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American Politics Today Full 4th

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American Politics Today Full 4th Edition Bianco Test Bank

Chapter 2: The Constitution and the Founding


1. Members of the Tea Party tend to believe that the federal government has overreached its
constitutional authority.

ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

2. The Constitution accomplishes the following tasks: it sets up our basic rules of governance, limits
government actions against citizens, and provides for specific individual rights.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

3. The Constitution places more limits on government power than the Articles of Confederation.

ANS: F DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Understanding

4. The framers believed that protecting natural rights of citizens would be accomplished through a
government that relied on the “consent of the governed.”

ANS: T DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Applying

5. America’s relative economic equality compared to Europe influenced the context of debates at the
Constitutional Convention.

ANS: T DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Understanding

6. Antifederalists favored a stronger national government while Federalists favored stronger state

ANS: F DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Understanding

7. The framers of the Constitution believed both in the need for a stronger central government and in the
need to limit the national government through the separation of powers.

ANS: T DIF: Easy

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

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8. The Great Compromise said that slaves would count as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of
representation and taxation.

ANS: F DIF: Moderate

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

9. A separation of powers system creates different branches of government with completely independent
realms of power.

ANS: F DIF: Moderate

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

10. According to James Madison, factions must be set against each other to control majority tyranny.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

11. The Great Compromise guaranteed that large states would hold more power in the constitutional
balance by having membership in both houses of Congress based on population.

ANS: F DIF: Moderate

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

12. Attendees at the Constitutional Convention chose the electoral college as a means of selecting a
president because it helped tie the executive branch to the legislative branch.

ANS: F DIF: Easy

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

13. The Antifederalists pushed for the inclusion of the national supremacy clause.

ANS: F DIF: Difficult

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

14. The reason the Constitution did not outlaw slavery was because the framers did not object to the

ANS: F DIF: Easy

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding
15. Northern states feared that southern states would gain more political prominence in the House of
Representatives if slaves were counted as full citizens.

ANS: T DIF: Moderate

REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

16. The Bill of Rights is a list of limits on the control that the federal government has over state

ANS: F DIF: Moderate REF: Ratification

OBJ: Contrast the arguments of the Federalists with those of the Antifederalists.
MSC: Understanding

17. Among the president’s powers are the power to pass the federal budget, the ability to recognize
representatives from other countries, and the responsibility for executing the law.

ANS: F DIF: Moderate

REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

18. The Supreme Court gained the power of judicial review after the decision in Marbury v. Madison.

ANS: T DIF: Difficult

REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

19. The enumerated powers are the specific list of powers granted to Congress in Article I of the

ANS: T DIF: Easy REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?

OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Remembering


1. Which of the following is the main argument behind the Tea Party movement?
a. The Federal Reserve should have expanded powers to regulate the economy.
b. The expansion of the federal government has grown beyond what the founding fathers
c. Presidents have been granted too much power by the Constitution.
d. The Supreme Court should be more proactive in striking down unconstitutional
e. Taxes should only be used to help the neediest in society.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Understanding

2. What are the three branches of the federal government?

a. executive, judicial, and legislative d. executive, federal, and judicial
b. electoral, judicial, and legislative e. electoral, executive, and judicial
c. electoral, federal, and legislative
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

3. Which of the following was NOT a part of the lead-up to the Revolutionary War?
a. Stamp Act d. Boston Tea Party
b. Tea Act e. Shays’s Rebellion
c. Coercive Acts
ANS: E DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

4. Which of the following best describes the context in which the Constitution was created?
a. quarrels among the states and the growing perception of the collapse of the rule of law
b. relative peace and tranquility
c. mild dissatisfaction with the Declaration of Independence
d. clear goals held by every American after the Revolutionary War
e. broad agreement among the states about forming a national government
ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Understanding

5. Those colonists who remained supportive of the British monarchy during the Revolutionary War were
a. Tories. d. Whigs.
b. Republicans. e. Democrats.
c. Monarchists.
ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

6. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?

a. The document did not adequately address demands for limited government.
b. Americans rebelled against any document that supported a monarchy.
c. The document accorded the legislative branch too much power.
d. The document placed too many limits on governmental power.
e. The states failed to ratify the document.
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Understanding

7. How did the Articles of Confederation limit government?

a. The Articles of Confederation included an executive and judicial branch but no legislative
b. The Articles of Confederation included a legislative and executive branch but no judicial
c. The Articles of Confederation did not create a federal level of government.
d. Federal power was given to the legislative branch, where each state had one vote.
e. Federal power was given to the judicial branch, where each state had one vote.
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Applying

8. Which key part of the government was formed under the Articles of Confederation?
a. direct election of members of Congress by the people
b. a federal court system
c. a weak national government
d. the electoral college
e. an executive branch led by the president
ANS: C DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

9. Which part of the national government was formed under the Articles of Confederation?
a. the power to regulate commerce between states
b. the power of the people to elect their representatives directly
c. an independent executive branch
d. special panels of judges to resolve disputes between states
e. a bicameral Congress
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

10. Who authored the influential pamphlet Common Sense in 1776?

a. Thomas Jefferson d. John Stuart Mill
b. John Locke e. Thomas Paine
c. Thomas Hobbes
ANS: E DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

11. Which of the following events exposed discontent with the new government and led to the Annapolis
a. Shays’s Rebellion d. the Declaration of Independence
b. the publication of Common Sense e. Washington’s election as president
c. the Revolutionary War
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

12. Who had executive power under the Articles of Confederation?

a. a president d. the court system
b. the legislature e. the army
c. a tribunal of executives
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering
13. Which influential thinker’s writings led many of the Constitution’s framers to reject monarchy as a
method of self-rule?
a. Jean-Jacques Rousseau d. Thomas Hobbes
b. Thomas Paine e. John Stuart Mill
c. Edmund Burke
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

14. Which three principles stated in the Declaration of Independence were generally agreed upon by the
Constitution’s framers?
a. natural rights, equality under the law, and divine right
b. equality under the law, self-rule, and natural rights
c. equality under the law, an end to all forms of taxation, and divine right
d. self-rule, an end to all forms of taxation, and natural rights
e. natural rights, the right to rebellion for transient causes, and popular democracy
ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

15. When the interests of the people are represented through their elected leaders, it is an example of what
kind of government?
a. monarchy d. oligarchy
b. tyranny e. authoritarian state
c. republic
ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Applying

16. Which of the following was NOT an idea discussed by John Locke?
a. natural rights
b. property rights
c. checks and balances
d. self-rule through elections
e. the need for rule by a strong monarch
ANS: E DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

17. A faction is a group of ________ that seek to control government power to ________.
a. minority interests; protect themselves from everyone else
b. majority interests; promote the public good
c. minority interests; promote the public good
d. minority or majority interests; pursue their own interests
e. minority or majority interests; promote the public good
ANS: D DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Understanding

18. The authors of the Federalist Papers included:

a. James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Jay.
b. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton.
c. Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and Thomas Jefferson.
d. Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.
e. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.
ANS: E DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

19. Which political thinker argued that in order to preserve liberty, one branch of government should be
able to check the excesses of the other branches?
a. John Stuart Mill d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
b. Thomas Hobbes e. Thomas Paine
c. Baron de Montesquieu
ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

20. The separation of powers in U.S. government refers to:

a. the division of governing authority between states and the national government.
b. the limits on the kind of authority government can exercise over individual citizens.
c. the division of governing authority among the presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme
d. the division of governing authority between the House of Representatives and the Senate.
e. the protections for citizens’ rights found in the Bill of Rights.
ANS: C DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

21. The most significant economic differences among the framers of the Constitution were:
a. based on wealth, with debates arising between the rich and the poor.
b. grounded in regional differences, with the South favoring free trade and the North
preferring tariffs on foreign goods to protect domestic industries.
c. based on labor differences, with debates arising between the interests of factory workers
and the interests of farmers.
d. between those with a college education who had studied economics and those who had
e. based on whether or not to create an income tax for citizens.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Remembering

22. The balanced perspective of the Constitution reflects all BUT:

a. the political ideas of the framers.
b. the ideas of both Federalists and Antifederalists.
c. northern and southern economic interests.
d. the economic interests of the framers.
e. the political ideas and economic interests of average citizens.
ANS: E DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution
OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Applying

23. What modern political philosophy is based in part on James Madison’s “size principle”?
a. Antifederalism d. republicanism
b. monarchy e. pluralism
c. democracy
ANS: E DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

24. The Federalists generally:

a. supported making both national and state governments much stronger than they were
under the Articles of Confederation.
b. supported increasing the authority of the national government.
c. were suspicious of a strong national government.
d. preferred a monarchy to a presidency.
e. wanted to eliminate the national legislature.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

25. To deal with the problem of factions, James Madison proposed:

a. controlling them through checks and balances.
b. controlling them by prohibiting citizens from taking certain actions.
c. reducing factions by encouraging citizens to have the same interests.
d. eliminating factions through limits on individual liberties.
e. eliminating factions through limits on state governments.
ANS: A DIF: Difficult
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

26. People who share a common political interest are best known as:
a. Federalists. d. Antifederalists.
b. self-governed. e. loyalists.
c. a faction.
ANS: C DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

27. Modern-day interest groups such as the National Rifle Association and Emily’s List are examples of
what concept?
a. factions d. Antifederalism
b. self-rule e. republicanism
c. natural law
ANS: A DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

28. Which of the following concepts reflects the need to balance the principle of self-government against
the rights of specific groups?
a. providing for both civil liberties and civil rights
b. protecting small states from powerful large states
c. creating a legislative government while allowing for executive leadership
d. providing for majority rule while protecting minority rights
e. providing for minority rule while protecting majority rights
ANS: D DIF: Difficult
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

29. For James Madison, the problem associated with a tyranny of the majority was that:
a. large factions might capture control of the government and ignore the rights of those in the
b. large groups of voters might grab power by circumventing elections.
c. the representative legislative branch would exercise too much power over the presidency.
d. regional majorities would become entrenched and prevent government from working for
the common good.
e. the president would have too much power over the legislative agenda.
ANS: A DIF: Difficult
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

30. How did the framers design the Constitution to protect minority rights?
a. separation of powers and checks and balances
b. allowing majority tyranny to occur to protect the rights of the many
c. through the creation of political parties
d. through the creation of interest groups
e. through a system of direct democracy
ANS: A DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

31. Which of the following was true about the Antifederalists?

a. They generally favored relatively strong state governments.
b. They came primarily from southern states.
c. They supported the British Crown during the Revolutionary War.
d. They wanted a stronger national government, even if it came at the expense of state power.
e. They generally favored relatively weak state governments.
ANS: A DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding
32. The main reaction to the failure of the Articles of Confederation was to:
a. focus on resolving debates between the state governments.
b. rein in the power of the national government.
c. encourage stronger state governments.
d. make the national government stronger.
e. eliminate the state governments.
ANS: D DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

33. Despite significant agreement on the need for a ________ national government at the Constitutional
Convention, there was serious division about ________.
a. weaker; how much stronger state governments should be
b. weaker; how much weaker the federal government should be
c. stronger; how much stronger the federal government should be
d. stronger; how much stronger state governments should be
e. stronger; how much weaker state governments should be
ANS: C DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

34. Which of the following was implemented in order to protect minorities from majority tyranny?
a. a stronger presidency than under the Articles of Confederation
b. separation of powers between three branches of government
c. a representative democracy
d. a parliamentary system of governance
e. a direct democracy
ANS: B DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

35. What does the “size principle” refer to?

a. the underlying logic of representing all states equally in the Senate but not in the House
b. a natural limit on majority tyranny where a large, diverse public would be more divided
than unified
c. the unified interests of a small group of self-interested citizens
d. the unified interests of a large group of self-interested citizens
e. achieving the largest majority possible in an election outcome
ANS: B DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

36. Which of the following concepts best describes the problems associated with the Articles of
a. separation of powers d. pluralism
b. tyranny of the minority e. checks and balances
c. tyranny of the majority
ANS: B DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

37. Which agreement gave the legislature two houses?

a. Great Compromise d. Virginia Plan
b. Three-Fifths Compromise e. New Jersey Plan
c. Missouri Compromise
ANS: A DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

38. Which of the following was NOT a source of significant conflict at the Constitutional Convention?
a. whether to throw out or amend the Declaration of Independence
b. how much power to give to the legislative branch
c. how to represent small and large states in the new government
d. what to do about slavery
e. how much power to give to the executive branch
ANS: A DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

39. Which of the following was NOT a contentious issue in the debate over the executive branch?
a. whether or not to have a single executive
b. the method of selecting the president
c. whether or not the executive should have any legislative power
d. whether or not the president should be allowed to serve more than two terms
e. placing adequate checks and balances on presidential power
ANS: D DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

40. Why did the New Jersey Plan contain a proposal for a legislature with equal representation per state?
a. New Jersey prospered economically under the Articles of Confederation, which had such a
b. New Jersey had relatively little population and would therefore gain more representation
under an equal system.
c. New Jersey was a slave state and the Three-Fifths Compromise was going to strip it of
d. New Jersey had negotiated a separate treaty with the British that it wanted the new
Congress to ratify.
e. Antifederalists controlled the New Jersey legislature and they favored equal representation
per state.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

41. Which group pushed for the concept of reserved powers?

a. Tories d. legislators
b. Whigs e. Federalists
c. Antifederalists
ANS: C DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

42. A form of government in which the leader is chosen by the legislature is called:
a. a separation of powers system. d. a parliamentary system.
b. a presidential system. e. a democratic system.
c. a legislative system.
ANS: D DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

43. Which of the following is NOT a reason that the framers of the Constitution chose the electoral college
as the method for selecting the president?
a. It was a system that had worked well in other democracies.
b. The different groups trying to select a method could all claim victory.
c. It kept the process indirect.
d. It incorporated the role of state legislatures in the selection of a president.
e. The president would not be seen as an agent of Congress.
ANS: A DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

44. What is a serious technical error of the Constitution, according to the authors?
a. It accords electors two votes each.
b. It fails to give the president the right to introduce legislation.
c. It does not better define judicial review.
d. It created the electoral college.
e. It upholds the provisions of the Three-Fifths Compromise.
ANS: A DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

45. Which of the following addressed Antifederalist concerns about the absence of limits on national
governing power?
a. Three-Fifths Compromise d. Ninth Amendment
b. separation of powers e. Tenth Amendment
c. Great Compromise
ANS: E DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

46. Which of the following concepts applies most directly to the balance of power between state and
national governments?
a. parliamentary system d. supremacy clause
b. bicameralism e. checks and balances
c. separation of powers
ANS: D DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

47. Which of the following methods of political compromise were used at the Constitutional Convention?
a. bribery and filibustering
b. bribery and logrolling (vote trading)
c. splitting the difference and bribery
d. splitting the difference and logrolling (vote trading)
e. filibustering and logrolling (vote trading)
ANS: D DIF: Difficult
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

48. Slave states wanted slaves counted for the purposes of ________ but did not want slaves counted when
it came to the issue of ________.
a. representation; determining taxes d. tariffs; determining taxes
b. determining taxes; tariffs e. tariffs; representation
c. determining taxes; representation
ANS: A DIF: Difficult
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

49. The Three-Fifths Compromise referred to:

a. giving states with small populations three-fifths of the number of representatives as
large-population states.
b. allowing three slave states into the Union for every five nonslave states allowed to enter.
c. counting large states as equal to small states in the Senate but not the House.
d. counting slaves as three-fifths of a person when determining state population.
e. the requirement that three-fifths of the states must approve a constitutional amendment.
ANS: D DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

50. Which of the following slavery issues was dealt with via logrolling?
a. counting slaves in determining state population
b. importing slaves from other nations and dealing with runaway slaves
c. counting slaves in determining taxation
d. determining which states would be allowed to maintain slavery
e. banning the slave trade
ANS: B DIF: Moderate
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Applying

51. How many states were needed to ratify the Constitution?

a. eleven out of thirteen d. seven out of thirteen
b. ten out of thirteen e. nine out of thirteen
c. thirteen out of thirteen
ANS: E DIF: Easy REF: Ratification
OBJ: Contrast the arguments of the Federalists with those of the Antifederalists.
MSC: Remembering

52. Which article of the Constitution describes the procedures for ratification?
a. Article VII d. Article III
b. Article VI e. Article II
c. Article I
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Ratification
OBJ: Contrast the arguments of the Federalists with those of the Antifederalists.
MSC: Remembering

53. Which of the following was NOT a principal concern the Antifederalists had about the Constitution
prior to ratification?
a. the transfer of state powers to the national government
b. the lack of civil liberty guarantees
c. the role of the president
d. the bicameral legislature
e. the national government would become tyrannical
ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Ratification
OBJ: Contrast the arguments of the Federalists with those of the Antifederalists.
MSC: Understanding

54. What were the two parts of the “double protection” that James Madison believed would protect against
minority and majority tyranny?
a. self-rule and federalism
b. federalism and separation of powers
c. separation of powers and self-rule
d. separation of powers and a free press
e. federalism and a free press
ANS: B DIF: Difficult
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Understanding

55. Which of the following was NOT a tactic used by the Federalists to refute Antifederalist claims during
the ratification debate?
a. They pointed out that Antifederalists had no plan of their own.
b. They engaged in a one-sided propaganda campaign.
c. They agreed to support a Bill of Rights in the new Congress.
d. They agreed to public debates with the Antifederalists.
e. They gained the upper hand in the debate by claiming the term “federalist.”
ANS: D DIF: Difficult REF: Ratification
OBJ: Contrast the arguments of the Federalists with those of the Antifederalists.
MSC: Remembering

56. The elastic clause refers to:

a. the power of Congress to make laws necessary for executing its members’ enumerated
b. the broad delegation of executive power given to the president.
c. the list of flexible powers given to Congress in Article I of the Constitution.
d. the ability of Congress to regulate economic exchange between the states.
e. the president’s power as commander in chief.
ANS: A DIF: Moderate
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Understanding

57. Which of the following powers is NOT exclusive to the legislative branch?
a. the ability to raise revenue
b. the ability to send troops into armed conflict
c. the ability to regulate interstate commerce
d. the ability to establish post offices
e. the ability to coin money
ANS: B DIF: Moderate
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

58. Which branch of government has the longest and most specific list of powers?
a. legislative
b. executive
c. judicial
d. All of the branches have comparable lists of powers.
e. military
ANS: A DIF: Easy
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

59. Which part of government was considered the weakest because it did not have “power of the purse or
a. state governments d. judicial branch
b. legislative branch e. local governments
c. executive branch
ANS: D DIF: Easy
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Understanding

60. The executive power of the United States is given by the Constitution to:
a. the Senate.
b. the Speaker of the House.
c. the Supreme Court.
d. the president.
e. the head of the Pentagon.
ANS: D DIF: Easy
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

61. The concept of shared powers means that:

a. the legislative and executive branches have equal powers.
b. in some areas of governmental action no branch has exclusive control.
c. the branches can exercise the same powers.
d. no branch can act without approval from other branches.
e. the judicial branch has more power than the legislative and executive branches.
ANS: B DIF: Difficult
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

62. The war powers held by the president and Congress are best an example of:
a. shared powers. d. powers of the purse.
b. exclusive powers. e. implied powers.
c. negative powers.
ANS: A DIF: Difficult
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Applying

63. When Congress authorizes an agency to spend money it is using its:

a. power of the sword. d. negative power.
b. shared power. e. reserved power.
c. power of the purse.
ANS: C DIF: Easy
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Applying

64. While ________ powers are not held exclusively by any branch of government, ________ powers are
those that one branch can exercise over the other.
a. negative; shared d. shared; exclusive
b. shared; negative e. exclusive; shared
c. negative; exclusive
ANS: B DIF: Moderate
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Understanding

65. Which of the following is a check that the president holds over the judicial branch?
a. the ability to nominate judges for the federal courts
b. the ability to veto decisions made by the Supreme Court
c. the ability to interpret the constitutionality of new laws
d. the ability to remove federal judges from office
e. the ability to alter the jurisdiction of the federal courts
ANS: A DIF: Moderate
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering
66. Which of the following is an exclusive power of the legislative branch?
a. the ability to implement laws d. veto power
b. judicial review e. the power to issue pardons
c. the power to declare war
ANS: C DIF: Easy
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

67. While the ________ can make decisions about how to use armed forces, only the ________ can make
decisions about funding such actions.
a. president; Supreme Court d. Congress; president
b. Congress; House of Representatives e. House of Representatives; Senate
c. president; Congress
ANS: C DIF: Moderate
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Applying

68. The ability to remove someone because of corruption or abuse of power is called:
a. the power of the purse. d. the power to pardon.
b. impeachment. e. the power to veto.
c. treason.
ANS: B DIF: Easy
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

69. What are two important negative checks that Congress can exercise over both the executive and the
judicial branches?
a. alteration of their jurisdiction and overriding their decisions
b. overriding their decisions and impeachment
c. impeachment and the power of the purse
d. alteration of their jurisdiction and power of the purse
e. impeachment and alteration of their jurisdiction
ANS: C DIF: Difficult
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Applying

70. Which of the following is a power the president can use to check the legislative branch?
a. judicial review d. veto
b. impeachment e. power of the sword
c. power of the purse
ANS: D DIF: Moderate
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

71. How can Congress use its power of the purse as a check over the other two branches?
a. Congress can balance the federal budget without interference from the other two branches.
b. By cutting out wasteful spending by the executive branch, Congress can reallocate funds
for more important priorities such as national security.
c. By cutting out wasteful spending by the executive branch, Congress can reallocate funds
to the judiciary.
d. By freezing judges’ salaries or cutting funding for federal agencies, Congress can then
give the money directly to the states.
e. By freezing judges’ salaries or cutting funding for federal agencies, Congress can state its
displeasure with the actions of the other branches and can maintain oversight of how
policies are implemented.
ANS: D DIF: Moderate
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Understanding

72. Which branch of government did NOT initially have a negative power over the other branches of
a. legislative
b. executive
c. judicial
d. All branches had negative power over the other branches of government.
e. Only states had negative power over the federal branches of government.
ANS: C DIF: Easy
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Understanding

73. The Antifederalists argued that the power of ________ was “a political error of the greatest
a. the purse d. the pardon
b. the sword e. declaring war
c. the veto
ANS: C DIF: Difficult
REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government
OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Remembering

74. The idea of reserved powers is found in which amendment?

a. First d. Seventeenth
b. Fourth e. Nineteenth
c. Tenth
ANS: C DIF: Easy
REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention
OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Remembering

75. Which of the following is NOT a reason that the Constitution continues to be a “living document”?
a. Ambiguity in key parts makes the Constitution flexible.
b. Multiple people get to interpret the Constitution.
c. We have the ability to change the Constitution.
d. There is a consensus among Americans that the Constitution should be strictly followed.
e. There are a variety of viewpoints on how to interpret the Constitution.
ANS: D DIF: Difficult REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?
OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Understanding
76. According to some legal scholars, why is the living document argument problematic for interpreting
the Constitution today?
a. Ignoring the framers’ intent can allow for arbitrary law based on the individual preferences
and biases of judges.
b. The framers could not have envisioned the complex public policy issues of today, and an
eighteenth-century document cannot adequately address contemporary societal problems.
c. Congress, and not the Supreme Court, should have the right to determine the meaning of
the Constitution.
d. The framers did not provide a means to amend the Constitution, so they did not want the
structure of government to change over time.
e. Most people agree that originalism is the best way to interpret the Constitution.
ANS: A DIF: Difficult REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?
OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Understanding

77. Which of the following is NOT part of an acceptable process for amending the Constitution?
a. proposal; approval by two-thirds of Congress
b. proposal; approval by two-thirds of the states in a national convention
c. ratification by three-fourths of the states in their legislatures
d. ratification by three-fourths of the states through state conventions
e. proposal; approval by three-fourths of Congress
ANS: E DIF: Difficult REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?
OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Remembering

78. According to the text, what has allowed the Constitution to remain so relevant today?
a. the sharing of powers between branches
b. its ability to change with the times and reflect its citizens’ values
c. the ease with which it can be amended
d. the way the Founders solved modern problems with past compromise
e. the power it gives to the executive branch to overcome congressional gridlock
ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?
OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Understanding


1. The values and goals held by the framers of the Constitution were strongly shaped by their two
previous political experiences: being ruled by the British monarchy and their own government under
the Articles of Confederation. What were the principal lessons they learned from each of these
experiences? How did these lessons impact the goals of the Constitution’s framers and how can we see
them still in effect today?

Answers will vary.

DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Analyzing
2. What different divisions existed at the Constitutional Convention? How did the differences between
them shape the Constitution? Give at least three specific examples to support your answer.

Answers will vary.

DIF: Moderate REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Analyzing

3. What does the “tyranny of the majority” mean? Why did James Madison consider it a potential
problem? How does that fit with a republic based on majority rule? What did the framers of the
Constitution ultimately do to prevent majority tyranny and do you believe it has been effective?

Answers will vary.

DIF: Difficult REF: The Historical Context of the Constitution

OBJ: Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
MSC: Evaluating

4. Identify and discuss any three separate political compromises that shaped the Constitution. Why was it
necessary to compromise on each of those issues? What alternatives were considered? Why was the
compromise eventually adopted?

Answers will vary.

DIF: Easy REF: The Politics of Compromise at the Constitutional Convention

OBJ: Analyze the major issues debated by the framers of the Constitution.
MSC: Analyzing

5. Looking at the Constitution at the time of its ratification, what would you say were its strengths? What
were its weaknesses? What were the consequences of those strengths and weaknesses for future
generations of Americans? Would you say that today’s Constitution still reflects these strengths and

Answers will vary.

DIF: Difficult REF: Ratification

OBJ: Contrast the arguments of the Federalists with those of the Antifederalists.
MSC: Evaluating

6. Describe how the separation of powers system uses checks and balances to limit the power of the
federal government. What are the major powers that each branch has and how can each branch check
the others? Is the system effective?

Answers will vary.

DIF: Easy REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government

OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Evaluating
American Politics Today Full 4th Edition Bianco Test Bank

7. What are negative or checking powers? What negative powers does each branch hold over the others?
How do those impact how the federal government functions?

Answers will vary.

DIF: Moderate REF: The Constitution: A Framework for Government

OBJ: Outline the major provisions of the Constitution. MSC: Understanding

8. Because the Constitution was written more than 200 years ago, some people question its relevance in
the modern United States. Do you believe the Constitution remains relevant to modern Americans?
Why or why not? Base your answer on the discussion in the text rather than specific problems you
may have with current political leaders.

Answers will vary.

DIF: Moderate REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?

OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Evaluating

9. Define each of the following terms and explain how they help make the Constitution a “living
document”: the “elastic clause,” the “commerce clause,” the “executive powers clause,” and “judicial

Answers will vary.

DIF: Moderate REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?

OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Analyzing

10. Explain the different ways that the Constitution can be amended. What are the implications of these
rules for the number of changes we make to our governing system, as well as the types of changes that
are made? Do you believe it is too easy to amend the Constitution? Too hard? Support your answer
with specific examples of amendments that have and have not been made to the Constitution.

Answers will vary.

DIF: Moderate REF: Is the Constitution a “Living” Document?

OBJ: Explore how the meaning of the Constitution has evolved.
MSC: Evaluating

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