Current Issue in Law Enforcement

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Inspector Farid has been faced a fear of crime because he are recently been a victim of

a violent crime and the source of fear that has been faced hy him are internal because
it taking consideration his personal trauma but he as law enforcement need to react
lawfully and also must be professional. Thus, its illegal to search a vehicle without a
warrant or any permission from the person. Moreover, to assess the situation based on
Malaysia legal standards are even the places is a high crime there also have a human
rights to be considered and Inspector Farid cannot over policing which mean focus on
a high crime only and also there is no evidence of wrongdoing and so based on this
cases. Inspector Farid need to think rationally before act eventhough he have a
personal trauma before this. 

Officer Aziz are doing a search and seizure but the legitimacy was be questioned,
unless the group of teenagers that loitering are doing a crime infront of the officer, as
for me searches must be done with warrant or agreement but if officer Aziz make a
search because of suspicious of the gang is can be accepted. Thus, the right of human
also must be pointed because for a law enforcement they must protected public and
also must follow the law when doing the searches. 

In Malaysia we have a rights to inform why we are being arrested. In this case Mr.
Lee as a human rights lawyer has been detained several times but didnt been
explained that why he has been detained. Following Malaysia Criminal Procedure
Code CPC section 28A that all individual has rights to be inform why they are being
arrested or detained. Furthermore, law enforcement are use  a intimidate tool to
prevent him from taking a legal action against the government authorities are wrong
and we need to investigate and know a potential causes first. 

Mrs. Lim always receive a threat among the law enforcement because she always
exposed a documenting about corruption and as a documentor she are doing a right
thing because in Malaysia corruption is illegal , she be detained by the local
authorities and only be released without charges and this is may be seen as to
intimidate her for not even exposed a documenting about corruption because
nowadays corruption cases in Malaysia getting so high. 

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