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Warm-Up Exercises Description

a. Neck Stretch
• Bend your head forward and move to the right slightly.
• With your right hand, gently pull your head downward to stretch your
• Hold for about 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite side

b. Shoulder Rolls
• Stand in upright position.
• Roll shoulders in circular motion forward to backward.

c. Side Arm Stretch

• Stand in upright position. Extend the right arm to the left.
• Use the left arm/hand to gently push the right arm towards the body to
straighten and stretch it.
• Hold the stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on left arm.

d. Triceps Stretch
• Extend one hand down the center of your back, fingers pointing
• Use the other hand to grasp the elbow and stretch your triceps muscle.
• • Hold the stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on the opposite arm.

e. Hamstring Stretch
• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, one foot extended half a step
• Keeping the front leg straight, bend your rear leg, resting both hands on
the bent thigh.
• Stretch the hamstring muscles. Hold the stretch for 16 counts. Repeat on

f. Quadriceps Stretch
• Stand near a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment for support.
• Grasp your ankle and gently pull your heel up and back until you feel a
stretch in front of your thigh.
• Hold for about 16 counts.
• Switch legs and repeat.

g. Outer Thigh Stretch

• Sit on the floor. Extend your legs in front of your body.
• Bend right knee, cross right foot over left knee and place on the floor.
• Place left elbow on right knee.
• Keep abdominal muscles tight and back straight. Keep shoulders back
and chin up.
• Place right arm behind your right hip on floor for support.
• Gently twist waist and shoulders to the right, looking behind the right
• Feel the stretch in the right outer thigh.
• Inhale (breathe in) through your nose, and exhale (breathe out) through
your mouth, as you complete this stretch.
• Hold this stretch for 16 counts.
• Repeat on the opposite side to stretch your left outer thigh
h. Inner Thigh Stretch
• Stand upright, with both feet facing forward, double shoulder-width
• Place your hands on your hips, in order to keep your back straight,
Strength Training Workouts Description
a. Crunches

This exercise is performed to build strong abdominal muscles.

This can also help to improve balance if done on a regular basis.

How To Do Crunches | The Right Way | Well+Good

b. Bench Pass

This exercise helps in improving muscular strength an d endurance

as well as bone mass. It is said to be effective in building bone
density of the upper body.

HOW TO BENCH PRESS WITH GOOD FORM - Fix Mistakes with this
Tutorial - YouTube
c. Lateral Raise

This type of workout enhances your shoulders, waist, and hips.

Moreover, lateral raise shapes the muscles that support and
stabilize the shoulder.

Bowflex® How-To | Shoulder Side Raises for Beginners - YouTube

d. Bicep Curls

This workout helps in toning arms, developing stronger bones,

increasing stamina, reducing among others.

How To Do A Bicep Curl | The Right Way | Well+Good - YouTube
e. Back Extensions

Doing this exercise helps and improves posture, thus preventing

acquisition of back injuries and increases coordination of
movement through the lower back.

Back Extension Exercises - YouTube
f. Squats

This exercise can be done anytime in any safe place. Some of its
benefits are being able to do activities easily, maintaining balance,
toning the abs, helping in waste removal among others.

Bowflex® How-To | Squats for Beginners - YouTube
YOGA Poses Description

1. Downward Facing Dog Position – Adho (Mukha) Svanasana

 Stand with your feet hip distance apart on a yoga mat with your arms at your sides
 Keep your back straight, hinge forward at the waist and plant your palms flat on the
floor, fingers pointing forward and spread apart. If necessary, bend your knees.
 Press your chest toward your knees, keep your eyes focused on your toes and press
your heels toward the floor.

2. Mountain Pose Tadasana

 Stand on the yoga mat with your feet together.

 Gently rock back and forth on the balls of your feet and your heels to spread your
weight evenly across the base of your feet.
 Bend your knees slightly and then straighten them again to help loosen your joints.
 Curl your pelvic bone up slightly so that your tailbone continues the straight line of your
spine. Your goal is to align your hips so that you’re not putting any extra pressure on
your back or your knees.
 Extend your spine upward by lifting the chest away from the stomach. Lengthen the
back of your neck and press down into the floor with your feet and rest in this neutral
position. Raise your arms to the ceiling and gaze forward.
3. Warrior Pose I -

 Step your left foot toward the back of your mat to come into warrior pose.
 Bring the left heel to the floor and turn the left toes out to about a 45-degree angle.
Begin to bend the right knee over the right ankle.
 Inhale while bringing your arms up over your head. The arm position can vary
according to the mobility in your shoulders.
 The classic position is with the palms touching overhead. However, you may choose to
keep the palms separated at shoulder’s distance apart or even bend at the elbows and
open your arms like a cactus.
4. Warrior Pose II Virabhadrasana

 Step or lightly jump with your feet 3-1/2 to 4 feet apart. Turn your left foot out by 90
degrees, the heel should be opposite your right arch. Raise your arms out to the sides,
parallel to the floor, shoulders down palms facing the ground.
 Exhale and bend your left knee over the left ankle, so that the shin is perpendicular to
the floor.
 Stretch the arms with the shoulder blades parallel to the floor. Keep the sides of the
torso and the shoulders directly over the pelvis. Press the tailbone slightly toward the
pubis. Turn the head to the left and look over your fingers.
 Maintain the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Inhale as you come up. Repeat using
the right foot.
5. Extended Side Angle

 From the downward facing dog position, bring your right foot to the front of your mat,
placing it on the inside side of your right hand.
 Anchor your left heel down to the floor. Angle your heel toward the center of your
 Bend your right knee so that your calf and thigh form a right angle with your thigh
parallel to the floor.
 Bring your gaze up towards your right hand. To keep the body in balance, repeat with
your left foot
6. Triangle Pose Utthita Trikona-sana

 Stand 3-1/2 to 4 feet apart. Hips are facing to the front. Stretch your body upward,
then bending downward from the waist to the front of your hips.
 Turn your right leg, including your thigh, knee and foot out by 90 degrees and left
foot by 15 degrees.
 Raise your arms to shoulder level with your palms facing down towards the floor.
 Place your right hand on your right shin, as far down as you can reach comfortably.
 Raise your left arm towards the ceiling, with your palm facing forward. Gaze at your
outstretched hand.
 As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides and straighten your feet.
Repeat on the other side.
7. Cat-Cow Stretch

 Begin with your hands and knees on the floor, palms facing downward, with shoulders
directly over the wrists, and hips directly over the knees.
 Curl your toes under to stretch your foot arches. Inhale and slowly arch your back
(Cow), lifting the chest up and away from the abdomen and extending your tailbone
toward the ceiling.
 Release your feet to neutral so the tops are resting on the floor. On the exhale, round
the lower back (Cat), gently contracting the abdomen. Repeat six times and increase
your range of motion with each repetition.
8. Staff Pose Adho (Mukha) Svanasana

 Sit with your legs straight out in front of you on the floor. The feet are hips-width
 Activate the leg muscles by pressing out through the ball of the foot with the inner and
outer heel. Drop the shoulder blades down the back.
 Inhale and lengthen the spine all the way up the crown of the head.
 Tuck your chin in slightly. Stretch the abdominal muscles away from the lift of the
chest. Bring the gaze directly in front of you and breathe normally.
9. Tree Pose Vraksasana

10. Cobra Bhujangasana

11. Bridge Pose Setu Bandha Servangasana

12. Seated Twist I Ardha MAtsyen-drasana

13. Pigeon Pose Kapotasana

14. Child’s Pose Balasana

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