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Alice and the White Rabbit 3


Suggested Teaching Plan

Session Section Source Activity Duration

Teacher Manual Fantasy Story

1 Get Set 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

Teacher Manual Reading is Fun

2 Reading Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Reading the Story

3 Get Going TeachNext/Coursebook Discuss the answers 35 min

Teacher Manual Tricks and Trickster

Listening and Speaking
4 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

Teacher Manual Tell the Time

5 Vocabulary Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercises

Teacher Manual Consonant Variants

6 Phonics Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

Teacher Manual Conjunctions

7 Grammar Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercises

Teacher Manual Guess Who?

8 Writing Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

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Session 1: Fantasy Story

Skill/Concept: Pre-reading

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to recollect and discuss fictional characters.
Standard(s): To be able to discuss fantasy stories


Warm-up: 5 min
• Ask learners
○○ Name some stories that you have read.
○○ What kind of characters do you find in fantasy stories?
Activity: 25 min
• Share a funny or interesting story that you have read.
• Discuss the differences between a real story and a fantasy story.
• Ask learners to look at the Get Set junction given in the coursebook and complete the same.
Closure: 5 min
• Discuss the Get Set junction.

Sessions 2 and 3: Reading Is Fun

Skill/Concept: Reading

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to

• read a story.
• read between the lines and extract information from a story.
• relate to a story at a personal level.
Standard(s): To be able to read and answer questions based on comprehension


Warm-up: 5 min
• Ask learners:
○○ Do you know who Alice is?
○○ Have you read the book Alice in Wonderland?
○○ Tell them briefly about Alice in Wonderland and Lewis Carroll.
Activity: 60 min
• Tell learners in brief what the story is about.
• Assign the roles of the rabbit and the narrator to two learners and conduct a play. (Choose two learners
with loud and expressive voices.)
• Discuss the glossed words.
• Discuss the comprehension questions.
• Discuss the Get Going junction given in the coursebook.
• Ask learners to complete the Get Going junction.

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Closure: 5 min
• Ask learners what they liked about the story.

Session 4: Tricks and Trickster

Skill/Concept: Listening and Speaking

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to

• listen and understand the narrative.
• think about imaginary tricks.
Standard(s): To be able to discuss different tricks


Warm-up: 5 min
• Ask learners if they have ever seen a magic show.
• Ask them which magic trick they liked the most and why.
Activity: 25 min
• Read the narrative from the Listening Text given below.
• Ask learners what they thought about the narrative.
• Encourage them to share their thoughts about the trick they would like to play with their friends if they
were a wizard.
Closure: 5 min
• Ask each learner to appreciate what their partner shared with them.
Listening Text

I am the mighty Fittleworth. Spells I make will turn the earth around. I can even make the moon jump up and
down or turn a donkey into a clown. My best trick is when I make stars appear at noon. Buddy to every fairy,
I am Balthazar, an oldie. A wave of my wand will give you wings. I can turn water into stone and make a frog
sing. But my best trick of all is when I make things disappear with a zigzag movement of my wand. Isambard,
the impish magician I am, I make bunnies fly in the sky and trick bears to share their honey. But when I cast a
spell and make pies grow on trees, I am on my best magic spree.

Session 5: Tell the Time

Skill/Concept: Vocabulary

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to use time phrases to tell the time.
Standard(s): To be able to tell time using appropriate vocabulary


Warm-up: 10 min
• Show a clock to learners and ask them to tell the time (by looking at the hour hand only).
• Move the minute hand to 3/6/9 position and ask learners to tell the time.

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• Now, move the minute hand to 1/2/4/5/7/8/10/11 and ask them to tell the time.
• Accept all the correct responses and tell them that today they will learn about time phrases that will help
them tell the time.
Activity: 20 min
• Talk about your schedule on a weekday. Remember to include the terms:
○○ quarter to
○○ half past
○○ quarter past
○○ five/ten minutes to
○○ five/ten minutes past
• Ask learners to read the explanation and example given in Vocabulary Junction in the coursebook.
○○ Discuss the exercise given in Vocabulary Junction.
○○ Ask learners to complete the exercise given in Vocabulary Junction.
Closure: 5 min
• Revise the concept.
Note: You can carry out the vocabulary game to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.
Vocabulary Game
• Divide the class into four teams.
• Keep a cardboard clock.
• Play the game ‘Tell the Time’. Show a particular time on the cardboard clock.
• The teams will take turns to tell the time.
• For every correct answer, the answering team gets five points.
• Complete a few rounds and calculate the score to declare the winner.

Session 6: Consonant Variants

Skill/Concept: Phonics

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to

• identify the consonant variants ‘f’ and ‘j’.
• pronounce the consonant variants ‘f’ and ‘j’ correctly.
Standard(s): To be able to read words with the the consonant variants, ‘f’ and ‘j’


Warm-up: 5 min
• Write the words funny, alphabet, and cough on the board and underline f, ph and gh in them.
• Ask learners to pronounce the words.
• Give an opportunity to a different learner each time.
• Write the words jumped, rage, dodging on the board and underline j, g and dg in them.
Activity: 25 min
• Familiarise yourself with the pronunciation of the words provided in Phonics Junction exercise.
• Enunciate each word and ask learners to listen carefully.
• Pause after each word and ask them to repeat the words with you.
• After they have pronounced the words as a group, explain to learners that in some words, ‘ph’ and ‘gh’
make the same sound as ‘f’. Also, tell them that in some words ‘g’ and ‘dg’ make the same sound as ‘j’.

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• Read out the words once again and ensure that every learner gets a chance to pronounce the words.
• Help any learner who is unable to pronounce the words properly.
• Ask learners to complete the exercise given in Phonics Junction in the coursebook.
Closure: 5 min
• Discuss the answers of the exercise.

Session 7: Conjunctions

Skill/Concept: Grammar

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to

• identify conjunctions as words that join two words or sentences.
• recall previously learnt conjunctions.
• frame sentences using conjunctions.
Standard(s): To be able to construct sentences using conjunctions


Warm-up: 5 min
• Ask learners what conjunctions are.
• Ask them to list a few conjunctions that they learnt in the previous grades and use them in sentences.
Activity: 25 min
• Compile the conjunctions listed by learners on the board.
• Revise the concept of conjunctions and their usage.
• Introduce the conjunctions, after, before, when and while, and explain their usage with examples.
• Write these new conjunctions on the board.
• Ask learners to read the explanation and examples given in Grammar Junction in the coursebook.
• Discuss the explanation and examples given.
• Ask them to give some examples.
• Discuss the exercises given in Grammar Junction.
• Ask learners to complete the exercises given in Grammar Junction.
Closure: 5 min
• Revise the concept of conjunctions.
Note: You can carry out the grammar game to reinforce the concept. This is an optional activity.
Grammar Game
• Organise learners into groups of ten.
• Tell them that they will play a game with conjunctions.
• Show them a ball of wool and tell them that they will make a story web. They will use the conjunctions on
the board.
• Inform learners that:
○○ You will begin the story and then, throw the ball of wool to a learner, still holding onto the free end of
the wool.
○○ The learner will catch the ball of wool and continue with the story.
○○ Then, you will ask the first learner to throw the ball of wool to the next learner, while holding on to the
free end of the wool.

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○○ The next learner will continue the story from where the first learner left.
○○ This will continue till everyone has had a chance to take part in the storytelling.
○○ The last learner will throw the ball back to you and you will finish the story.
○○ By the end of it, a big story will be spun.
• You can begin the story like:
○○ One day, I woke up in the morning...
• Then, ask any learner to continue. Tell learners that they have to use conjunctions wherever possible.
• During the activity, guide them in the usage of conjunctions wherever required.

Session 8: Guess Who?

Skill/Concept: Writing

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to describe a person using a word web.
Standard(s): To be able to use describing words to describe a person


Warm-up: 10 min
• Enlarge and take a printout of the word web and paste it on a chart paper.
• Ask learners to look at all the words given in the word web.
• Ask questions to make sure that they are familiar with the meanings of all the words.
• Explain a word web, how it looks and how it is used.
Activity: 20 min
• Draw a word web on the board and ask a learner to come up and write the name of his/her friend in the
centre circle.
• Now, ask the learner to describe the friend. As the learner keeps describing, you put the keywords into
the remaining circles and complete the word web.
• Appreciate the learner’s effort and then, instruct learners that they will be working in pairs.
• Ask learners to read the example given in Writing Junction in the coursebook.
• Now, draw their attention back to the word web chart and ask them to use words from the word web and
describe each other.
• Move around the class and help them use complete sentences.
• Tell them to use linkers such as ‘while’, ‘whereas’ and ‘but’ to show comparison.
• Now, use the word web to complete the exercise given in Writing Junction in the coursebook.
Closure: 5 min
• Discuss the word web created by learners.

Answer Key

Get Going
A. 1. The rabbit was wearing a brown coat that had letters of the English alphabet on it. It was also wearing a
yellow waistcoat with a blue neck-tie. There was a red pocket-handkerchief peeping out of its coat pocket.
It was very nicely dressed.

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2. It was going to visit the duchess.
3. The duchess would get people arrested when she was angry with them.
4. Alice ran after the rabbit because she wanted to see what would happen to it.
5. Alice did not get hurt after falling into the rabbit hole because it does not hurt a bit to fall in a dream.

B. 1. ‘They’ are the duchess’s men. They did not put people into prison when the duchess ordered them to,
when she got angry with people.
2. The rabbit did not notice Alice because it was checking its watch and was in a hurry to visit the duchess.

Listening and Speaking Junction

1. B   2. F   3. B   4. I   5. I   6. F   7. F   8. 
B   9. I   10. F

Vocabulary Junction

1. (a) It’s quarter to ten.

(b) It’s half past ten.

(c) It’s ten past ten.

(d) It’s quarter past six.

(e) It’s twenty-five to four.

2. ten past ten, two o’clock, quarter past seven, five to eight

Phonics Junction
Words with f sound: wolf, graph, telephone, laugh
Words with j sound: edge, danger, object, magic

Grammar Junction
1. (a) I watched TV after I finished my homework.
(b) You must always wash your hands before having food.
(c) Govind saw an injured puppy while he was walking in the park.
(d) After you finish drinking the milk, you can eat the pizza.
(e) When I grow up, I would like to be a pilot.
2. before, when, while, and, after

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