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What is analysis?
Analysing means carefully examining information in order to
understand, interpret and explain it. This can involve identifying
assumptions, gaps and connections between such things as data,
reasoning or evidence. A thorough analysis prepares you well for a
final evaluation, where you form judgements and draw conclusions.

In the identifying stage, you will have asked critical questions to

determine what kind of information you are working with, who
produced the information, and for whom. Analysing involves
thinking very carefully about this information and the claims being

This involves looking beyond the surface of what is said and

examining assumptions and reasoning behind a perspective.

Asking questions

The building blocks of analysis are questions. Questioning

scrutinises your sources of information and the arguments being
presented. For example:

• Why did the author write this text? (or: Why was this data

produced?) Is there any evidence of bias?
• Why did the author make particular assumptions and not
• Why was certain evidence presented?
• How does (or doesn’t) the evidence provided support the
conclusions reached?
• Who would benefit from this proposal or argument, and is
there evidence of a conflict of interest?
• What information has been omitted from this source,
and why?

When asking critical questions, you demonstrate you can think

carefully about the evidence that supports your arguments and the
arguments of others. Each point of analysis communicates your
thinking towards a final evaluation, judgement or conclusion.

What do I analyse?
In your assignments, you can apply questions to arguments, to
research methodologies, and to evidence.

Analysing Arguments

Ask analytical questions for a deep understanding of the reasoning

that constitutes an argument, for example:

• Does the argument contain assumptions? What are they?

• Is the reasoning balanced? Are different perspectives taken
into account?
• What is the background to this issue? Are there any implicit
• Is the argument logical?
• Are the claims adequately supported by evidence?
• What is not said or omitted that should be considered?
Analysing Methodologies

Academic work will use a research methodology relevant to the field

or discipline. When analysing, think about what this methodology is
and how it influences the findings:

• Why was this methodology chosen? Were there are

alternatives? Was this the best choice?
• How has the research methodology been designed?
• What are the benefits or shortcomings of this research
• Have assumptions influenced the methodology?
• How might this methodology favour certain types of data,
social groups or conclusions?

Analysing Evidence

All scholarly claims are supported by evidence, hence the term

evidence based. Nonetheless, types of evidence can vary widely
depending on the academic discipline.

• How is this evidence shaped by the context in which it was

• What tools or concepts must be applied to properly understand
this evidence? Are these accepted within the discipline?
• Is the evidence form the best type of evidence available?
• Has the evidence been gathered properly?
• Has data been cleaned with notes available?
• Is bias evident in survey questions or methods by which the
evidence has been collected?
• Does the evidence really support the claims being made?
How do I analyse?

Analysis is an essential tool across academic tasks. However,

analysis can mean different things depending on discipline and
context – and can be applied to a diverse range of evidence,
information and data.

Typically, the purpose and scope of analysis will be defined by your

task description or research question. Whatever the context, ask
questions that help you understand information more deeply and

How do I communicate my analysis?

When a task requires you to ‘critically analyse’ information, you are
expected to do more than simply describe or summarise it. Analysis
of information requires description plus critical interpretation.

In practice, this means communicating your questions about

arguments, methodologies or evidence. The writing process is your
opportunity to demonstrate how rigorously you have considered the
issue by looking beyond the surface layer of information by asking
insightful questions.
Consider the information presented in these examples.

What questions could you ask to more deeply understand the

argument being presented, the research methodology used, and the
supporting evidence or data?
Issue 1.

Issue 2.

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