

‐ Advice and Services.   The Human Resources Department provides recruitment advice and
services to all divisions/departments and is responsible for the entire process leading to
employment. _________ will not be bound by offers of employment other than by the Human
Resources Department.

2.2 Manpower Plan and Control.


2.2.1      Aims of Manpower Planning.    The aims of manpower planning of _________ are:

 To ensure that _________ acquires and retains the optimum number of employees with
the required skills, expertise and competence;

 To exercise effective control of staffing and the associated cost; and


 To assist in optimum resources allocation so that potential manpower surplus or

shortage can be anticipated and alleviated as much as possible.
2.2.2 Manpower Plan.   Human resource planning in _________ must be a part of the Organization’s
overall plan. When drawing up human resource plans, it is important to take the following factors
into consideration: 

‐ Potential/expected workload and expertise requirement and to ensure the optimum and effective
utilization of the human resources for the entire Organization, both for current and future

‐ Possibilities for greater efficiency through reorganization and the use of tools/facilities and making
adjustments during expansion and contraction. 

‐ Employee transfer, promotion, periods of leave etc; designing and implementing plans to help
achieve manpower objective. 

Human resources planning should start at the beginning of the year so that HR Department can co‐
ordinate human resource planning process at the right time. Also, provision of budget is an
important factor to take into consideration.

Heads of division/department are required to conduct a thorough review of the operations,

structure and manpower of their divisions/departments each year, and furnish recommendations of
manpower plan for the following year to the Human Resources Department by  31 December.
The Human Resources Department is responsible for reviewing the recommendations and
compiling a corporate manpower plan for the coming year and gets it approved from the Board of
Directors and circulate to all concerned. The manpower plan sets out the number of posts by level
and by division/department.

2.2.3 Changes to the Approved Manpower Plan.   The manpower plan for the year, once approved
by the Board, is regarded as official. No change is permitted unless major developments or
functional requirements emerge. Any requisition of unbudgeted headcount needs the approval of
the Board/Management.

2.2.4 Manpower Control.   In order to optimize human resources utilization and to maintain cost
effectiveness, stringent manpower control should be exercised. Recruitment should only be carried
out in accordance with the basis of operational needs and approved manpower plan. Whenever an
employee leaves _________, the head of division/department should assess the manpower of his
division/department to see if a replacement is necessary. Where a replacement is required, internal
transfer or promotion should be considered before pursuing external recruitment.
2.2.5 Manpower Needs and Requisition. While requesting for filling the replacement of existing
vacant position or new position, the concerned division/department will fill up a ‘Manpower
Requisition From’ (Annex B) and send to HR Department. 

For a new position which is not already approved by the Management (Para 2.2.3 above), the  
division/department shall resort to the following procedures: 

1. New employee position should be discussed with Head of HR well in advance. In case a
new position needs to be created, the division Head will submit a request to Head of HR
for approval with proper justification (attaching a detailed job description). 

1. Upon the approval of the Head of HR, the recruitment process will begin or wherever
possible internal transfer or promotion will be made to fill up the vacant position.

1. It is the function of HR to ensure consistency throughout the Organization in regards to

the creation of any new position. HR will review and ensure that a position with similar
responsibility is placed in the same grade level. 

2.3          Recruitment and Selection.

Effective recruitment and selection is central and crucial to the successful functioning of any
organization. The purpose of recruitment of _________ is to acquire, in a cost effective manner, the
optimum number of high quality employees for the operations and development of the Group. In
order to appoint the most appropriate persons for the positions, it is crucial that potential
candidates are drawn from a wide pool and equal opportunities are ensured for all candidates. 

_________ pursues an active recruitment and selection process to assure the availability of qualified
applicants to meet its employment needs along with its strong belief in the principles of equal
employment opportunity through affirmative action. 

2.3.1 General Recruitment Policies.   _________ is committed to recruit suitably qualified and

experienced people for vacant positions and the following policies seek to ensure transparency and
fairness throughout the recruitment process and maximize the diversity of applicants:

1. Identifying and implementing standard selection procedures that
are relevant to education, skills, training, experience and
knowledge necessary for successful job performance.

1. Implementing effective and appropriate recruiting, screening and
selection procedures. 

1. Conforming to the hiring procedures of the Country’s law and in
line with the Organization’s requirements and financial situation. 

1. From manpower requisition to the final placement, approximately
21 working days will be required. All concerned must follow the
timeline strictly. 

1. Individuals between the ages of 18‐50 years can be hired as
regular employee of _________. 

1. Under no circumstances a regular or contract employee of any
other organization is allowed to undertake regular, long term of
short term contract employment in _________. 

1. All appointments in _________ shall conform to its existing position
with grade and salary level. 

1. In the spirit of internationalism, _________ may recruit senior and
specialist employees from abroad in case suitable national
employee could not be hired, upon approval of the Board of
Directors. The employment status can be changed from regular to
contract or vice versa. 

1. HR and the associated executives will maintain absolute
confidentiality of the implementation of any part of the
recruitment process. No query will be responded or no
information will be provided regarding the status of any
recruitment until the entire process is complete. 

1. It is an important role on the part of HR to evaluate the
effectiveness of recruitment methods, short‐listing criteria, testing
tools being used etc. An evaluation is useful to validate hiring
steps and subsequently adopt better selection procedures for the

1. HR will maintain an active database incorporating skills inventory
of employees that may be used as a starting point for recruiting
from within. 

1. Assistant Manager and above positions in the Production/Quality
Control Department and all other officer level positions including
the drivers, electricians, boiler/lift operators, masons,  plumbers,
messengers etc will be recruited from _________ corporate Office.
The recruitment process will be accomplished by the HR
Department of the corporate office. 

2.3.2      Classification of Management Staff.    Management Staff are classified as under:


1. Senior Management Staff – Assistant General Manager and above.

1. Mid-Level Management Staff –    Assistant Manager to Senior

1. Junior Level Management Staff – Trainee officer/Executive to
Senior Officer 

2.3.3 Non‐ Management/ Other Staff.      Assistant, Messenger, Photo copy machine Operator,
Peon, Driver, Cook, Cleaner, Caretaker, Guard, Electrician, Plumber, etc.

2.4    Selection Committees/Interview Panels.   Selection Committees/Interview Panels of different

compositions shall be constituted as under to shortlist and interview the prospective candidates for
different positions: 

1. For  Senior Management Staff.

                                ‐ Chairman and / or Managing Director

                                ‐ One of the Directors

                                ‐ Senior General Manager

                                ‐ Any other professional co‐opted as necessary

1. For Mid Level Management Staff.

                                ‐ Managing Director and/ or one of the Directors

                                ‐ Senior General Manager

                                ‐ Chief Financial Officer

                                ‐ Head of HR, Corporate Office

                                ‐ Head of Department

                                ‐ Any other professional co‐opted as necessary

1. For Junior Level Management Staff.

                                ‐  One of the Directors

                                ‐  Senior General Manager

                                ‐  Chief Financial Officer

                                ‐  Head of HR, Corporate Office

                                ‐  Head of Department

                                ‐  Any other professional co‐opted as necessary

1. For Non‐ Management/ Other Staff.

‐ Director

                                ‐ Senior General Manager

                                ‐ Head of HR, Corporate Office

                                ‐ Head of Department

                                ‐ Any other professional/Head of Department co‐opted as necessary

2.5          Final Selection.     Final selection will be made/ approved as under:


1. Senior Management Staff – Board of
Directors/Chairman/Managing Director
2. Mid Level Management Staff – Chairman/ Managing Director
3. Junior Level Management Staff ‐ Managing Director
4. Non‐ Management & Other Staff – Managing Director/ One of the

2.6          Sourcing Methods.     Generally, one or more of the following recruitment approaches, to

be decided by the Selection Committee to identify interested and suitable candidates.

1. Internal Sources. Internal candidates suitably qualified with the relevant
and required expertise and experience should be given preference for
the vacant or new positions.  Appointments may be made by the way of
promotion, up‐gradation, transfer etc. No one is allowed to apply for
appointment during probation period. Promoting internal employees on
the basis of succession planning may also be looked into. As a usual
procedure, job vacancies in _________ will be advertised through internal

1. External Sources.               

a. Advertisement.     Advertising the post helps communicate clearly and openly to the public the
requirements of the position and the selection criteria which apply. The methods for advertising the
post shall include:


 Advertising in the local and international press and
journals; and/or
 Advertising on _________ website and/or recruitment

1. Request to Other Organizations.    In some cases, if deemed
necessary, _________ may request other organizations to circulate
job vacancy among their employees. Job vacancy advertisement
may be posted in their notice boards as well. 

1. Employee Referrals.      Employees of the Organization may refer
prospective job seekers to HR Department. Employees with hard‐
to‐find job skills may know others who may meet the desired job
requirements and do the same work. In such case, employee
referral method may be useful. 
2. Walk‐ins and Write‐ins.      Often job seekers arrive at HR
Department in search of a job ‐ they are walk‐in people. Write‐ins
are those who send their curriculum vitae or resume for suitable
position. Both groups may be asked to fill up an application form
and their relevant information may be kept in active database file
for any suitable position in future. Based on their suitability, they
may be called for interview against any vacant position.

1. Executive Search.    Recruitment consultants can tap into private
sector networks and are skilled at promoting opportunities to
potential candidates. They can reach a wide pool of candidates,
and can reduce the time burden on the Selection Committee. In
using executive search, the following points shall be considered:


 In selecting the search consultant, international search
firm with good reputation, extensive global search
experience and proven track record shall be considered;


 The consultant should show a commitment to diversity
and equality issues, and demonstrate how such
commitment is reflected in its practice and approach; and


 Precise job descriptions and job specifications should be
agreed between the consultant and the Selection

f. Others.   Depending on circumstances, other professional/employment agencies, educational

institutes, technical institutes and journals may be chosen to give wider coverage of job openings. 

2.7          Application Form Collection.

1. HR Department collects job applications against each vacancy
announcement. There should be a minimum period of 10 working
days from the date of vacancy announcement and receipt of job

1. All applications are sequentially numbered in HR. Usually applications will
not be accepted if received after the deadline.

1. In applying for posts, all candidates will be provided with a job
description together with an outline of the qualifications and experiences
which they are expected to possess; details of the appropriate conditions
of service and about the Company and if possible, an indication of the
date (or week) when interviews will be held. 

1. Applicants will be required to supply his/her CV containing educational
and other professional/technical qualifications, experiences, personal
details, recent photographs and names and addresses of two people
from whom references can be obtained, one of which should normally be
the applicant's current or most recent employer. 

1. Applicants will also be required to declare if they are related to any
member of staff within the Company. Canvassing of members of the
Company is not permitted. No manager should be put into a position
where he or she is asked to interview a person to whom he/she is
2. Those, who have been regretted within last six months period are not
allowed to apply for any position and within one year, a candidate can
not appear for more than two selection tests. 

1. It is the Company’s policy not to communicate further with applicants
other than those who are shortlisted. 

1. All completed applications forms are private and confidential and should
only be made available to those directly involved in the recruitment and
selection process.

1. All application forms will be collated by HR Department and supplied to
the interview panel for short listing purposes.

2.8          Selection Method/Process.


2.8.1 Steps in the Selection Process.  Generally the following steps will be followed in the selection
Steps in the Selection Process

2.8.2  Interview: 

▪        Interviews will be held by a panel as mentioned in Para 2.4 above.

▪ A set of questions will be agreed by the interview panel in advance and will be developed from the
current job description for the post. The panel will seek to develop questions which ask the
candidates to give examples of their previous relevant experience.

▪ All candidates will be asked the same questions in the same order, and their responses will be
rated between 1 and 10. The panel will each have a copy of the questions and will mark
independently during the interview. Time is allocated between interviews for the panel to discuss
each candidate and to reach a total point score (Sample of an Interview Evaluation Sheet is given
at Annex C).

▪ It should be remembered that an interview is a two-way process, and candidates will be given
every opportunity to ask questions about the Company, to ensure that they have a full
understanding of the post for which they are applying and the way the Company operates.

▪ All appointments will be made strictly on merit and related to the requirements of the job.

▪ All interviewed candidates will be notified of the outcome of the selection process as soon as
possible, either by telephone or letter.

▪ All unsuccessful candidates’ application forms and interview notes will be retained for two
years from the date of interview. After this date they will be destroyed.
▪       Candidates attending an interview will not be reimbursed any travelling/daily allowances or any
expenses incurred.

A list of suggested interview techniques/tips is given at  (Annex D)

2.8.3 Medical examination.    In _________, for certain posts the job offer is dependent on passing
medical examination conducted by the Organization nominated diagnostic center. The medical
examination is conducted once preliminary decision for recruitment is made but the employment
offer has not yet given. The purpose for a medical examination is to obtain information on the
health status of the applicant being considered of performing the job. The organization will bear all
the medical examination costs. HR will proceed after receiving the medical findings with the final
comment from the diagnostic center that the applicant is physically and mentally fit for

2.8.4      Selection Criteria.    The following two sets of selection criteria shall be considered in the
recruitment process:

1. Shortlist Criteria.     The shortlist criteria shall focus on the factual requirements of the
job specification. In short‐listing candidates for interview, the following factors shall be

1. Academic, professional and technical qualifications;
2. Relevant work experience; and
3. Leadership and management experience. 

1. Final Selection Criteria.   The final selection criteria are applied to evaluate the
evidence gathered through interviews and discussions following the initial shortlist. The
final selection criteria shall focus on, inter alia, personal qualities, attributes and
competencies, past performance, aspirations, potentials, communication and
interpersonal skills, professional and personal integrity.

1. Reference Check. Reference check shall be conducted at the final stage
of the selection process with prior permission of the selected candidate
or shall be conducted immediately after the candidate has accepted
_________’s offer of employment, whichever is practicable. All offers shall
only be finalized subject to the receipt of satisfactory references. If a
candidate is found to have provided false information or have
misrepresented any information or have not disclosed any material facts
in his or her application, it shall be deemed to be sufficient grounds for
_________ to withdraw the offer or terminate his or her service summarily,
as the case may be.

1. Clearance and Release order. Clearance / release letters have to be
submitted to HR at the time of joining of any previously employed
personnel. Except in especial circumstances joining of no employee will
be accepted without clearance/release order being produced from the
last employer.                                    
1. Offer and Approval.
2.10.1 When a suitable candidate is identified, the HR Department will discuss with the Management
on the terms and conditions to be offered to the candidate. In determining the entry grade and
salary of a prospective employee, the following factors will be considered:

 Academic, professional and technical qualifications and working experience;

 Job knowledge and technical know‐how;
 Recent earnings;
 Prevailing market rate of the vacant position;
 Availability of suitable candidates in the market;
 Internal relativity of _________; and
 Job grade and salary range of the vacant position.

2.10.2 Approval.     The approval authorities for the recruitment of all positions are as under:

Grade   1              ‐ Board of Directors/Chairman/Managing Director

Grade 2‐7            ‐ Chairman/Managing Director

Grade 8‐13          ‐ Managing Director

2.11 Contract Agreement/Appointment letter.      After obtaining the approval of appropriate

authority (Para 2.10.2) the selected candidates shall be engaged by:

1. Contract Agreement.   A Contract Agreement will be signed by the
employer and the employee of the grades 5 and above. In certain cases
the agreement may be made on appropriate non‐judicial stamps. The
contract will be signed as under:

‐     Grades ‐1 and above      ‐ Chairman/Managing Director

‐     Grades 2 ‐5                        ‐ Senior General Manager ‐ for and on behalf of the Chairman/ 

   Managing Director   

1. Appoint Letter.      Appointment letters will be issued to the selected
candidates for grades 6 to 12 by the Senior General Manager for and on
behalf of the Chairman/Managing
1. Joining Report.     New employees and staffs are required to submit their joining
report to the concerned departmental head/Head of HR on the first day of
reporting to the job. The ‘Joining Report’ form is given at (Annex E). The form
signed by the employee   and through the departmental head, is sent to the HR
Department at the corporate office/factory site/respective office.

Upon receiving the joining report of employees, an ‘Welcome Message’ will be circulated to all
concerned mentioning the particulars of the newly joined employee (for Managers and above).  The
HR & Admin Department will issue employee ID card assigning an employee code number within a
week from receiving the joining report.

On joining the candidate will fill – up the prescribed ‘Employee Personal Information’  form
(Shown at Annex F) containing   information on personal, family, health, education, training,
language proficiency, employment history, personal references etc. which will be kept with the
personal file maintained by HR Department.  
1. Intimation to the Accounts/Finance Department.    A copy of the Contract
Agreement/ Offer Letter shall be forwarded to A & F Dept which is responsible
for setting up the new employee’s record on the payroll system.
1. Worker Recruitment.    Recruitment of the workers and employees pertaining
to the factory/production units will be guided by the HR policies of that
particular factory/production unit.
1. Personal File of the New Employee.

 A personal file for each individual employee will be opened by the HR Department of
corporate office/factory starting from the date of his/ her appointment.

 Respective factory HR Department is responsible to maintain the original file of the

employees recruited at the factory level. 

2.15.1. Contents of Personal File.    A personal file will contain contract agreement/ appointment
letter, CV, photocopy of NID/passport/birth certificate, job application, copy of certificates and
licenses, interview and test related papers, reference letters, current job description, important
correspondences on leave/medical records, performance appraisals, employee’s status and salary
changes including transfer, increment, promotion, disciplinary actions and any communications with
regard to him or her on personal matters. 

1. Access to Personal Information.    The personal file is treated as a
confidential document. All personal files are maintained by HR officer or
the assigned person as delegated except the one that belongs to
himself/herself.  All personal documents are confidential and therefore,
access to employee’s personal file is restricted to all other employees. 

1. Staff Record.   Employees should inform the HR Department of any
change in their personal data. They should complete and submit a
‘Change in Personal Information’ form (Annex G) with copies of
supporting documents, if any, to the HR Department as and when the
changes occur. Timeliness of submission of the form is important as it
may affect the payroll arrangements and/or benefit entitlements of the
employees and their dependents.

2.16      Induction Policy.

1. General Policy Statement.         _________ believes that all new employees
should be given timely induction training. This training is regarded as a
vital part of staff recruitment and integration into the working
environment. This policy, associated procedures and guidelines define
the Company’s commitment to ensure that all employees are supported
during the period of induction, to the benefit of the employee and the
Company alike.
1. Aim.     This induction policy, associated procedures and guidelines aim
to set out general steps for managers and staff to follow during the
induction process.  The Company expects that the implementation of
good induction practice by HR Department/Head of the Departments will:

 Enable new employees to settle into the Company quickly and become productive and
efficient members of staff within a short period of time. 
 Ensure that new entrants are highly motivated and that this motivation is reinforced. 

 Assist in reducing staff turnover, lateness, absenteeism and poor performance. 


 Assist in developing a management style where the emphasis is on leadership. 


 Ensure that employees operate in a safe working environment.


 Will reduce costs associated with repeated recruitment, training and lost production.  
2.16.3 Induction Procedures.

 The selected candidates will be placed under an orientation or socialization program

designed to provide them with the information needed to discharge their duties
comfortably and effectively. The induction/orientation program and its duration are
determined by the HR Department in consultation with the concerned department.

 On their first day of employment, new recruits will usually report to the HR Department
to complete the engagement formalities and attend a brief Company introduction
before they report for duty to the designated division/department.

 Heads of Division/Department should arrange for new employees' job introduction once
they have reported for duty. New employees will also be invited to attend a Staff
Orientation Program conducted by the HR Department to help them better understand
the mission, objectives and organization structure of _________, as well as its rules and
regulations, and code of conduct.

 A suggested sequence of induction procedure is given below:

 2.17 Probationary Period.   The purpose of the probationary period is to allow time for
new employees and _________ to ensure that their expectations on employment and job
performance are met.

2.17.1 Policy.

▪ Unless otherwise stated in the contract/appointment letter of employment, employees are

required to undergo a probationary period as under: 

1. Grades 2 to 5 ‐ 03 months
2. Grades 6 to 13 ‐ 06 months

 ▪ If a resigned employee rejoins _________ in the same department or in a capacity in which

the job nature is similar to his previous position, the probationary period may be waived at
the discretion of the Management. However, if an employee rejoins _________ in a different
department or in a position where the job nature is different from his previous position, a
probationary period may be required in order to ensure that the employee is suitable for the

2.18 Feedback Report and Confirmation.    Before completing the probation period (if

HR Department will obtain a feedback report/recommendation from the head of the
department of the employee (Annex H) as under:
‐ The employee will fill up Section 1 and handover to the Dept Head 20 (twenty) working days
before the completion of the Probation Period.

‐ The Dept Head will fill up Section 2 and handover to HR Dept 15 (fifteen) working days
before the completion of the Probation Period.

‐ The Head of HR will fill up Section 3 and discuss with the Management and obtain
confirmation or otherwise 12 (twelve) working days before the completion of the

Probation Period.

‐ The employee must be notified in writing the confirmation or otherwise before expiry of
the probation period.

On receipt of the approval/comments/observations of the competent authority a

letter (Annex J) shall be issued with a copy to the concerned head of department. It would
confirm his/ her permanent position in the organization or extend the period of
probationary period or terminate his/her service. 

2.19 Extension of Probationary Period OR Termination of Employment. If the Head of

Department considers that the performance or working attitude of a new employee is not
satisfactory and a longer period of observation is required, the employee will be requested
to undergo an extended probationary period, normally for another three months.
Employees who perform unsatisfactorily or are not suitable for the job may be terminated at
any time in accordance with the policy for termination. 

2.20        Full time Service.

 Unless otherwise distinctly provided, the full time of an employee of _________ is at the
disposal of _________ and he/she may be employed on the work of _________ in any place
without claim for additional remuneration. 

 No employee shall take admission into any school or college or any other training
institution as a regular student/trainee without obtaining written permission from the
Managing Director who, however, shall have the exclusive right to refuse such
permission for reasons of his own. 

 An employee will not be entitled to involve himself/herself in any other business or

profession except with the written permission from the Managing Director of _________. 

2.21 Transfer/Change of Designation and Duties.   Internal transfer gives employees

opportunities to widen their exposure and pursue development in other streams within
_________.  It also enables the Group to deploy employees to areas where they can best
contribute to and meet the manpower requirement and planning of _________.

2.21.1. Policy.

 It is the policy of _________ to consider internal transfer for existing employees whenever
a suitable job opportunity arises. All things being equal, preference will be given to
internal candidates so that employees are provided with opportunities to widen their
exposure and further their career development within _________.

 All employees should have equal opportunities for transfer. It should be

nondiscriminatory and based on job related factors. Age, sex, marital status, family
status, nationality or religion should not be considerations for transfer.

 The Management may transfer an employee from one post to another or form one
place to another or make such changes in his/her designation, duties and
responsibilities from time to time or at any time as it may deem necessary. Such
transfer or change shall not, however, be made to the disadvantage of the employee
concerned in respect of pay and status.
 As one of the main reasons for transfer is career development, frequent transfer is not
encouraged. Employees should remain in their positions for at least one year before any
transfer is considered. 

2.22        Promotion/Demotion. 
2.22.1 Policy. 

 Whilst the Management reserves the right to appoint the most suitable person to any
particular post, whether an internal candidate or external one, it is the Company’s policy
to promote from within whenever and wherever possible.

 The basic principles of promotion in _________ are equal opportunities,

nondiscriminatory and the best person for the job. All promotions shall be made on the
merit of each case and no employee shall have a claim to be promoted to any particular
post or grade by virtue of seniority alone. Promotions shall be made on the seniority
cum‐merit basis, subject to availability of vacancies. All promotion shall have to be
approved by the Management.

 Selection for promotion should be based on merit with due consideration of the
following factors:

o Job knowledge and technical know‐how;
o Competence and potential;
o Performance and quality of work;
o Academic/professional/technical qualifications;
o Honesty, integrity and commitment to work;
o Working attitude and interpersonal skills; 
o Personal attributes and tact; and
o Dedication to work.

 Whenever vacancies arise, the Heads of Departments should consider the possibility of
promoting existing employees from within before recruiting externally.

a.  Under normal circumstances, Heads of Departments may recommend promotion for

their employees, if they meet the requirements and are suitable for the vacant position.
Alternatively, employees who fulfill the requirements and consider themselves suitable for
the vacant positions may apply for the positions by responding to internal vacancy

 Under exceptional circumstances, promotions driven by business/operational needs,

individual merit and competency, and/or added responsibilities will be considered on a
case‐by‐case basis. Special promotion may be given to an employee for outstanding
performance on record, devotion to duties, initiative and drive in discharge of duties,
regardless of the seniority and rank.
 To be eligible for promotion to the next higher grade, employees should have
demonstrated potential for further development and possess relevant experience,
qualifications and attributes prescribed for the position. As a general rule, they should
have served in their present job for a minimum period of 12 months.

 Normally, employees will be promoted to positions which are one grade higher than
their current ones, and their new job titles have to be in line with _________'s titles.

 On promotion to a higher grade, employees will normally receive the entry pay of the
new grade or a promotional increase which is equitable to other employees of the new
grade. They will also be eligible for benefits applicable to the new grade.

 Should an employee officiating/acting in a higher post shows sign of deterioration or

inefficiency and fails to improve even after proper notice served on him/her, he/she
shall be reverted to the grade of his/her previous appointment

2.22.2 Procedure.

 Head of Department should recommend for promotion generally in the performance

appraisal form in addition to increment/enhancement of salary. In exceptional cases
they may initiate a separate recommendation for promotion any time with full

 The HR Department will review the recommendation and ensure that appropriate
approval is obtained from the competent authority.

 Upon approval of the promotion, the HR Department will prepare a letter incorporating
all changes in terms and conditions of employment and send the letter to the promoted
employees. They are required to sign and return a copy of the letter to the HR
Department, signifying acceptance of the new terms and conditions. (A sample
promotion letter is given at Annex K). 

2.23        Seniority.

 The seniority of an employee shall be calculated on his / her joining the service in a
particular post.

 Separate post‐wise seniority list shall be maintained for each category of employee.
 If more persons than one is recruited at a time, the seniority shall be determined in the
order of merit fixed by the Selection Committee. 

 If more than one person from the same batch in the same category of posts and scale of
pay is promoted in the same day, the seniority shall be determined by the Management.

Human Resources Policy Manual Section-3 (EMPLOYEE




3.1 Employee Separation.     Cessation of employment is a common event and can take place for
various reasons. Hence, it is necessary to ensure timely and accurate handling of the process of
removing employees from the company pay roll which is consistent with positive employee relations
practices. This policy sets out the conditions and procedures relating to separation of employment
from _________. It aims to ensure that _________ is in line with good employment practice and
complies with the statutory requirements.

3.2          Categories of Separation.

3.2.1      Resignation.

1. Voluntary separation on the request of the employee.

2. Resignation with or without notice.

3.2.2 Termination.  The Company terminates the employment with/without assigning any reason
but by giving 2‐3 months advance notice as stipulated in Contract Agreement/ Appointment Letter
or pay in lieu.

3.2.3 Discharge. Termination of service of the employee by the Company for reasons of physical or
mental incapacity or continued ill health of the employee or such other similar reasons not
amounting to misconduct.

3.2.4 Dismissal. Termination/separation in which the employee is removed from the pay roll on
grounds of misconduct.

3.2.5      Deceased.           The death of an employee while in active employment.


3.2.6 Redundancy.     Reduction in manpower due to changing business needs or when work is no

longer available.

3.3 Resignation.  It is the policy of the Company to make a reasonable effort to retain good
employees who appear to be resigning due to reasons which might be corrected. When an
employee announces his/her intension to resign, immediate steps should be taken to determine the
real causes, and where possible and desirable, steps to be taken in order to retain the employees.

3.3.1 Notice Period.     A contract of employment may be terminated by either party giving notice in
writing or payment in lieu as specified in the contract agreement/appointment letter. Unless
otherwise specified in the contract of employment/ appointment letter, the notice or payment in lieu
to be given by either party for termination of employment is as follows: 

3.3.2 The length of notice to be given by either party in the event of an extended probationary
period shall be the same as during probation. 

3.3.3 Employees are not allowed to use outstanding compensation leave or annual leave in lieu of
termination notice. Similarly, maternity leave cannot be served as notice for termination of

3.3.4 If an employee has applied for annual leave prior to submission of his resignation and the
approved leave falls within the notice period, he must obtain re‐approval from the HR Department.  

3.3.5      Procedure. 
1. An employee who wishes to terminate his employment must submit a letter of
resignation (specimen at Annex L) to the Appointing Authority through the
departmental head. The departmental head calls him/her for a discussion and,
particularly if the employee in question is a good performer, tries to determine if the
cause of the resignation is a genuine one and which can be resolved. If, after this
interview, the employee still wants to resign, the departmental head accepts the
resignation and forwards it to HR Department with his recommendation. 
1. When an employee serves advance notice, immediate removal from duties may
occasionally be desirable to minimize the adverse effect on other employees or to allow
the separated employee to seek new employment.

1. On acceptance of the resignation HR Department issues a letter to the employee with

copy to Admin, Finance and other concerned departments to the effect that his
resignation has been accepted. The employee obtains necessary clearance for
settlement of dues, if any, on a prescribed form as given at Annex M. Admin
Department completes all relevant formalities and completes the termination.

3.3.6      Return of Company Property.


1. Upon leaving the service with _________, the employee must handover to his Head of
Department/concerned department or designated officer all accounts, contacts, data,
records and documents, whether in paper, tape, diskette or electronic form, related to
his job. 

1. Before leaving finally the employee is required to return all company property to his
Head of Department, the Administration Department, IT Department and/or the Human
Resources Department as appropriate. _________ reserves the right to deduct from the
resigned employee's final payment an amount equivalent to the value of any property
which is not returned or is damaged and any amount due to _________. 

3.3.7 Exit Interview.    The Human Resources Department will normally conduct an exit interview
with the resigning employee to obtain a better understanding of his needs and to solicit his
feedback so as to improve the overall working environment and conditions in _________. (Exit
interview format is given at Annex N). 

3.3.8. Final Payment.   The final payment including basic salary, job related payments or
reimbursements, payment in lieu of accrued annual leave and money due to the employee, if any,
will be paid to the resigned employee by cheque or cash within 30 (thirty) days from his effective
date of resignation. 
3.3.9      Calculation of Salaries. 

1. Salary payment in lieu of termination notice (calculated on the basis of calendar days):
Monthly basic salary  

X No. of calendar day(s) in lieu of notice No. of calendar days in the month

1. Final salary payment (calculated on the basis of calendar days): 

Monthly basic salary  

X No. of days employed in the month No. of calendar days in the month

3.3.10 Withdrawal of Resignation. Withdrawal of resignation must be made in writing by

employees, recommended by their Heads of Department and approved by HR Department. 

3.4 Termination. It is the policy of the Company to make reasonable effort to retain good
employees. Personnel turnover is expensive for a number of obvious reasons. Before termination all
facts must be carefully reviewed. Because of special circumstances performance of an employee
may not be satisfactory. This may be averted by arranging a transfer of the employee where his/her
output may improve and thus prove mutually beneficial to both employee and the Company. 

3.4.1      Procedure. 

1. The services of a permanent employee may be terminated with/without assigning any

reason by giving 2‐3 months advance notice (as stipulated in the Employment
Agreement/ Contract) or pay in lieu. 

1. This should normally be done in the case of unwanted employees.


1. The notice period need not be calendar months. Notice may be given at any time during
the month.

3.5. Dismissal. Dismissal is a severe act of punishment and before such action is taken, strict
observance of rules and disciplinary procedure as laid down under policy on Disciplinary Procedure
(Section 9) as well as Labor Act 2006 (for non‐management staff) is necessary. The action is taken
where the employee has committed misconduct.  
 3.5.1. While the law recognizes an employer's right to terminate the employment of an employee
with legitimate reasons, Heads of Departments must cautiously exercise the right in order to
minimize the adverse impact on other employees/their departments or _________. 

1. Unless the subject matter is of a very serious nature where termination
of employment is inevitable, Heads of Departments are advised to adopt
the disciplinary procedures as specified in Section 9.  

1. Approach.     If a Head of Department wishes to terminate the
employment of an employee, he should consult the Human Resources
Department about the approach to be adopted. 

1. Termination by Notice or Payment in lieu.   If an employee's performance is

unsatisfactory or not up to the required standard; or his working attitude is poor; or he
is found to be unsuitable for the job, _________ may lawfully terminate his contract of
employment with notice in writing or payment in lieu as specified in the contract of
employment/appointment letter. This is the most common approach to termination of
employment by an employer for minor and/or trivial transgressions. 
2. Summary Dismissal for Misconduct (Without Notice or Payment in lieu).   If an
employee is charged for misconduct, he will be summarily dismissed following the
procedure for dismissal (Section 9). This approach of termination of employment by an
employer should only be applied to cases where an employee has committed very
serious misconduct or fails to improve himself after the employer's repeated warnings. 
3.6. Discharge. Where an employee in the opinion of the Management is incapable or has ceased to
be capable by reasons of infirmity of mind or body or continuous ill‐health or for such other reasons
not amounting to misconduct, the competent authority may discharge him / her on medical ground
subject to medical examination to that effect by a civil surgeon/ registered medical practitioner. To
discharge an employee on such ground his past medical records and civil surgeon/registered
medical practitioner’s certificate should be used as supporting evidence. If an employee who has not
completed one year of continuous service will not be entitled for any benefits.

1. Deceased Employees.    As a good employer _________ would like to ensure that
the family members of any employee who embraces death during the service
with the company receive all the benefits that the deceased employee is entitled
to get from the Company.
Retrenchment form Service.    An employee may be retrenched on ground of redundancy
consequent upon the abolition of the concerned post after giving him/her compensation equivalent
to thirty days basic pay for every completed year and part thereof in excess of six months or gratuity
under the conditions of entitlement to the payment of gratuity whichever is higher. 

Human Resources Policy Manual Section-4 (WORK SCHEDULE)



4.1 Normal Working Hours.   The normal office hours of _________ corporate office is Saturday to
Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Factories have separate work hours.   

4.2.        Lunch Hour.    Lunch hour is from 1: 15 p.m. to 1: 45 p.m. 


4.3 Shift Duties.  Usually there will be no shift duties at the corporate office. However, in
exceptional circumstances employees who are required to work on shift owing to the nature of their
duties should refer to their department heads for their shift schedules and should comply with the
duty roster. Department heads who are responsible for setting the schedules should inform the
employees well in advance of any changes in the roster. 

4.4 Overtime Work.   Employees may be required to work additional hours when operational or
contingency needs arise, to carry out their duties. Overtime compensations are not usually allowed
to the employees other than Grade 13.

4.5. On‐call Duties.   In exceptional cases, there may be a need for employees to be on‐call outside
normal working hours to handle operational or contingency matters. If the matters cannot be dealt
with over the telephone, _________ may require the employees to return to the workplace for
emergency action. 

4.6 Rest Days.    The rest days are generally Fridays and Govt. holidays for employees with normal
working hours. In case of urgent business needs, employees may be required to work on their rest

4.7 Public Holidays.  Employees are granted paid public holidays as gazette by the Government of
Bangladesh. These gazette holidays are inclusive of statutory holidays. HR & Admin Department
publishes a list of public holidays at the beginning of the year and circulates to all concerned.
Factories have their own list of holidays published simultaneously.
Human Resources Policy Manual Scetion-5


5.1 Salary Policy.    _________ aims to provide employment which offers fair and equitable
remuneration in relation to responsibility and performance. The salary policy of _________ is designed
to attract, motivate and retain a high‐caliber workforce. This policy sets out the guidelines for salary
administration in _________. It should be noted that the Human Resources Department formulates
the salary policy and oversees the salary administration in accordance with the principles set out. 

5.1.1      Principles.    _________'s salary policy is governed by the following principles: 


1. External Competitiveness.  _________ aims to pay salaries which are competitive in the
market for similar jobs. Consideration is given to the market pay levels, pay trend and
supply and demand in the labor market. 

1. Internal Equity.    All jobs are categorized into job grades with reference to the job
contents and job sizes. Generally, the same salary range should apply to individuals of
the same job grade; however, there may be exceptions. 

1. Individual Profile.    Salary should commensurate with the individual employee's

qualifications and experience. 

1. Performance.   Results achieved and personal efforts are prime factors in determining
the salary progression of individual employees. 

1. Cost Efficiency.   _________ aims to achieve these principles at a reasonable cost and
within budget.

5.1.2 Basic Salary. The basic salary of an officer/employee shall not exceed 60% of the total salary

5.1.3 Salary on Transfer and Redeployment.    Employees transferred between departments on

the same grade or to a factory without taking up a higher level of responsibility will not receive a
salary increase.

5.1.4      Salary on Promotion.    On promotion to a higher grade, a promotional increase which is

equitable to other employees of the new grade should be admissible.  

5.1.5 Salary for Temporary Appointments.   The salaries to be offered for temporary

appointments such as student trainees, temporary assistants, part‐time employees etc do not fit
into the salary structure for permanent employees. Their salaries will be determined by taking into
consideration the prevailing market rates and cost‐planning of _________. 

5.1.6 Confidentiality of Salary Information.    Salary information is strictly confidential. Only the

individual employee, his head of department and employees who process salary and benefit
administration will have access to the employee's salary information. Employees should not disclose
their salaries to persons other than their heads of departments. Employees who have access to
salary information in the course of their duties must handle the information with extreme care to
ensure confidentiality. 

5.2 Pay Review.   The objectives of pay review are to reward employees in accordance with their
responsibilities and performance throughout the year, and to review their remuneration against the
market so that they are rewarded equitably internally and competitively with the market.  It is not
mandatory for _________ to conduct pay review for individual employees after a stipulated time
period. However, generally, employees who have successfully completed one year of service may be
considered for pay review. Employees who are not entitled to pay review or have submitted their
resignation letters prior to the formal notification of the pay adjustment will not be granted any
increase in pay.

5.3 Increment.   An employee after satisfactory completion of one-year active service from the date
of joining will be entitled to his / her normal annual increment. Annual increment in the respective
scales would normally be admissible depending on the performance of the incumbent during the
relevant period and overall financial/business condition of the company. All department heads have
to raise Performance Appraisal at the time of Increment. In case of promotion, increment period
shall be counted yearly basis from the date of promotion.

5.4 Overtime Compensation.   Corporate office employees are not entitled overtime

compensations except the employees of grade 13.   

5.5          Allowances.
1. House Rent Allowances.     An employee shall be entitled to house rent allowance
equivalent to 40 percent of his / her basic salary or such amount as may be determined
by the competent authority. 
1. Festival/Eid Bonus.    All employees shall be entitled to half month’s gross pay on the
occasion of each Eid festival (two in a year) on completion of one year service from the
date of joining. Employees of other religion would also be entitled to the same
allowance during their respective religious festivals. 
1. Entertainment Allowances.  Senior officers of _________ ‐ AGM and above shall be
allowed actual expenditure for entertainment of official guests.

1. Reimbursement of Telephone Charges.   Officers authorized with BTCL telephone in

the office would be entitled to reimbursement of actual telephone bills. For mobile
telephone bills, a separate policy is being formulated. 

1. Traveling, Daily and Conveyance Allowances.  Entitlements are covered by policy

letters already in vogue.  
1. Meal Allowance.     Employees are provided with free lunch on all working days at the
corporate office dining room. Meal allowance is admissible as per the policy letter being

Human Resources Policy Manual Section-6 (BENEFITS)


6.1 Group Insurance, Gratuity and Contributory Provident Fund.  Policies are under formulation.

6.2 Grant of Loan.   On compassionate grounds employees may be granted loan/advance salary,

the total amount not exceeding equivalent to six months’ gross pay. The amount allotted to be
refunded in maximum 12 (twelve) installments. Once a loan amount is adjusted, application for
fresh loans is not allowed within next two years from the date of final adjustment except on extreme
compassionate ground. (Loan Application Form is given at Annex P). All other instructions related to
loan/advance salary is covered by policy letters already circulated.

6.3          Leave.

6.3.1 Types of Leave.  Subject to fulfillment of necessary conditions, the following types of leave will
be admissible to the employees:

1. Casual Leave.
2. Medical Leave.
3. Maternity Leave. 
4. Compassionate Leave. 
5. Marriage Leave.

6.3.2      Guidelines for Availing Leave.


1. Leave is a privilege, not a right. The discretion of granting or denying leave lies with the
Head of Department/Management based on the exigencies of service/business or
seriousness of the reason for which the leave is applied. 

1. Leave shall not be granted to an employee who is under suspension. 


1. For any kind of leave, one has to fill up the Leave Application Form (Annex Q) and get it
approved and signed by the concerned authorities as indicated in the form and submit
to the HR Department. Submission of leave application after availing the same is
unusual and discouraged. 

1. In emergencies where employees are not able to inform in advance, it is expected and
required that the employee informs his / her immediate superior regarding proposed
leave and expected duration of the same over telephone. The person on receipt of such
information in turn informs HR Department verbally/over telephone/by email.

1. Employees must communicate   to HR Department within 24 hrs. of rejoining and

ensure that his/her leave record is updated. The HR department maintains leave

1. Any unauthorized leave would be viewed as absence and shall be treated accordingly. 

1. The verbal intimation for intended leave should be made to the respective supervisor in
person; no intimation through a colleague is acceptable. 
1. If one is absent for three days or more without any information, shall have to give a
written explanation of such act and shall be liable to appropriate disciplinary action.

j. Casual leave may be taken in continuation of or in combination with holidays including weekly
holidays either prefixing or suffixing, but not the both.  

6.4 Casual Leave.   Casual leave means a leave of absence for a‐very short period of not more than
10 (ten) days in a calendar year and may be granted to an employee provided that:

‐     Maximum five days casual leave is allowed to be taken at a time;

‐     Casual leave is not combined with any other kind of leave;

‐   Casual leave not availed during a calendar year shall lapse on 31st December of the year.

6.5          Medical Leave.


1. Application for medical leave shall be supported by a certificate from medical officer of
_________, if available, or any other registered medical practitioner. 

1. An employee may be entitled to medical leave on full pay normally up to 14 days in a

calendar year. 

1. In the event of prolonged illness, Management of _________ may sanction further medical
leave without pay subject to a maximum of 60 days at a time. 

1. For sudden sickness, employee will inform his/her department head and will apply for
leave at the earliest after getting well. 

6.6          Maternity Leave.  A female employee is entitled maternity leave 


1. A female employee, who has been working for _________ at least for one year (calculated
till her expected delivery date) and who is permanent, is eligible for maternity leave (as
per Section 46‐48 of Bangladesh Labour Act 2006). 

1. Twin child delivery will be considered as single pregnancy and mother will be eligible for
another maternity leave in future.
1. During probation, maternity leave will be without pay.

1. Employees will be granted 112 days consecutive leave with pay upon approval of her
application. She will get 112 days’ payment in 2 (two) installments, 56 days’ pay in
advance at the time of starting the leave and 56 days pay after delivery on submission of
birth certificate. 

1. The female employees who get 112 days leave with pay for child birth will also be
entitled to annual leave with pay for the same year. 

1. Maternity leave shall be granted after 28 weeks of pregnancy and application of

maternity leave shall be made not less than two months prior to date on which it is
desired that the maternity leave shall commence. 

1. Female employees are eligible for another eight (8) months leave (without pay) if
required for her complicacy regarding health or child care. 

1. Compassionate Leave.    Three (3) working days in the case of the death of an
employee’s father, mother, spouse, child, sister or brother.   This leave may be
availed with any other paid leave.  

1. Marriage Leave. Permanent employees are granted a marriage leave of 3
(three) continuous days including weekly and national holidays.

Leave Without Pay.   This type of leave is granted for authorized absence of employees when they
have no leave to their credit. For availing such leave advance information to be provided and should
be resorted to as a last resort after adjustment of all accrued leave.
Human Resources Policy Manual Section-7 (MANAGING EMPLOYEE



7.1 Performance Appraisal.  _________ is committed to supporting every employee to reach their

potential and achieve their personal goals, which in turn will assist the organization to achieve its

7.1.1      Principles of the Appraisal Policy.


1. The appraisal process aims to improve the effectiveness of the organization by

contributing to achieving a well-motivated and competent workforce.

1. Appraisal is an ongoing process with an annual formal meeting to review progress.


1. The appraisal discussion is a two-way communication exercise to ensure that both the
needs of the individual and the organization are met, and will be met in the next year.

1. The appraisal discussion will review the previous year’s achievement, and will set an
agreed Personal Development Plan for the coming year for each employee.

1. All permanent employees who have completed their probationary period are required
to participate in the appraisal process. 

1. The appraisal process will be used to identify the individual’s development needs and
support the objectives of the Training and Development Policy. 

1. The appraisal process will provide management with valuable data to assist succession

1. The appraisal process will be a fair and equitable process in line with the Equality Policy
of _________.
7.1.2      Appraisal Discussion.
Performance Appraisal discussion is a dialogue between the Evaluator and the Employee to evaluate
previously assigned task/responsibility and accomplishments and areas where   improvement is
required and method of improvement. (Evaluation Form is given at Annex R).  

Both the parties will set a schedule in advance for the discussion before evaluation is finalized and
signed by them. The main purposes of evaluation discussion are to:

‐ provide for frank, honest communication and feedback regarding measuring progress in the
current year;

‐     determining objectives for the next year;

‐     identifying development needs for future. 

An effective evaluation discussion begins with positive aspects of employee performance followed
by developmental needs of the employee. In this session an agreement is necessary between them.

The appropriate forms will be completed and signed by both parties. The appraisee will be given the
opportunity to note any comments that he/she does not agree with and complete a self assessment.
The appraisee and the appraiser should agree on a Personal Development plan for the appraisee for
the following year. This will reflect the appraisee’s aspirations and the organization’s requirements
and goals. The organization and the appraiser will support the individual to achieve these goals
during the forthcoming year. 

Any training needs, future training requirements, planned qualifications, development opportunities
and career planning should be discussed in the light of the Personal Development Plan.

7.1.3      Guidelines to Fill‐in the Evaluation Form.


Part – A:     Personal information and employee picture


This part contains the employee’s personal and employment information along with a space to
provide the employee’s picture for his or her employment record.

Part – B:     Aptitude/performance evaluation by the evaluator 
Aptitudes are the skills and behaviors which support effective performance and represent the core
skills needed by all employees. In this part, the evaluator will highlight qualitative aspects on the
overall performance of the employee in brief. The observations made in this part will have
correspondence with the comments made in Parts D and E.

Rating System against aptitudes:   There are 9 aptitudes listed in the evaluation form. Evaluator
will evaluate each of the aptitudes by ticking performance rating as applicable.
1. Excellent (4).  Always demonstrates exceptional performance; exceeds job
requirements; initiative and outputs are of high quality; significantly contributes to
Company growth. Is performing at the highest standards expected in the job role. 

1. Good (3).  Performance consistently meets the requirements of the position, maintains

acceptable performance standard, meets objectives and demonstrates desired
performance level. There are still some areas to develop.

1. Satisfactory (2). Performance requires improvement in some of the important areas

critical to current position, partially meets job requirements, there are some gaps in
achieving desired output, needs further improvements / training in some areas. 

1. Poor (1).  Inadequate performance, does not meet job requirements, quality of output
significantly below standard, performance extremely unsatisfactory, needs to resolve
performance gap / problems immediately.
Part– C:  Evaluators assessment on the commitment of the employee for organizational

This part is very important and requires special attention of the employee and the evaluator. It is
essential for every appointment holder at every level to share his knowledge and expertise with his
subordinates     and                 prepare                the         subordinates     as            his          substitutes
so           that        in            his absence/transfer/promotion the job is not hampered. 

Part – D:     Previous year’s responsibilities and achievements

An integral part of the employee’s evaluation and appraisal emphasizes that employees are
evaluated on previous year’s responsibilities and assignments. As a first step the employee fills in
his/her assigned tasks/responsibilities in Part ‐ I. The achievements against each assigned
task/responsibility are evaluated to conclude whether the task was completed, insufficient or not
completed at all. The level of achievement of the assigned task/responsibility is an overall
assessment marked by the evaluator on specified levels such as very good, good, satisfactory,
average and poor.

Part – E:    Pen picture/ evaluator’s remarks 

In this part the evaluator summarizes the overall performance of the employee in narrative or
statement form. Qualities, aptitudes, special observations etc which could not be reflected in Parts
B, C and D must be mentioned here.  

Part–F:   Perceived development needs (to be filed by the evaluator after discussion with the

The Evaluation Form should also be best utilized as an employee development tool by evaluators. In
this part evaluators are required to identify the areas need improvements by the employee.
Employee development needs are of 2 types:   immediate or short‐term need and Mid or longterm

The deficient areas may be improved by on‐the‐job‐training, self initiatives, practice, counseling, and
mentoring by supervisor as well as by off‐the‐job‐training. In this part of the evaluation, action
required for each of the deficient area will be mentioned. 


Part–G:  Objectives for Mid‐Term Review (usually for 6 months) ‐ to be completed by the evaluator
and the employee.

Following the review of current year’s achievements against agreed objectives, the next mid‐term (6
months) objectives are set. 

An employee should have at least 3 (for more in some cases) objectives throughout the year, (please
list on a separate sheet and attach with the evaluation form). An effective evaluation is grossly
dependent on the clarity and validity of the objectives set for the review period. Objectives should
be defined by the evaluator specifically and unambiguously. 

Part – H:    Overall Performance ‐ 2nd Level Supervisor’s Remarks. To be filled by the 2nd Level
Supervisor if available, or by the Department Head if 2nd Level Supervisor is not available.

On the basis of evaluation in Part B, C, D; narrative comments in Part E and from his personal
observations and notes, the 2nd level supervisor will apply qualitative judgment and determine
overall rating in the Evaluation Form. For determination of performance as a whole, the immediate
supervisor will consult with 2nd level supervisor. In case of poor rating, a separate note is required
from the Department Head in support of the rating. 

Overall Ratings System

1. Excellent.     Has gone far beyond expectations as a whole and really has set an
exceptional standard for him/her.  

1. Very Good.     Has exceeded overall performance objectives and standards.  


1. Good.  Has successfully achieved expected performance objectives and standards.  


1. Satisfactory. Has adequately performed, met most of the objectives and missed some;
but on the balance has performed satisfactorily.  

1. *Poor.     Has continuously failed to meet the performance criteria in all key areas,
unacceptable performance.  (* Must be supported by a note from the Department
Part – I:    Department Head’s Assessment and Recommendations

Basing on the remarks of the evaluator, remarks of the 2nd line supervisor and from his own
observations/ notes, the Department Head will apply qualitative judgment and determine overall
rating as a whole in the Evaluation Form. He may highlight his specific observations and summarize
the performance in short narrative form. Thereafter he will recommend for
promotion/increment/posting etc using his judgments and following company policy. 

Part –J:    HR’s Assessment and Recommendations

In this part the Head of HR will endorse comments/observations (if any) on the gradings /ratings
made by the evaluator/2nd line supervisors and the recommendations made by the Head of
Department which require attention of the Management. 

Part –K:    Comments/Approval of the Management


In this part the Head of HR will obtain the comments and remarks and/or approval of the
management on the recommendations of Head of Departments for execution.

7.2          Attendance and Punctuality.


7.2.1      Attendance Policy.          


Tardiness and poor attendance disrupts workflow and customer service and hence, regularity in
attendance and punctuality is desirable from all employees. All employees must be punctual for
work every morning and after lunch. Employees who attend office late without justifiable reasons or
have a poor attendance record will be subject to disciplinary action.

Employees while on their desk must be on business without idling away their time in any manner
whatsoever or leaving the place of work except on business or in emergent personal matter for
which permission of the immediate superior shall be taken. 

Attendance record is maintained by HR & Admin Department through bionic finger print machine.
However, if there is a problem with the machine, one has to inform to HR & Admin Department for
immediate solution. Till the machine is functional, attendance record to be endorsed with the

Non‐punching for any reason if not approved by competent authority should be treated as

For official job if someone goes directly to the intended place from his / her residence and unable to
come to the office and punch on the same day, he / she has to take approval from the authority in
the ‘Late Attendance/Early Departure/Absent Amendment Form’ (Annex S) and communicate to HR
& Admin Department for necessary record/clearance. 

In some special cases, some employees may need to work very late (may be the whole night) and
may require some rest to start the work on the following day. Allowing some hours off the next day
is left at the discretion of the Supervisor (or the departmental head). This may be notified to HR for
record purpose. 

If an employee is absent from work for 5 (five) consecutive days without notice, _________ will
consider that the employee has voluntarily resigned from their position.

7.2.2 Punctuality.   Every employee must attend office punctually at 09:00 a.m. However, a grace
period of 15 minutes may be allowed subject to the condition that, this grace time shall not be
misused as a matter of habit. 

1. Late Arrival to the office.



 An employee attending office between 09: 16 AM and 11:00
AM shall be marked “Late”.  


 Reporting to work place between 11:01 AM and 01:00 PM shall be
treated as half day’s unauthorized absence with or without pay at
the discretion of the competent authority. 


 Attendance beyond 01:00 PM shall be treated as unauthorized
absence for the full day with or without pay at the discretion of
the competent authority. 

1. Early Departure from the Office:



 Leaving office between 03:01 PM and 05:00 PM shall be marked


 Leaving office between 01:01 PM and 03:00 PM shall be treated
as half day’s unauthorized absence with or without pay at the
discretion of the competent authority. 


 Leaving office before 01:00 PM shall be treated as one full day’s
unauthorized absence.

1. Penalty for Late Arrival and Early Departure.     First 3 (three) late attendance in a
month shall be treated as one day’s unauthorized absence. Similarly, first 3 (three) early
departure in a month shall be treated as one day’s unauthorized absence.
Subsequent any single late  or  any single early departure in the month shall be treated
as one day’s unauthorized absence.  If leave is allowed, this will be adjusted against
causal leave or any other leave. 

7.3          Grievance Procedure.


7.3.1 Policy.    As a Company policy, _________ is committed to ensuring fair treatment of all

employees when dealing with their grievances with a view to addressing problems in the best
possible manner. _________’s policy is that employees should: ‐


 be provided a fair treatment on their grievances by the
Management of the Company;
 be given a fair hearing concerning any grievances;
 have the right to channel their grievances to the Management;
 have the right to appeal to the Chairman/Managing Director
against a decision made      by any senior executive.

7.3.2 Aim. The aim of this policy is to establish a proper channel for employees to voice out their
grievances and to settle them. Employee grievances may include but are not limited to management
deficiency, unfair treatment, sexual harassment etc. Regardless of the issues and/or individuals
involved, no one shall suffer retaliation for involvement in employee grievances. All grievances shall
be handled independently and treated in strictest confidence. Grievances made anonymously shall
not be entertained.

7.3.3. Procedure.

1. In the event of an employee wishing to raise a grievance, it is
preferable for the grievance to be satisfactorily resolved as close
to the individual and his immediate superior as possible. It is
understood however, that this is not always possible and that a
formal procedure is required to ensure the swift and fair
resolution of matters which aggrieve the Company’s employees.

1. If an employee considers that his grievance is unlikely to be
resolved through discussions with his superior, the Head of
Department or the Human Resources Department or is of a very
sensitive or serious nature which requires the attention of the
Management, he can raise his grievance directly with the
Managing Director/Chairman in the form of a signed letter. 

1. The Chairman/Managing Director, as the case may be, shall
acknowledge receipt of the grievances in the first instance. He or
his designate shall review and examine the case and decide
whether any meeting with the employee and/or other relevant
parties is required so as to obtain further information or better
understanding of the case. All cases shall be handled
independently and treated in strictest confidence.
1. Having reviewed and evaluated all the facts relating to the
grievance, the Chairman/Managing Director, as the case may be,
shall come to a conclusion. The aggrieved employee shall duly be
advised of the views/decisions of the Chairman/Managing
Director as well as any follow up actions, if warranted. A written
report of the conclusion shall be issued by the Chairman/
Managing Director, as the case may be, and shall be filed as an
official record by the Head of HR. 
7.4          Computer, Internet and Email Usage Policy and Guidelines.

7.4.1 Introduction.     This policy sets out the obligations and expectations on employees of the
Company who use the Company’s computers and IT facilities for internet and email purposes. IT
facilities are provided to assist with day-to-day work. It is important that they are used responsibly,
are not abused, and that individuals understand the legal professional and ethical obligations that
apply to them.

7.4.2. Authorization.   No person is allowed to use Company IT facilities who has not been
authorized to do so by the Company IT Department.  Unauthorized access to IT facilities is
prohibited and may result in either disciplinary action or criminal prosecution.

7.4.3 Responsibilities.       All users are expected to act in a manner that will not cause damage to IT
facilities or disrupt IT services. Any accidental damage or disruption must be reported to IT
Department as soon as possible after the incident has occurred. Users are responsible for any IT
activity which is initiated under their username.
7.5 Use of Computer.    Computers /laptops will be issued to the employees as per the requirement
with the recommendation of the concerned Head of Department, IT Department, HR Department
and the approval of the Management. While issuing a computer to an employee IT Department will
obtain an agreement from the user affirming the users’ obligations and responsibilities. (Sample of
the agreement is shown at Annex T). 

7.5.1      Rules for the Computer Users. The computer users must:

1. Check all the components like Monitor, UPS, Keyboard, Mouse etc.
1. Inform the IT Department immediately on facing a problem with
the computer.

1. Not open computer casings, and connect or disconnect any types
of input and output devices without permission of IT Department.

1. Set up any software without permission of IT Department.

1. Log off and shut down the computer and then the IPS/UPS while
leaving the desk/office.
7.6 Use of Internet.   Use of the Internet by employees is encouraged where such use is consistent
with their work and with the goals and objectives of the Company in mind. Reasonable personal use
is permissible subject to the following: 

 Users must not participate in any online activities that are likely to bring the Company
into disrepute, create or transmit material that might be defamatory or incur liability on
the part of the Company, or adversely impact on the image of the Company.

 Users must not visit, view or download any material from an internet site which contains
illegal or inappropriate material. This includes, but is not limited to, pornography,
obscene matter, violence condoning messages, criminal skills, terrorism, cults, gambling
and illegal drugs.

 Users must not knowingly introduce any form of computer virus into the Company’s
computer network.

 Personal use of the internet must not cause an increase for significant resource
demand, e.g., storage, capacity, speed or degrade system performance.
 Users must not download commercial software or any copyrighted materials belonging
to third parties, unless such downloads are covered or permitted under a commercial
agreement or other such license.

 Users must not use the internet for personal financial gain.

 Users must not use the Internet for illegal or criminal activities, such as, but not limited
to, software and music piracy, terrorism and fraud.

 Users must not use the internet to send offensive or harassing materials to other users.

 Use of the internet for personal reasons (e.g., online banking, shopping, information
surfing) must be limited, reasonable and done only during non‐work time such as lunch‐

 Use of gambling sites, online auction sites and social networking sites such as, but not
limited to, Face book, LinkedIn, you tube, Twitter, Bebo, Flickr, Myspace etc. is not

 Employees may face disciplinary action or other sanctions if they breach this policy
and/or bring embarrassment on the Company or bring it into disrepute.

7.7 Use of E‐mail.   Emails sent or received on the email system form part of the official records of
the Company; they are not private property. Users are responsible for all actions relating to their
email account/pc username and should therefore make every effort to ensure no other person has
access to their account.

7.7.1      Users’ Responsibilities.   When using Company email, users must:


‐ Ensure that they do not disrupt the Company’s wider IT systems or cause an increase for significant
resource demand in storage, capacity, speed or system performance e.g. by sending large
attachment to a large number of internal recipients.

‐ Ensure they do not harm the Company’s reputation, bring it into disrepute, incur liability on the
part of the Company, or adversely impact on its image.

‐ Not seek to gain access to restricted areas of the network or other “hacking activities” is strictly

‐ Must not use email for the creation, retention or distribution of disruptive or offensive messages,
images, materials or software that include offensive or abusive comments about ethnicity or
nationality, gender, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, appearance, religious beliefs and practices,
political beliefs or social background. Employees who receive emails with this content from other
employees of the Company should report the matter to their supervisor/IT Department

‐ Not send email messages that might reasonably be considered by recipients to be bullying,
harassing, abusive, malicious, discriminatory, defamatory, and libelous or contain illegal or offensive
material, or foul language.

‐ Not upload, download, use, retain, distribute, or disseminate any images, text, materials, or
software which might reasonably be considered indecent, obscene, pornographic, or illegal.

‐ Not engage in any activity that is likely to corrupt or destroy other users’ data or disrupt the work of
other users.

‐ Be outside of the scope of normal work‐related duties – for example, unauthorized

selling/advertising of goods and services.

‐ Affect or have the potential to affect the performance of damage or overload the Company system,
network, and/or external communications in any way.

‐     Not send chain letters or joke emails from a Company account.

7.7.2      Good Practice.


1. During periods of absence when highly important emails are anticipated, the employee
should make arrangements for notification and access by another appropriate member
of staff. 
1. Where sensitive and confidential information needs to be sent via email for practical
reasons, please be aware that email is essentially a non‐confidential means of
communication. Emails can easily be forwarded or archived without the original
sender’s knowledge. They may be read by persons other than those they are intended

1. Users must exercise due care when writing emails to avoid being rude or unnecessarily
terse. Emails sent from the Company may be interpreted by others as Company
statements. Users are responsible for ensuring that their content and tone is
appropriate. Emails often need to be as formal and businesslike as other forms of
written correspondence.

1. Users should delete all personal emails and attachments when they have been read and
should also delete all unsolicited junk mails.  In the process of archiving emails, users
should ensure inappropriate material is not archived.

1. The Company provides a current and up to date automatic virus checker on all
networked computers. However, caution should be used when opening any
attachments or emails from unknown senders.  Users must best Endeavour to ensure
that any file downloaded from the internet is done so from a reliable source. It is a
disciplinary offence to disable the virus checker. Any concerns about external emails,
including files containing attachments, should be discussed with the IT Manager. 

7.7.3 Remote Users.  Users may sometimes need to use Company equipment and access the
Company network while working remotely, whether from home or while travelling. The standards
set out in this document is equally applicable whether or not Company equipment and resources
are being used.

7.7.4 Monitoring.  All resources of the Company, including computers, email, and voicemail are
provided for legitimate use. If there are occasions where it is deemed necessary to examine data
beyond that of the normal business activity of the Company then, at any time and without prior
notice, the Company maintains the right to examine any systems and inspect and review all data
recorded in those systems. This will be undertaken by authorized IT Personnel only. Any information
stored on a computer, whether the information is contained on a hard drive, USB pen or in any
other manner may be subject to scrutiny by the Company. This examination helps ensure
compliance with internal policies and the law. It supports the performance of internal investigations
and assists in the management of information systems.

7.7.5      Penalties for Improper Use. 

1. Withdrawal of Facilities.    Users in breach of these regulations may have access to
Company IT facilities restricted or withdrawn.

1. Disciplinary Action.   Breaches of these regulations may be dealt with under the

Company’s disciplinary procedures. It may lead to termination of employment from the

1. Breaches of the law.  Where appropriate, breaches of the law will be reported to the

Human Resources Policy Manual Section-8 (TRAINING &




8.1 Objective.   The main objective of training and development in _________ is to help develop key
competencies which enable individuals to perform current or future jobs successfully. All training
and development programs organized by the Human Resources Department will be geared towards
the following objectives:

 To impart new entrants the knowledge and skill they need to perform their tasks;

 Strengthening the job skills/knowledge of employees;


 To lower the turnover and absenteeism and increasing the job satisfaction since training
can improve the employee’s self-esteem;

 Improving operational efficiency and productivity; 


 Developing the potential of employees for maximizing mutual benefit to individuals and

 Creating a pool of readily available and up‐to‐date replacements for personnel who may
leave or move up in the organization.
1. Policy.   The basic policy in administering and implementing any type of training
or development activity is in accordance with the strategic business objectives of
_________. The Human Resources Department will work closely with Heads of
Departments in assessing areas that need training and development support.

1. Types of Training/Development Activities.  

 Training/development activities can be employer or employee initiated. If initiated by

the employee it has to be forwarded by the Heads of Departments, recommended
Human Resources Department and approved by the Management.

 Employee initiated training/development activities may include external programs that

are organized by external training institutes in home or abroad or by _________.

 Employer‐initiated programs may take the form of offering sponsorship for employees
to attend external programs or organizing such programs in‐house.

 Depending on the nature of needs and operational requirements, training/development

programs may also be implemented as job induction, job rotation, on‐the‐job training,
counseling, individual or group projects, and secondment. 

8.4          Training Abroad.               


8.4.1 Policy.  To cope up with the technology advancement, orientation with newly inducted
machinery, to learn the developed production systems etc selected/nominated employees of
_________ may be sent abroad for training. The expenses incurred may be borne solely by _________ or
shared by the institution/organization conducting of offering the training. For such training abroad
following policies will be observed:

1. Selection/nomination shall lie with _________ Management.


1. A ‘Non-Disclosure and Service Agreement’ will be signed between the trainee and

_________ mentioning the obligation of the trainee and a minimum period of time that
the trainee has to serve in _________ on completion of the Training. (A specimen of the
agreement is placed at Annex U). 
8.4.2 Financial Entitlement.    Once the arrangement for training abroad is finalized, following
actions will be taken:

1. Arrangement for passport, visa, medical and other formalities.


1. Issuance of letter of ‘Financial Entitlement’ by HR Department to Accounts Department

mentioning the items of entitlement, amount in foreign currency/BDT, the date by which
the amount/fund to be made available, salary and other benefits during the training
period etc. 

Human Resources Policy Manual Section-9 (DISCIPLINARY




1. Disciplinary Action.

1. Scope.   The Company Disciplinary Procedure will be used only when necessary
and as a last resort. Where possible, informal and/or formal counseling or other
good management practices will be used to resolve matters prior to any
disciplinary action being taken. The procedure is intended to be positive rather
than punitive but takes cognizance of the fact that sanctions may have to be
applied in some circumstances. Unsatisfactory job performance, misconduct,
habitual lateness, absenteeism, failure to comply with _________'s policies and
procedures or any other breaches of employer/employee relationship may result
in disciplinary action. _________'s policy is that disciplinary action against
employees should:

 be undertaken only in cases where good reason and clear evidence exist;

 be appropriate to the nature of the offence;

 be demonstrably fair and consistent with previous action in similar

 take place only when employees are aware of the standards that are
expected of them or the rules with which they are required to conform;

 allow employees the right to be accompanied by a colleague of their own

 allow employees the right to answer charges against them; and

 allow employees the right to appeal against any disciplinary action.

1. Procedure for Formal Investigation.

1. Formal investigations should be carried out by the most
appropriate manager or an officer appointed by the Management
who is not directly involved with the incident being investigated.
The investigating officer may involve others to assist with the
investigation process. All the relevant facts should be gathered
promptly as soon as is practicable after the incident. Statements
should be taken from witnesses at the earliest opportunity. Any
physical evidence should be preserved and/or photographed if
reasonable to do so.

1. A report should be prepared which outlines the facts of the case
and one of the following recommendations: 


 Take no further action against the employee.
 Recommend counseling/warning for the employee
 Proceed to a disciplinary action with suspension or without

The report should be submitted to the authority ordered for the investigation who will decide
whether further action is required. Where appropriate, this report may be made available to the
individual and his representative.

1. Disciplinary Actions.     Depending upon the circumstances, employees may be
subject to the following reprimand or disciplinary actions:

9.3.1 Coaching or Counseling.    Counseling is an attempt to correct a situation and prevent it from

getting worse without having to use the disciplinary procedure. If an employee falls below  the
normal or acceptable requirements as specified in the Human Resources Manual, coaching and
counseling by his superior should take place as soon as practicable to prevent the situation from
deteriorating to a more serious one, or becoming a habit. The superior or the Head of Department
should, first of all, find out what causes such behaviors, and assist the employee to rectify the

Counseling normally should be done by the immediate superior or the departmental head. Where
improvement is required, the employee must be given clear guidelines as to:


 what is expected in terms of improving shortcomings in conduct
or performance.
 the time frame for improvement
 when this will be reviewed 
 the employee must also be told, where appropriate, that failure to
improve may result in formal disciplinary action. 

A record of the counseling should be given to the employees and a copy retained in their personnel
file. It is imperative that any counseling should be followed up and improvements recognized and

If during counseling it becomes clear that the matter is more serious, then the discussion should be
adjourned, and pursued under the formal disciplinary procedure.

9.3.2 Verbal Warning.   If no improvement is made by the employee after coaching and counseling,
a verbal warning must be given to him. The areas for improvement and the consequences of failure
to make improvement within a specified period of time should be clearly explained to the employee.
The warning should be recorded in a memo, acknowledged by the Head of Department and a copy
of which should be sent to the Human Resources Department for retention in the employee's
personal file. A verbal warning should be given to employee in the first instance of a minor offence.

9.3.3 Written Warning.     If there is no improvement after the verbal warning has been given, a
written warning must be given to the employee. He may be accompanied by a colleague of his own
choice when attending the meeting. The written warning should state the following:

‐     the nature of the offence with reference to _________’ policy, instruction or procedure which
prohibits it;

‐     any past warning or action taken for similar violations;

‐     the expectations or improvements required of the employee; and

‐ the future disciplinary action which will be taken against the employee if the offence is repeated
within a specified period of time.

Depending on the situation, the warning may be given by the Head of Department or his designated
officer together with a representative from the Human Resources Department, if required. The
warning letter must be explained clearly to the employee. He will be requested to acknowledge his
understanding of the warning letter should circumstances warrant. A copy of the written warning
should be sent to the Human Resources Department for retention in the employee's personal file.

Improvement by an employee after disciplinary action should be noted in the employee's personal
file. The Head of Department must constantly monitor the performance of the employee to ensure
that he maintains a satisfactory performance over a specified period.

A written warning should be given to the employee in the first instance of a more serious offence or
after repeated minor offences.  

9.3.4      Suspension.   

1. The purpose of suspension is manifold and can be used when it is
necessary to remove an employee from the workplace pending an
investigation/enquiry for example, to allow time for a 'cooling down
period' for both parties, for their own or others’ protection, to prevent
them influencing or being influenced by others or to prevent possible
interference with evidence. Only the Management has the authority to
suspend an individual. 

1. An employee charged for inefficiency or corruption or misconduct may
be suspended pending enquiry into the charge against him/her, but the
period of such suspension shall not exceed 60 days. If, however, the
period of suspension is necessary to be further extended the concerned
person shall receive full pay for the period exceeding 60 days till the
finalization of the case against him/her. 

1. During the period of suspicion, within the 60 days as aforesaid, the
concerned employee shall be paid a subsistence allowance equivalent to
half his/her salary including dearness allowance, if any. 

1. The order of suspension pending enquiry shall be in writing either
separately or incorporated in the charge sheet.

1. In an enquiry, if the charge sheeted person is found guilty of any of the
charges alleged and is punished, he/she shall not be entitled to pay for
any period of the suspension pending enquiry (up to the sixtieth day) but
shall be entitled to the subsistence allowance only.

9.4           Disciplinary Procedures for Misconduct.


9.4.1 Acts and Deeds Constituting Misconduct.    The following acts and deeds shall be treated as

1. Willful insubordination or disobedience, whether alone or in combination
with others, to any lawful or reasonable order of a superior.

1. Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with _________.

1. Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification.

1. Habitual absence without leaves or absence without information for
more than ten days. 

1. Habitual late attendance.

1. Habitual breach of any law or rule or regulation of _________.

1. Riotous or disorderly behavior or any act subversive of discipline.

1. Habitual negligence or neglect of work.

1. Frequent repetition of any act or omission for which a fine was imposed. 

1. Resorting to illegal strike or ‘go slow or inciting others to resort to illegal
strike or ‘go slow’

1. Falsifying, tampering with, damaging or causing loss of _________ and/or
related parties.

1. Habitual insobriety, addiction to drugs or alcohol or any act of moral

9.4.2 Steps in Dealing with Major Offences/Misconduct. An employee found guilty of

misconduct or violation of other rules shall go through the following disciplinary procedures: 

1. Step‐1.       If any allegation comes against any employee, s/he shall be
issued with a Show Cause letter.  

1. Step 2.  If the answer of the Show Cause is not satisfactory but the
accused employee deserves consideration, a warning letter may be
issued or suspended for a short period without pay (Suspension period
not exceeding seven days without salary as well as subsistence

1. Step ‐3.     If the accused employee is found doing the same mistake
again yet after warning or suspension, an enquiry committee will be
formed and a letter shall be issued to the Enquiry Officer(s) to be
presented on the enquiry session of the accused employee. 

1. Step‐4.  On recommendation of the enquiry committee s/he will be
discharged/ dismissed on the approval of the Management. 

(Samples of various disciplinary letters are shown at Annex V)


9.4.3 Procedure for Punishment.  An employee shall not be dismissed or discharged or otherwise

punished unless: 

1. The allegations against him/her are recorded in writing (framing of

1. He/she is given a copy of the charge sheet and given at least 3 days’ time
to explain the charge in writing. 

1. He/she is given a personal hearing by way of domestic enquiry.

1. The           Chairman/Managing       Director                of            Pretty  
Group   concurs                with       the recommendation of the Enquiry
Committee for punishment. 

1. A copy of the order inflicting such punishment is provided to the
punished employee. 
(If an employee refused to accept any notice, letter, charge‐sheet, order or any other document
addressed to him / her by the Appointing Authority, it shall be deemed that the same had been
delivered to him / her if a copy of the same has been exhibited on the Notice Board and another
copy has been sent to the address of the employee as available from the records of the office, by
registered post).

9.5 Acts and Omissions.  There are certain acts and omissions which though not of very serious
nature but calls for disciplinary action for corrective measures. Repetitions   of such acts and
omissions would amount to misconduct. Such acts and omission are: 

1. Carrying on any private business without the permission of the company.

1. Refusal to work on a different job.

1. Gambling within the Company’s premises or premises utilized by the

1. Sleeping while on duty.

1. Theft of any other employee’s property inside the Company’s premises.
1. Leaving the work spot without permission.

1. Instigation and or abetment of or attempt at any of the acts of

1. Non acceptance of an explanation letter and any other communication
from the company, and refusal to accept and/or admit any

1. Commission of any act subversive of discipline or good behavior,
drunkenness etc.

1. Supply and use of toxic material such as heroine, ganja etc. in the
Company premises.

1. Disregard or disobedience of rules or orders.
l.              Inefficient, dilatory, careless or wasteful working.

9.6 Penalties.     There may be two kinds of penalties which may be imposed under these Rules
namely, minor penalties and major penalties.

9.6.1      Minor Penalties. 


1. Censure / Warning.
1. Withholding of increment or promotion including stoppage at efficiency
bar for a specified period. 

1. Recovering from pay, the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to
_________ by negligence or breach of order. 

1. Suspension for a short period.

9.6.2      Major Penalties.


1. Demotion to a lower post.

1. Compulsory retirement.

1. Removal from service.

1. Dismissal from service.

9.7          Review and Appeal.


1. An employee on whom punishment or penalty has been imposed may
apply to the Chairman/Managing Director for review of the decision. 
1. Every employee preferring review/appeal shall do so separately and in
his/her own name. Such an appeal shall contain all material statements,
arguments etc. It shall contain no disrespectful or improper language and
shall be complete in all respect. 

1. Review/appeal shall be submitted through the Head of the Department
to which the appellant belongs or belonged.  

1. The authority may call for any paper connected with the appeal. 

1. An appeal shall be filed within two weeks from the date on which the
incumbent was informed of the punishment order. 
Human Resources Policy Manual Section-10 (HYGIENE AND SAFETY)



1. _________ is committed to achieving a high standard of occupational hygiene and safety.

It will adhere to the principle that occupational safety and health of employees should
be given the first and foremost consideration at work. 

1. Role of the Management.     The Head of Administration has overall
responsibility for the implementation of the Company's Health and Safety Policy.
In particular he is responsible for ensuring that the policy is widely
communicated and that its effectiveness is monitored.

1. The Admin Department will assign responsible persons to attend risk
assessment training, identify any actual and potential hazards and risks
to each individual and work towards a safe and hygienic work
environment for employees by reducing, eliminating and controlling
hazards at workplace.

1. The Admin Department will monitor and review the safety management
system and perform regular audit on safety and health performance.

1. The Admin Department will maintain a complete set of emergency
procedures and see to it that the procedures are being tested, drilled and
updated systematically as required by law.

1. The HR Department will, from time to time, organize safety and health
programs to equip employees with the knowledge and skills to perform
their duties in a safe manner.

1. Role of Employees.        

1. Employees should comply with the safety and health measures instituted
by _________ and cooperate in all safety‐related tests, drills and auditing.

1. Employees should be fully aware of their personal responsibilities
regarding occupational safety and health. They must be constantly alert
to potential risks and hazards related to their activities, and should avoid
improper behavior or operation that may lead to accidents or
occupational diseases or injury.

1. Smoke Free Work Place Policy.   _________ is committed to providing a healthy
workplace for its employees. In view of the harmful effects that are caused by
smoking as well as second hand smoke, it is considered necessary to have a
smoke‐free workplace policy in _________. _________'s smoke‐free workplace policy
is that:

1. Smoking is prohibited in the entire office premises covering enclosed
offices, open office areas, conference rooms, pantries, toilets and lift

1. Host employees should take the initiative to advise their guests and
visitors of _________'s smoke‐free policy, where appropriate.

1. Non‐Compliance to the policy may result in disciplinary action. 

1. Safety Officer.   The Safety Officer is a nominated manager responsible for
coordinating effective health and safety policies and controls across the
organization. The Safety Officer is responsible for:

 the production and maintenance of the Company's policy and ensuring
that Department Guidelines are consistent with policy;
 its application;

 monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the policy;

 the provision of general advice about the implication of the law;

 the identification of health and safety training needs. The safety officer
also acts on behalf of the Chief Executive under head of Admin as the
Company's formal link with the Health and Safety Executive, Environment
Health Departments and other external agencies;

 the production and maintenance of Health and Safety Codes of Practice
for each aspect of the services within the Company.

1. Detail Health and Safety Policy.  Details of health and safety management
system is covered in the _________ Admin Manual.  
Human Resources Policy Manual Section-11 (CODE OF CONDUCT‐



11.1 Purpose.   Professionalism, high ethical standards, integrity and honesty of employees are
crucial for _________ in pursuing and maintaining its business goals. The purpose of this Code is to set
down the employees' legal and ethical obligations while under the employment of _________ and
which they are required to comply. These are the core values employees must follow and nurture.
This Code also provides guidelines to assist employees in understanding and complying with such

11.2. Compliance.    Employees must comply with all the requirements set out in this Code in
addition to the terms and conditions of employment set out in their contracts of
employment/appointment letters. If any inconsistency exists, this Code shall prevail. Those who are
in breach of any provision of this Code may be subject to summary dismissal. Employees who have
any doubt about any provision specified in this Code should consult the Human Resources
Department. If they are facing difficulties in determining whether taking a certain action is
appropriate or not, they should consider the following questions:

 Is the action to be taken right?

 Can this be justified in the eyes of the stakeholders?
 Can we defend the action?
 Is this complying with the Group’s policy?
 Is the action legal under the existing law of the land?

11.3       Ethics at Work.     Employees must devote to their work with a high degree of dedication,
enthusiasm and professionalism. It is important that employees :

 Accomplish and discharge their duties and responsibilities prudently and diligently to
the best of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities in order to meet the time,
quality and productivity standards of work;

 Engage faithfully only in activities that are consistent with their official responsibilities
and authority and which do not damage the business interests of _________;
 Utilize time, supplies, equipment and office facilities with due caution solely for the
benefit of _________;

 Behave properly at all times with integrity and courtesy to upkeep the _________'s public
image as a respectable high performance organization; and

 Co‐operate with fellow employees and work as a team for the benefit of _________. 

1. Outside Employment.  As a full time employee of the Group, employees are not
allowed to undertake any part time or full time job after the office hours or
during the holidays (also see Section 2, Clause 2.20). They should not involve
themselves in any business activities, such as trading of shares, securities and
debentures etc. If an employee starts speculating in the share market, he/she
might be distracted from his/her own duties as the former might create stress
for him/her due to unpredictable nature of the business and this might lead to a
conflict between the personal interest of the employee and the interest of the

1. Behavior in Public. _________ expects its employees to behave with integrity and
act lawfully on or off duty, and at social or private occasions. Employees must be
careful when expressing views and opinions about the operations of _________.
They should refrain from commenting on individual cases and from disclosing or
discussing information which may be market sensitive.

1. Respects for Others.    An employee must acknowledge and respect the right of
other employees of the Group. An employee must treat fellow employees with
courtesy and respect. He/she must not behave in a manner that is likely to
offend or embarrass other employees of the Group or members of the public.
Wishing (directing salam) and standing up to show respect to a senior officer on
meeting him for the first time in a day is customary and must be practiced.
Respecting others will create a better work environment and foster fellow feeling
and harmony among the employees.

1. Maintenance of Secrecy.    No officer or employee of _________ shall divulge any
secret or confidential information which comes to his / her knowledge during the
course of discharge of his / her duties or in any other way relating to the policy,
measures, trade and business of the member / members of the _________ or of
_________ itself. 

1. Integrity of Records, Customer/Buyer Privacy and Employer
Information.    All the employees of _________ should maintain books, records
and transactions with integrity, accuracy and in a timely manner. In carrying out
the business, we must protect the integrity of information. We must maintain the
integrity of records of the customer/buyers in all circumstances and at all times. 
We are responsible to the customers/buyers for protection of the privacy of their

1. Misappropriation and Bribery.   No employee of the Group shall convert any
funds or property which are not rightfully theirs to their own use and benefit or
knowingly assist another person (whether employee or not) doing the same. We
should demonstrate the highest ethical standards and should not involve
ourselves in activities leading to misappropriation and avoid participating in
bribery to facilitate any activity.

 We must act with integrity and honesty and no way involve ourselves in
misappropriation of the Group’s properties.

 We should not impose our rights to any properties of the Group unless authorized to do

 We must not bribe any person or entity to get a job done or receive bribes in facilitating
any work.
1. Use of Corporate Name and Letterhead Pad.  An employee should not use
_________’S name, logo or corporate letterhead for any purpose other than in the
normal course of Group’s business. There’s no way in which one can use these
items for personal purposes. Improper use might bring the Group’s name to
disrepute and bind the Group in legal problems.

1. Use of Service Facilities.     An employee must ensure that service facilities,
equipment, computer, telephone, vehicles etc. are used effectively and
economically in the course of performing his/her duties. An employee must not
use service facilities, equipment or vehicles for private purposes except where
such use is authorized by the Management.
1. Borrowings. An employee shall not borrow money from any customer, buyer,
colleagues and money‐ lender or from any person who might have business
relation with the Group.  Habitual borrowing of  money means that the borrower
is not maintaining his livelihood as per his/her earning and that might lead
him/her to compromise the Group’s ethics and standard in dealing with that
person from whom the money is borrowed. If an employee sees that someone is
borrowing money, he must bring it to the notice of his superior and HR

1. Acceptance of Gift.    An employee is not encouraged to accept a gift, benefit,
hospitalities, invitation to meals or offers for travel and lodging from the
customers/buyers or persons intend to have business dealing with the
Group. After receiving gifts, the clients may ask for special favors which might go
against the interests of the Group. Gift must not be accepted when there is a
possibility that the employee receiving the gift might be or might appear to be
compromised in the process. However, gifts may be accepted when:  

 Refusal to accept the gifts, benefits, entertainment etc may offend the customer/ buyer/
business associates.
 The gift is not costly in terms of price/cost like souvenirs, calendar, diary, notebook, pen
holder etc.

 If the cost of the gift is more than Tk 1,000/‐ (one thousand), the matter to be informed
to the HR Department for further disposal.

 No gift is acceptable in the form of cash.


1. Bar on Use of Political or Other Influence.  An employee of _________ shall not
directly or indirectly participate in any political activities and shall not take part in
any sort of political discussion or activities during their employment with the
Group. They will not write or distribute any political leaflets. Use of any outside
influence, political or otherwise, by an employee for furthering his/her personal
interest shall be considered as an act of indiscipline.

1. Bar on Certain Writings and Speeches.    Extra‐curricular contributions outside
duty hours are not discouraged but employees are required to exercise
judgment and restrain in cases where writing of books, articles, letters or making
speeches or joining any  organization are prejudicial to the overall interest of

1. Bar to Join any Organization.     Employees are encouraged to take active
interest in trade bodies and institutions pertaining to the core business of
_________.  However, prior approval of the management will be necessary, if any
employee desires to contest any election to the Committee of a trade
organization/institution/club or if he/she wishes to participate or join in any
seminar, training courses, conferences or delegations. 

1. Contacts with Press and Media.    Contacts with press and media, if required,
should be centralized through the authorized spokesman of _________.
Employees should avoid making personal comments to or answering queries
about _________ from members of the press and media. They should refer all
media enquiries to the Managing Director or the authorized spokesman.

16.18 Alcoholism.   An employee must not consume alcoholic drinks during office hour. It is also
expected that our employees will refrain from damaging the Group’s image /reputation when they
engage themselves in social activities which promote alcoholism. The life of an alcoholic person is
always under threat. Alcoholism can spell disaster for anyone.

 One should not try alcoholic products, even if it’s for fun.

 Anyone having this habit should give it up.


 One should not attend parties where offer alcoholic beverages are served. Under
circumstances where attending such parties is must, one should refuse or avoid intake
of alcoholic beverages.
1. Drug Addition.   An employee must not contemplate experimenting with drugs.
Drug addiction can have adverse consequences in an employee’s personal and
professional life. Any evidence of drugs abuse on the employee’s part will result
in prosecution.  

1. Speak up.    All employees are encouraged to speak out to raise concerns with
confidence about any instances of malpractice and misconduct. They should
speak up or raise the issue in front of the appropriate authority, if they suspect
an actual, planned or potential behavior that is illegal or unethical and is going to
breach the laws and regulations of the Group. One should not remain tight‐
lipped when he/she notices someone is engaged in the wrong activities or is
involved in unethical practices:

1. Attire.     Employees should dress in an appropriate and presentable way while
discharging duties inside or outside the _________'s premises. Except for those
who are required to wear uniforms, employees should wear business casual
attire to work. However, full business attire i.e. business suits, shirts and ties for
male employees and Salwar‐kameez/Sari for female employees is required when
interacting with external parties or attending formal meetings or events.
Following is the business casual attire guideline which is subject to review from
time to time:

1. For Male Employees. Short or long sleeved shirts with collar, full length
trousers and shoes with socks.

1. For female employees.     Salwar with half/full sleeved kameez or Sari. 

1. Casual Wear.    The wearing of casual wear such as jeans, T‐shirts, and
sports shoes etc. is not permissible except on Saturdays and
holidays if employees are required to report for duty or in special
circumstances as approved by their Heads of Division/Department. At all
times, tank tops, low cut shirts, mini shirts, hot pants, slippers, and other
inappropriate items must not be worn in the workplace. Heads of
Division/Department should ensure that their subordinates are dressed
in an appropriate manner when discharging duties. This would help
create a positive and professional image for _________.


11.22     What is Expected.      Every employee shall:          


‐     Maintain proper decorum in office at all times.

‐     Conform to and abide by the rules and regulations of _________.

‐ Observe, comply with and obey all lawful orders and directions which may from time to time, be
given by the person or persons under whose jurisdiction, superintendence or control, he / she may
be placed.

‐     Serve _________ honestly and faithfully with integrity and sincerity.

‐      Be properly and neatly dressed while he/she is on duty.

‐ Hand over all papers, property, equipment etc. belonging to _________ and acquired by him in
connection with his employment or service in the Group Before leaving his/her job.

‐     Avoid Talking very loudly so as to cause disturbance for others.

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