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Lorely Angel F.


11:00 am-12:00 pm

TASK 1: Enumerate provisions of state/customary laws that contradict from

each other. On the last column of the table, judge and explain your answer
on what law shall prevail over the other.

State Laws Customary/State laws in Judgement

favor to the rights of
indigenous people
The Indigenous Peoples’ Indigenous Cultural The Indigenous People’s
Rights Act (IPRA), or Communities/Indigenous Right Act because all of the
Republic Act 8371 Peoples (ICCs/IPs) rights of the Indigenous
people are here in this law.

TASK 2: Enumerate three indigenous peoples’ rights under IPRA law. For
each chosen right, create and discuss a real-life situation where such right
is practiced.

Right of Ancestral Domain

I have seen this kind of rights in some provinces that I have been where when they have
sources of foods from the natural resources; they share the blessing especially, those non-
workers because they believe that their needs are from their gods or spirit of their ancestors,
therefore they did not let someone ruin their lands. This right means for Indigenous people to
fight their rights ancestral domain against to abusive people who want to claim and destroy it

Equal Protection and Non- discrimination of ICCs/IPS

I watched a documentary about the Indigenous People where involve in NPA, the
leaders of the NPA said and persuade them that when they join in this group; they have reward
such as education, money, and land where only to find out that it is not true. As a civilized
citizen this right are occur in us particularly in the Indigenous People needs of protection from
this evil people that take advantage their innocence. The non- discrimination occur too,
particular to Indigenous people and the most discriminated IP are Aetas because of their
physical appearance but, somehow some civilize people understand and praise them because
of their braveness and affirm.

Freedom from Discrimination and Right to Equal Opportunity

Everyone has a right to enjoy life and free from the discrimination even the Indigenous
People have a freedom to do so, Indigenous People wants to preserve their culture and
traditional because nowadays is gradually faded; this man I have been watching on Facebook
videos where he graduates on UP where he marching on the stage wearing his traditional cloth
without hesitation and shame, he proud of being him. In the other words, everyone has rights
equally to enjoy life, opportunity, step on schools, and wear what we want.

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