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User Guide
©2013 PCI Geomatics Enterprises, Inc.®. All rights reserved.


Software copyrighted © by PCI Geomatics Enterprises, Inc., 50 West Wilmot Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1M5, CANADA Telephone number:
(905) 764-0614

The Licensed Software contain material that is protected by international Copyright Law and trade secret law, and by international treaty provisions, as
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remove any proprietary notice of Licensor from any copy of the Licensed Software.


Canadian Government
Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions as set forth in Public Works and Government Services Canada Supplemental General Conditions
– Licensed Software – 4003.

U.S. Government
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (b)(3) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause of DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights clause at 48 CFR
52.227-19 as amended, or any successor regulations thereto.

The Government agrees:

(a) if the Licensed Software is supplied to the Department of Defense (“DoD”), the Licensed Software is classified as “Commercial Computer Software”
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PCI, PCI Geomatics, PCI and design (logo), Geomatica, Committed to GeoIntelligence Solutions, GeoGateway, FLY!, OrthoEngine, RADARSOFT,
EASI/PACE, ImageWorks, GCPWorks, PCI Author, PCI Visual Modeler, and SPANS are registered trademarks of PCI Geomatics Enterprises, Inc.

Sentinel is a registered® trademark of SafeNet, Inc.

Copyright (c) 1990-2007 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
InstallAnywhere is a registered trademark of Macrovision® Corporation.
ESRI, ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Server Image Extension, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of ESRI in the
United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Chapter 1: Getting started.................................................................................................................14
Working with files and data in Focus .....................................................................................14
Opening a file..............................................................................................................14
Adding data to a project...............................................................................................15
Using the Add Layer wizard.........................................................................................15
Accessing data from data provider Web sites.............................................................16
Using a math model with images.................................................................................16
Understanding the Focus control panel..................................................................................17
Using the Maps and Files trees...................................................................................18
Combining layers.........................................................................................................19
Working with project files.............................................................................................20
Working with the Layer Manager.................................................................................20
Controlling the cursor.............................................................................................................22
About rotated rasters..............................................................................................................23
Managing data properties......................................................................................................24
Opening a Properties window from the Maps tab.......................................................24
About the Map Properties window...............................................................................24
About the Area Properties window..............................................................................26
About the Math Model Area Properties window..........................................................28
About the RGB Layer Properties window....................................................................30
About the Grayscale Layer Properties window............................................................33
About the PCT Layer Properties window.....................................................................34
About the Bitmap Layer Properties window.................................................................36
About the Vector Layer Properties window..................................................................37
About the Thematic Layer Properties window.............................................................38
About the RST Properties window..............................................................................39
About the Symbol Properties window..........................................................................40
Managing file properties.........................................................................................................40
Opening a Properties window from the Files tab.........................................................40
About the Bitmap Properties window..........................................................................40
About the File Properties window................................................................................41
About the Ground Control Points window....................................................................44
About the Lookup Table Properties window.................................................................45
About the Orbit Properties window..............................................................................46
About the Pseudocolor Table Properties window........................................................47
About the Raster Properties window...........................................................................47
About the Signatures Properties window....................................................................49
About the Text Properties window...............................................................................49
About the Vector Properties window............................................................................50
Color mapping and image profiles..........................................................................................52
Setting the color composition of RGB and grayscale map layers................................52

PCI Geomatics 3
Creating an image profile............................................................................................53
About the Profile Table window....................................................................................53
Working with profile options.........................................................................................54
About the Profile Graph window..................................................................................55
About the Graph Controls window...............................................................................55
Using the graph controls..............................................................................................56
Exporting profiles.........................................................................................................57
Printing your graph without showing the mensuration bars.........................................57
Using the View tools...............................................................................................................57
Using the Zoom window..............................................................................................57
Using a Clone view......................................................................................................57
Chaining clone views...................................................................................................58
Zooming using the Overview window..........................................................................58
Working with named regions.......................................................................................58
Panning an image........................................................................................................59
Zooming an image with the Zoom tools.......................................................................59
Viewing a 1:1 image resolution....................................................................................60
Using a layout grid.......................................................................................................60
Visualizing your data..............................................................................................................61
Using the Attribute Manager........................................................................................61
Visualizing GCP segments as map layers...................................................................61
Importing image data...................................................................................................63
Enabling and disabling panes......................................................................................64
Using the Visualization tools...................................................................................................65
About the Visualization Tools window..........................................................................65
Working with the Thumbnails viewer...........................................................................70
Visualizing data with the 3-D data cube......................................................................71
Selecting colors...........................................................................................................74
Setting options and preferences.............................................................................................75
General interface.........................................................................................................75
Default RGB................................................................................................................78
Default representation.................................................................................................78
Vector editing...............................................................................................................79
Memory cache.............................................................................................................80
Overview window.........................................................................................................81
Zoom window..............................................................................................................81
Layer Manager.............................................................................................................82
Open GL settings.........................................................................................................82
Setting shape and color preferences...........................................................................82
Setting up a digitizing tablet.........................................................................................84
Setting up a GPS receiver...........................................................................................85
Measurement tools......................................................................................................86
Changing display options............................................................................................86

4 PCI Geomatics
Customizing the Focus toolbars..................................................................................87
Chapter 2: Basics..............................................................................................................................88
Supported layer types............................................................................................................88
Focus and raster layers...............................................................................................88
Segment organization..................................................................................................89
Topological layers........................................................................................................92
Importing, linking, and translating data..................................................................................93
Importing files to the PCIDSK format..........................................................................93
Using undefined image data........................................................................................94
Creating linked files.....................................................................................................95
Exporting/translating data............................................................................................96
Importing and converting ASCII files......................................................................................96
Using the Import ASCII Table/Points wizard................................................................97
Formating fixed width files...........................................................................................98
Opening data from a remote data source...............................................................................98
Using undefined image data...................................................................................................98
Image metadata support......................................................................................................100
Working with projections......................................................................................................100
Understanding the PCIDSK projection definition.......................................................100
Supported projections...............................................................................................100
Defining a new projection..........................................................................................101
Working with earth models........................................................................................103
Reprojecting files.......................................................................................................104
Working with layers..............................................................................................................106
Adding and removing imagery...................................................................................107
Organizing and editing layers....................................................................................107
Using the Map Layer Selection tool in Focus............................................................107
Creating a new raster layer........................................................................................108
Creating a new bitmap layer .....................................................................................108
Creating a new vector layer.......................................................................................108
Setting vector layer attributes....................................................................................109
Setting vector layer properties...................................................................................109
Transferring layers.....................................................................................................109
Working with data tools........................................................................................................110
Changing data formats..............................................................................................110
Clipping and subsetting data.....................................................................................116
Using the Data Merge Wizard....................................................................................123
Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian........................................................................................................127
About the Algorithm Librarian...............................................................................................127
Opening the Algorithm Librarian..........................................................................................127
Algorithm categories............................................................................................................127
Managing user-defined categories.......................................................................................128
Working with folders and subfolders in the User Defined category...........................128
Adding a module shortcut to the User Defined category folder or subfolder.............129

PCI Geomatics 5
Searching for an algorithm by name or keyword..................................................................129
Using an algorithm...............................................................................................................130
About algorithm Module Control Panels....................................................................130
Opening an algorithm's Module Control Panel..........................................................131
Working with an example: the ASP algorithm............................................................131
Adding functions to the Algorithm Library............................................................................133
Chapter 4: Image classification.......................................................................................................134
Starting a classification session...........................................................................................134
Unsupervised classification..................................................................................................134
Configuring a new classification session...................................................................134
Initializing unsupervised classification.......................................................................135
Reading a classification report..................................................................................135
Saving a classification report.....................................................................................135
Supervised classification......................................................................................................136
The supervised classification process.......................................................................136
Initializing a supervised classification........................................................................137
Specifying the reference image.................................................................................137
Specifying the input channels....................................................................................137
Training sites and ground cover............................................................................................138
Drawing a class training site......................................................................................139
Changing training site colors.....................................................................................139
Importing training sites..............................................................................................140
Analyzing training sites.........................................................................................................143
Creating a histogram to view and test training sites..................................................143
Testing signature separability....................................................................................143
Previewing the classification......................................................................................145
Running a supervised classification..........................................................................146
Post-classification editing..........................................................................................148
Setting up for class labelling......................................................................................154
Launching the Accuracy Assessment window...........................................................156
Chapter 5: Image processing..........................................................................................................160
Information tools...................................................................................................................160
Using the Information Report....................................................................................160
Displaying the attributes from a chart........................................................................161
Using the Measure tool..............................................................................................161
Viewing histograms and statistics.........................................................................................163
Viewing a histogram..................................................................................................163
Viewing histogram statistics.......................................................................................163
Viewing Mask contents..............................................................................................164
Viewing histograms under a bitmap mask.................................................................164
Zooming into and out of a histogram.........................................................................165
Printing a histogram...................................................................................................165
Exporting a histogram...............................................................................................165
Working with numeric values................................................................................................165

6 PCI Geomatics
Opening the Numeric Values window........................................................................165
Exporting the numeric values to a text file.................................................................166
Change a color channel DN value.............................................................................166
Interpreting the values...............................................................................................167
Making an image profile.......................................................................................................167
Using the mensuration bars.......................................................................................168
Selecting vector profiles............................................................................................168
Using the spectra extraction tools........................................................................................168
Extracting spectra from a region of interest...............................................................169
About the Spectra Extraction Configuration window..................................................169
Configuring a hyperspectral metalayer......................................................................169
About the Spectra Extraction window........................................................................170
About the Import Vectors window..............................................................................172
About the Import Bitmaps window.............................................................................172
Merging a spectra channel........................................................................................173
Plotting spectra.....................................................................................................................174
Opening the Spectra Plotting window........................................................................174
Radiometric quantity vs. wavelength graph...............................................................174
Displayed spectra......................................................................................................175
Graph options............................................................................................................176
Plotting ranges...........................................................................................................176
Selecting a spectra library.........................................................................................177
Changing the graph options......................................................................................178
Saving a spectra plot.................................................................................................178
Spectral Plotting with ATCOR....................................................................................178
Editing digital elevation models............................................................................................179
Opening the DEM editing window.............................................................................179
Defining DEM special values.....................................................................................179
Working with polygon masks.....................................................................................180
Working with bitmap masks.......................................................................................183
Tips and shortcuts for editing DEMs..........................................................................186
Applying tool strategies for common situations in DEMs......................................................186
Adjusting pixel values for a lake.................................................................................187
Adjusting pixel values for multiple lakes....................................................................187
Compensating for forests and urban areas...............................................................188
Removing noise from a DEM.....................................................................................188
Working with scatter plots....................................................................................................189
Viewing the scatter plot for a layer.............................................................................190
Changing the input channel for the X and Y axes......................................................190
Changing the display of the scatter plot....................................................................190
Zooming into and out of a scatter plot.......................................................................191
Printing the scatter plot..............................................................................................191
Changing the x and y view ranges............................................................................191
Exporting a profile.....................................................................................................191

PCI Geomatics 7
Working with legend and color controls.....................................................................191
Interpreting a profile table..........................................................................................192
Changing the color of a channel................................................................................192
Changing the profile vector color...............................................................................193
About the Change Color window...............................................................................193
Printing without the mensuration bars showing.........................................................193
Using the profile statistics..........................................................................................194
Opening the GPS tool................................................................................................194
Converting RGB to pseudocolor...........................................................................................195
Editing single-value pseudocolor tables (PCTs)........................................................196
Customizing range-based pseudocolor tables..........................................................196
Opening the Raster Editing window.....................................................................................198
Specifying a value................................................................................................................198
Enhancing images................................................................................................................198
Understanding enhancements...................................................................................198
Changing a default enhancement..............................................................................199
Enhancing images.....................................................................................................199
Automatically re-enhancing a layer when the display changes.................................200
Zooming an image feature with an enhancement.....................................................200
Setting the Tail Trim....................................................................................................201
Setting the Exclude Min/Max.....................................................................................201
Changing the image brightness and contrast............................................................201
Creating custom enhancements................................................................................202
Working with spatial filters....................................................................................................204
Opening the Filter window.........................................................................................204
Filtering under a mask...............................................................................................205
Using low-pass filters.................................................................................................205
Applying a gamma filter.............................................................................................206
Using high-pass filters...............................................................................................207
Creating custom filters...............................................................................................209
Saving a filtered image to a new file..........................................................................210
Scaling images.....................................................................................................................210
Scaling output data using Save As............................................................................211
Available scaling methods.........................................................................................211
Scaling output data....................................................................................................212
Fusing image data................................................................................................................213
Running the FUSE algorithm.....................................................................................213
Running IHS and RGB..............................................................................................214
Using the PANSHARP algorithm...............................................................................215
Using the raster calculator....................................................................................................217
Raster Calculator toolbar...........................................................................................219

8 PCI Geomatics
Calculator keys..........................................................................................................219
Output parameters.....................................................................................................219
Using the Raster Calculator to set output parameters...............................................220
EASI modeling in Focus.......................................................................................................221
Opening the EASI Modeling window.........................................................................221
Adding image and bitmap layers to a .pix file............................................................221
Using simple image models.......................................................................................222
Understanding the basic modeling logic....................................................................222
Creating an EASI bitmap mask.................................................................................226
Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction..................................................................................................231
Understanding atmospheric correction.................................................................................231
Preparing data for atmospheric correction...........................................................................231
Atmospheric correction workflows........................................................................................232
Opening the atmospheric correction window.............................................................233
The TOA Reflectance workflow.................................................................................233
The Haze Removal workflow.....................................................................................237
The ATCOR Ground Reflectance workflow...............................................................239
The ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow..............................................................248
Chapter 7: Spatial analysis..............................................................................................................256
Understanding vector layer types.........................................................................................256
Unstructured vector layers.........................................................................................256
About topological layers.............................................................................................256
Thematic rasters........................................................................................................257
Understanding vector editing in a math model area.............................................................258
Adding a new vector layer....................................................................................................258
Drawing vectors....................................................................................................................258
Adding points to an active layer.................................................................................258
Adding a line or a polygon to an active layer.............................................................259
Adding a rectangle or ellipse to an active layer.........................................................259
Tracing a line on an active layer.................................................................................259
Digitizing 3D vectors..................................................................................................259
Working with the Attribute Manager.....................................................................................260
Controlling the Attribute Manager cursor...................................................................260
Setting a selected record statistics display................................................................260
Creating an unconnected table..................................................................................260
Restricting the layer so you cannot add shapes to it.................................................261
Viewing records.........................................................................................................261
Opening a file saved as an attribute..........................................................................261
Selecting and clearing records and fields..................................................................261
Understanding vector layer type default fields...........................................................262
Adding records to the Attribute Manager...................................................................263
Adding new fields......................................................................................................263
Setting the field definitions.........................................................................................263
Changing an existing field to a geometry field...........................................................264
Adding all appropriate geometry fields......................................................................265

PCI Geomatics 9
Updating the geometry..............................................................................................265
Using find and replace in the Attribute Manager.......................................................265
Creating a relational database...................................................................................265
Selecting all records that match a value in the current cell.......................................266
Using the compute function.......................................................................................267
Opening the Aggregate Attributes window................................................................268
Opening the Area Neighbors window........................................................................268
Reporting bordering areas.........................................................................................268
Creating a chart from the Attribute Manager.............................................................269
Opening the Z-value Transfer window.......................................................................269
Exporting layer attributes to a file..............................................................................270
Exporting the attributes to a text file..........................................................................271
Opening GeoRasters from the Attribute Manager.....................................................271
Dissolving a boundary..........................................................................................................271
Adding function fields to output layers.......................................................................272
Working with shapes............................................................................................................272
Selecting a single shape............................................................................................273
Grouping shapes.......................................................................................................273
Ungrouping shapes...................................................................................................273
Attaching shapes.......................................................................................................273
Separating shapes.....................................................................................................274
Creating buffers.........................................................................................................274
Editing vectors......................................................................................................................275
Accessing the Vector Editing tools and toolbar..........................................................275
About the Vector Editing Tools toolbar.......................................................................275
Selecting a shape......................................................................................................276
Moving a vertex.........................................................................................................277
Moving several vertices together while maintaining their form..................................277
Reversing vector direction.........................................................................................277
Adding vertices..........................................................................................................277
Reshaping a line or polygon......................................................................................277
Connecting lines........................................................................................................278
Connecting polygons.................................................................................................278
Cutting a line..............................................................................................................278
Cutting a polygon.......................................................................................................278
Extending a line.........................................................................................................279
Merging segmented lines..........................................................................................279
Changing a line into a polygon..................................................................................279
Flipping a shape to its mirror image..........................................................................279
Spinning a shape free hand.......................................................................................280
Spinning the shape precisely.....................................................................................280
Separating overlapping shapes.................................................................................280
Navigating to a vertex................................................................................................280
Displaying vertices.....................................................................................................281
Adding and removing vertices...................................................................................281

10 PCI Geomatics
Switching between coordinate systems.....................................................................282
Selecting vectors using spatial query tools................................................................282
About the Overlay wizard.....................................................................................................283
Combining layers with a spatial overlay.....................................................................283
Using a statistical overlay..........................................................................................284
Adding attributes to the statistical overlay output......................................................285
Using a suitability overlay..........................................................................................286
Viewing data as a chart.............................................................................................287
Defining the data to chart..........................................................................................290
Designing the chart surround....................................................................................291
Resetting the chart to defaults...................................................................................293
Using the Chart Viewer..............................................................................................293
Designing the chart legend........................................................................................294
Opening the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window.......................................................295
Opening the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window.......................................................295
Opening the Title or Subtitle Properties window........................................................296
Opening the data labels properties...........................................................................296
Saving a chart...........................................................................................................297
Opening and deleting a chart....................................................................................297
Digitizing vectors with peripheral devices.............................................................................298
Registering a digitizing tablet.....................................................................................298
Importing and exporting tablet registration................................................................299
Using a digitizing tablet..............................................................................................299
Using the GPS tool....................................................................................................299
Understanding representation..............................................................................................301
Types of representation style tables..........................................................................301
Opening the Representation Editor...........................................................................302
Using the Representation Editor................................................................................302
Converting an indirect RST to a direct RST..............................................................307
Opening the Set Style Attribute window....................................................................307
Setting the style attribute...........................................................................................308
Selecting a symbol....................................................................................................308
Labelling shapes..................................................................................................................308
Managing the labels..................................................................................................308
Adding labels to a layer.............................................................................................309
Setting label representation.......................................................................................309
Changing labels.........................................................................................................309
Defining the design and layout for labels...................................................................309
Designing a symbol..............................................................................................................311
Understanding the symbol working area...................................................................311
Creating a symbol......................................................................................................311
Creating a multi-part symbol.....................................................................................312
Selecting a symbol from the symbol file....................................................................312
Setting symbol representation...................................................................................312
Editing the symbol RST.............................................................................................312

PCI Geomatics 11
About the symbol file Save As window......................................................................313
Chapter 8: Publishing map projects................................................................................................314
Saving a project file..............................................................................................................314
Renaming a map.......................................................................................................314
Starting a new map...................................................................................................314
Working with areas...............................................................................................................315
Creating a map area..................................................................................................315
Removing a map area...............................................................................................315
Scaling an area..........................................................................................................316
Setting area properties..............................................................................................317
Opening the Math Model Area Properties window....................................................318
Working with surrounds........................................................................................................319
Creating a surround...................................................................................................319
Setting a default surround element............................................................................320
Setting a default quick style.......................................................................................320
Setting surround element properties.........................................................................320
About neatlines..........................................................................................................320
About borders............................................................................................................321
About grids................................................................................................................322
About legends............................................................................................................326
Adding a picture to a map..........................................................................................330
About north arrows....................................................................................................331
About scale bars........................................................................................................333
Adding a map title to an area.....................................................................................337
Adding text to a surround..........................................................................................338
Setting the updating behavior....................................................................................338
Selecting an existing quick style................................................................................339
Creating an index for a project, you must provide................................................................340
Adding a default index to a map................................................................................340
Indexation properties.................................................................................................340
Setting the text color..................................................................................................346
Setting the text style..................................................................................................346
Using the New Text tool.............................................................................................346
Printing a map......................................................................................................................347
Selecting printer options............................................................................................347
Selecting page layout options....................................................................................347
Printing color separations..........................................................................................347
Opening the Export Map window.........................................................................................349
Exporting a map or chart as an Adobe Illustrator file................................................349
Exporting a map or chart as a JPEG.........................................................................349
Exporting a map or chart to a JPEG 2000 file...........................................................350
Exporting a map or chart to PCIDSK........................................................................350
Exporting a map or chart to TIFF..............................................................................350
Exporting a map or chart to BMP..............................................................................351
Exporting a map or chart to an HP RTL file...............................................................351

12 PCI Geomatics
Exporting a map or chart to EMF..............................................................................351
Exporting to Google Earth....................................................................................................352
Viewing overlapping layers from a Web mapping service....................................................352

PCI Geomatics 13
Chapter 1: Getting started

Chapter 1: Getting started

Working with files and data in Focus

Like all PCI Geomatics products, Focus is designed to work with dozens of data formats through GDB and
to take advantage of the PCIDSK file format. There are several instances when you should change your data
to PCIDSK so you can take advantage of all of the features offered in Geomatica.
You should convert your data files to PCIDSK format when:
• The original format does not support auxiliary information, such as georeferencing, lookup tables,
pseudocolor tables, and vectors.
• The original format cannot be updated.
• You want to use your files in Geomatica programs.
Geomatica also contains a certified implementation of the NITF standard enabling you to view, to format, and
to export digital imagery and imagery-related products; Geomatica is, however, not NITF certified.

Opening a file
You can open files in Focus from the File menu, from the toolbar, or from shortcut menus in the Focus control
pane under both the Files tab and the Maps tab. You can choose files from the File Selector window, which
is a standard Windows window that also allows you to choose from data types in the GDB file list.
Focus also allows you to easily open one or more PCIDSK (.pix) files by dragging them from your Windows
Explorer file repository and dropping them anywhere on the application window.
The following image shows the main Focus interface:

When you open data files, they are listed in the Files tree in the control pane and all files and layers are

14 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

1. From the File menu, click Open.

You can also right-click in the Maps control pane and click Open.
2. In the File Selector window, locate and select your data files.
When selecting hyperspectral images, the associated .pix file and folder containing the .hdf and .txt files
should be listed at the same directory level in the File Selector.
3. Click Open.
The image data opens in the view pane. The first three image channels are automatically selected. The
file components are listed in the Maps and Files control panes. If the file you opened does not have raster
data, the first vector layer opens in a new map.

Note: For color images, TM Bands 1, 2, and 3 representing the red, green, and blue (RGB) image channels,
are listed in the Maps tree under New Area.
When you open an image containing a math model segment, you can choose to use the a georeferencing
or math model.
Related Links
Using a math model with images on page 16
Understanding the Focus control panel on page 17

Adding data to a project

You can add data to a project in several ways. The method you use may depend on your objectives. You
can use the Files menu to add as many new files to a project as you want in the same way as you would any
other Windows-based application. Focus also provides an Add Layer Wizard to make adding data easier.
You can also add files to open data. For example, you can add new vectors to an Area already in use or you
can create a new empty layer and add new data to it by dragging data from another Area or from a different
database using the Add Layer Wizard.
When you add more data to a project, it is automatically added to the Focus Maps tree in an active Area.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click a Map and click New Area.

2. Drag the data you want to move into the new Area.
3. Save the project.
You can also add files from the Files tree to the Maps tree from an open database.

Using the Add Layer wizard

When you want to add layers from other GDB-supported data sets, you can add vector, RGB, grayscale,
pseudocolor, and bitmap layers to a project with the Add Layer Wizard. The Add Layer Wizard helps you
locate the exact layers you want and guides you through the process of adding the layer types you specify.
When you move to the next step in the wizard, the commands shown in the lower part of the window change
according to the data type you are adding. When you use the Add Layer Wizard, you do not need to have an
active Area in the Maps tree; the Wizard creates a new layer automatically.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click the area where you want to add a layer and click Add.
You can also click Add from the Layer menu.
2. From the Add Layer Wizard, choose a layer type option and click Next.
3. From the Files available list, select the data file containing the raster channels you want to use.
If the raster file you want to use is not listed, click Browse, navigate to the file you want, and click OK.

PCI Geomatics 15
Chapter 1: Getting started

When you have selected a file in the Files available list, only channels of the specified type are listed in
the The following vector segments are available list. For example, only bitmap channels are listed if
you have selected bitmaps as the layer type you want to add.
4. From the The following vector segments are available list, select the channel you want to use in your
5. Click Finish.

Accessing data from data provider Web sites

Geomatica provides links to various data provider and vendor Web sites through the Get Data tool in Focus.
This tool makes it easy to find and access the data you need.

1. From the File menu in Focus, click Get Data.

2. Click one of the data provider links to explore the provider's Web site.

Using a math model with images

A math model is a mathematical relationship used to correlate the pixels of an image to correct locations on
the ground accounting for known distortions. Different sensors require different math models to correct the
Math models can come from a number of sources. QuickBird, Ikonos, and OrbView imagery can come with
a text file that contains rational function coefficients called Image Geometry Model (IGM) or Rapid Positioning
Capability (RPC), which Focus uses to define a Rational Functions math model. You can build a math model
in OrthoEngine and export it as a segment in the file containing a raw image. Geomatica also contains
algorithms that can build math models. These algorithms can be run in Modeler, EASI, or in the Algorithm
• SATMODEL: to compute Toutin's Model, which is a rigorous satellite math model.
• RSMODEL: to compute the ASAR and RADARSAT-specific math model.
• RFMODEL to compute the Rational Functions math model.
• AVMODEL: to compute the math model for AVHRR imagery.
• OEMODEL: to compute any model from an OrthoEngine project file.
When you open an image containing a math model segment, you can choose to use the file georeferencing
or math model. When you choose file georeferencing, the image opens in a layer in an Area using the
georeferencing saved in the file or pixel-based georeferencing if no georeferencing is available. When you
choose the math model, the image is displayed as a layer and the Area is changed to a Math Model Area.
In the Math Model Area the image is displayed without correction in the viewer, but accurate ground coordinates
are calculated for each pixel using the pixel and line coordinates, the math model, and the digital elevation
model (DEM), or an approximate elevation value that you provide.
The advantage of using the math model is that you can display geocoded coordinates, overlay geocoded
vectors, and digitize geocoded three-dimensional vectors on the raw image instead of going through the
potentially time-consuming, labor-intensive process of orthorectifying or geometrically correcting the imagery.
This process is also known as mono-restitution.

1. Open an image, see Opening a file on page 14.

2. If you want to use the georeferencing saved in the file, click File.
3. If you want to display the image using the math model associated to the file, click Math Model.
4. Click OK.

Related Links
Using the math model for georeferencing on page 17

16 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Using the math model for georeferencing

When a math model is used to set the georeferencing, the Area becomes a Math Model Area. In a Math
Model Area, the image is displayed without correction in the viewer; accurate ground coordinates are calculated
for each pixel using the pixel and line coordinates, the math model, and the digital elevation model (DEM),
or an approximate elevation value that you provide.

1. In the Source of georeferencing list, select the segment containing the math model that you want to use
in the Area.
The projection, bounds, upper-left coordinate, lower-right coordinate, and pixel sizes are displayed under
Georeferencing Information.
2. To use a DEM as the source for your elevation values, click DEM.
In the File box, type the path and file name of the DEM or click Browse to select the file.
In the Layer list, select the layer that contains the DEM.
In the NoData (background) value box, type the value that represents the pixels that lie outside the DEM
area so they are not mistaken for elevation values.
3. To use an estimate of the elevation instead of the DEM, click Approximate elevation.
In the Elevation value box, type the elevation value that you want to use. If you do not enter an elevation
value, a value of 0 meters (Mean Sea Level) is used by default.
4. In the Elevation reference box, select Mean Sea Level (MSL) if the elevation values were calculated
based on the geoid; select Ellipsoid (ELL) if the elevation values were calculated based on an ellipsoidal
model of the Earth.
5. In the Elevation units box, select a measurement unit for the elevation values.
6. Click OK.

Understanding the Focus control panel

When you begin a work session, a Map, Area, and layer are automatically listed in the Maps tree using default
file names and paths. By default, new Map layers are labelled Unnamed Map. Both the Map and layer levels
show the name and path of the file you have opened. The Area level is named New Area by default. You
can rename each level and each layer as needed. You can include files of almost any format in your project.
In some cases, you may need to convert your file formats to the PCIDSK.
Are the element at the top of the hierarchy. This is the workspace that holds all of the data for your work,
such as the image, surrounds, and indexes.You can have more than one map in a project. The Map represents
the extents of the print page for your project. You can adjust the map size to control the size of your printed
output or adjust the size and position of the image relative to the canvas.
Hold the file boundaries for either image or vector layers. You can include several layers and segments for
a geographical region and you can have many areas in a Map. Each Area has a unique georeference system.
When an image or vector layer is added to an area, it is automatically scaled and georeferenced to that Area.
Hold the data displayed in the view pane. Layers are composed of segments and can be rearranged in the
Maps tree to change the image in the view pane. You can change the order of layers by dragging them up
or down the Maps tree. When you move a layer, you also move the segments within it.

PCI Geomatics 17
Chapter 1: Getting started

Are all of the components that make up a layer, such as rasters, vectors, bitmaps, and lookup tables (LUT).
The files, listed in the Maps tree, are a hierarchy of elements that make up a project. Maps tree elements
have common properties that you can control from the Maps and Files tree, menu bars, and shortcut menus.

Using the Maps and Files trees

You can create, select, read, and write both image and auxiliary information to the items listed in the Maps
and Files trees. The control pane uses the GDB library to access both image and auxiliary information within
your data files. GDB makes it possible for you to interchange different file types, including third-party file
formats. To access a file, select it in the Files tree.

Changing the layer priority

The Maps tree lists the areas, layers, channels, and segments that make up the image in the view pane. The
Maps tree components are stored in your system memory.You can hide an item in the Maps tree by disabling
the check box to the left of the item. You can also change the priority of a layer by dragging it up or down the
Maps tree. Layer priority can cause one layer to mask another in the view pane. If you cannot see a layer
that should be visible, check the layer priority.

1. In the Maps tree, click an Area layer.

2. Drag the layer up or down the Maps tree.
A black line shows the layer position.

You can move an entire area, including associated components, in the same way.

Viewing layer properties

You can view the properties for any map, area, or layer.
To open the Properties window:

1. In the Maps tree, click a Map icon.

2. From the View menu, click Properties.

Related Links
Opening a Properties window from the Maps tab on page 24
Managing file properties on page 40
Working with the Layer Manager on page 20

Viewing auxiliary data

The figure below shows some of the contents of a .pix file, grouped by data type, in the Files tree. You can
show or hide the vector and bitmap segments, listed in the Files tree, in the view pane.

The Files tree lists data saved to your hard disk

18 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Like the PCIDSK format, Focus keeps image channels and auxiliary data segments in the same place. The
data listed in the Files tree is stored in the source file on your system hard disk.
Some of the data types, listed in the Files tree, are not viewable as image components. The same list can
contain other auxiliary data types such as LUTs, pseudocolor tables (PCT), and signatures. You can use the
Focus software tools and windowes to work with these data types.

Adding image channels

The Add Image Channels window allows you to add 8-bit, 16-bit signed, 16-bit unsigned or 32 bit real data
channels to a PCIDSK file.
Note: This option is available only with unlocked (writable) files.
You can only add channels to a PCIDSK file. If the PCIDSK file is band- or file-interleaved, new channels are
added at the end of the file. If the file is pixel-interleaved, new bands are added in such a way as to keep all
the bands of a particular type together, and ordered by size. For instance, adding an 8-bit band to a
pixel-interleaved file with an existing 16U band would result in the new channel being channel 1, and the old
channel being renumbered as channel 2.
Note: When adding channels to a PCIDSK file, ensure that there is enough disk space on the hard disk
where the PCIDSK file is located. The PCIDSK file is expanded to accommodate the specified number of
Opening the Add Image Channels window

To open the Add Image Channels window, do one of the following:

• From the File Utility's Edit menu, select Add Channels.
• On the Files tab in Focus, right-click the top-level of the Files tree and select New > Raster Layer.
The Add Image Channels window opens, listing the existing channels in the source file.

Adding channels to a PCIDSK file

To add a channel to a PCIDSK file:

1. In the Add Image Channels window, type a number in the desired Channels to add field, or use the
arrows to specify the number.
2. Click Add to complete the operation.
3. Click Close to close the window.

Combining layers
A combined vector layer amalgamates several vector layers into one. For example, one vector layer covering
the eastern US can be combined with another layer covering the western US to produce a virtual single layer
for all of the US. When you combine layers, data is not duplicated, it is linked. The combined layer does not
store data but acts as a pointer to the source data.
You can combine vector layers from your current data files and from other source files with a two-part process
to locate and choose the data you want to combine.

1. With at least two PCIDSK files open in the control pane, click the Files tab.
2. In the Files tree, right-click the file folder icon and click New and then click Combined Vector Layer.
3. In the Combined Layer window, click Browse.
4. From the Select Layer window, select a file from the File list box.
5. Select an available layer from the Layers available list.
6. Click OK.
The layers and common columns are listed in the Combined Layer window.

PCI Geomatics 19
Chapter 1: Getting started

The Layer list shows two or more entries that you can combine.
The Common attributes list identifies the columns (fields/attributes) that will make up the combined layer
doesn't require any action. Only columns that are present in all layers of your inputs are listed.
7. In the Combined Layer window, select a layer and click OK.

A new layer is added under the files listed in the Files tree. You can view the new layer and see the combined
data in the view pane. You can also open the Attribute Manager to see all of the combined shapes. Layers
common to both input layers are listed twice.

Working with project files

Focus project files (.gpr files) provide a way for you to organize data for complex projects in one large file. A
.gpr file not only stores Maps, Areas, and layers, but also includes all path information to data, viewing
preferences, such as the last zoom level you worked at, and all associated Map elements. A .gpr file can
also include multiple Maps, Areas, and all associated layers.
Files included in a project are listed in the Files tree in the control pane. All files and layers are available for
use in a project at any time. You can use any of the Focus viewing and editing options when working with
.gpr files. You can also manage RGB and grayscale layers within project files with shortcut menus in the
Maps and Files panes.
When you right-click an object in the Files tree, a shortcut menu lists the available commands for working
with that data type. For example, right-clicking a file folder icon opens a shortcut menu listing several commands
for managing files. Right-clicking an RGB or grayscale layer opens a shortcut menu listing commands for
managing the layers as a data file and for adjusting attributes, statistical properties, and overviews for that

Saving a project
When you work with multiple files, you can save your work as a project using the file name of your original
data files or save your project under a new file name.

1. From the File menu, click Save Project or Save Project As.
2. In the File Selector window, navigate to the folder where you want to store the project file.
3. Type a name for the project in the File name box.
4. Click Save.
To save your project while you are working on it, click File and then click Save Project.

Removing files from a project

You can remove data files from your project (.gpr) using the Remove from Project feature. This is different
from the Delete feature, which deletes the data file from disk.

• From the Files tree, right-click a file you want to remove and click Remove from Project.
The file is removed from the project.

Working with the Layer Manager

The Layer Manager lists layer properties in a table format that shows properties for each object in the map
and the hierarchical structure of maps, areas, and layers. For surrounds, the Layer Manager only displays
the surround elements. This tool is useful when you are trying to manage a large combination of data layers,
rasters, and vectors when making a map. Using the Layer Manager, you can control the vector layer hierarchy
to ensure that one project layer does not cover another.

20 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Opening the Layer Manager

To open the Layer Manager in Focus:

• In the Layers menu, click Layer Manager.

Changing layer properties

In the Layer Manager table, object names are listed in rows. Object properties are listed in the table columns.
Like the Maps and Files trees, icons are shown beside each object in the Name column. Properties in the
Layer Manager show the state of layers in the current project. They can be changed according to the editable
items for the specific layers you are using.
Changes in the Layer Manager are automatically shown in the Maps tree. A layer must be open and the Map
must be active to make changes. The check box indicates active layers and maps. The following lists the
Layer Manager table columns and explains the property cells you use to show, edit, open, and active properties
for layers.
You can edit this column and change the names of your layers.
Layer Visible:
Checked cells are visible layers. When the check box is cleared, the layer is not visible.
Legend Items Visible:
Checked cells are Legend items that are visible. They are similar to the Layer Visible column but only apply
to layers in the legend.
Read Only:
Checked layers are read-only. When a layer is read-only, a red x will appear beside the layer under the Maps
Layer Priority:
Cell numbers show the layer priority. A layer that is assigned a higher priority will be displayed on top of a
layer with a lower priority. (See Changing the layer priority on page 18)
Zoom Scale Active:
Checked layers can be assigned zoom scale values.
Min Zoom Scale:
Minimum zoom scale value. As map scales go, this parameter, X, is considered to be 1: X.
Max Zoom Scale:
Maximum scale zoom value. As map scales go, this parameter, X, is considered to be1: X.
Allows you to either enable the selection of shapes in a vector segment or disable it. If the Selectable check
box is selected, Focus lets you select one or more shapes in a given vector segment, which can then be used
for several operations, such as removing, appending, and editing. If the check box is cleared, you are not
permitted to select or deselect shapes in a vector segment.
This option can also be used to lock the current selection. With the Selectable check box selected, you must
first select the desired shape(s) from the vector segment using the Attribute Manager, Selection tools, or
Vector Editing tools. Once all of the desired shapes are selected, you can then clear the Selectable check
box to lock the currently selected shapes. The shape selection can then be unlocked by selecting the check

PCI Geomatics 21
Chapter 1: Getting started

Transparency Active:
Checked cells can be assigned a transparency value. When this check box is selected, the values in the
Transparency Value columns are active and the results are shown in Focus.
Transparency Value:
The pixel value entered here will become transparent, allowing you to see imagery under it. To properly assign
transparent values to a three-channel RGB image, use the following format: R10G20B100. In this example,
pixel value 10 will become transparent for the red band, 20 for the green band, and 100 for the blue band.
For grayscale images, you need only specify a singe value. For example: 10. The pixel value of 10 would
become transparent in your grayscale image.
Opacity Active:
When this check box is enabled, the values in the Opacity% column become active and the results are shown
in Focus.
Sets the opacity level. For example, 100% opacity shows the entire image. Layers beneath cannot be seen.
With a setting of 0%, none of the image is shown. You can see all of an image beneath the layer.
View No Data Value:
Shows Null values.
No Data Color:
When there are NoData values in your working file, The No Data Color column lets you assign a color for
viewing your NoData pixels.

Using the Zoom Scale Active feature

When image data is opened, it is viewed at a specific scale (for example, 1:150 000).The Zoom Scale function
lets you specify the resolution for activating specific layers of imagery. When the current viewing resolution
is in between the minimum and maximum values that you have set for a layer, the image becomes visible.
When the current viewing resolution is outside the minimum and maximum range you have set, the layer is
not visible.
The Zoom Scale tool is useful when looking at both high-resolution and low-resolution imagery of the same
area. For example, if you have a 30m Landsat image, a 10m SPOT image and 1m aerial photo, all covering
the same area, you can view the Landsat image in Focus, but the aerial photo cannot be used because its
pixels are too small to render an accurate image. When you are zoomed into a ground feature using the aerial
photo, the Landsat and SPOT scenes cannot be used because their pixels are too large.
Using the Zoom Scale function you can set the zoom scale to deactivate the Landsat image when you are
zoomed into the aerial photo, or deactivate the aerial photo when you zoomed out looking at the Landsat
scene. The following table shows the settings to use for the example above.

Image Min Zoom Scale Max Zoom Scale

Landsat (30m) 1:120 000 1:75 001
Spot (10m) 1:75 000 1:50 001
Aerial Photo (1m) 1:50 000 1:10 000

Controlling the cursor

You can determine the location of the cursor in the view pane.

22 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

The Cursor Control window displays the cursor position in four different coordinate systems. You can move
the cursor in any of the supported coordinate systems by changing the associated coordinates.
The Paper area measures the paper size that is set for the Map. It can be larger than the area view where
the imagery is displayed. The paper size can be changed in the Maps tree by right-clicking the Map layer and
choosing Properties. From the Map Properties window, click the Page Setup tab, and specify the size.
You can use cursor control in Map View mode and Area View mode. If more than one file is opened in the
view pane, the coordinates displayed in the Cursor Control diaglog box represent the selected database file.
The file origin, (0,0) is the top left of the image or file. If the projection has not been set for a file, the database
coordinates are not displayed.
The Geocoded area displays the cursor coordinates in geocoded coordinates (for example, Eastings and
Northings) according to the geocoding shown in the Cursor Control window. If the opened data has no
associated geocoded location, the geocoded location is shown in pixels and lines. The units displayed indicate
the geocoding type.
The User Defined Projection area shows Lat/Long coordinates as the default if sufficient geocoding information
is available for the viewed data. Typically, UTM data with a valid zone number must be provided for this
transformation to occur. If a projection is not set, the User Defined Projection coordinates are not displayed.

1. To open the Cursor Control window, first open a file.

On the toolbar, click the Cursor Control icon.
The cursor control information shows both the location on the map page and the georeferenced ground
location represented in the image.

About rotated rasters

Most raster (image) formats consist of a rectangular grid of pixels. However, some formats support raster
rotation, which can display the raster as spun in a particular position, usually so North is at the top of the
viewer. Currently, PIX, GeoTIFF, MrSID and JPEG2000 can store rotations internally. TIFF (with .tfw), JPEG
(with .jpw), BIP (with .biw), BIL (with .blw) and NITF (with .niw) support rotations via their associated world
file. Other formats may support rotations via a PCI Geomatics .pox file.
When you open a raster that contains a rotation, you will be prompted to choose whether you want the raster
to display as a rectangular grid (Raster Up) aligned with the Area or with the rotation from the file (North Up).
With the North Up option, the rotated raster opens as any other raster. In the Focus view pane the raster may
appear turned in the Area since it has been corrected so North is at the top of the viewer.
A rotated raster as North Up

PCI Geomatics 23
Chapter 1: Getting started

With the Raster Up option, the Area is rotated to counteract the effect of the rotation in the file so the first
pixel in the data is in the top left corner of the Area. In the Focus view pane the raster appears squared to
the Area.
A rotated raster as Raster Up

When you create a map with a rotated Area (Raster Up), two surround elements are affected: Grid and North
Arrow. You cannot create a grid in a rotated Area. When you create a North Arrow in a rotated Area, the
North Arrow will be rotated by the amount set in the Area properties.

Managing data properties

Properties are applied to data elements you have added to your work and to file elements that are saved to
your hard disk. New and saved elements are listed under the Maps tree. Files, which are saved to disk, are
listed under the Files tree.
Properties are also applied to metadata files such as lookup tables, pseudocolor tables, ground control points,
and signatures. When you are working with either project files or PCIDSK (.pix) files, you can use the properties
to carry out basic operations like renaming and removing data.
Properties windows have tabs with layer-specific settings that you can adjust for the data type you are working
with. Properties windows always show information specific to the file and the file type you have chosen.
Information and inputs vary depending on the type of layer you have chosen.
Related Links
Managing file properties on page 40

Opening a Properties window from the Maps tab

From the Maps tab in Focus, you can open the Properties window for a map, area, or layer.

1. In the control pane, click the Maps tab and select a map, area, or layer.
2. From the View menu, click Properties.
You can also right-click a layer, area, or map and click Properties to open the Properties window.

About the Map Properties window

The Map properties window allows you to change several attributes for your Map. You can re-name maps,
review file information, and a select paper size and orientation for your map. You can also choose a
Representation Style Table (RST).

24 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change generic information about your Map and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Maps tree.
File Name:
Reports the name of the Map file for the properties you are viewing.
Reports the date the file was created.

Page Setup tab

Under the Page Setup tab you can make page selections that change the Map page orientation and size.
You can see your changes in the view pane from the Map view mode. Your changes also affect the way your
page is printed. For more information, see the following:
• Changing the paper size by dragging a resize handle on page 314
• Printing a map on page 347
Lets you select the way your Map appears on paper. Choose either the Portrait or the Landscape option.
Orients the map vertically
Orients the map horizontally
Paper Size:
Allows you to choose from a list of standard paper sizes or lets you create a custom size.
You can choose from the following paper size options:
• US Letter
• US Legal
• A0
• A1
• A2
• A3 Tabloid
• A4 Tabloid
• A4 Letter
• A5 Letter
• B1 (ISO)
• B4 (ISO)
• B5 Letter
• B 11" X 17"
• C 17" X 22"
• D 22" X 34"
• E 34" X 44"
• Custom

PCI Geomatics 25
Chapter 1: Getting started

The Width box shows the dimensions of the standard paper size you have chosen or allows you to enter a
custom paper width of your own.
The Height box shows the dimensions of the standard paper size you have chosen, or allows you to enter a
custom paper height of your own.

Default RST tab

Under the Default RST tab you can select a Representation Style Table to use as the default for your map.
RSTs that are associated with the map are listed in the window. You can browse to locate and add an RST
to your map.
Related Links
Understanding representation on page 301

About the Area Properties window

The Area Properties window allows you to change several attributes for an Area. You can re-name maps,
review file information, and change the Area scale, layout, and projection. You can also choose a new earth
model for the Area projection.
Changing the values on the Area properties window does not change the data in the file on disk, it changes
the properties of the Area only.

General tab
Under the General tab you can change generic information about your Area and preview the position of your
area in relation to your map.
The Description box lets you change the Area name or description appearing in the Maps tree.
Show Outline:
The Show Outline option outlines the Area in the view pane.
The Scale box allows you to change the scale of your Area to several standard scales or to a custom scale.
You can choose from the following scale options:
• 1:20000
• 1:50000
• 1:100000
• 1:1000000
• Custom
When you choose Custom from the Scale list, you enter your custom scale in the scale box. If you enter a
decimal value, Focus rounds it up to the next integer value.
The Preview area allows you to see the scale and orientation of your area relative to your map.

Layout tab
The Layout tab lets you change the Area representation, position, and size. You can also view position and
size changes in a preview window.

26 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Lets you change the Area scale factor and the Area priority.
Scale Factor:
Changes the Area scale factor. (See Scaling an area on page 316)
Changes the Area priority relative to other Areas in your project or file. (See Changing the layer priority on
page 18)
Allows you to move your Area relative to the Map and to select a unit of measure for your Area.
Allows you to change the Area position left or right.
Allows you to change the Area position up or down.
Allows you to control the width and height of your Area.
Changes the width of the Area.
Changes the height of the Area.
Automatic resize:
Resizes your Area automatically.
Allows you to see the position and width and height changes for your Area relative to your map.

Projection/Extents tab
The Projection/Extents tab allows you to change the definition of the area's projection, change the bounds
of the area, and rotate the area. Changing the projection's definition does not change the projection of the
area. To change the projection, see Reprojecting files on page 104.
Coordinate System:
The Coordinate Systems list displays the coordinate system for your area.
The available coordinate systems are
• Pixel
• Long/Lat
• Meter
• Foot
• Other
Earth Model:
The Earth Model button opens the Earth Model window, where you can choose from a list of data and
ellipsoids to define a coordinate system for an area.

PCI Geomatics 27
Chapter 1: Getting started

The More button opens projection definition windows, where you can select a projection definition for the
Area. The More button is active if you select UTM, SPCS, or Other from the Coordinate System box. A
different projection window opens under different conditions.

Table 1:

This Projection Opens this window

UTM Zone and Row
SPCS State Plane Zone
Other Set the Projection Definition

The Bounds box allows you to show the bounding coordinates of you file in either geocoded (Eastings and
Northings) or geographic (latitude and longitude) units for UTM, SPCS and Other coordinate systems. Bounding
coordinates are not shown with the Pixel option. Long/Lat displays the bounding coordinates in geographic
units only. Meter and Foot displays the bounding coordinates in geocoded units only.
Upper Left:
The Upper Left boxes show the X, Y coordinates for the upper-left corner of the area. Values are in the units
of the selected coordinate system.
Lower Right:
The Lower Right boxes indicate the X, Y coordinates for the lower-right corner of the area. Values are in the
units of selected coordinate system.
The Rotation boxes indicate the amount the area is rotated to display a rotated raster so the first pixel in the
data is in the top-left corner. For more information, see About rotated rasters on page 23.
Visual Clipping:
The Visual Clipping section lets you choose a clip region from a list of clips that fall within your area.
Define Clip Region:
The Define Clip Region button opens the Define clip region window, which allows you to choose a clip
region from a list of layers that fall within the area. See Selecting a clip region on page 123.
The Enable option is available after you have chosen a clip region from the Define clip region window.
Related Links
Selecting a clip region on page 123

About the Math Model Area Properties window

The Math Model Area properties window allows you to review file information and change the scale and layout
of a Math Model Area. The georeferencing of the Math Model Area is based on a math model segment
associated with a raw image rather than remaining pixel-based. For more information, see Setting Math Model
Area properties on page 318.

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change generic information about your Math Model Area and preview the
position of your area in relation to your map.

28 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

The Name box lets you change the Math Model Area name or description appearing in the Maps tree.
Show Outline:
The Show Outline option outlines the Math Model Area in the view pane.
The Scale box allows you to change the scale of a Math Model Area to several standard scales or to a custom
You can choose from the following scale options:
• 1:20000
• 1:50000
• 1:100000
• 1:1000000
• Custom
When you choose Custom from the scale list, you enter your custom scale in the scale box.
The Preview area allows you to see the scale and orientation of your Math Model Area relative to your map.

Layout tab
The Layout tab lets you change the Math Model Area representation and position. You can also view position
changes in a preview area.
Lets you change the Math Model Area scale factor and the Math Model Area priority.
Scale Factor:
Changes the Math Model Area scale factor. (See Scaling an area on page 316.)
Changes the Math Model Area priority relative to other Math Model Areas in your project or file. (See Changing
the layer priority on page 18)
Allows you to move your Math Model Area relative to the Map and to select a unit of measure for your Math
Model Area.
Allows you to change the Math Model Area position to the left or right.
Allows you to change the Math Model Area position up or down.
The Size section is always disabled in a Math Model Area. The width and height of your Math Model Area
are determined by the file.
Automatic Resize:
Automatically enlarges the extents of the Area to accommodate the extents of the data.
The Preview area allows you to see the position and width and height changes for your Math Model Area
relative to your map.

PCI Geomatics 29
Chapter 1: Getting started

Projection/Extents tab
The Projection/Extents tab allows you to view the Math Model Area projection and select a clip of image data
that falls within the area. It lists the file that contained the math model segment, the name of the segment,
and the source for the elevation values.
The coordinate system used in your Math Model Area is displayed.
The Bounds list allows you to show the bounding coordinates of your file in either geocoded (Eastings and
Northings) or geographic (latitude and longitude) units for UTM, SPCS, and other coordinate systems.
Upper left
The Upper Left boxes show the X, Y coordinates for the upper-left corner of the file. Values are in the units
of the selected coordinate system.
Lower Right
The Lower Right boxes indicate the X, Y coordinates for the lower-right corner of the file. Values are in the
units of selected coordinate system.
Visual Clipping
The Visual Clipping section lets you choose a clip region from a list of clips that fall within your Math Model
Define Clip Region
The Define Clip Region button opens the Define Clip Region window, which allows you to choose a clip region
from a list of data that falls within the Math Model Area. (See Selecting a clip region on page 123)
The Enable option is available after you have chosen a clip region from the Define Clip Region window.

About the RGB Layer Properties window

The RGB Layer Properties window allows you to change general properties, switch source images and lookup
tables, adjust display properties, and set a zoom scale for your RGB layers.

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change general information about your file and read other file information.
The Description box lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Maps tree.
Read Only:
The Read Only option lets you change the Read/Write properties of the RGB layer.
The Visible option makes the RGB layer visible in the view pane.
The Priority box changes the priority of the RGB layer in your project or file. (See Changing the layer priority
on page 18)
Resample Method:

30 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Allows you to select a resampling method for displaying the raster in the Focus view pane. The resampling
does not change the data itself, it is only used to determine how to display the raster on your screen.
You can choose from the following resample methods:
• Nearest Neighbor
• Bilinear Interpolation
• Cubic Convolution
Layer Enhancement:
Reports enhancements associated with the RGB layer. (See Changing a default enhancement on page 199)

Source Images tab

Under the Source Images tab, you can select a new file and a new image for the red, green, and blue channels.
Lets you select a new file and layer for the red image channel.
Allows you to choose a different file from a list of files you have open in Focus.
Lets you to choose a layer from the file you chose from the RedImage File box.
Lets you select a new file and layer for the green image channel.
Allows you to choose a different file from a list of files you have open.
Lets you to choose a layer from the file you chose from the GreenImage File box.
Lets you select a new file and layer for the blue image channel.
Allows you to choose a different file from a list of files you have open.
The layer list lets you to choose a layer from the file you chose from the BlueImage File box.

Source LUTs tab

On the Source LUTs tab of the RGB Layer Properties window, you can work with the following settings to
control the display of your RGB layer.

Auto re-enhance
The Auto re-enhance check box is used to control whether or not a new visual enhancement is computed
when the RGB layer display changes (for example, after panning or zooming). If the check box is selected,
a new enhancement is computed using the currently viewed pixels each time the display changes. If the
check box is not selected, the layer enhancement is not automatically adjusted each time the view changes.

With the following lists, you can select a new file and LUT for the red image channel.

PCI Geomatics 31
Chapter 1: Getting started

The File menu lets you choose a different file from a list of open files.
The Layer list lets you choose an LUT from the file you selected from the Red LUT File list.

Green LUT
With the following lists, you can select a new file and LUT for the green image channel.
The File list allows you to choose a different file from a list of files you have open in Focus.
The Layer list lets you choose a layer from the file you selected from the Green LUT File list.

Blue LUT
With the following lists, you can select a new file and LUT for the blue image channel.
The File list lets you choose a different file from a list of files you have open.
The Layer list lets you to choose a layer from the file you selected from the Blue LUT File list.

Display tab
The Display tab has controls for changing the transparency and opacity of the RGB layer and for viewing 'No
data' values when they are included in an RGB layer.
Vector layers placed below a raster transparency in the Maps tree appear in the view pane but are not
supported for printing.
Makes the Value boxes available.
Red Values:
Lets you enter a value or a range of values for red channel transparency.
Green Values:
Lets you enter a value or a range of values for green channel transparency.
Blue Values:
Lets you enter a value or a range of values for blue channel transparency.
Makes the Opacity slide control available for changing the opacity of the RGB layer.
View 'No Data Value':
When an RGB layer contains 'no data' values, the View 'No Data Value' option is available. When you choose
the View 'No Data Value' option, you can select a color from the color list for displaying them in the view pane.

Display within Zoom Scale tab

The Display within Zoom Scale tab allows you to set independent zoom limits for your RGB layer. When you
zoom the view pane above the maximum scale or below the minimum scale, your RGB layer is no longer
visible in the view pane.
Minimum Scale:
Lets you enter a minimum zoom scale.
Maximum Scale:
Lets you enter a maximum zoom scale.
Current Zoom Scale:

32 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Reports the current zoom scale for the RGB layer.

About the Grayscale Layer Properties window

The Grayscale Layer Properties window allows you to change general properties, switch source images and
lookup tables, adjust display properties, and set a zoom scale for a grayscale layer.

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change generic information about your file and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description for the grayscale layer appearing in the Maps tree.
Read Only:
Lets you change the Read/Write properties of the grayscale layer.
Makes the grayscale layer visible in the view pane.
Changes the priority of the grayscale layer in your project or file. (See Changing the layer priority on page
Resample Method:
Allows you to select a resampling method for displaying the raster in the Focus view pane. The resampling
does not change the data itself, it is only used to determine how to display the raster on your screen.
You can choose from the following resample methods:
• Nearest Neighbor
• Bilinear Interpolation
• Cubic Convolution
Layer Enhancement:
Reports the enhancements associated with the grayscale layer. (See Changing a default enhancement on
page 199)

Source Images tab

Under the Source Images tab, you can select a new file and a new image for the grayscale channels.
Allows you to choose a different file from a list of files you have open.
Lets you to choose a layer from the file you chose from the grayscale file box.

Source LUTs tab

On the Source LUTs tab of the Grayscale Layer Properties window, you can work with the following settings
and lists to control the display of your grayscale layer.
The Auto re-enhance check box is used to control whether or not a new visual enhancement is computed
when the RGB layer display changes (for example, after panning or zooming). If the check box is selected,
a new enhancement is computed using the currently viewed pixels each time the display changes. If the
check box is not selected, the layer enhancement is not automatically adjusted each time the view changes.

PCI Geomatics 33
Chapter 1: Getting started

If the Auto re-enhance check box is not selected, you can work with the two LUT lists to control the display
of your layer.
The File list lets you choose a different file from a list of open files.
The Layer list lets you choose an LUT from the file you selected from the File list.

Display tab
The Display tab has controls for changing the Transparency and Opacity of the grayscale layer and for viewing
NoData values when they are included in a grayscale layer.
Vector layers placed below a raster transparency in the Maps tree appear in the view pane but are not
supported for printing.
Makes the Value box available.
Lets you enter a value or a range of values for grayscale channel transparency.
Makes the Opacity slide control available for changing the opacity of the grayscale layer.
View 'No Data Value':
When a grayscale layer contains 'no data' values, the View 'No Data Value' option is available. When you
choose the View 'No Data Value' option, you can select a color from the color list for displaying them in the
view pane.

Display within Zoom Scale tab

The Display within Zoom Scale tab allows you to set independent zoom limits for your grayscale layer. When
you zoom the view pane above the maximum scale or below the minimum scale, the grayscale layer is no
longer visible.
Minimum Scale:
Lets you enter a minimum zoom scale.
Maximum Scale:
Lets you enter a maximum zoom scale.
Current Zoom Scale:
Reports the current zoom scale for the RGB layer.

Labels tab
The Label tab on the Properties window for the layer contains the label files associated with the project.
Related Links
Managing the labels on page 308

About the PCT Layer Properties window

The PCT Layer Properties window allows you to change general properties, switch source images and
pseudocolor tables, adjust display properties, and set a zoom scale for the PCT layers.

34 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change generic information about your PCT layer and read other file
Lets you change the file name or description for the PCT layer appearing in the Maps tree.
Read Only:
Lets you change the Read/Write properties of the PCT layer.
Makes the PCT layer visible in the view pane.
Changes the priority of the PCT layer in your project or file. (See Changing the layer priority on page 18)

Source Image tab

The Source Image tab allows you to select a new PCT image file and layer and a new pseudocolor table file
and layer.
Lets you select a new file, layer, and PCT.
Allows you to choose a different file from a list of files you have open.
Lets you to choose a layer from the file you chose from the PCTImage file box.
Lets you select a new pseudocolor table file and layer.
Allows you to choose a different file from a list of files you have open.
Lets you choose a new pseudocolor table from the file you chose In the PCT file box.

Display tab
The Display tab has controls for changing the Opacity of the PCT image layer and for viewing NoData values
when they are included in a PCT image layer.
Makes the Opacity slide control available for changing the opacity of the PCT image layer.
View 'No Data Value':
When a PCT image layer contains 'no data' values, the View 'No Data Value' option is available. When you
choose the View 'No Data Value' option, you can select a color from the color list for displaying them in the
view pane.

PCI Geomatics 35
Chapter 1: Getting started

Display within Zoom Scale tab

The Display within Zoom Scale tab allows you to set independent zoom limits for your PCT layer. When you
zoom the view pane above the maximum scale or below the minimum scale, your PCT layer is no longer
visible in the view pane.
Minimum Scale:
Lets you enter a minimum zoom scale.
Maximum Scale:
Lets you enter a maximum zoom scale.
Current Zoom Scale:
Reports the current zoom scale for the RGB layer.

Labels tab
The Label tab on the Properties window for the layer contains the Label files associated with the project. For
more information about labels see Managing the labels on page 308.
Related Links
Managing the labels on page 308

About the Bitmap Layer Properties window

The Bitmap Layer Properties window allows you to change general properties, switch source files segment
numbers and colors, adjust display properties, and set a zoom scale for your bitmap layers.

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change generic information and read other file information about a bitmap
Lets you change the file name or description for the bitmap layer appearing in the Maps tree.
Read Only:
Lets you change the Read/Write properties of the bitmap layer.
Makes the bitmap layer visible in the view pane.
Changes the priority of the bitmap layer in your project or file. (See Changing the layer priority on page 18)

Source Images tab

Under the Source Images tab you can change your bitmap layer source file and change your bitmap segment
and colors.
Lets you choose a file from the list of open files.
Segment Number:
Lets you choose from the list of bitmap segments available in your open files.

36 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Lets you change the color of the bitmap segment. You can choose from the following color options:
• Red
• Blue
• Cyan
• Yellow
• White
• Black
• More
The More option opens the Change Color window, which lets you create a custom color.

Display tab
The Display tab has controls for changing the Opacity of the bitmap segment.
Makes the opacity slide control available. You can change the opacity of a bitmap segment when you want
to see data from another layer through the bitmap in the view pane.

Display within Zoom Scale tab

The Display within Zoom Scale tab allows you to set independent zoom limits for your bitmap segment. When
you zoom the view pane above the maximum scale or below the minimum scale, your bitmap segment is no
longer visible.
Minimum Scale:
Lets you enter a minimum zoom scale.
Maximum Scale:
Lets you enter a maximum zoom scale.
Current Zoom Scale:
Reports the current zoom scale for the bitmap segment.

About the Vector Layer Properties window

The Vector Layer Properties window allows you to change general properties, adjust display properties, set
a zoom scale, and label vector layers. You can also add and remove metadata.

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change generic and display information and read other file information about
a vector layer.
Lets you change generic attributes of your vector layer.
Lets you change the layer file name or description of the vector layer shown in the Maps tree.
Read Only:
Makes the file read only. When you select this option you cannot save changes to the vector layer.
Makes the vector layer visible in the view pane.

PCI Geomatics 37
Chapter 1: Getting started

Allows you to either enable the selection of shapes in a vector segment or disable it. If the Selectable check
box is selected, Focus lets you select one or more shapes in a given vector segment, which can then be used
for several operations, such as removing, appending, and editing. If the check box is cleared, you are not
permitted to select or deselect shapes in a vector segment.
This option can also be used to lock the current selection. With the Selectable check box selected, you must
first select the desired shape(s) from the vector segment using the Attribute Manager, Selection tools, or
Vector Editing tools. Once all of the desired shapes are selected, you can then clear the Selectable check
box to lock the currently selected shapes. The shape selection can then be unlocked by selecting the check

Display within Zoom Scale tab

The Display within Zoom Scale tab allows you to set independent zoom limits for your vector layer. When
you zoom the view pane above the maximum scale or below the minimum scale, your vector layer is no longer
Minimum Scale:
Lets you enter a minimum zoom scale.
Maximum Scale:
Lets you enter a maximum zoom scale.
Current Zoom Scale:
Reports the current zoom scale for the bitmap segment.

Labels tab
The Label tab on the Properties window for the layer contains the label files associated with the project. For
more information about labels see Managing the labels on page 308.
Related Links
Managing the labels on page 308

About the Thematic Layer Properties window

The Thematic Layer Properties window allows you to change general properties, adjust display properties,
and set a zoom scale for the layers containing rasters with an RST.

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change generic information about your thematic layer and read other file
Lets you change the file name or description for the thematic layer appearing in the Maps tree.
Read Only:
Lets you change the Read/Write properties of the thematic layer.
Makes the thematic layer visible in the view pane.
Allows you to select a thematic in the view pane using the selection tools.

38 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Changes the priority of the thematic layer in your project or file. (See Changing the layer priority on page 18)

Display tab
The Display tab has controls for changing the Opacity of the thematic image layer and for viewing NoData
values when they are included in a thematic image layer.
Makes the Opacity slide control available for changing the opacity of the thematic image layer.
View 'No Data Value':
When a thematic image layer contains 'no data' values, the View 'No Data Value' option is available. When
you choose the View 'No Data Value' option, you can select a color from the color list for displaying them in
the view pane.

Display within Zoom Scale tab

The Display within Zoom Scale tab allows you to set independent zoom limits for your thematic layer. When
you zoom the view pane above the maximum scale or below the minimum scale, your thematic layer is no
longer visible in the view pane.
Minimum Scale:
Lets you enter a minimum zoom scale.
Maximum Scale:
Lets you enter a maximum zoom scale.
Current Zoom Scale:
Reports the current zoom scale for the thematic layer.

Labels tab
The Label tab on the Properties window for the layer contains the Label files associated with the project. For
more information about labels see Managing the labels on page 308.
Related Links
Managing the labels on page 308

About the RST Properties window

The RST Properties window lets you change several aspect of an RST.
General Tab
Under the General tab, you can change the name of the RST file and change the current units of measure
used by the RST.
Lets you change the name of the RST.
Reports the units of measure used by the RST.
Opens the Modify window.
File Information
The File information section shows the current path of the RST file and reports last date the file was modified.

PCI Geomatics 39
Chapter 1: Getting started

File Name:
Reports the name and path of the RST.

About the Modify window

From Ground To:
Lets you choose a different unit of measure, select a standard scale from a list, or create a custom scale.
Scale 1:
Lets you enter a custom scale when you choose Custom from the From Ground To list.

About the Symbol Properties window

The Symbol Properties window lets you change the description of a symbol file and view the symbol file
General Tab
Under the General tab, you can change the name of the symbol file and view the file information.
Lets you change the description of the symbol file.
File Information
The File information section shows the current path of the symbol file and reports last date the file was
File Name:
Reports the name and path of the RST.

Managing file properties

Characteristics of the data files that are saved to a hard disk are listed under the Files tab in the control pane.
You can access the file information through a file Properties window, which shows similar information for all
file properties. The available information may differ depending on the file type you are viewing.
Related Links
Managing data properties on page 24

Opening a Properties window from the Files tab

From the Files tab in Focus, you can open the Properties window for data files saved to disk.

1. In the control pane, click the Files tab and select a file.
2. From the View menu, click Properties.
You can also right-click a file and click Properties to open the Properties window.

About the Bitmap Properties window

The bitmap Properties window allows you to view and change several of the attributes for you bitmap files.
You can review the file history, and add or remove metadata.

40 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

General tab
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports the layer type.
Size on Disk:
Reports the size of the file on disk.
Creation Date:
Indicates when the layer was created.
Last Update:
Shows the last time the raster file was changed.
Raster Size:
Reports the size of the bitmap layer in pixels and lines.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with the Raster
Shows the name of the metadata file.
Lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

About the File Properties window

The Files Properties window allows you to review general file attributes, review the file processing history,
manage file metadata, and view and change the file projection.

General tab
Allows you to enter detailed information about a file. The description is shown in the Properties window for
the file.

PCI Geomatics 41
Chapter 1: Getting started

Reports the file format.
Size on disk:
Reports the disk size of the file.
Creation date:
Indicates when the file was first created.
Last updated:
Shows when the last edit was made to the file.
Raster Size:
If applicable, reports the size of the raster in pixels and lines.
Interleaving type:
Reports the type of interleaving used in the file.
The following interleave methods are reported:
BAND interleaved:
Stores all data for one band together. Gives superior performance when bands are not accessed continuously.
Not supported for files larger than 2 GB.
PIXEL interleaved:
Stores data for all bands at a particular pixel. May give better performance when all bands are accessed at
the same time.
FILE interleaved:
Similar to BAND interleaved, but image channel data is stored in external files, one file per band.
Files have image data organized in many square sub images. Tiling provides faster access when a sub-area
is extracted for file viewing, and supports compression formats.
Reports the full path and name of the file.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab has a table that displays metadata associated with the file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

42 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Projection tab
The Projection tab allows you to view and change the projection of your files.
Coordinate System:
Allows you to select a coordinate system for a file.
The available systems are:
• Pixel
• Long/Lat
• Meter
• Foot
• Other
Earth Model:
Opens the Earth Model window, where you can choose from a list of datum and ellipsoids to define your
coordinate system.
Opens the UTM, State Plane Zones, or the Projection definition window if you chose UTM, SPCS, or Other
from the Coordinate System box.
UTM window:
Lists the following choices depending on the type of coordinate system you chose:

Table 2:

This Projection Opens this window

UTM Zone and Row
SPCS State Plane Zone
Other Set the Projection Definition

Allows you to show the bounding coordinates of your file in either geocoded (Eastings and Northings) or
geographic (latitude and longitude) units for UTM, SPCS, and other coordinate systems. Bounding coordinates
are not shown for the Pixel option. Long/Lat displays the bounding coordinates in geographic units only. Meter
and foot displays the bounding coordinates in geocoded units only.
Upper left:
The Upper Left boxes show the X, Y coordinates for the upper left corner of the file unless the file contains
a rotated raster. If the file contains a rotated raster, the Upper Left boxes indicate the coordinates of the first
pixel in the file, which is not necessarily the upper left corner. Values are in the units of the selected coordinate
Lower Right:
The Lower Right boxes show the X, Y coordinates for the lower right corner of the file unless the file contains
a rotated raster. If the file contains a rotated raster, the Lower Right boxes indicate the coordinates of the last
pixel in the file, which is not necessarily the lower right corner. Values are in the units of the selected coordinate

PCI Geomatics 43
Chapter 1: Getting started

The Rotation boxes indicate the amount the data is rotated. For more information, see About rotated rasters
on page 23.
Pixel Size X:
Reports the horizontal pixel size in the units of the selected coordinate system.
Pixel Size Y:
Reports the vertical pixel size in the units of the selected coordinate system.

About the Ground Control Points window

The Ground Control Points window allows you to view the properties, history, and metadata of ground control
point files. You can also change read/write attributes and add or remove metadata.

General tab
You can change information about your ground control point (GCP) file and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports layer type.
Size on disk:
Reports the disk size of the layer.
Creation date:
Reports when the layer was created.
Last updated:
Reports the last time the GCP file was changed.
Number of GCPs:
Reports the number of GCPs in the layer.
Number of CPs:
Reports the number of check points in the layer.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with the GCP
The name column shows the name of the metadata file.
The value column lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.

44 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

Projection tab
The Projection tab of the Ground Control Point Properties window displays projection information for the
selected ground control point (GCP) segment. Projection information includes:
• Coordinate system
• Earth model (datum and ellipsoids)
• Elevation reference
• Elevation units

About the Lookup Table Properties window

The Lookup Table Properties window allows you to change several of the attributes for lookup table (LUT)
files. You can review the file history, and add or remove metadata.

General tab
The General tab allows you to change generic information about your file and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports layer type.
Size on disk:
Reports the disk size of the layer.
Creation date:
Reports when the layer was created.
Last updated:
Reports the last time the LUT file was changed.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the table.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with the lookup
table (LUT) file.
The name column shows the name of the metadata file.
The value column lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.

PCI Geomatics 45
Chapter 1: Getting started

Lets you add records to the MetaData table.

Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

About the Orbit Properties window

The Orbit Properties window allows you to change several orbit file attributes. You can change the name of
the file, review the file history, and add or remove metadata.

General tab
Under the General tab, you can change the description of an orbit file layer and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports layer type.
Size on Disk:
Reports the size of the layer in bytes.
Creation date:
Reports the layer creation date.
Last updated:
Reports the last date the file was changed.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with an orbit file.
The name column shows the name of the metadata file.
The value column lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

46 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

About the Pseudocolor Table Properties window

The Pseudocolor Table Properties window allows you to change several of the attributes for you pseudocolor
table files. You can review the file history, and add or remove metadata.

General tab
You can change information about your file and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports layer type.
Size on disk:
Reports the disk size of the layer.
Creation date:
Reports when the layer was created.
Last updated:
Reports the last time the pseudocolor table file was changed.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with the
pseudocolor table file.
Shows the name of the metadata file.
Lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

About the Raster Properties window

The Raster Properties window allows you to change several of the attributes for your Raster files. You can
give a raster file read-only status, review the file history, and add or remove metadata.

General tab
You can change generic information about your file and read other file information.

PCI Geomatics 47
Chapter 1: Getting started

Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports layer type.
Size on disk:
Reports the size of the layer in bytes.
Creation date:
Reports when the layer was created.
Last updated:
Reports the last time the raster file was changed.
Locking Status:
Gives the raster layer read only status. Read-only Raster layers appear in the Files Tree with a red 'X' next
to the raster icon.
Raster Size:
Reports the size of the raster layer in pixels and lines.
Data Type:
Reports the bit depth of the of the raster layer as one of the following data types:
• 8-bit unsigned
• 16-bit signed
• 16-bit unsigned
• 32-bit real
Reports available overviews in the raster file.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with the Raster
Shows the name of the metadata file.
Lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:

48 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

About the Signatures Properties window

The Signatures Properties window allows you to change several of the attributes for the pseudocolor table
files. You can review the file history, and add or remove metadata.

General tab
Under the General tab you can change information about your file and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports layer type.
Size on disk:
Reports the disk size of the layer.
Creation date:
Reports when the layer was created.
Last updated:
Reports the last time the Signatures file was changed.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with the
pseudocolor table file.
Shows the name of the metadata file.
Lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

About the Text Properties window

The Text Properties window allows you to change several text file attributes. You can change the name of
the file, review the file history, and add or remove metadata.

PCI Geomatics 49
Chapter 1: Getting started

General tab
You can change the description of your file and read other file information.
Lets you change the file name or description appearing in the Files tree.
Reports layer type.
Size on Disk:
Reports the size of the layer in bytes.
Creation date:
Reports the layer creation date.
Last updated:
Reports the last date the file was changed.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with a text file.
Shows the name of the metadata file.
Lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

About the Vector Properties window

The Vector Properties window allows you to view the properties and history of vector files. You can also
change read/write attributes of the vector file, and add or remove metadata.

General tab
Lets you change the file description appearing in the Files tree.
Lets you change the name of the vector layer appearing in the Files tree.

50 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Reports layer type.

Size on disk:
Reports the disk size of the layer.
Creation date:
Indicates when the vector file layer was created.
Last updated:
Shows the last time the vector file layer was changed.
Data Type:
Reports the type of vector data.
Shape Count:
Reports the number of shapes in the vector file layer.

History tab
The History tab allows you to review the processing history of the data as a list of algorithms that have been
applied to the data contained in the image channel.

MetaData tab
The MetaData tab provides a table for working with metadata names and values associated with the vector
Shows the name of the metadata file.
Lets you enter a new value for the metadata file.
Lets you add records to the MetaData table.
Lets you remove records from the MetaData table.
Delete All:
Lets you delete all of the MetaData records from the table.

Projection tab
The Projection tab allows you to change the vector projection and select an Earth model and a UTM zone
for the vector layer.
Allows you to choose a different projection for the vector file layer.
You can choose the following projections from the list box:
• Pixel
• UTM - Opens the UTM Zones window.
• Lat/Long - Makes the Earth Model button available and reports the current Datum and Ellipsoid.
• Meter - Makes the Earth Model button available and reports the current Datum and Ellipsoid.
• Foot - Makes the Earth Model button available and reports the current Datum and Ellipsoid.

PCI Geomatics 51
Chapter 1: Getting started

• SPCS - Makes the Earth Model button available, reports the current Datum and Ellipsoid, and opens the
State Plane Zones window.
• Other - Makes the Earth Model button available, reports the current Datum and Ellipsoid, and opens the
Other Projections window.
Earth Model:
Opens the Earth Model window.
Opens the State Plane window.

About the Other Projections window

The Other Projections window lets you choose a projection other than Pixel, UTM, Lat/Long, Meter, Foot,
and SPCS. The Other Projections window is available when you choose Other from the projections list under
the Projection tab in any Properties window.
Related Links
Reprojecting files on page 104

Color mapping and image profiles

Focus lets you map individual color elements and combinations of red, green, and blue (RGB) color elements
to the channels in data with the RGB Mapper. You can also generate an image profile graph and a numeric
table of profile values for your active images. The Profile Table and Profile Graph windows are used together
when working with profiles and they allow you to print and save information.

Setting the color composition of RGB and grayscale map layers

The RGB Mapper window in Focus shows the color composition used by the active map layer. The RGB
Mapper window lets you change or map the channel data to a color element and show the changes in the
You can perform RGB mapping on more than one map layer at a time. When you have more than one map
layer selected in the Maps tree and choose RGB Mapper from the Layer menu, the RGB Mapper
(multi-select) window opens.
The RGB Mapper window displays the following information:
• Target map layer: Specifies the name of the active RGB or grayscale map layer. This is the layer that is
being reported on and will be updated if any new mappings are specified.
• Mapping table, which shows the channels from all of the files that are part of any map layer within the
active area.
The RGB Mapper (multi-select) window displays the following information:
• Target map layer: Always shows "All selected layers" since any edits to the channel mappings will be
applied to each of the selected layers.
• Active layer: Specifies the name of the active RGB or grayscale map layer.
• Mapping table, which shows the channels from the active map layer available for red, green, and blue
To set the color composition of map layers:

1. Select an RGB or grayscale layer or multiple layers in the Maps tree.

2. From the Layer menu, select RGB Mapper.

52 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

3. Click in the Red, Green, and Blue columns next to the image channels to specify the color composition
of the on-screen image.
If only one image layer is selected, the displayed image changes according to the new mapping. Once
you are satisfied with the mapping, click Close.
If multiple images are selected, move to the next step.
4. For multiple map layer selections, do one of the following after making mapping changes to the table:
• Click Apply to apply your changes to the viewer.
• Click OK to apply your changes and close the RGB Mapper (multi-select) window.

Note: You should re-apply a visual enhancement to your map layers after you alter their composition to
better see the data.

Creating an image profile

Focus lets you generate a spectral plot and a table of numeric values across an overlaid vector that shows
image information related to the RGB input channels. The resulting image profile gives a cross section of the
pixel values under the vector. Focus automatically generates a table of pixel values for the vector. Pixel values
in the profile table are across three image planes. You can save the table values as a text file and you can
save and print the profile graph.
If a vector is not open, a line is automatically generated and used to calculate the profile. You may want to
create a vector profile under a specific area of your image or select an existing vector for the profile. You can
modify the profile or draw a new one.

With a raster file open, choose one of the following options:

• To create an automatic image profile, right-click a raster layer in the Maps tree and click Profile.
Focus automatically adds a new vector layer to the Maps tree and a new vector to the view pane to
calculate the vector profile. The Profile graph and table also appear.
• To create a new image profile, do the following:
1. Open a vector segment, or add a new vector layer and draw a vector using the Vector Editing
2. Select the image layer and click Layer and then click Profile.
The Profile graph and table appear. The Profile graph displays the profile of the vector that is
selected. If a vector is not selected, Focus automatically adds a new vector layer to the Maps tree
and a new vector to the view pane to calculate the vector profile. This vector profile is displayed in
the Profile graph that appears.
3. Click the Vector Editing button.
4. Click another vector for which you want to create a profile.

About the Profile Table window

The Profile Table window lists the RGB values, X/Y positions, and scaled distances for each pixel included
in the overlaid vector segment. Pixels are incremented automatically and several statistical and graphical
adjustments can be made.
The Sample column reports an automatic increment for each pixel along the vector. Pixel 1 is the first pixel
at the vector point of origin.
Each of the Channel columns (Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, and so on) lists the pixel value for the color
you have mapped to that channel.

PCI Geomatics 53
Chapter 1: Getting started

The Pixel/Line column lists a pixel and line coordinate location for each pixel along the vector.
The X position column lists the X coordinate for each pixel along the vector.
The Y position column lists the Y coordinate for each pixel along the vector.
The Distance column lists the scale distance for each pixel relative to the image scale. Distances are expressed
in units of measure corresponding to the image in the view pane.
The Graph button brings the Profile Graph window to the front of your desktop.
The Statistics button opens the Profile Statistics window, which shows the statistics for each channel in a
selected layer. The following statistics are calculated automatically:
• Sample Min
• Sample Max
• Sample Avg
• Weighted Avg
Statistics are a summary for the sample gray values along the profile. The weighted average is the most
accurate measure of central tendency among the sample points. The weight of a sample gray value is the
ratio of the length of a sample interval over the total distance of all the sample intervals.
The Save button opens the Save Table window, which allows you to save your table.
The Options button opens the Profile Options window.

Working with profile options

The Profile Options window allows you to make changes to the profile graph and the profile table. By making
changes in the Profile Options window, you can simultaneously change information reported in the Profile
Table and Profile Graph windows.
The Profile Options window lists all of the channels in the file. You can choose which channels to plot in the
profile graph and change the graph focus to another channel. You can also change the display color for any
channel in the profile graph.

1. In the Profile Table window, click Options.

The Profile Options window opens.
2. Do any of the following:
• To change the display color for a channel plot line in the profile graph, click a color chip for the
corresponding channel in the Color column of the table. In the Color panel window, make any changes
to the basic color, color continuum, or intensity. Click OK.
• To change the focus of the profile graph to another channel, click in the Active column next to the
appropriate channel.
• To display additional channels in the profile graph and in the profile table, click in the Profile column
next to the appropriate channels. Any number of channels can be displayed.
Note: This applies to RGB and grayscale layers only.

3. To set the view scale of the profile graph, do one of the following:
• To set the X axis of the graph to the linear scale view of your image, click Georeferenced.
• To set the X axis of the graph to the pixel number view of the vector profile, click Sample points.

54 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

About the Profile Graph window

The Profile Graph window lets you view the graph plotted from the information corresponding to the overlaid
vector and the values listed in the Profile Table window. You can zoom in the graph to look at a segment of
the plot.
The graph provides a profile of the channels you have chosen in the Profile column of the Profile Options
The vector profile is interpreted from left to right; however, if the end points of the vector occupy the same X
position, the profile is interpreted from the top down. With closed shapes, the profile is interpreted in a clockwise
direction from the start/end node.
Gray-value changes are shown as a function of distance along the vector. The graph gives a profile of the
image layer and the distance along the vector on the X axis. When you choose the Sample points option in
the Profile Options window, an 8-bit RGB image layer shows a range along the X axis of 0 to 255 and
represents the 256 possible gray-level values for each pixel of the red, green, and blue input channels. Both
16-bit and 32-bit real raster data can be graphed showing the 16-bit and 32-bit range of values.
When you choose the Georeferenced option in the Profile Options window, the X axis is measured in meters
and represents the distance between the end points of the vector. The range of the X axis depends on the
length of the vector and the scale of the area or the ground distance covered by the image.
The Y axis of the graph shows input channels plotted with the gray values.
The Mensuration bars section of the window reports the position of the mensuration bars for the active
channel in pixels or in scale distance along the vector, depending on the View option selected in the Profile
Options window.
You can move the mensuration bars on the graph by dragging the left side of the graph to the right.
• Left Bar X: Reports the X position of the left mensuration bar
• Left Bar Y: Reports the Y position of the left mensuration bar
• Right Bar X: Reports the X position of the right mensuration bar
• Right Bar Y: Reports the Y position of the right mensuration bar
• Difference X: Reports the difference between the left and right mensuration bars along the X axis of the
• Difference Y: Reports the difference between the left and right mensuration bars along the Y axis of the
The Zoom to Overview button restores the graph to a full view after the graph has been zoomed.
The Graph Controls button opens the Graph Controls window.

About the Graph Controls window

The Graph Controls window allows you to change the viewable range for both the X and Y axes, export the
plot to a graphic file, change the background color for the plot, and print the plot.
X View Range:
Allows you to set the minimum and maximum ranges of the X axis of the profile graph.
Allows you to enter a minimum range for the X axis of the profile graph.
Allows you to enter a maximum range for the X axis of the profile graph.
Y View Range:

PCI Geomatics 55
Chapter 1: Getting started

Allows you to set the minimum and maximum ranges of the Y axis of the profile graph.
Allows you to enter a minimum range for the Y axis of the profile graph.
Allows you to enter a maximum range for the Y axis of the profile graph.
Allows you to choose a file and a format for exporting your graph.
Opens a File Selector window, where you can choose a target file for exporting your graph.
File Format:
Lets you choose a file format for exporting your graph.
Lets you show a legend on your graph, lock the aspect ratio of the X and Y axes, and change the background
color of the graph.
Show Legend:
Shows or hides the legend on the Profile Graph window. The legend is printed with the graph when this option
is checked.
Fix Aspect Ratio:
Locks the aspect ratio of the X and Y axes of the graph.
Lets you change the background color of the graph.

Using the graph controls

The Graph Controls allow you to edit the X and Y axis of a profile. You can also change the graph colors.
You can control the range with the Min. and Max arrows. The Fix Aspect Ratio option holds the X and Y axis
to the original relationship.
The range varies depending on the ground distance covered by the image and the length of the vector. The
range default value depends on the image bit depth (for example, 8-bit, 16-bit, and so on).
At the bottom of the Profile Graph window, click Graph Controls. You can also right-click in the profile and
click Graph Controls.
Range Controls:
The range of the graph is controlled with the Min. and Max arrows. The Fix Aspect Ratio option holds the X
and Y-axis to the original relationship. To adjust the X and Y axis independently, make sure this option is
disabled. You can return to the original values by clicking Show All at the bottom of the Profile Graph window.
The range varies depending on the ground distance covered by the image and the length of the vector.
You can also interactively draw a box on your vector profile graph to zoom into an area of interest on the
graph by dragging a box around the area of the graph into which you want to zoom. You can zoom back out
to the original X and Y range by clicking Show All.
Legend and Color Controls:
You can show he legend for the color channels by enabling the Show Legend check box.

• Select a color from the Background list.

56 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Exporting profiles
To export your profile information, you can:
• Save your graph as a PCIDSK (.pix), TIFF (.tif), bitmap (.bmp), or PostScript (.ps) file through the Graph
Controls window.
• Print the profile graph by clicking Print at the bottom of the Graph Controls window.
• Save your profile table to a text file through the Profile Table window. This text file can be imported to any
spreadsheet for editing or analysis.
You can change the file format before selecting the output file.

1. In the Export area of the Profile Graph window, select a format from the Format list box.
2. Click File.
3. In the File Selector window, navigate to and select a file.
4. Click Save.
5. In the Profile Graph window, click Export.

Printing your graph without showing the mensuration bars

1. From the Profile Table window, click Options.
2. In the Profile Options window, click the field with an X in the Current Channel column.
3. Click Close.
4. In the Profile Table window, click Graph.
5. In the Profile Graph window, click Graph Controls.
6. In the Graph Controls window, click Print.
7. In the Print window, click OK.

Using the View tools

Focus offers several tools to view, create, and save custom views of specific regions in your image data. This
section covers the methods and tools for focusing on specific parts of an image.

Using the Zoom window

The Zoom Window lets you see a linked copy of your image data in a separate viewer. You can zoom the
images independently, using one image to locate features and the other to zoom in for a closer look. You
open the Zoom Window from the View menu. When you click the Lock command, you can move the cursor
in the view pane without changing the image in the Zoom Window.

Using a Clone view

You can use the Clone View feature for several tasks. For example, if you want to compare classified images
with reference images or if you want to analyse multi-temporal imagery, you can use Clone View to open
several independently enhanced versions of the same image to help discriminate certain features.
The clone view command opens a second window for the current project. A copy of the project opens in the
Maps and Files trees in the view pane.

PCI Geomatics 57
Chapter 1: Getting started

Clone views are independent of the source view showing in the original project window. Changes made to
the project are not reflected in the cloned window. Once a Clone View is open, a new image can be opened
in the project window with no effect on the cloned view.

Chaining clone views

When you have an open Clone View, you can use the Chained Window command to have the cursor position
in the Focus view pane automatically control the cursor position in the Clone view, vice versa, or have both
cursors affect each other.

1. From the View menu of the project window, click Clone View.
2. If you want the cursor in the Focus view pane to follow the cursor in the Clone view, click the Chained
Window button on the Focus toolbar.
3. If you want the cursor in the Clone view to follow the cursor in the Focus view pane, click the Chained
Window button on the Clone view toolbar.

Zooming using the Overview window

If you have a very large image file open or if your image is zoomed in, you can pan around the image in the
view pane. There are two ways to pan around images: you can click the Pan button in the Focus toolbar or
you can use the bounding outline in the overview window. The extents for the overview window are based
on the extents of all data loaded in the main viewer regardless of what data types you set to be shown.
When you open image data in Focus, the overview window shows a smaller version of the image in the view
pane. The overview window has a bounding outline that you can use to control the view in the view pane.
You can click the bounding outline to pan around the image in the view pane and you can resize the bounding
outline to zoom the image in the view pane.

1. In the overview window, pointer to a corner of the bounding box.

2. Drag the bounding box to a new size.

Dragging the box in the overview window moves the image in the view pane without changing the zoom level.

Working with named regions

You can create a custom view of your map or image with the Named Regions tool. When you create a named
region, the viewer can move to it in the view pane.
New named regions are defined by upper-left and lower-right corner coordinates.You can define the boundaries
of a new region by using either the zoom tools on the Focus toolbar or by using the advanced features of the
Named Regions window. You can save your named regions when you save the current project. If you add,
remove, or edit the name of a map or area in the Maps tree, the information is updated in the Named Regions
The Named Regions window has a tree similar to the one in the control pane. In the Named Regions tree,
only the named regions are listed. New named regions are shown by either an Area-named regions icon or
a Map-named regions icon.

Creating named regions

1. In the Maps tree, choose an Area or a Map for defining your named region.
2. Use any of the zoom tools, including the bounding outline in the overview window, to define your region.
3. From the View menu, click Named Regions.
4. In the Named Regions window, click the + button.
5. Type a name of the selected region in the Named Region 1 box.
6. Click OK.

58 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Removing named regions

1. From the View menu, click Named Regions.

2. In the Named Regions window, select a region.
3. Click the - button.

You can also right-click a named region in the Named Regions tree and click Remove.

Creating named regions using coordinates

You can define a named region using coordinate information and you can edit your coordinates. By default,
the advanced features show raster coordinates for the image data open in the view pane. You can describe
the bounds of your named region in Raster, Geocoded, Geographic, or MGRS units.

1. In the Named Regions window, click Advanced.

2. Select a reference system from the Bounds list box.
3. Type the coordinates of your named region in the appropriate boxes, based on the selected reference
4. Click the + button.
5. Type a name of the selected region in the Named Region 1 box.
6. Click OK.

Panning an image
When you have a very large image file open or when your image is zoomed in, you can pan around the image
in the Focus view pane. There are two ways to pan around images: using the Pan tool on the Focus toolbar
or using the mouse scroll wheel.
You can also scroll an image using the standard scroll bars along the horizontal and vertical edges of the
view pane.

Do one of the following:

• On the Focus toolbar, click the Pan button and drag the mouse to pan to the desired location.
• Hold down the Shift key (horizontal pan) or the Alt key (vertical pan) while rolling the mouse scroll

Tip: You can increase the effect on the view by holding down the Ctrl key while rolling the mouse scroll

Zooming an image with the Zoom tools

In addition to the Zoom In and Zoom Out tools on the Focus toolbar, the mouse scroll wheel can be used
to easily zoom inside the Focus view pane.

1. In the view pane, click a location or feature in the image.

2. Do one of the following:
• To zoom in, click the Zoom In button or roll the mouse scroll wheel up.
• To zoom out, click the Zoom Out button or roll the mouse scroll wheel down.
The view centers and zooms incrementally.

Tip: You can increase the size of the zoom increment by a factor of 2 by holding down the Ctrl key while
rolling the mouse scroll wheel up or down.

PCI Geomatics 59
Chapter 1: Getting started

Viewing a 1:1 image resolution

1. In the view pane, click the image.
2. On the Zoom toolbar, click the Zoom to 1:1 Image Resolution button.

Note: When more than one image is open, the zoom tools apply to all images in the view pane.

Using a layout grid

The Layout Grid can use dots or lines to help you draw and lay out items in the view pane. You can align or
position any map element relative to the grid. There are grid properties for Show Grid and Snap to Grid that
can be turned on or off. You cannot print a Layout Grid.
There are two options for displaying the grid: the first option shows the grid as dots; the second option shows
the grid as lines. The index for the grid is displayed as a cross or wider line. All map objects can snap to the
• For areas, the handles of the bounding box are used for snapping. The closest handle to the cursor click
position snaps to a grid point.
• For Points, either text or symbols, the insertion point snaps to the grid point.
• For shapes, snapping is the same as snapping an area.
A grid point is the intersection of a horizontal and a vertical grid line. When the grid is displayed as dots, each
dot is placed at a grid line intersection point.

Grid spacing
The Grid Spacing section sets the spacing for both the dots and lines.
The default spacing is 1.00 Millimetre
The default spacing is 1.00 Millimetre.
The unit options for spacing are in standard paper units: millimetre, inch, point, and pica.
The Keep Equal option forces the grid spacing to be equal in both directions. You can disable the option if
you want different horizontal and vertical spacing. This option is checked by default.

Index spacing
Index spacing is based on your grid spacing.
Spacing for the index is in grid units. The default is 10. Every tenth dot or line is an index dot or line.
Spacing for the index grid is also in grid units. The default is 10. Every tenth dot or line is an index dot or line.
The Keep Equal option forces the index spacing to be equal in both directions. You can disable this option
if you want different horizontal and vertical spacing.
Show Grid:
Switches the grid off or on in the view pane. Enable this option to show the grid.
Snap to Grid:
Switches the grid snapping behavior off or on. Enable the check box to make map elements snap to the grid.

60 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

1. From the View menu, click Layout Grid Setup.

2. In the Layout Grid Setup window, click either the Dots or the Lines option.
3. Select a color for your grid from the Color list.
4. Select grid and index spacing by entering values in the Grid Spacing and Index Spacing spin boxes.
If you want to display the grid in the view pane, enable the Show grid check box.
If you want new objects in the view pane to snap to your grid, enable the Snap to grid check box.
5. Click OK.

Visualizing your data

Focus provides a set of active visualization tools that can automate your work. The visualization tools are
ideal for work requiring change detection between images recorded at different times. You can also use the
visualization tools to ensure accuracy in your cartographic projects when you use imagery as a background
layer to update vector or bitmap data.
Related Links
Enhancing images on page 198

Using the Attribute Manager

The Attribute Manager produces a table showing all pixel values for raster attributes. You can select vectors,
search for segments, and locate records. You can also edit vector attribute records and fields.

• From the Maps or Files tree, right-click a layer and click Attribute Manager.

Visualizing GCP segments as map layers

In Focus, you can visualize a ground control point (GCP) segment as a map layer with GCPs graphically
displayed in the view pane. This allows you to more easily examine the quality and distribution of GCPs.
There are three options for viewing GCPs graphically: As Ground Points, As Image Points, and As
Displacement Lines.

Visualizing GCPs as ground points

When you choose the option to view ground control points (GCPs) as ground points, Focus uses the stored
geographic coordinates in the source file to generate a new 3D point vector layer with each GCP represented
by a single point shape. The generated layer is given the same projection as the GCP segment and can
overlay correctly with any other geocoded layer.

1. In the Focus Files tree, right-click a GCP segment.

2. In the menu that appears, select View > As Ground Points.
A new vector map layer based on the selected GCP segment is created and displayed in the Focus view
pane. The GCPs appear as symbols in the displayed layer and the new map layer is listed in the Maps

Visualizing GCPs as image points

When you choose the option to view ground control points (GCPs) as image points, Focus uses the GCPs'
pixel and line coordinates for the location information.

PCI Geomatics 61
Chapter 1: Getting started

If the source file has a real projection, this projection is used, along with the file's upper-left coordinate, the
file's georeferencing (including rotation), and the stored pixel and line coordinates, to compute new geographic
coordinates. If there is no math model associated with the source file, the generated vector layer is created
with the same projection as the file's georeferencing. If there is at least one math model, you can choose to
display the layer with georeferencing from the math model.
If the source file has only a PIXEL projection and no associated math model, the stored pixel and line image
coordinates are used "as is" in the generated vector layer and a PIXEL projection is applied.

1. In the Focus Files tree, right-click a GCP segment.

2. In the menu that appears, select View > As Image Points.
3. If your file has at least one associated math model, a prompt appears. Click one of the following:
• File: Displays the layer with georeferencing from the file.
• Math Model: Displays the layer with georeferencing from the math model.

4. Click OK on the prompt window.

If you chose File, the layer is displayed with GCPs derived from the file's georeferencing. If you chose
Math Model, the Select Layer Georeferencing window appears.
5. If applicable, follow the steps in Using the math model for georeferencing on page 17 to select the math
model georeferencing information in the Select Layer Georeferencing window.
The layer is displayed with GCPs derived from selected math model's georeferencing.

Related Links
Using the math model for georeferencing on page 17

Visualizing GCPs as displacement lines

When you choose the option to view ground control points (GCPs) as displacement lines, Focus constructs
a line consisting of two vertices for each GCP. The first vertex is computed from the stored pixel and line
coordinates (image coordinates) and the second vertex is derived from the stored geographic coordinates
(ground coordinates). Displacement lines show you how far each image location that forms a GCP will have
to be moved to agree with the reference data. A longer displacement line indicates that the source image will
have to be warped more at that location compared to another location with a shorter displacement line.
If the source file has a real projection, this projection is used, along with the file's upper-left coordinate, the
file's georeferencing (including rotation), and the stored pixel and line coordinates, to compute new geographic
coordinates for the first vertex. The second vertex is derived directly from the stored geographic coordinates.
If there is no math model associated with the source file, the generated vector layer is created with the same
projection as the file's georeferencing. If there is at least one math model, you can choose to use the
georeferencing from the math model to convert the image coordinates to geographic coordinates for the first
Note: If the source file or GCP segment has only a PIXEL projection and no associated math model, the
option to view GCPs as displacement lines will not be available.

1. In the Focus Files tree, right-click a GCP segment.

2. In the menu that appears, select View > As Displacement Lines.
3. If your file has at least one associated math model, a prompt appears. Click one of the following options
to convert the stored image coordinates to geocoded locations (geographic coordinates):
• File: Uses georeferencing from the file to do the conversion.
• Math Model: Uses georeferencing from the math model to do the conversion.

4. Click OK on the prompt window.

62 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

If you chose File, the layer is displayed with GCPs derived from the file''s georeferencing. If you chose
Math Model, the Select Layer Georeferencing window appears.
5. If applicable, follow the steps in Using the math model for georeferencing on page 17 to select the math
model georeferencing information in the Select Layer Georeferencing window.
The layer is displayed with GCPs computed from the selected math model's georeferencing.

Related Links
Using the math model for georeferencing on page 17

Importing image data

Importing XML metadata using the METAIN algorithm

When you import data, you can also import image metadata from an XML-format text file and examine both
global and band-specific metadata during the operation. Importing metadata is important when working with
hyperspectral data. Many hyperspectral data sets include additional information about the mission and the
sensor used to acquire the data.
The first step in a project is to import data. If the data files are not in PCIDSK (.pix) format, you must obtain
the data format. If the data is partitioned into different files, importing it in PCIDSK format may require separate
imports, transferring layers from one file into the final output file, or a single import.
Mission and sensor metadata must be attached to the image data to make processing and analyzing it more
efficient. The metadata must be formatted as an XML document in a text file. Metadata is read into the .pix
file containing the image data as a metadata segment using the METAIN program. This can be opened
through EASI or the Algorithm Librarian in Focus. Conversely, the METAOUT program will read the information
in the metadata segment and export it as an XML document.
The algorithm METAIN reads image metadata from an XML document that is stored in a text file, reformat
the data, and stores them in a GDB file. The required format for an XML file can be found in the document
PCIImageMetadata.xsd in the $PCIHOME\etc folder.
The XML document file must be in the same folder and have the same base name as the GDB file. The XML
document file must have an .xml file name extension.
Global Metadata
Many global metadata items are optional and can be absent from the data files you are working with. The
following table is a list of both required and optional metadata items.

Table 3:

Required Optional
Text data set descriptions Name of the sensor model
Number of image bands Name of the sensor type
Number and sequence of radiometric transformations
Location of image acquisition
stored as band-specific metadata.
Time of image acquisition
Heading of the platform
Fore-aft sensor tilt relative to gravity vector
Total sensor field-of-view

Band-specific Metadata

PCI Geomatics 63
Chapter 1: Getting started

Some band-specific metadata is also optional. The following table shows a list of both required and optional
band-specific metadata items

Table 4:

Required Band-Specific Metadata Items Optional Band-Specific Metadata Items

Band ID number Band quality
The number of the file channel that stores the band Radiometric transformation sequence
Response profile

The METAIN is in the Algorithm Librarian. The Algorithm Librarian lists algorithms in a tree of file folders. The
folders are organized by algorithm category. Some category folders contain a sub-category of algorithms.

1. From the Tools menu, click Algorithm Librarian.

2. In the Select Algorithm window, expand the Analysis folder.
3. Expand the Hyperspectral Analysis folder.
4. Double-click the METAIN algorithm.
5. In the METAIN Module Control Panel, click the Input Params 1 tab and click Browse.
6. Navigate to the file you want, select it, and click Open.
7. In the METAIN Module Control Panel, click Run.

Opening an image data set

1. In the Files tree, right-click anywhere in the white area and click Add.
2. In the File Selector window, locate and select a data file, and click Open.

Viewing global metadata

1. In the Files tree, right-click the file you want to view and click Properties.
2. In the Properties window, click the MetaData tab.
The global metadata is listed.

Viewing band-specific metadata

1. In the Files tree, expand the list of raster layers in your file.
2. Right-click a raster layer and click Properties.
3. In the Properties window, click the MetaData tab.
The band-specific Metadata is listed.

Enabling and disabling panes

The status bar contains several panes that communicate information from the viewer. Panes identified by a
check mark are enabled.

1. On the status bar, click the down arrow on the left.

2. Select the pane of your choice:
• Messages: displays brief text messages to communicate ScreenTips, explanations, and instructions.
• Progress: displays a progress indicator that shows how much of a process is completed.
• ZoomScale: displays the scale at the zoom level used in the viewer.

64 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

• ZoomImagePixel: displays the magnification factor used in the viewer.

• CursorPosition: displays the coordinate of the cursor in the viewer. You can also select the unit for
the coordinate's display.
• SelectionValue: displays the pixel value at the cursor.

Changing the units for the cursor position

1. On the status bar, click the down arrow on the CursorPosition bar.
2. Select the unit of your choice:
• Paper: displays the coordinates in millimeters.
• Raster: displays the coordinates in image pixels and lines measured from the upper left corner of the
• Geocoded: displays the coordinates in Easting and Northing values.
• Geographic: displays the coordinates in Longitude and Latitude values.
• MGRS: displays the coordinates using the Military Grid Reference System.
• Screen: displays the coordinates in screen pixels measured from the upper left corner of the viewer.

Using the Visualization tools

The visualization tools let you view and compare multiple image layers simultaneously.You can automatically
browse a set of image layers or blend different images to see specific parts of one image through another.
The tools can also be used with any of the enhancements or filters.
Some visualization modes have different data requirements. For example, the Flicker, Blend, and Swipe tools
require files with more than one image layer to be visible. The Loop tool requires a minimum of three layers
to be open and the Cycle tool requires an RGB or a hyperspectral file.The following screens provide information
for using each of the visualization modes that are available.

About the Visualization Tools window

The Visualization Tools window provides controls for the Flicker, Swipe, Blend, Loop, and Cycle tools. The
controls for each visualization mode are separated by a tab at the top of the window.You can set frame rates,
image positions, mode orientation, and you can start and stop each visualization operation with the controls
under the corresponding window tab.

Using the Flicker tool

The Flicker tab controls the flicker visualization mode.
Speed [frame/sec]:
Allows you to change the frame rate of the flicker action.
Reports the actual frame rate of the flicker when it is running.
Allows you to start and stop automatic flicker and to manually cycle through the flicker visualization mode.
Current Top Layer:
Reports the name of the active layer in the view pane.

PCI Geomatics 65
Chapter 1: Getting started

Using Flicker:
Switches your view between two layers within the same Map. When you select any two layers in the Maps
tree, the associated images flicker from the front to the back of the view pane, making it easier to see subtle
differences between them.

1. From the View menu, click Visualization Tools.

2. In the Visualization Tools window, click the Flicker tab.
3. In the Maps tree, select two layers by holding the Ctrl key while clicking the layers you want to view.
4. Type a value for the flicker rate in the Speed [frame/sec] box.
5. Click the Start Automatic Flicker button.

Using the Swipe tool

The Swipe tab controls the swipe visualization mode.
Changes the swipe to a horizontal direction.
Changes the swipe to a vertical direction.
Position [%]:
Allows you to step through a swipe cycle while reporting the portion of the cycle as a percentage of the swiped
Auto Mode
The Auto Mode area lets you set and operate the automatic swipe features.
Speed [frame/second]:
Sets the frame rate of the image swipe.
Reports the actual frame rate for the swipe operation.
Allows you to start and stop the automatic image swiping.
Step Size [%]:
Lets you adjust the size of the swiped portion of the image in each step.
Using Swipe:
Displays a file in increments across another; at any point during the process, you can look at a specific
percentage of the swiped file.

1. In the Visualization Tools window, click the Swipe tab.

2. Click one of the following options:
Horizontal: changes the swipe to a horizontal direction.
Vertical: changes the swipe to a vertical direction.
3. Type a value for the size of the swipe percentage in the Position box.
4. Type a value for the flicker rate in the Speed [frame/sec] box.
5. Type a value for the step size in the Step size box.
6. Click the Start Automatic Swipe button.
The swipe operation continues until you click the Stop Automatic swipe button.

66 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Using the Blend tool

The Blend tab controls the blend visualization mode.
Position [%]:
Allows you to step through a blend cycle while reporting the portion of the cycle as a percentage of the blended
Auto Mode
The Auto Mode area lets you set and operate the automatic blend features.
Speed [frame/second]:
Sets the frame rate of the image blend.
Reports the actual frame rate for the blend operation.
Allows you to start and stop the automatic image blending.
Step Size [%]:
Lets you adjust the size of the blended portion of the image in each step.
Using Blend:
Merges two layers together at a specified rate. The transition from one view to another helps you see changes
between layers.

1. In the Visualization Tools window, click the Blend tab.

2. Type a value for the position of the blend in the Position box.
3. Type a value for the flicker rate in the Speed [frame/sec] box.
4. Type a value for the step size in the Step size box.
5. Click the Start Automatic Blend button.
The blend operation continues until you click the Stop Automatic Blend button.

Using the Loop tool

The Loop tab controls the loop visualization mode.
Cycles the data forward from the lowest to the highest priority.
Cycles the data backward from the highest to the lowest priority.
Continuous Loop:
Cycles the data continuously according to the direction option you choose.
Speed [frame/second]:
Sets the frame rate of the image blend.
Reports the actual frame rate for the blend operation.

PCI Geomatics 67
Chapter 1: Getting started

Allows you to start and stop the automatic image blending.

Current Top Layer:
Reports the name of the active layer in the view pane.
Using Loop:
Loop mode is a multi-view tool that extends automatic file comparison capabilities to include three or more
files. You must have at least three layers open to enable the Loop tab. To use the Loop tool, click the Loop
tab. Specify the desired flicker speed (frames/sec) and click the Start Automatic Loop button.
You can specify a forward (starting with the first file and ending with the last file in the maps tree) or backward
loop by clicking in the Forward or Backward options. If the Continuous Loop option is enabled the files will
continually flicker. If the Continuous Loop option is disabled the files will loop only once.

Using the Cycle tool

The Cycle tab controls the cycle visualization mode.
Color Channel:
The Color Channel section provides options for viewing channels and channel combinations you want to
Lets you cycle only the red channels in your data file.
Lets you cycle only the green channels in your data file.
Lets you cycle only the blue channels in your data file.
Reports the color channel source data file.
Cycle through all files:
Lets you cycle through all of the color channels in your image data.
Changes the file report to show the channel currently being cycled.
Display range(s):
Lets you enter a range or series of channel ranges to be cycled in the view pane.
Cycles your data forward from the lowest to the highest priority.
Cycles your data backward from the highest to the lowest priority.
Speed frame/second:
Sets the frame rate of the image cycle.
Actual speed:
Reports the actual frame rate for the cycle operation
Allows you to start and stop the automatic image cycling.

68 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Current channel:
Reports the name of the active layer in the view pane.
Using Cycle:
Cycle mode displays image data through the color component you specify. The color that image channels
cycle through is set using the red, green, or blue color channel options. You can select image channels to
use with the Display Ranges text box.You can also specify whether the image layers will be cycled through
the color component forward, starting with the first image channel you specify or backward, starting with the
last image channel specified.

Using the Band Cycling tool

The cycle tool can be used with hyperspectral data to view different channel and wavelength ranges in a
specified color component to create new color composites. You can cycle two color channels in the view
pane and control the speed and range of channels that you are cycling through.

1. With image data open, click View and then click Visualization Tools.
2. In the Visualization Tools window, click the Cycle tab.
3. Click a Color Channel option. The color you choose is the layer through which the hyperspectral channels
4. Enable a range of either channels or wavelengths to cycle using a selected color channel.
To select a range of wavelengths, there must be associated metadata for each channel in the hyperspectral
file. (See Importing XML metadata using the METAIN algorithm on page 63)
5. Enter a display range in the Display range box.
More than one channel or wavelength range can be entered. Ranges are shown using a dash between
the beginning and end of the range; multiple ranges are separated by a comma.
For example 1-5, 15-20, 30-35 are valid entries for channel display ranges.
6. Select a cycle direction by enabling either the Forward or Backward option.
If forward cycling is selected, the channel cycling order is 1-5, 15-20, and then 30-35; if reverse cycling is
selected, the channel cycling order is 35-30, 20-15, and then 5-1.
7. Click the Start Automatic Cycle button.
The cycling continues until you click Stop Automatic Cycle.

The number at the bottom of the Visualization Tools window represents the displayed channel. If you do not
click Apply prior to clicking Close, the window closes and the RGB layer reverts back to the original
combination. Clicking Apply updates the RGB layer to reflect the new channel in the identified element and
the layer name is updated. The following is a list of Band Cycling window controls with details about what
they do.
Select Color Channel:
Lets you specify the color of the view channel. The channels in the two colors that are not selected will not
change. Next to the color is the file of the channel currently mapped to the color. If all the colors are mapped
to a channel in the same file, these labels will not appear.
Cycle through all files:
Enable this check box when the active RGB layer contains channels from multiple files and you want to cycle
through all the channels in all files mapped to the RGB layer. This function is only available when the colors
of the active RGB layer are mapped to more than one file.
Display Range:
You can specify ranges of channels to cycle through a specified color component and you can specify either
the channel number or wavelength. The system cycles through all available channels by default.

PCI Geomatics 69
Chapter 1: Getting started

Speed & Actual:

Sets the channel cycle speed through the color element. The actual speed at which the channels are being
cycled is also the speed they are displayed.
Forward & Backward:
Allows you to set the direction of cycling, either forward or backward.
Stop and play buttons activate the cycling. You can also step through the channels one channel at a time.
The direction of the stepping is set by the Forward and Backward options selections.
Current Channel:
The current channel being cycled through the identified color element is displayed. When you presses the
stop button, the last channel cycled through is displayed.

Working with the Thumbnails viewer

The Thumbnails viewer in Focus lets you visualize your raster data layers in different ways. The Thumbnails
viewer works for multispectral and hyperspectral data, but displays raster layers only. If a file contains no
channels, the Thumbnails viewer is not available. You can view images across several spectral bands in a
tiled rectangular array. You can then display the images corresponding to several or all of the bands in the
cube side by side.
The Thumbnails viewer is available from the Maps tree and the Files tree. When you open the Thumbnails
viewer from the Files tree, thumbnails of the full extents of the image are created for each channel. When
you open the Thumbnail viewer from the Maps tree, thumbnails of a section of the image are created for
each channel. The section used for the thumbnail is a 256-by-256 pixel area centered on the cursor in the
A new map and area are added when you select layers from the Thumbnails viewer. You can display your
images in grayscale or RGB format.

Opening the Thumbnails viewer

You must have a file containing raster channels open before you can open the Thumbnails viewer in Focus.

1. Open a file that contains raster channels.

2. Click the layer in the Maps tree or in the Files tree.
3. From the View menu, click Thumbnails.

Using the Thumbnails viewer

The Thumbnails viewer in Focus has two modes: Grayscale and RGB. In Grayscale mode, you can select
an individual image from the tiled image array. When you click the View button, your image is then displayed
full-size in the Focus window as a grayscale image.
You can also work in RGB mode to select three images from the tiled image array, which are outlined in red,
green, or blue respectively. The corresponding composite RGB image is displayed full-size in the Focus
window when you click the View button.
With the Reload button, you can limit the contents of the Thumbnails viewer to only the thumbnails that
interest you. You can create thumbnails of a feature by magnifying the feature in the Focus view pane and
then clicking Reload in the Thumbnails viewer. Focus will recreate the thumbnails using the extents visible
in the Focus view pane. You can also make changes in the Thumbnails viewer and then click Reload to load
the thumbnails according to your settings. For example, you can enter specific channels in the Display ranges
box and when you click Reload, only thumbnails of those channels will appear in the Thumbnails viewer.

1. Open the Thumbnails viewer in Focus.

70 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

2. In the Display ranges box, specify the bands that you want to view.
You can either specify the channel number or the wavelength. The wavelength is available only if the
metadata contains band centers. By default, all channels are displayed.
3. Click Channel if the values in the Display ranges box represent channel numbers or click Wavelength
if the values represent wavelengths stored in the metadata segment in the file.
4. Select the Intensity Normalization check box to use the minimum and maximum values in the image to
calculate a histogram and apply it to the thumbnail. When the Intensity Normalization check box is
cleared, the histogram includes the entire range of values from all the channels.
5. Do one of the following:
• If you want to view the image as a grayscale layer, click Grayscale, click the Select Channel button
on the Thumbnails viewer toolbar, and then click the thumbnail you want to view.
The channel number of the selected thumbnail is displayed in the box next to the Grayscale option.
• If you want to view the image as an RGB layer, click RGB. Click the Select Channel button on the
Thumbnails viewer toolbar, and then click, in order, the thumbnails that you want to use for the red,
green, and blue channels.
The thumbnails are highlighted in the colors of the corresponding channels and the channel numbers
are displayed in the corresponding boxes.

6. Click View.
A map and area are added to the Maps tree. If you selected Grayscale, your grayscale image is displayed
full-size in the Focus window. If you selected RGB, a composite RGB image is displayed full-size in the
Focus window.
7. To customize the display of the thumbnail images in the Thumbnails viewer, including panning, zooming,
and applying enhancements, use the buttons on the toolbar in the viewer.
8. If you change any of the settings previously made in the Thumbnails viewer, such as channel numbers,
click Reload to display the thumbnails based on the new settings.

Related Links
Understanding enhancements on page 198
Using the View tools on page 57

Visualizing data with the 3-D data cube

The 3-D Data Cube is an independent graphical tool that displays a three-dimensional data model. You can
work in the view pane while the 3-D display is active. You can work with any multi-layer data, including
hyperspectral data.
The 3-D Data Cube helps you to get a sense for the structure of the data you are working with by allowing
you to assess the number and nature of spectra endmembers present in a scene. Hyperspectral data often
achieves very large file sizes. You can see the spectral bands where there is high atmospheric absorption
and thus very little signal reaching the sensor - black layers. In large files, to facilitate faster rendering, rotation,
and excavation of the data cube, you must create a subset if the data is not v-cube compressed data.
You can use all data bit depths, but the 3-D Data Cube is optomized for 16-bit data. The 3-D Data Cube
accepts compressed, decompressed, and raw hyperspectral files. Files must contain wavelength information.
You can use the cube even if only one image channel has wavelength information.
The 3-D Data Cube can display, rotate, and excavate three-dimensional data. The tool displays the cube in
an arbitrary orientation, with a rectangular cutout, using parallel projection.

1. Select an image file in the Maps tree.

You can use B&W, multispectral, and hyperspectral data.

PCI Geomatics 71
Chapter 1: Getting started

2. From the View menu, click 3-D Data Cube.

By default, enhancements applied to data layers in the view pane are applied the top layer in the 3-D Data

Related Links
About the 3-D data cube controls on page 72
About the Select PCT Layer window on page 74

About the 3-D data cube controls

The 3-D Data Cube viewer has a menu bar and toolbar that are independent of the view pane. The viewer
also includes controls that let you zoom, rotate, and excavate the cube image.
3-D Cube Menu Bar
The 3-D Cube menu bar lets you control several aspects of the 3-D viewer and the data you are viewing.
The File menu lets you export image files, load PCT layers, and exit the 3-D Data Cube.
Export Image:
Opens the Export Image window, which allows you to export image files.
Load PCT:
Opens the Select PCT Layer window, which allows you to load PCT layers.
Closes the 3-D Data Cube.
Lets you edit a PCT and change the background color of the 3-D viewer.
Edit PCT:
Opens the PCT Editing window.
Background Color:
Opens the Change Color window.
Lets you show or hide the image layer and the cube sides, and allows you to zoom the image in the viewer.
Image Layer:
Shows or hides the image portion of the data cube.
Cube Sides:
Shows or hides the cube sides portion of the data cube excavation.
Zoom To:
Opens the Zoom sub-menu.
3-D Data Cube Toolbar
The 3-D Data Cube toolbar lets you save files, edit pseudocolor tables, zoom and pan your image, and enable
the cube rotation.
Opens the Export Image window, which lets you save the file you are viewing to a new location.

72 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Pseudocolor Table:
Opens the PCT Editing window.
Displays an overview of the 3-D image.
Zoom Window:
Lets you zoom the image by clicking in the 3-D image in the 3-D window.
Zoom In:
Makes the 3-D image larger.
Zoom Out:
Makes the 3-D image smaller.
Zoom 1:1:
Shows the 3-D image at 1:1 scale ratio.
Lets you pan the 3-D image within the 3-D window.
Lets you rotate the 3-D image along the X, Y, and Z axis.
Cube Excavation
The Cube Excavation Area has text and slide controls that let you view a rectangular section of the layers in
the cube. You can change the shape and the depth of the excavation using the slide controls. When you use
a wheel mouse, you can lock the excavation of the X, Y, or Z plains of the cube. You can also lock all three
at once and change the view of the excavation with your wheel mouse.
Changes the horizontal axis of the cube excavation. The X option box lets you lock the horizontal axis
excavation when you use a wheel mouse.
Changes the vertical axis of the cube excavation. The Y option box lets you lock the vertical axis excavation
when you use a wheel mouse.
Changes the depth of the cube excavation. The Z option box lets you lock the depth excavation when you
use a wheel mouse.
Flip Controls
The Flip controls change the orientation of the excavation.
Flip X:
Flips the X axis from right to left.
Flip Y:
Flips the Y axis from right to left.
Flip Z:
Flips the Z axis from top to bottom.
Using the Excavation Controls:

PCI Geomatics 73
Chapter 1: Getting started

You can control height, width, and depth of the excavated portion of the cube. When you use the slide control,
the image and the number above the slide control are automatically updated. The minimum for each box is
1; the maximum number is the number of layers in the data set. The maximum for the X axis is the maximum
number of pixels displayed in the Focus view pane. The maximum for Y is the maximum number of lines
displayed in the Focus view pane, and the maximum for Z corresponds to the number of image channels in
the file. If the image is at Zoom to Overview, the maximum X and Y are the extents of the image. Each
single-digit increment removes one pixel, line, or channel from the display.
The excavation is determined and applied by default when the cube is opened. The starting point of the
excavation is the lower-right corner, X max and Y max, and the top most image layer Z min. You can flip the
excavated area a full 180-degrees in the X, Y, or Z dimensions using the Flip buttons.
Related Links
About the Select PCT Layer window on page 74
Editing single-value pseudocolor tables (PCTs) on page 196

About the Select PCT Layer window

The Select PCT Layer window lets you choose an alternative pseudocolor table (PCT) for the data displayed
in the 3-D Data Cube viewer.
Provides a way to locate and apply a different PCT layer.
Lets you choose a file where the PCT layer is located.
Opens a File Selector window to locate files not listed in the file box.
Lets you choose a PCT layer from the file selected in the File box.

Selecting colors
There are several cases where you need to create custom colors. For example, you can choose custom
colors for vectors, points, polygon fills, training areas, and more. In each case a color selection window is
available for creating custom color. The color window may differ, depending on the task you are performing.
Custom colors are created using a combination of three basic color palettes.

Color palettes
Basic Colors:
This is a palette of 49 basic colors that are preset and cannot be modified.
Color Continuum:
This is the palette of infinite colors in the middle of the window. This palette is made up of all the possible
hue/saturation combination of values.
Lightness/Intensity Scale:
This palette controls the brightness of the color you create. When you choose the Gray color model, the
Lightness/Intensity Scale is the only available palette.
The color you create using the palettes is displayed alongside the color that is being replaced. The numeric
representation of the new color appears in a series of data entry fields.You can edit the entries in these fields
and the new color changes accordingly. The number of fields present corresponds to the chosen color model.

74 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Color models
The following color models are available in Focus:
RGB: One of the Additive Color models, the RGB model is based on light emitted from a source, such as a
computer monitor. It has three primary colors: red, green, and blue. All the colors on a screen are produced
by combining these three colors in various proportions.
CMYK: One of the Subtractive Color models, the CMYK model is based on light being absorbed and reflected
by paint and ink. This model is often used when printing. The primary colors are cyan, magenta, yellow, and
key (black).
HLS/IHS: This model is a more intuitive model based on the way color is perceived. The primary components
are hue, lightness or intensity, and saturation.
Gray: This model is a continuum of gray values. The gray scale ranges from pure black to pure white.

1. To select a basic color value, click a tile in the Basic Colors palette.
The Red, Green, and Blue values change to match the selected color. In addition, the color appears in
the New box and the slider control changes position to show the value for the lightness and intensity of
the new color.
2. If you want to choose a more precise color in terms of shade or strength, click a value in the Color
3. To control the brightness of the color, click the slide control and move the arrow up or down to increase
or decrease the lightness and intensity.
4. To control color values at the pixel level in the RGB model, click the arrows for the Red component, the
Green component, and the Blue component.
This increases or decreases the numeric values of the red, green, and blue pixels.
5. To change the color model, click the Model arrow and choose one of the following:
• RGB: changes to a red, green, and blue color model
• CMYK: changes to a cyan, magenta, yellow, and black color model
• HLS/IHS: changes to a 3-D color model
• Gray: changes to a grayscale model

6. Click OK.

Setting options and preferences

You can customize how Focus handles certain features and how it uses your system resources with the
Options window accessed from the Tools menu. The Options window is divided into two parts. On the left
is a list of options. When you select an option, the right side of the window changes to give you access to the
preferences for that option.
You can also use the Display Options window (accessed from the View menu) to customize how your map
is displayed, and the Toolbar Configuration window (View > Toolbars > Customize) to choose the toolbars
you want to display.

General interface
General interface options include:
Update view while panning

PCI Geomatics 75
Chapter 1: Getting started

When this option is selected, the display is continuously updated while you pan. When this option is disabled,
previously unviewed sections of the image appear white as you pan until you release the mouse button.
Note: Depending on your computer and on the size of the image, continuously updating the image view as
you pan may results in performance lag.
Reload previous project on startup
Reloads the previous project on start-up.
Shows and hides tabs, message bars, the overview window, the legend in the Maps tab, and ToolTips.
Customizes the shape, size, and color of the cursor. You can choose from none, cross, empty cross, target,
bracket target, and dot cursors.
The General interface option includes a Warnings preferences sub-category; click the plus sign beside the
General Interface label to expand the sub-topics list.

The Warnings option allows you to disable common warning messages. By default, all warning messages
are enabled. To deactivate a warning message, disable the check box beside it.
Select from the following messages:
• Attempting to view data with METER projection
This message appears every time you open a layer that has a default METER projection assigned to it.
Some file formats do not save projection information but do have bounding coordinates. Such layers are
assigned a METER projection by default. This warning message can be useful for remembering to assign
the appropriate projection to the data.
• Attempting to view data that must be reprojected
This message appears when you try to add data to a project that is not the same projection as the active
map. When you do this, Focus reprojects the new data to the active Map projection.
• Creating a new area to view data that cannot be reprojected
This warning message appears when you try to add data that cannot be reprojected to an active Map that
already has an assigned projection. Data that cannot be reprojected includes layers or files that have
METER or PIXEL georeferencing assigned to them. In this case, a New Area is created for the layer.
• Attempting to create an RGB map layer using non-existent channels
This message appears when you try to add an RGB map layer using a non-existent or invalid channel
number, as specified in the Default RGB option. This warning message will mention a non-possible request
for RGB mapping and reminds you that channels 1, 2 ,3 will be displayed for the RGB map layer.
• Modifying a layer's representation may affect other layers
This warning message appears when you edit a representation that is linked to more than one layer. By
editing the representation style of one layer that is linked to an RST, the representation style of another
layer that is also linked to the same RST may change if the same REPCODE is used by both layers. This
warning message notifies you that the representation changes being made to one layer may also affect
another layer.
• Required input is missing in the Atmospheric Correction wizard
This warning message appears when information for an Atmospheric Correction operation is missing and
the system cannot carry out the operation you have requested.
• Required input is missing in the Layer Manager

76 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

This warning message appears when information for a particular Layer Manager operation is missing and
the system cannot carry out the operation you have requested.
• Fully Within spatial operator not available for thematic rasters
This warning message appears as a reminder that you are attempting to use the Fully Within tool on a
thematic raster.
• Coordinate could not be computed in math model area
This message appears when Focus is unable to initialize the Z value of a vertex when digitizing or editing
a vector shape on a math model area.
• Attempting to view data from an unconnected table
This message appears when you try to view data from a layer that contains attributes not directly associated
with a vector representing a geographical location.

The Layers pane allows you to specify various preferences for opening and displaying layers in Focus.

Layers frame
You can change the zoom level when adding a new layer to a project. This is controlled by the When Loading
list. The following zoom levels are available:
• Zoom to Overview: displays an overview of the map each time a new layer is opened
• Zoom to Full Extents of Layer: displays the full extents of the newly opened layer
• Don't Change the Zoom: the current zoom level is maintained when a new layer is opened

Rasters frame
When a new raster layer is opened, you can have a 1:1 zoom level applied by default. This is specified by
selecting the Load Rasters at 1:1 resolution check box. If you open several rasters at the same time, the
default enhancement may be unsatisfactory for all rasters. If you intend to regularly open several rasters at
the same time, it may be advisable to clear the Load Rasters at 1:1 resolution check box.
There are two lists in the Rasters frame that specify the display properties of rasters when they are opened
in Focus:
• The Default resampling method specifies how the raster will be resampled for viewing when at greater
than 1:1 resolution. The resampling options are Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear Interpolation, and Cubic
Nearest Neighbor resampling is most appropriate for discrete data. It identifies the gray level of the pixel
closest to the specified input coordinates and assigns that value to the output coordinates. Although this
method is considered the most efficient in terms of computation time, it introduces small errors in the
output image. The output image may be offset spatially by up to half a pixel, which may cause the image
to have a jagged appearance.
Bilinear Interpolation determines the gray level from the weighted average of the nine closest pixels to the
specified input coordinates and assigns that value to the output coordinates. This method generates an
image with a smoother appearance than Nearest Neighbor resampling, but the gray level values are
altered in the process, which results in blurring or loss of image resolution. Like Cubic Convolution
resampling, this method is most appropriate for continuous data.
Cubic Convolution determines the gray level from the weighted average of the 16 closest pixels to the
specified input coordinates and assigns that value to the output coordinates. The resulting image is slightly
sharper than one produced by Bilinear resampling, and it does not have the disjointed appearance produced
by Nearest Neighbor resampling. Like Bilinear Interpoloation, this method is most appropriate for continuous

PCI Geomatics 77
Chapter 1: Getting started

• The Default visual enhancement list specifies the default visual enhancement that will be applied to a
newly opened raster. The default visual enhancements offered are None, Linear, Root, Adaptive,
Equalization, and Infrequency. To learn more about these options, see Understanding enhancements on
page 198.
An enhancement is calculated by building a histogram with the range of values available in the Focus view
pane. By default, the original histogram is retained even when the data being displayed changes (for example,
after panning or zooming). However, if you want the histogram to be re-computed each time the display
changes, you can select the Auto re-enhance grayscale and RGB layers check box. If this check box is
selected, Focus will re-compute the histogram using the currently viewed pixels for all existing and subsequently
opened grayscale and RGB layers.

Default Overviews frame

The Default Overviews frame contains two lists that let you specify the preferred automatic behavior for
creating overviews (pyramids), as well as the overview downsampling method.
The following automatic behavior options are available:
• Never create overviews: no overviews are created on disk and the Create Overviews window is not
displayed when a raster is viewed in Focus.
• Always generate default overviews: overviews with all the default settings are automatically generated
for every large raster that does not have existing overviews. The Create Overviews window is not displayed
when a raster is viewed in Focus.
• Prompt for each raster: the Create Overviews window is automatically displayed for every large raster
viewed in Focus.
If you want overviews to be created using the default settings, you can use the Downsampling method list
to specify the resampling technique to be applied. The following downsampling method options are available:
• Nearest neighbor
• Block average
• Block mode

Default RGB
You can set a default RGB combination to apply to all RGB data that you open in Focus. Your settings will
apply to any subsequent RGB data that you open.

1. From the Tools menu, select Options.

2. In the Options window, click Default RGB if it is not already selected.
3. Select the Use metadata (when present) check box if you want your RGB data to always be displayed
according to associated and valid metadata, if it exists.
4. If you want to change the default channel mappings, do the following:
a) In the Red box, type the number of the channel that will provide the red display value.
b) In the Green box, type the number of the channel that will provide the green display value.
c) In the Blue box, type the number of the channel that will provide the blue display value.
5. Click Apply to apply your changes or OK to apply your changes and close the Options window.

Default representation
The Default representation option consists of a Data Type area and a Preview pane. You can change the
default point, line, and polygon representations for vector layers.
When you open a vector layer, the default representation set in the Options window is applied to the layer.
This default remains a property of the layer while the layer is open.

78 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Changing the default representation in the Options window does not affect the vector layers that are currently
open in the viewer; changes made in the Options window affect only those layers that are subsequently
To define the default representation style for a data type:
1. Click the radio button beside the data type to activate it.
You can define default styles for Points, Lines, and Polygons.
2. Click the button of the data type for which you want to define the default style.
The Style Selector window appears.
3. Use the Style Selector to define the style options for the selected data type.
Different style options are available, depending on the selected data type.
4. Click Apply to preview the style, then click OK to accept the changes and return to the Focus Options
5. For each data type, specify the Cycle colors option.
• Checked: this option allows you to display similar data types in different colors across vector layers.
When selected, this option ignores the color specified for the data type’s first part, and instead cycles
through the pre-defined colors for each layer. This is the default behavior in Focus.
For example, a polygon style is defined as a multi-part style with Part 1 as blue fill and Part 2 as a thin
black outline. Selecting Cycle colors will result in the first layer’s polygons displayed in red with a black
outline. Subsequent layers will appear with a blue fill, then green, and so on. The outline remains
• Unchecked: the color specified in the style will be used to display all vectors of that type, across all
vector layers.

6. Click Apply to preview the style.

Vector editing
The controls in this option are used for creating and editing vectors. The Vector editing option sets the units
and tolerances for Search, Snap, and Weed vertices tolerances in either pixels, meters, or feet. By default,
the tolerances are measured in pixels. This option also sets the snap feature for digitizing operations.
Snap Tolerance: The snap operation is only used on a line or at the start of an area edit function. When the
choice is to snap a line or area start to a vertex or a line, the snap tolerance is used to limit the lines or vertices
that are available to snap to, given the cursor's current position.
Snap Automatically: This is only used in a line or at the start of an area edit function. The snap default
dictates whether a line or an area is started or ended with a snap when you want to start or end the line, or
begin the area while still within the distance specified by the Snap Tolerance.
Search Tolerance: This limits the cursor search for a vector feature to select.
Weed Vertices Tolerance: This is used when digitizing line and area data. The value of the weed vertices
tolerance specifies the minimum distance between the last vertex digitized and the current pointer position
within which another vertex can be digitized.

1. To set the snap tolerance:

a) Type a value in the Snap tolerance box.
b) Choose a measurement unit from the Snap tolerance list box.
The default unit is pixels.

2. To activate the snap operation, select the Snap check box.

PCI Geomatics 79
Chapter 1: Getting started

Tip: When digitizing, you can activate or deactivate the snap operation by holding down the Ctrl and Alt
keys while starting or ending a line or starting an area.

3. To set the tolerance for a vector search:

a) Type a value in the Search tolerance box.
b) Choose a measurement unit from the Search tolerance list box.
The default unit is pixels. Clicking the cursor within this tolerance of a feature selects it. Clicking within
this tolerance of a vertex or node that is on a previously selected line highlights the vertex or node.

4. To set the tolerance for weed vertices:

a) Type a value in the Weed vertices tolerance box.
b) Choose a measurement unit from the Weed vertices tolerance list box.
The default unit is pixels.

Memory cache
The Memory cache preferences let you configure system memory for various memory cache options. You
can adjust for Undo/Redo, Tiling, Total limit, and Vector read cache.
The memory cache window provides a way to limit system memory usage for the current application. The
total limit is the maximum amount of memory caching available on your system.
The Undo/Redo box lets you specify, in kilobytes (1024 KB = 1 MB), the amount of memory up to 25 MBs
available for undo and redo steps.
Clear Undo/Redo cache:
Clears all cached undo and redo operations from your system.
Lets you specify, in kilobytes, the amount of memory available for raw image inputs and display caching
Clear tiling cache:
Clears all cached tiling operations from your system cache.
Total limit:
Lets you specify, in kilobytes, the limit of memory allocation. When zero is entered, the system uses all of
the available system memory as the memory cache limit.
Default memory usage:
Re-sets the total limit of cache to the default level. The default memory usage is one-half of the system
memory. For example, if a system has total memory of 500 MB, the default memory usage command sets
the cache to 250 MB.
Vector read cache:
Lets you enter a value for the number of lines, polygons, and points that can be cached by the system. The
vector read cache is independent of values set in the Total limit box.
Default read cache:
Re-sets the default number to 4,000 cached shapes.
Related Links
Optimizing the Undo/Redo options on page 81
Optimizing the tiling cache on page 81

80 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Setting the total cache limit on page 81

Setting the vector read cache on page 81

Optimizing the Undo/Redo options

You can control how much memory Focus allocates to undo and redo operations. For example, when you
are burning a shape within a raster image, the old state of the application is kept in memory. The size of the
bounding box of the new shape, in pixels and lines for raster data types, and the number of input channels
are all stored temporarily as an undo/redo step. This can use a lot of system memory. The number of undo
steps cannot be computed based on the size of the undo/redo cache. Each undo step requires varying
amounts of memory.
The Undo/Redo box lets you enter a value in kilobytes. This setting is affected by the total limit setting which
is composed of both undo/redo and tiling settings. Adjusting the undo/redo setting lets you make sure that
the total limit is divided, based on the way you work, between undo/redo and tiling.

Optimizing the tiling cache

The larger the data set, the more memory a system needs to function effectively. For example, an 8-bit image
measuring 512 pixels x 512 lines requires 1 byte for each pixel, or 1 MB of information for each 8-bit raster
layer. With very large files, you can experience memory deficits requiring more memory to display requested
data. If the tiling cache is set too low, a system will swap data because it is designed to de-allocate and then
re-allocate memory to stay within the limits of your data.
The tiling cache changes the way you can render an image in the view pane. When you work with very large
images, you can increase the memory allocated to tiling, which has a direct impact on rendering. By increasing
the size of the tiling cache, you increase the speed of image rendering.

Setting the total cache limit

The total cache limit is the sum of the undo/redo and the tiling cache. If both are set to zero, the limit becomes
the total limit for the sum of the two. You can specify, in kilobytes (1024 KB = 1 MB), the limit of memory
allocation. When zero is entered, the system allocates 1/3 of the RAM installed on the system as the total
limit of memory cache.

Setting the vector read cache

The vector read cache increases performance with very large data sets. This is a GDB vector cache and is
independent of the value set in the Total limit box. When you increase the vector-read cache value, the system
does not need to access the data from the shapes saved in the data files on your hard disk. The result is an
improvement in overall system performance.

Overview window
The Overview window option allows you to set the display properties of the overview window.
In the Show area there are check boxes for both Raster and Vector. These control which type of data will be
displayed in the overview window. A check mark indicates that the data type will be shown in the overview
The View box color list box controls the color of the view box in the overview window. The View box color list
box contains a color palette with 49 available colors. Additional colors are available by clicking More.
Related Links
Zooming using the Overview window on page 58

Zoom window
The Zoom Window option allows you to set the display properties of the zoom window.

PCI Geomatics 81
Chapter 1: Getting started

The default size of the zoom window that is launched is controlled by the Default X-size and Default Y-size
spin boxes. These sizes can be adjusted by using the arrow keys in the Default X-size and Default Y-size
spin boxes. Alternatively, you can type a desired default size directly into the boxes.
If the Keep equal check box is enabled, the value of the X-size and Y-size of the zoom window will be the
The Icon toolbar check box controls the Icon toolbar in the zoom window. If enabled, the Icon toolbar displays
at the top of the zoom window.
The Show status bar check box controls the status bar in the zoom window. If enabled, the status bar displays
at the bottom of the zoom window.

Layer Manager
The Layer Manager option allows you to specify the fields appearing in the Layer Manager. By default, all of
the columns in the Layer Manager display. You can remove fields in the Layer Manager display by disabling
the appropriate check box.
Related Links
Working with the Layer Manager on page 20

Open GL settings
The Open GL settings has preferences for setting the maximum texture size of the 3-D Data Cube. The
system can determine the maximum texture size or you can set the maximum texture size manually.

Setting shape and color preferences

The Selection preferences option lets you change the default condition of selected points, lines, polygons,
text, and rasters. When you choose Selection in the option list, two initial options appear:
• Consider interior of polygon: Lets you select a polygon by clicking inside the polygon boundaries, even
if it is not a closed figure.
• Select only if fully contained: Allows you to change how selected points associated with a layer appear.
The color option allows you to change the highlight color of selected points. The Width option is used to
specify the width of the outline that appears around the points. The default value is 1.
To expand the list of selection options, click the + beside the Selection title.
Related Links
Modifying a selected point on page 82
Modifying a selected line on page 83
Modifying a selected polygon on page 83
Applying preferences to selected text on page 83
Changing the style for hatches on page 83

Modifying a selected point

The Selection > Points option allows you to change how selected points associated with a layer appear. The
Color option allows you to change the highlight color of selected points. The Width option specifies the width
of the outline that appears around the points; the default value is 1.

1. With several points selected, choose a color from the Color palette.
2. In the Width spin box, enter a value that represents the width of the outline that appears around points.
3. Click Apply.

82 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Modifying a selected line

The Selection > Lines option allows you to change the color and width of a selected line associated with a
layer. The Width option specifies the width of the line used to highlight one or more selected lines; the default
value is 1.

1. Choose a color from the Color palette.

To select a color other than those displayed in the palette, click More and create a new color.
2. In the Width spin box, enter a value that represents the width of lines.
3. Click Apply.

Modifying a selected polygon

The Selection > Polygon option allows you to change the outline and fill of a selected polygon.

1. In the Outline area, choose an outline color from the Color palette.
To select a color other than those displayed in the palette, click More and create a new color.
2. In the Width spin box, enter a value that represents the width of the polygon outline.
3. In the Fill area, choose a fill color from the Color palette.
To select a color other than those displayed in the palette, click More and create a new color.
4. In the Opacity spin box, enter a value that represents the percentage of fill opacity.
Opacity refers to the degree of opaqueness of the fill. A value of 100%, means that you cannot see another
object through the fill color. An opacity value of 0% means you can see through the fill color completely.
5. Click Apply.

Applying preferences to selected text

You can set three Text preference options:
• Color: changes the color of the insertion point and highlighted text
• Highlight insertion point: highlights the area where text associated with a layer is inserted
• Highlight text: highlights selected text

1. Choose a color from the Color palette.

To select a color other than those displayed in the palette, click More and create a new color.
2. Select Highlight insertion point to highlight area where text is inserted.
3. Select Highlight text to highlight selected text.
4. Click Apply.

Changing the style for hatches

You can change the style, color, and size of raster hatches.

• Choose a hatches style from the Hatches palette.

To select a style other than those displayed in the hatches blocks, click More and choose a new symbol.

Related Links
Changing the raster color on page 84
Changing the raster size on page 84

PCI Geomatics 83
Chapter 1: Getting started

Changing the raster color

• Choose a color from the Color palette.

To select a color other than those displayed in the color blocks, click More and create a new color.

Changing the raster size

• Enter a value that represents the raster size in the Size spin box.

Setting up a digitizing tablet

You can connect a digitizing tablet to your system and use it with Focus. The Digitizing Tablet option lets
you set up a digitizing tablet.
Before using a digitizing tablet, you must connect it to the computer and set up the software to communicate
with the tablet. Focus supports Wintab and provides several other tablet drivers.
Related Links
Setting up a digitizing tablet using Wintab on page 84
Setting up a digitizing tablet using a driver on page 84
Testing the digitizing tablet connection on page 85
Assigning text actions and modifiers on page 85

Setting up a digitizing tablet using Wintab

1. Ensure the digitizing tablet is connected according to the manufacturer instructions.

2. From the Tools menu, click Options.
3. Select Digitizing Tablet.
4. Enable the Wintab device option.
If your device is Wintab enabled, The Wintab device option is enabled by default, and the Device setup
area is populated with the Wintab settings.
5. Enter the values of components by reading them from Wintab.
6. Click Test Connection.
The Digitizing Tablet Connection Testing window opens.

Setting up a digitizing tablet using a driver

1. Ensure the digitizing tablet hardware is connected according to the manufacturer instructions.
2. From the Tools menu, click Options.
3. Select Digitizing Tablet.
By default, the Generic device option is selected, and the Wintab device option is unavailable. The
Device setup area is populated with default settings.
4. Choose a hardware communication port from the Device list box.
5. Choose a driver that matches your device from the Tablet list box. Note that the SummaSketch III digitizer
is no longer supported, however, the ASCII BCD report format is supported.
6. In the Communication settings area, choose a baud-rate, data-bit, parity, and stop-bit value from the
appropriate list boxes, according to the digitizing tablet manufacturer specifications.
7. Click Test Connection. See Testing the digitizing tablet connection on page 85
The setup is successful if a device string appears in the Device String box in the Digitizing Tablet
Connection Testing window. If no device string displays, click OK to reset the device setup and
communication settings.

84 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Testing the digitizing tablet connection

The Digitizing Tablet Connection Testing window shows information to help you determine if the computer
is properly communicating with the tablet and to help PCI Support diagnose digitizer problems.
When the window is opened, all of the boxes are blank. When you click the digitizer puck, these boxes are
populated with device string information. The device string is not visible when using Wintab.

Assigning text actions and modifiers

When you have successfully connected the digitizing tablet, you can assign actions to the puck buttons on
your digitizer. In the Puck button assignment area, the first four buttons have the following default assignments:

Table 5:

Button Action Modifier

1 Mouse Click None
2 Enter None
3 Escape None
4 Delete None

1. Enter a puck button number in the Button spin box.

If an action is already associated with this button, you can update both the Action and the Modifier list
boxes. The Action and Modifier list boxes are set to None when neither an action nor a modifier are
associated with a button number.
2. Choose an action from the Action list box.
3. Choose a modifier from the Modifier list box.
4. Click Apply.

Setting up a GPS receiver

The GPS receiver option lets you set up a GPS receiver to use with Focus. You can set up the serial port
connections and parameters to connect a compatible GPS receiver. Only GPS receivers that support the
NMEA protocol are supported. Most GPS receivers support this protocol, which allows devices from different
vendors to communicate over a serial connection in a marine setting. NMEA is used across the GPS industry.
The supported formats in the setup window are based on common data output formats. For example, the
NMEA-0183 (ASCII) format. Focus reads only the X, Y, and Z coordinates from the NMEA format. Coordinates
supplied by the NMEA format are latitude and longitude, using a WGS84 ellipse.
Before setting up a GPS receiver, make sure a GPS device is connected to a serial port on your computer.
Device settings:
The GPS receiver options are specifically related to setting up the GPS that you are using. The Device box
specifies the port where you have attached your GPS. By default, this option is set to COM1. See the
information provided with your GPS unit about which port to use.

1. Enter the connection port that will be used in the Device box.
2. Choose a baud rate, data bit, parity, and stop bit from the appropriate list boxes in the Communication
settings area.
You can change values back to the default values by clicking Restore defaults.
3. Enter a value that represents how frequently the points should be captured from the GPS, from four to
300 seconds, in the Capture every spin box.

PCI Geomatics 85
Chapter 1: Getting started

4. Click Test connection.

The GPS connection is automatically tested in the GPS Connection Testing window.

Related Links
Testing the GPS connection on page 86

Testing the GPS connection

The GPS Connection Testing window opens when you click Test connection. You can determine if the
connection to your GPS has been made correctly. The connection is tested automatically each time you click
the Test Connection command button in the GPS receiver pane. You can also manually test the connection
by clicking the Try Again button at the bottom of the GPS Connection Testing pane.
If the GPS connection is successful, the Device String box displays the current geographic coordinates from
the receiver. The Location area shows the elevation as long as the GPS can display elevation.
If the GPS connection is unsuccessful, an error message is generated. If an incorrect device (for example,
a digitizing table) has been connected, the window will show a device string. The location information will not
be displayed.
If you want to manually re-test the connection, click Try Again.

Measurement tools
You can set the behavior of the Measurement tools in the view pane. Linear, Area, and Angle options are
available. To read the measurements from the view pane, enable the Generate Report to Window check
Related Links
Reading the Measure tool report on page 162

Changing display options

When you print a map, it is identical to the map on your computer screen by default. There may be times
when you do not want your printed work to look exactly like your screen. The Display Options window lets
you turn off the default WYSIWYG feature. There are several reasons for disabling the WYSIWYG feature.
For example, your software performance may improve when WYSYWYG is turned off and the view pane
appears less cluttered.
The Display Options window also provides WYSIWYG options for width/fill, pattern, text, and zoom scaling.
To open the Display Options window, select Display Options from the View menu in Focus.

Allows you to switch the WYSYWYG feature on or off, or to choose from a set of custom WYSYWYG options.
Enables WYSYWYG for map publishing.
Disables WYSYWYG for map publishing.
Enables the width/fill, pattern, and text options.
Displays the map with WYSIWYG line weights and polygons filled.

86 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 1: Getting started

Displays the map with all the patterns visible. For example, a pattern can be a broken line or other symbol,
such as sand, transmission lines, or forest.
Displays the map with its text attributes applied (for example, font, height, and so on).

Scale representation when zooming

Changes the vector display size relative to the zoom level. When you zoom in, symbols get bigger and lines
get wider.

Customizing the Focus toolbars

Using the Toolbar Configuration window, you can customize the Focus toolbars to show or hide specific
tool groups. The Toolbar Configuration window contains a table with a list of toolbar options. You can select
the tool groups you want to see from the table.

1. From the View menu, select Toolbars > Customize.

2. Click in the Visible column next to a toolbar to show or hide it.
A check mark indicates that the toolbar is available.
3. Click OK.

PCI Geomatics 87
Chapter 2: Basics

Chapter 2: Basics

Supported layer types

Generic Database (GDB) technology is available in Focus. You can work with dozens of file formats and
convert them to PCIDSK. The following section outlines technical information for layers supported by GDB
in Focus.

Focus and raster layers

In Focus, a GDB-supported file may have any number of raster image layers. Also referred to as a channel
or a band, a raster layer consists of a rectangular grid (or array) of pixels. Each pixel has associated digital
numbers indicating its display brightness. Digital values can also represent attributes other than radiometry.
A thematic raster layer can have a set of values, representing a crop type or a forest type, corresponding to
the ground truth for a scene or image. Raster layers may also contain values for continuous fields of data
relating to temperature, proximity to fire stations, or probability of erosion. You can assign raster layer values
manually, automatically, or from the metadata associated with the raster layer.
In Focus, all raster layers have a data type and must have the same width, measured in pixels, and height,
measured in lines. Layers are presumed to correspond to the same real-world region.
Focus supports four raster data types:
• 8-bit unsigned (8U): Each pixel is stored as one byte of data, and can have an integer value from 0 to
• 16-bit signed (16S): Each pixel is stored in two bytes of data, and can have an integer value from -32768
to 32737.
• 16-bit unsigned (16U): Each pixel is stored as two bytes of data, and can have an integer value from 0
to 65535.
• 32-bit real (32R): Each pixel is stored as four bytes of data, and can have an IEEE floating point value
between -3.4E38 and 3.4E38.
Focus can also use bitmaps as 1-bit raster layers. When bitmaps are used as graphic masks, they are stored
as separate layers.
GDB-supported file formats are mapped to one of the four data types they most closely resemble. In some
cases, mapping leads to loss of precision. For example, a file format that supports double precision (64-bit)
floating point values is mapped to 32R with a corresponding loss of precision. A data type with 4-bit integers
in TIFF files, are mapped to 8-bit unsigned format with no loss of precision.
Raster layers are automatically numbered starting at 1. A 24-bit TIFF file is represented as a three-channel
raster containing the following assigned channels:
• channel 1 - red
• channel 2 - green
• channel 3 - blue
Raster pixels are addressed as pixel and line locations in the pixel array. The top-left corner is addressed
(1,1) and appears at offset (0,0) from the origin. Pixel values increase to the right, along the X axis, and line
values increase downwards along the Y axis.
Some calculations require operations at a finer level. Pixel values are divided to allow for more data. For
example, the upper-left corner of the upper-left pixel is at 0.0 and 0.0, and the lower-right corner of the

88 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 2: Basics

upper-left pixel is at 1.0 and 1.0. The center of the upper-left pixel is at 0.5 and 0.5. The center of the lower-right
pixel of a 1000 x 1000 image is at 999.5 and 999.5.

Focus uses the following metadata tags for raster layers:
• DEFAULT_PCT_REF: Reference to the pseudocolor table (PCT) segment for displaying an image in
pseudocolor mode. This entry defaults the image to pseudocolor display mode.
• DEFAULT_LUT_REF: Reference to a lookup table (LUT) segment for a default enhancement when
displaying an image.
• SCALING_MIN: Default value to use as a minimum for scaling an image channel to 8-bit for display
• SCALING_MAX: Default value for maximum scaling in an image channel to 8-bit for display purposes.
• NO_DATA_VALUE: Image value indicating no data is available.
• ELEVATION_UNITS: May be UNKNOWN (implicit default), FEET, or METRES. Primarily intended for
use with elevation channels and should be UNKNOWN for non-elevation data.
• Class_n_Name: Short name for a theme class in a raster with 'n' being the class number. Must be less
than 9 characters.
• Class_n_Desc: Longer description for a class in a raster.
• Class_n_Color: Color for displaying a particular theme class. Value is the color encoding using the RGB
(rrr ggg bbb) convention as seen in the PCLColor class.
• ACQUISITION_DATE: Date and time an image was acquired.The date format is YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.

Segment organization
PCIDSK is a data structure for holding digital images and related data, such as LUTs, spectral signatures,
ground control points, and other data types. Each PCIDSK database is a separately named disk file. You can
have any number of PCIDSK files, limited only by the disk capacity of the computer. PCIDSK files can be
shared with users on different computer platforms.
Segments are the parts of a PCIDSK database which hold data related to the imagery in the database. Unlike
image channels, disk space is not allocated for segments at the time the database is created; rather, disk
space is dynamically allocated whenever a segment-generating program is executed. A database can store
up to 1024 segments, provided you have enough disk space. Twelve kinds of information are stored as
segments, namely:
Bitmaps [Type 101:BIT]
Bitmap segments are raster layers and have the same pixel and line dimensions as the image data on the
PCIDSK file. Each pixel is 1-bit deep with a value of 0 or 1. This means that the gray value of a bitmap pixel
can be either zero (pixel is “Off”) or 1 (pixel is “On”). The georeferencing that is associated with the raster
layers is assumed to apply to bitmap layers. One example of using bitmap segments is to mask images when
creating training areas in classification.
Vectors [Type 116:VEC]
Vector layers or segments hold a set of related vectors and can be points, polylines (arcs), whole polygons,
topological polygons, or additional database records. They are used to represent features, such as river
networks, road networks, and political divisions.
Vector objects are called shapes. A shape has a unique numeric identifier (ShapeID) greater than or equal
to zero. Each shape has an associated record of attributes stored in the layer as part of the shape. Each
shape has a list of vertices that have an X, Y, and Z value. Vertices are coordinates in the vector georeferencing
Signatures [Type 121:SIG]

PCI Geomatics 89
Chapter 2: Basics

Signature segments hold statistical data that describe the spectral behavior of a particular image feature
(object). Signature segments are used as input during minimum distance, parallelepiped, and maximum
likelihood classification.
Text [Type 140:TEX]
Text segments hold attribute data (some quality, such as land use, or quantity, such as temperature) linked
to the gray levels of a particular image channel or free-form text (legend information used during map generation
or commands to implement an analysis model). Other specifically formatted text segments include an AVHRR
segment containing calibration and orbital data, including:
• Satellite ID (name), orbit ID, year, day of year.
• Spatial extent information.
• A single GCP corresponding to the exact center of the middle pixel from the first line of the output image.
• Orbital element/ephemeras data: epoch, inclination, right ascension, argument of perigee, eccentricity,
mean motion, mean anomaly.
• Ascending/descending orbit flag.
• Platinum resistance temperatures.
• Internal target values for channels 3,4,5.
• Gray level of space values for channels 3,4,5.
• Up to 5 LUTs used to compress 10-bit data to 8-bit. If a particular output channel is not 8-bit, no LUT for
that channel will be created. These LUTs are used by the program named SST.
Georeferencing [Type 150:GEO]
Georeferencing segments hold mathematical transforms that map all pixel locations in the database image
to a georeferenced coordinate system (such as UTM).
Orbit [Type 160:Orbit]
Orbit segments hold satellite ephemeras data, used in the orthorectification process. This information is read
from the original data source, or from a text file.
Lookup Table [Type 170:LUT]
LUT segments hold numerical tables that map image gray levels to new gray levels.
Pseudocolor Table [Type 171:PCT]
Pseudocolor segments hold numerical tables which map image DN values to a specific color. Colors are
defined by an intensity value (between 0 and 255) for each of a red, green, and blue component.
Binary [Type 180:BIN]
Binary segments are created and used by PCI programs. These contain internal-only information, such as
orthorectification models and neural networks.
Array [Type 181:ARR]
Array segments hold an array of numbers. They are created and used by PCI programs. They contain
information such as SAR-gain offsets and gain-scaling tables.
System [Type 182:SYS]
The system segment is used to hold binary information that you should not normally access directly. System
segments are not displayed by utility programs and are used to hold information such as metadata, overviews,
and tiled-image data.
Ground control points [Type 214:GCP]
GCP segments hold pairs of (X,Y) coordinate positions that locate a point in an image and some other frame
of reference (either a vector segment, a map, another image, or keyboard input of coordinates) for purposes
of image correction, registration, and mosaicking.

90 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 2: Basics

Each segment has a numeric-type code. For example, GCP segments are type 214. This numeric code helps
you locate a particular segment in a database. When listing segments with the program ASL, you can create
a listing by segment type. If you do not know the numeric code for a particular segment type, consult the list
above or use:
Database Segment Type Codes
Pseudocolor Tables
A PCT segment contains an array of 256 colors and assigns color values to 8-bit images. A PCT always
contains exactly 256 entries. File formats, such as TIFF, which may have color tables with less than 256
colors, assigns a value of zero to unused colors. There is no support for alpha channels in the table.
Lookup Tables
The LUT segment consists of 256 8-bit values, between 0 and 255. It is used to apply enhancements to raster
data. It can also be used to encode thematic class mapping.
Ground control points
GCP segments are used to associate projection coordinates with locations on an uncorrected raw image.
GCPs can also be used to relate locations in any two georeferencing systems: in raw image coordinates and
in a georeferencing projection system. The definitions of the georeferencing systems are kept as 16-character
map unit strings.
Projection parameters are not stored. Only projections that are fully defined by the map unit string can be
used; for example, UTM, Long/Lat, or METRE. Complex projections, such as Transverse Mercator, cannot
be used.
Each control point can have an elevation associated with the location in an image. An elevation unit string is
kept for each system with values in meters or feet.
GCPs have the following associated values:
Unique numeric control point identifier.
The point type: either GCP (ground control point) or CP (check point).
System 1 X:
The X coordinate in the first georeferencing system and is a pixel located in the image.
System 1 Y:
The Y coordinate in the first georeferencing system and is a line location in the image.
System 1 Elevation:
The elevation of the location in the first georeferencing system. This has a zero value and is ignored by
System 2 X:
The X coordinate in the second georeferencing system and is a location described in projection coordinates.
System 2 Y:
The Y coordinate in the second georeferencing system and is a location described in projection coordinates.

PCI Geomatics 91
Chapter 2: Basics

Topological layers
Focus lets you work with the layer attributes for several topological file formats. The following information
shows the required attributes for different formats:

Arc layers
Arc layers must contain the following attributes:
Contains the GDBShapeId of the starting node.
Contains the GDBShapeId of the ending node for this arc.
Contains the GDBShapeId of the left area polygon, or GDBNullShapeId if there is no area.
Contains the GDBShapeId of the right area polygon, or GDBNullShapeId if there isn't such an area.

Node layers
Node layers must contain the following attribute:
(GDBFieldTypeCountedInt) List of arc ShapeIds starting or ending at this node.
Each node should also have one vertex defining the position of the node. A node layer must have ARC_REF
and AREA_REF metadata pointing to the related arc and area layers. It must also have a LAYER_TYPE of
TOPO_NODES indicator in metadata.

Area layers
Area layers must contain the following attribute:
(GDBFieldTypeCountedInt) List of arc ShapeIds forming the border of this area in clockwise order. Each ring
is separated by a GDBNullShapeId entry in the ArcIdList.
A topological area shape should have either zero or one vertex. If it has one, it will be presumed to be an
internal label point for the area. An area layer must have NODE_REF and ARC_REF metadata pointing to
the related node and arc layers. It must also have a LAYER_TYPE of TOPO_AREAS indicator in metadata.

Representation style table

The representation style table (RST) describes and stores the graphical display of vectors. A vector layer
optionally contains an RST, which can describe how shapes in a layer are drawn.
An RST consists of zero or more representations. Each included representation is indicated by its representation
code, or RepCode, which is the integer value used to look up the representation in the RST, typically based
on the RepCode attribute of the shapes in the layer.
The representation consists of a series of zero or more parts. Each part describes a drawing method used
when drawing a shape. Usually, there is only one part.
Each part contains the following information:
• Priority: Indicates how different vector drawing components are layered. The higher priority values are
drawn over those with lower priorities. This applies to different parts in a given representation, but also

92 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 2: Basics

applies to different shapes drawn in a given layer; in some applications, it is evaluated between all vector
layers in a given view.
• Graphical Primitive: The drawing primitive to be used for this part.
Supported primitives include:
• Point - Symbol
• Line - Solid
• Line - Dash
• Line - Dotted
• Line - Spaced Symbols
• Line - Arrowhead
• Polygon - Fill
• Polygon - Patterned Fill
• Vector - Text

• Parameters: Each primitive has a particular set of parameters that affect the display. For example, the
parameters of the simple-line primitive are width and color.

Importing, linking, and translating data

There are times when you may need to work with more than one file format. The Export, Import, and Link
utilities expand your ability to read, view, and process distribution formats, and read, edit, and write exchange
formats. Use these utilities to import different file formats to a PCIDSK file, link files, or translate data across
different formats.

Importing files to the PCIDSK format

The Import function lets you work with any GDB-supported format by automatically converting it to a PCIDSK
file. When the format is not supported by GDB, you must define the raw data with the Raw File Definition
To import a file to PCIDSK format:

1. From the File menu, select Import to PCIDSK.

The PCIDSK Import window opens.
2. From the PCIDSK Import window, click Browse to specify the Source File.
Use the File Selector window to navigate to and select the file to import, then click OK.
3. From the PCIDSK Import window, specify the Destination File.
Click Browse to open the File Selector window, or type the path and file name directly in the Destination
File field.
Note: The output file must not exist before you import the file.

4. Select a format from the Format Options drop-down list.

Choices include:
• Band interleaved:stores all the data for one band together. Provides higher performance when bands
are not all being accessed at all times
• Pixel interleaved: stores the data for all bands together at a specific pixel. May provide improved
performance when all bands are used at once
• File interleaved: similar to band interleaved, but the image channel data is stored in external files (one
file for each band).

PCI Geomatics 93
Chapter 2: Basics

• Tiled: the image is divided into several square subimages. Tiles can be much faster to access when
only a subarea is being extracted, such as in file viewing. This option uses tiling with no compression.
• Tiled (JPEG Compressed): applies tiling with JPEG compression, a lossy compression most suitable
for continuous images, such as airphotos.
• Tiled (Run Length Compressed): applies tiling with Run Length Encoding (RLE) compression.
Although this compression method is lossless, it only provides good compression for images where
long sequences of pixels have the same value, as in pseudocolored or thematic images.

5. Select a downsampling option from the Overview Options drop-down list.

Options include:
• Nearest neighbor downsampling
• Block averaged downsampling
• Block mode downsampling
• Disable overview
Note: Building overviews using Block Averaged or Block Mode can be significantly slower than computing
them using Nearest Neighbor resampling. If the nature of the image is not known, or if the speed of
preparing the image overview is important, use Nearest Neighbor.

6. Click Import.

Using undefined image data

You can open undefined or raw image data the same way you would any other file.
To open a raw or undefined image:

1. Using the File Selector window, locate and select the raw image, then click Open.
The Raw Imagery File Definition window opens, allowing you to define the raw imagery file format.
The following controls are available to define data:
Header Bytes
Specifies the number of bytes to allocate for header informatoin. The zero value indicates that imagery
data starts at the beginning of the file.
Image Size
Defines the X (Pixel) and Y (Line) size of the image file. These should be the full size of the image in the
file, even if you only wish to open a sub-set of the file.
Number of Channels
Indicates the number of channels or places if image data stored in the file.
Data Interleaving
Indicates how multiple channels of image data are interleaved. This field is not applicable for one-channel
image files. Single-band data can have band interleaving.
• Pixel: The channels are pixel interleaved. For example, in a three-channel file, the values in the file
are 123123123..., with the channel values for a given pixel located together.
• Line: The channels are line interleaved. The data for line 1 of the first channel occurs first, followed
by the data for line 1 of the second channel and line 1 of the third channel. Next is line 2 of the first
channel, and so on. For example, in a three-channel file, the values in the file would be (line 1)
111...222...333, (line 2) 111...222...333, and so on.
• Band: The channels are band sequential. All the data for the entire first channel would be first, followed
by all the data for the second channel, and so on.

94 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 2: Basics

Data Type
The set of options to define the type of data.
• 8-bit unsigned:Data for each channel are 8-bit, unsigned.
• 16-bit Unsigned: Data for each channel are 16-bit, unsigned. Values range from 0 to 65535, and are
two bytes each.
• 16-bit Signed: Data for each channel are 16-bit, signed. Values range from -32768 to 32767, and are
two bytes each.
• 32-bit Real: Each pixel is stored as four bytes of data, and can have an IEEE floating point value
between -3.4E8 and 3.4E8.
Byte Order
Options for storing the order of multiple-byte data words. Used for non-8-bit image data only; it can be
ignored for files containing only 8-bit data.
• Least Significant Byte first (LSB): This order is common on IBM computers with Intel 80 x 86
architecture. It is sometimes known as swapped or little endian. In LSB order, a 16U-pixel value of 1
would be expressed as two bytes, the first a 1, and the second a 0.
• Most Significant Byte first (MSB): This is the order common on Sun, IBM, RS/6000, HP, SGI, and
Mac systems. It is also known as unswapped, big endian, or Motorola order. In MSB order a 16U-pixel
value of one would be expressed as two bytes, the first a zero, and the second a one. The default
selected on the panel is the byte order of the local system.

2. In the Raw Imagery Definition window, click Accept.

A new header file is created with the file extension ".pox". This new raw configuration file is an auxiliary file
that contains layout information for the imagery that you provide.

The following is an example of the file produced for a simple 1000 x 1000 8-bit
single-channel image.
• Auxiliary Target: rawimage.bil
• Raw Definition: 1000 1000 1
• ChanDefinition -1: 8U 0 1 1000 Swapped
Note: Once the configuration file (.pox) is created, you cannot redefine the raw file until
you delete the .pox file. When experimenting with possible raw format definitons, using a
.pox file is not recommended.

Creating linked files

The Link utility protects source data by creating an empty PCIDSK file and allowing indirect access to imagery
on both GDB-supported and PCIDSK files.
Auxiliary information, such as LUTs or bitmaps, are transferred to the newly created PCIDSK file. Linking
files allows several users to work with data while preserving the integrity of the source files. You can access
data across a network or on the same system disk without duplicating large files. Imagery is not copied or
transferred; instead, pointers are created to describe the directory location and layout of data. Changes are
saved to the linked file only.
The link file copies auxiliary information such as LUTs, PCTs, bitmaps, vectors, and georeferencing information.
You can link to a remote source file, select a destination file, and set overview options.
To create a linked PCIDSK file:

1. From the File Utility's File menu, select Create PCIDSK Link.
From Focus, select File > Utility > Link.

PCI Geomatics 95
Chapter 2: Basics

The PCIDSK Link window opens.

2. From the PCIDSK Link window, click Browse to specify the Source file.
Use the File Selector window to navigate to and select the source file for linking, then click Open.
3. From the PCIDSK Link window, specify the Destination file.
Click Browse to open the File Selector window, or type the path and file name directly in the Destination
File field.
4. From the PCIDSK Link window, select an overview option from the Overview options list.
Options include:
• Nearest neighbor downsampling
• Block averaged downsampling
• Block mode downsampling
• Disable overview

Exporting/translating data
The Export utility translates files from one GDB-supported format to another, or creates a new PCIDSK file
from a GDB format using only specified layers. In the Translate (Export) File window, you select similarly
georeferenced source and destination files, and share layer information between the two files.
After choosing source and destination files, you can specify layers from the source file to include in the
To export a file:

1. From the File menu, select Export To....

The Translate (Export) File window opens.
2. From the Translate (Export) File window, click Browse to specify the Source File.
3. From the Translate (Export) File window, specify the Destination File.
Click Browse to open the File Selector window, or type the path and file name directly in the Destination
File field.
4. From the Translate (Export) File window, select the format for the exported file from the Output format
The list of layers in the source file appears in the Source Layers section.
5. From the Source Layers section, select the data files to include in the output file.
• Use the View list box to specify which layer or segment types to display.
• Click Select All to select all the listed source layers, or use Shift-Click or Ctrl-Click to select multiple
layers from the list.

6. Click Add to export the selected layers to the Destination Layers list.
To remove a layer from the Destination Layers, select it and click Remove.
7. Use the Up and Down arrows to re-order the layers in the Destination Layers list.
8. Click Translate.

The output file is created according to the defined parameters.

Importing and converting ASCII files

The Import ASCII Table/Points Wizard can import ASCII files into a project and convert them into vector-point
data. Table values that combine coordinates with field research data can be imported to the Attribute Manager

96 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 2: Basics

spreadsheet and converted into vector-point files that you can add to a project and open as layers in the view

Using the Import ASCII Table/Points wizard

You can use the Import ASCII Table/Points wizard to import and convert tabular ASCII data. You can format
your ASCII data the same way you would when using a common spread sheet application. In the wizard,
selecting the Delimited option from the Data Format area allows you to specify a formatting character for the
table columns. You can either select a delimiter or specify another delimiter by enabling the Other check box
and identifying the character in the Other box.
The Data PreView area displays an updated version of information. The wizard detects delimiters and file
formats when you open a text file. When you select the Fixed Width data format and click Next, the window
allows you to identify the number of characters in a column within a fixed width formatted file.
The Import ASCII Table/Points Wizard has three steps
1. Import and format delimited or fixed width ASCII files. When you select a file, you can overwrite an existing
layer or create a new one. The Display Result option automatically shows results in the view pane when
you have completed Step 3 of the wizard.
2. Identify delimiters or set field widths before converting your ASCII data into tabular format.The Data Type
area allows you to identify how the ASCII data is formatted; by a character or fixed width. In the Import
Options area you can choose to either import all records or specify a range of records to import.
3. Select data types for the fields in your table and convert to vector points.
Tabular ASCII data does not require georeferencing to be converted with the wizard. Degrees, minutes, and
seconds are not imported as coordinates but as fields only. The wizard imports ASCII files only, but can output
to PCIDSK (.pix) format.
The preview area is similar to the Notepad text editor and allows you to see the ASCII information table before
it is formatted.

1. Step 1
a) From the File menu, click Utility and then click Import ASCII Table/Points.
b) In the Input area of the Import ASCII Table/Points Wizard, click Browse.
c) In the File Selector window, select an ACSII-format file and click Open.
d) Enable one of the following options:
e) Display - vector points are opened in the view pane and are not saved.
f) Save - click Browse next to the File list box and choose a location for saving the output.
If you want to save your output to a specific layer within the file, select one from the Layer list box.
g) Enable the Delimited option in the Data Format area.
If you want the first line of data displayed as a header row, enter a number of 1 or higher in the Header
row spin box.
h) Click Next.
2. Step 2
a) In the Delimiters area, enable a check box next to any correct delimiter type for your file.You can see
the required delimiter in the preview area between each record.
The Data preview area changes to a table when you choose the correct option.
b) Click Next.
3. Step 3
a) In the Coordinate Fields area, select values from the X, Y, and Z list boxes.
The remaining inputs for the Projection area are activated and the Import attributes list is updated.
b) Enter the projection and bounds information in the Projection area.
c) Click Finish.

PCI Geomatics 97
Chapter 2: Basics

Formating fixed width files

1. With your text file open in Step 1 of the wizard, enable the Fixed width option.
2. Set the number of records and header rows you want in your converted file.
3. Click Next.
4. In the Data preview area, click the # of Characters column in the Field 1 box and type the number of
characters you want to allocate to this field.
5. Press Enter.
6. Repeat step 4 and step 5 until all fields are added and formatted properly.
7. Click Next.
8. Follow the instructions in Step 3 of the wizard.

Opening data from a remote data source

You can open data from an Oracle database, a Web service, a URL, and through Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC) as long as the data formats are compatible with GDB technology.
Focus supports read and write access to Oracle8i and Oracle 11g Spatial. For more information, refer to
ORACLE in the 'GDB file formats' section of the Geomatica online Help.
A Web service provides access to data published on the servers connected to the Web. You can access any
Web mapping service (WMS) or Web feature service (WFS) complying with the OGC Web Mapping or Feature
Service specifications, and display the data as a layer in the Focus project. The data is read-only. For details
about the Web services, refer to the 'Common Utilities' section of the Geomatica online Help and the Geomatica
WebServer Suite Installation Guide.
ODBC creates a connection between Geomatica and a data source such as Microsoft Access. For more
information, refer to the 'GDB file formats' section of the Geomatica online Help.

1. From the File menu, click Open.

2. In the File Selector window, click Remote Data.

Using undefined image data

You can open undefined or raw image data the same way you would any other file.
To open a raw or undefined image:

1. Using the File Selector window, locate and select the raw image, then click Open.
The Raw Imagery File Definition window opens, allowing you to define the raw imagery file format.
The following controls are available to define data:
Header Bytes
Specifies the number of bytes to allocate for header informatoin. The zero value indicates that imagery
data starts at the beginning of the file.
Image Size
Defines the X (Pixel) and Y (Line) size of the image file. These should be the full size of the image in the
file, even if you only wish to open a sub-set of the file.

98 PCI Geomatics
Chapter 2: Basics

Number of Channels
Indicates the number of channels or places if image data stored in the file.
Data Interleaving
Indicates how multiple channels of image data are interleaved. This field is not applicable for one-channel
image files. Single-band data can have band interleaving.
• Pixel: The channels are pixel interleaved. For example, in a three-channel file, the values in the file
are 123123123..., with the channel values for a given pixel located together.
• Line: The channels are line interleaved. The data for line 1 of the first channel occurs first, followed
by the data for line 1 of the second channel and line 1 of the third channel. Next is line 2 of the first
channel, and so on. For example, in a three-channel file, the values in the file would be (line 1)
111...222...333, (line 2) 111...222...333, and so on.
• Band: The channels are band sequential. All the data for the entire first channel would be first, followed
by all the data for the second channel, and so on.
Data Type
The set of options to define the type of data.
• 8-bit unsigned:Data for each channel are 8-bit, unsigned.
• 16-bit Unsigned: Data for each channel are 16-bit, unsigned. Values range from 0 to 65535, and are
two bytes each.
• 16-bit Signed: Data for each channel are 16-bit, signed. Values range from -32768 to 32767, and are
two bytes each.
• 32-bit Real: Each pixel is stored as four bytes of data, and can have an IEEE floating point value
between -3.4E8 and 3.4E8.
Byte Order
Options for storing the order of multiple-byte data words. Used for non-8-bit image data only; it can be
ignored for files containing only 8-bit data.
• Least Significant Byte first (LSB): This order is common on IBM computers with Intel 80 x 86
architecture. It is sometimes known as swapped or little endian. In LSB order, a 16U-pixel value of 1
would be expressed as two bytes, the first a 1, and the second a 0.
• Most Significant Byte first (MSB): This is the order common on Sun, IBM, RS/6000, HP, SGI, and
Mac systems. It is also known as unswapped, big endian, or Motorola order. In MSB order a 16U-pixel
value of one would be expressed as two bytes, the first a zero, and the second a one. The default
selected on the panel is the byte order of the local system.

2. In the Raw Imagery Definition window, click Accept.

A new header file is created with the file extension ".pox". This new raw configuration file is an auxiliary file
that contains layout information for the imagery that you provide.

The following is an example of the file produced for a simple 1000 x 1000 8-bit
single-channel image.
• Auxiliary Target: rawimage.bil
• Raw Definition: 1000 1000 1
• ChanDefinition -1: 8U 0 1 1000 Swapped
Note: Once the configuration file (.pox) is created, you cannot redefine the raw file until
you delete the .pox file. When experimenting with possible raw format definitons, using a
.pox file is not recommended.

PCI Geomatics 99
Chapter 2: Basics

Image metadata support

Metadata refers to a specific image in a PCIDSK file. All images and associated metadata are considered
image data sets. Channels, other than those containing image data set bands, can exist in a PCIDSK file.
Metadata is not associated with ancillary raster data or raster maps produced from image analysis.
Focus supports image metadata to accommodate hyperspectral processing and analysis through PCIDSK
files. Image metadata must be formatted as an XML document in a text file. The METAIN function reads the
metadata from the XML document and writes it to a metadata segment in the PCIDSK file that contains the
associated image data. Existing metadata is overwritten. The METAOUT function reads metadata from a
segment in the PCIDSK file and formats it as an XML document.
The required format of an image metadata XML document is specified by the XML schema stored in the
PCIImageMetadata.xsd file in the $PCIHOME/etc directory of the Geomatica installation.

Introduction to projections and earth models

Projections are required to tie down an image to the earth's surface. Once the required projection information
has been defined and the image has been corrected to overlay the projection bounds, image equirectangular
pixel and line coordinates can be transformed to produce equirectangular projection easting and northing
coordinates which can be transformed with the projection formulas to produce equivalent non-equirectangular
longitude and latitude coordinates. Longitude and latitude coordinates can also be transformed to projection
easting and northings and image database pixel and line coordinates.

Understanding the PCIDSK projection definition

Projections can compensate for distortions in large-scale imagery that cover a large Earth surface, where
distortions are produced from the Earth's curvature. These are the same distortions that occur in projecting
a spherical surface (the Earth) onto a flat surface (the image database). Although there are still distortions in
all projections, some are removed or compensated for, depending on the projection used.
When an image is tied to one projection, it can automatically be projected to overlay another projection. This
provides options for processing your data by matching goals to the appropriate projection.
The software used for the projection transforms is the General Cartographic Transformation Package (GCTP),
produced by the U.S. Geological Survey and can be used to convert:
• Projection coordinates to geographic coordinates
• Geographic coordinates to projection coordinates
• Projection coordinates to coordinates in a second projection
Note: For information about transformations between different Earth models, see Earth models.

Supported projections
The following table lists the projections supported in Geomatica.

Code Class Name Earth Model

ACEA conic Albers Conical Equal Area ellipsoid or sphere

Azimuthal Equidistant (or

AE azimuthal sphere
Zenithal Equidistant)

CASS cylindrical Cassini (or Cassini-Soldner) ellipsoid or sphere

100 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

Code Class Name Earth Model

Equidistant Conic (or Simple

EC conic ellipsoid or sphere
Conic, or Conic)

Equirectangular (or Equidistant

ER cylindrical Cylindrical, or Simple Cylindrical, sphere
or Rectangular, or Plate Carree)

GNO azimuthal Gnomonic (or Gnomic) sphere

GOOD pseudo-cylindric Goode's Homolosine sphere

GVNP azimuthal Gen Vert Near-Side Perspective sphere

KROV conic Krovak Bessel 1841

Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area

LAEA azimuthal sphere
(or Zenithal Equal-Area)

LCC conic Lambert Conformal Conic ellipsoid or sphere

Longitude/Latitude (or
LONG/LAT not a projection ellipsoid or sphere

MC cylindrical Miller Cylindrical sphere

MER cylindrical Mercator ellipsoid or sphere

Modif Stereographic Conformal

MSC modif azimuthal Clarke 1866 (NAD27)
(or Alaska Grid)

OG azimuthal Orthographic sphere

Oblique Mercator (or Oblique

OM cylindrical Cylindrical, or Orthomorphic, or ellipsoid or sphere

PC conic Polyconic ellipsoid or sphere

PS azimuthal Polar Stereographic ellipsoid or sphere

ROB pseudo-cylindric Robinson sphere

RSO cylindrical Rectified Skew Orthomorphic ellipsoid or sphere

SG azimuthal Stereographic sphere

Sinusoidal (or Sanson-

SIN pseudo-cylindric sphere

SOM modif cylindric Space Oblique Mercator ellipsoid or sphere

Clarke 1866 (NAD27) or GRS

SPCS usually conic or cylindrical State Plane Coordinate System
1980 (NAD83)

Transverse Mercator (or

TM cylindrical ellipsoid or sphere

UPS azimuthal Universal Polar Stereographic ellipsoid or sphere

UTM cylindrical Universal Transverse Mercator ellipsoid or sphere

VDG miscellaneous Van der Grinten sphere

Defining a new projection

New projections are stored in a text file named userproj.txt that can be stored either locally or in the
$PROHOME/etc directory, or both.

PCI Geomatics 101

Chapter 2: Basics

New projections can be brought into the system by editing userproj.txt with a text editor and by adding the
parameters for the projection. A template of the supported fields is included in userproj.txt, which is stored
in the etc directory in the comment lines at the top of the file.

! User-defined projections
! NOTE: New user-defined projection definitions can be submitted to
! NOTE: Comments follow an exclamation mark ('!').
! Fields supported for all User Defined Projections:
! ProjectionName "11_char_max"
! ProjectionDescription "projection description (1 line of text)"
! ProjectionCountry "country projection used in (1 line of text)"
! MapUnits "PCI MAPUNITS (16_char_max)"
! Any of the map projections (except "LONG/LAT")
! can have their units defaulted (normally this will be "METRE")
! or can have the ground units specified as one of the following:
! Units "FOOT" ! that is, U.S. Survey Feet
! Units "INT FOOT" ! that is, International Feet
! Units "METRE" ! or meters
! Fields supported dependant on the real projection defined in MapUnits:
! TrueOriginLongitude
! TrueOriginLatitude
! 1stStandardParallel
! 2ndStandardParallel
! FalseEasting
! FalseNorthing
! Scale
! Point1Longitude
! Point1Latitude
! Point2Longitude
! Point2Latitude
! Azimuth
! LandsatNumber
! LandsatPath

ProjectionName "UKNatGrid"
ProjectionDescription "British National Grid (Transverse Mercator)"
ProjectionCountry "Great Britain"
MapUnits "TM D131"
TrueOriginLongitude 2dW
TrueOriginLatitude 49dN
Scale 0.9996012717
FalseEasting 400000
FalseNorthing -100000
When working with new projects, the following rules apply:
• Each non-comment line consists of a field identifier (for example, ProjectionName) and a value for the
field (for example, UKNatGrid). One or more spaces separate the field identifier and the field value. The
field identifier and value must fit on one line. Although the present user projection examples have the field
identifier first followed by the field value, the field value followed by the field identifier is also supported.
• Processing for the field identifiers is not case-sensitive.
• Blank lines are acceptable in the file and are ignored.
• If a field value contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("); for example,
ProjectionDescription "British National Grid".

102 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

• Comments follow an exclamation mark. If a line begins with an exclamation mark, the entire line is a
comment. Trailing comments in a given line are acceptable.
• Processing for a given projection begins when a "ProjectionName" record is read and ends with the next
"ProjectionName" record, or when the end of the file is reached. The order of the other records for the
projection does not matter.
• Different projections require different parameters. The following fields can be defined for any user-defined
projection set:
• ProjectionName: The user-defined name that is presented for the projection set. This can be a
maximum of 11 printable characters. For example, ProjectionName "UKNatGrid".
• ProjectionDescription: The descriptive text that is presented with the ProjectionName. Although there
is no maximum size, the ProjectionDescription must be short and a maximum of 64 characters. Spaces
in the description must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("); for example, ProjectionDescription
"British National Grid".
• MapUnits: The actual units of the projection set that correspond to the units string that is built by using
the "Generic Projections". This can be a maximum of 16 characters; for example, you can use either
MapUnits "tm e9" or MapUnits "TM E009".

Earth models
An Earth model is a term for a regular model that represents the surface of the Earth. This general term
retains as it can apply to either of the two forms supported by Geomatica.
The Earth model can be specified by either of two forms:
• a datum code (for example, D000) for the horizontal datum
• an ellipsoid code (for example, E000) for the ellipsoid used by the horizontal datum
In Geomatica, it is possible to directly express a datum (which carries with it an implicit ellipsoid). For example,
D000 is WGS84. Furthermore, it is possible to transform data between different datums, as well as between
different projections within a datum by using the standard reprojection tools.
Datum codes are fully documented and supported. The default datum assigned to data sets without a datum
is D000 (WGS84). WGS84, however, is significantly different from NAD27, so care must be taken to ensure
that the correct datum is assigned when importing or creating data sets in Geomatica.
Note: NAD27 can now be expressed as D-01 in the US and D-02 in Canada.
Using ellipsoids rather than datums is still valid, and selected ellipsoids (E000/NAD27, E008/NAD83,
E012/WGS84, and E005/WGS72) are automatically treated according to the implied related datum. It is still
not possible to transform points or images from one ellipsoid to another ellipsoid if the datums (that use the
ellipsoids) cannot be determined.
Ellipsoid is used as a short form of the proper term "ellipsoid of revolution". A true ellipsoid can potentially
have different radii in the x, y, or z dimensions. An ellipsoid has two equal radii. For the Earth, the two equal
radii are on the equatorial plane. Essentially, an ellipsoid describes revolving an ellipse around its polar axis.
Ellipsoid is the same as a spheroid.
Reprojecting map projections using different ellipsoids is not supported and fails. Reprojecting different
horizontal data using the same ellipsoid does not fail but introduces an error, because the ellipsoid essentially
represents the same horizontal data.
In order to address the problem of different map projections using different horizontal datums, the software
has been updated and a list of datum codes (for example, D000) has been derived.
Note: There is no correlation between the numbering of the ellipsoid codes and the datum codes. The
numbering for ellipsoids follows the numbering used by the USGS GCTP software. The positive numbering
for the datums follows the ordering of the datum text file provided with the MODTRAN software. The negative
numbering for datums (using grid-shift files) was derived to complement the positive datum numbering.

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Chapter 2: Basics

If you use the same horizontal datum in the georeferencing, it is still valid to use ellipsoid codes.
If reprojection between map projections that use different horizontal datums is required, datum codes are
used instead of ellipsoid codes.
The Earth model can be upgraded from an ellipsoid code to a datum code in existing PCIDSK database
segments with the DATUM program or with the File Browser.

Reprojecting files
When you add new data, it is automatically reprojected based on the data you already have open. When you
open large, secondary files of a different projection, they are also automatically reprojected, which can make
the work slower. You may encounter this situation, for example, when a work file has a UTM projection and
you open a file with an LCC projection. If you open the UTM data first, Focus must reproject the LCC to UTM.
In such cases, it is recommended that you reproject the data manually and save it as a new file.
You can reproject both raster and vector data if the data is in a valid projection, it is in a GDB-supported
format, and you know which datums were used. A datum is a mathematical surface used to make geographic
computations. An ellipsoid defines the dimensions of the earth. The datum includes the ellipsoid used and
its position relative to the center of the earth.
Each datum references one ellipsoid, but an ellipsoid can be referenced by one or more datums. If you
compare the position of a point calculated using one datum and then calculate the same position using a
different datum, the coordinates of the point will be different, even if the datums refer to the same ellipsoid.
Since a datum is a mathematical surface used to make geographic computations, it is possible to convert
from one datum to another. However, reprojecting a file from one ellipsoid to another will not provide the
correct results because the critical information contained in a datum is not defined in the ellipsoid.

Specifying source and output files for reprojection

To specify the files used in reprojection:

1. From the Reproject window, click Browse to specify the Source file.
Use the File Selector to locate and select the file to reproject, then click Open.
2. From the Reproject window, specify the Destination file.
Click Browse to open the File Selector, or type the path and file name directly in the Destination File
3. Select a file format from the Output Format drop-down list, and type format options in the Options field.

By default, destination files are created in PCIDSK format, but reprojections can be saved in any
GDB-supported file format. For more information, refer to GDB-supported file formats in the Technical
Reference section of the Geomatica help.

Defining reprojection parameters

The Reproject window’s Reprojection Bounds section initially displays the projection information of the
specified source file. Use the controls in this section to define the parameters for reprojection.
To define the reprojection parameters:

1. Select the projection method from the drop-down list.

Options include:
• Use pixels/lines and bounds
• Use pixels/lines and resolution
• Use bounds and resolution

2. In the Size fields, specify the number of Pixels and Lines for the reprojection.
3. In the Pixel Size fields, specify the size of pixels along the X and Y axes.

104 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

4. Select the coordinate system from the drop-down list.

Options include:
• Pixel: Measured in data pixels and lines; georeferencing is unknown
• UTM: Universal Transverse Mercator (and zone)
• Long/Lat: Longitude/Latitude or Geographic
• Meter: measured in relative meters; world location is unknown
• Foot: measured in U.S. Survey feet
• SPCS: State Plane Coordinate System (and zone)
• Other: generic or user projection

5. Click the Earth Model button to modify the datum or ellipsoid to use in the reprojection.
From the Earth Models window, select the desired datum and ellipsoid, then click OK.
6. Click the More button to add additional projection information.
The text field to the right of the Earth Model button lists the full georeferencing string currently in use.
This includes the georeferencing coordinate system, plus the zone number and earth model, where
For example: UTM 6 Q D000
The field lists the coordinate system, the zone and row, then the earth model.This information is generated
automatically when you select an earth model and zone; you may also edit the information directly.
For more information, see Introduction to map projections in the Technical Reference section of the
Geomatica help.
7. Specify the boundaries of the reprojected area:
From the Bounds drop-down list, select the interpretation method for the reprojection bounds.
Options include:
• Geocoded: bound values are interpreted in the georeferenced units based on the specified coordinate
• Geographic: bound values are interpreted in Long/Lat values.

8. In the Upper Left fields, specify the horizontal and vertical position of the top-left corner of the area.
Note: The upper-left corner specified specifies the upper and left edges of the upper-left pixel for raster

9. In the Lower Right fields, specify the bottom-right extent of the area.
Note: The lower-right corner specifies the lower and right edges of the lower-right pixel.
To reset the bounds to their original values, click Maximum Bounds.
10. From the Resampling drop-down list, select the resampling method to use for image reprojection.
Options include:
• Nearest neighbor (default value)
• Bi-Linear
• Cubic

11. Select the Transform Order from the drop-down list.

Options include:
• Exact: performs a reprojection calculation for each pixed in the file; this is the default value
• Thin Plate Spline
• 1st Order

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Chapter 2: Basics

• 2nd Order
• 3rd Order
• 4th Order
• 5th Order

12. In the Sampling Interval field, type a value from 1 to 4 to define the spacing in the calculation of the
reprojected position. The default value is 1.
If a sampling interval other than 1 is chosen, the system calculates the reprojected position at every
sampling interval and linearly interpolates the values in between. This can speed up the reprojection
process from 20% to 50% while preserving the accuracy, in most cases.

Selecting layers for reprojection

The Reproject window’s Selectable Layers section allows you to choose the source and destination layers
for the reprojection.
To layers for reprojection:

1. From the Source Layers section, select the data files to include in the output file.
Use the View list box to specify which layer or segment types to display.
Click Select All to select all the listed source layers, or use Shift-Click or Ctrl-Click to select multiple
layers from the list.
2. Click Add to export the selected layers to the Destination Layers list.
To remove a layer from the Destination Layers, select it and click Remove.
3. Use the Up and Down arrows to re-order the layers in the Destination Layers list.

Executing the reprojection

To execute the file reprojection:

1. In the Reproject window, ensure that you have correctly defined the reprojection parameters and specified
the output file and file format.
2. Click Reproject.

The output file is created according to the defined parameters.

Note: The reprojected file does not open in the File Utility; you must open the file separately.

Working with layers

In Focus, geographic features and their attributed data are stored in layers. Each layer of information can
either represent a single set of geographic information, such as hydrography, or a combination of information
In a layer, raster and vector data are stored just like areas stored in Maps. Layer information can be displayed
and can consist of lines, polygons, and symbols that represent project information. You can build a map by
placing each layer on top of the other. In the Maps tree, each layer appears as a branch belonging to an area.
Layers let you organize and edit the features in a map. You can break a map into multiple layers, each
containing a portion of the overall content. Most layer tasks are specific to the layer type, but many functions
are common to both image and vector layers.

106 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

Adding and removing imagery

You can create a new layer for your map when you want to add digitized map information, digitize an image
file, or create different layers of geographic information.
You can create a new layer by right-clicking an area icon and using the shortcut menu to add new raster,
vector, or bitmap layers. When you create a new layer, you must set the parameters of the new area.
New layers are automatically rescaled and georeferenced to the area. Any areas with undefined projections
use the meter projection by default. You can change the layer type, data type, and the georeferencing when
you set up the layer parameters. When you create a new layer, the parameters describe the amounts and
kinds of data you can use in the layer properties.

Organizing and editing layers

You can show or hide layers in the Maps tree. To work with a layer, you must make it active.
You can add new features to the active layer only. A pencil icon indicates the layer is active.
You can easily move, copy, remove, and rename a layer in the Maps tree.

1. To display a layer, select the check box next to a layer in the Maps tree.
Note: A check mark next to a vector layer in the Maps tree indicates that the layer is open in the view
pane. If you cannot see an open layer, it may be covered by another layer.

2. To make a layer active, select the layer you want to activate in the Maps tree.
A pencil icon indicates the layer is active.
3. To move a layer, drag the layer up or down in the Maps tree list.
A line indicates where the layer will be placed.
4. To copy a layer:
a) Right-click a layer in the Maps tree and click Copy.
b) Right-click where you want to paste the layer and click Paste.
5. To remove a layer, right-click the layer in the Maps tree and click Remove.
The layer will be removed from the map, but the layer data is not removed from the data file.
6. To rename a layer:
a) Right-click a layer in the Maps tree and click Rename.
b) Type a new name and press Enter.

Using the Map Layer Selection tool in Focus

The Map Layer Selection tool on the Editing toolbar in Focus can be used to select layers on which you
want to perform operations, such as editing or applying enhancements to layers.

1. In the Maps tree, ensure that at least one map layer is turned on and visible in the view pane.
2. On the Editing toolbar, click the Map Layer Selection tool arrow and select one of the following layer
type options:
• All Layers
• All Rasters
• All Vectors
• All Bitmaps

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Chapter 2: Basics

3. With the mouse pointer, select the layers you want to work with using one of the following methods.
• Click once to select a location in the top-most layer. To select the next layer down in addition to the
top layer, click again in the same location.
Note: When selecting raster and bitmap layers, invisible pixels are ignored. When selecting vector
layers, a layer is only selected if you click on a shape or within a polygon.
• Click and drag a rectangle to select all intersected map layers. If the layer's extents intersect the dragged
rectangle, the layer is selected. Only layers from the active map area are selected.

Creating a new raster layer

Raster layers are most often used as background for vector-based maps. You can also use raster images
for thematic maps. In the Maps tree, image layers are always a sub-level of an area. You can use several
types of image files. The table below shows a list of supported image file types with a description of each.

Table 6:

Data Type Description

8-bit Pixel values 0 to 255
16-bit Signed Pixel values -32,768 to 32,767
16-bit Unsigned Pixel values 0 to 65,535
32-bit Real Pixel values -3.4E38 to 3.4E38

1. In the Maps tree, right-click an area and click New Raster Layer.
2. In the New Raster Layer window, enable an option in the Layer Type area.
3. In the Data Type area, enable an option for the data type you want.
4. Enable an option in the Georeferencing area and fill in the appropriate information.
5. Click OK.

Creating a new bitmap layer

In Focus, a bitmap layer acts as a graphical layer that can be used to mask regions in your imagery for a
variety of purposes. You can create a new empty bitmap layer when you want to work with raster information
in a layer of lower priority.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click an area and click New Bitmap Layer.
2. In the New Bitmap window, enable a Georeferencing option and fill in the appropriate information.
3. Click OK.

Creating a new vector layer

You can create a new empty vector layer when you want to use digitized map information, break your map
into different layers with specific geographical information, or when you want to create vectors on top of an
image in the view pane.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click an area and click New Vector Layer.
2. In the New Vector Layer window, enable a Layer Type option.
3. Enable a Georeferencing option and fill in the appropriate information.
4. Click OK.

108 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

Setting vector layer attributes

Layer data, such as symbols, lines, filled areas, polygons, and text, are stored and categorized separately in
RepCodes. The RepCode defines each feature by a set of coordinates and descriptive labels. The features
are shown as a layer within an area.
Each map element requires its own RepCode. RepCodes also link the vector files to the RST, and tell the
system how to show each feature on the screen.
The View Attributes window is a spreadsheet for vector layer information.You can use it to view and edit point
data in vector files, and to work with RepCodes.

1. To view vector properties, right-click a vector in the Maps tree and click Properties.
2. To view vector attributes, right-click a vector in the Maps tree and click Attribute Manager.
Tip: To change the magnification of the preview image, click the zoom commands below the Preview

Setting vector layer properties

General vector layer properties define how the layer is displayed on screen.

1. To set up general vector layer properties:

a) Right-click a vector layer in the Maps tree and click Properties.
b) In the Vector Layer Properties window, click the General tab.
c) In the Description field, enter a description of the layer.
d) Enable or disable any of the following check boxes:
• Read Only: enabling this option prevents the vector layer from being changed.
• Visible: enabling this option makes the layer visible in the view pane.

e) Enter a value that represents the layer priority in the Priority box.
Layer priority may cause one layer to mask another in the Maps tree. If you cannot see a layer in your
map, check the layer priority. Changing layer priority is necessary to present a vector layer over a raster
layer or a bitmap layer.
f) Click OK.
You can save a vector layer as part of a .pix file that contains your work or as part of a project file.

2. To save a vector layer:

a) In the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Save.
b) In the New Layer Detected window, choose the Output File, the file format and, if applicable, the
channels you want to save.
c) Click Save.

Transferring layers
The Transfer Layers window allows you to copy layers from a source file and save them to a similarly
georeferenced destination file. The transferred data can either be added to a new layer or it can overwrite an
existing layer in the destination file. Transferring layers does not modify the source file.
Although you can transfer layers from any GDB-supported file, some non-PCIDSK file formats may not be
compatible. Georeferencing cannot be transferred between files. Input imagery is modified to match the
dimensions of the destination file.
To transfer layers to an existing file:

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Chapter 2: Basics

1. Open the Transfer Layers window:

• From the File Utility (available in Geomatica OrthoEngine, Modeler, FLY!, or Chip Manager) menu
bar, select Tools > Transfer Layers
• From the Geomatica Focus menu bar, select File > Utility > Transfer Layers.
The Transfer Layers window opens.
2. Click Browse to specify the Source file.
Use the File Selector to navigate to and select the file to translate, then click Open.
3. Specify the Destination file. This must be an existing file.
Click Browse to open the File Selector, or type the path and file name directly in the Destination File
4. From the Source Layers section, select the data files to include in the output file.
Use the View list box to specify which layer or segment types to display.
Click Select All to select all the listed source layers, or use Shift-Click or Ctrl-Click to select multiple
layers from the list.
5. Click Add to transfer the selected layers to the Destination Layers list.
6. To overwrite an existing layer in the destination file, select the layer from the source layers list, select the
layer you want to replace, and click Overwrite.
7. To remove a layer from the Destination Layers, select it and click Remove.
8. Click Transfer Layers.

The selected layers are transfered to the specified output file.

Working with data tools

Focus has tools designed to help you produce new files from your existing data. You can create new data
files by saving existing files as other formats. You can also clip images to produce new files and you can
create subset files that maintain the attributes of the original data.

Changing data formats

You can convert several file types to different formats by saving them as the format you want directly from
the Maps tree.
The following files types can be converted:
• Bitmap
• Grayscale

About the Bitmap Save As window

The bitmap Save As window allows you to save a bitmap from the Maps tree. You can save the file to a layer
within the target file or to a new layer. In the Maps tree, bitmaps are listed whether they are saved or not. In
the Files tree, however, bitmaps are listed only if they are saved. For each saved bitmap, both the file and
layer names are displayed.

110 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

The Input section displays the name of the layer and the data type that you are about to save.

The Output section allows you to choose the target file and format in which you want to save the bitmap. You
can also select a layer within the target file or create a layer for the bitmap.
The File list allows you to select the file in which you want to save the bitmap. If the file is not listed, you can
browse and select the file. The output file must have the same raster dimensions (pixels and lines) as the
input file.
The Format list allows you to select the format in which you want to save the bitmap.
The Options button opens the GDB Options window. (See Selecting GDB format options on page 112)
The Layer list allows you to select a layer within the target file or create a layer for the bitmap.

About the Vector Save As window

The Vector Save As window lets you save a vector layer from the Maps tree as another file format. You can
save the file to the original layer or to a new layer.
Reports the location of the layer and the data type with which you are working.
Reports the layer type for the current layer.
Save selected shapes only:
Saves only the shapes you have selected in the view pane or the Attribute Manager. When no shapes are
selected, the option is disabled. If you have shapes selected and you want to overwrite the original segment,
the option is disabled.
Save selected fields only:
Saves only the selected fields. When no fields are selected, the option is not available.
Lets you choose a target file for saving your new vector data, select a format for the new data, and choose
or create a layer within your target file.
Lets you select a target file for your new vector data from a list.
Opens the File Selector window, letting you choose a different target file, not showing in the File list.
Lets you choose an output format from the list of available formats.
Opens the GDB Options Editor. (See Selecting GDB format options on page 112)

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Chapter 2: Basics

Lets you choose a target layer from a list of layers. You can also choose to save your new file to a new layer.

Selecting GDB format options

The GDB Options Editor lets you configure the GDB format you have chosen for your output. Some of the
GDB formats do not have data type options.

1. In the Save As window, click the Options button next to the Format list.
2. In the GDB Options Editor, choose any of the file options you want for your output data.
3. Click OK.

About the Grayscale Save As window

The Grayscale Save As window lets you save a grayscale layer from the Maps tree in another file format.
You can save the file to the original layer or to a new layer. If the layer contains attributes, the Raster with
attribute data option becomes available.

Reports the location of the layer and the data type with which you are working.
Reports the layer type for the current layer.
Raster with attribute data:
Saves the raster and its associated attribute table.
Raster only:
Saves only the raster data.
Save selected shapes only:
Saves only the records that you have selected in the Attribute Manager. When no records are selected, the
option is not available.
Save selected fields only:
Saves only the fields that you have selected in the Attribute Manager. When no fields are selected, the option
is not available.

Lets you choose a target file for saving the layer, select a format for the new file, and choose or create a layer
within your target file.
Lets you select a target file for your new layer. The Browse button lets you choose a file not showing in the
File list.
Lets you choose an output format from the list of available formats.
Opens the GDB Options editor. (See Selecting GDB format options on page 112)

112 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

Lets you choose a target layer from the list of layers. You can also choose to save your new file to a new
Opens the Output Layer Properties window.

About the Output Layer Properties window

The Output Layer Properties window lets you set the properties for your new output layers when you convert
a file to another GDB-supported format. You can select an output type, change the layer scaling, and save
original file enhancements as an LUT.
Output Type
Lets you change the bit depth for your output file by choosing from a list of available bit depth values. For
example, 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit, depending on the values shown in the list.
Lets you choose a scaling method for your output file. (See Scaling images on page 210)
Lets you choose and set a default lookup table (LUT).
Output Lookup Table
Lets you select an available LUT and gives you the option to have no LUT for your file or to save an LUT as
a new layer.
Save as default lookup table:
Lets you assign an LUT as the file default.

About the PCT Output Layer Properties window

The Output Layer Properties window lets you save the color table with the PCT layer.
Output Color Table:
Lets you save the PCT color table as a new layer.
Save as default lookup table:
Lets you assign the color table as the file's default.

About the RST Save As window

The RST Save As window lets you save a copy of an RST file from the Maps tree to another target file. You
can save the file to the original layer or to a new layer.
Reports the location of the RST file with which you are working.
Lets you choose a target file for saving your new bitmap, Select a format for the new file and choose or create
a layer within your target file.
Lets you select a target file for your new bitmap. The Browse button lets you choose a file not showing in the
File list.
Opens the File Selector window.

PCI Geomatics 113

Chapter 2: Basics

Lets you choose an output format from the list of available formats.
Lets you change the name of the saved RST.

About the RGB Save As window

The RGB Save As window lets you save an RGB file in the Maps tree to another file format. You can save
the file to the original layer or to a new layer. You can also select channels and change channel properties.
Reports the location of the layer and the data type with which you are working.
Lets you choose a target file for saving your new RGB file, select a format for the new file, and choose or
create a new layer within your target file.
Lets you select a target file for your new RGB file. The Browse button lets you browse for a file not shown in
the File list.
Opens a File Selector window so you can choose a target file at a different location.
Lets you choose an output format from the list of available formats.
Opens the GDB Options Editor.
Lets you choose a target layer from the list of layers. You can also choose to save your new file to a new
layer. There are three of these list boxes
Opens the Output Layer Properties window, where more features can be set for the selected layer. For
example, setting the Scaling option to Visual means that when the output file is created its pixel values will
be the same as the enhanced values that are currently being displayed in Focus. This means that if you open
the output file using a third party viewer, the file that displays is identical to the file that you currently see in
Focus, assuming that the third party viewer does not apply its own enhancement.

About the PCT Save As window

The PCT Save As window lets you save a PCT segment in the Maps tree as a GDB-supported file.
If you are saving a layer containing a map from a Web mapping service to your local drive, you must also
save its color table or the map may not have the same representation the next time you open it. To save the
color table, click Properties.

Reports the location of the layer and the data type with which you are working.
Reports the layer description for the current layer.
Raster with attribute data:

114 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

If the layer contains attributes, the Raster with attribute data option becomes available. When it is selected,
the raster and its associated attribute table are saved to the file.
Raster only:
If the layer contains attributes, the Raster only option becomes available. When it is clicked, the raster data
is saved without the attribute data.
Save selected shapes only:
If the layer contains attributes and shapes are selected, the Save selected shapes only option is available.
When it is enabled, only the records that you have selected in the Attribute Manager are saved in the file. If
you have shapes selected and you want to overwrite the original segment, the option is disabled.
Save selected fields only:
If the layer contains attributes and fields are selected, the Save selected fields only option is available.
When it is enabled, only the fields that you have selected in the Attribute Manager are saved in the file.

Lets you choose a target file for saving the layer and lets you choose or create a new layer within your target
Lets you select a target file for your new layer.
Opens the File Selector window, where you can browse for a file not shown in the File list.
Contains only the PCIDSK format.
Opens the GDB Options Editor. (See Selecting GDB format options on page 112)
Lets you choose a target layer from the list of layers. You can also choose to save to a new layer.
Opens the Output Layer Properties window.

About the LUT Save As window

The LUT Save As window lets you save a lookup table (LUT) in a PCIDSK (.pix) file.

Reports the LUT with which you are working.
Reports the LUT for the current layer.
Raster with attribute data:
If you are saving the image with the LUT and the layer contains attributes, the Raster with attribute data option
becomes available. When it is clicked, the raster and its associated attribute table is saved to the file.
Raster only:
If you are saving the image with the LUT and the layer contains attributes, the Raster only option becomes
available. When it is clicked, the raster data is saved without the attribute data.

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Chapter 2: Basics

Save selected shapes only:

If you are saving the image with the LUT and the layer contains attributes and shapes are selected, the Save
selected shapes only option is available. When it is enabled, only the records that you have selected in the
Attribute Manager are saved in the file.
Save selected fields only:
If you are saving the image with the LUT and the layer contains attributes and fields are selected, the Save
selected fields only option is available. When it is enabled, only the fields that you have selected in the Attribute
Manager are saved in the file.

Lets you choose a target file for saving the LUT, select a format for the file, and choose or create a new layer
within your target file.
Lets you select a target file for your LUT segment.
Opens the File Selector window, where you can browse for a file not shown in the File list.
Lets you choose an output format from a list of available formats.
Opens the GDB Options Editor. (See Selecting GDB format options on page 112)
Lets you choose a target layer from the list of layers. You can also choose to save your LUT to a new layer.
Opens the Output Layer Properties window.

Clipping and subsetting data

Clipping and subsetting data are effective methods of working with large data sets. In research and testing
situations, you may want to create subsets of a large data base. By working with small representative areas,
you can reduce processing times or you can use file subsets to test an image process. When you obtain a
promising result on a subset, you can repeat the process on a larger, more complex scene.

Opening the Clipping/Subsetting window

Use the Clipping/Subsetting window in Focus to clip or create a subset of your data.

• From the Tools menu, click Clipping/Subsetting.

Clipping and subsetting images

Before creating a subset or a clip, you should consider the output format. A subset file is based on the file
type of the source file by default. You can change the output format of a subset to any GDB-compatible data
type. For some file types you may want to add or remove information. The Clipping/Subsetting process lets
you choose the file data type for a clip or subset with the GDB Options Editor.
When you have selected a file, you can work with the Available Layers list. The list of layers depends on
the output format you have chosen. For example, if you select a format that only supports vector data (for
example, SHP format), only vector layers are listed.

116 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

Note: If vector georeferences are not compatible with the source file, vectors in the segment are not clipped.
A warning message shows a list of incompatible vector segments. Georeferencing is compatible when they
are equal, or when one is an under specified form of the other.
If your data has an associated Rational Function math model segment containing Rapid Positioning Capability
(RPC) data, you can include this segment in your clipping operation. If an RPC Rational Function model
segment is available for clipping, it will be listed under "Binaries" in the Available Layers list.
Note: Other segment types, including LUT, GCP, and PCT, can also be transferred to the output file but will
not be clipped.
When using the Clipping/Subsetting feature, you must specify the bounds of a clip or subset and then run
the process.

1. From the Clipping/Subsetting window, choose a file from the File list box in the Input area, or click
Browse to select the file.
The image is displayed in the Clipping/Subsetting view pane along with any Enhancement setting that is
applied to the image in the Focus view pane.
2. From the Available Layers list, select the layers and, if applicable, any associated RPC Rational Function
math model segment, that you want to clip.
A check mark indicates the layers and segment (if applicable) that will be clipped.
3. In the Output area, choose a file from the File list box.
• If the file is not listed, click Browse and choose a file from the File Selector window.
• If you want to use the Select a Script Subset File option available from the Definition Method list,
you can leave the File box empty.

4. Select the file format that you want for the output from the Format list box.
If you want to select specific options for the format, click Options and select options from the GDB Options
5. Enter a value that you want to use for pixels without data in the output file in the Initialization Value box.
Use a value that does not occur in the image being clipped.
If you want to give the initialization value the metadata tag of no data, select the Set as No Data Value
check box.
6. If you want to save the defined clip region boundary as a vector layer in the output file, select the Output
Clip Boundary Vector check box.
7. Depending on how you want to use to clip the image, select one of the following options from the Definition
Method list box:
• User-entered Coordinates: enters the corner coordinates for the clip region. All layers will be clipped
to fit that region.
• Select a File: uses a smaller, intersecting file to define the bounds of a subset.
• Select a Clip Layer: uses a smaller, intersecting layer from a file to define the bounds of a subset.
• Select a Named Region: bases the clip on a named region you created in Focus.
• Select a Script Subset File: creates several clip regions on the same image. You can create a text
file containing the coordinates and the output file name; Focus automatically produces the series of
subset files.
• Use Current View: bases the clip on the region displayed in the view pane. Only available from Area

8. Click Clip.

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Chapter 2: Basics

Defining the clip region with user-entered coordinates

You can define the clip region by manually entering coordinates for the exact area of the data you want to
save as a subset. The following procedures follow step 7 in Clipping and subsetting images on page 116.

1. In the Definition Method list box, choose User-entered Coordinates.

2. In the Coordinate Type list box, choose one of the following formats to define the coordinates for the clip
• Raster extents: defines the clip region by identifying upper-left and lower-right pixel and line coordinates.
• Geocoded extents: defines the clip region by identifying the georeferenced coordinates of the upper-left
and lower-right corners.
• Long/Lat extents: defines the clip region by identifying the geographic coordinates of the upper-left
and lower-right corners.
• Raster offset/size: defines the clip region by identifying the pixel and line coordinates of the upper-left
corner and providing the number of pixels in width and the number of line in length.
• Geocoded offset/size: defines the clip region by identifying the georeferenced coordinates of the
upper-left corner and providing width and length in the units of measurement of the input coordinate

3. In the Upper Left boxes, type the coordinates for the top-left corner of the clip region.
• If you selected Raster extents, Geocoded extents, or Long/Lat extents from the Coordinate Type
list box, type the coordinates for the bottom-right corner of the clip region in the Lower Right boxes.
• If you selected Raster offset/size from the Coordinate Type list box, type a value representing the
number of pixels in the Width box and type a value representing the number of lines that you want to
form the clip region in the Height box.
• If you selected Geocoded offset/size from the Coordinate Type list box, identify the size of the clip
region. Using the measurement unit of the projection, type the distance for the width in the Width box
and type the distance for the height in the Height box.

4. Click Clip.
5. If you want to change a clip area with the bounding outline, do the following:
a) In the Preview area, drag a bounding outline corner until you have the size you want.
b) Drag the bounding outline to a new location.
c) Click Clip.

Defining the clip region by selecting a file

You can use a smaller intersecting file to define the bounds of a subset. The Select a File Method requires
two files. You use one file as input and the other to define the subset. The definition file must be smaller than
the source file. The following procedures follow step 7 in Clipping and subsetting images on page 116.

1. In the Define Clip Region area, choose Select a File from the Definition Method list box.
2. Choose a file from the File list box.
If the file is not listed, click Browse and choose a file from the File Selector window.
3. Click Clip.

Defining the clip region by selecting a layer

You can also use a smaller intersecting layer to define the bounds of a subset. The Select a Clip Layer
method works the same way as the Select a File method. You can use one layer as input and another layer
to define the subset. The definition layer must be smaller than the source layer. The following procedures
follow step 7 in Clipping and subsetting images on page 116.

118 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

1. In the Define clip region area, choose Select a Clip Layer from the Definition Method list.
2. Choose a file that you want to use as the clip region from the File list.
If the file is not listed, click Browse and choose a file from the File Selector window.
3. Choose a layer from the Layer list box.
4. Choose from the following clipping and subsetting options that will be applied for the selected layer.
• Clip using selected shapes only: applies the clip operation to only the shapes that are selected in
the Focus viewer.
• Bounds: Extents: outputs all imagery within the bounds of the clip layer.
• Bounds: Shape(s) Boundary: outputs only the imagery within the shape boundaries.
• Output separate files for each shape: outputs one file for each shape. If the Clip using selected
shapes only check box is selected, files are only output for the shapes selected in the Focus viewer.
The extents of each output file depends on whether the Bounds: Extents option or the Bounds:
Shape(s) Boundary option was selected.
The following table describes the availability of the clipping and subsetting options based on the layer type
you selected, and whether the layer (vector layer) is selected in the Focus viewer:

Table 7: Available clipping and subsetting options for a selected layer

Selected in the Focus Clipping/Subsetting options


Clip using selected Bounds: Extents Bounds: Shape(s) Output separate files
shapes only Boundary for each shape

Line or point No Disabled Disabled, but the Disabled Disabled

setting is selected
Line or point Yes Enabled Disabled but the setting Disabled Disabled
is selected
Unstructured or No Disabled Disabled, but the Disabled Disabled
Unknown setting is selected
Unstructured or Yes Enabled Enabled Enabled Disabled
Whole Polygon No Disabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
Whole Polygon Yes Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
Bitmap Not applicable Disabled Enabled Enabled Disabled

5. Click Clip.
Note: Up to 500 files can be viewed in Focus after a clip operation. If you have more than this, Focus
displays a warning message before clipping.

Defining the clip region by selecting a named region

You can use the bounds of a named region to define a subset clip. You must have at least one named region
in the source data to use this method. Named regions can only be saved as Geomatica Project (.gpr) files.
The following procedures follow step 7 in Clipping and subsetting images on page 116.

1. In the Define Clip Region area, choose Select a Named Region from the Definition Method list box.
2. Choose a named region from the Named Region list box.
3. Click Clip.

Defining the clip region by selecting a script subset file

You can create several clip regions on the same image. When you create a text file containing the coordinates
and the output file name, Focus automatically produces the series of subset files.

PCI Geomatics 119

Chapter 2: Basics

The following procedures follow step 7 in Clipping and subsetting images on page 116.

1. In the Define Clip Region area, choose Select a Script Subset File from the Definition Method list box.
2. Choose one of the following formats from the Coordinate Type list box:
• Raster extents: if the clip region is defined by identifying upper-left and lower-right pixel and line
• Geocoded extents: if the clip region is defined by identifying the georeferenced coordinates of the
upper-left and lower-right corners.
• Long/Lat extents: if the clip region is defined by identifying the geographic coordinates of the upper-left
and lower-right corners.
• Raster offset/size: if the clip region is defined by identifying the pixel and line coordinates of the
upper-left corner and providing the number of pixels in width and the number of line in length.
• Geocoded offset/size: if the clip region is defined by identifying the georeferenced coordinates of the
upper-left corner and providing width and length in the units of measurement of the input's coordinate

3. Choose the text file containing the coordinates and the output file names from the File list box.
If the file is not listed, click Browse and choose a file from the File Selector window.
4. Click Clip.
You can verify for errors in the Focus Message Center.

Related Links
Creating the text file for the Script Subset File method on page 120

Creating the text file for the Script Subset File method
You can create several clip regions from one file by using the Script Subset File method. With this method
you create a text file containing the bounds of the clip regions and list the output file names for each clip.
Focus uses the text file to automatically produce separate files containing the subset of the data.
When you create the text file, you need to define the bounds of the clip regions and the file names using a
particular format, depending on what you selected in the Coordinate Type box on the Clipping/Subsetting
window and which file format is selected in the Format box under Output (see Clipping and subsetting images
on page 116). Each line in the text file contains the data for one clip region. The line is divided into fields
separated by spaces. Each field contains a piece of information about the size of the clip region and where
to save the file.
Raster extents:
The clip region is defined by identifying upper-left and lower-right pixel and line coordinates. The format for
listing the pixel and line coordinates and the file name is as follows:

ul_x ul_y lr_x lr_y path and filename

• ul_x: pixel coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region
• ul_y: line coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region
• lr_x: pixel coordinate for the lower-right corner of the clip region
• lr_y: line coordinate for the lower-right corner of the clip region

120 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

For example:

82 115 254 302 C:\Clip1.pix

23 56 87 123 C:\Clip2.pix
Geocoded extents:
The clip region is defined by identifying the georeferenced coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners.
The format for listing the coordinates is as follows:

ul_x ul_y lr_x lr_y path and filename

• ul_x: x coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region using the same projection as the input file
• ul_y: y coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region using the same projection as the input file
• lr_x: x coordinate for the lower-right corner of the clip region using the same projection as the input file
• lr_y: y coordinate for the lower-right corner of the clip region using the same projection as the input file
For example:

433000.000 5876000.000 443000.000 5873000.000 C:\Clip1.pix

432567.973 5876348.000 435685.342 5874343.341 C:\Clip2.pix
Long/Lat extents:
The clip region is defined by identifying the geographic coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners.
The extents can be defined suing a number of different formats such as the following example. For more
information, see the online help for LONG/LAT INPUT under Projection Reference in the Technical Reference.

ul_x ul_y lr_x lr_y path and filename

• ul_x: longitude value for the upper-left corner of the clip region
• ul_y: latitude value for the upper-left corner of the clip region
• lr_x: longitude value for the lower-right corner of the clip region
• lr_y: latitude value for the lower-right corner of the clip region
For example:

117d46'10"W 33d44'55"N 117d40'10"W 33d38'55"N C:\Clip1.pix

117d35'22"W 33d40'30"N 117d30'22"W 33d33'30"N C:\Clip2.pix
Raster offset/size:
The clip region is defined by identifying the pixel and line coordinates of the upper-left corner and providing
the number of pixels in width and the number of line in length.

ul_x ul_y width height path and filename

• ul_x: pixel coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region
• ul_y: line coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region
• width: number of pixels from the upper-left corner to the upper-right corner of the clip region
• height: number of lines from the upper-left corner to the lower-left corner of the clip region

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Chapter 2: Basics

For example

34 56 400 400 C:\Clip1.pix

135 127 300 100 C:\Clip2.pix
Geocoded offset/size:
The clip region is defined by identifying the georeferenced coordinates of the upper-left corner and providing
width and length in the units of measurement of the input's coordinate system.

ul_x ul_y width height path and filename

• ul_x: x coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region using the same projection as the input file
• ul_y: y coordinate for the upper-left corner of the clip region using the same projection as the input file
• width: distance from the upper-left corner to the upper-right corner of the clip region
• height: distance from the upper-left corner to the lower-left corner of the clip region
For example:

433000.000 5876000.000 300.000 300.000 C:\Clip1.pix

32567.973 5876348.000 1500.000 2500.000 C:\Clip2.pix

Defining the clip region using the Zoom tools

You create your clip from the region displayed in the view pane. It is only available in Area view mode. The
following procedures follow step 7 in Clipping and subsetting images on page 116.

1. Open the file that you want to clip.

2. From the View menu, click Area View Mode.
3. Use the zoom tools to display the area that you want to clip in the view pane.
4. From the Tools menu, click Clipping/Subsetting.
5. In the Define Clip Region area of the Clipping/Subsetting window, choose Use Current View from the
Definition Method list box.
6. Click Clip.

Creating multiple subset tiles

You can create multiple subset files using the tiling feature on the Clipping/Subsetting window. In the
Clipping/Subsetting window preview window, the bounding outline is replaced by a grid to help you divide
the data into the number and size of tiles you want. After you have selected and prepared the data you want
to work with, you access the tile output controls by clicking the Tile Output command button. You can choose
from two tiling methods and you can control the amount of overlap between each file. When you process the
data, Focus creates a new file based on each tile and the input data you selected.

1. In the Clipping/Subsetting window, click Tile Output.

2. In the Tile Definition area, choose one of the following options from the Definition Method list box:
• Use tile size and overlap:creates tiles based on the size measurement values that you enter in the
Tile Size X and Y boxes.
• Use number of tiles and overlap: creates tiles based on the values you enter in the Number of Tiles
X and Y boxes.

3. Choose a unit of measure from the Units list box.

The Geocoded option derives the tile coordinates from the input data.

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Chapter 2: Basics

You can move and re-size the tile bounding grid to any location within the preview window.
4. Enter values that represent the amount of overlap you want between each of your subset files in the
Overlap X and Y boxes.
5. Click Clip.

Selecting a clip region

A clip region focuses attention on a location by hiding the rest of the area from view. The concealed areas
remain available and are included in any processes that you employ. You can create a subset or clip of the

1. From the Clipping Layer drop-down list in the Define Clip Region window, select the layer that you want
to use to define the extents of the clip region.
The list displays all raster and vector layers that are currently loaded in the Map view.
2. If one or more shapes are selected on a vector layer before you define the clip region, the Clip Using
Selected Shapes Only option becomes available.
• Select the checkbox to clip the region using the exact boundaries of the selected shapes.
• Clear the checkbox to clip the region using the full extents of the specified vector or raster layer.

3. Click OK to close the Define Clip Region window.

4. From the Area Properties window, select Enable from the Visual Clipping section, then click Apply to
view the results.
You may change or disable the clip region at any time.
5. Click OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to close the window without applying any changes.

Related Links
Projection/Extents tab on page 27

Using the Data Merge Wizard

You can combine a group of files, regardless of bounds, projection, data type, or resolution into a single output
file with the Data Merge Wizard. When you start the Data Merge Wizard, follow the instructions at the top of
the wizard windows for each step.
The Data Merge Wizard has three steps: choosing input layers, setting the output and georeferencing, and
setting up output layers.

Opening the Data Merge wizard

To open the Data Merge Wizard in Focus:

• From the Tools menu, click Data Merge.

Choosing input layers

In this step of the wizard, you can choose an input file and layer(s). If a layer does not have a proper projection,
it will not be available; however, LUT, PCT, and GCP layers can be transferred even if the source files have
no georeferencing. A warning message opens when georeferencing is not compatible.

1. In the Data Merge Wizard, click Browse.

2. In the File Selector window, select the file you want to add and click Open.
If you want to view the properties of a file, right-click the file in the Available Files/Layers list and click

PCI Geomatics 123

Chapter 2: Basics

3. In the Available Files/Layers list, enable a check mark next to any layer that you want to add as an input
4. Click Next.

Setting the output and georeferencing

In this step, you can set the georeferencing and reprojection parameters for the output. You can select a new
or existing file to receive the merged layers. You must first name the file that will receive the merged data
layers in the name box.

1. Choose a file and path from the Name list box.

If the file is not listed, click Browse and choose a file from the File Selector window.
Existing files are not overwritten. The merged data is added to an existing file.
2. Choose an output file format from the Output format list box.
For information on format options, click the ? button next to the Options box.
When merged results are written to existing files, associated georeferencing parameter fields are not
available in step 2 of the Data Merge Wizard.
3. In the Georeferencing Setup area, set the following items:
• Projection: You can get the map representation, assigned to the output file, from an existing file by
selecting a file option or you can manually enter it.
• Extents: Are the upper-left and lower-right corner coordinates of the output file. The bounds can be
based on an existing file, derived from either the union or intersection boundaries of all the input file,
or it can be entered manually.
• Union: Output file extents are large enough to include all input file extents. No data is cropped.
• Intersection: The output file extents are based upon the region of overlap for all input files.
• Resolution: Pixel dimensions can be based on an existing file or can be entered manually.
• Reprojection Parameters have the following settings:
• Resampling: Bitmaps are automatically resampled using the nearest-neighbor, bilinear-interpolation,
and cubic-convolution methods.
• Transform Order: You can choose from Exact, Thin Plate Spline, and 1st Order to 5th Order
polynomial transformations. Each pixel in a file is included in the calculation.
• Sampling Interval: For sampling intervals higher than 1, the reprojected position is calculated at each
interval. A linear interpolation is performed for the values in between.

4. Click Next.

Setting up output layers

In the final step of the wizard, Focus checks each of the input layers for inconsistencies in format and file
projection. When inconsistencies are detected, a warning message appears. All inappropriate layers are
ignored in the merge process.

1. To change the order in which the layers are processed, drag a layer up or down the list.
The layer order you see in the wizard is the order in which layers are merged to the output file. By default,
the order is what was selected in the first wizard window.
2. Do any of the following:
a) If you want to rename the layer, right-click the layer and click Rename. Type a new name and press
b) To remove a layer, right-click the layer and click Remove.
c) To edit parameters for a layer, double-click a layer. Make changes as needed in the Set Image
Parameters window or the Set Bitmap Parameters window and click OK.

124 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 2: Basics

3. Click Finish.

Related Links
Data Merge wizard - Set Image Parameters window on page 125
Data Merge wizard - Set Bitmap Parameters window on page 125

Data Merge wizard - Set Image Parameters window

You can change the parameters for any data type in the file tree.
You can change several parameters for the output bitmap. You can identify the source file and layer, select
a target layer or create a new one, and adjust both the order of transformation and sample interval.
Input File:
Reports the input image you are working with.
Input Layer:
Reports the output layer where your input image is located.
Output Layer:
Allows you to choose an existing output layer or to create a new one.
No Data Value:
Lets you use a no-data value parameter in your output image file.
Output Type:
Lets you choose a bit-depth for your image output file.
The following output types are available:
• 8-bit unsigned
• 16-bit signed
• 16-bit unsigned
• 32-bit
Scaling Function:
Lets you choose a scaling function for your output file. (See Available scaling methods on page 211)
Lets you choose a resampling method for your merged output.
Transform Order:
Allows you to choose an order of transformation for your merged output.
Sampling Interval:
Allows you to change the sampling interval for the merged output.
Related Links
Data Merge wizard - Set Bitmap Parameters window on page 125

Data Merge wizard - Set Bitmap Parameters window

You can change the parameters for any data type in the file tree.
You can change several parameters for the output bitmap. You can identify the source file and layer, select
a target layer or create a new one, and adjust both the order of transformation and sample interval.
Input File:
Reports the input bitmap you are working with.

PCI Geomatics 125

Chapter 2: Basics

Input Layer:
Reports the output layer where your input bitmap is located.
Output Layer:
Allows you to choose an existing output layer or to create a new one.
Transform Order:
Lets you choose a different transformation order for the bitmap output.
The following transformation orders are available:
• Exact
• Thin Plate Spline
• 1st order
• 2nd order
• 3rd order
• 4th order
• 5th order
Sampling Interval:
Allows you to change the sampling interval for the bitmap file.
Related Links
Data Merge wizard - Set Image Parameters window on page 125

126 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

About the Algorithm Librarian

The Algorithm Library in Focus contains a set of predefined and user-defined programs that are organized
in a tree structure. The Algorithm Librarian window lets you work with the Algorithm Library. You can expand
a category in the tree the way you would any other Windows application by clicking on the + next to a folder.
When you expand a category or a sub-category, the items inside each folder are arranged in alphabetical
order. Some folders contain sub-folders and some contain only a list of algorithms.
You can also create your own user-defined category folders to hold the algorithms that you use most often.
You can search the library and open a Module Control Panel (MCP) for the algorithms you want to use.
Note: Some algorithms may not be available with the Geomatica license you have purchased. Files in the
Algorithm Library that have a lock icon to the left of the algorithm name are not available. Contact PCI
Geomatics for more information on your license package and for advice on the best Geomatica license for
your needs.
Related Links
Algorithm categories on page 127
Opening the Algorithm Librarian on page 127

Opening the Algorithm Librarian

To open the Algorithm Librarian in Focus:

From the Tools menu, click Algorithm Librarian.

Related Links
About the Algorithm Librarian on page 127

Algorithm categories
Algorithms are organized by themes or categories and are listed alphabetically in a directory tree containing
two top-level categories:
• User Defined
• PCI Predefined
You can create folders in the User Defined category to hold collections of your favorite algorithms.
PCI Predefined contains the following categories:
• All Algorithms
• All Bitmap Algorithms
• All Image Algorithms
• All Vector Algorithms

PCI Geomatics 127

Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

• Geomatica
• Analysis
• Classification
• Data Interchange
• Image Correction
• Image Processing
• Radar Analysis
• Spatial Analysis
• Utilities
Note: You can only access algorithms in the Algorithm Librarian that are licensed to you. Algorithms that
are not licensed to you are identified with a lock icon.
Related Links
About the Algorithm Librarian on page 127
Working with folders and subfolders in the User Defined category on page 128

Managing user-defined categories

In the Algorithm Library tree view, you can create user-defined categories to which you can add shortcuts to
your frequently used modules (algorithms). You can also rename or delete any user-defined category folders
and subfolders.

Working with folders and subfolders in the User Defined category

In the Algorithm Library tree, you can create up to two levels of subfolders for the User Defined category.
You cannot create subfolders for the PCI Predefined category. Folders and subfolders in the User Defined
category can easily be created or deleted.

1. To create a new User-Defined category folder:

a) In the Algorithm Library tree view, right-click the User Defined category folder, and click New
b) Type a name for the folder and press Enter.
2. To create a subfolder:
a) Right-click a User Defined category folder, and click New Category.
b) Type a name for the subfolder and press Enter.
3. To rename a User Defined category folder or subfolder after creating it:
a) Right-click the User Defined category folder or a subfolder, and click Rename.
b) Type a name in the box and press Enter.
4. To delete a User Defined category folder or subfolder after creating it:
a) In the Algorithm Library tree view, right-click a User Defined category folder or subfolder.
b) Click Delete.
Note: You cannot delete a PCI Predefined category.

Related Links
Adding a module shortcut to the User Defined category folder or subfolder on page 129

128 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

Adding a module shortcut to the User Defined category folder or subfolder

In the User Defined category, you can create a collection of shortcuts to your favorite modules (algorithms)

1. In the Algorithm Library tree view, click a module name.

2. Right-click the module name, point to Add to User Defined, and click the name of the category folder in
which to place the module.
Tip: You can also create a shortcut by clicking a module name in the PCI Predefined list and dragging it
to a user-defined category folder.
Note: You can create shortcuts to modules from the PCI Predefined category and from a shortcut in a
user-defined category.

Related Links
Working with folders and subfolders in the User Defined category on page 128

Searching for an algorithm by name or keyword

If you know the name of an algorithm you want or you are not sure, you can use the Find Algorithm utility
to locate it quickly. To find an algorithm, you can search through the entire library using the name or partial
name of the algorithm or using keywords, or you can search through the contents of a selected folder or

1. In the Algorithm Librarian window, click Find.

Tip: If you want to limit your search to a particular category or folder, locate and select the category or
folder by scrolling down the Algorithm Library list, and then click Find.
The Find Algorithm window opens.
2. In the Find What box, type the complete or partial name of the algorithm, or type one or more keywords.
3. Select any of the following check boxes:
• Match algorithm name: searches for an algorithm using the name of the algorithm.
• Match algorithm description using any keyword: searches the Algorithm Library based on any of
the keywords you have entered in the Find What box.
• Match algorithm description using all keywords: searches the Algorithm Library based on all of the
keywords you have entered in the Find What box.
• Wrap around: lets you search through the Algorithm Library continuously until you decide to stop.
When this check box is selected, the Find Algorithm utility continues to show the results of the search
each time you click Find Next. When this check box is cleared, the utility searches through the Algorithm
Library once. When the search is completed, the Find Algorithm utility shows an End of search

4. Click Find Next.

The Algorithm Librarian automatically opens the folder where your algorithm is located and the algorithm
is selected.
5. If you want to find another algorithm with a similar name, click Find Next again.

PCI Geomatics 129

Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

Using an algorithm
Every algorithm in the Algorithm Library has a Module Control Panel (MCP) that you can open from the
Algorithm Librarian window. You use the MCP to control data inputs and outputs and to assign the required
information for the results you want.

About algorithm Module Control Panels

Algorithm Module Control Panels (MCPs) are tabbed windows. The number of tabs and the controls they
contain vary depending on the data requirements and the number and type of parameters available to the
Not all algorithm MCPs look the same. You can encounter some variation in the algorithm MCP inputs,
functions, and features. In general, a MCP has one tab each for file selection, input parameters, and log. The
Files tab typically has a pane labelled Input Ports and may have a pane labelled Output Ports. The Input
Params tab items vary according to the requirements of the algorithm you are using. Some MCPs also have
an Output Parameters tab that contains controls for the algorithm output.
Algorithm MCPs provide the controls for using the algorithms in the Algorithm Library and are linked directly
to any open data. If you have data loaded in Focus before using the Algorithm Library, the data in the current
project is listed under the Files tab in the Input Ports pane of the algorithm MCP. You can select the input
layers you want to process under the Files tab in the MCP Input Ports pane before you run the algorithm.
Typically, an algorithm MCP has tabs and controls similar to those shown in the following example.

Files tab
On the Files tab, you direct the data that you want to process with the algorithm you have selected. Most
algorithm MCPs have Input Ports panes and Output Ports panes under the Files tabs and some MCP Files
tabs have additional controls.
Input Ports: Allows you to select the data you want to process with the algorithm you have selected. You
can use data already open or you can use the Browse button to select other input data.
Browse: Opens a file selection window, where you can browse for input data. You can open data directly
from any Algorithm MCP using the Browse button under the Files tab.
Output Ports: Lets you direct the output to a viewer, to a project file, or to both. You can save the output to
the location you are already working in or you can use the Browse button to save your output to another
Browse: Opens a file selection window, where you can save your algorithm output to another location.

Input Params tab

On the Input Params tab, you set the parameters for the algorithm input data. Each algorithm has a unique
set of parameters.

Output Params tab

The Output Params tab provides parameter controls for the output from your algorithm. Not all MCPs have
an Output Parameters tab.

Log tab
The Log tab displays run-time progress, including any run-time errors that occur when you run the algorithm.
When you run your algorithm a progress monitor opens indicating the progress of the algorithm. When the
algorithm has finished running the algorithm MCP automatically changes to show the Log tab information.

130 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

Note: Some algorithms work only on a single layer, but in most cases algorithms can use most or all of the
files and layers in a project.

Opening an algorithm's Module Control Panel

To work with an algorithm in the Algorithm Library, you must open the algorithm's Module Control Panel

To open an algorithm's MCP, do one of the following in the Algorithm Library tree:
• Right-click the algorithm that you want to open and click Open.
• Double-click the algorithm you want to open.

Working with an example: the ASP algorithm

In the following example, the ASP algorithm is used to calculate the surface aspect of elevation data. This
algorithm is found in the Spatial Analysis category under the Topographer sub-category.
The ASP algorithm calculates the surface aspect or orientation angles from an elevation image. These angles
represent the directions the slopes are facing. The output image contains orientation angles from 0 to 360
degrees, relative to the top of the image, with areas of zero slope assigned a single user-specified value.
The SLP program calculates the surface slope. Together, the ASP and SLP programs can completely define
a surface in terms of degree of slope and direction it is facing for every pixel in the image.
To begin this exercise, make sure you have imagery open in the view pane and the Algorithm Library is open.
Search for and open the ASP algorithm.

Setting up the input port

The input port contains the elevation layer and must be a raster layer. This connection is mandatory.

1. In the ASP Module Control Panel, click the Files tab.

If necessary, expand all nodes next to Input Elevation Layer to show all the available input channels.
2. Enable the check box next to channel 10 [16S] USGS Elevation Data.

Setting up output ports

The output port contains the aspect layer, which needs to be a raster layer. This connection is optional.

1. Expand all nodes next to the Output Aspect Layer to show Viewer and Untitled.pix as the available output
For the current example, direct your output to both the viewer and to a .pix output file of your choice.
2. Enable the check box next to Viewer.
3. If you want to select an output file as an output port, enable the check box next to Untitled.pix.
4. Select Untitled.pix.
5. Click Untitled.pix again, type Calculate surface Aspect.pix, and press Enter.

Setting up input parameters

The ASP algorithm is controlled by the input parameters. Calculation of the real and projected areas depends
on the proper specification of the following values:
Pixel X Size (m)
Specifies, in meters, the X dimension of each pixel on the ground.

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Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

Pixel Y Size (m)

Specifies, in meters, the Y dimension of each pixel on the ground.
Elevation Step Size (m)
Specifies, in meters, the elevation corresponding to each gray level. A change in the size of the Elevation
Step results in a corresponding change in the gray level in the elevation image. This parameter is mandatory.
Zero Slope Image Value
Specifies the value that will be assigned to pixels in the output image when the intermediate slope calculation
is zero. If not specified, these pixels are assigned a value of 510 because the output channel is 32-bit.

1. Click the Input Params 1 tab.

2. To change the Pixel X Size in meters, modify the value in the text field for the parameter as necessary.
The default value is 30.0 meters.
3. To change the Elevation Step Size in meters, modify the value in the text field for the parameter as
The default value is 1.0 meter.
4. To change the Zero Slope Image Value, modify the value in the text field for the parameter as necessary.
The default value is none.

Running the ASP algorithm

Once you have set up the algorithm, you can run it from the ASP MCP.

• In the ASP Module Control Panel, click Run.

Viewing the results

After running the ASP algorithm, you can view information about the output layer.

1. To view output layer information, click the Maps tab in the viewer.
2. To view output file information:
a) Click the Files tab.
b) Expand the Files node.
You should see the following information listed under Rasters:
1[32R]ASP Aspect from elevation channel 10.
3. To view execution status, click the Log tab.
If the algorithm ran successfully, the messages Time of execution and Execution Successful are
displayed in the text area under the Log tab.
4. To view the program results, study the surface aspect of the elevation data in the viewer.
If the algorithm ran successfully, the messages Time of execution and Execution Successful are
displayed in the text area under the Log tab.

Understanding the results

The ASP algorithm uses the elevation layer in the input channel to calculate the corresponding aspect angles.
The results are written to the aspect layer in the output channel, which is either the viewer or a .pix file. The
correct calculation of the aspect values depends on the proper specification of the Pixel X Size and Pixel Y

132 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 3: Algorithm Librarian

Aspect Values:
Aspect at a point is calculated as the orientation of the plane formed by the vector connecting the left and
right neighbors and the vector connecting the upper and lower neighbors of the pixel or the angle between
the top of the image and the projection of the normal vector of this plane onto the horizontal plane. True
aspect values will always range between 0 and 360 degrees.
Zero Slope Values:
Areas where the slope is zero are treated as a special case and are assigned a user-specified aspect value
from the Zero Slope Image Value input parameter. If this input parameter is not specified, a default value of
510 is assigned.

Adding functions to the Algorithm Library

You can create new algorithms using EASI programming and add them to the Algorithm Library, which uses
definition files to describe available modules and their properties. Module definition files define the algorithms
in the Algorithm Library.
You can find module definition files in the etc folder, located in the Geomatica program folders on your hard
disk. Module definition files use the file name extension .def. New modules must be added to a specific
package definition file in order to be accessible in the Algorithm Library.
You can convert older PACE programs into Modeler modules or Focus algorithms without having to write
scripts using the PCI Professional Software Development Kit (SDK). The PCI ProSDK lets you create your
own algorithms and add them to the Algorithm Library. Information for the EASI programming language is
available in the PCI ProSDK.

PCI Geomatics 133

Chapter 4: Image classification

Chapter 4: Image classification

Starting a classification session

• To start a supervised classification session, do the following:

a) From the Map tab, right-click the layer you want to classify.
b) Click Image Classification and then click Supervised.
• To start an unsupervised classification session, do the following:
a) From the Map tab, right-click the layer you want to classify.
b) Click Image Classification and then click Unsupervised.
• To start a classification session, do the following:
a) In the Session Selection window, click New Session if you want to begin a new classification.
b) If you want to choose a previous selection, click a session in the Sessions available box and click
OK or click File to select a file.

Unsupervised classification
An unsupervised classification organizes image information into discrete classes of spectrally similar pixel
values. To perform unsupervised classification in Focus, you work through windows to configure your data
files and to choose the number of classes that the computer differentiates.
When you finish configuring a classification, you can run the process. Focus automatically classifies the
spectral values in the image data.You can view the classification results in the view pane and as a classification

Configuring a new classification session

You can initialize a new classification session with or without data files open.

1. In the Session Configuration window, type a name in the Description box.

It is not necessary to identify features in the image in unsupervised classifications. Unsupervised classifiers
do not use training sites; they divide the image pixels into natural groupings of statistically similar gray-level
pixel values.
If you want to work with more than one algorithm in the same session, use the Open command on the
Select Algorithm window. The Select Algorithm window remains open until you click Close.
2. Adjust the Red, Green, and Blue color values to the combination you want by clicking the appropriate
column for each channel.
A project can contain several classifications, each one using different sets of input channels.
3. In the Input Channels column, select channels you need for your project.
4. Select an output channel to store your classification by clicking in the Output Channel column for the
channel you want to use.
You can select an empty channel or you can over write an existing channel, such as a channel containing
imagery of no consequence.

134 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 4: Image classification

If there are no desirable or available output channels, click Add Layer and enter values for channels in
the Channels to add boxes for the appropriate channel types. Click Add.
5. Click OK.
The Unsupervised Classification window opens. Focus adds a classification metalayer to the Maps tree
and the RGB reference image you specified opens in the view pane.

Initializing unsupervised classification

The Unsupervised Classification window allows you to choose the type of algorithm and the parameters you
want to use in the classification.

1. In the Unsupervised Classification window, enable one of the following algorithm options:
• K-Means
• Fuzzy K-Means
• IsoData

2. In the algorithm Parameters table, click in the appropriate box in the Values column and enter the criteria
that you want in the classification.
3. In the Classifications Options area, enable any of the following check boxes:
• Show report
• Save signatures
• Create PCT

4. Choose a training site option from the Use bitmap as mask list box.
If you choose an option other than None, choose a mask region from the Classify region list box.
5. Click OK.

Note: It is recommended that you use many clusters (for example, the full 255 allowed in an 8U channel)
and then perform aggregation to get the actual number of information classes you want.
Note: To view the unclassified image, drag the unclassified image file layer to the top of the Maps tree above
the Classification MetaLayer. The original image appears in the view pane.

Reading a classification report

The classification report indicates the distribution of pixel values across the number of classes set in the
Unsupervised Classification window, a date stamp, and the file path for the classified imagery.The classification
algorithm is also listed with the input channels and the channel in the data file where the results are stored.
The report also lists the number of clusters created by the classification with the details for each cluster.
Clusters are groups of pixels with similar spectral properties. The report tells you how many pixels make up
each cluster, the mean brightness value, and the standard deviation for each of the input image channels.
Related Links
Saving a classification report on page 135

Saving a classification report

You can save your classification report to a text file.

1. In the Classification Report window, click Save.

2. In the File Selector window, navigate to the directory in which you would like to save your classification

PCI Geomatics 135

Chapter 4: Image classification

3. In the File name box, type a name for the report.

4. Click Save.

Related Links
Reading a classification report on page 135

Supervised classification
In supervised classification, you must rely on your own pattern recognition skills and knowledge of the data
in determining the statistical criteria (signatures) for data classification. To select reliable training sites, you
should have some information, either spatial or spectral, about the pixels that you want to classify.
The location of a specific characteristic, such as a land cover type, may be known through reports on ground
truth. Ground truthing refers to the acquisition of knowledge about the study area from field-work analysis,
aerial photography, or personal experience. Ground truth data is considered to be the most accurate (true)
data available about the area you want to study and should be collected at the same time as the
remotely-sensed data, so that the data corresponds as much as possible.
Sometimes, ground truth data may not be accurate, due to errors, inaccuracies, and human error. Global
positioning system (GPS) receivers are useful in conducting better ground truth studies and collecting training

The supervised classification process

Carrying out effective supervised classification may take practice. It requires you to develop the ability to
recognize your target features and visual patterns in your image data.The process can be repetitive, depending
on how quickly you can produce satisfactory results.
The diagram below shows the task flow of the Supervised Classification process.

136 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 4: Image classification

The Supervised Classification Process

Initializing a supervised classification

Like unsupervised classification, supervised classification is initialized as a session.The initialization procedure
also helps you manage subsequent classifications on the same files without re-initializing a new session each
Focus automatically assigns red, green, and blue (RGB) values to the first three channels. You can select
the exact combination of channels by assigning the color channels that define the reference image for collecting
your training sites and for doing any post-classification analysis.

1. From the Analysis menu, click Image Classification and then click Supervised.
2. In the File Selector window, locate and select an image file you want to classify.
3. Click Open.
4. In the Session Selection window, click New Session.
5. In the Session Configuration window, type a name for your classification in the Description box.
Note: When naming classification sessions, enter a name in the Description text field that will distinguish
your current classification from others you create.

Specifying the reference image

Focus automatically assigns red, green, and blue (RGB) values to the first three channels. You can assign
color channels to define the reference image that will be used during training site data collection and in any
subsequent post-classification analysis.
Because supervised classification requires you to rely on your own pattern-recognition skills and a prior
knowledge of the scene, you may need to visually identify your training areas from familiar colors in the ground
cover. In such cases, you must change the RGB values to match the TM bands in the image data to produce
a true color-reference image.
The task of collecting training areas is made easier by working with a reference image that simulates normal
or true color. However, personal preferences often guide the choice of band - color combinations for interpretive
purposes. In some applications, you must use a different combination of color channels; for example, channels
that fall outside the visible color range.
Whatever your preference, it is unlikely that the default color assignment offered in the Session Configuration
window will coincide with your choice. You can reset the color assignments by clicking the corresponding cell
of the desired channel in each of the Red, Green, and Blue columns. You can rearrange the color channels
to see a true color rendition of the image in the view pane.

Specifying the input channels

Spectral classes are groups of pixels that have uniform or nearly similar brightness values in the different
spectral channels of the data. The spectral attributes of the classes used to train the computer are determined
by the spectral channels that you choose to include in the training and classification process. You can use
Focus to match the information classes you create with a spectral class in the image data.
Note: To determine the optimal combination of bands for spectral discrimination in your training sites you
can use the channel select (CHNSEL) algorithm in the Algorithm Librarian.
Once you have set the RGB values for true color, you can define the spectral attributes for the ground cover
you want to classify.You must choose a set of data channels that will define the spectral attributes or signatures
in your classes.

1. In the Session Configuration window, click in a cell next to a spectral channel in the Input Channels

PCI Geomatics 137

Chapter 4: Image classification

A check mark indicates that the channel is selected.

2. Select a channel for collecting your training sites.
Note: You can use an empty channel, a channel where the contents can be overwritten, or you can add
a new working channel.
Note: You can add empty channels to the Session Configuration list and the Files tree.

3. To add a new channel:

a) Click the Files tab and right-click the image file folder.
b) Click New and then click Raster Layer.
c) In the Add Image Channels window, choose the bit depth and number of new channels you want to
d) Click Add.
If you want to close the Add Image Channels window, click Close.

Once you have added channels, you must select them in the Session Configuration window so that they
receive the classification output. If you have not added empty channels, you must select channels that
you intend to overwrite.
4. To select the output channel, click a channel in the Output Channel column, and click OK.
The details of the configuration setup are now shown in the Maps tree and the reference image opens in
the view pane. The Training Site Editor window opens with a blank training channel. The training channel
is now write-enabled and ready for you to begin collecting your training sites.

Training sites and ground cover

You designate training sites based on samples of different surface cover types in your imagery by drawing
colored regions or areas over the parts of the image that are likely to be the information classes you want to
You cannot know for certain what the actual ground cover in an image is by referencing only the image;
therefore, samples (training sites) must be based on familiarity with the geographical region and knowledge
of the actual surface cover types shown in the image.
Training sites are areas in an image that are representative of each of the land cover classes that you want
to define. Focus examines the pixel values within the training sites in order to compile a statistical signature
for each training site class. The training signatures serve as the interpretation key for each pixel in the image.
All pixels in the image are compared to the signatures and then classified.
Each training site has an associated threshold value and bias value. Threshold is a relative measure used
to control the radius of the hyperellipse for each class. By changing the threshold values, you can reduce the
chances of pixels being classified into more than one class. Bias is a value from 0 to 1, where higher values
weigh one class in favor of another. It can also be used to resolve overlap between classes. You can use
both of these measurements to test the training site separability.
You can use the Training Site Editor to create training sites to supervise the classification.
For mathematical reasons, all training sites for a class must together have at least one pixel for each channel
used in classification. For example, if four (4) channels are selected, the total number of pixels in all training
sites for the class must be at least four (4). A class is rejected from computations if this condition is not met.
For statistical reasons that relate to confidence in estimates, it is recommended that all training sites for a
class be at least 5*(N*N+N) pixels large, where N is the number of selected channels. If four (4) channels
are selected, the recommended number of training pixels for each class is 100. Larger training sites usually
yield better statistics and thus better classification results.

138 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 4: Image classification

1. From the Training Site Editor, click Class and then click New.
2. Double-click Class-01 in the Name column and type a name for the training site.
3. Click one of the following:
• Save: saves the class without closing the Training Site Editor
• Save & Close: saves the class and closes the Training Site Editor

Drawing a class training site

Once you have created a class with the Training Site Editor, you can draw training sites over the reference
image in the view pane.

1. In the Maps tree, select the Training areas layer in the Classification MetaLayer.
2. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Polygon.
3. Click the reference image within the bounds of the subject area where you want to start the training area
4. Trace the outline of the polygon by clicking at the end of each line segment.
5. To complete the polygon, double-click near the first point in the training site.
6. Identify similar areas from the imagery that match your first polygon.
The more areas you identify as training sites, the higher the accuracy of the classification.
Note: Overlapping your training area boundaries reduces the reliability of your training sites.

Making corrections

1. On the Editing toolbar, click the Raster Erase arrow and choose an erase option.
2. Trace over the training site you want to remove from the image.
3. Double-click to erase.

About the Erase Settings window

The Erase Settings window lets you choose a fill polygon option and adjust the line width of the Raster Erase
Fill Polygon:
Removes the inside of a polygon when using the Erase Polygon option.
Line Width:
Lets you enter a line width, in pixels, for the Raster Erase tool.

Changing training site colors

You can change the color of your training sites. Focus automatically assigns colors to new training sites. Your
first class may be green and your second class may be blue when they are drawn in the view pane. You can
change the color of the class sites to any color.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click the Classification MetaLayer and click Open training sites.
2. In the Training Site Editor, click a color.
3. In the color window, make any changes to the color.
4. Choose a color model from the Model list box and make any changes to the color channels in the
appropriate spin boxes.
5. Click OK.

PCI Geomatics 139

Chapter 4: Image classification

Importing training sites

You can also import vectors, bitmaps, or signatures and use them as training sites.The Import Vectors window
uses rasterized vector polygons to define training sites.

1. In the Training Site Editor, right-click a class row.

2. Click Import and then clickVector(s).

Importing vectors
The Import Vectors window lets you
• Import vector segments
• Choose which vector layer is to be rasterized
• Choose how a vector layer is rasterized
Vectors Table
The import table lists all the vector segments that are present in the selected file. There are five columns:
• Segment: Lists the number associated with each vector segment in the selected database.
• Interior Points: Identifies which vector segments contain the point information that will be used to define
the rasterized value of the polygons. You can select more than one interior point segment.
• Polygon Boundary: Indicates which vector segments contain the polygon information that will define the
boundaries of the rasterized polygons. You should select one or more of these segments.
• Field: For each selected vector segment, this choice determines which field value is used to grid the
polygons. Numeric attributes are displayed. Some vector segments may contain different attributes.
• Description: Displays the descriptions associated with each vector segment.
Supported Vector Formats
When importing vectors into a training site editing session, the following vector types are supported:
• GDBLTopoAreas
This information can be found in the MetaData tab for the vector layer properties.

1. In the Import Vectors dialog, choose the file containing the vectors you want to import from the File list
2. If the file you want is not listed, click Browse, locate and select the file you want in the File Selector
window, and click Open.
3. Click in the Interior Points column next to the rasterized value you want to define.
A check mark indicates the segment has been selected and will override any entry in the Field column.
4. Click in the Polygon Boundary column next to the rasterized value you want to define.
A check mark indicates the segment has been selected.
5. Click in the Field column for a segment and choose a rasterization value to change the field used for
This column is ignored if the Interior Points column has been enabled.
6. Click Rasterize.
Importing a vector does not overwrite existing classes. The polygons are added to the image where no
classes exist. This occurs for pixels with a value of zero.

140 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 4: Image classification

Opening the Import Bitmaps window

The Import Bitmaps window uses existing bitmaps to define training sites.

• In the Training Site Editor, right-click in a row and click Import and then click Bitmap(s).

About the Import Bitmaps window

The Import Bitmaps window lets you:
• Create a new class with the specified bitmap as its training site
• Change a class training site that you choose in the Training Site Editor
• Replace the class training site selected in the Training Site Editor
By default, imported bitmaps do not overwrite existing training sites. To overwrite training sites, enable the
Overwrite existing training areas check box.
Importing a specified bitmap as its training site

1. Enable one of the following options:

• New class: creates a new class with the specified bitmap as its training site
• Current: augments the training site of an existing class

2. Select a bitmap from the Bitmaps available list.

If you want to overwrite training sites, enable the Overwrite existing training areas check box.
3. Click OK.

Importing signatures from the training site editor

The Import Signature window displays a list of the signatures that are compatible with the currently selected
class. Compatibility is determined by the combination of input channels used to generate the signature.
Compatible signatures must have the exact same set of input channels as those being used for the current
Instead of calculating a signature segment from training sites, you can import an existing signature from the
Import Signature window.

1. In the Training Site Editor table, right-click a class row and click Import and then click Signature.
2. In the Import Signature window, select the signature you want to import.
3. Click OK.

Filling polygons using the Raster Seeding function

When your training sites need to be irregular shapes or polygons made of homogeneous pixel groups, you
can use the Raster Seeding function to grow and fill a region of similar pixels.
You can vary the tolerance of the growth in the Raster Seeding window to slowly adjust the size of the grown
region. Higher tolerance settings create large growth regions and lower tolerance settings create smaller
growth regions. You can use the Raster Seeding function to grow regions of various sizes.
The Raster Seeding window opens from the New Shapes list on the Editing toolbar. (See About the Raster
Seeding window on page 141)

About the Raster Seeding window

The Raster Seeding window allows you to select an input file and layer, view the name and location of the
input files, and set the properties of the raster seeding output.
Input Layer

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Chapter 4: Image classification

The Input Layer area lets you read the location of the input data and choose the layer on which to perform
the seeding operation.
Selection Criteria (Layer):
Provides a list of files and lets you choose the input data for a seeding operation.
Opens the Select Seeding Layers window.
Selection Layers:
Reports the name and location of your input data files.
Output Layer
The Output Layer area shows the name and location of the output files.
Selected Layer:
Reports the name and location of the selected layers.
The Properties area lets you set the Input Pixel Value tolerances and choose from either a four-connect or
an eight-connect option.
Input Pixel Value Tolerance:
Lets you enter a pixel value as a seeding tolerance and choose an X value from a list.
Lets you choose either a four-connect or an eight-connect option to set the kernel size for the raster seeding

Filling a polygon
The Select Seeding Layers window lists all of the available input layers and allows you to select the layers
you want to include in the seeding operation.
Clears all selected layers from the list.
Select All:
Lets you select all of the listed layers.
Selected Layers:
Reports the layers you have selected.

1. In the view pane, click a polygon.

2. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Raster Seeding.
3. In the Raster Seeding window, select the layers with which you want to fill the polygon.
4. Click OK.

Merging classes
The Merge command combines several classes into one. Merge affects the portion that is opened and the
entire training channel.

1. From the Training Site Editor, click Class and then click Merge.
2. In the Merge Classes window, select the classes you want to merge from the Source list.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

If you want to select multiple classes, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key and click the classes you want to
3. Select a destination class in the Destination list.
4. Click Merge.

Analyzing training sites

Often during classification, unique spectral classes appear that do not correspond to any of the classes you
want to use. In other cases, a broad information class may contain a number of spectral sub-classes with
unique variations. This can be caused by a mixture of ground cover types appearing in the image at the time
it was recorded, or by shadows and variations in scene illumination.
Focus offers several methods for ensuring that your training sites are both representative and complete. You
can work with training site data using the Training Site Editor, the Signature Statistics window, and the
Scatter Plot window.
You can view and test the reliability of your training sites by creating a histogram in the Class Histogram
Display window. The histogram shows the frequency of training site pixels as a percentage of the number
of pixels in your training sites. A histogram should have a uni-modal shape displaying a single peak. A
multi-modal histogram indicates the likelihood that the training sites for that class are not pure, but contain
more than one distinct land-cover class.

Creating a histogram to view and test training sites

• From the Training Site Editor, right-click in a class and click Histogram.
In the Class Histogram Display window, the x-axis in the histogram represents the gray-level value for
the image channel with a range of 0 to 255. The y-axis shows the frequency count as a percentage of the
total count of pixels in the training area corresponding to the gray value.

Testing signature separability

Signature separability is calculated as the statistical difference between pairs of spectral signatures. You can
use the Signature Separability window to monitor the quality of your training sites. Divergence is shown as
both Bhattacharyya Distance and Transformed Divergence, with the Bhattacharyya Distance as the default
Both Bhattacharyya Distance and Transformed Divergence are shown as real values between zero and two.
A zero indicates complete overlap between the signatures of two classes; two indicates a complete separation
between the two classes. These measurements are monotonically related to classification accuracies.
Classes with invalid signatures are shown with separability values of -1.0. The invalid signatures represent
training sites with the total number of pixels below the required minimum (N, the number of selected channels).
Some signatures with the total number of training pixels above the required minimum but below the
recommended number (5*(N*N+N)) may have a numerically singular class covariance matrix. The separability
values for such signatures are also shown as -1.0.
The invalid signatures should be corrected, either by collecting additional training pixels, or by merging them
with other signatures.
Note: Higher separability values indicate a good classification result.
To open the Signature Separability window:

• From the Training Site Editor, click Tools and then click Signature Separability.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Related Links
Testing separability with a scatter plot on page 144
Creating a scatter plot on page 144
Altering the view range for the X and Y axes on page 145
Analyzing training sites on page 143

Testing separability with a scatter plot

You can use the Scatter Plot window to show elliptical graphs for all training sites. A class ellipse shows the
maximum likelihood equiprobability contour defined by the class threshold value entered for the mean.
Threshold: is a relative measure used to control the radius of the hyperellipse for each class. By changing
the threshold values, you can reduce the chances of pixels being classified into more than one class.
Bias: is a value from 0 to one, where higher values weigh one class in favor of another. It can also be used
to resolve overlap between classes. You can use both of these measurements to test the training site
Ellipses cannot be plotted for invalid signatures. Invalid signatures represent training sites with the total
number of pixels below the required minimum (the number of selected channels), or with a numerically singular
(zero or negative determinant) covariance matrix.
Correct invalid signatures, either by collecting additional training pixels, or by merging them with other

Creating a scatter plot

You can use the Plot Ellipses options in the Class List Table to assess the separability of your spectral classes
and to refine and edit your training sites.
A scatter plot should display an ellipse for each of the training classes. When there is overlap in several of
the band combinations, you must adjust the threshold values.

1. From the Training Site Editor, click Tools and then click Scatter Plot.
2. In the Scatter Plot window, click in the Plot Ellipses column for each class that you want to include in
the scatter plot.
A check mark indicates a class has been selected.
If you want to magnify a section of the graph, right-click on the area in the graph and click Zoom In.

Adjusting scatter plot threshold values

1. From the Training Site Editor, double-click the Threshold column for the class you want to adjust and
type a new value.
The class ellipse adjusts automatically to show the change in the threshold value.
2. From the Tools menu, click Classification Preview and click one of the following:
• Maximum Likelihood
• Maximum Likelihood with NULL class
• Parallelepiped
• Parallelepiped with MLC Tiebreaker
• Maximum Distance
• Show Training Sites

3. Click Save&Close.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Altering the view range for the X and Y axes

You can use the Graph Controls option in the Scatter Plot window to alter the view range for the X and Y

1. In the Scatter Plot window, click Graph Controls.

2. Enter values in the Min and Max boxes in the X View Range and Y View Range areas.
3. Click Close.

Exporting the scatter plot file

1. In the Scatter Plot window, click Graph Controls.

2. Click File in the Export area.
3. Locate and select a file in the File Selector window.
The default file format is PCIDSK. TIFF, BMP, and PostScript formats are also available.
4. Click Save.
5. Click Export in the Graph Controls window.

Displaying the color scale legend

You can display the color scale legend on the side of the scatter plot in the Scatter Plot window.

1. In the Scatter Plot window, click Graph Controls.

2. Enable the Show legend check box.

Printing the scatter plot

You can print the displayed histogram or its zoomed version.

1. In the Scatter Plot window, click Graph Controls.

2. In the Options section, enable the Fix aspect ratio check box, if required.
3. In the Background list box, select a background color for the scatter plot. The selected color appears
behind the scatter plot in the Scatter Plot window.
4. Click Print and specify printer settings.
5. Click Print.

Previewing the classification

You can preview a classification result using one of the preview commands in the Training Site Editor or from
the Utilities option from the classification metalayer in the Maps tree.
The preview commands show how the input channels will be classified using the training sites and class
parameters contained in the training channel.
You can preview with the following commands:
• Maximum Likelihood
• Maximum Likelihood with NULL class
• Parallelepiped
• Parallelepiped with MLC Tiebreaker.
• Minimum Distance
• Show Training Sites

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Setting the Maximum Likelihood classification preview

Ensure that you have selected a session that has been configured.

1. In the control pane, click the Maps tab.

2. Right-click the Classification MetaLayer and click Open training sites.
3. In the Training Site Editor, click Tools and then click Classification Preview and then click Maximum

Removing the preview classification from the metalayer

1. In the control pane, click the Maps tab.

2. Right-click the Classification Metalayer and click Open training sites.

Creating a separability report

You can create reports for a signature separability and save them to data files.
To create a separability report:

1. In the Separability Report window, click Save Report.

2. In the File Selector window, navigate to the directory in which you would like to save your separability
3. In the File Name field, type a name for the report, or select an existing file.
If you select an existing file, the new report will overwrite the contents of the file.
4. Click Save.

Running a supervised classification

When you have analysed your training sites and tested their separability, you are ready to run a supervised

1. In the Maps tree, right-click Classification MetaLayer and click Run Classification.
2. In the Supervised Classification window, enable one of the following options in the Algorithm area
• Parallelepiped: forces every pixel in the image to belong to one of the user-defined class types. If you
choose this option and want to include Maximum Likelihood as a tie breaker, enable the With Maximum
Likelihood as tie breaker check box.
• Minimum Distance: forces every pixel in the image to belong to one of the user-defined class types.
• Maximum Likelihood: allows a null-class parameter option. In some cases, you want to extract classes,
but there are many more land cover classes represented in the imagery.Therefore, you want a proportion
of pixels left unclassified, or null.

3. In the Classification Options area, enable any of the following check boxes:
• Show Report: generates a report of the classification data.
• Save signatures
• Create PCT: compares your classification with another classification.

4. Click OK.

The report should show a high overall training site accuracy. The information from each pixel in the training
areas is compared to the information determined by the classifier algorithm. The overall accuracy represents

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Chapter 4: Image classification

the percentage of training-area pixels that were correctly classified. Your training areas are ideal examples
of the classes.

Testing accuracy with signature statistics

Focus lets you test the accuracy of a training site collection.The Signature Statistics window displays the
number of samples in the training area, indicating whether you have collected enough pixels to accurately
represent the land cover. You can compare the statistics for several classes at the same time.

1. From the Training Site Editor, right-click a class and click Statistics.
2. In the Signature Statistics window, click a class in the table to display its statistics.

Note: Similarities cause errors during classification. Consider removing a channel from the list of inputs if
you are not getting good results.

Viewing signature statistics

The Signature Statistics window displays a table of the classes included in the currently selected image.
For each class, the following columns are included:
• ID
• Value
• Name
• Color
• Threshold
• Bias
• Imported signature status
• Description
General Report
The General report lists the mean and standard deviation for each input channel under the class's training
area mask.

• Click the General tab.

Viewing a matrix report

The Matrices report lists the following matrices for the class signature:
• Class Correlation matrix
• Class Co-variance matrix
• Inverse Co-variance matrix
• Triangular Inverse Co-variance matrix
To view a matrix report:

• Click the Matrices tab.

Classes with invalid signatures due to the number of training pixels being below the required minimum
will have all matrices undefined (filled with zeros).
Classes with invalid signatures due to an insufficient number of training pixels or correlated channels will
have a zero or negative determinant of the Covariance Matrix, and an undefined Triangular
Inverse-Covariance Matrix.
Correct all invalid signatures, either by collecting additional training pixels, or by merging them with other

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Comparing signature statistics

You can open a multiple Signature Statistics windows to view and compare the statistics of several different
signatures at the same time.

• From the Signature Statistics window, click New Panel.

Editing Class Signatures

You can also edit any of the cells in the class table.

Saving the signature statistics report

You can save both the general and matrices statistics for all of the classes to a text file.

1. In the Signature Statistics window, click Save Report.

The Save Statistics Report window appears.
2. Specify a file name and its directory path.
3. Click OK.

Post-classification editing
In most cases, a classifier algorithm does not produce ideal results. There are often occurrences of single-pixel
misclassification. A field may contain a few pixels of another class or there may be image data that falls
outside training sites that affects the classification results. Class editing corrects errors by combining several

Improving classification results

To improve a classification, first assess the accuracy of your results. The accuracy of a classification is
measured against a standard that is assumed to be correct. The classification accuracy increases as it
approaches the standard.
Once you have assessed the classification accuracy, you can combine classes through a process known as
aggregation. Combining classes creates a new aggregate class. A maximum of 255 classes can be reassigned
in a single session. Aggregation is often performed on the results of an unsupervised classification. A common
approach in unsupervised classification is to generate as many cluster classes as possible. With the benefit
of reference data or first-hand knowledge of a scene, you can aggregate the spectral clusters into meaningful
thematic classes.

Initialize post-classification editing

You can combine several classes once you have edited your classification. Like the aggregation process,
class editing combines several classes; however, instead of combining classes throughout an image, you
can combine the classes for all pixels under a bitmap mask.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click Classification MetaLayer and click Post-classification Analysis and then
click Class Editing.
2. In the Class Editing window, click Image and then click Select Classified Image.
3. In the Select Classified Image window, choose the output channel you selected when you initialized the
classification from the Channels available list.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Class Editing window, click Image and then click Select Reference Image.
6. In the Load Reference Image list, locate and select the Red, Green, and Blue channels.
You must use the same reference image to perform class editing.
As you select a channel, its number is added to the R, G, and B boxes.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

7. Click OK.
Once you have selected a reference image you can prepare to draw your bitmap mask.

Setting up a bitmap mask

1. In the Class Editing window, click Mask and then click Create Mask from new Bitmap.
2. Ensure the Mask visible check box is enabled.
3. In the Visible Image area, enable the Classified option.
4. In the Maps tree, click the bitmap layer.
5. On the Zoom toolbar, click the Zoom to 1:1 Image Resolution button.

Note: Images must be displayed at 1:1 or higher to draw a bitmap mask over the view pane. The drawing
tools are not available when images are zoomed to overview size.

Opening a bitmap mask

The Load Mask from Bitmap command produces a mask with a bitmap that had been previously created.
This is useful if you want to replace the class of a particular training site with a new bitmap mask.

1. From the Class Editing window, click Mask and then click Load Mask from Bitmap.
2. In the Load Mask from Bitmap window, select a bitmap segment in the Bitmap segments available
3. Click OK.

Saving a bitmap mask

You can save the active mask as a bitmap.

1. From the Class Editing window, click Mask and then click Save Mask to Bitmap.
2. In the Save Mask to Bitmap window, select a bitmap segment in the Bitmap segments available list.
3. Click OK.

Masking an image area

The masked area combines classes. You can select a region over the entire file to combine all of the classes
in the image.
Masking an image area is similar to creating a training site. You can mask over a part of the image.

1. In the Maps tree, select the new bitmap layer below the Classification MetaLayer.
2. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Polygon.
3. In the view pane, draw a mask over the part of the image you want to edit.
4. In the Class Editing window, select a class in the Source Classes area.
If you want to select all classes, click Select All.
5. Click the Merge Classes.
6. In the View Controls area of the Class Editing window, disable the Mask visible check box.
If you want to use more than one mask to cover all of the image areas you want to edit, repeat the

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Aggregation is the process of combining classes in order to create a new aggregate class. A maximum of
255 classes can be reassigned in a single session. Aggregation is often performed on the results of an
unsupervised classification. A common approach in unsupervised classification is to generate as many
cluster classes as possible. With the benefit of reference data or first-hand knowledge of the scene, the
analyst aggregates the spectral clusters into meaningful thematic classes.

Opening an aggregation session

1. From the Analysis menu, select Image Classification > Post Classification Analysis > Aggregation.
2. In the File Selector window, locate and select a file.
3. Click Open.

Opening the Aggregate window in an unsupervised session

1. In the Maps tree, right-click Classification MetaLayer and click Post-classification Analysis.
2. Click Aggregation.

Setting up an aggregation
Before you can perform an aggregation, you must specify the database channels that serve as the input and
output channels. This is done using the Channel Setup window.
The input channel is the channel you want to aggregate and is typically the result of an unsupervised
classification. The output channel is an empty channel in which you store the results of the aggregation.

1. In the Channel Setup window, select an unsupervised classification channel from the Channels available
2. Select an empty channel or an unfinished aggregation result from the Output list.
3. Click OK.

Using the Aggregate window

Image classifiers do not always provide the desired level of accuracy. As a result, a clean-up is often necessary
after a classification. Aggregation is one of the four post-classification clean-up methods.
There are four main areas in the Aggregate window.

File and channel information

The file name and input and output channels to be used in the aggregation are listed at the top of the window.
The input and output channels can be reset using the Setup button at the bottom of the window.

View Controls
Use this area of the window to choose different ways to view the classes and aggregates.
Normal mode: Displays the aggregate classes along with the original, as yet unassigned, classes.
Input classes: Displays all the original input classes.
Current classes: Displays the classes that are currently selected in the Input Classes list.
Unassigned classes: Displays only the unassigned classes. Input classes that have been assigned to an
aggregate will be blacked out.
Aggregate classes: Displays all the current aggregates.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Current aggregate classes: Displays the aggregates that are currently selected in the Aggregate Classes
Highlight color: Lets you choose a color for the class.

Input Classes
This table lists all of the classes in the selected input channel. Use this table to locate and select the set of
classes to include in each of the aggregate classes. You can select multiple classes by holding down Shift
or Ctrl while clicking a selection.
There are several tools available to assist you in the selection process:
Select Class at Cursor: Locates the class at the current cursor location within the view pane.
Highlight Classes: Displays the selected input classes in the chosen highlight color, as selected in the View
Controls area.
PCT: Changes the current pseudocolor table.
Add: Adds the selected input classes to the selected aggregate class.
Remove: Removes the selected input classes from the selected aggregate class.

Aggregate Classes
This table contains a list of all the aggregate classes. In addition, there are four tools available to assist you:
New: Creates a new aggregate class.
Delete: Removes an aggregate class from the list.
Class Initialization: Use the Class Initialization window to initialize a new set of classes. You can import
entries for the class table from a classification channel or from a text file.
Save: Saves all the details of the aggregation session to a text file.
The following example of a text file that describes three aggregate classes:

1 | Water |0 |0 |255 | Water class | 10,20

2 | Crop |0 |255 |0 | Crops |

3 | Other Class |255 |0 |0 | Water class | 40

To help you to identify and locate classes, use the Highlight color feature in the View Controls area of the
window. The selected class(es) assume the highlight color. Use the Highlight color palette to change the
color used for highlighting.
Related Links
Initializing classes from a classification channel on page 155
Initializing classes from a text file on page 155

Setting up a new aggregate class

You can create a new aggregate class using the Aggregate window.

1. In the Aggregate Classes area of the Aggregate window, click New.

2. Double-click the Name column for the new class and type a name.
3. Click the Color column for the new class and choose a color.
Note: The Add and Remove buttons are only active after selections are made in both the Input Classes
and the Aggregate Classes tables.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Creating an aggregate from a set of input classes

To create an aggregate from a set of input classes, use the Input Classes and Aggregate Classes tables
in the Aggregate window.

1. From the Input Classes table in the Aggregate window, select a row containing the class you want to
If you want to select multiple rows, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting rows.
2. In the Aggregate Classes table, select the row containing the aggregate class that is to receive the input
3. Click Add.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until the input classes are assigned to the appropriate aggregate classes.
5. Click Apply to Output Channel.
Focus copies the input classes that were not used in the aggregation process to the aggregate classes.

Changing the input and output channel assignments

1. From the Aggregate window, click Setup.

2. In the Channel Setup window, select a new input channel from the Channels available list.
3. Select an empty channel from the Output list.
4. Click OK.

Assigning a new PCT to the current session

Use the PCT window to change the pseudocolor table assigned to the current aggregate session.You assign
a new PCT in two ways: by generating it (Generate PCT) or by importing it (Import PCT).
Generate PCT creates a PCT that attempts to simulate a reference RGB image. Duplicating the look of an
RGB image may assist you in identifying and locating areas within the image to be aggregated. Use Import
PCT if you want to import an existing PCT.

1. From the Aggregate window, click PCT in the Input Classes area.
2. To generate a PCT, do the following:
a) In the PCT window, click the Generate PCT tab.
b) For each of the red, green, or blue channel designations, select a channel from the Channels available
3. To import a PCT, do the following:
a) In the PCT window, click the Import PCT tab.
b) Click File.
c) In the File Selector window, locate and select the file containing the PCT segment you want to import,
and click Open.
d) Click Open.
e) In the PCT window, select a segment in the list.
4. Click OK.

Saving the aggregate session

Aggregation is usually a lengthy process, especially if you want to test and compare several different
aggregation scenarios. It is recommended that you use the Save Aggregate Session feature periodically to
save your work.
You must save the details of your aggregate session in order to:
• Save intermediate results.
• Generate different aggregation scenarios.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

1. From the Aggregate window, click Save.

2. In the Save Aggregate Session window, click File.
3. In the File Selector window, select a destination folder.
4. Type a file name in the File name box.
5. Choose a file extension from the Files of type box.
6. Click Open.
7. Click Accept.

Aggregate sessions are saved as .txt files by default. The following example shows a typical line in a saved
aggregate text file.

1 | Rural | 0 | 204 | 0 | | 3, 4
This aggregate line shows the following information:
• Class value: 1
• Class name: Rural
• RGB color: Red-0 Green-204 Blue-0
• Description: None
• Input class codes: Classes 3 and 4 were combined to create the aggregate.
Starting an aggregate session
Once an aggregate session file is saved, you can open it using the Class Initialization button in the Aggregate
Classes area.

1. From the Aggregate window, click Class Initialization in the Aggregate Classes area.
2. In the Class Initialization window, click the Text File tab.
3. Click Text File.
4. In the File Selector window, locate and select the aggregate text file, and click Open.
If you want to overwrite the aggregate class, enable the Overwrite existing classes check box.
5. Click OK.

Importing other classes

Use the Class Initialization window to:
• Import other channels from the same or a different file. In this way, you can add new classes to the
aggregates list, which may include classes from other classification results that you want to include in the
present classification.
• Initialize a new set of classes for an aggregation session. You import entries for the Input Classes table
from either a classification channel or a text (.txt) file.

1. From the Aggregate window, click Class Initialization in the Aggregate Classes area.
2. In the Class Initialization window, click the Channel tab.
3. Click File.
4. In the File Selector window, locate and select the file containing the channel with the classes you want
to import, and click Open.
5. Select a classification channel from the Channels available list.
You can edit any of the following fields in the table for the selected channel:
• Value
• Name
• Color

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Chapter 4: Image classification

• Description

6. If you want to replace all current classes, select the Overwrite existing classes check box.
7. Click OK.

Setting up for class labelling

Class editing and aggregation both honour any session information present, but work equally well without it.
All other tasks including class labelling and accuracy assessment need an open session.

1. From the Analysis menu, click Image Classification and then click Post Classification Analysis and
then click Class Labelling.
2. From the File Selector window, locate and select a file, and click Open.
3. From the Maps tree, right-click Classification MetaLayer, click Post-classification Analysis, and then
click Class Labelling.
4. From the Channel Setup window, select a classified channel from the Channels available list.
5. Click OK.

About the Class Labelling window

The Class Labelling window lets you examine and modify the characteristics of any class within a thematic
channel. You can change the class information such as the value, name, color, or description, but the image
data is not altered.
You can create a new class in the table of the Class Labelling window. For each new class, Focus generates
an ID, value, class name, and color.
File and Channel:
The file name and channel are listed at the top of the window.
Class Table:
All of the classes for the selected channel are listed in a class table. For each class, the following is reported:
• Value
• Name
• Color
• Description
Class labelling is normally done after an unsupervised classification, since the class values, names, and
colors have not been previously assigned.
You can use the Class Labelling window after a supervised classification to:
• Re-label characteristics that were labelled incorrectly in the Training Site Editor before classification.
• Label items that were not labelled prior to the classification step for whatever reason.
• Add a level of transparency.
• Add a more detailed description.
You can change any of the items in the table.

1. To change a class name, double-click the name you want to edit, type a new name and press Enter.
2. Click a color in the Color column for a class.
3. In the Color window, choose a color from the Basic Colors palette.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

4. Adjust the color as appropriate.

5. Click OK.
6. Click in the Description column for a class.
7. Type a description as appropriate.
8. In the Class Labelling window, click New.
The new class is displayed as the last entry in the table.
9. To delete a class, select it in the Class Labelling window and click Delete.
10. To initialize a class, select it in the Class Labelling window and click Class Initialization.
The Class Initialization window appears.
11. Click Save to save your changes when you are finished.

Initializing classes from a classification channel

Initialize a new set of classes using the Class Initialization window. You can import entries for the class
table from a classification channel.

1. From the Class Initialization window, click the Channel tab.

2. Click File.
3. In the File Selector window, locate and select the file containing the channel whose classes you want to
import, and click Open.
4. In the Class Initialization window, select a classification channel in the Channels available list.
If you want to replace all current classes, enable the Overwrite existing classes check box.
5. Click OK.

Initializing classes from a text file

You can initialize a new set of classes using the Class Initialization window. You can import entries for the
class table from a text file.
Class or aggregate details are stored as text (.txt) files. To import this information, it must conform to a single
recognizable format. The file is limited to one class per line and has seven fields delimited by a | character:

Value | Name | Red | Green | Blue | Desc | AssociatedDesc

• Value is an integer representing the class code.
• Name is a character string containing the class name.
• Red is a number between 0-255 depicting the red component of the RGB color.
• Green is a number between 0-255 representing the green component of the RGB color.
• Blue is a number between 0-255 representing the blue component of the RGB color.
• Desc is a character string that provides a description for the class.
• AssociatedDesc is only used in an Aggregation session. It contains the description of the original input
classes that are associated with the aggregate.
The following is an example of a text file that contains three classes:

1| Water |0 |0 |255 | Water class| |

2| Crop |0 |255 |0 |Crops| |

3| Other |255 |0 |0 |Water class| |

1. From the Class Initialization window, click the Text File tab.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

2. Click Text File.

3. In the File Selector window, locate and select the file containing the classes you want to import, and click
If you want to replace all current classes, select the Overwrite existing classes check box.
4. Click OK.

Launching the Accuracy Assessment window

Accuracy assessments determine the correctness of the classified image, which is based on pixel groupings.
Accuracy is a measure of the agreement between a standard that is assumed to be correct and an image
classification of unknown quality. If the image classification corresponds closely with the standard, it is said
to be accurate.

• To launch the Accuracy Assessment window from the Focus application window, do the following:
a) From the Analysis menu, select Image Classification > Post Classification Analysis > Accuracy
Assessment .
b) In the File Selector window, locate and select the file containing the classified channel you want to
check for accuracy, and click Open.
• To open the Accuracy Assessment window during classification, do the following:
a) From the Maps tree, right-click Classification MetaLayer.
b) Select Post-classification Analysis > Accuracy Assessment.

Using the Accuracy Assessment window

The Accuracy Assessment window contains three areas:

• Select Classified Image
• Load Reference Image
• Generate Random Sample
• Samples from Vectors
• Accuracy Report
• Clear Sample List

Assign Reference Class to Sample

This area contains a table listing all the categories in the selected classified image. The assignment of class
and name values to the test pixels is based upon the entries in this table.

Random Sample List

This area contains an information table for all the randomly generated test pixels.

Selecting a classified image

1. From the Accuracy Assessment window, click Select Classified Image.

2. In the Select Classified Image window, select a supervised classification channel from the Channels
available list.
3. Click OK.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Selecting a reference image

1. From the Accuracy Assessment window, click Load Reference Image.

2. In the Load Reference Image window, select either one or three image channels from the Channels
available list.
If you choose only one channel, select a PCT segment from the PCTs availablelist.
3. Click OK.

Generating a random sample

The Generate Random Sample window generates a set of random test pixel locations within the classified
image. This window consists of two areas.
Number of Samples allows you to specify the number of random samples to generate.
Options sets the following sampling control options:
• Stratify Samples to Class Percentages: Select this check box to randomly choose the number of samples
from each class that are proportional to the percentage of the image occupied by each class. In other
words, larger classes contain more samples than smaller classes.
• Include only existing classes: Select this check box to generate random samples only for classes in the
reference class list.

1. From the Accuracy Assessment window, click Generate Random Sample.

2. In the Generate Random Sample window, enter a value for the number of sample points from the Number
of samples spin box.
If you want to randomly choose the number of samples from each class that are proportional to the
percentage of the image occupied by each class, enable the Stratify Samples to class percentages
check box.
If you want to generate random samples only for classes in the reference class list, enable the Include
only existing classes check box.
3. Click OK.

Assigning a reference class to a sample

1. From the Accuracy Assessment window, select the first sample in the Random Sample List.
The cursor automatically moves to the sample location in the view pane. Compare this location to the
reference class table.
2. Select the class in the Assign Reference Class to Sample table to which you think the random sample
3. Click Transfer.

Opening samples from a vector segment

Imports your own random test points from a vector segment. The random pixel locations are added to the
existing list of sample points displayed in the Random Sample List. In this way, you can merge samples from
several sources.

1. From the Accuracy Assessment window, click Samples from Vectors.

2. In the Samples from Vectors window, select a vector segment from the Vector segments available list.
3. Select a reference attribute from the Reference attributes list.
4. Select a class attribute from the Class Attribute list.
5. Click OK.

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Chapter 4: Image classification

Launching the Accuracy Report window

You can use the Accuracy Report window once reference classes are assigned to the random samples.
Accuracy is determined by comparing the assigned reference value for each test pixel to the category in the
classification image.
To generate a report, it is not necessary to assign a reference class to every random sample; however, a
classified image must be previously selected.

• From the Accuracy Assessment window, click Accuracy Report.

The Accuracy Report window creates three types of accuracy reports:

• Sample Report Listing: Shows which samples are correctly classified.
• Error (Confusion) Matrix: Displays the results of the accuracy assessment process. Reference data
listed in the columns of the matrix represents the number of correctly classified samples.
• Accuracy Statistics: Lists different statistical measures of overall accuracy and accuracy for each class.

Producing a random sample report

1. From the Accuracy Report window, click the Sample Report Listing tab.
2. Click Generate Report.

Producing an error report

1. From the Accuracy Report window, click the Error (Confusion) Matrix tab.
If you want to apply a 3 x 3 mode filter to each test pixel location in the classified image, enable the Apply
Mode filter to classified values check box. The result of the mode filter operation are compared to the
reference value in order to access its accuracy.
2. Click Generate Report.

Producing an accuracy statistics report

1. From the Accuracy Report window, click the Accuracy Statistics tab.
If you want to apply a 3 x 3 mode filter to each test pixel location in the classified image, enable the Apply
Mode filter to classified values check box. The result of the mode filter operation are compared to the
reference value in order to access its accuracy.
2. Click Generate Report.

Saving an accuracy report

You can only save a report from the current tab. You can append the reports to the same text file. A text file
can also be overwritten with the report from the current tab.

1. To save an accuracy report, do the following:

a) From the Accuracy Report window, click Save Report.
b) In the Save Accuracy Report window, click Browse.
c) In the File Selector window, locate and select a file, and click Open.
If you want to append the report to the selected file, click Append. If you want to overwrite the report in
the selected file, click OK.
2. To clear all the samples in the Random Sample List, click Clear Sample List in the Accuracy Assessment
3. To save a classification project, do the following:

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Chapter 4: Image classification

a) From the File menu, click Save Project.

b) In the File Selector window, locate and select a folder where you want to save the project.
c) Enter a project name in the File name box.
d) Click Save.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Chapter 5: Image processing

Information tools
Information tools include histograms, image statistics, digital number (DN) profiles or sections of an image,
and scatter plots. These tools do not change or process images, but do allow you to get a better understanding
of the data you are using. Information tools, such as image band correlation statistics and histogram statistics,
help you decide how you can further process image data.

Using the Information Report

You can display the individual attributes of selected features for rasters, vectors, and charts using the
Information Report.
For raster files, the Information Report provides the digital number (DN) values for the pixel identified by the
cursor position. If an RGB file is used, the report includes the DN values for the red, green, and blue layers.
The Information Report can also be used for grayscale or pseudocolor rasters. In these cases, only one DN
value is reported.
For vector files, the Information Report displays vector attributes. The report provides options for displaying
attributes for:
• all vectors located under the current cursor position
• all currently selected vectors
For charts, the Information Report displays attributes for the record corresponding to selected data in a chart.
You can use the Information Report with both raster and vector data.

Opening the Information Report

You can display the individual attributes of selected features for rasters, vectors, and charts using the
Information Report.

From the Tools toolbar, click the Information button.

The Information Report appears.

You can use the Information Report with both raster and vector data.

Viewing information for a selected vector

1. From the Information Report, enable the Selected shapes option in the Report on area.
2. On the Editing toolbar of the Focus window, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose Individual.
3. In the view pane, click a vector.
The attribute information for the selected vector displays in the Information Report.

You can also select several vectors at once. With several vectors selected, you can change the vector
displayed in the Information Report. The cursor automatically moves to the current vector in the view pane.

Viewing information for vectors under the cursor

1. In the Information Report window, select the Entities under cursor option in the Report on area.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

2. In the view pane, click a vector.

3. On the Editing toolbar, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose Individual.
4. In the view pane, click a vector shape or segment.
The Information Report shows the details of the selected vector. If you clicked an area common to a set
of overlapping vector shapes, the Record field shows the number of shapes under the area you clicked,
and the first shape of the set.

Showing information for raster data

1. Ensure that the raster data is opened in the view pane.

2. In the Information Report window, select the Entities under cursor option in the Report on area.
3. In the view pane, click a feature.

The Information Report shows the DN values for the pixel of the selected feature for the top raster layer in
the Maps tree.
If multiple raster layers are open in the Maps tree, you can scroll between the DN values for the specified
pixel in each of the layers by clicking the arrows in the Record area of the Information Report.
All features, both visible and invisible, are reported by clicking a location in the view pane. You can show
information for a new record in the current layer with the Record arrow buttons in the Information Report.

Displaying the attributes from a chart

1. In the Chart viewer, click the Identification button.
2. Click a piece of data in the chart.
The attributes for that record display under Values.

Using the Measure tool

The Measure tool reports length, area, and perimeter measurements of areas within imagery in the view
pane. It allows you to draw areas and lines in several different ways, while reporting in the units of measure
you choose.

Specifying the units of measurement

1. With a file open, click the Measure arrow and choose one of the following menu options:
• Linear Units: displays units for a linear measurement
• Area Units: displays units for an area measurement
• Angle Units: displays units for an angle

2. Choose a unit of measurement from the corresponding menu option.

A check mark next to a unit of measurement indicates it has been selected.

Selecting a Measure tool

With a file open, click the Measure arrow and choose one of the following menu options:
• Line: lets you measure a linear object
• Polygon: lets you measure a polygonal object
• Rectangle: lets you measure a rectangular object
• Ellipse: lets you measure an elliptical object

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Measuring a line

1. With a file open, click the Measure arrow and click Linear Units.
2. Choose a unit of measurement.
3. Click the Measure arrow and choose Line.
4. In the view pane, click where you want to begin measuring.
5. Move the cursor to the end of the measurement area.
If you want to continue measuring in a different direction, click where you want to change direction and
continue measuring.
The total length, segment length, and azimuth appear at the bottom of the view pane.
If you want to stop measuring, double-click the view pane.

Measuring a polygon

1. With a file open, click the Measure arrow and click Area Units.
2. Choose a unit of measurement.
3. Click the Measure arrow and choose Polygon.
4. In the view pane, click where you want to begin measuring.
5. Click the next polygon vertex.
Repeat this as necessary until you have at least three vertices in the polygon. The area and perimeter of
the polygon appear at the bottom of the view pane.
If you want to stop measuring, double-click the view pane.

Measuring a rectangle or ellipse

1. With a file open, click the Measure arrow and click Area Units.
2. Choose a unit of measurement.
3. Click the Measure arrow and choose one of the following options:
• Rectangle
• Ellipse

4. In the view pane, click where you want to begin measuring.

For a rectangle, the starting point is a corner of the measurement area. For an ellipse, start at the center
of the measurement area.
5. Drag the rectangle or ellipse to cover the area you want to measure.
The area and perimeter of the rectangle or ellipse appear at the bottom of the view pane.
If you want to stop measuring, double-click the view pane.

Reading the Measure tool report

Focus provides a report to help you keep track of your image measurements. You activate the Measurement
Tool Report from the Options window in the Tools menu. (See Measurement tools on page 86) When the
Measurement Tool Report is active, the report window opens each time you take a measurement in the view
Information appearing in the Measurement Tool Report depends on the measurement tool you are using.
Information is shown as either a linear or polygonal measurement.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Line Measure Reports:

Reports a measurement for each segment of a line that includes the length, azimuth, and start and end

Polygon Measure Report:

Reports the area, perimeter, and coordinates for each point in the polygon. For ellipse measurements, the
report shows the perimeter and the area only.

Viewing histograms and statistics

Histograms graphically represent the count of each pixel value in an entire or a selected region of a raster.
The statistical information that you obtain from the pixel values can help you in your analysis of a geographical
You can access both histograms and statistics from the raster maps layer, and access the statistics from the
file’s raster.

1. In the Maps tree, select a raster map layer.

2. In the Focus view area, use the Zoom tools to select the area for which you want to view a histogram.
3. From the main menu, click Layer and then click Histograms.
The Multi Histogram Display window appears if an RGB map layer is selected, otherwise, the Histogram
Display window appears.
4. Proceed to Viewing a histogram on page 163.

Viewing a histogram
You can view a histogram of a grayscale, pseudocolor, or an RGB map layer.
A histogram of the currently viewed area is first displayed. For an RGB map layer, a histogram is displayed
for each RGB channel. At a glance, you can view the distribution of pixels and then select a histogram to
view its statistics.
You can also view a histogram of a region that is under a bitmap mask.

In the Multi Histogram Display or Histogram Display window, click a histogram to view the histogram
statistics and other details.
The Histogram with Statistics window appears displaying the histogram of the content currently viewed
in the Focus viewer.

You may now view the histogram statistics.

Related Links
Viewing histogram statistics on page 163
Viewing histograms under a bitmap mask on page 164

Viewing histogram statistics

You can view statistics of a histogram that represent an entire raster, a region under a bitmap mask, or the
current view displayed in the Focus viewer. You can also zoom into or out of the raster in the Focus viewer
and watch the histogram in the Histograms with Statistics window change accordingly. To view histogram
statistics of a region under a bitmap mask, refer to Viewing histograms under a bitmap mask on page 164.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

In addition to viewing statistics, you can zoom into portions of the displayed histogram, print, or export the
histogram in its zoomed or original version. For more information, refer to Zooming into and out of a histogram
on page 165, Printing a histogram on page 165, and Exporting a histogram on page 165.

1. Perform one of the following steps:

• In the Maps tree, perform steps in Viewing a histogram on page 163.
• In the Files tree, right-click a raster channel and select Histogram with Statistics.
The Histogram with Statistics window appears.
2. In the Histogram with Statistics window, move the mouse pointer over the histogram to view the current
count of pixels for a given pixel value.
The Statistics section provides you with further statistical information about the histogram.
Note: In the Histogram With Statistics window, the X-axis is not restricted to the 0-255 range of values.
It is scaled as 8U: 8-bit unsigned, 16S: 16-bit signed, 16U: 16-bit unsigned, and 32R: 32-bit real. Histograms
are scaled using a bin size of 64K due to the memory limitations for 32-bit real data. Therefore, the statistics
for 32-bit real data are only approximate. Approximate statistics are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the
Statistics section.

3. If required, in the Pixel Value and Pixel Count fields, enter values of a particular area of the histogram.
Press Enter.
The histogram view displays the portion of the histogram that corresponds to the specified values.
4. If required, click Zoom to Overview to revert to the original histogram view. For information about Mask
contents, refer to Viewing Mask contents on page 164.

Viewing Mask contents

You can view three types of histograms from the Mask list box in the Histogram with Statistics window:
• Entire raster view: displays a histogram of the entire raster.
• Current view area: displays a histogram of the area that is displayed in the Focus viewer. If you are zoomed
in closer than 1:1, the actual data pixels are used. If you are zoomed out further than 1:1 the data pixels
are approximated by using the rendered image.
• Bitmap layer: displays a histogram of a region under a bitmap mask.

1. Perform one of the following steps:

• In the Maps tree, perform steps in Viewing a histogram on page 163.
• In the Files tree, right-click a raster channel and select Histogram with Statistics.

2. In the Histogram with Statistics window, select an option from the Mask list box.
When accessed from the Maps tree, the Mask list box displays the entire raster, current view, and any
bitmap layers that are in the current area. The bitmap layers are listed whether they are saved or not.
When accessed from the Files tree, the Mask list box displays the entire raster and the bitmap layers that
are saved in the same, active source file. The saved bitmap layers are listed with their file and layer names
displayed. For more information about viewing histograms for a bitmap layer, refer to Viewing histograms
under a bitmap mask on page 164.

Viewing histograms under a bitmap mask

You can view histograms for regions that have been defined by bitmap masks. You must first create bitmap
layers and then apply bitmap masks for the regions. For more information, refer to Creating a new bitmap
layer on page 108.

In the Histogram with Statistics window, select the bitmap mask from the Mask list box.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

When viewing from the Maps tree, bitmap layers for which masks have not been applied are also listed
in the Mask list box. If you select one of these layers and then apply a mask to a region in the Focus
viewer, the Histogram with Statistics window refreshes with the relevant histogram.

Zooming into and out of a histogram

You can zoom into an area of a histogram that is displayed on the Histogram with Statistics window to view
more detailed pixel values.

1. In the Histogram with Statistics window, position the cursor over the area of the histogram you want to
zoom into.
2. Right-click and select Zoom In or drag a rectangle.
You can click Zoom Out to revert to the previous view of the histogram and Zoom to Overview to revert
to the original histogram.

Printing a histogram
You can print the displayed histogram or its zoomed version.

1. In the Histogram with Statistics window, select Fixed aspect ratio in the Options section, if required.
2. In the Background list box, select a background color for the histogram.
The selected color appears behind the histogram.
3. Click Print and specify the printer settings.
4. Click Print.

Exporting a histogram
You can export the displayed histogram or its zoomed version to a file.

1. In the Histogram with Statistics window, click Export.

The File Selector window appears.
2. Specify the file name, format, and location.
3. Click Save.

Working with numeric values

The Numeric Values window is an information tool that provides a numeric version of the digital number (DN)
values in an image. The DN values for each band in an RGB image are displayed concurrently. The numeric
information lets you explore relationships between DN values in different image bands at a specific pixel

Opening the Numeric Values window

The Numeric Values window allows you to work directly with the pixel values in raster data. You can view
and edit the individual pixel values for grayscale and RGB channels through individual tables. Each table
provides a sample of values that correspond to the cursor coordinates in the view pane. You can change the
sample of values by moving the cursor across the view pane. You can also switch the values to show either
raw or enhanced data. Red, green, and blue pixel values are shown in separate tables.
Raw Data:

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Switches numeric values to raw data values.

Enhanced Data:
Switches numeric values to enhanced data values.
Line Numbers:
The gray column on the right of a numeric values table shows the numbers for each line in an image.
Pixel Numbers:
The gray row at the top of a numeric values table shows the numeric value for a single pixel.
Red Channel Value:
The red pixel value for a selected pixel in the view pane. A red channel value is indicated by a red border in
the numeric values table.
Green Channel Value:
The green pixel value for a selected pixel in the view pane. A green channel value is indicated by a green
border in the numeric values table.
Blue Channel Value:
The blue value for a selected pixel in the view pane. A blue channel value is indicated by a blue border in the
numeric values table.

1. In the Maps tree, select an RGB layer.

2. From the Layer menu, click Numeric Values.

You can export digital number (DN) values to a text file for further statistical analysis. You can also use the
Numeric Values window to change the DN values in an image.

Exporting the numeric values to a text file

1. From the Numeric Values window, click Export.
2. In the File Selector window, locate and select a file.
3. Click Save.

Related Links
Interpreting the values on page 167

Change a color channel DN value

The digital number (DN) values of an image channel can be altered directly. Only the image channels that
are currently displayed can be altered.

1. In the Numeric Values window, double-click the cell for the image layer and pixel location that you want
to edit.
2. Type a value (between 0 and 255 for RGB) and press Enter.

Note: You cannot alter enhanced values.

Related Links
Interpreting the values on page 167

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Interpreting the values

The Numeric Values dialog can be expanded to display more values. Each table displays one color-highlighted
cell containing the RGB value of a selected pixel/line coordinate. The other cells contain the RGB values of
the surrounding pixel/line coordinates. RGB values show the position of the cursor in the view pane.
Raw and Enhanced Data
The Numeric Values window allows you to view the digital number (DN) values for both raw and enhanced
DN values. The raw data values represent the DN values that are read directly from the image file. The
enhanced data values represent the DN values as they are currently displayed in the view pane. For more
information on enhanced data values.
To display the RGB values for raw or enhanced data, enable the appropriate option.
Related Links
Exporting the numeric values to a text file on page 166
Change a color channel DN value on page 166

Making an image profile

Image profiles show the spectral response of a selected feature along a user-specified cross-section. You
can generate a spectral plot and a numeric values table from RGB or grayscale input channels along a
user-defined vector.
There are several instances where you can use an image profile. Your work will determine when and where
you should use one. Following are examples where profiles have been used effectively.
Profiling can give you an idea of the spectral homogeneity for a feature. If profiles taken across a feature are
all relatively flat, the feature is considered homogeneous for the particular wavelength in which the profile is
taken. Relatively flat profiles indicate that a particular wavelength channel is a good input for a subsequent
supervised classification where the extracted features are being investigated.
As another example, you may want to establish a potential correlation between a characteristic of a feature
in the scene and its spectral response. Such a correlation could be used in an image from the Coastal Zone
Color Scanner (CZCS) satellite.
The CZCS satellite measures important ocean properties from space. It was designed specifically to measure
the temperature and color of the coastal zones of the oceans. The CZCS operates in six wavelength regions
(bands), including bands in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The four visible bands are used to map phytoplankton concentrations and inorganic suspended matter, such
as silt. The near-infrared channel can be used to map surface vegetation, while the thermal channel can be
used to measure sea surface temperatures.
You can use the Image Profile to examine changes in ocean properties as a function of distance from the
coastline or along the perimeter of a coastline.You can demonstrate graphically how chlorophyll, temperature,
suspended sediment, and gelbstoff (the yellow substance of interest to marine researchers) vary along the
coastal waters in a CZCS image.
Drawn across a DEM, a profile will give information on how the elevation changes from one point to another,
giving a cross-sectional perspective of the terrain.
The vector profile is normally interpreted from left to right; however, if the end points of the vector occupy the
same X position, the profile is interpreted from top to bottom. In the event of a closed shape, the profile is
interpreted in a clockwise direction from the start/end node of the closed shape.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

The graph is a profile of the image layer and shows the input channels plotted with the gray values on the
Y-axis, and the distance along the vector on the X-axis. The graph demonstrates how the gray values change
with distance.
In the case of an 8-bit RGB image layer, the range of the Y-axis is 0 to 255 and represents the 256 possible
gray-level values for each pixel of the red, green, and blue input channels.
The X-axis is measured in meters and represents the distance between the end points of the vector. The
range of the X-axis depends on the length of the vector and the scale of the area or the ground distance
covered by the image.

Using the mensuration bars

You can change the viewable range for both the X and Y axes, export the plot to a graphic file, change the
background color for the plot, and print the plot.

1. In the Maps tree, click an image layer.

2. From the Layer menu, click Profile.
3. From the Profile Table, click Options.
4. In the Profile Options window, click in the Current Channel column for a channel for which you want
use the measuring tools.
A red X indicates the channel is selected.
5. In the Profile Graph, drag the sliding bars to the region you want to measure.

Selecting vector profiles

If a vector is not selected, a simple line is automatically generated and used to calculate the profile. As an
alternative, you can create a vector or select an existing vector for the profile. To modify the profile vector,
use the Line Color editor or Vector Editing toolbar.

1. Draw or select an existing vector layer.

2. With either the Selection Tool cursor or the Vector Editing cursor, select the line in the view pane.
The values change in the Profile Table and the line is updated in the Profile Graph.

Using the spectra extraction tools

You can extract spectra from image data using multispectral or hyperspectral data.You begin spectra extraction
by configuring your data with the Spectra Extraction Configuration window. Focus creates a hyperspectral
metalayer to hold the extracted spectra. You must first specify the input file and channels you want to work
with. You can select an existing channel or you can create a new one.
The spectra extraction tools let you:
• Collect regions of interest from a hyperspectral image or a scatter plot.
• Review mean and ellipse information in a scatter plot for your spectra.
• Create and review spectra plots from a region of interest.
• Compare spectra signatures of regions with reference spectra from either a spectra library or another
• Save spectra to either an XLS or to an SPL library.
When you begin with no open data, the Spectra Extraction Configuration window automatically creates a
new map and area for your work. If a map and an area are already open in and the input file has the same

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Chapter 5: Image processing

georeferencing as the area, a new metalayer is added to the map and area. When georeferencing is
incompatible, a new area is added to the existing map.
When you have configured a metalayer, you can access both the Scatter Plot and Spectra Plot windows
from a menu in the Spectra Extraction window. Scatter plots and spectra plots are automatically linked to
the data you specify in the Spectra Extraction window.

Extracting spectra from a region of interest

You can define regions of interest manually in the view pane using the drawing tools and derive spectral
signatures for them. You can manually create regions of interest using the New Shapes tool. The resulting
spectral end members can be used as input into spectral processing algorithms for image classification and
spectral unmixing.
Hyperspectral spectra extraction provides linking between image regions of interest, scatter plots, spectra
plots, and spectral libraries.
Related Links
Configuring a hyperspectral metalayer on page 169

About the Spectra Extraction Configuration window

The Spectra Extraction Configuration window lets you select input channel data and choose a bit depth for
your output data.
Lets you enter a file name and location or browse for the data you want to use as input.
Opens the File Selector window, where you can locate and select input data.
Region of Interest Channel:
Lets you create a region of interest by either selecting a layer from the input data or creating a new layer.
You can also set the bit-depth of a new layer.
Lets you choose a layer from an input data file or create a new layer.
Lets you choose a bit-depth for a new layer.
Opens the Spectra Extraction window and transfers the settings you made in the Spectra Extraction
Configuration window.

Configuring a hyperspectral metalayer

During spectra extraction configuration, a metalayer is created in the Files tree. When you right-click a new
metalayer in the Maps tree, you open a sub menu with commands for the Spectra Extraction Configuration
window, the Spectra Extraction window, the Spectra Plotting window, and the Scatter Plot window. You can
link between the image and a region of interest defined by a mask layer and work with scatter plots and
spectra plots.
Metalayer analysis is based on wavelength metadata. Files must be either .pix format or linked to a .pix file.
The region of interest channel must be added to a .pix file when using compressed data.

1. From the Analysis menu, click Spectra Extraction.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

2. In the Spectra Extraction Configuration window, choose an input file from the Input list box.
If no file is available, click Browse, locate and select a file in the File Selector window, and click Open.
3. In the Region of Interest Channel area, choose a region of interest channel from the Layer list box.
If you want to change the bit depth of the layer, choose one from the Type list box. You must select a
channel type if you are creating a new layer.
4. Click OK.

About the Spectra Extraction window

The Spectra Extraction window displays the channels in the regions of interest in a table and is linked to the
Spectra Plotting window. The spectra table lists the channels used to generate endmember or sample
signatures from selected pixels within a region of interest. You can either choose a channel as a region of
interest or create a new channel and draw a bitmap mask over the region in the view pane.
The Spectra Extraction window lets you specify details for a region of interest, edit the spectra list in the
spectra table, change spectra attributes, and adjust layer opacity.

Region menu
The Region menu has options for adding spectra channels, importing bitmap and vector layers, merging
channels, and exporting channels to create new files.
Adds a new channel to the spectra table.
Lets you import vector or bitmap data to the spectra table.
Allows you to import vector regions from an existing vector segment for regions of interest and opens the
Import Vectors window.
Allows you to import bitmaps from an existing bitmap layer for regions of interest and it opens the Import
Bitmaps window.
Allows you to merge multiple regions of interest that you select from a source region and opens the Merge
Classes window.
Export Regions to Bitmaps:
Lets you export a region to a bitmap.

Edit menu
The Edit menu has options that let you clear and delete the channels listed in the spectra table.
Clear Selected:
Clears a channel selected in the spectra table.
Clear All:
Clears all of the channels listed in the spectra table.
Delete Selected:
Deletes a channel selected in the spectra table.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Delete All:
Deletes all of the channels listed in the spectra table.

Tools menu
The Tools menu lets you access the Scatter Plot window and the Spectra Plotting window, and saves spectra
to a Spectra Library.
Scatter Plot:
Opens the Scatter Plot window.
Spectra Plot:
Opens the Spectra plotting window.
Save Spectra Signatures:
Opens the Save Spectra to Library window.

Spectra extraction table

The Spectra Extraction table lists spectra and lets you change several attributes in the table cells.
Lets you change the channel value for a channel listed in the table.
Lets you enter a new name for a channel.
Shows the color of the bitmap layer for the channel showing in the view pane.
Plot Mean:
Lets you include the plot mean information with the spectra channel when you save the spectra extraction
Plot Ellipse:
Lets you include plot ellipse information with the spectra channel when you save the spectra extraction
Lets you enter and edit a brief description for the spectra channel.
Lets you set an opacity value for the spectra bitmap. An opacity value of 100% makes the spectra bitmap
completely opaque. No underlying imagery is visible. An opacity value of zero makes the bitmap invisible.
Underlying imagery is completely visible.
Applies any changes you make with the Opacity slide control to the image in the view pane.
Save and Close:
Closes the Spectra Extraction window and saves the changes you have made.
Saves the changes you have made but leaves the Spectra Extraction window open.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

About the Import Vectors window

The Import Vectors window lets you select vectors and choose the attributes you want to import to the Spectra
Extraction window.
Opens the File Selector window, where you can change the source files from which to import vector data.
Destination Class:
Reports the region you have selected in the Spectra Extraction window to which you are importing vectors.
Lists the ID for a segment in the source data.
Interior Points:
Lets you include interior point data with the imported vectors.
Polygon Boundary:
Lets you include polygon boundary data with the imported vectors.
Lets you choose the attribute you want to include with the imported vectors.
Shows the descriptions for the vectors from the source files.
Uses the data and information you have set in the Import Vector window and imports it to the Spectra Extraction
window as rasterized data.

About the Import Bitmaps window

The Import Bitmaps window lets you choose bitmaps from your source data and import them to the Spectra
Extraction window.
Import As:
Lets you import a raster as a new channel in the Spectra Extraction window or import it as the channel you
have selected in the Spectra Extraction window.
New Class:
Imports the raster and adds it to the Spectra Extraction table.
Imports a raster as the channel you have selected in the Spectra Extraction window.
Bitmap List Window:
Lets you import the available bitmaps in the source data.
Overwrite existing training areas:
Lets you overwrite a selected channel in the Spectra Extraction window.
Imports the selected rasters to the Spectra Extraction window.

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Merging a spectra channel

The Merge Classes window lets you merge the attributes of one channel listed in the Spectra Extraction
window into another channel in the list.
Select Source Classes:
Reports the value, name, color, and description of the available source channels.
Reports the channel value for a channel listed in the source table.
Reports the name of a source channel.
Shows the color of the source bitmap.
Reports the description for the source spectra channel.
Select Destination Classes:
Reports the value, name, color, and description of the available destination channels.
Reports the channel value for a channel listed in the destination table.
Reports the name of a destination channel.
Shows the color of the destination bitmap.
Reports the description for the destination spectra channel.

1. In the Spectra Extraction window, click Region and then click Merge.
2. In the Merge Classes window, choose a source channel from the Select Source Classes table.
3. In the Select Destination Classes table, choose a destination channel.
4. Click Merge.

Related Links
Saving a spectral extraction on page 173

Saving a spectral extraction

The Save Spectra Signatures window lets you choose the files and spectra you want to save to the Spectra

1. Choose a file from the File list box.

If no file is listed, click Browse, locate and select a file in the File Selector window, and click Open.
2. Choose a mask to exclude any bitmap segment from the Spectral Extraction file from the Mask list box.
3. Enable one of the following Spectra Ranges options:
• Channel expresses spectra ranges in channels (bands) 1, 2-100

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• Wavelength expresses the spectra ranges in wavelengths (800um-12,000um)

4. Type a range based on the selected spectra range type in the Range Value box.
For example, if a spectra range is for a channel, an entered range of 5, -20, 30, -40 will yield spectrum
taken from channels 5 to 20 and channels 30 to 40; if spectra range is for a wavelength, an entered range
of 800, -1200, 1400, -2000 will yield spectrum taken from a wavelength of 800um to 1,200um and a
wavelength of 1,400um to 2,000um.
5. Enable any of the following check boxes:
• Save selected Spectra only saves only the spectra that you have selected
• Save ROIs to Bitmap layers saves the spectra as a bitmap layer

6. Click Save.

Plotting spectra
The Spectra Plotting window allows you to view and configure a detailed graph that plots radiometric quantity
and wavelength. You can import spectra from several sources that include the cursor position in the view
pane, a region of interest drawn in the view pane and listed in the Spectra Extraction window, and spectra
signatures from Spectra Library files.
Several tools allow you to control the data display of the spectra you are plotting. You can show or hide the
controls and work with the graph values by zooming to any graph region along a plot line.
Note: For information about spectral plotting with ATCOR, see Spectral Plotting with ATCOR on page 178.

Opening the Spectra Plotting window

You can plot spectra with an interactive graph tool that can be used independently or with the spectra extraction
tools allowing you to compare the signatures from a spectra library with the spectra in your regions of interest.

1. From the Maps tree, select a layer.

2. From the Layer menu, click Spectra Plot.

Radiometric quantity vs. wavelength graph

The Radiometric Quantity vs. Wavelength graph allows you to read radiometric and wavelength values for
both regions of interest and spectra library signatures in the same graph. The X and Y scales can be adjusted
using the Plotting Ranges and Graph Option controls. You can zoom to a region within the graph window by
dragging your mouse over the region you want to enlarge.
Measures radiometric quantities for spectra library samples.
Band Number or Wavelength [nm]:
Measures the band number or wavelength of both the library samples and your source data. The the graph
shows the unit of measure as Band Number or Wavelength in nm depending on the presence of radiometric
transformation metadata in the sample data. When no transformation metadata is present, the values are
shown as band numbers.
Measures radiometric quantities for the source data.

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Displayed spectra
The Displayed Spectra table and controls lists the spectra signatures available for viewing in the Spectra plot
graph. The table reports the spectra ID number, name, and color. The Displayed Spectra controls allow you
to show, hide, and change the color of the spectra plot lines and to choose new samples from a Spectra
Library and new areas of interest.
Assigns a number to spectra signatures in ascending chronological order.
Lists the names of each spectra signature.
Lists the plot line colors for each spectra signature in the table. You can change the color of a signature plot
line in the graph.
Lets you show or hide a signature plot line.
From Spectra File:
Opens the Select Spectra From Library window. You can change spectra libraries and choose more spectra
From Regions:
Imports spectra listed in the Spectra Extraction window table and makes them available for viewing in the
Spectra Plotting window.
From Image:
Imports spectra from the cursor position within the view pane and adds the spectra values to the table, making
them available for viewing in the Spectra Plotting window.
Clear Spectrum:
Clears a selected spectrum from the Display Spectra table.
Clear All:
Clears all of the spectra signatures listed in the Display Spectra table.
Save Spectra:
Opens the Save Spectra to Library window, where you can add a spectra to a Spectra library.
Window Size Around Cursor:
Lets you choose a kernel size for the sample taken in the view pane at your cursor location.
Spectra Quantity to Sample:
When your data contains radiometric transformation metadata, the transformed spectra are listed in the
Spectra Quantity to Sample box. You can choose which of the transformation quantities you want to sample
from the list.
The possible radiometric transformations are:
• Uncalibrated digital number (DN) values
• Non-physical adjustment
• At-sensor (apparent) radiance
• Scene radiance
• Scene irradiance

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Chapter 5: Image processing

• Reflectance
Hyperspectral Image:
Let you work with hyperspectral image data.
Wavelength First:
Lets you adjust the starting wavelength value upward from the default hyperspectral wavelength, read from
the file data.
Lets you adjust the last wavelength value downward from the default hyperspectral wavelength, read from
the file data.
Allows you to choose bitmap masks in your source files.

Graph options
The Graph options allow you to change the way the graph lines for the Spectra plot are shown.
Lets you show numbered scales on the graph for library, image, and wavelength values. Plot lines are
superimposed so that the values can be compared directly.
Shows a numbered scale for wavelength values only. Plot lines are separated so that the plot shapes can
be compared.
Lets you enter an offset for the graph plot lines.

Plotting ranges
The Plotting Ranges area lets you set several parameters for a spectra plot.
Adjust Plot Range To Data:
Automatically adjusts the spectra plot to show all the values in the data.
X-axis Min:
Lets you enter a minimum range for the graph X-axis.
Lets you enter a maximum range for the graph X-axis.
Image Min:
Lets you enter a minimum range value for data plotted from the cursor position in the view pane.
Lets you enter a maximum range value for data plotted from the cursor position in the view pane.
Library Min:
Lets you enter a minimum range value for data plotted from a spectra library signature file.
Lets you enter a maximum range value for data plotted from a spectra library signature file.

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Same As Image:
Matches the graph values to the cursor values from the image in the view pane.

The report area reports information for spectra signatures selected in the Displayed Spectra table based on
both the entire spectra and on specific pixel/line coordinates.
Current Spectrum:
Reports the ID for a spectra selected in the Displayed Spectra table.
Reports the wavelength of a spectra selected in the Displayed Spectra table.
Reports the intensity of a spectra selected in the Displayed Spectra table.
Current Pixel:
Reports the pixel location.
Current Line:
Reports the line location.
Reports the pixel wavelength value for the pixel/line location.
Reports the pixel intensity value for the pixel/line location.
Hide Controls and Show Controls:
Hides or shows all controls for the Spectra Plot window.
Zoom In:
Zooms into the plot lines in the spectra plot graph.
Zoom Out:
Zooms out of the plot lines in the spectra plot graph.
Zoom Overview:
Zooms the plot lines in the spectra plot graph to an overview showing the extents of the plotted values.

Selecting a spectra library

The Select Spectra From File window lets you open spectra library files, choose spectra, and add them to
the table in the Spectra Plotting window.
Spectra File:
Lets you enter a spectra file from which to choose spectra signatures.
Lets you find a spectra file from which you can select files for export to the Spectra Plotting window.
Library window:
Lists the spectra contained in an open spectra file.
Add to Plot:

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Exports the selected spectra in the list in the Library window to the Spectra Plotting window.

1. From the Spectra Plotting window, click From Spectra File.

2. In the Select Spectra From Library, choose a library file from the Spectral Library list box.
If no library file is listed, click Browse and locate and open a different spectra library file or folder. Spectra
libraries use a .spl file name extension.
3. In the Spectra Library, select the spectra you want to add to the Spectra Plotting table.
4. Click Add to Plot.

Changing the graph options

The Select Spectra From File window lets you open spectra library files, choose spectra, and add them to
the table in the Spectra Plotting window.
Spectra File:
Lets you enter a spectra file from which to choose spectra signatures.
Lets you find a spectra file from which you can select files for export to the Spectra Plotting window.
Library window:
Lists the spectra contained in an open spectra file.
Add to Plot:
Exports the selected spectra in the list in the Library window to the Spectra Plotting window.

1. Choose either Channel Number or Wavelength from the X axis labelling list box.
2. Choose a wave record from the Wave record list box.
3. Choose a number to represent the window size from the Window size around cursor list box.

Saving a spectra plot

You can choose the files and spectra you want to save to the spectra library.

1. Choose a file from the File list box.

If no file is listed, click Browse, locate and select a file in the File Selector window, and click Open.
2. Enable any of the following check boxes:
• Save selected Spectra only: saves only the spectra that you have selected
• Save ROIs to Bitmap layers: saves the spectra as a bitmap layer

3. Click Save.

Spectral Plotting with ATCOR

For Atmospheric Correction images, the Spectral Plot is used to verify the input atmospheric parameters and
calibration coefficients. Specifically, the spectral plot verifies the following:
• Atmospheric Definition Area (aerosol types)
• Condition (water vapor columns)
• Visibility
• Calibration Coefficients

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Chapter 5: Image processing

When spectra is extracted from an input ATCOR image, the values in the plotter are internally converted to
apparent reflectance values, based on the input settings (Atmospheric Definition Area, Conditions, etc.). The
spectral curve extracted from the input image may be compared to the spectral curve of a similar feature
loaded from the spectral library, allowing the user to compare and analyze the two curves, and adjust the
input atmospheric and calibration parameters to achieve the most accurate output reflectance image.
Because the spectral plot assumes a constant atmosphere, output from a spatially varying atmospheric
correction will differ from the original. The same holds true for the BRDF Correction and Terrain Reflectance
parameters specified in the Advanced Options window.

Editing digital elevation models

Digital elevation models (DEMs) may contain pixels with failed or incorrect values. You can edit a DEM to
smooth out irregularities and create a more accurate model. For example, areas such as lakes often contain
misleading elevation values; setting those areas to a constant value improves the model. For suggestions
about how to correct common irregularities, see Applying tool strategies for common situations in DEMs on
page 186.
You can use a bitmap or vector mask to identify specific areas that you want to edit. The mask itself does
not change the values in the area that it covers, but you can use the tools in the DEM Editing window to
modify the data under the mask.
Explore the following topics for detailed information:

Opening the DEM editing window

To open the DEM Edit window:

1. In Focus, open the file that contains the digital elevation model to modify.
Typically, editing is most effective when the DEM is displayed as a grayscale layer.
Note: When editing a DEM, it is useful to also load reference data so that you can easily identify areas
in the DEM to edit.

2. Select the DEM layer from the Maps treelist. From the Focus menu, select Layer > DEM Editing.
The DEM Editing window opens.
Note: The layer that contains the DEM must be selected to enable the DEM Editing menu option.

Defining DEM special values

The top panel of the DEM Editing window contains two fields to define special values that affect the entire
DEM. These are the Failed and Background values.
To define the DEM special values:

1. In the Failed field, specify the value given to pixels for which the generation of elevation values failed.
The failure value identifies the areas that can be interpolated and filled. This value should be outside the
range of valid elevation values.
2. In the Background field, type the value assigned to the area that lies outside the DEM.
The background value can be a maximum or minimum value, such as -150 or -9999.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Note: If the input DEM file contains the appropriate metadata, Focus automatically populates these fields.
If no metadata is found, the fields are left blank.

Working with polygon masks

A mask is a bitmap or vector shape that identifies specific areas to edit. The mask does not change the values
in the area that it covers. The DEM Editing window allows you to work with polygon (vector) or bitmap masks.
Vector masks are typically used to edit DTMs produced from airphotos, where considerable cleanup is
required; for example, flattening lakes, removing buildings, and adding bridges).
To edit a DEM using a polygon mask:

1. In the DEM Editing window, select the Edit via Polygons tab.
The tab displays all the options available to work with vector masks.
2. Use the Vector Operations toolbar icons to perform standard editing functions.

Icon Description
Edit the Vector Layer: enables the New Shapes tool to draw DEM editing polygons

Vector Editing: access the standard vector editing tools

Open a Vector Layer: allows you to open an existing DEM editing polygon mask layer

New Vector Layer: creates a new DEM editing polygon layer

Clear the Vector Layer: deletes all polygons from the DEM editing polygon layer

Save the Vector Layer: saves the DEM editing polygon layer for further editing operations.

Related Links
Adjusting pixel values for a lake on page 187

Opening an existing vector mask layer

A vector mask layer contains polygons that identify specific areas of the DEM to edit. The DEM Editing
window allows you to save the working mask layer so that you can open it at a later time and re-use it for
further editing purposes.
To open a mask layer previously saved through the DEM Editing window:

From the DEM Editing window's Vector Operations toolbar, click the Open a Vector Layer icon.
2. In the Select Layer window, click the arrow beside the File field to select the file that contains the vector
mask layer, or click Browse to navigate to the file.
3. From the Layers Available list, select the layer that contains the vector mask.
4. Click OK.
The mask layer is loaded in Focus.
5. Use the editing tools to create or modify polygons.

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See Editing vectors in Focus on page 275 for details.

If desired, click the Save icon to save any changes you have made to the mask layer.

Related Links
Adjusting pixel values for a lake on page 187

Creating a new vector mask layer

To create a new vector mask layer:

From the DEM Editing window's Vector Operations toolbar, click the New Vector Layer icon.
Focus creates a new temporary file to contain the vector layer. You can save the layer to the current file,
or to a different file.
2. Use the editing tools to create or modify polygons.
See Editing vectors in Focus on page 275 for details.
If desired, click the Save icon to save the DEM Editing Polygons layer.
By default, Focus creates a temporary layer for DEM editing. To save the polygon masks created while
editing, you must save them to a new layer in your project. See Saving a mask layer on page 181 for more

Related Links
Adjusting pixel values for a lake on page 187

Saving a mask layer

By default, Focus creates a temporary layer for DEM editing. You can save the masks created while editing
to a layer in your project, allowing you to open the layer at a later time and re-use it for further editing purposes.
To save a mask layer:

1. In the DEM Editing window, edit a new or existing mask layer, adding, deleting, or modifying mask areas.
Click the Save icon to save the layer.
If this is the first time you save the mask layer, the New Item Detected window appears. An existing mask
layer is saved immediately.
3. In the New Item Detected window's Input section, the Layer field shows the layer description; for example,
DEM Editing Polygons, or DEM Editing Bitmap.
Note: For a vector mask layer, you can choose to save only selected shapes or attribute fields. Be aware,
however, that if you save only selected fields, you will not be able to re-use the mask layer for further DEM
editing purposes. By default, Focus saves all shapes and fields in the layer.

4. Under Output, in the File field, click the arrow to select from the list of available files, or click Browse to
navigate to a different file.
5. From the Format list, select the format for the new mask file.
6. Click Options to define output GDB format options. This field is available only for some output formats.
7. In the Layer field, type the name of a new layer, or select from a list of available layers.
If you select an existing layer, Focus overwrites any existing content in the layer.

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Replacing elevation values under a vector mask

After you have created a mask, you can apply a series of fill operations to update the elevation values under
the selected polygon.
To fill areas under a vector mask:

1. In the Focus viewer, with the DEM Editing Polygons layer active, select a polygon under which to apply
the fill operation.
The selected polygon appears outlined in cyan.
You can apply a fill operation only to a single polygon. If multiple polygons are selected, the fill options in
the DEM Editing window are disabled.
2. In the DEM Editing window, under Fill Under Polygons, select the fill Method and define the Value or
Size of the filter, if required.
Select one of the following:
• Constant value: all pixels under the polygon are set to the elevation specified in the Value field. This
method is useful to set a lake to a predetermined height, or to create a ‘clean’ building shape.
• Relative value: all pixels under the polygon have the specified Value added (or subtracted) to them.
This method is useful to remove forests of a specific height while still following the general contour of
the terrain.
• Average of Shape: all of the pixels under the mask are set to the average of those pixels; this value is
then shown in the Value field.
• Average Filter: applies a smoothing filter to the pixels under the mask. The value entered in the Size
field defines the size of the filter. The default filter size is 7x7, or the last user-specified value. This
method is useful to flatten areas while still preserving the overall terrain.
• Median Filter: applies a median smoothing filter to the pixels under the mask. The value entered in the
Size field defines the size of the filter. The default filter size is 7x7, or the last user-specified value.
Large sizes such as 100 may flatten roads side to side and completely filter out small bumps (such as
a car).
• Opposite Ends: This method is useful for editing bridges, for example. Focus examines the selected
polygon on each short end and finds an average elevation for each end (for example, where a bridge
touches the ground). These two elevations are then used in an interpolation along the length of the
• From Edges: deletes the data under the polygon and fills in from the edges
• No Action: this is a simple way to indicate that the area under the polygon should not be changed; for
example, an island in a lake (polygon within polygon).

3. To apply blending, select the Blend Width check mark, and specify an amount (in pixels).
Blending reduces the appearance of seams by mixing the pixels values just outside of the polygon to
achieve a gradual transition between the masked and unmasked areas. Typing '5', for example, will create
a linear ramp of values from the mask edge to 5 pixels away.
By default, no blending is applied. When selected, the default blend width is 0.
4. Click Apply to apply the selected operation to the DEM.
By default, the Apply operation does not overwrite any previously edited values. To apply a fill method to
these areas, click Apply with Overwrite.
For example, if you have already edited a series of buildings and wish to smooth the area surrounding
them, draw a polygon to encompass the buildings and apply a strong smoothing filter under the polygon
using the Apply button. The previously edited buildings remain unchanged.
5. Optionally select Apply Blending Subsequently to indicate that, during any future editing operations,
pixels under the currently selected mask are allowed to be blended. If the currently selected polygon

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Chapter 5: Image processing

represents an area that should not have a smooth transition between it and surrounding areas (a bridge,
for example), ensure that the Allow Blending Subsequently option is unchecked.

Working with bitmap masks

A mask is a bitmap or vector shape that identifies specific areas to edit. The mask does not change the values
in the area that it covers. The DEM Editing window allows you to work with polygon (vector) or bitmap masks.
Raster bitmap masks are typically used to edit DEMs that contain many elevation failures.
To edit a DEM using a bitmap mask:

1. In the DEM Editing window, select the Edit via Bitmap tab.
The tab displays all the options available to work with bitmap masks.
2. Use the Mask Operations toolbar icons to perform standard editing functions.

Icon Description
Edit the Mask Layer: enables the New Shapes tool to draw a DEM editing mask

Open a Mask Layer: allows you to open an existing DEM editing mask layer

Mask Failed Pixels

Clear the Mask Layer: deletes all masks from the DEM editing bitmap layer

Save the Mask Layer: saves the DEM editing bitmap layer for further editing operations

Related Links
Adjusting pixel values for a lake on page 187
Adjusting pixel values for multiple lakes on page 187
Compensating for forests and urban areas on page 188

Opening an existing bitmap mask layer

A bitmap mask layer contains regions that identify specific areas of the DEM to edit. The DEM Editing window
allows you to save the working mask layer so that you can open it at a later time and re-use it for further
editing purposes.
To open a mask layer previously saved through the DEM Editing window:

From the DEM Editing window's Mask Operations toolbar, click the Open a Mask Layer icon.
2. In the Select Layer window, click the arrow beside the File field to select the file that contains the bitmap
mask layer, or click Browse to navigate to the file.
3. From the Layers Available list, select the layer that contains the bitmap mask.
4. Click OK.
The mask layer is loaded in Focus.
Use the Edit Mask Layer tool to digitize areas of the DEM that you want to edit.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

If desired, click the Save icon to save any changes you have made to the mask layer.

Related Links
Adjusting pixel values for a lake on page 187
Adjusting pixel values for multiple lakes on page 187

Creating a new bitmap mask layer

To create a new bitmap mask layer:

From the DEM Editing window's Mask Operations toolbar, click the New Mask Layer icon.
Focus creates a new temporary file to contain the bitmap layer. You can save the layer to the current file,
or to a different file.
Use the Edit Mask Layer tool to digitize areas of the DEM that you want to edit.
If desired, click the Save icon to save any changes you have made to the mask layer.
By default, Focus creates a temporary layer for DEM editing. To save the masks created while editing,
you must save them to a new layer in your project. See Saving a mask layer on page 181 for more

Related Links
Adjusting pixel values for a lake on page 187

Saving a mask layer

By default, Focus creates a temporary layer for DEM editing. You can save the masks created while editing
to a layer in your project, allowing you to open the layer at a later time and re-use it for further editing purposes.
To save a mask layer:

1. In the DEM Editing window, edit a new or existing mask layer, adding, deleting, or modifying mask areas.
Click the Save icon to save the layer.
If this is the first time you save the mask layer, the New Item Detected window appears. An existing mask
layer is saved immediately.
3. In the New Item Detected window's Input section, the Layer field shows the layer description; for example,
DEM Editing Polygons, or DEM Editing Bitmap.
Note: For a vector mask layer, you can choose to save only selected shapes or attribute fields. Be aware,
however, that if you save only selected fields, you will not be able to re-use the mask layer for further DEM
editing purposes. By default, Focus saves all shapes and fields in the layer.

4. Under Output, in the File field, click the arrow to select from the list of available files, or click Browse to
navigate to a different file.
5. From the Format list, select the format for the new mask file.
6. Click Options to define output GDB format options. This field is available only for some output formats.
7. In the Layer field, type the name of a new layer, or select from a list of available layers.
If you select an existing layer, Focus overwrites any existing content in the layer.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Replacing elevation values under a bitmap mask

After you have created a mask, you can apply a series of fill operations to update the elevation values under
the mask areas.
To fill areas under a bitmap mask:

1. In the Focus viewer, select the DEM Editing Bitmap layer under which to apply the fill operation.
2. In the DEM Editing window, under Area Fills Under Mask, select the fill Method and define the Value
or Size of the filter, if required.
Select one of the following:
• Average of Each Shape: all pixels under each distinct mask shape are set to the average of those
• Average of All Shapes: all pixels anywhere under the mask are set to the average of those pixels
• Specified Value: all pixels under the mask are set to the elevation specified in the Value field. This
method is useful to set a lake to a predetermined height, or to create a 'clean' building shape.

3. Click Fill to change the elevation value under the mask.

Filtering and interpolating DEM values

You can use the filters available under Filtering and Interpolation to eliminate failed or incorrect values in
a digital elevation model (DEM).You can apply each filter repeatedly and in different combinations to achieve
a cumulative effect. You can also apply the filter to the entire DEM, or limit the operation to a specific area.
To apply filtering or interpolation to a DEM:

1. From the DEM Editing window, select a filter from the list in the Filtering and Interpolation section.
Available options are:
• Remove Noise Filter: Noise refers to pixels containing distorted or failed values. Because pixels adjacent
to failed pixels also tend to contain incorrect values, the Remove Noise Filter uses two filters to identify
failed pixel values and their surrounding pixels:
• The first filter calculates the average and variance of the eight elevation values immediately
surrounding each pixel, excluding failed and background pixels. If the center pixel is more than two
standard deviations away from the average, it is replaced with the failed value.
• The second filter counts the number of failed values immediately surrounding each pixel. If five or
more failed pixels border the center pixel, the center pixel is also set to a failed value.

• Erode holes: Because pixels adjacent to failed pixels also tend to contain incorrect values, the Erode
holes filter replaces the eight pixels around each failed pixel with the failed value. When you apply the
filter under a mask, the mask enlarges to cover any additional pixels replaced by the failed value.
• Median Filter: Ranks the pixel values within a 5x5 pixel frame according to elevation value. The median
is the middle value of those pixel values, which is then assigned to the pixel in the center of the frame.
• Smooth DEM: A Gaussian filter calculates the weighted average of all the pixels in a 3x3 pixel frame
and assigns the value to the center pixel in the frame. Failed and background pixel values are not
replaced by the filter and are not used in the Gaussian calculation.
• Interpolate: Replaces failed values with an estimate weighted by distance calculated from the valid
pixels surrounding the failed pixel(s). The algorithm used to calculate the estimate is adequate for small
areas of less than 200 pixels, but is not recommended for larger areas.

2. Select one of the following options:

• Entire DEM: applies the filter to the entire DEM

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Chapter 5: Image processing

• Use Mask: limits the filter to a specific area

3. Click Apply.

Tips and shortcuts for editing DEMs

Depending on the quality of your DEM and the level of detail required, editing a DEM can be a laborious
process. The following tips and shortcuts may help to increase your productivity.

• When editing a DEM, it is useful to have both the DEM and reference data loaded so that you can see
the areas that you want to edit. Open and display both the DEM and reference layers in Focus, and select
the DEM layer to access the DEM Editing window.
• Consider enabling the Auto Re-enhance option for the DEM layer so that, as you move through the data,
the view is automatically refreshed in the Focus viewer to display good contrast. This option is available
only when the DEM is displayed as a grayscale layer.
To enable Auto Re-enhance:
1. Select the grayscale DEM layer from the Focus Maps treelist, and right-click to display the context
2. Select Properties, then select the Source LUTs tab from the Grayscale Layer Properties window.
3. Select the Auto Re-enhance check mark, and click OK.

Key Shortcuts
• F12: Press F12 to toggle the visibility of the top-most raster map layer. For example, if your DEM layer is
on top of an image, press F12 to toggle the DEM layer on and off. This can be helpful while digitizing a
• F11: Press F11 to toggle the visibility of the topmost vector layer. For example, when digitizing a polygon
mask, it may be useful to turn off the polygon layer itself.
• F9: Press F9 to re-center the display around the cursor's current location. This can be useful when digitizing;
as you reach the edge of the display area, press F9 to re-center the display.

Zooming and panning

• To zoom in on the image, click the Zoom In button or roll the mouse scroll wheel up.
• To zoom out, click the Zoom Out button or roll the mouse scroll wheel down.
The view centers and zooms incrementally.
• To pan the image, select the Pan button. Hold down the Shift key (horizontal pan) or the Alt key (vertical
pan) while rolling the mouse scroll wheel.
• To temporarily access Pan mode, press down and drag the mouse scroll wheel.

Applying tool strategies for common situations in DEMs

Editing DEMs requires an understanding of the desired results. Each DEM presents a variety of problematic
situations. The following examples present the most common problems and provide some methods to handle
Related Links
Filtering and interpolating DEM values on page 185

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Adjusting pixel values for a lake

Because lakes have no features that can be used for matching during DEM extraction, lakes in a DEM often
contain failed pixel values or incorrect elevation values.
Note: This procedure could also be used for other DEM editing tasks, such as neutralizing cloud-covered
areas. When clouds obscure a large area over rugged or mountainous terrain, the area may be too complex
to interpolate. To avoid confounding the data, you can set the entire area to the background value.
To adjust pixel values for a lake:

1. In Focus, open the file that contains the digital elevation model to modify.
Also load reference data to easily identify areas in the DEM to edit.
2. With the DEM layer selected in the Focus Maps treelist, select Layer > DEM Editing.
The DEM Editing window opens.
3. To work with a bitmap mask, do the following:
a) In the DEM Editing window, select the Edit via Bitmap tab.
b) Click the New Mask Layer button. See Creating a new bitmap mask layer on page 184 for details.
c) Click the Edit the Mask Layer button and draw a bitmap over the lake to be updated.
d) From the Area Fills Under Mask section, select Specified Value from the Method list.
e) In the Value field, type a value for the lake elevation.
f) Click Fill.
4. To work with a vector mask, do the following:
a) In the DEM Editing window, select the Edit via Polygons tab.
b) Click the New Vector Layer button. See Creating a new vector mask layer on page 181 for details.
c) Click the Edit the Vector Layer button and draw a polygon over the lake to be updated.
d) From the Fill Under Polygon section, select Constant Value from the Method list.
e) In the Value field, type a value for the lake elevation.
f) Click Apply.
5. Optionally, click the Clear Layer button, or Save the mask layer.
6. Click Close to close the DEM Editing window.

Related Links
Working with polygon masks on page 180
Working with bitmap masks on page 183
Creating a new bitmap mask layer on page 184
Opening an existing bitmap mask layer on page 183
Creating a new vector mask layer on page 181
Opening an existing vector mask layer on page 180

Adjusting pixel values for multiple lakes

This procedure applies only when working with bitmap masks. It assumes you have a bitmap in which each
of the lakes are already identified.

1. In Focus, open the file that contains the digital elevation model to modify.
Also load the reference data to easily identify areas in the DEM to edit.
2. With the DEM layer selected in the Focus Maps treelist, select Layer > DEM Editing.
The DEM Editing window opens.

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3. In the DEM Editing window, select the Edit via Bitmap tab.
4. Open the mask layer.
See Opening an existing bitmap mask layer on page 183 for details.
5. From the Area Fills Under Mask section, select Average of Each Shape from the Method list.
6. Click Fill.
7. Optionally, click the Clear Layer button, or Save the mask layer.
8. Click Close to close the DEM Editing window.

Related Links
Working with bitmap masks on page 183
Opening an existing bitmap mask layer on page 183

Compensating for forests and urban areas

The repetitive textures of forests and urban areas often cause those areas to contain a lot of failed values,
noise, and poorly correlated elevation values.
To compensate for forests and urban areas:

1. In Focus, open the file that contains the digital elevation model to modify.
Also load the reference data to easily identify areas in the DEM to edit.
2. Create a mask over the area to edit.
For more information, see Working with bitmap masks on page 183 or Working with polygon masks on
page 180.
3. With the DEM layer selected in the Focus Maps treelist, select Layer > DEM Editing.
The DEM Editing window opens.
4. In the DEM Special Values section, specify the Failed value.
5. In the DEM Editing window, select the Edit via Bitmap tab.
6. Click the New Mask Layer button.
7. Click the Fill Mask from Failed button to have all failed pixels identified in a mask.
8. From the Filtering and Interpolation list, select Interpolate.
9. Select the Use Mask option, and click Apply.
10. Optionally, click the Clear Layer button, or Save the layer.
11. Click Close to close the DEM Editing window.

Related Links
Working with bitmap masks on page 183

Removing noise from a DEM

Noise is a random occurrence of irrelevant or miscorrelated values distributed throughout a DEM that reduces
its accuracy. The following procedure usually produces a satisfactory DEM, except for areas containing large
bodies of water, such as lakes.
Note: This procedure applies only when working with bitmap masks.
To remove noise from a DEM:

1. In Focus, open the file that contains the digital elevation model to modify.

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Also load the reference data to easily identify areas in the DEM to edit.
2. Ensure that all large bodies of water, such as lakes, are corrected.
For more information, see Adjusting pixel values for multiple lakes on page 187.
3. With the DEM layer selected in the Focus Maps treelist, select Layer > DEM Editing.
The DEM Editing window opens.
4. From the Filtering and Interpolation list, select Remove Noise Filter.
5. Select the Entire DEM option, and click Apply.
6. Click Apply again.
7. From the Filtering and Interpolation list, select Interpolate.
8. Select the Entire DEM option, and click Apply.
9. From the Filtering and Interpolation list, select Smooth Filter.
10. Select the Entire DEM option, and click Apply.
11. Click Apply again.
12. Optionally, click the Clear Layer button, or Save the layer.
13. Click Close to close the DEM Editing window.

Related Links
Adjusting pixel values for a lake on page 187
Adjusting pixel values for multiple lakes on page 187

Working with scatter plots

Scatter plots are primarily used as data visualization tools. Each plot shows the correlation between the
histograms for two channels.
Pixel distributions for the two specified image channels display in the scatter plot using one channel as the
X-axis and the other as the Y-axis. They allow you to see where the majority of data values (or pixels) are
concentrated. Frequency values at each point are color coded. Scatter plots also calculate relevant statistics
and display at the bottom of the scatter plot.
Natural groupings of the spectral data are best illustrated with a two-channel data set. For image data with
more than two channels, it is difficult to plot the values and visually identify natural spectral groupings. Statistical
techniques can be used to automatically group an n-dimensional set of observations into natural spectral
classes. This procedure is called cluster analysis.
A scatter plot can reduce the number of channels used for a classification. If two channels have a very high
correlation, you can omit one or the other as input for the classification.You can also determine which portion
of the spectra a given bitmap or training area occupies, and you can use a scatter plot to determine the
homogeneity of a bitmap or training area. If the scatter plot for the bitmap is tightly clustered with few outlying
pixels, the spectral response for that area is homogenous in the selected image layers.
Plot Scale
For 8 bit imagery, the scatter plot axis are 256 pixels by 256 pixels. The top-left pixel represents the number
of pixels with a value of 255 for the input channel on the Y-axis and zero for the input channel on the X-axis.
The bottom-right pixel represents the number of pixels with a value of 255 for the input channel on the X-axis
and zero for the input channel on the Y-axis. When images are outside the 0-255 range, the imagery is scaled
to fit within that range. When images are outside the 0-255 range, the maximum digital number (DN) value
is used for the plot scale.
Pixel Brightness

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Is determined by the frequency of pixels in the image with a given gray-level value. Bright areas indicate
common combinations and black areas indicate combinations that rarely occur.
Scatter plots typically show a bright smear in one area of the plot. By default, the plot appears with input
channel 1 on the X-axis and input channel 2 on the Y-axis.
In the controls area of the Scatter Plot window, you can specify the channels you want to show as the X and
Y axes. A color scheme for the plot and a lookup table (LUT) can be applied to either channel.
The Mask option allows you to create a scatter plot of a region under a bitmap mask. You can also create a
scatter plot of the entire raster. When creating a scatter plot of the entire raster, you set the Mask option to
None. The Mask list box displays all of the bitmap layers that are in the current area. The bitmap layers are
listed whether they are saved or not and for each saved bitmap, both the file and layer names are displayed.
The Statistics section displays the linear equation derived from a linear regression calculation and the
correlation coefficient associated with the scatter plot. A value of 'N/A' (Not Applicable) is given if these
statistics cannot be calculated (usually if one of the selected channels is empty). The correlation coefficient
measures the similarities of the two image channels. A value of one indicates a complete correlation between
two images, whereas a value of zero indicates there is no correlation between images. The A -1 value indicates
a negative correlation.
Hyperspectral Metalayer
If you want to view the scatter plot of a hyperspectral metalayer, you must first open the metalayer in the
Maps tree.
Related Links
Configuring a hyperspectral metalayer on page 169

Viewing the scatter plot for a layer

You can view the scatter plot for a layer using the Scatter Plot window, which can be opened from the Layer
menu in Focus or from the training area collection window for a supervised classification.

1. From the Maps tree, select an image layer or a hyperspectral metalayer.

2. From the Layer menu, click Scatter Plot.

Related Links
Changing the display of the scatter plot on page 190

Changing the input channel for the X and Y axes

From the Scatter Plot window, choose a channel from the X axis and Y axis list boxes.

The frequency is displayed using a simple grayscale or a pseudocolor table.

Changing the display of the scatter plot

1. To specify which values are compared (for the Hyperspectral Scatter Plot only), select one of the following
options in the Hyperspectral Scatter Plot window:
• Entire file: plots all the values in the two channels
• Selected classes: plots only the values in the selected regions of the two channels (the Mask list is

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Chapter 5: Image processing

2. From the Scatter Plot window, do any of the following:

• To change the color scheme of the display, select one of the following options:
• Gray: displays the plot with grayscale representation
• Pseudo: displays the plot with pseudocolor representation
Because the human eye can only detect approximately 16 shades of gray, the scatter plot is more
easily interpreted when displayed in pseudocolor with a white background. You can apply an LUT to
either input channel.
• To apply an LUT to the X or Y-axis input channel, select the Apply LUT check boxes for the X- and
Y-axis channels.
• To hide the controls, click Hide Controls.

Zooming into and out of a scatter plot

You can zoom into an area of a scatter plot that is displayed in the Scatter Plot window.

1. In the Scatter Plot window, position the cursor over the area of the scatter plot you want to zoom into.
2. Right-click and select Zoom In or drag a rectangle.
You can click Zoom Out to revert to the previous view of the scatter plot and Zoom to Overview to revert
to the original scatter plot.

Printing the scatter plot

1. From the Scatter Plot window, click Graph Controls to open the Graph Controls window.
2. From the Graph Controls window, select the Fix aspect ratio check box to fix the aspect ratio of a plot.
3. From the Graph Controls window, click Print to print the scatter plot.

Changing the x and y view ranges

You can control the range and hold the X and Y axes to the original relationship.

In the X View Range and Y View Range areas, enter a value in the Min and Max spin boxes.
The default range of values for 8-bit imagery is 0 to 255.

The range varies depending on the ground distance covered by an image and the length of a vector.

Exporting a profile
You can change the file format before selecting an output file.

1. In the Graph Controls window, choose a file format from the Format list box.
2. Click File.
3. In the File Selector window, enter a file name in the File name list box.
4. Click Save.
5. In the Graph Controls window, click Export.

Working with legend and color controls

From the Graph Controls window, do the following:

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Chapter 5: Image processing

1. In the Scatter Plot window, click Graph Controls.

2. To show a legend for the color scale, select the Show legend check box.
3. To change the background color for a scatter plot, choose a color from the Background palette.

Interpreting a profile table

In the case of an RGB layer, a Profile Table is a numerical representation of the RGB input channels of an
active image.
Sample Points and Distances
The table lists numeric information for each sample point along the current profile. A sample point is a pixel.
The spacing is determined by the pixel size. The range depends on the length of the vector and the image
scale. A field is displayed for each of the channels that is marked Visible in the Profile Options area.

From the Profile Table window, click Options.

Profile Options:
Gives you control over various aspects of the profile graph and table.You can control the following properties:
Displays the color used to represent each channel on the profile graph. You can change any color by clicking
on the color chip you want to change. This opens the Line Color editor based on the RGB color space. The
color representation of the channel's profile on the graph is changed.
A check mark in this field indicates that a particular channel is visible in the profile graph and profile table.
Current Channel:
Indicates which plotted channel is associated with the mensuration bars. There can be only one current
channel, which is indicated by an X. To select the current channel, click the appropriate field under the Current
Channel column.
Profile View:
Sets the coordinates for the horizontal axis of the Profile Graph. The sample point coordinates are based on
the image pixel size, in meters. Choose between Georeferenced and Sample Point coordinates. If
Georeferenced is selected, the values in the X axis are displayed in metres. If Sample Points are selected,
the values in the X axis represent pixel units. For example, if a vector line is 8000 m long, the maximum value
for the X axis if georeferenced is selected in the Profile options is 8000. If the imagery has a resolution of 30
m, the maximum value for the same line displayed using Sample points is approximately 267 (8000/30).

Changing the color of a channel

Color spaces have been developed as a means of describing color. Two of the most common color spaces
are RGB (Red-Green-Blue) and CMY (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow). The former is used by monitors and the latter
is usually used by printers. RGB and CMY can be difficult to understand.
Another color space, IHS (Intensity-Hue-Saturation) give a more accurate representation of how the eye
interprets color. IHS transformations are useful in digital image processing, as they allow for greater control
over the components that make up color.
You can change the color of any channel by clicking on its color chip. This opens the Line Color editor. The
color representation of a channel's profile on the graph is changed.

1. Click the color chip for the corresponding channel.

2. In the Line Color editor, move the Red, Green, or Blue slide controls to the left or right to adjust your

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3. Click Close.

To customize the color of the profile vector, use the Set Line Color tool on the Display toolbar.

Changing the profile vector color

1. Click a line.
2. On the Display toolbar, click the Set Line Color arrow and choose a color from the color palette.

About the Change Color window

The Change Color window allows you to create a custom color using one or a combination of the following
Basic Colors:
Is a palette of basic colors that are preset and cannot be modified.
Color Continuum:
Is a palette composed of all possible hue/saturation combined values.
Intensity/Lightness Scale:
Controls the brightness of the color. It is the only palette available if the chosen color model is Gray.
The color you create using the palettes is visually displayed alongside the color that is being replaced. These
are referred to as the New and Old colors, respectively.
The numeric representation of the new color opens in a series of data entry fields. You can edit the entries
in these fields and the new color changes accordingly. The number of fields present corresponds to the
chosen color model.
Is one of the additive color models and is based on the light being emitted from computer monitors. The three
primary colors are red, green, and blue. Combining the red, green, and blue colors in various proportions
produces all the colors on your screen.
Is one of the subtractive color models and is based on the amount of light being absorbed and reflected by
an ink film. This model is often used in printing. The primary colors are cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.
Is a more intuitive model based upon the way we perceive color. The primary components are hue (shade
of color), lightness/intensity (brightness of color), and saturation (strength or purity of color).
Is a continuum of gray values ranging from pure black to pure white.

Printing without the mensuration bars showing

You can print the profile graph by clicking Print at the bottom of the Graph Controls window.

1. Open the Profile Table window.

2. Click Options.
3. In the Profile Options window, click Close.
4. In the Graph Controls window, click Print.

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Using the profile statistics

You can open the Profile Statistics window by clicking the Statistics button in the Profile Table window.
Statistics are shown for each RGB channel in the selected layer. The window calculates the minimum,
maximum, average, weighted average, and weighted average summary statistics for the sample gray values
along the profile.
Weighted average is the most accurate measure of central tendency among sample points. The weight of a
sample gray value is the ratio of the length of a sample interval over the total distance of all the sample

Opening the GPS tool

The GPS Tool provides two functions: you can use it to update the position of the cursor within an Area layer
and as a data input device for a new vector layer. In either case, you must have an Area layer that contains
the appropriate georeferencing information open.
Before the GPS Tool can be opened, the GPS Receiver/Focus connection must be set. The GPS receiver
connection is made through the Focus Options window. (See Setting up a GPS receiver on page 85)

1. Ensure a GPS receiver is connected to the system according to manufacturer specifications and that it is
set up correctly.
2. From the Tools menu, click GPS Tool.

Using the GPS tool

1. Ensure a GPS connection has been established.

2. Open an Area layer containing appropriate georeferencing information.
The georeferencing bounds should correspond to the area where the GPS receiver is located. If the GPS
receiver is outside of these bounds, you cannot update the cursor or collect vectors.
3. From the Tools menu, click GPS Tool.

When the GPS Tool is active, you can use it to update the cursor position or to add vector data to an Area
in the project.

Updating the cursor position using the GPS receiver

1. Ensure the GPS Tool is open.

2. From the GPS Tool window, click one of the following buttons:
• Capture Stream: automatically updates the cursor position at the specified stream interval.
• If you want to stop the stream capture, click Finish.
• Capture Point: moves the cursor only once. To reset the cursor position using the GPS Receiver, click
the button again.

Inputting vector point data using the GPS receiver

1. Ensure the GPS connection has been established.

2. In the Maps tree, right-click an Area layer and click New Vector Layer.
3. In the New Vector Layer window, enable the Point option.
4. Click OK.
5. In the Maps tree, select New Point Layer.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

6. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow list and click Points.
7. In the GPS Tool window, click one of the following buttons:
• Capture Stream: adds new points to your vector layer at the specified stream interval.
• If you want to stop the point capture, click Finish.
• Capture Point: adds a new point to your vector layer. You can continue to collect points by repeatedly
clicking the button.

Inputting vector line or polygon data using the GPS receiver

1. Ensure the GPS Tool is open.

2. In the Maps tree, right-click an Area layer and click New Vector Layer.
3. In the New Vector Layer window, enable one of the following options in the Layer Type area:
• Line
• Topological Line
• Polygon
• Topological Polygon

4. Click OK.
5. In the Maps tree, select the new layer.
6. In the GPS Tool window, click one of the following buttons:
• Capture Stream: adds a new vertex to the vector layer at the specified stream interval. New vertices
are added to the line or polygon until you click Finish.
• Capture Point: adds only the initial vertex to the line or polygon layer. You can continue to collect
vertices for the line or polygon by repeatedly clicking the button.

Converting RGB to pseudocolor

You can use a single channel with a pseudocolor table (PCT) to represent data instead of a full three-channel
RGB image. This helps if you need to import data to software that accepts only single-channel .tif files with
PCTs. It can also be used to reduce an RGB file to a third of its original size. You can also change data from
a single-image channel with a PCT to full RGB representation.
When preparing color images for export to third-party software (for example, a GIS system with limited color
capability), the RGB2PCT compresses a 24-bit color (RGB) image into a single 8-bit layer based on a PCT.
A PCT colors the compressed image to look similar to the original 24-bit color image.
The input file (FILE) contains the input RGB layers (DBIC) and the target layer where the compressed result
(DBOC) is saved. When enhancing image data with an LUT, it should first be applied to the RGB layers using
the LUT function.
The input RGB layers and the output-compressed layer should be 8-bit. This restriction is due to the 8-bit
nature of a PCT. While any type of image layer can be used, values are internally converted to 8-bit data.
Using non 8-bit data may result in unexpected results.

1. Open and run the ADAPT program from the Algorithm Library to generate a well-distributed PCT to
represent a particular image.
2. Choose RGB2PCT from the Algorithm Library.
3. Select three raster layers you want to use as your RGB channels.
4. Select the PCT that was created using ADAPT.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

5. Run RGB2PCT and save the results in the Maps tree.

6. From the Algorithm Library, run the ADAPT algorithm.
ADAPT takes a 24-bit RGB image and compresses it to a single 8-bit image, based on a user-supplied
PCT. For each pixel, the nearest color in the supplied PCT is established and a corresponding color index
is placed in the output channel.
7. From the Algorithm Library, run the RGB2PCT algorithm.
The results from ADAPT are used as input into the RGB2PCT program. RGB2PCT takes a 24-bit RGB
image and compresses it to a single 8-bit image, based on a user-supplied PCT. For each pixel, the
nearest color in the supplied PCT is established, and a corresponding color index is placed in the output

Note: If you want to convert from PCT to RGB, run the PCE algorithm from the Algorithm Library. PCE
encodes an input channel into three output channels (such as red, green, and blue components) using a PCT
held in a database segment.

Editing single-value pseudocolor tables (PCTs)

You can create and modify PCTs in Focus in the PCT Editing window. A pseudocolor layer appears in the
Maps tree as an icon with vertical color bars followed by layer file information. A PCT is generated only for
an image layer that is designated as a PCT layer.
The current PCT displays color values for the current PCT. You can edit the breakpoint and RGB values in
the table cells. You can also modify the output color of the current PCT using the controls in the Color
Selection area.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a pseudocolor layer and click Edit PCT.
2. From the PCT Editing window, click the Single Value tab.
3. Click one of the following buttons:
• Smooth: creates a smooth color ramp from dark blue to magenta
• Stepped: creates a series of short color ramps
• Random: creates a set of random colors
• Gray Ramp: creates a gray ramp with a black value of 0 and a white value of 255

4. Double-click the cell you want to change and type a new value. If you want to select multiple PCT entries,
drag over a series of list entries.
5. Select a color model from the Model box.
6. Click a tile in the Basic Colors table.
The color range changes in the Color Continuum and Intensity controls.
7. If required, use the Color Continuum, Instensity, or color value boxes to adjust the selected color.
8. Click Apply.

Customizing range-based pseudocolor tables

You can edit PCT channels for range-based pseudocolor. Standard and custom color selections are available
under the Range-based tab. You can maintain existing PCT colors or replace them with predefined standard
PCT color values.

From the PCT Editing window, click the Range-based tab.

Using standard mode

1. From the PCT Editing window, click the Range-based tab.

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2. Enable the Standard option in the Color Selection area.

Keeping the original color values

You can maintain or revert to the original pseudocolor values.

Click Use Original PCT.

Selecting colors within the range

1. From the Range-based page, enable the Custom option in the Color Selection area.
2. Drag the left and right markers to the positions you want on the color bar in the Color Selection area.

Applying pseudocolors to pixel values in a raster

You can render pseudo RGB color values to the pixel values of the active raster. This allows you to distinctly
view specific areas of the raster.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click the pseudocolor layer and select Edit PCT.
The PCT Editing window appears.
2. Click the Range-based tab.
3. In the Color Selection area, click Custom.
4. Double-click First Color.
The Select First Color in Range window appears.
5. Select a color from which you want the color range to start.
6. Click OK.
7. Double-click Last Color.
8. The Select Last Color in Range window appears.
9. Select a color at which you want the color range to end.
10. Click OK.
11. Click Interpolate.
The color bar below First Color and Last Color displays the new color range.
12. In the Histogram area, slide the markers or specify the values in the Min X and Max X boxes to define
the section to which you want to apply the color range.
13. If required, go back to the color bar and slide its markers to narrow or widen the color range. You can also
specify the values of the range in the Left Marker and Right Marker boxes.
The color tabs of the histogram left and right markers change color accordingly.
14. Click one of the following options from the Values Outside Range list in the Setup Preview of New PCT
• Set to Black, which blackens the area of the histogram that is outside the specified range
• Set to White, which whitens the area of the histogram that is outside the specified range
• Ignore, which retains the original color of the histogram outside the specified range

15. Click Compress.

The histogram reflects the new color range. The color bar below Compress changes to reflect the new
color range and the option specified in the Values Outside Range list. The specified pseudocolor range
is rendered to the specified pixel values of the active raster.

PCI Geomatics 197

Chapter 5: Image processing

Opening the Raster Editing window

You can replace the pixel values in an image with a value of your choice. After you have set a value in the
Raster Editing window, you can use the New Shapes tool to edit the raster.

On the Editing toolbar, click the Raster Editing tool.

Related Links
Adding points to an active layer on page 258

Specifying a value

1. In the Pixel value box, type the value that you want to use.
2. In the Pixel value box, type the value that you want to use.
If you want to replace all the pixel values within the polygon instead of just drawing the outline of the
polygon, select the Fill polygon check box.
3. In the Line width box, type a value that represents the thickness of the line in pixels. Click OK.

Enhancing images
Images can be processed at several levels, from standard enhancements that filter images to fully customized
enhancements using lookup tables and histograms. Unenhanced image files are often impossible to understand
visually when they are opened in an image viewer. Enhancements make imagery clearer and easier to
interpret. When you open an image file, it is automatically enhanced in the view pane. You can change the
default enhancement.
Related Links
Changing a default enhancement on page 199

Understanding enhancements
Enhancements make the image on the screen clearer and easier to interpret without changing the values in
the image file. The enhancements available in the Enhance list change depending on the viewer:
• None Does not apply an enhancement to 8U data types. This setting does, however, apply a linear stretch
or a linear enhancement to other data types using their pixel values. The stretch is applied using only
those pixels displayed in the viewer. At a zoomed out level, the pixel values are decimated before they
are displayed in the viewer. Therefore, the range of pixels used for the linear stretch may be narrower
than the actual range of pixels in the image file. This means that the actual minimum and maximum values
in the image file may not be included in the calculation of the linear stretch. Tail Trim and Exclude Min/Max
settings are ignored for all data types.
• Linear uniformly stretches the minimum and maximum values in the image over the entire available output
display range to enhance the overall differences in gray levels in the image.
• Root compresses the range of higher values (brightness) and expands the range of lower values (darkness)
so you can distinguish more detail in darker areas of an image while still retaining some detail in the
brighter areas.

198 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

• Equalization or Equal distributes the values equally over the entire output display range resulting in an
almost uniform histogram.This enhancement is effective in exposing details in the higher values (brightness)
and lower values (darkness), but causes less contrast in the middle values.
• Adaptive combines the benefits of Equalization and Linear enhancements resulting in a more natural
display than Equalization while effectively compensating for outliers.
• Infrequency assigns the values that occur the least frequently in the image to the range of higher values
(brightness) in the histogram so finer details become brighter.
• Tail Trim to omit the upper and lower 2 percent of the image histogram to remove outliers in the upper
and lower part of the pixel range. Tail Trim uses a 2 percent margin by default, but you can adjust the
amount of tail trim from 1 to 5 percent with Set Trim %.
• Exclude Min/Max disregards the lowest and the highest value in the image histogram before applying
the Tail Trim.
• Set Trim % to adjust the amount of tail trim from 1 to 5 percent.

Brightness controls the overall luminosity (amount of light) in the images. Click the arrow beside the
Brightness icon to increase or decrease overall luminosity.

Contrast controls the difference between the light and dark extremes in the images. Click the arrow beside
the Contrast icon to increase or decrease the light and dark extremes.

Changing a default enhancement

You can remove the default enhancement from the Raster toolbar by clicking the Enhancements arrow and
choosing None. The enhancement is removed, and the view pane shows the image with no enhancement.
You can also change the enhancement that is automatically applied to imagery when you open new files.

1. From the Tools menu, click Options.

2. In the Options window, select Layers.
3. In the Rasters frame, choose a default enhancement from the Default visual enhancement list.
4. Click OK.

Related Links
Setting options and preferences on page 75

Enhancing images
There are different ways to enhance images in Focus. For quick adjustments to your image data, you can
use the Raster toolbar buttons or the context menu in the Focus Maps tree. These tools will apply changes
only to layers selected in the Maps tree, or to the active layer if no layers are selected.
When multiple map layers are selected and an enhancement is applied, the information from the selected
layers is aggregated together to build a single enhancement. That enhancement is then applied to each of
the selected map layers. This can be useful if, for example, you have viewed multiple tiles of the same data.
You can select all of the tiles and ensure they are enhanced as a unit as opposed to being enhanced
Note: To use the Enhancement tools on multiple layers, all of the layers selected in the Maps tree must be
of the same type (either grayscale or RGB) and their bit depths must all be the same. For more detailed
custom enhancements, you can use the LUT Editor. The image enhancement is only applied through your
system memory and must be saved if you want to use a particular LUT again or if you want to export the
enhanced image.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Do one of the following:

• On the Raster toolbar, click the Enhancements button arrow, and click an enhancement.
• In the Maps tree, right-click a layer, click Enhance, and then click an enhancement.
• To apply an enhancement to multiple layers at the same time, select the layers in the Maps tree, click
the Enhancements button arrow, and click an enhancement.
• Create a custom enhancement using the LUT Editor. See Using the LUT Editor on page 202.

Automatically re-enhancing a layer when the display changes

An enhancement is calculated by building a histogram with the range of values available in the Focus view
pane. You can choose whether or not you want to recalculate the histogram when your RGB or grayscale
layer display changes (for example, after panning or zooming). If you enable the Auto re-enhance feature
in Focus, the histogram will be re-computed using the currently viewed pixels each time the display changes.
If you disable Auto re-enhance, the layer’s enhancement will not be adjusted automatically.
You can enable Auto re-enhance for a specific RGB or grayscale layer or for all existing and subsequently
opened layers.

• To automatically re-enhance a specific layer, do the following:

a) In the Maps tree, right-click the grayscale or RGB layer.
b) Select Enhance > Auto re-enhance.
A check mark appears next to Auto re-enhance and the RGB or grayscale layer is automatically
re-enhanced whenever the display changes.
• To automatically re-enhance all existing and subsequently opened layers, do the following:
a) In the main Focus window, select Tools > Options.
b) In the Options window, click Layers.
c) In the Rasters frame, select the Auto re-enhance grayscale and RGB layers check box.
d) Click Apply.
All existing and subsequently opened grayscale and RGB layers are automatically re-enhanced whenever
the display changes.

Zooming an image feature with an enhancement

Image statistics are used to calculate an enhancement. Digital numbers in images from the same sensor can
vary because of land cover or environmental changes in the scene. Enhancements are based on statistics
from each image. Therefore, the effects of an enhancement can vary in different images taken from the same
For example, RADARSAT images are stored in 16-bit unsigned channels supporting a dynamic range from
zero to 65,535 digital numbers. The usable image values in the radarsat.pix file are zero to 30,000 digital
numbers. The image appears dark, with no enhancement, because it uses less than half of the available
When Focus collects statistics for applying an enhancement, the Tail Trim option omits the upper and lower
2% of the image histogram.

1. In the view pane, click on or near the feature you want to zoom.
2. On the Zoom toolbar, click the Zoom 1:1 Image Resolution button.

Note: When an image overview is set in the view pane, all image statistics are used to calculate the
enhancement. An enhancement is calculated by building a histogram with the range of values available in
the Focus view pane. By default, the original histogram is retained even when the data being displayed
changes (for example, after panning or zooming). However, if you want the histogram to be re-computed

200 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

each time the display changes, select the Auto re-enhance grayscale and RGB layers check box in the
Focus Options window (Select Tools > Options and click Layers). This setting will be applied to all existing
and subsequently opened RGB and grayscale layers.
Related Links
Layers on page 77

Setting the Tail Trim

You can control how Focus computes each of the standard enhancements before they are applied to an
image by adjusting the tail trim options from the Raster toolbar.The pixel values for the image are averaged
out over the dynamic range, but the first 2% and the last 2% of values are omitted from the enhancement
computation. You can also adjust the amount of tail trim from the enhancements command list from 1% to

On the Raster toolbar, do the following:

a) Click the Enhancements arrow and click Tail Trim to apply the Tail Trim option.
A check mark next to Tail Trim indicates the option has been enabled.
b) To adjust the amount of Tail Trim, click the Enhancements arrow and click Set Trim%. Choose a
number that represents the percentage of tail trim.
The enhancement must be re-applied to the new view pane.

Setting the Exclude Min/Max

You can enable this option if you do not want to use the minimum and maximum values as end points when
applying an enhancement.
For example, the table below shows a simple pix file with only 7 pixels and 1 line. When the Exclude Min/Max
option is enabled, the lowest and highest digital number (DN) values (excluding the outliers 0 and 255) are
stretched to 0 and 255. When the Exclude Min/Max option is disabled, the original minimum and maximum
values are used as end points. The remaining values are stretched with respect to this range.

Table 8:

Pixel # of line 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Raw Data DN 0 5 50 51 52 60 255
Enhanced DN Exclude 0 0 127 140 153 255 255
Enhanced DN Include 0 170 212 216 221 255 255

• On the Raster toolbar, click the Enhancements arrow and click Exclude Min/Max.

Changing the image brightness and contrast

Interpreting image data is often simplified by adjusting the image contrast and brightness. The Brightness
and Contrasts tools on the Raster toolbar let you increase, decrease, or reset the image brightness or
contrast for layers selected in the Maps tree. If no layers are selected, changes to brightness or contrast are
applied to the active layer.

1. Do any of the following to change the image brightness:

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Chapter 5: Image processing

• To increase the image brightness, click the Brightness button on the Raster toolbar. Each click changes
the image brightness by approximately 10 percent.
• To decrease the image brightness, click the Brightness arrow and choose Decrease Brightness.
The image brightness decreases by approximately 10 percent.
• To return to the original brightness level, click the Brightness arrow and choose Reset Brightness.

2. Do any of the following to change the image contrast:

• To increase the image contrast, click the Contrasts button on the Raster toolbar. Each click changes
the image contrast by approximately 10 percent.
• To decrease the image contrast, click the Contrasts arrow and choose Decrease Contrast.
The image contrast decreases by approximately 10 percent.
• To return to the original contrast level, click the Contrasts arrow and choose Reset Contrast.

Note: To use the Brightness and Contrasts tools on multiple layers, all of the layers selected in the Maps
tree must be of the same type (either grayscale or RGB) and their bit depths must all be the same.

Creating custom enhancements

Focus allows you to create custom enhancements of 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit rasters.

Using the LUT Editor

Using the LUT Editor, you can create enhancements by directly tracing or editing the histogram of the active
raster. You can also compare the same histogram using different enhancements, and change the minimum
and maximum values within the bit depth and x-axis ranges.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click the active layer.

2. Select Enhance and then select Edit LUTs.
The Multi Histogram Display window appears if an RGB map layer is selected, otherwise, the Histogram
Display window appears.
3. Click a histogram.
The LUT Editor appears. The Min X and Max X values mark the boundaries of the graph along the x-axis.
These values change accordingly when you manually change them or slide the x-axis level markers. The
Min LUT (X) and Max LUT (X) values encompass the range that marks the bit depth of the image. These
values can change when you manually change them or slide the y-axis level markers.

Displaying a histogram in the LUT Editor

Focus allows you to display the input and output versions of the histogram that you want to edit in the LUT
Editor. You can also display the breakpoints that can be used to edit the histogram. The changes made to
the breakpoints are reflected in the ouput.

1. In the LUT Editor, select one of the following options from the Mask list box:
• Entire raster: displays a histogram of the entire raster.
• Current view area: displays a histogram of the area that is displayed in the Focus viewer.
• Bitmap layer: displays a histogram of a region under a bitmap mask. The bitmaps are listed whether
they are saved or not. Both the file and layer names are displayed for the saved bitmaps.

2. From the View menu, select or cancel the selection of the following options:
• Input Histogram: displays the original version of the histogram.
• Output Histogram: displays the resulting histogram after enhancements
• Breakpoints: displays nodes, which facilitate the enhancement process

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Moving an entire histogram

You can move the entire histogram to the right or left of the x-axis boundaries to change the range.

• In the graph area, right-click and drag the entire graph to the left or to the right.

Using the LUT tools

You can undo edits and compare different versions of a histogram for the same image data using the tools
on the LUT Editor.
When the LUT Editor is opened, Focus stores a copy of the histogram as a smaller version and displays it
to the right of the LUT editor in the preview window. When you make changes, you can switch between the
previous and the edited LUT using the Toggle option. You can also copy the edited LUT and save it as a
temporary backup.
Using the LUT enhancement options
Enhancements are applied to values within the bounds defined by the x-axis and y-axis markers.
The vertical markers set the minimum and maximum output grayscale values. The horizontal markers set
the range of input grayscale values for an enhancement.
To allow tail trimming, enable the Tail Trim check box. In the Tail Trimming list box, select the tail trim percent
from 1 to 5. You can also enable the Exclude Min./Max check box and enter values in the appropriate boxes.
Once you apply an enhancement, you can customize it.
The view with the changes in the histogram window is automatically updated.
Trace-editing a LUT histogram
You can use the LUT Editor to create custom enhancements by directly editing the red histogram in the LUT
graph. You can trace the general contours of a histogram. Focus redraws the image in the view pane.

1. In the LUT Editor, click the Manual Mode button in the Graph editing tools area.
2. In the graph area, drag a contour.

Comparing custom enhancements

You can create different custom enhancements and switch between the preview window and the LUT Editor
using the Copy and Toggle options on the LUT Editor.

1. In the LUT Editor, click the Manual Mode button in the Graph editing tools area.
2. Create a custom enhancement by trace-editing the histogram.
3. Click Copy.
4. Create a new trace-edit enhancement or click on one of the enhancements to the right of the main graph.
5. Click Toggle.

You can also edit the LUT directly in a spreadsheet-style window by selecting Edit Table from the Graph
editing tools. To open the LUT for a histogram, click Edit Table in the Graph editing tools area.
Some of the other graph editing tools include: Add Breakpoint, Move Breakpoint, and Delete Breakpoint.
These options let you edit the LUT for a specific location on the original image histogram. To show the
breakpoints on the curve from the view option list, choose Breakpoints. The Thin Breakpoints option removes
excess breakpoints along straight stretches that are associated with a LUT.
Applying a new lookup table to the corresponding image plane
In the LUT, you can view both breakpoints and lookup values.

1. In the Graph editing tools area, click the Edit Table button.
2. In the Lookup Table window, enable the View Lookup Values check box.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

3. View the breakpoints in the Breakpoints table.

The values for X and Y where Y = LUT (X). The value of Y is a function of the value of X in terms of both
the position of X in the LUT graph and in terms of the mathematical function that is currently applied.
4. In the LUT Editor, click Close.

Saving the LUT

After using the LUT Editor to enhance your LUT, you can save your enhancements using one of the three
options in the Save menu.

1. In the LUT Editor, click the Save menu.

2. Do one of the following:
• Click Save LUT if you want to save the current enhancement to a LUT segment.
• Click Save LUT as Default to save the current enhancement to a LUT segment and update the current
raster channel to use that LUT automatically when the raster is visualized in Focus.
• Click Save Image with LUT to use the current enhancement to determine new pixel values and save
those altered pixels to a raster channel. This is sometimes referred to as permanently burning in the
enhanced pixel values. In this case, the LUT is not saved as a segment since it has already been
permanently applied.

3. In the Save As window, specify a file name, format, and layer.

4. Click Save.

Working with spatial filters

Coherent signal scattering in SAR data often causes image speckles or salt and pepper effects. Speckling
is inherent in most images and can inhibit accurate image interpretation. There are several image filters in
Focus to help manage image speckling.
Filters can enhance or subdue the details of an image. They can also be adjusted to sharpen, smooth, or
detect hidden edges that are present in an image but not immediately visible. You can use the low-pass and
high-pass filters to reduce graininess and highlight edge details in images. There are also specialized filters
that you can use to reduce sensor noise and to clean up radar imagery.
Filter computations are based on pixel samples drawn from a moving sample set, referred to as the kernel.
The Kernel samples the image pixels and applies the filter to the center pixel in the sample. Once the filter
is applied to the first sample, the kernel moves one pixel to the right and re-applies the filter until the entire
image has been sampled. The kernel dimensions, measured in pixels, must always be an odd number; for
example, 3x3 or 11x15. When the entire image has been sampled, Focus applies the changes to the entire
image in the view pane.

Opening the Filter window

The Filter window lets you apply high-pass, low-pass, and custom filters. You can control the X and Y
dimensions of the kernel in the Filter Size boxes. You can work with different filter types.
You can apply the filters to all the data in the layer or you can create a bitmap mask to restrict the filtering
process to a particular area in the layer.

1. Select an image layer in the Maps tree.

2. From the Layer menu, click Filter.

Related Links
Filtering under a mask on page 205

204 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

Using low-pass filters on page 205

Using high-pass filters on page 207
Creating custom filters on page 209

Filtering under a mask

You can create a bitmap mask to restrict the filtering process to a particular area in the layer.

1. In the Maps tree, create a bitmap layer.

2. On the bitmap layer, use the New Shapes tool set to draw shapes over the areas that you want to filter.
3. From the main menu, click Layer and then click Filter.
4. From the Mask list box in the Filter window, select the bitmap layer that contains the mask.
The Mask list box displays all of the bitmap layers that are in the current area. The bitmap layers are listed
whether they are saved or not. For each saved bitmap, both the file and layer names are displayed.
5. If you want to display or save the results for the mask area only, enable the Output only mask area check
The data that is not covered by the mask is set to the No Data value and is not saved in the output file.

Related Links
Adding points to an active layer on page 258

Using low-pass filters

Low-pass filters pass only the low-frequency information or the gradual gray-level changes. They produce
images that appear smooth or blurred when compared to the original data. For non-radar image data, the
following low-pass filters are available:
Average Filter
Smooths the image data to eliminate noise. A 3x3 filter kernel computes the sum of all pixels in the filter
kernel and divides the sum by the total number of pixels in the kernel.
Median Filter
Also smooths your image data, but computes the median values within a rectangular filter window surrounding
each pixel. This has the effect of smoothing the image and preserving edges.
In a 3x3 kernel, the median filter finds the median pixel value, the middle value in an ordered set, where an
equal number of values are below and above the median. For example, 8 is the median value for the following
3x3 kernel in a gray-level values set:

Mode Filter
Computes the mode of the gray-level values that occur most frequently in the filter kernel. For example, in a
3x3 filter window with the following pixel values, the filtered pixel value of 3 occurs five times.
The mode filter is calculated as follows:

Mode filters are typically used to clean up thematic maps for presentation purposes. This filter replaces small
island themes with their larger surrounding themes. With the mode filter, the maximum kernel size is 7x7.
The filter window can be rectangular.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Sometimes, two values can be equally distributed within the kernel sample. In such cases, if the center value
is one of the competing values, it becomes the kernel sample value. If not, the first instance of the competing
values becomes the sample value.
For example, in a 3x3 filter window with the following pixel values, the pixel values 3 and 5 each occur three
times. In this case the Mode pixel of the filter kernel is calculated as follows:

Neither 3 nor 5 is at the center of the kernel. The 5 in the top row is encountered first and therefore becomes
the mode value.

1. In the Filter window, enter an X- and Y-filter kernel size in the Filter size spin boxes.
The larger the kernel size, the smoother (more blurred) the image.
2. Click the Low Pass tab.
3. Enable one of the following filter options:
• Average
• Median
• Mode

4. Click Apply to View.

The filter is applied to the image in the view pane only.
If you want to adjust a filter or change to a different one, click Remove View Filter.

Note: Image filters are not cumulative. Each filter is applied to the original data stored in the image file.

Applying a gamma filter

Most image files contain some type of high-frequency noise (speckling). While a low-pass filter reduces image
speckles, it can also degrade some of the finer detail in the image. Special low-pass filters, called Gamma
filters, can preserve image details by filtering on individual pixels in an image using the gray-level values in
a square window surrounding each pixel.You can apply a speckle filter to preserve some of the linear features
in the image. Gamma filtering is primarily used on radar data to remove high-frequency speckle, while
preserving high-frequency features (edges). The input for the number of looks of the radar image is used to
calculate the noise variance. You can specify an intensity or amplitude formate for the radar image.
The dimensions of a Gamma filter must be odd-numbered and can be from 3x3 to 11x11 pixels. Filter size
greatly affects the quality of processed images. If a filter is too small, the noise filtering algorithm is not
effective; if a filter is too large, subtle details of the image will be lost in the filtering process. A 7x7 filter usually
gives the best result.
All pixels are filtered. In order to filter pixels located near edges of an image, edge pixels are replicated to
give sufficient data.
For example:

Table 9:

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9

In a 3x3 filter window

The resulting gray-level value R for the smoothed pixel is:

206 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

R = I for Ci less than or equal to CuR = (B*I + SQRT(D))/(2*ALFA) for Cu < Ci < CmaxR = CP for Ci greater
than or equal to Cmax
NLOOK = number of looksVAR = variance in filter windowCP = center pixel gray-level valueI = mean gray-level
in the filter windowCu = 1/SQRT(NLOOK)Ci = SQRT(VAR)/ICmax = SQRT(2)*CuALFA = (1 + Cu**2)/(Ci**2
- Cu**2)B = ALFA - NLOOK - 1D = I*I*B*B + 4*ALFA*NLOOK*I*CP
For the amplitude image, each gray level will be squared before applying the algorithm, and the square root
of the calculated pixel is returned as the final result.

1. In the Filter window, enter an X- and Y-filter kernel size in the Filter size spin boxes.
Use the mode-value information for an image to set up a Gamma filter.
2. Click the Low Pass tab.
3. Enable the Gamma filter option.
4. In the Number of Looks box, enter a value that represents the number of noise-variation calculations of
the radar image that you want to use.
5. In the Image Format list box, choose one of the following:
• Amplitude
• Power
• DB

6. Click Apply to View.

If the filtered image is hard to see at your current resolution, you can zoom the image to see the filter
effects. The Gamma filter suppresses the image speckles, while the linear details are preserved.

Note: You must enter correct image mode values for the image data files you are working with. The number
of looks and the image amplitude information is available in the format definition included with your data.
Related Links
Using high-pass filters on page 207
Saving a filtered image to a new file on page 210

Using high-pass filters

High-pass filters emphasize border pixels between contrasting areas and are often referred to as edge
detectors. Like speckle filters, they highlight pixel contrasts associated with linear features and edge details.
You can apply a high-pass filter to highlight pixel contrasts associated with linear features and edge details.
Gaussian Filter (SIGMSQ = 4)
The Gaussian Filter is used as a band-pass filter to blur an image. This filter uses the following Gaussian
function to compute the filter weights:
G (i, j) = exp ( -((i-u)**2 + (j-v)**2) / (2 * SIGSMQ) )
where (i, j) is a pixel within the filter window, (u, v) is the center for the filter window, and SIGMSQ is set to
The filter weights W(i, j) are the normalized values of G(i, j) over the entire filter window; therefore, the sum
of all weights is 1.
The gray level of a filtered pixel is the sum of W(i, j) *V(i, j) over all pixels in the filter window, where V(i, j) is
the original value at location (i, j).
The filter size for a Gaussian Filter is restricted to 9X9.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Note: In order to filter pixels located near the edges of the image, edge pixel values are replicated to give
sufficient data.
Laplacian Edge Detector Filters
Laplacian Edge Detector Filters generate sharp edge definition of an image. These filters can be used to
highlight edges that have both positive and negative brightness slopes.
The two Laplacian filters have different weight arrangements, as shown below:

Table 10:

Type 1 Type 2
0 1 0 1 -4 1 0 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1
where the sum of all weights = 0

Note: In order to filter pixels located near the edges of the image, edge pixel values are replicated to give
sufficient data.
Sobel Edge Detector Filter
The Sobel Edge Detector Filter creates an image where edges (sharp changes in gray-level values) are
shown. Only a 3x3 filter size can be used with this filter.
This filter uses two 3x3 templates to calculate the Sobel gradient as shown below:

Table 11:

-1 0 1 -2 0 2 -1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 -1 -2 -1

Table 12: Templates

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 3x3 filter window

where a1 - a9 are gray levels of each pixel in the filter window

Apply the templates to a 3x3 filter window.

X = -1*a1 + 1*a3 - 2*a4 + 2*a6 - 1*a7 + 1*a9
Y = 1*a1 + 2*a2 + 1*a3 - 1*a7 - 2*a8 - 1*a9
Sobel Gradient = sqrt (X*X + Y*Y)
Note: In order to filter pixels located near the edges of the image, edge pixel values are replicated to give
sufficient data.
Prewitt Edge Detector Filter
The Prewitt Edge Detector Filter creates an image where edges (sharp changes in gray-level values) are
shown. Only a 3x3 filter size can be used with this filter.
This filter uses two 3x3 templates to calculated the Prewitt gradient value, as shown below:

Table 13:

-1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 X
1 1 1 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 Y

208 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

Table 14: Templates

a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 3x3 filter window

where a1 - a9 are gray levels of each pixel in the filter window

Apply the templates to a 3x3 filter window.

X = -1*a1 + 1*a3 - 1*a4 + 1*a6 - 1*a7 + 1*a9
Y = 1*a1 + 1*a2 + 1*a3 - 1*a7 - 1*a8 - 1*a9
Prewitt Gradient = sqrt (X*X + Y*Y)
Note: In order to filter pixels located near the edges of the image, edge pixel values are replicated to give
sufficient data.
Edge Sharpening Filter
An Edge Sharpening Filter uses a subtractive smoothing method to sharpen an image. First, an average filter
is applied to the image. The averaged image retains all low-spatial frequency information, but has its
high-frequency features, such as edges and lines, attenuated. Consequently, the averaged image is subtracted
from its original image and the resultant difference image will primarily have the edges and lines remaining.
After the edges are deternimed in this manner, the difference image is added back to the original image to
give an edge-enhanced image. The resultant image will have clearer high-frequency detail; however, there
is a tendency for noise to be enhanced.
Note: In order to filter pixels located near the edges of the image, edge pixel values are replicated to give
sufficient data.
To apply a high-pass filter:

1. In the Maps tree, right-click an image layer and click Filter.

2. In the Filter window, enter an X- and Y-filter kernel size in the Filter size boxes.
Note: This step does not apply to Gaussian filters, as the filter size will be fixed at 9x9.

3. Click the High Pass tab.

4. Select a filter option.
Note: If you chose Gaussian (SIGMSQ = 4), the values in the Filter size X and Y boxes are automatically
set to 9.

5. Click Apply to View.

The high-pass filter changes the image in the view pane. You can save a filter view by clicking Apply to
The Save New Filtered Image Layer window opens. You can either save the filtered image to a new
image layer, or overwrite the existing layer.

Related Links
Creating custom filters on page 209
Saving a filtered image to a new file on page 210

Creating custom filters

You can design your own filter by specifying the coefficients for a filter template. Custom filters perform spatial
filtering on each pixel in an image using the gray-level values from either a square or a rectangular kernel
surrounding each pixel.
Some common custom filters are

PCI Geomatics 209

Chapter 5: Image processing

• Weighted average
• Directional
• Center weighted

1. Click the Custom tab.

2. Enter your filter parameters in the matrix provided.
For example, for a 3x3 filter you can use a1 a2 a3, a4 a5 a6, or a7 a8 a9, and so on.
When you enter a range of a1 - a9, the filter is placed over the image so that the target pixel is covered
by a5. The neighborhood pixels are then multiplied by the corresponding values in the filter and then
summed. The pixel at a5 is replaced by this sum.
3. To read a kernel from a specific file, click Import.
The number of entries in the first line of the file determines the number of columns in the kernel. All lines
of data that follow have the same number of entries. If there are more, they are ignored. If there are less,
then zeros are used to make up the difference. Data entries should be separated by spaces, tabs, or new
4. To write a kernel to a file, click Export.
5. Click Normalize.
The Normalize button divides all entries by the sum of the kernel entries. All other filtering algorithms
normalize their respective kernels before performing the filtering operation.
You can reset kernel entries to zero by clicking Reset.

Related Links
Saving a filtered image to a new file on page 210

Saving a filtered image to a new file

Save New Filtered Image is used to select where the output of the applied filter should be saved. A file and
channel must be specified for each color element composing the filtered layer: three for RGB layers and one
for grayscale and PCT layers.

1. From the Filter window, click Apply to File.

2. In the Save New Filtered Image window, choose a file from the File list box.
If a file is not listed, click Browse, locate and select it, and click Open.
3. Choose a layer from the Layer list box.
If you want to create a new layer, choose New Layer and enable the Load filtered layer check box.
4. Repeat steps step 2 and step 3 for the remaining channels.
5. Click OK.

Scaling images
Remote sensing data is structured in 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit formats. There are many instances where you
may need to scale data from a higher to a lower bit depth. For example, you can prepare data for visual
display by scaling it from 16-bit or 32-bit to 8-bit. You can also scale data to a lower bit depth before you
export it to applications that do not support data bits greater than 8. Scaling will let you change 32-bit real
data from a real number to a whole number and you can scale to reduce the size of your imagery. However,
there is a risk of losing information when you scale to reduce file size.

210 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

For 8-bit data, the digital numbers (DN) assigned to each pixel are between zero and 255. For 16-bit data,
DNs can fall between zero and 65,535. Because eyes are not sensitive to subtle differences in grayscale or
color, we cannot visually benefit from images composed of thousands of shade variations.
Focus can also perform color and shade scaling to help you control a large range of data values. Scaling an
image often makes the data easier to manage and interpret.

Scaling output data using Save As

The Save As window lets you scale data to a new bit depth while letting you preserve the original version.
You may also choose to preserve the original bit depth while performing a scaling operation.
Scaling data is a two-part process. After you choose a destination folder for your output, you can select
available GDB options in the GDB Options Editor. You then select the bit depth for the scaled output by
applying new properties.
Using the Output Layer Properties window, you can choose the layer you want to scale, set your output bit
depth, and choose a scaling method.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click the layer you want to scale and click Save As.
2. In the Save As window, choose a file from the File list box.
If an output file is not listed, click Browse, locate and select it, and click Save.
3. Choose a format from the Format list box.
If you want to reconfigure a format, click Options and make any changes in the GDB Options Editor.
4. Click Properties.
5. In the Output Layer Properties window, choose a bit-depth for your output from the Output type list box.
Available output types include:
• 8-bit unsigned
• 16-bit signed
• 16-bit unsigned
• 32-bit real
Note: 32-bit Real output is available only if the original input channel is already 32 bit Real. You cannot
save an 8- or 16-bit channel as 32-bit.

6. Choose a scaling method for your output from the Scaling list box.
7. Click OK.

Available scaling methods

Focus offers the following scaling methods.

The linear function scales data values equally from the input range to the output range. Other non-linear
functions also perform compression and/or stretching.

The square function compresses the lower end of spectrum and stretches the upper end. The image gray
levels are shifted towards the lower end so the image appears darker in comparison to the linearly scaled

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Chapter 5: Image processing

The logarithmic and square root functions compress the upper end.The square root is stronger than logarithmic,
so the image is made brighter.

The automatic normalized quantization method transforms a typical input image of a unimodal histogram into
a near-symmetric, Gaussian-like distribution with the median input level transformed to the mid-point of the
output range. The algorithm applies a smooth nonlinear function to gradually compress the extreme high or
low portions of input range. The middle portion of the data range is mapped with little distortion. This method
is recommended for image quantization to a lower number of gray levels. It is robust in handling 32-bit input

The equal-area quantization method maps an image to the output range with an equalized output histogram.
For example, each output level has approximately the same number of pixels.

The general power function fine-tunes the amount of compression and shifting each way with a user-supplied
exponent value. If the exponent is greater than 1, the effect is shifting down; if the exponent is less than 1,
the effect is shifting up.
For both the input and output the entire range of digital numbers (DN) is used in determining the range. Using
the Save As feature may be appropriate for scaling to 8-bit data, but situations may arise where you need
control of the input and output range. If this is the case, you must use the SCALE algorithm in the Algorithm

Scaling output data

A SCALE algorithm is available in the Algorithm Library. In some cases, you may want to use the SCALE
algorithm instead of the Save As method, as it gives you more control when scaling an image by allowing
you to specify your input minimum and maximum and your output minimum and maximum values. Additionally,
you will be able to specify the left and right tail trimming, the scaling function, and the bit depth for the output
SCALE maps the gray levels of an input image to the gray levels of an output image. The typical use of this
program is to scale/quantize imagery in a high-resolution (32-bit or 16-bit) channel down to a fewer number
of gray levels to fit into a low-resolution (16-bit or 8-bit) channel. SCALE can also be used to stretch or shift
the dynamic range of an input image for visual enhancement.
If you have the appropriate Geomatica license, you can use the SCALE program in the Algorithm Library.
Minimum and Maximum Input Gray Level Values:
If Minimum Input Gray Level Value and Maximum Input Gray Level Value are set as the default, the SCALE
algorithm calculates the range from the image data based on the tail-trimming levels.
If the number of input channels is greater than one and both Minimum Input Gray Level Value and Maximum
Input Gray Level Value are specified, this range is used for every input channel.
Tail Trimming:
Optionally specifies the amount of tail trimming of input image histogram before scaling. If Minimum Input
Gray Level Value and Maximum Input Gray Level Value are specified, the specified input range is used, while
Left Tail Trimming% and Right Tail Trimming% are ignored. If the two trimming parameters are not specified,
the minimum and maximum of image data for every input channel is used for input range.
The two trimming parameters are useful only for scaling algorithms (LIN/SQR/LOG). The two quantization
algorithms squeeze tails automatically.

212 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

Minimum and Maximum Output Gray Level Value:

Specifies the minimum and maximum output gray-level values after scaling. If the number of channels is
greater than one, the values are used for every output channel.
Scaling Function:
Specifies the scaling function or quantization algorithm.
The following scaling functions are available, and for information about each, refer to Available scaling methods
on page 211:
• LIN (Linear)
• SQR (Square)
• ROOT, LOG (Square root and Logarithmic)
• POW (Power with a specified exponent as defined by Exponent)
• NQ (Automatic normalized quantization)
• EQ (Equal-area quantization)
Output Type:
Specifies the sub-data type of one or more resulting images.
• 8-bit unsigned
• 16-bit signed
• 16-bit unsigned
• 32-bit real

1. Open SCALE from the Algorithm Library.

2. Select one or more raster layers for scaling.
3. Fill in the input parameters for the file.
4. Run SCALE.
5. Right-click the new layer and click Save.

Fusing image data

There are two algorithms you can run from the Algorithm Library that can fuse different data files into a new
file. The Raster Calculator lets you work with raster data in the spectral domain, while providing indices such
as the NDVI Leaf Area Index. This section provides information on using the Raster Calculator tool, the
IHS-FUSE, and the PANSHARP algorithms.

Running the FUSE algorithm

Intensity/Hue/Saturation-FUSE performs data fusion of an input RGB color image on an input file with a
black-and-white intensity image The result is an output RGB color image with the same resolution as the
intensity image. If the input and output files are different, the input RGB color image is resampled using the
specified resampling method. Either the Hexcone or Cylinder IHS color model is used for data fusion.
IHS converts red, green, and blue image channels to intensity, hue, and saturation image channels, which
enhances and controls the output colors for a given set of input red/green/blue imagery.
CYLINDER was the original method used by the IHS and RGB programs in previous PCI Geomatics software
releases (Version 6.0.1 and earlier). The Hexcone model is used by many commercial image processing
software programs. One model can produce more visually pleasing results than the other, depending on the
circumstances. The Hexcone model runs about 15% faster than the Cylinder model.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Running FUSE is similar to running IHS and RGB. IHS separates an RGB channel into three color space
components (intensity, hue, and saturation) and places each in a separate channel. The RGB program can
then be used to convert intensity, hue, and saturation channel output by IHS back to red, green, and blue
channels. The IHS and RGB programs can enhance and control the output colors more easily for any three
channels in an image database file.
In computer imaging, colors are produced as combinations of the additive primary colors (red, green, and
blue). Another means of color definition is in terms of intensity, hue, and saturation.
Intensity is the lightness or darkness of a color. For example, in an axis that is equidistant from the three
primary color axes, which are orthogonal or perpendicular to each other, zero intensity represents black. As
the intensity is increased, the lightness increases and the darkness decreases. Full intensity (for 8-bit data,
this is 255) represents white.
Hue refers to an actual color and is defined as an angle on a circle that is centered and perpendicular to the
intensity axis. For the Hexcone model, zero degrees represents red and hue values cycle through
Red-Green-Blue-Red; whereas, in the Cylinder model, zero degrees represents blue and hue values cycle
in the opposite direction through Blue-Green-Red-Blue. The following table shows the unscaled and scaled
hue values for both IHS models:

Table 15:

Hue Angle Hexcone Unscaled Model Scaled Cylinder Unscaled Model Scaled

Red 0 0 240 170

Yellow 60 42 180 128
Green 120 85 120 85
Cyan 180 127 60 42
Blue 240 170 0 or 360 0 or 255
Magenta 300 212 300 212
Red 360 255 240 170

Saturation is the amount of color present or the radius of the circle described by the hue. Zero saturation
represents no color and would appear as a gray shade depending on the associated intensity; full saturation
(1.0 for unscaled Hexcone model or 208.2066 for 8-bit unscaled Cylinder model) represents full color.
Full saturation accentuates the RGB components at the expense of other hues, in that other hues peak in
their saturation at less than the maximum possible saturation.

1. With a multispectral and panchromatic images open, open the Algorithm Library, and locate and double-click
2. Select the panchromatic image layer as input to the Intensity Layer.
3. Select the multispectral image layers as input into the Red, Green, and Blue image layers.
4. Click the Input Params 1 tab and choose a type of resampling you want to use from the Resample Mode
list box.
5. Choose a model from the IHS Model list box.
6. Click Run.

An advantage of running IHS and RGB instead of only running FUSE is that you can enhance the output from
IHS individually, and then use the enhanced output in RGB.

Running IHS and RGB

IHS is an easier means of controlling the output color than RGB. For example, it is easier to comprehend
lightening an image (increasing the intensity) or adding more color (increasing the saturation) than it is to

214 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

comprehend the effects of increasing or decreasing the RGB values. One possible application of IHS is to
produce channels from three input channels, stretch the saturation channel, and then convert the IHS channel
data back to the equivalent RGB channels for video display. The output image would have a better saturation
range without changing the colors of the original image.
The following diagram shows the geometric relationship between the RGB and IHS coordinate systems for
representing color. The hexcone or cylinder is oriented so that the angles between the Intensity axis and the
primary RGB color axes are the same. The Saturation axis is perpendicular to the Intensity axis. Hue is the
angle between the radius of the circle defined by the RGB value and the Saturation axis.

Figure 1: Geometric relationship between RGB and IHS

1. With multispectral and panchromatic images open, open the Algorithm Library, and locate and double-click
2. Select three image layers from your multispectral file for the red, green, and blue input layers.
3. Click the Input Params 1 tab and choose a type of resampling you want to use from the Resample Mode
list box.
4. Click Run.
5. Open the Algorithm Library, and locate and double-click RGB.
6. Select a high-resolution panchromatic image layer as input for the intensity layer.
7. Select hue and saturation outputs from IHS as the inputs for the hue and saturation input layers.
8. Click the Input Params 1 tab and choose a type of resampling you want to use from the Resample Mode
list box.
9. Specify the output bit depth.
10. Click Run.

Using the PANSHARP algorithm

PANSHARP fuses high-resolution panchromatic imagery with multispectral imagery, creating a high-resolution
color image. This technique is often referred to as pansharpening. This program was designed to work with
8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit real data. Panchromatic data can be fused with multispectral imagery simultaneously
acquired by the same sensor or with images from different sensors. The best results are achieved when the
imagery is collected simultaneously and the resolutions of the panchromatic and multispectral data are closely
matched. The spectral characteristics of the original data will be preserved in the resulting high resolution

PCI Geomatics 215

Chapter 5: Image processing

color imagery; this means that analysis such as classification can be done on the pansharpened imagery
with the added benefit of higher spatial resolution.
Note: Landsat 7 panchromatic and multispectral data is co-registered at the satellite; therefore, the
geocorrection step is not necessary when using this data.

1. Ensure the panchromatic (PAN) channel and multispectral (MS) channels are co-registered, geo-corrected,
or orthorectified.
2. Open the PAN and MS images.
3. Open the Algorithm Library, and locate and double-click PANSHARP.
4. Choose the PAN image channel from the InputPan port.
The input reference image channels should be selected so that the MS bands cover the frequency range
of the PAN channel as closely as possible.
The channel number given in the table below is the standard ordering on the sensor and may differ from
the order in an actual data file.
5. Select the MS channels to use in the Input port.
The best pansharpening results are obtained from MS channels whose wavelengths lie within the spectral
frequency range of the PAN data.
6. Send the output to the viewer or save it to a new .pix file.

Note: To avoid reducing the radiometric resolution of the data, process and save all the image bands in
signed 16 bits. Testing demonstrated that 16 bits for intermediate data are enough; 32 bits are not necessary.
The following table lists the reference bands for some well-known satellite sensors.

Table 16:

Sensor Reference Bands

Landsat 7 (ETM+) Green 2 Red 3 Near IR: 4

SPOT 1, 2, 3 (HRV) Green 1 Red 2
SPOT 5 (HRG) Blue 1 Green 2
IRS 1C, 1D Green 1 Red 2
IKONOS Blue 1 Green 2 Red 3 Near IR: 4
QuickBird Blue 1 Green 2 Red 3 Near IR: 4

There is only one optional parameter in the InputParams 1 tab. For a description of the No Data image value
parameter, see PANSHARP in the online Help.
The automatic image fusion algorithm was developed by Dr.Yun Zhang from the University of New Brunswick.
For more information and comparative results, see the following references:
• Zhang, Yun. Problems in the fusion of commercial high-resolution satellite, Landsat 7 images, and initial
solutions. ISPRS, Vol. 34, Part 4, Geospatial Theory, Processing and Applications, Ottawa, 2002.
• Zhang, Yun. A new automatic approach for effectively fusing Landsat 7 and IKONOS images.
IEEE/IGARSS'02, Toronto, Canada, June 24-28, 2002.

216 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

Using the raster calculator

The Raster Calculator lets you formulate, write, and run calculations based on data associated with raster
files. It provides a graphical interface where you can create expressions for working with any raster data,
such as spectra data and digital elevation models (DEM).
When you build an expression, either type the expression in the Expression box or build the expression by
clicking the buttons and items in the window. Combining the two methods may cause unwanted effects.
The Raster Calculator also provides indices, such as the NDVI Leaf Area Index. You can calculate results
for the simplest raster arithmetic or the most complex equations and your output can be a number, a 2D
image, or both. The following table shows a list of the Raster Calculator categories and their associated

Table 17:

Category Functions
FieldValue - min, max, mean, sum, mode, std, median,
Attribute Statistics
count, first, last, wgtavg
Channel - min, max, mean, sum, mode, std, median,
Channel Statistics
Constants E, PI, 2*PI, PI/2, PI/4
Conversion Rad2Deg, Deg2Rad, Feet2Meters, Meters2Feet
Division Div, Mod
Exponential Exp, Pow, Sq(a), Squr, Sq (a,b), hyp
Extreme Min, max, round, floor, ceil
Hyperbolic Cosh, Sinh, Tanh, ACosh, ASinh, ATanh
Logarithmic Ln, Log, Alog
Random Rand, Seed
Rational If a = b, If a <> b, If a > b, If a < b, If a >= b, If a <= b
Sign Abs, Neg, Sgn
Trigonometric Cos, Sin, Tan, ACos, Asign, Atan, Atan2
@x, @y, @dbx, @dby, @meterx, @metery, @geox,
Special Values
@geoy, @sizex, @sizey
Variables String, integer, float, double

The Raster Calculator can be used in either basic or advanced mode. Advanced mode provides more category
and function options and allows you to choose from several attributes that can be used in your
calculations.When you use the Raster Calculator, new output layers are added to the Focus window.

The Expression menu lets you start a new expression, open a saved expressions, export an expression as
and EASI file (.eas), and run an expression on chosen data.
Starts a new Expression sessions.

PCI Geomatics 217

Chapter 5: Image processing

Opens saved expressions.
Opens the New Expression Name window to save an expression.
Save As:
Opens the New Expression Name window to either save an expression or save an expression with a new
Export to EASI:
Opens the File to Save window to save an expression using the EASI file format (.eas)
Runs the expression you are working with on the data you have selected in the Channels and Bitmaps list.
(See Channels and Bitmaps)
Run and Close:
Runs your expression and closes the Raster Calculator.
Close Window:
Closes the Raster Calculator.

The Edit menu lets you work with the text in the Expression area. You can undo text edits, cut, copy, paste,
and delete text in your expression.
Cancels the last action within the Expression area.
Cuts selected text in the Expression area.
Copies the selected text in the Expression area.
Pastes cut or copied text at the cursor location.
Deletes selected text in the Expression area.
Select All:
Selects all the contents of the Expression area.

The View menu lets you choose either basic or advanced mode for the Raster Calculator.
Changes the Raster Calculator to Basic mode.
Changes the Raster Calculator to Advanced mode.

218 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

Raster Calculator toolbar

The Raster Calculator toolbar lets you start new expressions, open saved expressions, save expressions,
run expressions, and stop expression operations.
Starts a new expression.
Opens the Expression name window, where you can select a saved expression from a list.
Opens the New Expression Name box so that you can enter name for a new expression.
Runs the expression you have selected.
Stops an expression operation.

The Expression area shows the numeric values and the expressions used in a calculation. You can add
values and, in Advanced mode, you can add expressions by selecting a category and choosing a function.
Lets you choose file data and specify the layers of a file.
Opens the File Selector window.
Channels and Bitmaps:
Lets you choose a channel or bitmap from the list for the expression.
Lists the attributes in the data.

Calculator keys
The Raster Calculator Keys include most standard calculator keys and numbers. In Advanced view, additional
functions are available. Advanced functions are divided into 15 categories.
Lets you choose a category of functions you can use in your expression.
Lists the functions for the category you have chosen.

Output parameters
The Output Parameters area lets you set the parameters for your Expression output data.
Single Value:
Gives a numerical output value. When you disable the check box, the Mask, Type, Display, and Save options
are available.

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Chapter 5: Image processing

Lets you choose a bitmap mask from within your source data.
Lets you choose the bit depth of your output raster data.
Shows the output of your expression in the view pane.
Saves the output to a selected file and layer.
Display Saved Results:
Opens your results in the view pane after you have run an expression.
Lets you choose a target output file.
Opens a File Selector window, where you can choose a target output file.
Lets you select a target output channel.
Status bar:
Reports single-value results and the status of an expression.

Using the Raster Calculator to set output parameters

The Single Value option gives you a single-number result for a single-band computation in the status bar of
the calculator tool.
The Display option is the result of a computation on one or more bands that produces a band. This output
field can be saved to disk and can be shown in the Focus window.

1. From the Tools menu, click Raster Calculator.

2. Click in the Expression box.
3. Using the calculator buttons, enter an equation in the Expression box and specify Add to existing file.
4. Enter an equation in the Expression box and specify Add to new file, channel description, and channel
type into the output parameters.
5. Enter an equation in the Expression box that results in a single integer value.
When no output parameters are specified, the Raster Calculator checks for errors in the equation (such
as parentheses not closed), calculates the result, and displays it in a new window.

Many of the same formatting rules for EASI Modeling apply to the Raster Calculator.
Related Links
Opening the EASI Modeling window on page 221

220 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

EASI modeling in Focus

You can use the EASI scripting language to write scripts and run them on data you have open in Focus. You
can also open the EASI Modeling window to run EASI scripts for data that is not open in Focus. Dozens of
pre-written scripts are available in the Geomatica pro folder.
For details on numeric, string, logical, and modeling (channel, bitmap and special variable) expressions, see
the EASI topic in the Geomatica Help.
The online Help provides details on the entire EASI scripting language. EASI Modeling is designed primarily
for simple image modeling. While all options are available for EASI MODEL scripts run at the EASI prompt,
only a subset of these commands can be used in the EASI Modeling window.
For more information on EASI modeling with Geomatica, contact PCI Customer Support.

Opening the EASI Modeling window

The EASI Modeling window allows you to view EASI models as text. You can load and edit previously written
scripts, select input data, run scripts, save scripts and script changes, and have the results opened in the
view pane.
To open the EASI Modeling window in Focus:

1. From the File menu, click Open.

2. In the File Selector window, locate and select the file on which you want to run an EASI script, and click
The image and bitmap layers must exist in the database .pix file prior to running the model.
3. From the Tools menu, click EASI Modeling.

Adding image and bitmap layers to a .pix file

EASI Modeling uses a single input file. The model is performed directly on the database file. It is recommended
that you keep a copy of the original input file before running the model. You can also test the model using
bitmaps instead of image layers, where applicable.
The Modeling window provides the option of displaying the results to the view pane. It is not necessary to
save this new layer back to the database, as the modeling program operates directly on the database file,
rather than the display. When you review the results on-screen, you can delete the new layer by right-clicking
the layer in the Maps tree and clicking Remove.

1. From the Files tree, right-click a file and click New and then click Image Layer (or Bitmap Layer).
2. From the Tools menu, click EASI Modeling.
3. In the EASI Modeling window, from the Input File list, choose an input file from the Input File list box.
4. Click in the model box and type a model (for example, %12=(%1-%2)/(%1+%2);).
If you want to display the model results in the view pane, enable the Display Result check box.
5. Click one of the following buttons:
• Run: executes the model
• Clear: clears the model box
• Load: opens an existing model with files using the .eas file name extension
• Save: saves the model to a text file using the .eas file name extension

PCI Geomatics 221

Chapter 5: Image processing

Using simple image models

Modeling equations, in their simplest form, are arithmetic combinations of image layers assigned to other
image layers. Image layers are indicated by a percent sign followed by the layer number. The following
equation assigns the average numeric value of image layers 1 and 2 to image layer 3.
%3 = (%1 +%2)/2
The assignment is evaluated for every pixel in image layer 3, using the corresponding pixel values from image
layers 1 and 2.
You can also assign a constant value to an entire image layer.
%1 = 255
A standard set of arithmetic operations is available in modeling expressions:
a + b Addition
a - b Subtraction
a * b Multiplication
a / b Division
a ^ b Exponentiation
(a) Parentheses, also square brackets [].
- a Unary negation
The following mathematical intrinsic functions are also available:
sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), ln(), log10(), exp(), exp10(), rad(), deg(), abs(), int(), random() and
All the rules previously indicated for image layers also apply to bitmap layers, except that the variables are
prefixed with two percent signs instead of one. A bitmap layer can have a value of either 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF).
For example, if image layer 1 has a digital number greater than 50, then set bitmap layer 15 to 1.
If %1 > 50 then
% %15 = 1

Understanding the basic modeling logic

In addition to using simple assignment equations, you can also construct simple logical operations in the
EASI Modeling window. These operations take the form of 'IF' statements.
The following command sets the numeric value of image layer 2 to 255 anywhere the value of image layer 1
is between 32 and 64. Line breaks are significant; each statement must be on its own line.
if (%1 >= 32 AND %1 <= 64) then
%2 = 255
The following example shows a more complex procedure to turn on bitmap layer 2 (%%2), where image
layers 1, 2, and 3 are equal to 255.
if (%1 = 255) and (%2 = 255) and (%3 = 255) then
%%2 = 1

222 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

%%2 = 0
The possible comparison and logical functions are:
a > b a greater than b
a < b a less than b
a = b a equals b
a <> b a not equal b
a <= b a less than or equal b
a >= b a greater than or equal b
a OR b a is true or b is true
a AND b a is true and b is true
!a a is not true
You can also use brackets to ensure operations take place in the expected order.
Detailed Examples
In the following example, a 'Vegetative Index' calculation using image layers 1 and 2 is performed and the
results are saved to image layer 13 of the same file. Next, a 32-bit real image layer is added to the sample
data file 'irvine.pix' to store the results.

1. With irvine.pix open, click the File tab.

2. Right-click irvine.pix and click New and then click Raster Layer.
3. In the Add Image Channels window, enter a 1 in the 32 bit real box and click Add.
4. From the Tools menu in the Focus window, click EASI Modeling.
5. In the EASI Modeling window, enter the following model in the model box:
• %13=(%1-%2)/(%1+%2);
To output to an 8-bit image layer, some scaling and adjustment is necessary.
6. Click Run.

Adding a bitmap layer to irvine.pix

• From the Files tree, right-click irvine.pix and click New and then click Image Bitmap Layer.

To view the results in the view pane, enable the Display Results check box.

(%1 < 55) and (%2 < 55) and (%3 < 55)
%%33 = 1

%%33 = 0

The demo file irvine.pix does not contain a black 'no data' area outside the image. For the purpose of the
following example, a digital number of less than 55 in image layers 1, 2, and 3 was used to create the bitmap
layer. If you are creating an actual mask for the 'no data' area, you use (%1 = 0) and (%2 = 0) and (%3 = 0)
in the IF statement.

PCI Geomatics 223

Chapter 5: Image processing

Change area under bitmap to white in image layers 1, 2, and 3;



Create a white grid on an RGB image:

(mod(@geox,1000)<=@sizex) or (mod(@geoy,1000)<=abs(@sizey))
%1 = 255
%2 = 255
%3 = 255

%1 = %1
%2 = %2
%3 = %3

See Special Variables for details on the use of @geox/ @geoy & @sizex/ @sizey.
Blending examples
Create an image which smoothly blends image layer 1 into image layer 2 as you move across the image.
The output is placed in image layer 8.

%8 = ((@x-1)/@dbx)*%2 + ((@dbx-@x)/@dbx)*%1
Create a gray level ramp of 0 to 255 across an image layer.

%8 = ((@x-1)*255) / @dbx
Perform a 3x3 smoothing filter on image layer 8. Back slashes are used to extend a statement over multiple
lines. Also note that the Algorithm Library program FAV performs this operation more efficiently.

%8 = (%4[@x-1,@y-1] + %4[@x,@y-1] + %4[@x+1,@y- 1] + \

%4[@x-1,@y ] + %4[@x,@y ] + %4[@x+1,@y ] + \
%4[@x-1,@y+1] + %4[@x,@y+1] + %4[@x+1,@y+1] ) / 9
When processing pixels on the border of the image, the neighborhood of the current pixel extends off the
database. To ensure that referenced pixels that are off the database (such as%4[@x-1,@y-1] in the top left
corner) are usable, the image values are replicated out from the edge of the database to supply values that
are missing.

Image layer variables

Image layers can be specified in a modeling expression using any of the following forms:
%n [(x_expr, y_expr)]
%{ n } [(x_expr, y_expr)]
%{ file_spec, n } [(x_expr, y_expr)]

224 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

The first case is the image layer sign (%) followed by a literal numeric value, such as 1, 2 or 3, indicating
layer 1, 2, or 3 of the implicit database (such as the input file). The second example is similar, but the image
layer number may be a numeric expression that is evaluated to be the image layer number.
The third case is more general yet. The file_spec may be a database file name or a file handle returned by
DBOpen(), and the image layer number is evaluated as an expression('n').
For simple models, you cannot reference files other than the input file selected from the list box. EASI Modeling
generally operates on a single file for both input and output. For example, you cannot run the following model
if your input file is D:\Geomatica_V82\demo\irvine.pix.
%13 = %{"D:\Geomatica_V82\demo\eltoro.pix", 1}
However, you can override this by using the DBOpen() function to open any number of database files. To
copy image layer 1 from eltoro.pix to image layer 12 in irvine.pix:
local integer fdinput, fdoutput
fdinput = DBOpen("D:\Geomatica_V82\demo\eltoro.pix", "r")
fdoutput = DBOpen( "D:\Geomatica_V82\demo\irvine.pix", "r+")
%{fdoutput,13} = %{fdinput,1};
call DBClose(fdinput)
call DBClose(fdoutput)
The irvine.pix file is 512x512 and eltoro.pix is 1024x1024. The previous operation copies image layer 1 of
eltoro.pix to image 13 of irvine.pix, but because irvine.pix is the implicit database (such as the input file),
the area of operation is 0, 0, 512, 512; only the top left quarter of eltoro.pix is copied into channel 13 of
The second part of the image layer specification is an optional subscript specification. In the above case, the
default subscript specification used is x --> x, y --> y. The subscript specification allows you to indicate the
pixel that should be operated on for the current value of X and Y, and may be given as an expression.
The following example assigns a sampled copy of eltoro.pix to irvine.pix. The @x and @y symbols are the
current pixel location when the expression is evaluated for each pixel.
local integer fdinput, fdoutput
fdinput = DBOpen( "D:\Geomatica_V82\demo\eltoro.pix", "r")
fdoutput = DBOpen( "D:\Geomatica_V82\demo\irvine.pix", "r+")
%{fdoutput,13} = %{fdinput,1}(@x*2+1,@y*2+1);
call DBClose(fdinput)
call DBClose(fdoutput)
X and Y vary from 0 to 511 as the implicit window of operation is 0, 0, 512, 512... the area of irvine.pix.
However, image layer 1 of eltoro.pix is sampled for values of 1 to 1023. As @x and @y value from 0 to 511,
the expression @x*2+1 varies from 1 to 1023.
It is also legal for the subscript expressions to extend of the source database. In this case image values from
the edge of the database are replicated out as far as is needed to satisfy requests. Thus, a simple filter such
as example 6 above the following will work in a reasonable manner, even on the edge of the database.
Bitmap Layer Variables
Bitmaps layers are basically one bit deep image layers, used primarily to serve as masks for regions where
operations are to take place and may be specified in a manner very similar to image layers. All the rules
previously indicated for image layers also apply to bitmap layers, except that the variables are prefixed with
two percent characters instead of one. Also, the index number is the segment number of the bitmap layer to
be used.

PCI Geomatics 225

Chapter 5: Image processing

%%n [(x_expr, y_expr)]

%%{ n } [(x_expr, y_expr)]
%%{ file_spec, n } [(x_expr, y_expr)]
Bitmap layer variables will only assume values of zero or one. Any non-zero value assigned to a bitmap layer
will be treated as one.

Creating an EASI bitmap mask

Create a bitmap mask (segment 2) which is true (1) everywhere channels 1 and 2 are less than 25. Then this
mask and the mask in segment 3 are used to determine a region that should be zeroed in image channels 1
and 2.

(%1 < 25 and %2 < 25)
%%2 = 1
%%2 = 0

(%%2 = 1 and %%3 = 0)
%1 = 0
%2 = 0
Special Variables
Allow access to information about the size and georeferencing information of channels being operated on
and the position of the current pixel. The following special variables may be treated as elements in modeling
• @x current x (pixel) processing location
• @y current y (line) processing location
• @dbx size of database in x (pixel) direction
• @dby size of database in y (line) direction
• @meterx size of a pixel in x direction in meters
• @metery size of a pixel in y direction in meters
• @geox x georeferenced center of current pixel
• @geoy y georeferenced center of current pixel
• @sizex x size of a pixel in georeferenced units
• @sizey y size of a pixel in georeferenced units
Note that @x, @y, @geox and @geoy change value for each pixel processed, while @dbx, @dby, @meterx,
@metery, @sizex and @sizey remain constant over the whole image.
It is usually necessary to use the @x and @y special variables when constructing subscript expressions for
channel expressions. For example, the following assignment would mirror an image across a vertical center
line. The @dbx is used in computing the center line.

%2 = %1[@dbx-@x+1,@y]
Numeric Expressions
Numeric expressions in EASI are normally operated on in double precision floating point. Values with less
precision are promoted to double precision before operations are performed.

226 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

A wide set of built-in operations are available in numeric expressions and are listed below with a short
• a + b Addition
• a - b Subtraction
• a * b Multiplication
• a / b Division
• a ^ b Exponentiation
• ( a ) Parenthesis, also square brackets [].
• - a Unary negation

A numeric element can be any of the following:
• A numeric constant.
• An EASI variable of type byte, int, float or double.
• An element of a numeric variable array.
• A numeric intrinsic function.
• A numeric user defined function.
• A subscripted numeric parameter.
Numeric constants can be entered as decimal or scientific notation numbers with an optional negative sign.
Scientific notation is denoted with the 'E' or 'D' character; for example 123000 can be written as 1.23e5, 1.23
* 10 ^ 5
Comparison and logical functions
• a > b a greater than b
• a < b a less than b
• a = b a equals b
• a <> b a not equal b
• a <= b a less than or equal b
• a >= b a greater than or equal b
• a OR b a is true or b is true
• a AND b a is true and b is true
• !a a is not true


(%1 = 255) and (%2 = 255) and (%3 = 255)
%%2 = 1
%%2 = 0
Logical expressions
Logical expressions in EASI are used to compute TRUE/FALSE results for use with the IF and WHILE
conditional statements. There is currently no way to store a pure logical value in an EASI variable. Logical
expressions consist of comparisons between numeric and string expressions combined with the use of the
logical operations AND, OR, and NOT.
The equality and inequality tests may be used with two numeric expressions. The equal sign ('=') is used to
test for equality, while inequality is tested with '<>' or '!='.

PCI Geomatics 227

Chapter 5: Image processing


If( %1 = 0 )
while( flag <> 1 )
The '>', '<', '>=' and '<=' operations may only be performed on numeric expressions.


while( total <= 100 )

while( total < 101 )

while( NOT total > 100 )

while( NOT total >= 101 )

The logical operations AND and OR operate on two logical expressions, while NOT operates on one logical
expression. The symbols '&', '|' and '!' are considered to be equivalent to AND, OR, and NOT.


if( A = 1 AND B = 1 )

if( A = 1 & b = 1 )
The IF statement is used to conditionally execute statements.

IF( logical_expression )

[ELSEIF( logical_expression )


• logical_expr: a logical expression as described in 'Logical Expression'
• statement_list: a list of one or more statements
Each logical_expression is evaluated in turn until one of them evaluates to be true. When one is true, the
corresponding statement_list will be executed, and control will continue beyond the ENDIF. If none of the
logical expressions is true and an ELSE clause exists, the associated statement_list will be executed.
The WHILE command provides a general purpose looping construct.

WHILE( log_expr )

228 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 5: Image processing

• log_expr: a logical expression which is evaluated before each iteration of the loop
The logical expression in the WHILE statement is evaluated. If the result is true, the statement list is executed;
otherwise, control skips to the statement following the ENDWHILE. Once the statement list has been executed,
control returns to the WHILE statement to test the logical expression again.
It is possible to jump into, or out of, the WHILE loop using the GOTO statement, but this is poor style and
may not work in future versions of EASI.
The FOR command provides a simple looping construct over a series of numeric values.

FOR iter_var = start_val TO end_val [BY incr_val]

• iter_var: the iteration variable. This may be any numeric variable type, including a parameter.
• start_val: this initial value to assign to the 'iter_var'
• end_val: when 'iter_var' passes this value, iteration stops
• incr_val: a value by which to increment 'iter_var' each iteration. The default is 1.
The FOR statement initializes the iteration variable to the initial value, checks it against the end value, and
if the end value is not exceeded it executes the statement list. When the ENDFOR statement is reached, the
iteration variable is increased by the increment value and compared to the end value. If the end value is not
exceeded, the statement list is executed again. The start value may be greater than the end value and the
increment value may be negative, but if the increment value does not take the iteration variable value closer
to the end value each iteration, the FOR loop will never terminate.
It is possible to alter the value of the iteration variable inside the FOR loop and also to use GOTO to escape
or enter the loop, but this is poor style and may cause problems in future versions of EASI.

The following example runs the task CLR on the first 128 channels of the PCIDSK file irvine128.pix in groups
of 16 channels at a time.

local i,j
valu = 0
for i = 1 to 128 by 16
for j = 1 to 16
dboc(j) = i + j - 1
run clr
Multiple statements
Multiple statements may be placed on the same line by separating the statements with a statement separator.
The back slash and semi-colon characters can be used interchangeably for this purpose. A line of input may
be almost any length.

File = "C:\Geomatica_V82\demo\irvine.pix" \ run clr
File = "C:\Geomatica_V82\demo\irvine.pix"; run clr
Single Statements

PCI Geomatics 229

Chapter 5: Image processing

You may split very long statements over multiple lines by placing a back slash character, not a semi-colon,
at the end of each incomplete line.

230 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

Understanding atmospheric correction

The data obtained by optical satellite sensors with high spatial resolution has become an invaluable tool for
many groups interested in studying, managing, developing, and protecting our population, environment, and
resources. Unfortunately, satellite images are often obscured by atmospheric effects like haze as a result of
conditions in the atmosphere at the time the image was captured. Atmospheric correction is a process used
to reduce or eliminate atmospheric effects and reveal more accurate surface reflectance values.
The Focus Atmospheric Correction window provides several workflows that allow you to perform various
types of atmospheric correction:
• Top-of-the-Atmosphere reflectance
• Haze removal and cloud masking
• Ground reflectance atmospheric correction
• Surface temperature atmospheric correction

Preparing data for atmospheric correction

Before you begin setting up the atmospheric correction process, it is recommended that you ingest the data
as described in the following table, to ensure that all required metadata is properly retrieved from the satellite
data. Doing so will automatically populate many of the fields in the atmospheric correction workflows, instead
of requiring your manual input.
The following table lists the required algorithm or entry method for ingesting data from supported satellites.

Sensor Ingest Method

ALI-Advanced Land Imager Manual entry
Disaster Monitoring Constellation CDDMC algorithm
Formosat-2 CDFORMOSAT algorithm
GeoEye-1 (TIFF or NITF) CDIKONOS algorithm
GDB format
Note: calibration coefficients provided in the metadata are placeholders.
Select one of the calibration files provided in the actor\cal\kompsat-2
directory of your Geomatica installation.

IRS-A/B/C/D Manual entry

Landsat-4 and 5 MSS (TIFF) CDLAND7 algorithm
Landsat-4 and 5 TM (TIFF) CDLAND7 algorithm
Landsat-7 (TIFF or L1G) CDLAND7 algorithm

PCI Geomatics 231

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

Sensor Ingest Method

Orbview3 (TIFF or NITF) CDOV algorithm
Pleiades GDB format
QuickBird CDQB or QBASMBLE algorithm
RapidEye GDB format
SAC-C Manual entry
SPOT-1, 2, and 3 (DIMAP or CAP) CDSPOTRPC algorithm
SPOT-4 and 5 (DIMAP or CAP) CDSPOTRPC or CDSPOT5 algorithm
WorldView-2 CDQB or QBASMBLE algorithm

Note: For GDB formats, select the GDB keyfilename to open in Focus.
To retrieve the sensor metadata and information about image acquisition, import your images from the compact
disk (CD) using the appropriate CD-read algorithm. Most sensors have a specific CD-read algorithm that
creates a PCIDSK file, imports the imagery channels from the CD, extracts the metadata, and saves the
satellite path information in a segment. When you prepare your imagery this way, Focus can automatically
set or calculate several parameters when you configure the atmospheric correction workflows.
The number and types of bands on the CD depends on the sensor used to capture the data. Typically, the
visible, thermal, and panchromatic bands are in different resolutions. Some sensors may not provide thermal
or panchromatic bands. Read the bands of the same resolution at the same time into one file.
For example, Landsat 7 data usually has eight bands: bands 1 to 5 and 7 are the visible wavelengths with a
30-meter resolution, band 6 contains two thermal wavelengths with a 60-meter resolution, and band 8 is the
panchromatic with a 15-meter resolution. You would use the CDLAND7 algorithm to read bands 1 to 5 and
7 into a file, then band 6 into a file, and then band 8 into a file. If you do not intend to use the thermal or
panchromatic bands in the atmospheric correction process, you do not need to read those bands into a file.
The CD-read algorithms are available through EASI, Modeler, and Focus.
To retrieve metadata using CD-read algorithms in Focus:

1. From the main Focus menu, select Tools > Algorithm Librarian.
2. Under PCI Predefined, expand the Data Interchange folder, then open the CD Reading/Utilities folder.
3. Select the appropriate CD-read algorithm for the sensor data.
4. Click Open to display the control panel for the algorithm.
5. Enter the required information on the Files and Input Parameters tabs.
6. Click Run.
7. Repear the procedure for each set of bands with the same resolution.

Atmospheric correction workflows

The Atmospheric Correction workflows allow you to perform each of the available operations using the
minimum amount of information required, while also allowing you to execute further radiometric corrections
such as calculating ground reflectance or surface temperature. Each workflow runs independently; information
provided in one workflow is automatically applied to the other workflows.
Preparing your imagery before running atmospheric correction workflows allows the application can
automatically set or calculate many of the required parameters. Once your files are prepared, you can run
the various Atmospheric Correction workflows. For more information, see Preparing data for atmospheric
correction on page 231.

232 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

The Atmospheric Correction window provides access to several workflows:

• The TOA Reflectance workflow on page 233: computes a Top-of-Atmosphere reflectance image
• The Haze Removal workflow on page 237: creates coarse classification masks for cloud and water
masking, and performs haze removal
• The ATCOR Ground Reflectance workflow on page 239: performs atmospheric correction of satellite
• The ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow on page 248: performs atmospheric correction of thermal

Opening the atmospheric correction window

To open the Atmospheric Correction window:

1. In Focus, open the file that you wish to correct.

2. From the main Focus menu, select Analysis > Atmospheric Correction.
3. Select the desired Atmospheric Correction workflow.
The Atmospheric Correction window opens, displaying the main wizard panel for the selected workflow.
The wizard guides you through the various stages of the operation, highlighting required details and
validating specified settings.

The TOA Reflectance workflow

The Top of the Atmosphere Reflectance workflow is the most basic of the Atmospheric Correction workflows,
and its settings are used in all other workflows. For instance, the settings in this workflow help you estimate
the low- and high-reflectance thresholds required to perform cloud masking. They also help you identify the
qualiy of the radiometric calibration coefficients available from the image, before further processing. The
workflow converts pixel values to physical reflectance, as measured above the atmosphere. It normalizes
images based on radiance values and image acquisition times, using only the required image information.
The TOA Reflectance workflow consists of the following processes:

Specifying sensor and image settings

To specify sensor and image settings:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Sensor and image settings
The Sensor and image settings panel appears.
2. In the Input Image Files section, click the down arrow beside the Multispectral field to display the
multispectral files available in the open Focus data set. Alternatively, click Browse to select a file.
The wizard automatically populates the following workflow fields using the metadata tags from the input
multispectral file:
• Sensor type: PlatformName
• Acquisition Date: Acquisition_Date or Acquisition_DateTime
• Solar zenith: AngleOfSolarElevation or SolarZenith
• Solar azimuth: SolarAzimuth
• Calibration coefficients and Band Setup: MinWavelength, MaxWavelength, WavelengthUnits,
RadiometricTransOffset, RadiometricTransGrain, RadiometricTransUnits , all at the channel level
Note: If the RadiometricTransUnits tag is missing, units are assumed to be

3. Optionally, specify the path and file name of the associated Panchromatic file, or click Browse to select
the file.

PCI Geomatics 233

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

If the specified sensor does not provide a panchromatic image, this field is disabled.
4. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, you must calculate the solar zenith and azimuth
values according to the image’s acquisition date, time, and nominal scene center.
From the Sensor Information section, click Calculate to display the Solar Calculation window, and
enter the required information:
• Calculate solar angles

5. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, the Calibration coefficients source field
defaults to Manual Entry.You must either manually enter the required information, or import the data from
a text file.
• Manually enter calibration information
• Import calibration information from a file
Note: You must verify all calibration coefficients before proceeding to another workflow. If you skip this
step and this information is not available through metadata, the calibration offset and gain are assumed
to be 0 and 1 respectively. These values are acceptable for haze removal, but will produce incorrect results
for the TOA, cloud masking, ground reflectance, and surface temperature calculations.

6. In the Output Files section, specify the location of the output folder.
Click Browse to open the File Selector window, or type the path directly in the Folder field.
The specified directory will receive all output files from any of the atmospheric correction workflows. The
directory must already exist and must be write-enabled.

Related Links
Calculating solar angles on page 234
Editing an existing calibration file to create a new file on page 235
Manually entering calibration coefficients on page 234
Importing calibration coefficients from a file on page 235

Calculating solar angles

To calculate the solar zenith and azimuth angles:

1. Enter the image’s Acquisition time in hh:mm:ss (GMT).

2. Enter the scene’s Latitude and Longitude coordinates, in decimal degrees.
3. Click Calculate to compute the image’s solar zenith and solar azimuth values.
4. Click OK to close the window. The calculated information appears in the Sensor and image settings

Related Links
Specifying sensor and image settings on page 233

Manually entering calibration coefficients

If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, you must either manually enter the required
information, or import the data from a text file.
Note: If you skip this step, and this information is not available through metadata, the calibration offset and
gain are assumed to be 0 and 1 respectively. These values are acceptable for haze removal, but will produce
incorrect results for the TOA, cloud masking, ground reflectance, and surface temperature calculations.
To manually enter calibration information:

1. From the Radiometric Information section’s Calibration coefficients source drop-down list, select
Manual Entry.

234 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

2. Click Band Setup.

The Band Setup window displays the calibrated coefficients and wavelength for each channel. The number
of rows and wavelength information depends on the specified sensor.The Atmospheric Correction workflow
is designed to expect image files that are complete and organized, as delivered by the image provider. If
the input image contains swapped bands or is missing bands (any other than blue or green, red and NIR),
use the Band Setup window to specify which channel contains each band.
3. In the Band Setup window, specify the Offset and Gain for each band.
This information is generally provided with the data set. If your image does not include metadata, contact
your image provider.
4. Click the down arrows in the Channel column to map the channel to the appropriate band.
5. In the Background Value column, specify the NoData value for each band to define pixels that should
be ignored during computation.
6. Click OK to close the Band Setup window and return to the atmospheric correction workflow.

Related Links
Specifying sensor and image settings on page 233

Importing calibration coefficients from a file

If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, you must either manually enter the required
information, or import the data from a text file.
Note: If you skip this step, and this information is not available through metadata, the calibration offset and
gain are assumed to be 0 and 1 respectively. These values are acceptable for haze removal, but will produce
incorrect results for the TOA, cloud masking, ground reflectance, and surface temperature calculations.
To import calibration information from a text file:

1. From the Radiometric Information section’s Calibration coefficients source drop-down list, select
Import from Text File.
2. Click the down arrow beside the Text file (multispectral) field to display the calibration files available in
the open Focus data set. Alternatively, click Browse to select a file.
The atcor\cal\ folder in the Geomatica installation directory contains sample calibration files for each
supported sensor.
If you provide a different calibration file, ensure that it has the same format and units as the sample files
provided for the specified sensor. For more information, see Editing an existing calibration file to create
a new file on page 235.
The application reads the calibration coefficients from the specified text file and populates the offset and
gain in the Band Setup window.
3. If you specified a panchromatic input image file, click the down arrow beside the Text file (panchromatic)
field to specify a calibration coefficients text file.
4. Click Band Setup.
The Band Setup window is automatically populated with the information from the input text file.
5. Verify the Offset, Gain, Channel, and Background Value for each band, making any necessary changes.
6. Click OK to close the Band Setup window and return to the atmospheric correction workflow.

Related Links
Specifying sensor and image settings on page 233
Editing an existing calibration file to create a new file on page 235

Editing an existing calibration file to create a new file

The atcor\cal\ folder in the Geomatica installation directory contains sample standard calibration files for
every sensor supported by the atmospheric correction workflows. Each row in a calibration file lists the
calibration coefficients for each sensor band; the bands are listed in increasing wavelength order.

PCI Geomatics 235

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

When you complete an Atmospheric Correction workflow, you can use one of the standard calibration files.
If your correction is not producing expected results, compare the calibration coefficients (gain and bias values)
in your data's metadata file to those in the calibration file. If the values are significantly different, you can
create your own calibration file specific to your data.
The calibration file contains a table of the bands, the gain value (c1) and the bias (c0) value for each band.
The atmospheric correction workflows use mW/cm-2 sr-1 micron-1 as the radiance unit for each band. Because
the sensors may use a different radiance unit, you may need to convert the values.
For example, some calibration coefficients are measured in W m-2 sr-1 micron-1. To convert it to the ATCOR
radiance value, you multiply the values in the metadata file by 0.1.

Figure 2: Example of a calibration file

To edit an existing calibration file to create a new one:

1. Open a standard calibration file for the sensor appropriate for your data.
Standard calibration files are located in the atcor\cal directory of your Geomatica installation.
2. Open the metadata file that came with your data.
3. If required, convert the values from the metadata file to ATCOR radiance units:
-2 -1
• mW/cm sr micron-1

4. Replace the bias and gain values for each band with the converted values from the metadata file.
5. Save as a new file with the .cal extension in the atcor\cal folder for the appropriate sensor.

Related Links
Specifying sensor and image settings on page 233
Importing calibration coefficients from a file on page 235

Running the TOA Reflectance workflow

To run the TOA Reflectance workflow:

1. Ensure that all workflow fields are properly filled.

When all the required settings are properly specified, the workflow task entry in the Tree List displays a
green bullet.
2. Click Run to calculate the Top of the Atmosphere reflectance.
A progress monitor appears, indicating the running processes. When the operation is complete, a new
TOA_Corrected layer appears in the Focus Tree List.
The information set in the Sensor and image settings is shared with all other Atmospheric Correction
workflows, allowing you to reuse the same information to perform other tasks without having to re-specify

236 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

the settings. Note, however, that all workflows apply to the same data set; specifying a new input data set
in another workflow will overwrite the existing information.
3. Select another workflow, or click Close to close the Atmospheric Correction window.

The Haze Removal workflow

The Haze Removal workflow allows you to calculate water and cloud masks for the input scene, and remove
haze from images before performing atmospheric correction, thematic classification, or creating a mosaic.
Workflow fields are automatically populated using the input scene’s metadata.
The Haze Removal workflow consists of the following processes:

Specifying sensor and image settings

To specify sensor and image settings:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Sensor and image settings
The Sensor and image settings panel appears.
2. In the Input Image Files section, click the down arrow beside the Multispectral field to display the
multispectral files available in the open Focus data set. Alternatively, click Browse to select a file.
The wizard automatically populates the following workflow fields using the metadata tags from the input
multispectral file:
• Sensor type: PlatformName
• Acquisition Date: Acquisition_Date or Acquisition_DateTime
• Solar zenith: AngleOfSolarElevation or SolarZenith
• Solar azimuth: SolarAzimuth
• Calibration coefficients and Band Setup: MinWavelength, MaxWavelength, WavelengthUnits,
RadiometricTransOffset, RadiometricTransGrain, RadiometricTransUnits , all at the channel level
Note: If the RadiometricTransUnits tag is missing, units are assumed to be

3. Optionally, specify the path and file name of the associated Panchromatic file, or click Browse to select
the file.
If the specified sensor does not provide a panchromatic image, this field is disabled.
4. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, you must calculate the solar zenith and azimuth
values according to the image’s acquisition date, time, and nominal scene center.
From the Sensor Information section, click Calculate to display the Solar Calculation window, and
enter the required information:
• Calculate solar angles

5. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, the Calibration coefficients source field
defaults to Manual Entry.You must either manually enter the required information, or import the data from
a text file.
• Manually enter calibration information
• Import calibration information from a file
Note: You must verify all calibration coefficients before proceeding to another workflow. If you skip this
step and this information is not available through metadata, the calibration offset and gain are assumed
to be 0 and 1 respectively. These values are acceptable for haze removal, but will produce incorrect results
for the TOA, cloud masking, ground reflectance, and surface temperature calculations.

6. In the Output Files section, specify the location of the output folder.

PCI Geomatics 237

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

Click Browse to open the File Selector window, or type the path directly in the Folder field.
The specified directory will receive all output files from any of the atmospheric correction workflows. The
directory must already exist and must be write-enabled.

Related Links
Calculating solar angles on page 234
Editing an existing calibration file to create a new file on page 235
Manually entering calibration coefficients on page 234
Importing calibration coefficients from a file on page 235

Specifying haze and cloud masking settings

To specify haze and cloud masking settings:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction Workflows Tree List, select Haze and cloud masking.
The Haze and Cloud Masking panel appears.
2. In the Cloud Masking section, specify the Lowest and Highest reflectance threshold values, (%) to
calculate the cloud mask using reflectance in the blue or green bands of the input scene.
Do one of the following:
• Manually enter the Lowest and Highest threshold values (1-100%). Enter the lowest and highest values
for the clouds, from your TOA reflectance output image.
• Import the cloud masks from a file: click the down arrow in the Import from File field to select a pix
file that contains an existing cloud mask. If applicable, select the layer that contains bitmaps defining
the clouds. The file must be in a GDB-supported format, and must be reprojectable.
• Select Omit to disable the cloud masking operation (for example, if your image contains no clouds, or
if you want to skip the cloud masking process).

3. In the Water Masking section, specify the Highest in NIR and Highest in SWIR reflectance threshold
values, (%) to calculate the water mask using reflectance in the NIR and SWIR bands of the input scene.
Do one of the following:
• Manually enter the Highest in NIR and Highest in SWIR threshold values (1-100%).
• Import the water masks from a file: click the down arrow in the Import from File field to select a pix
file that contains an existing water mask. If applicable, select the layer that contains bitmaps defining
the water bodies. The file must be in a GDB-supported format, and must be reprojectable.
• Select Omit to disable the water masking operation.

4. To remove haze from the input scene, select the Perform Haze Removal checkbox.
5. In the Haze Cover Percentage field, specify the percentage of the image that is covered in haze.
6. In the Apply haze correction for bands under field, specify the maximum wavelength of the band on
which to apply haze removal. The default is 0.85 micrometers.

Running the Haze Removal workflow

To run the Haze Removal workflow:

1. Ensure that all workflow fields are properly filled and accurate.
When all the required settings are specified, the workflow task entry in the Tree List displays a green
2. Click Run to calculate the Haze Removal operation.
A progress monitor appears, indicating the running processes. When the operation is complete, a new
HazeRemoved layer appears in the Focus Tree List, along with the generated cloud and water masks.

238 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

The information set in the workflow tasks (Sensor and image settings and Haze and cloud masking)
is shared with all other Atmospheric Correction workflows, allowing you to reuse the same information to
perform other tasks without having to re-specify the settings. Note, however, that all workflows apply to
the same data set; specifying a new input data set in another workflow will overwrite the existing information.
3. Select another workflow or a different image, or click Close to close the Atmospheric Correction window.

The ATCOR Ground Reflectance workflow

The ATCOR Ground Reflectance workflow allows you to calculate the reflectance values at ground level to
remove atmospheric effects in satellite imagery, preparing the images for analysis under different atmospheric
conditions. The workflow generates a reflectance image at ground level, corrected by atmospheric (aerosol
type and water vapor) and terrain effects. Workflow fields are automatically populated using the input scene’s
The ATCOR Ground Reflectance workflow consists of the following processes:

Specifying sensor and image settings

To specify sensor and image settings:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Sensor and image settings
The Sensor and image settings panel appears.
2. In the Input Image Files section, click the down arrow beside the Multispectral field to display the
multispectral files available in the open Focus data set. Alternatively, click Browse to select a file.
The wizard automatically populates the following workflow fields using the metadata tags from the input
multispectral file:
• Sensor type: PlatformName
• Acquisition Date: Acquisition_Date or Acquisition_DateTime
• Solar zenith: AngleOfSolarElevation or SolarZenith
• Solar azimuth: SolarAzimuth
• Calibration coefficients and Band Setup: MinWavelength, MaxWavelength, WavelengthUnits,
RadiometricTransOffset, RadiometricTransGrain, RadiometricTransUnits , all at the channel level
Note: If the RadiometricTransUnits tag is missing, units are assumed to be

3. Optionally, specify the path and file name of the associated Panchromatic file, or click Browse to select
the file.
If the specified sensor does not provide a panchromatic image, this field is disabled.
4. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, you must calculate the solar zenith and azimuth
values according to the image’s acquisition date, time, and nominal scene center.
From the Sensor Information section, click Calculate to display the Solar Calculation window, and
enter the required information:
• Calculate solar angles

5. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, the Calibration coefficients source field
defaults to Manual Entry.You must either manually enter the required information, or import the data from
a text file.
• Manually enter calibration information
• Import calibration information from a file
Note: You must verify all calibration coefficients before proceeding to another workflow. If you skip this
step and this information is not available through metadata, the calibration offset and gain are assumed

PCI Geomatics 239

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

to be 0 and 1 respectively. These values are acceptable for haze removal, but will produce incorrect results
for the TOA, cloud masking, ground reflectance, and surface temperature calculations.

6. In the Output Files section, specify the location of the output folder.
Click Browse to open the File Selector window, or type the path directly in the Folder field.
The specified directory will receive all output files from any of the atmospheric correction workflows. The
directory must already exist and must be write-enabled.

Related Links
Calculating solar angles on page 234
Editing an existing calibration file to create a new file on page 235
Manually entering calibration coefficients on page 234
Importing calibration coefficients from a file on page 235

Specifying haze and cloud masking settings

To specify haze and cloud masking settings:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction Workflows Tree List, select Haze and cloud masking.
The Haze and Cloud Masking panel appears.
2. In the Cloud Masking section, specify the Lowest and Highest reflectance threshold values, (%) to
calculate the cloud mask using reflectance in the blue or green bands of the input scene.
Do one of the following:
• Manually enter the Lowest and Highest threshold values (1-100%). Enter the lowest and highest values
for the clouds, from your TOA reflectance output image.
• Import the cloud masks from a file: click the down arrow in the Import from File field to select a pix
file that contains an existing cloud mask. If applicable, select the layer that contains bitmaps defining
the clouds. The file must be in a GDB-supported format, and must be reprojectable.
• Select Omit to disable the cloud masking operation (for example, if your image contains no clouds, or
if you want to skip the cloud masking process).

3. In the Water Masking section, specify the Highest in NIR and Highest in SWIR reflectance threshold
values, (%) to calculate the water mask using reflectance in the NIR and SWIR bands of the input scene.
Do one of the following:
• Manually enter the Highest in NIR and Highest in SWIR threshold values (1-100%).
• Import the water masks from a file: click the down arrow in the Import from File field to select a pix
file that contains an existing water mask. If applicable, select the layer that contains bitmaps defining
the water bodies. The file must be in a GDB-supported format, and must be reprojectable.
• Select Omit to disable the water masking operation.

4. To remove haze from the input scene, select the Perform Haze Removal checkbox.
5. In the Haze Cover Percentage field, specify the percentage of the image that is covered in haze.
6. In the Apply haze correction for bands under field, specify the maximum wavelength of the band on
which to apply haze removal. The default is 0.85 micrometers.

Specifying elevation and illumination conditions

To specify elevation and illumination conditions:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Illumination conditions.
This task is available only for the ATCOR Ground Reflectance and ATCOR Surface Temperature workflows.

240 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

The Illumination conditions panel appears.

2. Define the Elevation Information Setup by specifying a Constant Height value or by selecting a digital
elevation model (DEM) file.
• If you do not have a DEM file, accept the default Constant Height option and verify the value
representing a constant elevation for the area covered by the image. This value is automatically
populated using the gmted2010.pix file and the image center.
• Otherwise, select the DEM File option and click the down arrow beside the field to select a DEM file
available in the current session, or click Browse to select a file.
When you select a DEM file, the DEM File window automatically appears, listing the information for the
selected DEM, populated using the file’s metadata. The selected file must be reprojectable. You may also
click the DEM Settings button to access this window.
3. Verify the DEM Settings, making any necessary changes.
4. Specify options in the DEM Derivatives section to derive slope, aspect, and sky view information.
Do one of the following:
• Select Calculate to automatically calculate the slope, aspect, and sky view values.
• Select From File to import the values from a file. Click the down arrow to select the file that contains
the slope, aspect, and sky view values, or click Browse to select a file. Select individual layers that
contain the Slope, Aspect, and Skyview information.
Note: The Slope, Aspect, and Skyview layers can also be computed using the TERSETUP PPF. It is
strongly advised that you select a DEM that covers an area close to the image extents to speed up
processing; the larger the DEM, the slower the processwill be. If you have a single DEM for an area and
intend to process many overlapping images, you can pre-compute DEM derivatives using TERSETUP
and use those derivatives to correct each image.

5. Specify options in the Illumination Map section to calculate the illumination and shadow information.
Do one of the following:
• Select Calculate to automatically calculate the illumination map and shadows.
• Select From File to import the values from a file, or click Browse to select a file. Click the down arrow
to select the file that contains the illumination values, then select the layer that contains the Illumination
map channel.
• Optionally select the bitmap layer that contains the shadow data.
The shadow file contains a layer that includes both self-shadowing and cast shadow effects. In the
layer, the shadows are represented by a pixel value of 0 and the rest of the pixels are given a value
of 1. The self-shadowing effect is caused by pixels from areas facing away from the sun which are on
slopes steeper than the solar elevation angle. Cast shadows are areas in shadow due to objects
blocking the sun. The shadow file is used as a mask so that shadows are excluded from the atmospheric
correction process.

Related Links
Specifying DEM settings on page 241

Specifying DEM settings

To specify the digital elevation model settings:

1. From the Available Layers list, select the layer that contains the digital elevation model.
2. Set the Background value: the value that indicates which pixels are to be handled as No Data.
If this value is not specified through the parameter or found in the metadata, all pixels of the DEM are
assumed to be valid.

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Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

3. Specify the Elevation scale: the elevation scale used by the DEM.
If this value is not specified through the parameter or found in the metadata, its value defaults to 1.0,
indicating that the scale is 1:1.
4. Specify the Elevation offset: the elevation offset used by the DEM.
If this value is not specified through the parameter or found in the metadata, the offset defaults to 0.0,
indicating that there is no offset.
5. Specify the Elevation units: the units used to describe the elevation values of the input DEM file.
If this value is not specified through the parameter or found in the metadata, its value defaults to METER.
Available units are:

6. Specify the Elevation reference: the vertical reference for the elevation values.
If this value is not specified through the parameter or found in the metadata, it is assumed to be MSL.
Available options are:
• Mean Sea Level: elevations are referenced to Mean Sea Level
• Ellipsoidal: elevations are referenced to the ellipsoid

7. Click DEM Info to verify if the DEM has negative values or NoData values defined through the metadata.
8. Click OK to close the DEM File window.

Related Links
Specifying elevation and illumination conditions on page 240

Specifying visibility and ground reflectance

To specify visibility and ground reflectance:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Visibility and ground reflectance.
This task is available only for the ATCOR Ground Reflectance and ATCOR Surface Temperature workflows.
The Visibility and ground reflectance panel appears.
2. In the Atmospheric Information section, specify the Aerosol Type for the image.
For more information, see About aerosol types on page 244.
3. From the Conditions list, specify the standard atmosphere present when the image was taken.
By default, the atmospheric condition is estimated based on the image acquisition date and center
coordinates. For more information, see About standard atmospheres on page 245.
4. The Sensor tile angle field is available only when the specified sensor provides tilt capability. This field
is automatically populated using the image’s AcrossTrackAngle metadata tag.
If this metadata is not available, specify the tilt angle in decimal degrees.
5. The Satellite Azimuth angle is required for sensors with a tilt angle greater than 3 degrees. The satellite
azimuth angle describes the satellite's horizontal position relative to the center of the scene; for example,
North = 0 degrees, East = 90 degrees, South = 180 degrees, West = 270 degrees.
This field is automatically populated using the image’s SatelliteAzimuth metadata tag. If this metadata is
not available, specify the Satellite azimuth angle in decimal degrees.
6. Specify options in the Visibility Map section to specify the atmospheric conditions at the time the image
was taken.

242 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

By default, the ATCOR workflows use a constant visibility of 30 km. You may also calculate a visibility
map for varying atmospheric conditions (if the red and NIR bands are provided), or specify an existing
visibility file.
Note: When the varying visibility map is required but insufficient reference pixels are found, the workflow
automatically uses a constant visibility.
Do one of the following:
• Select Use constant visibility to specify a constant visibility value. This value can be modified up 180
km, in 1 km increments.
• Select Calculate (spatially varying conditions) and click Settings to calculate a visibility map for
varying conditions. The program will compute a visibility map for the scene, using Dark Vegetation
pixels. These are defined based on NDVI and top-of-the-atmosphere reflectance in the red band.
• Specify the Varying Visibility settings

• Select Use existing file to specify a file that contains the visibility values. This specified file must be
reprojectable to the image, and the image must be fully contained within the visibility map.

7. Specify the Reflectance Conditions to perform terrain correction during atmospheric correction.
Do the following:
a) Select Correct for adjacency effects to specify the range of correction values to apply to the adjacency
• Specify the Kernel size for the correction. Available values are odd numbers from 3-39 pixels. For
more information, see About adjacency on page 247.
• In the Iterations field, specify the number of times to apply the adjacency effects correction. Available
values are 1, 2, and 3.

b) Select Correct bidirectional reflectance effects to compensate for overcorrection caused by

topographic effects.
Note: You must have specified a DEM in the Illumination conditions workflow to enable this option;
if you specified a constant elevation, this option is disabled.
c) To verify or modify the BRDF function settings, click BRDF Settings.
For more information, see Specifying BRDF settings on page 247.

8. In the Output section, specify whether to scale the output reflectance units. If selected, the calculated
output will be multiplied by the specified Scale factor.
9. If you select the Scale output option, specify the Scale factor by which to multiply the output.
By default, the output is not scaled.
10. Optionally select the Compute value-added products option.
Selecting this option generates the following raster layers during the atmospheric correction process:
• Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI): uses the red and near-infrared bands to measure the density
and vigor of green vegetation by attempting to eliminate the reflectivity of the ground beneath the
• Leaf-Area Index (LAI): calculates the green-leaf density
• Fraction of Absorbed Radiation (FPAR): calculates the amount of photosynthetically active radiation
absorbed by plant canopy
• Surface Albedo: calculates wavelength-integrated surface reflectance
• Absorbed Solar Radiation: calculates the shortwave solar radiation absorbed by the surface

Related Links
Specifying BRDF settings on page 247

PCI Geomatics 243

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

About aerosol types on page 244

About standard atmospheres on page 245
About Solar Zenith and Azimuth on page 245
About visibility on page 245
About adjacency on page 247
Calculating a visibility map for varying conditions on page 244

Calculating a visibility map for varying conditions

To calculate a visibility map for varying conditions, the atmospheric correction program computes a visibility
map for the scene using Dark Vegetation pixels. These are defined based on NDVI and top-of-the-atmosphere
reflectance in the red band.
To specify varying visibility settings:

1. Specify the Minimum NDVI value.

Enter a value from 0 to 1.
2. Specify the Maximum Reflectance in Red value.
Enter a value from 0.00 to 100
3. Optionally specify the Average visibility, in kilometers.
The visibility map calculation uses this approximate average visibility value as a starting point.
4. Click OK to close the window and return to the Visibility and ground reflectance workflow panel.

Related Links
Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242

About aerosol types

The Atmospheric Information area on the Visibility and ground reflectance panel lists the possible Aerosol
types for the image. The aerosol type is determined by the predominant particles present in the area at the
time the image was captured; this information can usually be inferred by its geographic location. Wind direction
and weather conditions in the area in the days before the image was taken can affect the aerosol type present.
Available aerosol types are:
• Rural: The rural model is intended to represent the aerosol conditions found in continental areas which
are not directly influenced by urban and/or industrial aerosol sources. This continental, rural aerosol
background is partly the product of reactions between various gases in the atmosphere (70%) and partly
due to dust particles picked up from the surface (30%).
• Urban: In urban areas, the rural aerosol background is modified by the addition of aerosols from combustion
products and industrial sources. The urban aerosol model is therefore taken to be a mixture of the rural
aerosol (80%) with carbonaceous aerosols (20%).
• Maritime: The composition and distribution of aerosols of oceanic origin is significantly different from
continental aerosol types. These aerosols are largely sea-salt particles produced by the evaporation of
sea-spray droplets which have then continued to grow due to accumulation of water under high relative
humidity conditions. The maritime aerosol model is composed of two components: one developed from
sea-spray, and a continental component which is assumed to be identical to the rural aerosol with the
exception that the very large particles are eliminated.
• Desert: The desert aerosol model has a sand component consisting of quartz particles. There is selective
absorption at visible wavelengths, which becomes more pronounced on windy conditions and will make
the desert aerosol appear lightly reddish in color during dust storm conditions.The carbonaceous particles
contribute very little to the total absorption of visible radiation.
Related Links

244 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242

About standard atmospheres

The Atmospheric Information area on the Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242 panel lists
the Conditions, or standard atmospheres, used in atmospheric correction. Standard atmospheres are vertical
profiles of pressure, temperature, water vapor, and ozone density.
The water vapor content present in the area plays a key role in determining which standard atmosphere to
select when performing an atmospheric correction. For sensors that do not include water vapor bands, the
water vapor content (i.e. atmospheric condition) is estimated based on the season when the image was
captured and the location at which the image was taken.
The standard atmospheres are:
• Dry: a dry atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 0.75 (g cm-2)
• Fall: a fall (autumn) atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 1.14 (g cm-2)
• Spring: a spring atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 1.14 (g cm-2)
• Mid-latitude winter: a mid-latitude winter atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 0.85 (g cm-2)
• Mid-latitude summer: a mid-latitude summer atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 2.92 (g cm-2)
• Subarctic summer: a subarctic summer atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 2.08 (g cm-2)
• Tropical: a tropical atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 4.11 (g cm-2)
• US standard: the 1976 US Standard atmosphere has a total water vapor content of 1.42 (g cm-2)
Related Links
Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242

About Solar Zenith and Azimuth

The Solar Azimuth and Solar Zenith express the position of the sun. The Solar Azimuth is the angle of the
direction of the sun measured clockwise from the North along the horizon.. The Solar Zenith is the angle
measured between the local zenith and the line of sight of the sun.

Figure 3: Illustrating Solar Zenith and Solar Azimuth

Related Links
Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242

About visibility
Visibility, or optical depth, is a meteorological statistic that calculates the opacity of the atmosphere at a certain
time and place. It measures the furthest distance that a person can see a prominent object. In Focus, the
range is between 5 and 180 kilometers.

PCI Geomatics 245

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

Focus uses the value set in the Visibility and ground reflectance atmospheric correction workflow.
When you select the Use Constant Visibility option, Focus uses the specified visibility value as a constant
for each pixel in the image. When you select the Calculate (Spatially Varying Conditions) option, Focus
calculates the visibility for each pixel in the image based on the reflectance of dark vegetation. When you
specify the Use Existing File option, Focus uses the information in the specified visibility map file. The
calculation results in a visibility layer that is a temporary PCIDSK (.pix) file with its default file name being the
the original file name prefixed with 'visibility_'.
Visibility is used to more accurately specify the atmospheric conditions at the time the image was taken. If
the metadata included with the image does not contain the visibility data, you can obtain it from the following
• USA:
• Canada:
The generated visibility map contains a visibility index value, which maps to the visibility as follows:

visext [ value] = VISIBILITY_KM;

visext[0] = 190.0;
visext[1] = 120.0;
visext[2] = 87.0;
visext[3] = 68.5;
visext[4] = 56.5;
visext[5] = 48.0;
visext[6] = 42.3;
visext[7] = 37.2;
visext[8] = 33.0;
visext[9] = 30.1;
visext[10]= 27.3;
visext[11]= 25.2;
visext[12]= 23.3;
visext[13]= 21.7;
visext[14]= 20.2;
visext[15]= 18.9;
visext[16]= 17.7;
visext[17]= 16.7;
visext[18]= 15.8;
visext[19]= 14.9;
visext[20]= 14.2;
visext[21] = 13.5;
visext[22] = 12.9;
visext[23] = 12.3;
visext[24] = 11.8;
visext[25] = 11.3;
visext[26] = 10.8;
visext[27] = 10.4;
visext[28] = 10.0;
visext[29] = 9.9;
visext[30] = 9.2;
visext[31]= 8.86;
visext[32]= 8.52;
visext[33]= 8.22;
visext[34]= 7.93;
visext[35]= 7.67;
visext[36]= 7.42;
visext[37]= 7.18;
visext[38]= 6.96;
visext[39]= 6.75;
visext[40]= 6.56;
visext[41]= 6.37;
visext[42]= 6.20;

246 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

visext[43]= 6.03;
visext[44]= 5.87;
visext[45]= 5.72;
visext[46]= 5.58;
visext[47]= 5.44;
visext[48]= 5.31;
visext[49]= 5.19;
visext[50]= 5.07;
visext[51]= 4.96;
visext[52]= 4.85;
visext[53]= 4.75;
visext[54]= 4.65;
visext[54]= 4.65;
visext[55]= haze;
visext[57]= clouds;
Related Links
Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242

About adjacency
Adjacency is the radiation reflected from the neighborhood and scattered energy into the viewing direction.
The effect is a result of atmospheric scattering, and depends on the reflectance contrast between a target
pixel and its large-scale neighborhood, and decreases with wavelength. It reduces the apparent surface
contrast by decreasing the top-of-the-atmosphere radiance over bright pixels and increasing the brightness
of the dark pixels.
The adjacency effect causes a certain amount of blurring, known as crosstalk. This effect is often noticeable
at the boundary of adjacent features; for example, roads passing through a forest may appear blurred. The
adjacency effect is especially important for sensors of high spatial resolution, such as Rapideye and SPOT,
and is usually negligible for low spatial resolution sensors such as AVHRR and Landsat.
Related Links
Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242

Specifying BRDF settings

The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) corrects the reflectance effects resulting from the
view angle and illumination angle when the image is taken. The reflectance can appear very different,
depending on the position of the sensor and the position of the light source. The texture and composition of
the surface also affect reflectance.
The BRDF correction is based on the illumination map and the solar zenith angle. When the atmospheric
correction uses a DEM, the BRDF correction is applied by default. The BRDF settings are automatically
specified based on the solar zenith angle but can be specified in the BRDF Settings window.
To specify the BRDF settings:

1. Specify the Function type.

Available options are:
• Linear: sets the correction factor as a linear function
• Exponential: sets the correction factor as an exponential function

2. Specify the Correction factor.

Available options are:
• Incidence angle: sets the correction factor based on the incidence angle
• Incidence and exitance angles: sets the correction factor based on both the illumination and exitance
angles (for sensors with a tilt angle)

PCI Geomatics 247

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

3. Specify the Threshold illumination angle, in degrees.

By default, this value is set as the solar zenith angle. The BDRF correction uses this setting to avoid
overcorrection by reducing the correction factor on pixels which illumination angle is higher than the
threshold angle.
The effects of the threshold illumination are scene-dependent and its effect varies according to local
topography. If the topographic correction must be increased on the steepest slopes, the following rules
for defining the threshold angle are recommended:
• if the solar zenith is less than 20 degrees, set the threshold angle to Solar Zenith +20 degrees
• if the solar zenith angle is between 20 and 45 degrees, set the threshold angle to Solar Zenith+15
• if the solar zenith angle is higher than 45 degrees, set the threshold angle to Solar Zenith+10 degrees

4. In the Reduce correction factor field, specify the percentage factor by which to reduce the correction.
This value constrains the correction factor to prevent over-reducing the reflectance of pixels with extreme
incidence angles.
5. Click OK to close the BRDF Settings window and return to the ATCOR workflow panel.

Related Links
Specifying visibility and ground reflectance on page 242

Running the ATCOR Ground Reflectance workflow

To run the ATCOR Ground Reflectance workflow:

1. Ensure that all workflow fields are properly filled and accurate.
When all the required settings are specified, the workflow task entry in the Tree List displays a green
2. Click Run to perform the atmospheric correction operation.
A progress monitor appears, indicating the running processes. When the operation is complete, a new
ATCORCorrected layer appears in the Focus Tree List, along with the generated masks, visibility map,
terrain, and illumination files.
If you selected Compute value-added products in the workflow panel, the optional rasters also appear
in the Tree List.
The information set in the workflow tasks (Sensor and image settings, Haze and cloud masking,
Illumination conditions, and Visibility and ground reflectance) is shared with all other Atmospheric
Correction workflows, allowing you to reuse the same information to perform other tasks without having
to re-specify the settings. Note, however, that all workflows apply to the same data set; specifying a new
input data set in another workflow will overwrite the existing information.
3. Select another workflow or a different image, or click Close to close the Atmospheric Correction window.

The ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow

The ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow takes an input thermal band in scaled radiance (raw DN values),
a DEM and terrain derivatives, and, optionally, a visibility map to generate a surface temperature map of the
thermal image.This workflow currently supports only and Landsat 4 TM, Landsat 5 TM, and Landsat 7 sensors.
Workflow fields are automatically populated using the input scene’s metadata.
The ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow consists of the following processes:

Specifying sensor and image settings

To specify sensor and image settings:

248 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Sensor and image settings
The Sensor and image settings panel appears.
2. In the Input Image Files section, click the down arrow beside the Multispectral field to display the
multispectral files available in the open Focus data set. Alternatively, click Browse to select a file.
The wizard automatically populates the following workflow fields using the metadata tags from the input
multispectral file:
• Sensor type: PlatformName
• Acquisition Date: Acquisition_Date or Acquisition_DateTime
• Solar zenith: AngleOfSolarElevation or SolarZenith
• Solar azimuth: SolarAzimuth
• Calibration coefficients and Band Setup: MinWavelength, MaxWavelength, WavelengthUnits,
RadiometricTransOffset, RadiometricTransGrain, RadiometricTransUnits , all at the channel level
Note: If the RadiometricTransUnits tag is missing, units are assumed to be

3. Optionally, specify the path and file name of the associated Panchromatic file, or click Browse to select
the file.
If the specified sensor does not provide a panchromatic image, this field is disabled.
4. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, you must calculate the solar zenith and azimuth
values according to the image’s acquisition date, time, and nominal scene center.
From the Sensor Information section, click Calculate to display the Solar Calculation window, and
enter the required information:
• Calculate solar angles

5. If the input file does not contain the appropriate metadata, the Calibration coefficients source field
defaults to Manual Entry.You must either manually enter the required information, or import the data from
a text file.
• Manually enter calibration information
• Import calibration information from a file
Note: You must verify all calibration coefficients before proceeding to another workflow. If you skip this
step and this information is not available through metadata, the calibration offset and gain are assumed
to be 0 and 1 respectively. These values are acceptable for haze removal, but will produce incorrect results
for the TOA, cloud masking, ground reflectance, and surface temperature calculations.

6. In the Output Files section, specify the location of the output folder.
Click Browse to open the File Selector window, or type the path directly in the Folder field.
The specified directory will receive all output files from any of the atmospheric correction workflows. The
directory must already exist and must be write-enabled.

Related Links
Calculating solar angles on page 234
Editing an existing calibration file to create a new file on page 235
Manually entering calibration coefficients on page 234
Importing calibration coefficients from a file on page 235

Specifying haze and cloud masking settings

To specify haze and cloud masking settings:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction Workflows Tree List, select Haze and cloud masking.

PCI Geomatics 249

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

The Haze and Cloud Masking panel appears.

2. In the Cloud Masking section, specify the Lowest and Highest reflectance threshold values, (%) to
calculate the cloud mask using reflectance in the blue or green bands of the input scene.
Do one of the following:
• Manually enter the Lowest and Highest threshold values (1-100%). Enter the lowest and highest values
for the clouds, from your TOA reflectance output image.
• Import the cloud masks from a file: click the down arrow in the Import from File field to select a pix
file that contains an existing cloud mask. If applicable, select the layer that contains bitmaps defining
the clouds. The file must be in a GDB-supported format, and must be reprojectable.
• Select Omit to disable the cloud masking operation (for example, if your image contains no clouds, or
if you want to skip the cloud masking process).

3. In the Water Masking section, specify the Highest in NIR and Highest in SWIR reflectance threshold
values, (%) to calculate the water mask using reflectance in the NIR and SWIR bands of the input scene.
Do one of the following:
• Manually enter the Highest in NIR and Highest in SWIR threshold values (1-100%).
• Import the water masks from a file: click the down arrow in the Import from File field to select a pix
file that contains an existing water mask. If applicable, select the layer that contains bitmaps defining
the water bodies. The file must be in a GDB-supported format, and must be reprojectable.
• Select Omit to disable the water masking operation.

4. To remove haze from the input scene, select the Perform Haze Removal checkbox.
5. In the Haze Cover Percentage field, specify the percentage of the image that is covered in haze.
6. In the Apply haze correction for bands under field, specify the maximum wavelength of the band on
which to apply haze removal. The default is 0.85 micrometers.

Specifying elevation and illumination conditions

To specify elevation and illumination conditions:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Illumination conditions.
This task is available only for the ATCOR Ground Reflectance and ATCOR Surface Temperature workflows.
The Illumination conditions panel appears.
2. Define the Elevation Information Setup by specifying a Constant Height value or by selecting a digital
elevation model (DEM) file.
• If you do not have a DEM file, accept the default Constant Height option and verify the value
representing a constant elevation for the area covered by the image. This value is automatically
populated using the gmted2010.pix file and the image center.
• Otherwise, select the DEM File option and click the down arrow beside the field to select a DEM file
available in the current session, or click Browse to select a file.
When you select a DEM file, the DEM File window automatically appears, listing the information for the
selected DEM, populated using the file’s metadata. The selected file must be reprojectable. You may also
click the DEM Settings button to access this window.
3. Verify the DEM Settings, making any necessary changes.
4. Specify options in the DEM Derivatives section to derive slope, aspect, and sky view information.
Do one of the following:
• Select Calculate to automatically calculate the slope, aspect, and sky view values.

250 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

• Select From File to import the values from a file. Click the down arrow to select the file that contains
the slope, aspect, and sky view values, or click Browse to select a file. Select individual layers that
contain the Slope, Aspect, and Skyview information.
Note: The Slope, Aspect, and Skyview layers can also be computed using the TERSETUP PPF. It is
strongly advised that you select a DEM that covers an area close to the image extents to speed up
processing; the larger the DEM, the slower the processwill be. If you have a single DEM for an area and
intend to process many overlapping images, you can pre-compute DEM derivatives using TERSETUP
and use those derivatives to correct each image.

5. Specify options in the Illumination Map section to calculate the illumination and shadow information.
Do one of the following:
• Select Calculate to automatically calculate the illumination map and shadows.
• Select From File to import the values from a file, or click Browse to select a file. Click the down arrow
to select the file that contains the illumination values, then select the layer that contains the Illumination
map channel.
• Optionally select the bitmap layer that contains the shadow data.
The shadow file contains a layer that includes both self-shadowing and cast shadow effects. In the
layer, the shadows are represented by a pixel value of 0 and the rest of the pixels are given a value
of 1. The self-shadowing effect is caused by pixels from areas facing away from the sun which are on
slopes steeper than the solar elevation angle. Cast shadows are areas in shadow due to objects
blocking the sun. The shadow file is used as a mask so that shadows are excluded from the atmospheric
correction process.

Related Links
Specifying DEM settings on page 241

Specifying visibility and ground reflectance

To specify visibility and ground reflectance:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Visibility and ground reflectance.
This task is available only for the ATCOR Ground Reflectance and ATCOR Surface Temperature workflows.
The Visibility and ground reflectance panel appears.
2. In the Atmospheric Information section, specify the Aerosol Type for the image.
For more information, see About aerosol types on page 244.
3. From the Conditions list, specify the standard atmosphere present when the image was taken.
By default, the atmospheric condition is estimated based on the image acquisition date and center
coordinates. For more information, see About standard atmospheres on page 245.
4. The Sensor tile angle field is available only when the specified sensor provides tilt capability. This field
is automatically populated using the image’s AcrossTrackAngle metadata tag.
If this metadata is not available, specify the tilt angle in decimal degrees.
5. The Satellite Azimuth angle is required for sensors with a tilt angle greater than 3 degrees. The satellite
azimuth angle describes the satellite's horizontal position relative to the center of the scene; for example,
North = 0 degrees, East = 90 degrees, South = 180 degrees, West = 270 degrees.
This field is automatically populated using the image’s SatelliteAzimuth metadata tag. If this metadata is
not available, specify the Satellite azimuth angle in decimal degrees.
6. Specify options in the Visibility Map section to specify the atmospheric conditions at the time the image
was taken.

PCI Geomatics 251

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

By default, the ATCOR workflows use a constant visibility of 30 km. You may also calculate a visibility
map for varying atmospheric conditions (if the red and NIR bands are provided), or specify an existing
visibility file.
Note: When the varying visibility map is required but insufficient reference pixels are found, the workflow
automatically uses a constant visibility.
Do one of the following:
• Select Use constant visibility to specify a constant visibility value. This value can be modified up 180
km, in 1 km increments.
• Select Calculate (spatially varying conditions) and click Settings to calculate a visibility map for
varying conditions. The program will compute a visibility map for the scene, using Dark Vegetation
pixels. These are defined based on NDVI and top-of-the-atmosphere reflectance in the red band.
• Specify the Varying Visibility settings

• Select Use existing file to specify a file that contains the visibility values. This specified file must be
reprojectable to the image, and the image must be fully contained within the visibility map.

7. Specify the Reflectance Conditions to perform terrain correction during atmospheric correction.
Do the following:
a) Select Correct for adjacency effects to specify the range of correction values to apply to the adjacency
• Specify the Kernel size for the correction. Available values are odd numbers from 3-39 pixels. For
more information, see About adjacency on page 247.
• In the Iterations field, specify the number of times to apply the adjacency effects correction. Available
values are 1, 2, and 3.

b) Select Correct bidirectional reflectance effects to compensate for overcorrection caused by

topographic effects.
Note: You must have specified a DEM in the Illumination conditions workflow to enable this option;
if you specified a constant elevation, this option is disabled.
c) To verify or modify the BRDF function settings, click BRDF Settings.
For more information, see Specifying BRDF settings on page 247.

8. In the Output section, specify whether to scale the output reflectance units. If selected, the calculated
output will be multiplied by the specified Scale factor.
9. If you select the Scale output option, specify the Scale factor by which to multiply the output.
By default, the output is not scaled.
10. Optionally select the Compute value-added products option.
Selecting this option generates the following raster layers during the atmospheric correction process:
• Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI): uses the red and near-infrared bands to measure the density
and vigor of green vegetation by attempting to eliminate the reflectivity of the ground beneath the
• Leaf-Area Index (LAI): calculates the green-leaf density
• Fraction of Absorbed Radiation (FPAR): calculates the amount of photosynthetically active radiation
absorbed by plant canopy
• Surface Albedo: calculates wavelength-integrated surface reflectance
• Absorbed Solar Radiation: calculates the shortwave solar radiation absorbed by the surface

Related Links
Specifying BRDF settings on page 247

252 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

About aerosol types on page 244

About standard atmospheres on page 245
About Solar Zenith and Azimuth on page 245
About visibility on page 245
About adjacency on page 247
Calculating a visibility map for varying conditions on page 244

Specifying surface temperature parameters

To specify surface temperature parameters:

1. From the Atmospheric Correction workflows Tree List, select Surface Temperature.
This task is available only for the ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow, and supports only and Landsat
4 TM, Landsat 5 TM, and Landsat 7 sensors.
Note: The sensor specified in the Sensor and image settings panel must be one of the supported
thermal sensors. If your previous workflows specified a satellite that does not have a thermal band, the
Sensor and image settings panel will be invalid (displaying a red bullet) and all the subsequent workflows
will become disabled. You must select a multispectral image from a sensor supporting a thermal band to
be able to work on the Surface Temperature workflow.
The Surface Temperature panel appears.
2. Specify the Input Thermal Image: from the Input File list, select the file that contains the thermal band,
or click Browse to select the file.
3. Specify the Radiometric Information for the thermal file.
If the specified input thermal file contains calibration metadata, the calibration coefficients and wavelengths
are populated from the Channel Metadata. The Band Setup window lists only the thermal bands for the
specified sensor.
If the specified input thermal file does not contain the appropriate metadata, the Calibration coefficients
source field defaults to Manual Entry. You must either manually enter the required information, or import
the data from a text file.
Do one of the following:
• Manually enter calibration information
• Import calibration information from a file
Note: You must verify all calibration coefficients before proceeding to another workflow. If you skip this
step and this information is not available through metadata, the calibration offset and gain are assumed
to be 0 and 1 respectively. These values are acceptable for haze removal, but will produce incorrect results
for the TOA, cloud masking, ground reflectance, and surface temperature calculations.

4. Specify the Emissivity value.

The emissivity of a material is the relative ability of its surface to emit energy by radiation. Emissivity is
the ratio of energy radiated by a particular material to energy radiated by a black body at the same
temperature (a true black body would have an emissivity of 1, which is the maximum). The more reflective
a material is, the lower its emissivity. It depends on factors such as temperature, emission angle, and
even wavelength. The emissivity of Earth's atmosphere varies according to cloud cover and the
concentration of gases (such as greenhouse gases) that absorb and emit energy in the thermal infrared.
By default, a constant value of 0.98 is used trough the entire scene, but any value in the range of 0.95
and 1.0 may be specified; values outside this range will cause the function to error.
Do one of the following:
• Select Use a constant value and specify the emissivity constant for all pixels in the image

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Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

• Select Surface cover dependent to calculate the emissivity for each pixel using specific values for
Water, Vegetation, and Other material.

5. In the Output section, specify whether to Scale the output reflectance units.
If selected, the calculated output will be multiplied by the specified Scale factor.
6. If you select the Scale output option, specify the Scale factor by which to multiply the output.
By default, the workflow does not scale the output, and the values are absolute temperature values at
ground surface.
7. Optionally specify the Offset to Surface Temperature, in degrees Celsius.
If you know the temperature of a specific reference point (a lake, for example), this value can be used to
correct the computed temperature for all pixels in the image. Otherwise, accept the default value of 0.0
degrees Celsius; the computed values will not be shifted, and the temperature map values will be as
8. Optionally select the Compute energy balance components option
Selecting this option generates the following raster layers during the atmospheric correction process:
• Thermal flux difference: calculates the difference between the emitted atmospheric radiation and the
emitted surface radiation
• Ground heat flux: calculates the exchange rate of energy between the Earth's surface and the
• Latent heat: calculates the exchange rate of stored heat energy between the air and the Earth's surface.
Latent heat flux is measures the amount of energy needed to change matter from one state to another
(from solid to liquid to gas).
• Sensible heat: calculates the exchange rate of excess heat energy between the air and the Earth's
surface. Sensible heat flux measures the amount of energy needed to change air temperature.
• Net radiation: calculates the difference between absorbed and emitted shortwave and longwave

9. Click Settings to display the Thermal Flux window.

For more information, see Specifying thermal flux settings on page 254.

Specifying thermal flux settings

Thermal fluxes are computed based on reference conditions. Some default values are used as reference
conditions; for example, air temperature defaults to 20 degrees Celsius at the average elevation. When a
constant elevation is used throughout the scene and no DEM is provided, only the air temperature value is
used to generate the energy balance components. When a DEM is provided, the air temperature, water vapor
partial pressure, and temperature gradients at a reference elevation level must be specified. When a DEM
is not provided, the air temperature must be defined at the average elevation value defined in the Illumination
Conditions panel.
To specify the thermal flux settings:

1. Specify the Reference Conditions:

• In the Elevation Reference field, enter the elevation at which the air temperature applies, in meters.
• In the Air Temperature field, enter the reference temperature, in degrees Celsius.
• In the Water Vapor Partial Pressure field, enter the water vapor pressure, at the same elevation, in

2. Specify the Air Temperature Gradient, in degrees Celsius for each 100 m of elevation.
3. Click OK to close the Thermal Flux window and return to the Surface Temperature workflow.

254 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 6: Atmospheric correction

Running the ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow

To run the ATCOR Surface Temperature workflow:

1. Ensure that all workflow fields are properly filled and accurate.
When all the required settings are specified, the workflow task entry in the Tree List displays a green
2. Click Run to perform the atmospheric correction operation.
A progress monitor appears, indicating the running processes. When the operation is complete, a new
Temperature layer appears in the Focus Tree List, along with the generated masks, visibility map, terrain,
and illumination files.
If you selected Compute energy balance components in the workflow panel, the optional EnergyBalance
rasters also appear in the Tree List.
The information set in the workflow tasks (Sensor and image settings, Haze and cloud masking,
Illumination conditions, and Visibility and ground reflectance) is shared with all other Atmospheric
Correction workflows, allowing you to reuse the same information to perform other tasks without having
to re-specify the settings. Note, however, that all workflows apply to the same data set; specifying a new
input data set in another workflow will overwrite the existing information.
3. Select another workflow or a different image, or click Close to close the Atmospheric Correction window.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Understanding vector layer types

Vectors are a way of presenting spatial information. Instead of representing that information in pixels, vectors
represent the information as points, lines, and polygons. Focus provides two main methods for presenting
the vectors: Unstructured and Topological. Each method contains several vector layer types.
Vector layers contain a number of default attributes that can be viewed with the Attribute Manager.
Related Links
Adding a new vector layer on page 258

Unstructured vector layers

An unstructured layer can contain a combination of shapes. You can limit the layer to a particular type. The
following describes the shapes available on an unstructured layer.

A shape that contains only one vertex

A shape that contains two or more vertices, where the first and last vertices
do not conjoin

Whole Polygon
A shape that contains three or more vertices, where the first and last vertices

Unconnected Table
A layer that contains attributes but is not associated to a geographical

About topological layers

Topology is a mathematical representation of the surface features of a location. Topology involves not only
building a relationship between the shape and the attributes, but also a relationship between the shapes

Topological lines
A topological line contains lines that use topological conventions. A topological line can contain several
vertices, but only two nodes. A node is the start point or the end point of a line.
A topological line layer is composed of two layers. One layer stores the lines and the other stores the nodes.
Focus generates and manipulates nodes in the node layer as you edit and create the topological lines.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Figure 4: Understanding topological lines

Topological polygons
A topological polygon contains polygons that use topological conventions. A topological polygon is a closed
figure formed by one or more topological lines that define the boundary of a specific location.
When a topological polygon overlaps another, the intersecting points become nodes; the lines are split,
resulting in a new polygon in the overlap. That is, two topological polygons become three.
A topological polygon layer is composed of three layers. When you create a topological polygon layer, Focus
also generates a line layer and a node layer. As you create and edit polygons, Focus manipulates the lines
and nodes that form the polygon.
The line layer includes attributes that identify which polygons lie on either side of each line. The region outside
the boundary of the digitized areas on the layer are represented by a global polygon. This global polygon,
called Outside Area, appears as -1 in the Attribute Table for topological line layers. These attributes describe
the relationship between the shapes.

Figure 5: Understanding topological polygons

Thematic rasters
A thematic raster is a raster with associated attributes. Normally, rasters present spatial information as pixel
values. The numeric value of the pixel represents the attribute for that pixel. Neighboring pixels with the same
pixel value collectively represent a surface feature. In thematic rasters, the pixel values are associated to any
number of attributes, which can be viewed using the Attribute Manager. In Focus, the attributes for a thematic
raster are stored in a vector segment in its file.

PCI Geomatics 257

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Understanding vector editing in a math model area

A Math Model Area is similar to an Area, except the projection is determined by a math model segment
contained in the image file. The image is displayed without correction in the viewer, but accurate ground
coordinates are calculated for each pixel using the pixel and line coordinates, the math model, and the digital
elevation model (DEM) or an approximate elevation value that you provide. For more information, see Using
a math model with images on page 16.
In the Math Model Area, you can digitize geocoded three-dimensional vectors on a raw image, instead of
going through the potentially time-consuming, labor-intensive process of orthorectifying the imagery. Vectors
are saved in the projection of the layer without the effects of the math model. As such, the vectors have
accurate X, Y, and Z coordinates.
You can open vectors digitized in the Math Model Area in an Area containing an orthorectified or geometrically
corrected image and the vectors will display correctly. However, if you open vectors without elevation in a
Math Model Area, the vectors may be offset from the correct position, as it uses elevation values to calculate
the correct position.
When you edit vectors in a Math Model Area, you are essentially moving objects in three-dimensional space
using two-dimensional vision. You cannot modify the X and Y coordinates of the vector without affecting the
Z coordinate. To edit only the X and Y vector coordinates, open the vectors in a planimetric layer instead.

Adding a new vector layer

1. In the Maps tree, right-click an Area and click New Vector Layer.
2. In the New Vector Layer window, enable the type of layer that you want in the Layer Type area.
3. In the Georeferencing area, enable one of the following options:
• Use Area Georeferencing: uses the same georeferencing as defined in the New Area.
• Use Layer Georeferencing: uses the same georeferencing as defined in an existing layer. Choose a
layer that has the desired georeferencing form the list box.
• User-entered: defines the georeferencing. Enter the projection , bounds, and extents as required.

4. Click OK.

Related Links
Understanding vector layer types on page 256

Drawing vectors
Vectors represent spatial information as points, lines, and polygons. Use the New Shapes tools in Focus to
draw vectors.

Adding points to an active layer

1. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Points.
2. Click in the view pane where you want to add a point.
3. Repeat step 2 for all points that you want digitized.

258 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Adding a line or a polygon to an active layer

1. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Line or Polygon.
2. Click in the view pane where you want to add the first point of the line or polygon.
3. Repeat step 2 until you have digitized the shape that you want.
4. Double-click the last vertex to complete the shape.

Adding a rectangle or ellipse to an active layer

1. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Rectangle or Ellipse.
2. Click in the view pane where you want to add a rectangle or ellipse.
For a rectangle, start at a corner of the area where you want to draw a rectangle; for an ellipse, start in
the center of the area.
3. Drag to form a shape.
If you want to create a square or a circle, press and hold the Shift key while dragging.

Tracing a line on an active layer

1. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Trace.
2. Click in the view pane where you want to start tracing.
3. Trace over the line.
4. Double-click to complete the trace.

Digitizing 3D vectors
Using the mono-restitution process, you can digitize vectors with accurate X, Y, and Z coordinates with the
New Shapes tools. To set up mono-restitution, you need a raw image with a math model segment and a
digital elevation model (DEM), or an estimate of the elevation.
The math model and DEM are used to set the georeferencing for the Math Model Area, in which the image
is displayed without correction in the viewer. Accurate ground coordinates are calculated for each pixel using
the pixel and line coordinates, the math model, and the DEM or approximate elevation value.

1. In the Focus window, open a raw image with a math model segment. Click Math Model.
2. Set up the Math Model Area.
3. Use the New Shapes tools on the Editing toolbar to digitize vectors.

Related Links
Using a math model with images on page 16
Understanding vector editing in a math model area on page 258
Using the math model for georeferencing on page 17
Adding points to an active layer on page 258

PCI Geomatics 259

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Working with the Attribute Manager

The Attribute Manager is another way of visualizing data. Each record in the Attribute Manager represents a
shape on the layer. Each shape is described by a number of attributes. You can view the records individually
or in a table. In the table, each row records all attributes for a shape. Each column holds values for an attribute.

Controlling the Attribute Manager cursor

The Attribute Manager Preferences window contains options that control the cursor's movement and behavior
in the Attribute Manager and controls what statistics are displayed.

1. In the Attribute Manager, click Edit and then click Preferences.

2. In the Preferences window, choose one of the following options from the After pressing 'Enter' list box:
• Moves To Next Record: moves the cursor from record to record as you press Enter
• Moves To Next Field: moves the cursor from field to field as you press Enter
• Does Not Move: keeps the cursor in a cell when you press Enter

3. Choose one of the following options from the When entering cell list box:
• Select Entire Cell: highlights the contents of the cell
• Go To Start Of Cell: places the cursor before the contents in a cell
• Go To End Of Cell: places the cursor after the contents in a cell

4. Click OK.

Setting a selected record statistics display

When you select a record, its statistics are displayed in the Attribute Manager. You can choose the statistics
you want to display.

1. In the Attribute Manager, click Edit and then click Preferences.

2. In the Preferences window, enable any of the following check boxes in the Field Statistics area:
• Count: displays the number of selected records
• Sum: calculates the sum of the values for the selected records for each numeric field
• Mode: calculates the value that occurs the most frequently among the selected records for each field
• Mean: calculates the average value of the selected records for each numeric field. The average is
obtained by adding values of the selected records and dividing that value by the number of records
used in the sum.
• Minimum: displays the lowest value in the numeric field from the selected records
• Median: ranks for each numeric field the values of the selected records in numerical order. The median
is the middle value of the selected records.
• Maximum: displays the highest value in the field from the selected records
• Standard Deviation: measures the variation in the distribution of values, which is calculated from
square root of the variance

3. Click OK.

Creating an unconnected table

An unconnected table is a layer that contains attributes that are not directly associated to a vector representing
a geographical location.

260 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

1. Create an unstructured layer.

2. Right-click the layer and click Attribute Manager.
3. Design the table as you require.
4. From the Record menu, click Add New.
5. Enter data.

Related Links
Adding a new vector layer on page 258
Adding new fields on page 263
Adding records to the Attribute Manager on page 263

Restricting the layer so you cannot add shapes to it

1. In the Focus window, save the layer.
2. Click the Files tab.
3. Right-click the layer and click Properties.
4. In the File Properties window, click the MetaData tab.
5. Click the Add button.
6. In the Value column next to LAYER_TYPE, type TABLE in upper case letters.
7. Click OK.

Viewing records
When you view individual records, the fields appear in the first column followed by the values for that record.
When you view all records in a table, each row is a record that contains all the attributes for the shape. Each
column is a field that contains the values for each attribute.

From the View menu in the Attribute Manager, do one of the following:
• Click Record Display to view an individual record.
• Click Table Display to view a record in a table.

Opening a file saved as an attribute

If a file name and a path are saved as an attribute, you can open the file from the Attribute Manager.

1. In the Attribute Manager, click the cell containing the file name and path of the file that you want to open.
2. From the View menu in the Attribute Manager, click File.
The file will open using the operating system's default application for that file type.

Selecting and clearing records and fields

To select a record, click the lead cell next to it. You can press and hold Shift and click a range of records or
fields, or press and hold Ctrl and click multiple records or fields. Statistics for selected records display at the
bottom of the Attribute Manager. The lead cell in the current record is highlighted in yellow.
To select a field, click the heading of the field. The heading in the current field is highlighted in yellow.

• On the Attribute Manager toolbar, click the Clear selected records or Clear selected fields button.

PCI Geomatics 261

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Understanding vector layer type default fields

When you create a new vector layer, it automatically contains a set of default fields that Focus maintains.
You can modify definitions of some default fields; however, most are restricted by the system. The following
table lists the fields maintained by Focus.

Table 18: Default Fields

Field Name Description Layer Type

Contains the key to define the
appearance of the shapes
REPCode Unstructured
according to the Representation
Controls the slant of the text string
or point. Measured in radians by
Angle default, but you can change it to Point Unstructured
display in degrees, gradians, or
Defines the field to accept
characters, such as text. You can
TextString Point Unstructured
type directly on the layer or in the
TextString field.
Identifies a set of shapes that you
grouped together. The identification Point Line Unstructured Whole
number is generated by Focus and Polygon
cannot be changed.
Displays the computed area Whole Polygon Topological
enclosed by the polygon. Polygon
Displays the computed Whole Polygon Topological
circumference of the polygon. Polygon
Identifies the lines that compose a
ArcIdList Topological Polygon
polygon in a topological layer.
Identifies the polygon on a
RightAreaId topological layer which is on the Topological Line
right of the line.
Identifies the polygon on a
LeftAreaId topological layer which is on the left Topological Line
of the line.
Identifies the point (node) that
StartNodeId Topological Line
begins a topological line.
Identifies the point (node) that ends
EndNodeId Topological Line
a topological line.
Displays the computed distance
Length Line Topological Line
covered by the line.

To view all the default fields for the layer:

• From the Field menu in the Attribute Manager, click Show All.

Related Links

262 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Setting the field definitions on page 263

Using the GPS tool on page 299
Grouping shapes on page 273
About topological layers on page 256

Adding records to the Attribute Manager

As you add shapes in the view pane, a record is automatically created in the Attribute Manager. Each record
contains the default fields or the fields that were set when the table was created. You can add a record to
the table not associated with a shape.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Attribute Manager.
2. From the Record menu in the Attribute Manager, click Add New.

Related Links
Creating an unconnected table on page 260

Adding new fields

Records in the Attribute Manager contain default fields and fields that were set when the table was created.
You can add new fields using the Attribute Manager.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Attribute Manager.
2. From the Field menu in the Attribute Manager, click Add New.
Note: You can also add new fields directly from the Table Definitions window. Use this window to modify
fields as well.

Related Links
Setting the field definitions on page 263

Setting the field definitions

You can define the contents of the Attribute Manager table by choosing attributes in the table and by adding
or removing records using the Table Definition window. You can also set the field properties for new and
existing records, add new fields, or modify existing fields.

1. From the Edit menu in the Attribute Manager, click Table Definition.
2. In the Table Definition window, do any of the following:
• To hide a field, disable the appropriate check box in the Shown column.
• To change a field name, double-click the field in the Name column and type a new name.
• To add a field, click the Add button.
• To remove a field, select it and click the Remove button.

3. Type or choose data that will appear by default from the Default Value list box.
4. Type a value that will appear in fields that do not contain real data from the NoData Value list box.
NoData values are not included in computations.
5. Choose one of the following options from the Read only list box:
• No: lets you change values in a field
• Yes: restricts changes to a field

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

6. Choose how you want to align data in a field from the Justification list box.
7. Type or choose the width of a field in characters in the Field size list box.
8. Type or choose a number of decimal places displayed in a field in the Decimal places list box.
Note: When using the Auto option for Scientific Notation, the Decimal places field actually represents
significant digits.

9. Choose one of the following options from the Scientific notation list box:
• Yes: displays values in a field as scientific notations
• No: displays values in a field as regular numbers
• Auto: displays values as either regular numbers or scientific notations, depending on which is shorter;
this is the default value.

10. Choose one of the following unit types for a field from the Angular units list box:
• Radians: expresses angles in radians, where 2 pi radians equals the 360 degrees in a circle (one
radian equals approximately 57.29577951 degrees)
• Degrees: expresses angles in degrees, which is the angle between two adjacent radii measured at
the center of the circle tht is divided along its radius into 360 equal parts
• Mils: expresses angles in mils, which measure angles where 1 mil equals 1/6,400 of a circle (1 mil
equals approximately 0.05625 degrees)
• Grads: expresses angles in grads, which measure angles where 400 grads equals the 360 degrees
in a circle (a 90-degree right angle equals 100 grads)

11. Choose a conversion type from the Conversion list box.

If you choose New, type a factor in the Conversion Factor box.
12. Click OK.

Related Links
Adding new fields on page 263
Adding all appropriate geometry fields on page 265

Changing an existing field to a geometry field

Geometry fields are system fields that display the measurements of lines or polygons on a layer. Focus
automatically calculates and updates these measurements as you modify the respective shapes. Three
Geometry Field types are available:
• Length: calculates the length of a line
• Perimeter: calculates the circumference of a polygon
• Area: calculates the area of a polygon
When you create a new vector layer, Focus automatically creates Length, Area, and/or Perimeter fields in
the Attribute Manager according to the selected layer type.You can modify some properties, but most remain

1. From the Edit menu in the Attribute Manager, click Table Definition.
2. In the Table Definition window, enable the check box in the System column for the field that you want
to change into a Geometry Field.
3. In the Geometry Field Properties area, choose the type of field that you want from the Type list box.
4. Choose a unit of measurement for the field from the Display units list box.
5. Click OK.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Adding all appropriate geometry fields

1. From the Edit menu in the Attribute Manager, click Table Definition.
2. In the Geometry Field Properties area, click Create.
3. Select each new field and define as necessary using the available properties.

Related Links
Setting the field definitions on page 263

Updating the geometry

If you edit a layer outside of Focus, the Geometry Fields may no longer be up-to-date when you reopen them
in Focus.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Attribute Manager.
2. From the Field menu in the Attribute Manager, click Update Geometry.

Using find and replace in the Attribute Manager

1. From the Edit menu of the Attribute Manager, click Find or Replace.
2. In the Find and Replace window, type the characters that you want to find in the Find what box.
3. Enable any of the following check boxes:
• Match case: searches for the examples with the same capitalization as the characters in the Find
what box only
• Match entire cell: searches for the examples that contain only the characters in the Find what box.
For example, if you type 123 in the Find what box, you will only receive matches for cells that contain
only 123. You will not receive matches for other numbers such as 12345 or 9123.
• Limit search to selected fields: searches only in a field selected in the Attribute Manager
• Limit search to selected records: searches only in a record selected in the Attribute Manager

4. Click Find next.

5. If you want to replace text, click the Replace tab and type the characters that you want to use as the
replacement in the Replace with box.
6. Click Replace.
If you want to replace all the examples with the replacement characters, click Replace all.

Creating a relational database

You can join layers to form a relational database. One layer serves as the source of the data. This layer,
called the Secondary Table, usually contains an unconnected table, but you can also use another layer in
your project as the source. The layer that receives the attributes from the Secondary Table is called the
Primary Table.
When you join layers, you select one field in Primary Table and a corresponding field in the Secondary Table
to serve as the key. The key is the common link between the layers. The attributes from the Secondary Table
appear in the Primary Table.
The Secondary Table acts like a lookup table for the attributes. If you change the values in the Secondary
Table, the Primary Table is automatically updated with the new values, as long as the tables are joined.

1. Right-click the layer that you want to use as the Primary Table and click Attribute Manager.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

2. From the Tools menu in the Attribute Manager, click Table Join.
3. In the Define Table Join window, click Browse.
4. In the Select Layer window, choose the layer that you want to use as the Secondary Table.
5. In the Primary Table's Attribute box, select an attribute.
6. Select the attribute from the Secondary Table's Attributes box that you want to join with the attribute
from the Primary Table's Attribute box.
7. Click the Add button.
8. Click OK.

Related Links
Creating an unconnected table on page 260

Selecting all records that match a value in the current cell

A query searches and selects records that correspond to a set of criteria that you define.
Match Current Cell:
All records that contain the same value as the current cell are selected. The statistics of the selected records
display at the bottom of the Attribute Manager. (See Setting a selected record statistics display on page 260)

1. Select a value that you want to match.

2. From the Record menu in the Attribute Manager, click Query by and then click Current.

Exclude Current Cell:

All records that do not contain the same value as the current cell are selected. The statistics of a selected
record is displayed at the bottom of the Attribute Manager. (See Setting a selected record statistics display
on page 260)

Selecting all records that do not match a value in a selected field

1. Select a value that you want to exclude from the search.

2. From the Record menu in the Attribute Manager, click Query by and then click Excluding Current.

Query by Example:
You can create an expression that selects all corresponding records. An expression can be a statement
where two attributes are connected by a relational operator to produce a result. It can also be two or more
statements joined by an AND or OR operator.
For example, if you have an attribute called Length that describes the length of rivers on a layer, you can
query 'Length > 10.' The result shows all records that contain a value greater than 10 in the Length field.

Making a query by example

1. From the Record menu in the Attribute Manager, click Query by and then click Example.
2. In Query by Example window, choose New from the Equation list box.
3. In the Attributes list, select the attribute you want to use in the query.
4. Select a relational operator (such as =, >, <, and so on) from the list box next to the Attributes list.
5. Enable one of the following options:
Attribute Values: uses field values in the query
Attributes: uses another attribute in the query
6. Select a value or attribute from the appropriate list.
7. Enable one of the following options:

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

• AND: selects records that are true for both joined statements
• OR: selects records that are true for at least one of the joined statements

8. Click Add.
9. Repeat step 3 to step 8 as needed.
10. Click Save.
11. Enter a name for the equation in the Equation name box and click OK.
12. In the Query by Example window, click OK.

Query by Subset
If you select Query by Subset before using the Query by features (Current, Excluding Current, and Example),
the query is limited to the selected records only instead of performing the query on all the records.

Limiting the query to selected records

1. Select records in the Attribute Manager.

2. From the Edit menu in the Attribute Manager, click Query By Subset.
3. Perform a query.

Using the compute function

Compute creates a field containing the results of an equation or expression involving the attributes in a layer.
You can build equations using the calculator or you can create more complex expressions with the Advanced
Compute features and EASI scripts. For more information about EASI scripts, see the EASI User Guide.
When you build an expression, either type the expression in the Expression box or build the expression by
clicking the buttons and items in the window. Combining the two methods may cause unwanted effects.

1. From the Field menu in the Attribute Manager, click Compute.

2. From the View menu in the Compute window, click one of the following options:
• Basic: creates an equation using the attributes and the calculator
• Advanced: creates an expression using the attributes, the calculator, and functions

3. Build an expression. You can use any combination of the following to create the expression that you want:
• Type all or part of the expression in the Expression box. Text should be placed in double quotes (for
example, 'text').
• Double-click an attribute in the Attributes list to add it to the expression.
• Use the calculator to include integers and the basic mathematic operators in the expression.
• Select a category of functions from the Categories list box to display the available functions in that
category. In the Functions list, select the function that you want to use in the expression. (Available
only on the Advanced Compute)

4. If you want to display the result on the screen without adding it to the Attribute Manager, enable the Single
Value check box and proceed to step 8.
5. If you want to include the result in the Attribute Manager, select a field in the Field Name box that will
receive the results of the computation or type the name of a new field.
6. In the Field Description box, type a description of the contents of the field.
7. Choose one of the following types of field from the Field Type list:
• Text: defines the field as a text string
• Integer: defines the field for positive or negative whole numbers
• Float: defines the field for single-precision real numbers

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

• Double: defines the field for double-precision real numbers

8. Click the Run button.

If you want to save the equation with the layer, click Save.

Opening the Aggregate Attributes window

The Aggregate Attributes window is used as a reporting tool or to quickly recombine data for analysis. It
combines records based on selected attributes. The output is an unconnected table that contains the results
of a specified function or statistical calculation.
The Based On criteria is comparable to the Group By clause in an SQL select statement.

• From the Tools menu in the Attribute Manager, click Aggregate Attributes.
• From the Layer menu in the Focus main menu, click Aggregate Attributes.

Performing a calculation

1. In the Aggregate Attributes window, do any of the following:

• To use only the selected records in the operation, enable the Aggregate selected shapes only check
• To compute the results based on the shapes that contain the same style in the Representation Editor,
enable the Representation values option and select an attribute and function that you want to use.
• To compute the results based on the records that contain the same attribute values, enable the
Attributes option and enable the chck box next to the attribute in the Based On column. Add any
function or statistic fields to the output Attribute Manager. For more information, see Adding function
fields to output layers on page 272.
• To add a field containing the number of records used in the calculation, enable the Add a count field
check box.

2. Click Aggregate.

Opening the Area Neighbors window

Area Neighbors is a reporting tool for whole polygon layers, topological polygon layers, and thematic rasters.
It generates an unconnected table containing attributes that you can analyse.

1. From the Tools menu in the Attribute Manager, click Area Neighbors.
2. From the Layer menu in the Focus main menu, click Area Neighbors.

Reporting bordering areas

1. In the Area Neighbors window, do any of the following:
• To perform an analysis using only the selected records, enable the Find neighbors to selected input
areas only check box.
• To report which shapes border the selected shapes, enable the Adjacent to the input areas option.
• To include a region outside the boundary of the digitized areas on the layer, enable the Report outside
area in result check box. This represents the global polygon or outside area, which appears as -1 in
the Attribute Manager.
• To report in separate records the results of a shape that borders another shape in different places (not
available for thematic rasters), enable the Report neighbor B as two records in result check box.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

For example, the perimeter of shape B touches shape A in two places so you obtain two records for
shape B.
• To report only the shapes that completely surround another shape (for example, lakes containing
islands), enable the Input areas surround option.
• To report shapes that are surrounded by other shapes (for example, islands), click Input areas are
surrounded by option.

2. In the Input Areas column, enable the check mark next to the layer attributes that you want to add to the
Area Neighbors table.
3. In the Neighbors column, enable the check box next to the layer attributes that you want to add to the
Area Neighbors table.
If you want to select the records in the Attribute Manager that correspond to the results, enable the Select
found neighbors option.
4. Click OK.

Creating a chart from the Attribute Manager

You can generate a chart from vector, grayscale, and pseudocolor layers in the Maps tree, but not from bitmap
(1-bit) or RGB layers. Charts are also available from the Files tree on raster channels or vector segments.
When you create a chart, it compares the values of the selected records and fields in the layer attributes, or
graphs the pixel value counts from a raster without attributes.
For more information about charts, see Viewing data as a chart on page 287.

1. Right-click a layer that contains the data that you want to chart and click Attribute Manager.
If you want to chart the pixel value counts from a raster without attributes, you will have to create default
attributes. When the message displays, click OK to create the attributes.
2. In the Attribute Manager, select the fields and records that you want to chart.
3. In the main menu of the Attribute Manager, click Tools.
4. Click Charts and choose a chart type.

For more information about the Chart viewer, see Using the Chart Viewer on page 293.

Opening the Z-value Transfer window

If you have a Z-value as an attribute for a shape on an Unstructured, Line, Point, Whole Polygon, or Topological
Line vector layer, you can transfer that value to the shape's vertices. Conversely, you can also convert the
Z-values from the shape's vertices into an attribute.
The values for the vertices are not directly associated to the attributes. If you change the Z-values for the
attributes, it will not automatically update the vertices, and vice versa. If you want to update either the vertices
or the attributes, you must repeat the Z-value transfer.
You can view the vertices of a shape with the Vertices tool available in the Vector Editing toolbar (see Adding
and removing vertices on page 281).

• From the Edit menu in the Attribute Manager, click Z-value Transfer.

Transferring Z-values from the vertices to a field

1. If you want to transfer the Z-value for the selected records only, enable the Transfer Z-value of selected
shapes only check box.
2. Click Shape to attribute.
3. In the Destination field list, click the field that you want to receive the Z-value.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

If you want to create a new field in the Attribute Manager, click New Field. A default label called Z-value
is displayed in the Destination field list. You can rename the label to one of your choice. The field
properties, except the data type, are set by default. You set the data type in step 4. To modify the field
properties, see Setting the field definitions on page 263.
4. If you create a new field for the Z-value, the Type list becomes available. In the Type list, click one of the
following data types:
• Integer: defines the field for positive or negative whole numbers
• Float: defines the field for single-precision real numbers
• Double: defines the field for double-precision real numbers

5. In the Z-value aggregation list, click the method that you want to use to combine the Z-values from the
vertices into an attribute for the shape. Click one of the following methods:
• First: for each selected shape it uses the Z-value from the first vertex as the attribute.
• Last: for each selected shape it uses the Z-value from the last vertex as the attribute.
• Sum: for each selected shape it calculates the sum of the Z-values from the vertices and uses that
value as the attribute.
• Mean: for each selected shape it calculates the average Z-value from the vertices and uses that value
as the attribute. The average is obtained by adding values from the vertices and dividing that value by
the number of vertices used in the sum.
• Minimum: for each selected shape it uses the lowest Z-value from the vertices as the attribute.
• Maximum: for each selected shape it uses the highest Z-value from the vertices as the attribute.
• Mode: for each selected shape it calculates the Z-value that occurs the most frequently among the
vertices and uses that value as the attribute.
• Median: for each selected shape it ranks the Z-values from the vertices in numerical order. The median
is the middle value and it uses that value as the attribute.
• Standard Deviation: for each selected shape it measures the variation in the distribution of Z-values,
which is calculated from square root of the variance, and uses that value as the attribute.

6. Click Transfer.

Transferring Z-values from a field to the vertices

1. If you want to transfer the Z-value for the selected records only, enable the Transfer Z-value of selected
shapes only check box.
2. Click Attribute to shape.
3. In the Z-value field list, click the field that contains the Z-values that you want to copy to the vertices.
4. Click Transfer.

Exporting layer attributes to a file

1. From the Layer menu in the Attribute Manager, click Export Attributes.
2. In the Export Attributes window, enable any of the following check boxes:
Save selected shapes only - saves only selected records in the layer
Save selected fields only - saves only selected fields in the layer
3. In the Output area, choose a file from the File list box.
If a file is not listed, click Browse, locate and select a file, and click Save.
4. Choose a file format from the Format list box.
If you want to modify the file format, click Options and make any changes in the GDB Options Editor.
5. Choose a layer from the Layer list box.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

6. Click Save.

Exporting the attributes to a text file

You can convert data in the Attribute Manager to an ASCII delineated text file using the Export to Text

1. From the Layer menu in the Attribute Manager, click Export to Text.
2. In the Export to Text window, enable one of the following options:
• Entire Table: exports the whole Attribute Table
• Visible Region: exports only the displayed records and fields
• If you want to export specific records and fields, choose a range of records next to Row and choose
a range of fields next to Column.

3. Click OK.

Opening GeoRasters from the Attribute Manager

A table in Oracle 11g Spatial can contain a large number of records of geospatial data. Images stored in
Oracle 11g Spatial are called GeoRasters. Since opening a large number of GeoRasters can take a significant
amount of time, it may be more efficient for you to open only their footprints. A footprint is a vector
representation of the spatial extents of the GeoRaster. By viewing the footprints, you can make a more
informed decision on which GeoRasters to open and, therefore, save you some time.
GeoRasters are represented by a camera icon in the Attribute Manager. If a red cross appears on the camera
icon, it means that the GeoRaster is not available.

1. From the GeoRaster column in the Attribute Manager, right-click a camera icon.
2. Click Add to Area.

Dissolving a boundary
Dissolve combines shapes that contain the same value for a selected attribute. The resulting output is a layer
that contains the newly combined shapes with each shape represented as a layer record.

1. From the Analysis menu in the Focus window, click Dissolve.

2. In the Dissolve window, choose a file from the File list in the Input area.
If a file is not listed, click Browse, locate and select a file, and click Open. If you choose Active Layer,
the dissolve is performed on the current layer.
3. In the Output area, enable one of the following options:
• Display: displays the results without saving the new layer
• Save: saves the new layer in the project. Choose a file from the File list box and choose a layer from
the Layer list box.
• If you want to display the results in the view pane, enable the Display saved results check box.
• If you want to use only the selected records, enable the Dissolve selected shapes only check box.

4. In the Dissolve Option window, enable one of the following options:

• Only adjacent shapes: combines all shapes that share a common border and contain the same value
for the selected attribute or RST style

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• All shapes: forms one record for all the shapes on the layer that contain the same value for the selected
attribute or RST style
• If you want to combine the adjacent pixels that are diagonal to each other and that contain the same
value for the selected attribute or RST style for thematic rasters, enable the Pixels that meet at a
diagonal check box.

5. In the Dissolve Method area, enable one of the following options:

• Representation Values: removes boundaries between shapes that contain the same key for the
representation of the layer
• Attributes: removes boundaries between shapes that contain the same attribute values

6. In the Based on column, enable the check box next to the attributes you want to include.
If you want to add a field containing the number of shapes combined to form each record in the output,
enable the Add a count field check box.
7. Click OK.

For information about adding function or statistic fields to the output Attribute Manager, see Adding function
fields to output layers on page 272.

Adding function fields to output layers

When you use Aggregate Attributes, Dissolve, or Statistical Overlay, you can add statistic and function fields
to the output layer Attribute Table, or both.
You can add fields using the simple or advanced methods. With the simple method, you can add only one
new field per attribute. With the advanced method, you can add several fields per attribute.
The statistic fields, Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Mode, Median, and Standard Deviation, are described in
Setting a selected record statistics display on page 260.

1. Choose one of the following methods:

• To add fields using the simple method, click in an attribute cell in the Function column, and choose a
function or statistic.
• To add fields using the advanced method, Click Advanced and click in a column for the attribute.
A check mark indicates the selected functions and statistics.
2. If you want to calculate the weighted average, click in the Weighted Avg column next to the attribute that
you want to use in the calculation and choose an attribute.

Related Links
Opening the Aggregate Attributes window on page 268
Dissolving a boundary on page 271
Using a statistical overlay on page 284
Setting a selected record statistics display on page 260

Working with shapes

You can use the Selection tools in the view pane and in the Symbol Editor to select, group, and attach shapes.

272 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Selecting a single shape

When you select a shape in the view pane, its record is also selected in the Attribute Manager. To select a
record in the Attribute Manager, see Selecting and clearing records and fields on page 261.

1. From the Editing toolbar in the Focus window, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose Individual.
2. Click the shape that you want.
If you want to select another shape, press Shift and click a shape.

Selecting shapes within or partially within a circle

1. From the Editing toolbar in the Focus window, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose Circular.
2. Drag a circle over a location in the view pane.
If you want to add more shapes to your selection, press Shift and drag another circle.

Selecting shapes within or partially within a polygon

1. From the Editing toolbar in the Focus window, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose Area.
2. Click in the view pane for each vertex you want included in the area.
3. Double-click the last vertex.
All the shapes that are inside or that touch the polygon are selected.
If you want to add more shapes to your selection, press Shift and digitize another polygon.

Grouping shapes
Grouping ties shapes from the same layer to act as a single unit. Each shape in a group maintains its original
representation and attributes. You cannot select or modify grouped shapes individually; however, you can
change individual attribute values in the Attribute Manager.
When you group shapes, a new field labeled GroupId is added to the Attribute Manager. Focus assigns each
record in the group the same GroupId number.

1. Select the shapes you want to group.

2. From the Edit menu in the Focus window, click Group.

Ungrouping shapes
1. Select the grouped shapes that you want to separate.
2. From the Edit menu in the Focus window, click Ungroup.

Attaching shapes
Attaching combines shapes from the same layer into one record. The shapes appear as grouped in the view
pane, but the records for the attached shapes are unified in a record in the Attribute Manager. You can attach
adjacent shapes, non-adjacent shapes, and shapes that are contained within other shapes. Attached shapes
are referred to as rings.
You can use rings when separate shapes form a single entity, such as a collection of islands forming one
county, or when shapes are contained within other shapes, such as an island in a lake.

1. Make sure the items are on the same layer.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

2. Select the items you want to attach.

3. From the Edit menu, click Attach.

Separating shapes
1. Select the attached items.
This can be accomplished using the Attribute Manager, by clicking on a group member, through a window
selector, or a query.
2. From the Edit menu, click Detach.

Creating buffers
A buffer is a margin created at a specific distance around shapes on a layer. You can create margins of
different sizes, each referred to as a buffer level.You use buffer levels to analyse suitability or risk around the
input shapes, which is referred to as a proximity analysis.
For example, you can create a buffer around domestic wells to analyse the risk of contamination from pesticide

• From the Analysis menu, click Buffer.

Creating buffers - step 1

1. In the Input area, choose a file from the File list box.
If a file is not listed, click Browse, locate and select a file from the File Selector window, and click Open.
2. Choose a layer from the Layer list box.
3. In the Output area, enable one of the following options:
• Display: shows the results without saving the new layer
• Save: saves the new layer to the project. Choose a file from the File list box and choose a layer from
the Layer list box.
• If you want to display the results in the view pane, enable the Display saved results check box.
• If you want to include only the selected records in the layer, enable the Buffer selected shapes only
check box.

4. In the Buffer Distances area, enable one of the following options:

• Simple: buffers all the selected shapes
• Representation Values: buffers the selected shapes according to their representation values
• Field: buffers the selected shapes according to an attribute. Choose an attribute from the list box.

5. Enter a number of levels that you want in the Buffer levels spin box.
6. Choose a unit of measurement from the Units list box.
7. In the Buffer distances table, type a number in each Level column to determine the width of a buffer.
8. Click Next.

Creating buffers - step 2

1. In the Vertex Options area, enable a cornering type.

2. In the Line Options area, enable an option for the side you want the buffer to appear.
3. Enable an End style option for the style you want to use at the end of lines.
4. In the Polygon Options area, enable a style option.

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5. In the Fields to Add area, enable the SourceShapeId check box.

6. Enable any of the following check boxes:
• [attribute name]Value: includes the attribute values in the output layer if the buffer is based on an
attribute and if overlapping buffers are kept separate
• BufferDistance: lists the width of the buffer for each level in the output layer
• BufferLevel: lists the levels in the output layer

7. In the Output Areas area, enable one of the following options:

• Combine: combines the shapes where the buffers overlap
• Keep Separate: keeps each buffer separate

8. Click Finish.

Editing vectors in Focus

Focus provides a variety of tools for editing vectors. Some of the changes that you can make using the vector
editing tools can affect the attributes of the shape you are editing. For example, the Merge Line/Polygon
tool combines two shapes, including their attributes.
When you edit vectors in a Math Model Area (see Understanding vector editing in a math model area on page
258), the vertices are shown in the correct position according to the math model and digital elevation model
(DEM), or the approximate elevation value that you provided when you created the Math Model Area. Lines
connecting the vertices are straight and do not reflect the effects of the math model and elevation.

Accessing the Vector Editing tools and toolbar

You can access the vector editing tools and the Vector Editing Tools toolbar from the Edit menu in Focus.

1. From the Editing toolbar in Focus, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose Individual.
2. Click a shape in the view pane.
3. From the Edit menu, select Vector Editing > Vector Editing.
The vector editing tools on the Edit menu become available, and the Vector Editing Tools toolbar is

About the Vector Editing Tools toolbar

The following table shows the available tools on the Vector Editing Tools toolbar in Focus.

Tool Name Action

Selects the shape and Identifies the
start and end vertices.
Changes line direction (not
Reverse Vertices
available for whole polygons).
Creates a new vertex where you
Add Vertices click. The new vertex is connected
to the two closest existing vertices.
Reshapes the currently selected
line or polygon.

PCI Geomatics 275

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Tool Name Action

Connects ends of lines together or
Merge Line/Polygon combines polygons by removing
common boundaries.
Breaks lines and polygons into
Split Line/Polygon
separate shapes.
Extends the length of a vertex in a
Extend Line
straight line.
Removes the start or end vertices
Auto Merge Line shared between lines
Automatically connects the start
Close Shape and end vertices of a line to form a
Flips a shape horizontally or
Mirror Tools
vertically to make a mirror image.

Rotation Tools Rotates a shape around an anchor.

Separates overlapping shapes at

Break Line/Polygon
their intersecting points.
Moves the cursor to the start vertex
Start Vertex
in a selected shape.
Moves the cursor from one vertex
Previous Vertex to the previous vertex in a selected
Moves the cursor halfway between
Midpoint two vertices in the direction of the
Moves the cursor from one vertex
Next Vertex to the previous vertex in a selected
Moves the cursor to the end vertex
End Vertex
in a selected shape.
Makes the vertices in a shape more
Show Vertex
prominent for better visibility.
Opens the Vertices window and
Vertices displays the vertex coordinates of
a selected shape.

Selecting a shape
The Find tool selects a shape and identifies the start and end vertices.

1. On the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button.

2. Click a shape.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Moving a vertex
The Find tool selects a shape and identifies the start and end vertices.

1. On the Vector Editing toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Show Vertices button.
3. Drag a vertex to a new location.

Moving several vertices together while maintaining their form

The Find tool selects a shape and identifies the start and end vertices.

1. On the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Show Vertices button.
3. Press and hold the Ctrl key and select several vertices
4. Drag a selected vertex to a new location.

Reversing vector direction

The Reverse Vertices tool changes the direction of the line (not available for whole polygons).

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Reverse Vertices button.

Adding vertices
The Add Vertices tool in Focus creates new vertices where you click. The inserted vertex is connected to
the two closest existing vertices.
When you use this tool in a Math Model Area, the elevation for the new vertex is derived from the digital
elevation model (DEM) or the approximate elevation value that you provided when you created the Math
Model Area.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Add Vertices button.
3. Click where you want to add the vertex.
Tip: If you want to add a vertex to an existing line or polygon, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys while
clicking close to the line. The new vertex will snap to the line or polygon and the shape of the line or
polygon will remain the same.
Tip: If you want to continue a line, click the start or end vertex of the line and click a series of vertices.

Related Links
Understanding vector editing in a math model area on page 258
Vector editing on page 79

Reshaping a line or polygon

The Reshape tool can be used to change the shape of a line or polygon in Focus.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a line or polygon.
2. Click the Reshape button.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

3. Click on the shape to add a vertex at the snap indicator.

4. Move the mouse pointer and click one or more times to reshape the line or polygon.
5. Double-click to complete the new shape.

Related Links
Vector editing on page 79

Connecting lines
The Merge Line/Polygon tool connects ends of lines together. This tool may affect the attributes of the shape
you are editing.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a line.
2. Click the Merge Line/Polygon button.
3. Click the start or end vertex of the line.
4. Click the start or end vertex of a line with which you want to merge the first line.

Connecting polygons
The Merge Line/Polygon tool combines polygons by removing common boundaries. This tool may affect
the attributes of the shape you are editing.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a polygon.
2. Click the Merge Line/Polygon button.
3. Click a polygon with which you want to merge the first polygon.

Cutting a line
The Split Line/Polygon tool cuts lines and polygons into separate shapes. This tool may affect the attributes
of the shape you are editing.
When you use this tool in a Math Model Area, the elevation for the new vertex created at the cut point is
derived from the digital elevation model (DEM) or the approximate elevation value that you provided when
you created the Math Model Area.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a line.
2. Click the Split Line/Polygon button.
3. Click where you want to split the line.

When you split a polygon, you draw a line through the shape where you want the polygon to split.
Related Links
Understanding vector editing in a math model area on page 258

Cutting a polygon
The Split Line/Polygon tool cuts lines and polygons into separate shapes. This tool may affect the attributes
of the shape you are editing. When you use this tool in a Math Model Area, the elevation for the new vertex
created at the cut point is derived from the DEM or the approximate elevation value that you provided when
you created the Math Model Area.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a polygon.
2. Click the Split Line/Polygon button.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

3. Click a point on the outline of the polygon where you want to begin a line.
4. Click in the polygon to form the line.
5. Double-click a point on the outline of the polygon to end the line.

Extending a line
You can move a start or end vertex simply by selecting the vertex with the Find tool and moving it. However,
if you want to extend the line without changing its angle, the Extend Line tool forces the vertex to move in a
straight line.
When you use this tool in a Math Model Area, the elevation for the new vertex is derived from the digital
elevation model (DEM) or the approximate elevation value that you provided when you created the Area.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a line.
2. Click the Extend Line button.
3. Click a start or end vertex.
4. Click where you want to end the extension.

Related Links
Understanding vector editing in a math model area on page 258

Merging segmented lines

The Auto Merge Line tool removes the start or end vertices shared between lines (pseudo-nodes). If a line's
start and end vertices connect, it automatically forms a polygon. This tool may affect the attributes of the
shape you are editing.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a line.
2. Click the Auto Merge Line button.
3. Click the start or end vertex where you want to begin merging the line.
If it reaches a fork in the line, you must choose which line to follow. Click the line that you want to merge.

Changing a line into a polygon

The Close Shape tool in Focus automatically connects the start and end vertices of a line to form a polygon.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a line.
2. Click the Close Shape button.

Flipping a shape to its mirror image

The Mirror tools flip the shape horizontally or vertically resulting in the mirror image of the shape.
When you use this tool in a Math Model Area, the shape is flipped according to the ground coordinates and
may be mirrored about oblique axes, which may cause the it to appear distorted.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Mirror Tools button to flip the shape.
3. To switch the Mirror tools from horizontal to vertical, click the Mirror Tools arrow and choose one of the
• Mirror X: flips a shape vertically
• Mirror Y: flips a shape horizontally

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Related Links
Understanding vector editing in a math model area on page 258

Spinning a shape free hand

The Rotation tools revolve a shape around an anchor. By default, the start vertex is the anchor when a
Rotation tool is selected. To move the anchor, click it and move it.
When you use this tool in a Math Model Area, the elevation for each vertex in the shape is derived from the
digital elevation model (DEM) or the approximate elevation value that you provided when you created the

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Rotation Tools arrow and click Free Rotate.
3. Drag the shape to the angle you want.

Related Links
Understanding vector editing in a math model area on page 258

Spinning the shape precisely

The Rotation tools revolve a shape around an anchor. By default, the start vertex is the anchor when a
Rotation tool is selected. To move the anchor, click it and move it.
When you use this tool in a Math Model Area, the elevation for each vertex in the shape is derived from the
DEM or the approximate elevation value that you provided when you created the Area.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Rotation Tools arrow and click Rotate by Angle.
3. In the Rotate by Angle window, enter a value for the angle by which you want to rotate the shape in the
spin box.
4. Choose an angle unit from the list box.
5. Click OK.

Separating overlapping shapes

The Break Line/Polygon tool separates overlapping shapes at their intersecting points. For example, if you
have two overlapping polygons, the Break Line/Polygon tool separates the two polygons into three with the
overlap area becoming the third polygon. This feature is not available for a topological layer, because
overlapping shapes are automatically separated. This tool may affect the attributes of the shape you are

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Break Line/Polygon button.
3. Click the overlapping shape outside of the overlap area.

Navigating to a vertex
You can select a vertex by clicking it or you can use one of the navigation tools on the Vector Editing Tools
toolbar in Focus.

Moving the cursor to the start vertex

The Start Vertex tool moves the cursor to the start vertex of a selected shape.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toobar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Start Vertex button.
The cursor moves to the start vertex of the shape you selected.

Moving the cursor to the end vertex

The End Vertex tool moves the cursor to the end vertex of a selected shape.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toobar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the End Vertex button.
The cursor moves to the end vertex of the shape you selected.

Moving the cursor from one vertex to another

The Previous Vertex and Next Vertex tools move the cursor from one vertex to another in a selected shape.
The Previous Vertex tool moves the cursor toward the start vertex, while the Next Vertex tool moves the
cursor toward the end vertex.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toobar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Previous Vertex button to move the cursor towards the start vertex, or the Next Vertex button
to move the cursor towards the end vertex.

Moving the cursor halfway between two vertices in a line

The Midpoint tool moves the cursor halfway between two vertices in the direction of a line.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toobar, click the Find button and click a line.
2. Click the Midpoint button.
The cursor moves to the midpoint of the line you selected.

Displaying vertices
The Show Vertices tool makes the vertices in the shape more prominent so they more easily seen.

1. From the Vector Editing Tools toolbar, click the Find button and click a shape.
2. Click the Show Vertices button.

Adding and removing vertices

To display coordinates, select a shape with the Find tool and click the Vertices button. The Vertices window
displays the coordinates of the vertices contained in the selected shape.
If you select a vertex in the view pane and move it, the coordinates are automatically updated. You can also
add or subtract vertices from the Vertices window. When you add a vertex, it is inserted halfway between
the selected vertex and the next according to the direction of the line.

Select a vertex in the Vertices window and do the following:

• To add vertices, click the Add button.
• To delete a vertex, click it and click the Remove button.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Switching between coordinate systems

The coordinate system for the Area in the Maps tree is determined by the first layer opened in the Area.
When you add layers to the Maps tree, you have the choice of using the same coordinate system or a different
one. If the coordinate system for the layer is different than that of the Area, you can display the coordinates
of the vertices in either systems.

1. To view the vertices using the coordinate system of the Area in the Maps tree, click Area under Coordinate
2. To view the vertices using the coordinate system of the layer, click Layer under Coordinate System.

Selecting vectors using spatial query tools

Spatial Query tools search through all visible layers to select the shapes that correspond to your criteria.

Including an original selection in a spatial query

When you use any of the Spatial Query tools, you can include or exclude your original selection from the
resulting selection. When you enable the Add to Selection option, the results of the spatial query are selected
along with your original selection. When you clear Add to Selection, only the results of the spatial query are

• From the Editing toolbar, click the Spatial Query arrow and choose Add to Selection.
A check mark next to the option indicates it is enabled.

Selecting fully contained shapes

The Fully Within tool selects all other shapes that fall completely within a selected shape or area. Any shape
that touches or overlaps a shape other than the one you selected will not be included.

1. From the Editing toolbar, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose a tool.
2. Click a shape or select an area.
3. From the Editing toolbar, click the Spatial Query arrow and choose Fully Within.

Selecting partially contained shapes

The Partially Within tool selects the shapes that have at least one vertex in common with a selected shape
or area, including overlapping and neighboring shapes.

1. From the Editing toolbar, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose a tool.
2. Click a shape or select an area.
3. From the Editing toolbar, click the Spatial Query arrow and choose Partially Within.

Selecting all shapes within a specified distance

The Within Distance tool selects shapes that fall completely or partially within a specified distance of a select
shape or area. If you do not select a shape or area, the distance is calculated from the location of the cursor.

1. From the Editing toolbar, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose a tool.
2. Click a shape or select an area.
3. From the Editing toolbar, click the Spatial Query arrow and choose Within Distance.
4. In the Within Distance window, type a number in the Distance box.
5. Choose a unit of measurement from the list box.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

6. Click OK.

Selecting all shapes fully within a distance

The Fully Within Distance tool selects only shapes that fall completely within a specified distance of a
selected shape. If you do not select a shape, the distance is calculated from the location of the cursor.

1. From the Editing toolbar, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose a tool.
2. Click a shape or select an area.
3. From the Editing toolbar, click the Spatial Query arrow and choose Fully Within Distance.
4. In the Within Distance window, type a number in the Distance box.
5. Choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
6. Click OK.

Selecting intersecting shapes

The Crosses tool selects all of the shapes that intersect selected shapes.

1. From the Editing toolbar, click the Selection Tools arrow and choose a tool.
2. Click a shape or select an area.
3. From the Editing toolbar, click the Spatial Query arrow and choose Crosses.

About the Overlay wizard

An overlay derives information from two or more input layers. The Overlay Wizard contains three overlay
types: Spatial Overlay, Statistical Overlay, and Suitability Overlay.
Spatial Overlay forms a new layer containing the attributes from two or more layers.
Statistical Overlay transfers the selected attributes from layer to another.
Suitability Overlay analyses the relative importance of input layers and attributes to identify the areas that
produce the most positive result.

Combining layers with a spatial overlay

Spatial Overlay forms a new layer containing the attributes from two or more layers. For example, you can
overlay a layer containing land-ownership polygons and a layer containing vegetation polygons to analyse
where the types of vegetation are located on each property. If you want to overlay specific shapes from the
layers, select them before you begin the Spatial Overlay.

1. From the Analysis menu, click Overlay.

2. In the Overlay Wizard, enable the Spatial option and click Next.
3. In the Available Files/Layers list, enable the check mark next to the layers that you want to combine.
• If you want to select layers from another file, click Browse, locate and select a file from the File Selector
window, and click Open.
• If you want to overlay only the selected shapes in each layer, enable the Overlay only the selected
shapes of the input layers check box.

4. Click Next.
5. Choose a layer from the Layer list box.
6. Select an attribute that you want to include in the new layer from the Input Attribute list.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

7. Click Add.
8. Repeat step 5 to step 7 for each layer.
If you want to change the order of an attribute, select it in the Attribute table and click the up or down
arrow buttons.
9. If you want to change the names of an attribute, double-click it and type a new name.
10. Click Next.
11. In the Output Options area, enable one of the following options:
• Union: includes all shapes in their entirety from all the input layers
• Intersection: includes only the overlapping areas of the shapes from the input layers

12. Enable any of the following check boxes:

• Use a Mask to Limit Output: uses a layer to limit the area. Choose a layer from the list box.
• Using Only Selected Shapes: includes only the selected shapes as the mask
• Use a Named Region to Limit Output: uses an existing named region as the mask. For more
information about Named Regions, see Creating named regions on page 58.

13. In the Output Layer area, select a layer type for the new layer from the Type list box.
14. Enable one of the following options:
• Display: shows the results without saving the new layer
• Save: saves the new layer in the project. Choose a file from the File list box and choose a layer from
the Layer list box.
• If you want to display the results in the view pane, enable the Display saved results check box.

15. Click Finish.

Using a statistical overlay

Statistical Overlay transfers the selected attributes from one layer to another. One layer, called the Primary
Input, receives the attributes from another layer, called the Secondary Input.
There are two possible results when you transfer attributes between the layers:
• Each shape in the Primary Input can receive the attributes from one shape in the Secondary Input. For
example, you can transfer the county attributes from a county layer to a cities layer. Each city in the Primary
Input receives the attributes from the county that contains the city.
• Each shape in the Primary Input can receive the attributes from many shapes in the Secondary Input.You
must specify a function to aggregate the attributes from the Secondary Input. For example, you can transfer
the city attributes from a cities layer to a county layer. Each county in the Primary Input receives the sum
of the population of the cities contained within that county.

1. From the Analysis menu, click Overlay.

2. In the Overlay Wizard, enable the Statistical option and click Next.
3. In the Primary Input area, choose a file from the File list box.
If a file is not listed, click Browse, locate and select a file from the File Selector window, and click Open.
4. Choose a layer that will receive the attributes from the Layer list box.
If you want to include only the selected records in the layer, enable the Use selected shapes only check
5. In the Secondary Input area, choose a file from the File list box.
6. Choose a layer that contains the attributes you want to add to the Primary Input layer from the Layer list

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If you want to include only the selected records in the layer, enable the Use selected shapes only check
7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.

You can add function fields to the output Attribute Manager. (See Adding function fields to output layers on
page 272)
You can also add fields containing other attributes.

Adding attributes to the statistical overlay output

The Primary and Secondary Input layers that you choose for the Statistical Overlay determine the availability
of the Grouping Criteria options and the options available under Additional Attributes.
is available when:
• The Primary Input is a line layer and the Secondary Input is a line, polygon, thematic raster, or raster.
• The Primary Input is a polygon layer and the Secondary Input is a point, line, polygon, thematic raster, or
• The Primary Input is a thematic raster layer and the Secondary Input is a point, line, polygon, thematic
raster, or raster.
When you enable the Count check box, Focus calculates the number of shapes combined to form each
record and adds that attribute the output layer.
Surface Length
is available when the Primary Input is a line layer and the Secondary Input is a raster. This option is useful
if the raster is a DEM. When you enable the Surface Length check box, Focus calculates the three-dimensional
surface length of the line and adds that attribute the output layer.
is available when:
• The Primary Input is a point layer and the Secondary Input is a point, line, or polygon layer.
• The Primary Input is a line layer and the Secondary Input is a points layer.
When you enable the Distance check box, Focus identifies the shape from the Secondary Input that is the
closest to each shape in the Primary Input and calculates the distance between them. The distance is added
to each record in the output layer. When points are contained within the polygon, the distance equals zero
in the output.
Counting Specific Pixel Values:
You can count specific pixel values when the Primary Input is a line, polygon, or thematic raster layer and
the Secondary Input is a raster. For each line in the Primary Input, Focus identifies corresponding pixels in
the Secondary Input and adds that attribute the output layer.
Grouping Criteria:
The Grouping Criteria options are available when the Primary Input is a polygon layer and the Secondary
Input is a line or polygon layer.
To combine all shapes from the Secondary Input that touch or overlap the boundaries of each shape in the
Primary Input, enable the Partially Within option. The resulting attribute is added to the output layer.
To combine only the shapes from the Secondary Input that lie entirely within the boundaries of each shape
in the Primary Input, enable the Wholly Contained option. The resulting attribute is added to the output layer.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Using a suitability overlay

Using a suitability overlay

Suitability Overlay analyses the relative importance of various data to identify areas that produce the most
positive result. For example, analysing data in a project to identify the best location for a school or the most
likely location for a forest fire.
To perform the analysis, you must build a project containing layers of data that you want to use in the
calculation. Each layer should contain one type of data representing a factor in the calculation. For example,
if you are trying to determine the best location for a winery, your project could contain a layer with rainfall
levels for an area, a layer of soil types found in the area, a layer containing the road network, and so on.
To calculate a combination that produces the best result, you must decide on a scale to rank the importance
the layers and a scale to rank the data in the layers. The scales measure the relative importance of each
input into the equation; the most important factors affect the results the most. The value from the scale that
you assign to the layer and to the data is called a weight.
For example, you have a scale of 1 to 100 for the layers. Because the soil type layer is more important than
the road network layer, you can assign a weight of 75 to the soil type layer and a weight of 25 to the road
network layer; the soil type layer is three times more influential in the calculation than the road network layer.
You do not need to use the same scale for the layers and the data in the layers, but you should use one scale
for the layers themselves and one scale for the data in the layers. Weighting the data in one layer according
to a vastly different scale from the data in the other layers can skew the results.
To add weights to data, add a field in the Attribute Manager for each layer and enter the numeric value
expressing the weight for the data in each record. A negative weight for a record will force an unfavorable
result in the output for that record.
For example, you have a scale of 1 to 10 for the data in the layers. In the soil type layer, you assign the
well-drained soils an 8, the poor and shallow soils a 2, and the polluted soils a -1. Any sites containing polluted
soils will automatically receive a negative result.
You must also assign a weight to the 'No Data' value in the layers. The 'No Data' value represents the null
values or the pixels without data. The 'No Data' value is usually set in the metadata of the layer so it may not
appear in the Attribute Manager. When you assign a weight to the 'No Data' value in step 7, you should use
the same scale as the rest of the data in the layers.
When setting up a Suitability Overlay, you must determine the weight of each layer, the weight of the NoData
value, and select the field that contains the weights for the data in each layer. The result is displayed in a
layer indicating the most positive correlation between all the factors in the equation.

1. From the Attribute Manager, add a field to each layer containing the numeric value expressing the weight
of the records. For more information, see Adding new fields on page 263.
2. From the Analysis menu in the Focus window, click Overlay.
3. In the Overlay Wizard, enable the Suitability option and click Next.
4. In the Available Files/Layers list, enable the check mark next to the layers that you want to combine.
If you want to select layers from another file, click Browse, locate and select a file from the File Selector
window, and click Open.
5. Click Next.
6. Type a number to determine the weight of each layer in the Layer Weight column.
7. Type a number to determine the weight of NoData value for each layer in the NoData Weight column.
Use the same weight scale as you used for the attributes.
8. In the Attribute Weight column, click a cell and choose the weight values for the attributes.
9. Click Next.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

10. In the Output Options area, enable one of the following options:
• Union: includes all the shapes in their entirety from all input layers
• Intersection: includes only the overlapping areas of shapes from the input layers

11. Enable any of the following check boxes:

• Use a Mask to Limit Output - uses a layer to limit the area. You can use an existing a bitmap, raster,
or polygon layer. Choose a layer from the list box.
• Using Only Selected Shapes - includes only the selected shapes as the mask
• Use a Named Region to Limit Output - se an existing named region as the mask. For more information
about Named Regions, see Creating named regions on page 58.

12. In the Output Layer area, enable one of the following options:
• Display - shows the results without saving the new layer
• Save - saves the new layer in the project. Choose a file from the File list box and choose a layer from
the Layer list box.
• If you want to display the results in the view pane, enable the Display saved results check box.

13. Click Finish.

Related Links
Understanding weights in the suitability overlay on page 287
Creating named regions on page 58

Understanding weights in the suitability overlay

The range of numbers that you select for a scale does not have an inherent value; it is the degree of value
in the scale that gives them their value.
For example, if you use a scale of 1 to 10 and assign a weight of 2 to the Road Network layer and a weight
of 5 to the Rainfall layer, it has the same effect as using a scale of 1 to 100 and giving Road Network layer
a weight of 20 and the Rainfall layer a weight of 50. In each case, the Rainfall layer has more weight and is
considered better or more desirable in the calculation.
The scale for the layers is usually based on a scale of 1 to 100, but the sum of the layer weights does not
need to equal 100. The point is to identify the relative importance of each layer in comparison with the others.
The scale of the data in the layers does not have to be the same as that used for the layers, but the scale
should be consistently applied for all the data. Using different scales for the data in different layers may cause
unwanted results.
For example, if you used a scale of 1 to 1000 to rank the data in the Soil Types layer and a scale of 1 to 10
for the data in the other layers, the soil types might nullify the importance of other data like rainfall even if the
Rainfall layer itself has a higher weight than the Soil Type layer.

Viewing data as a chart

Charts are a way to visualize your data. A chart is a table of attributes displayed as a graphic where the values
of selected records and fields are compared. It displays quantitative data so you can see how the numbers
relate to each other, which helps you to interpret the information more easily. Trends or anomalies may
become evident when displayed using the right chart type. For example, it may be difficult to identify trends
by looking at a table filled with population statistics, but with the right chart the pattern become easily
For column, bar, line, area, and pie chart types, you must select at least one field and one record before the
chart is displayed in the viewer. For the scatter chart type, the minimum number of selected records and fields
depends on the Series in setting. When Series in is set to Records, you must select at least two fields and

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

at least one record before the chart is displayed. When Series in is set to Fields, at least one field and at least
two records must be selected. If the minimum number of selected records and fields for any chart type is not
satisfied, the chart displays a message reminding you to select data.
You can create more than one chart per layer. Each chart is connected to the attributes in the layer so if the
attribute values change, the chart changes to reflect the new values. Each chart that you create is remembered
in the Chart Manager.
Related Links
Opening and deleting a chart on page 297

About chart types

The trick with charts is to use the right chart type to display your data. One chart type can make your data
instantly understandable while another can completely confound it.
The column chart type displays the selected data as vertical stripes of different colors or patterns. The
categories are organized along the x-axis (horizontally) and the values are measured along the y-axis
(vertically). Column charts are often used to compare data or to emphasize how data changed over time.
Three options are available for the column chart:
• The Clustered Column type forms separate bands for each kind of data and groups the bands side-by-side
by category.
• The Stacked Column type forms bands for each kind of data and piles the bands on top of one another
to form one column per category.
• The 100% Stacked Column type is similar to the Stacked columns type, except each band is expressed
as a percentage and each column totals 100%. The Stacked columns and Percent columns illustrate the
contribution of each band to the whole category.
The bar chart type displays the selected data as horizontal stripes of different colors or patterns. In contrast
with the column chart type, the values are organized along the x-axis (horizontally) and the categories are
measured along the y-axis (vertically). Bar charts are often used to compare data while reducing the emphasis
on the passage of time.
Three options are available for the bar chart:
• The Clustered Bar type forms separate bands for each kind of data and groups the bands side-by-side
by category.
• The Stacked Bar type forms bands for each kind of data and lines up the bands end to end to form one
column per category.
• The 100% Stacked Bar type is similar to the Stacked bar type, except each band is expressed as a
percentage and each column totals 100%.The Stacked bar and Percent bar charts illustrate the contribution
of each band to the whole category.
The line chart displays the selected data as lines of different colors or patterns connecting points at equal
intervals. The categories are organized along the x-axis (horizontally) and the values are measured along
the y-axis (vertically). The vertices represent the values for each category and the angles formed by the lines
connecting the vertices emphasize the trends.
Three options are available for the line chart:
• The Line type creates a line for each kind of data where each vertex represents the actual value for each

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• The Stacked Line type creates a line for each kind of data where each vertex represents the value of
each category added to the value of the vertex beneath it. Therefore, the topmost vertex in each category
reflects the sum total of all the data in that category.
• The 100% Stacked Line type is similar to the Stacked line type, except each line is expressed as a
percentage and each category totals 100%. The Stacked line and Percent line types illustrate the
contribution of each line to the whole category.
The area chart displays the selected data as polygons of different colors or patterns connecting points at
equal intervals. It is similar to the line chart, except the area below the line is shaded to form a polygon. The
categories are organized along the x-axis (horizontally) and the values are measured along the y-axis
(vertically). The points represent the values for each category and the angles formed by the lines connecting
the points emphasize the trends.
Three options are available for the area chart:
• The Area type creates a polygon for each kind of data where the points represent the actual value for
each category.
• The Stacked Area type creates a polygon for each kind of data where each point represents the value of
each category added to the value of the point beneath it. Therefore, the topmost point in each category
reflects the sum total of all the data in that category.
• The 100% Stacked Area type is similar to the Stacked Area type, except each polygon is expressed as
a percentage and each category totals 100%. The Stacked Area and 100% Stacked Area types illustrate
the contribution of each polygon to the whole category.
The pie chart is a circular graphic which displays the data as wedges representing their portion of the whole.
It can only show the portions or ratios of one kind of data at a time.
Two options are available for the pie chart:
• The Pie type creates a circle divided into slices proportional to the whole.
• The Exploded Pie type creates a circle broken into slices proportional to the whole.
The scatter chart is a graph of points comparing two sets of data. One set is plotted along the x-axis and the
other along the y-axis. It is used to uncover a possible correlation between the data sets.
The appearance of a discernable pattern or clustering of the points indicates a correlation between the data
sets. An indicator of a high correlation between the data sets is that you are able to draw a straight line through
the points. The more points that cluster about the implied line, the stronger the possibility of a correlation. If
the points appear randomly distributed over the chart, it is unlikely that a correlation exists.
It is important to note, however, that although a scatter chart may indicate a correlation between the data
sets it does not mean that one data set is causing an affect on the other. The correlation can be the result of
a third factor affecting both sets or can be simply a coincidence.

Creating a chart from the layer

You can generate a chart from vector, grayscale, and pseudocolor layers on the Maps tab, but not from bitmap
(1-bit) or RGB layers. Charts are also available from the Files tab on raster channels or vector segments.
When you create a chart, it compares the values of the selected records and fields in a layer's attributes or
graphs the pixel value counts from a raster without attributes.

1. In the Maps tree, select the layer that contains the data that you want to chart.
2. If you want to select specific shapes to chart from a vector or thematic raster layer, click the Selection
Tools arrow on the Editing toolbar and select a tool. In the view pane, click or drag to select the shapes
that you want included in the chart.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

3. In the Focus main menu, click Layer.

4. Click Charts and select a chart type from the list.
5. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Chart Definition button.
6. Select the fields.
7. Click OK.

Related Links
Defining the data to chart on page 290

Defining the data to chart

Depending on which chart type you choose, you need to select a minimum number of records and fields. If
the minimum number of selected records and fields for any chart type is not satisfied, the chart displays a
message reminding you to select data.

1. In the Type list, select the chart type that you want to use to display your data. For more information on
the chart types.
2. Under Fields, click to select the fields that you want to include in the chart. Only the fields with a black
check mark are included in the chart.
3. For Series in, select Fields to display the data from the selected Fields or select Records to display the
data from the selected records.
4. To customize the look of chart, click the Options tab.
5. Click OK.

About Series In
The Series In option on the Chart Definitions window defines what is displayed in the graph. Depending on
what you want the data to be interpreted, you may want to emphasize either the records or the fields. When
you select Records, the data in each record is represented in the chart. When you select Fields, the data is
displayed by field in the chart.
For example, when you choose Fields for the chart shown in the following figure, the fields are displayed as
bars (Pop2000 and Pop2002). When you choose Records, the records (Alaska, California, and Florida) are
displayed as bars.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Designing the chart surround

A chart's purpose is to display data so that we can quickly grasp its meaning. The chart surround is a collection
of graphical elements that gives meaning or clarifies the meaning of the data displayed in a chart. It puts the
data into context so we can analyse, organize, and communicate the information effectively.
The chart surround elements include:
• Title and subtitle
• The x-axis and its ticks, labels and headings
• The y-axis and its ticks, labels and headings
• The legend
• The background
• The data labels
Each chart surround element helps to present the data as clearly as possible. You do not need to include
every element in every chart. Select the ones that most effectively convey the chart's meaning.

1. On the Chart Definition window, click the Options tab.

2. In the Title box, type a word or phrase that you want as a title for your chart.
3. In the Subtitle box, type a word or phrase that you want as a subtitle for your chart.
4. In the Category field list, select the field that most clearly describes the records used in the chart.
5. In the X-axis heading box, type a word or phrase that you want to display along the bottom of the chart.
6. Select Show X-axis values to display the data values along the x-axis of the chart.
7. In the Y-axis heading box, type a word or phrase that you want to display along the y-axis of the chart.
8. Select Show Y-axis values to display the data values along the y-axis of the chart.
9. Select Show legend to display the legend for the data in the chart.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

10. Select Show data labels to display labels on the data in the chart.
11. In the Background style list, click to select a style for the area behind the chart. You can create a frame
around the chart or color the background.
12. Click OK.

Note: The Restore to Defaults button clears the preference file for the chart, not only the settings on the
Options tab.
Related Links
About the category field on page 292
Selecting a style on page 305
Resetting the chart to defaults on page 293

About the category field

The Category field list on the Chart Definition window determines which field is used to identify the records
used in the chart. It affects what is displayed on the x-axis, the legend, or the y-axis depending on the chart
type and the Series in setting.

Table 19:

Chart Type Series in: Fields Series in: Records

Category field displays on: Category field displays on:
Column x-axis legend
Bar y-axis legend
Line x-axis legend
Area x-axis legend
Pie legend not displayed
Scatter not displayed legend

The field that you select depends on what you want to emphasize or what attribute most clearly represents
the data in your chart. For example, in the following figure the chart displays the same data: the number of
houses and apartments for each newspaper route. If you have new customers to add on Second Avenue
which falls along both route 15 and 22, Chart A is going to be less helpful unless you have memorized the
names of the couriers responsible for the routes. Chart B, on the other hand, gives you the route number

292 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Figure 6: Understanding the use of the Category Field

Resetting the chart to defaults

When you create your first chart, the look of the chart is set by default. As you select the colors, fonts, and
other design options, Focus retains your choices in a preference file so the next time you create a chart, the
last used styles are applied to your current data. If you click the Restore to Defaults button on the Chart
Definition window, it clears the preference file for the chart, not just the settings on the Options tab.

1. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Chart Definition button.

2. On the Chart Definition window, click the Options tab.
3. Click Restore to Defaults.
4. Click Apply.

Using the Chart Viewer

The Chart Viewer consists of a view pane and a toolbar. The view pane contains the chart and the chart
surround items. It serves as your workspace for creating your chart. The toolbar provides quick access to
various tools and windowes that you can use to design your chart.
You can complete any of the following tasks in the Chart Viewer:

• To select a chart surround element or part of the chart, click the Selection Tool button and click the item
in the viewer.
• To lock the record and field selection in the chart, click the Lock Chart button.
When you lock the chart, it only prevents changes to which records and fields are used by the chart. You
can continue to modify the chart surround elements and attribute values. Once the chart is unlocked, the
chart is automatically updated with the currently selected records and fields.
• To switch from chart type to another, click the arrow next to Chart Type and click the type that you want
to use.
• To show or hide the chart legend, click the Legend button in the Chart window.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

• To export the chart as a file, click Export Chart in the Chart window.
• To zoom in or out of the chart:
• Click the Zoom to Overview button to decrease the magnification so the whole chart appears in the
• Click the Zoom Interactive button and drag a rectangle over an area to magnify a specific part of the
• Click the Zoom In button to increase the magnification by increments and centers the chart in the
• Click the Zoom Out button to decrease the magnification by increments and centers the chart in the

• To move the magnified chart around with the pointer, click Pan in the Chart window, and drag the pointer
in the chart viewer.
• To display the attributes from a chart, click the Information button in the Chart viewer, and click a piece
of data in the chart.
The clicked data flashes in the viewer and the attributes from that record are displayed under Values on
the Information Report window. When used from the Chart toolbar, the Information tool displays all the
attributes from the record corresponding to the data clicked in the chart. The Information tool is also used
in other areas of Focus.
• To change the color or look of a part of the chart or a chart surround element:
a) In the Chart viewer, click the Selection Tool button.
b) Click the item in the viewer.
c) To change the color, click the arrow next to the Color button on the Chart viewer toolbar, and click a
color from the palette, or click More Colors to create a color.
d) To change the style, click the arrow next to the Style button and click the style that you want. Different
styles are available depending on the item that you chose. To create a new style, select Style Selector.
• To customize the chart, click the Chart Definition button in the Chart window.
• To edit or position the chart surround elements:
a) Click the Selection Tool button.
b) Click the item in the viewer.
c) Click the Properties button.

Related Links
Defining the data to chart on page 290
Designing the chart legend on page 294
Opening the Export Map window on page 349
Opening the Information Report on page 160
Selecting a style on page 305
Defining the data to chart on page 290

Designing the chart legend

The chart legend is a table listing and describing the representation of the data in the chart. If you deleted
the legend from the chart viewer, you can enable it from the Options tab on the Chart Definition window.

1. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Selection Tool button.

2. Click the legend.
3. On the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Properties button.
4. In the Field list (if available), select the field that most clearly describes the records used in the chart.
5. In the Size list, type or select the size of the font used to identify the data in the chart.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

6. In the Color list, select the color that you want to use for the font. To modify the color, click More. To
change the font, click Selector.
7. Under Placement, click to select the position of the legend in reference to the chart or drag the legend
into position.
8. Click OK.

Related Links
Designing the chart surround on page 291
About the category field on page 292
Selecting a style on page 305

Opening the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window

The labels identify the values along the x-axis and y-axis.

1. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Selection Tool button.

2. Click either the axis, the axis heading, or the axis values.
3. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Properties button.

Customizing the axis heading

1. On the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window, click the Labels tab.

2. In the Axis heading box, type a word or phrase that you want to display along the axis of the chart.
3. In the Size list, type or select the size of the font used for the axis heading.
4. In the Color list, select the color that you want to use for the font. To modify the color, click More. To
change the font, click Selector.
5. In the Angle box, type a value between +90 degrees and -90 degrees representing the rotation that you
want to apply to the axis heading. In the list select the unit of angular measurement.
6. To keep the characters in the heading parallel to the x-axis, select Keep characters horizontal.
7. Click OK.

Customizing the axis tick labels

1. On the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window, click the Labels tab.

2. To display labels for the ticks along the axis, click to select Show Values.
3. In the Field list (if available), select the field that you want to use to identify the ticks on the x-axis. Choose
the field that most clearly describes the records used in the chart.
4. In the Size list, type or select the size of the font used for the labels.
5. In the Color list, select the color that you want to use for the font. To modify the color, click More. To
change the font, click Selector.
6. In the Angle box, type the value representing the counterclockwise rotation that you want to apply to the
label. In the list select the unit of angular measurement.
7. Click OK.

Opening the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window

Dividers are used to mark the axis values.

1. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Selection Tool button.

2. Click either the axis, the axis heading, or the axis values.k

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

3. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Properties button.

Displaying grid lines along the axis

1. On the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window, click the Dividers tab.

2. Select Gridlines.
3. To change the look of the line, select a style in the Style box. If you want to create a style, click Style
Selector in the list.
4. Click Apply.

Related Links
Selecting a style on page 305

Displaying ticks

1. On the X-axis or Y-axis Properties window, click the Dividers tab.

2. To display the ticks on the background, select Inside ticks.
3. To display the ticks on the axis but not on the background, select Outside ticks.
4. Click Apply.

Opening the Title or Subtitle Properties window

You can design and position your title or subtitle in Title or Subtitle Properties windowes or you can modify
them directly in the Chart Viewer. As you make changes in the Chart Viewer, Focus updates the Title or
Subtitle Properties windowes.

1. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Selection Tool button.

2. Click the title or subtitle.
3. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Properties button.

Customizing the title or subtitle of the chart

1. In the Title box, type a word or phrase that you want as a title or subtitle for your chart.
2. In the Size list, type or select the size of the font.
3. In the Color list, select the color that you want to use for the font. To modify the color, click More. To
change the font, click Selector. For more information about the Selector, see Selecting a style on page
4. Under Placement, click to select the position of the title or subtitle in reference to the chart. To place the
it manually in the viewer, drag the title or subtitle where you want it. The setting under Placement will
automatically change to Custom.
5. Click OK.

Related Links
Selecting a style on page 305

Opening the data labels properties

In the chart, the data is represented by a graphic such as a column or a line. In some cases it may be useful
to label the graphic with one or several attribute values from the record. These labels that appear on the data
in the chart are called data labels.
To display the data labels on the chart, see Designing the chart surround on page 291.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

1. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Selection Tool button.

2. Click a data label.
3. In the Chart viewer toolbar, click the Properties button.

Customizing the data labels

1. If you want to include the description from the legend in the label, select the Legend items box.
2. If you want to include the x-axis values in the label, select the X-data values box.
3. If you want to include the y-axis values in the label, select Y-data values box.
4. If you want to display the percent value of the data, select the Percentages box (only available for 100%
Stacked Column, 100% Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Line, 100% Stacked Area, and Pie charts).
5. If you want to draw lines from the percent values to the corresponding data, select Show leader lines
(only available for 100% Stacked Column, 100% Stacked Bar, 100% Stacked Line, 100% Stacked Area,
and Pie charts).
6. In the Size list, type or select the size of the font used for the labels.
7. In the Color list, select the color that you want to use for the font. To modify the color, click More. To
change the font, click Selector.
8. Click OK.

Related Links
Selecting a style on page 305

Saving a chart
Charts are kept in memory as long as the project remains open, even if you close the Chart viewer. You can
reopen an existing chart by using the Chart Manager.
The settings for each chart that you create while the project is open are saved in the project file (.gpr) when
you save the project. The data itself, however, is not saved with the chart. The chart only contains a reference
to the data. If you make changes to the layer's attributes, the chart will reflect the changes in the data the
next time you open it, but the design of the chart will remain unchanged. If you close the project without saving
it, the charts in memory are discarded along with any other changes in the project file.
You can also export your chart as a graphic in one of several file formats.
Related Links
Opening the Export Map window on page 349

Opening and deleting a chart

The settings for the charts that you create while the project is open are kept in memory as long as the project
remains open, even if you close the Chart viewer. By default the charts are listed in the Chart Manager in the
order that they were created.
When you save the project, only the settings for each chart are saved in the project file (.gpr), not the data
itself. The chart only contains a reference to the data. If you make changes to the layer's attributes, the chart
will reflect the changes in the data the next time you open it, but the design of the chart will remain unchanged.
If you close the project without saving it, the charts in memory are deleted along with any other changes in
the project file.

1. To display an existing chart:

a) In the main menu of the Attribute Manager, click Tools.
b) Click Charts, and then click Manage.
c) Click the chart that you want to see.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

d) Click the View button.

e) Click Close.
2. To sort the list in ascending or descending order, click any of the table headings in the Chart Manager.
3. To delete a chart:
a) Click Tools in the main menu of the Attribute Manager.
b) Click Charts, and then click Manage.
c) Click the chart that you want to delete.
d) Click the Delete button.
e) Click Close.

Digitizing vectors with peripheral devices

Focus allows you to connect and use digitizing tablets and GPS tools to create new data.
You can use a GPS tool to provide two services within the Focus environment: you can update the position
of the cursor within an Area and you can use it as a data input device for a vector layer. In either case, you
must have an Area layer that contains the appropriate georeferencing information and you must have a
working connection between your computer and your GPS receiver.
When a digitizing tablet is connected to the computer, you can digitize features from a paper map and use
the resulting vector data in your projects. A digitizing tablet consists of a electronic platform (a tablet) and a
pointing device (a puck). To set up the tablet to work with Focus, see Setting up a digitizing tablet using
Wintab on page 84.
Related Links
Setting up a GPS receiver on page 85
Setting up a digitizing tablet using Wintab on page 84

Registering a digitizing tablet

Once you connect a digitizing tablet to the computer and tape the map to the tablet, you are ready to register
a map. Registering the map means that you establish a reference frame between the tablet, the paper map,
and your project.
The reference frame is established by collecting points on the tablet and collecting the same points in the
view pane so that Focus can correlate the positions. You can collect the points on each of the four corners
of the map or on easily identified features as long as the points are well distributed over the map.
With a minimum of four points, Focus can estimate the difference between the coordinates that you entered
in the view pane and the coordinates from the tablet. The difference, called an error estimate, reflects the
accuracy of the registration between the tablet and Focus.

1. From the Maps tree, click a layer.

2. From the Tools menu, click Digitizing Tablet and then click Register.
3. In the Register Tablet window, click one of the following buttons:
• Active Area: uses the same georeferencing as the one defined in New Area
• Active Layer: uses the same georeferencing as one defined in the current layer

4. In the Tie Coordinate Type list box, choose one of the following options:
• Geocoded: enters the coordinates in georeferenced units
• Geographic: uses Longitude/Latitude units

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

5. On the tablet, move the crosshairs of the puck to a feature and press the button to transfer the tablet
coordinates to the Tie-Down table.
6. In the Register Tablet window, type the coordinates of the same feature in the Tie Coordinate X and
Tie Coordinate Y columns, or you can click to select the feature in the view pane and press Enter to
transfer the coordinates to the Tie-Down table.
7. Repeat step 5 and step 6 to complete the registration.
If you want to add more points to the table, click the Add button. To remove a point from the table, click
the point, and click the Remove button. To remove all the points in the table, click Clear All.
8. Click OK.

Importing and exporting tablet registration

Once you register the map on the tablet, you can save the registration. The registration remains valid as long
as the map is not moved or removed from the tablet.
From the Register Tablet window, you can import and export tablet registration.

• To export a registration, click Export.

• To import a registration, click Import.

Related Links
Registering a digitizing tablet on page 298

Using a digitizing tablet

Once you register the map on the tablet, you can use the puck to digitize features from the map. (See
Registering a digitizing tablet on page 298)
You can assign the puck buttons to perform a variety of actions (see Assigning text actions and modifiers on
page 85).
You can use the puck to do the following:
• Add points to an active layer (see Adding points to an active layer on page 258)
• Select a shape (see Selecting a single shape on page 273)
• Edit vectors (Accessing the Vector Editing tools and toolbar on page 275)
To start and stop digitizing:

1. From the Maps tree, click the layer that you want to contain the vectors.
2. From the Tools menu, click Digitizing Tablet and then click Start Digitizing.
3. Click the tool that you want to use or press the puck button assigned to the action that you want to perform.
For example, if you want to digitize a line, you can click Line in the New Shapes list on the toolbar or click
the puck button that you assigned to NewLine.
4. Use the puck to perform the action that you want.
For example, use the puck to digitize a road on the map.
5. To stop digitizing, click Digitizing Tablet from the Tools menu, and then click Stop Digitizing.

Using the GPS tool

Before a GPS tool can be accessed, a connection must be set. A GPS receiver connection is made through
the Focus Options window.

PCI Geomatics 299

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

With a Focus Area open and the GPS receiver connection set, a GPS tool can be used. The GPS tool is
launched through the GPS Tool window.

1. Ensure a GPS connection has been established.

2. Open an Area containing appropriate georeferencing information.
The Area georeferencing bounds should correspond to the area where a GPS receiver is located. If a
GPS receiver is outside of these bounds you cannot update the cursor or collect vectors. In such a case,
the vector segment ends and a new segment must be started.
3. From the Tools menu, click GPS Tool.

When the GPS tool is active, you can update the view pane cursor position or add vector data to an Area in
a project.

Inputting vector point data using a GPS receiver

1. Ensure a GPS connection has been established.

2. From the Maps tree, right-click the Area and click New Vector Layer.
3. In the New Vector Layer window, enable the Point option and click OK.
4. In the Maps tree, select the new point layer.
5. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Shapes arrow and choose Points.
6. From the Tools menu, click GPS Tool.
7. In the GPS Tool window, click one of the following buttons:
• Capture Stream: updates the new point layer with a point determined by the location of the GPS
• Capture Point: adds new points to the vector layer at a specified stream interval. You can continue
to collect points by repeatedly clicking the button.

8. Click Finish.

Inputting vector line or polygon data using the GPS receiver

1. Ensure the GPS Tool window is open.

2. From the Maps tree, right-click the Area layer and click New Vector Layer.
3. In the New Vector Layer window, enable one of the following options in the Layer Type area:
• Line
• Topological Line
• Polygon
• Topological Polygon

4. Click OK.
5. In the Maps tree, select the new layer.
6. In the GPS Tool window, click one of the following buttons:
• Capture Stream: adds a new vertex to the vector layer at the specified stream interval. New vertices
are added to the line or polygon until you click Finish.
• Capture Point: adds only the initial vertex to the line or polygon layer. You can continue to collect
vertices for the line or polygon with each click of the button.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Understanding representation
Representation can be used to control the appearance of map layers. It is most commonly used with vector
data but can be also be used for raster (raw or thematic) data. Focus applies a default representation to any
vector layer that is not linked to a representation style table (RST). An RST is a table that contains a key and
the style associated to that key. The key or the style can also be referred to as a REPCode. The key links
the style in the RST to the record in the layer. Each layer can link to only one RST, but you can link an RST
to many layers. You can continue using the default, create a new RST, or link to an existing RST.
In vector or thematic raster representation, keys can be added as attributes, such as in the REPCode field,
or you can use an existing attribute as the key. When an RST is linked to a layer, Focus identifies the attributes
used as keys in the layer and searches for the corresponding keys in the RST. When a match is found, the
associated style is applied to the shape, for vector representation, or area, for thematic raster representation,
in the layer.
For example, you can associate an RST to the attributes in a field called LandCover in a polygon vector layer
or in a thematic raster layer. In the LandCover field, you have a variety of land covering types such as forest,
water, and urban. In the RST, the key is the LandCover type with which you have styles associated. When
a layer is linked to the RST, the shapes or areas are assigned the style according to their key.
In raw raster representation, styles are linked to pixel values. For example, you might have a DEM where the
pixel values represent elevations. You could specify a unique color (or shade of gray) for each unique pixel
value. However, you would more likely specify several elevation ranges—for example, less than zero, between
0 and 1000m, between 1000 and 2000m, and so on. Each representation entry could be assigned a graduated
color so that as the elevation values increase, the style's color becomes darker.
A style is composed of one or more parts. Each part has a primitive with a priority. Primitives are the building
blocks of the style. Each primitive is based on a point, line, or polygon pattern that is designed according to
a number of parameters, such as color. The priority determines which part is placed in front of the other parts
in the style. You can control the order by assigning the part a priority number. Parts with a higher priority
number appear in front of parts with lower priority number.

Types of representation style tables

Focus uses three types of RSTs: default, direct, and indirect.

Default RST
A default RST is controlled by Focus and is applied to vector layers in the absence of any other RST.

Direct RST
A direct RST is also called embedded representation, because the style is contained in the layer itself. You
create a direct RST when you change the appearance of the shapes directly in the view pane using tools in
the Display toolbar. Direct RSTs are only available for vector layers in PCIDSK (.pix) files.
When you change the appearance of shapes in the view pane, Focus creates an RST using the ShapeIDs
as the keys. The direct RST is embedded in the .pix file.

Indirect RST
An indirect RST is a separate file (.rst) that contains representation information. You can link an indirect RST
to one or more layers. You can also convert an indirect RST into a direct RST by embedding it in the layer
through the Vector Layer Properties window.
You can build an indirect RST as system-linked or user-linked.
System-linked RST

PCI Geomatics 301

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

A system-linked RST is based on an attribute in a layer. To generate the RST, select an attribute from the
layer to become the key; Focus creates styles for each key based on the style that you design. Focus
automatically links the system-linked RST through the key.
User-linked RST
Often called a master RST, a user-linked RST is built independently from a layer. To build the RST, you
define the keys and manually create styles associated to the keys. Once you build the RST, you link the
layers to the RST. The keys in the RST can match an existing attribute in the layer or you can add the keys
in a field in the layer.
Related Links
Generating an indirect representation style table on page 302
Building a user-linked indirect representation style table on page 303
Converting an indirect RST to a direct RST on page 307
Understanding representation on page 301

Opening the Representation Editor

The Representation Editor in Focus lets you create, assign, manage, and manipulate indirect representation
for vector and raster data. The Representation Editor can be opened easily from the Maps tree.
Note: The first time you open the Representation Editor from a pseudocolor or grayscale raster layer, the
PCT or LUT values are transferred to an RST. You will no longer be able to edit the PCT or LUT properties.

In the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Representation Editor.

The Representation Editor opens.

Related Links
Using the Representation Editor on page 302

Using the Representation Editor

With the Representation Editor, you can generate a system-linked representation style table (RST), build a
user-linked RST, create and edit representation styles, and link an RST to a layer.

Generating an indirect representation style table

A system-linked RST is based on an attribute in a layer. To generate the RST, select an attribute from the
layer to become the key; Focus creates styles for each key based on the style that you design. Focus
automatically links the system-linked RST through the key.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Representation Editor.

2. In the Representation Editor window, choose an attribute from the Attribute list that you want associated
with a style.
Tip: If you are unsure of which attribute to use, you can view a list of the layer’s attributes by right-clicking
the layer in the Maps tree and clicking Attribute Manager.

3. Click the Generating tab and choose one of the following options from the Method list:
• Unique Values: assigns a style to each shape according to its value. Each value receives its own
• Ranged Values: assigns a style to all the shapes within a range of numeric values. Each range receives
its own style. Choose the type of range that you want to use from the Type list. Shapes containing a
NoData value are displayed using the Default RST. Enter a number of ranges by which you want to
divide the values in the Number of classes box.

302 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

• The minimum and maximum values for the attribute automatically display. If you want to restrict the
range available for division, enter minimum and maximum values in the Min and Max boxes.

4. Choose one of the following options:

• Copy styles from: uses existing styles as the basis for the representation. Choose an RST from the
File list.
• Generate new styles: creates new styles. Choose a style from the Based On list.
• If you want to assign various colors to the styles, enable the Vary color check box and choose a color
• If you want to assign various sizes to the points or lines, enable the Vary size check box. Enter the
size in the From and By boxes. The default units are millimeters.

5. Click Update Styles.

6. Click OK.

Related Links
Selecting a style on page 305
Types of representation style tables on page 301
Building a user-linked indirect representation style table on page 303

Building a user-linked indirect representation style table

Often called a master RST, a user-linked RST is built independently from a layer. To build the RST, you
define the keys and manually create styles associated to the keys. Once you build the RST, you link the
layers to the RST. The keys in the RST can match an existing attribute in the layer or you can add the keys
in a field in the layer.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click a map and select Representation > New.
A New RST entry is added to the Maps tree.
2. To name the RST, right-click on New RST, click Rename, type a name, and press Enter.
3. Open the Representation Editor by right-clicking the RST and clicking Representation Editor.
4. Create your styles. See Working with the Representation Editor group tree on page 304, Working with the
Representation Editor styles table on page 304, and Editing the representation styles on page 305.
5. When you are finished, click the Save button.
6. Click Browse and save your RST in the directory of your choice. In the Save As window, click Save.
7. In the Representation Editor, click OK.
8. In the Maps tree, right-click the layer to which you would like to link your new RST, and click Representation
9. Click the Link button.
10. Click Browse, navigate to the new RST you created, and click Open.
11. Click OK.
12. Choose an attribute from the Attribute list that you want associated with the styles in your RST.
Tip: If you are unsure of which attribute to use, you can view a list of the layer’s attributes by right-clicking
the layer in the Maps tree and clicking Attribute Manager.

13. If necessary, click More to view more options.

14. Click the Generating tab and choose the Copy styles from option. Choose an RST from the File list.
15. Click Update Styles and click OK.

Related Links
Types of representation style tables on page 301

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

Generating an indirect representation style table on page 302

Working with the Representation Editor group tree

In the top-left corner of the Representation Editor window is the group tree, which displays style groups and
any symbol files associated with the RST. Style groups are used to organize the styles you create for
representation. If you want to use customized symbols in your layer’s representation, you can link to specific
symbol files using the group tree.
To add a style group:

1. In the Representation Editor window, click the RST root entry in the group tree.
2. Click the Add button on the toolbar.
3. Type a name for the group and press Enter.

To remove a style group:

1. In the Representation Editor group tree, click the style group that you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove button on the toolbar.

To link to a symbol file:

1. In the Representation Editor window, right-click the Symbol Files entry and click Link Symbol File.
2. Navigate to the symbol file and click Open.

To un-link a symbol file:

In the Representation Editor window, right-click the symbol file and click Unlink Symbol File.

Working with the Representation Editor styles table

The styles table in the top-right corner of the Representation Editor window shows the representation styles
that exist in the representation style table (RST). When you open the Representation Editor from a layer,
at least one default representation entry appears in the group tree on the left; when selected, the associated
default representation styles are displayed in the styles table. There will be no default representation entry
when you open the Representation Editor from an RST file.
The Representation Editor styles table includes four columns: Style, Values, Description, and Count (for
vector and thematic raster layers) or Pixel Count (for raw raster layers). The Stvle column provides a graphical
preview of the representation styles. The Values column holds the keys that are used to determine the
connection between the layer and the RST. The Description column lists the textual descriptions for the
representation and will be used in any legends. The Count column displays the number of shapes or records
that will be using the representation. There won’t be a Count column when you open the Representation
Editor from an RST file.
Within the styles table, you can cut, copy, and paste cells and rows as needed using the appropriate tools
on the toolbar in the Representation Editor window. You can directly edit the values in the Description and
Values columns as needed. You can also add and remove rows, sort the table, swap styles, ramp style
colors, and change the style preview setting from best fit to relative preview.
To add a row to the styles table:

1. In the Representation Editor group tree, select a group to view the associated styles in the styles table.
2. Click the Add button on the toolbar.
A new row is added to the bottom of the table.

To remove a row from the styles table:

1. In the Representation Editor styles table, click a cell in the row you want to remove.

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2. Click the Remove button on the toolbar.

The row is removed.

To swap the first selected style with the last selected style:

1. In the Representation Editor styles table, press the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking the styles you want
to swap.
2. Click the Swap Styles button on the toolbar.
The first selected style is swapped with the last selected style.

To graduate, or ramp, the first part of the selected style colors:

1. In the Representation Editor styles table, press the Shift key while clicking the styles whose colors you
want to ramp.
2. Click the Ramp Colors button on the toolbar.
The first and last selected colors are unchanged but they provide the starting and ending colors for the
ramping. The styles in between are assigned an even graduation of color between the first and last styles.
For multi-part styles, only the color of the first part is affected.

To change the style preview setting:

1. In the Representation Editor styles table, select one of the styles.

2. Click the Preview button on the toolbar to toggle between Best Fit Preview and Relative Preview.
Note: The Relative Preview setting displays the styles as they appear relative to one another, while Best
Fit Preview fits the entire style inside the cells.

Editing the representation styles

Use the Edit Style tab on the bottom of the Representation Editor window to make changes to a style
selected in the styles table. If the Edit Style tab is not visible, you must first click the More button on the right
of the window.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Representation Editor.

2. Under the Style column in the styles table, select a style.
3. If necessary, click More to view more options.
4. Click the Edit Style tab.
5. Make changes to the color and outline width of the style. (See Changing basic style appearance on page
6. Make any changes to the parts of the style. (See Changing style parts on page 306.)

Related Links
Changing basic style appearance on page 306
Changing style parts on page 306

Selecting a style
The Style Selector allows you to define the appearance of shapes.
A style is composed of one or more parts. Each part has a primitive with a priority. Primitives are the building
blocks of the style. Each primitive is based on a point, line, or polygon pattern that is designed according to
a number of parameters, such as color. The priority determines which part is placed in front of the other parts
in the style. You can control the order by assigning the part a priority number. Parts with a higher priority
number appear in front of parts with lower priority number.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

1. From the Files list in the Style Selector window, select a representation.
If a file is not available, click Browse and select a file.
2. Click a tab containing the style type that you want. Choose Line or Polygon.
3. Select a style.
4. Click More to display the style details.
5. The style details section can be in Simple or Advanced mode. Simple mode allows you to change only
the color, size, and width of the style. Advanced mode provides full control over the style representation.
• Simple to switch to Simple mode. For more information, see Changing basic style appearance on page
• Advanced to switch to Advanced mode. For more information, see Changing style parts on page 306.

6. Click OK.

Changing basic style appearance

You can change the appearance of a style using the Style Selector or the Edit Style tab in the Representation
The style details section at the bottom of the Style Selector window, and the Edit Style tab of the
Representation Editor window, can be in Simple or Advanced mode. Simple mode allows you to change
only the color, size, and width of the style. Advanced mode provides full control over the style representation.
When in Simple mode, the Advanced button is displayed; when in Advanced mode, the Simple button is
To modify a style in Simple mode:

1. Select the style that you want to modify.

2. Click More to display the style details section.
3. If the Simple button appears at the bottom of the window, click it to switch to Simple mode.
4. Click the Color arrow next to the part you want to change and choose a color from the palette.
5. For the following elements, do the following:
• Points: enter the factor that you want to use in the Scale box. Scale increases the proportion of the
original symbol.
• Lines: enter a thickness for the line and choose a unit of measurement in the Width boxes.
• Polygons: enter a thickness and choose a unit of measurement from the Outline Width list.
• Text: enter a font size and choose a unit of measurement from the Size list.

6. Click Apply to view the changes.

7. Click OK to accept the changes; otherwise, click Cancel.

Changing style parts

A style can contain one or more parts.You can change the appearance of style parts using the Style Selector
or the Edit Style tab in the Representation Editor.
The style details section at the bottom of the Style Selector window, and the Edit Style tab of the
Representation Editor window, can be in Simple or Advanced mode. Simple mode allows you to change
only the color, size, and width of the style. Advanced mode provides full control over the style representation.
When in Simple mode, the Advanced button is displayed; when in Advanced mode, the Simple button is

1. Select the style that you want to modify.

2. Click More to display the style details section.
3. If the Advanced button appears at the bottom of the window, click it to switch to Advanced mode.

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4. From the Parts list, select the part that you want to modify. Use the clipboard commands to Cut, Copy,
or Paste style elements, or use the Add and Remove buttons to add or remove parts.
5. Define the part’s priority level using the Priority box. The priority is used to indicate how different vector
drawing components should be layered.The higher priority values are drawn over those with lower priorities.
This applies between different parts within a given representation, but also applies between different
shapes drawn within a given layer, and in some applications is evaluated between all vector layers in a
given view.
6. Define the shape’s graphical primitive value using the Primitive list.
7. Define the shape element’s parameter values. Depending on the primitive selected, different parameters
appear. These include:
• Lines: Width, End Style, Join Style, Color, Distance from Axis, Angle, Dash Length, Dash Step, Dash
Space, Dot Diameter, Dot Offset, Dot Step
• Polygons: Color, Opacity, Scale, Pattern Symbol ID, Scaling, and Spacing
• Text: Color, Size, Font, Alignment

8. Click Apply to view the changes.

9. Click OK to accept the changes; otherwise, click Cancel.

Using an attribute as part of the style

An attribute is usually selected from a layer to become the key, and Focus creates styles for each key based
on the style that you design.You can, however, use other attributes from a layer to control the representation.
The Advanced Attributes window lets you use text from a specified attribute field in your representation, or
display values from a specified field at an angle in the representation.

1. In the Representation Editor window, choose an attribute from the Attribute list that you want associated
with a style.
2. Click Advanced Attributes.
3. In the Advanced Attributes window, do the following as needed:
• From the Text Attribute list, select a field containing the text values that you want to display as the
• From the Angle Attribute list, select a field whose shapes you want to display at an angle in the

4. Click OK.
5. Click OK in the Representation Editor window.

Converting an indirect RST to a direct RST

If you have an indirect RST for a vector layer in a PCIDSK (.pix) file and wish to embed your representation
in the layer itself, you can convert the indirect RST to a direct RST using the layer’s Properties window.

1. In the Maps tree, right-click the layer and click Properties.

2. On the General tab, click Embed next to Embedded representation.

Related Links
Types of representation style tables on page 301

Opening the Set Style Attribute window

1. Use a Selection tool to select a shape.
2. From the Edit menu, click Set Style Attribute.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

3. Click a style.
4. Click OK.

Setting the style attribute

1. In the Set Style Attribute box, type the code or name of the style.
2. Click the Find First button.
3. If the result is not the style that you are looking for, click Find Next until you find the style.
4. To limit the styles to a particular type, choose a type in the Graphical Representation list.
5. When the style is selected, click OK.

Selecting a symbol
1. From the Symbol Selector window, choose a symbol file from the Files list box.
2. In the gallery, select a symbol.
If you want to preview the symbol and the preview window is not displayed, click More.
3. Click OK.

Labelling shapes
A label is a string of characters placed in close proximity to a shape.You can use labels to display information
about the shapes and clarify the subject of the layer. The Label Tool uses an attribute from the layer as a
label for the shape.You can create labels for vector, grayscale, and pseudocolor layers that contain attributes.
Because the automatic placement of labels may be inadequate, you can make individual changes to the
labels by using the Selection Tools in the Editing toolbar. You can change the style of the labels individually
using the tools in the Display toolbar. Any changes to the characters used in the label are updated automatically
in the view pane and the Attribute table.
If you make specific changes to individual labels with the Selection Tools or the Display tools and then use
the Label Tool for more changes, specific changes may be replaced by the options set in the Label Tool.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Properties.

2. In the Properties window, click the Labels tab.
3. See Managing the labels on page 308.

Managing the labels

The Label tab on the layer's Properties window contains the label sets associated with that layer. For more
information about labels see Labelling shapes on page 308 and Opening a Properties window from the Maps
tab on page 24.
If you are making modifications to individual labels with the intention of printing a map, switch Focus to Map
View mode before beginning your edits. To switch to Map View mode, in the main menu click View and then
Map View Mode.

1. To display the labels in the View Pane, click in the Visible column beside the label set that you want to
show. To hide the labels, click to clear the check mark.
2. To make the labels selectable in the View Pane, click in the Selectable column beside the label set that
you want.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

3. To add a new label set, click Add New. For more information, see Adding labels to a layer on page 309.
4. To modify existing labels, click Modify. For more information, see Changing labels on page 309.
5. To remove a label set, select the layer under Label Name and click Delete.
6. Click OK.

Adding labels to a layer

1. From the Properties window, click the Label tab and click Add New.
2. Set options for the labels. (See Defining the design and layout for labels on page 309)
3. Design the look for the labels. (See Setting label representation on page 309)
4. Click OK.

Setting label representation

Representation controls the appearance of all labels on a layer.

1. From the Label Tool window, click the Style button and create a style for the text (see Selecting a style
on page 305).
2. In the Color box, you can change the color of the font that you selected in the Style Selector.
3. In the Size box, you can change the size of the font and select the unit of measure that you want.
4. Click OK.

Changing labels
If you are making modifications to individual labels with the intention of printing a map, switch the Focus view
pane to Map View mode by clicking the Map View Mode button before begining your edits.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Properties.

2. From the Properties window, click the Labels tab.
3. Select the label you want to change and click Modify.
If you want to change the representation for the labels, see Setting label representation on page 309.
If you want to change the options for the labels, see Defining the design and layout for labels on page 309.
4. Click OK.

Defining the design and layout for labels

The Label Tool provides the general look and layout for labels. It also follows some of the formatting options
determined for the field in the Attribute Manager. For example, if the field in the attribute table used for the
labels is defined as having two decimal places, the labels will have two decimal places.
You can make individual changes to the labels by using the Selection Tools in the Editing toolbar. You can
change the style of the labels individually using the tools in the Display toolbar.
If you are making modifications to individual labels with the intention of printing a map, switch the view pane
to Map View mode by clicking the Map View Mode button before begining your edits.
The layer type determines which options are available for labels. For example, an unstructured layer can
contain points, lines, and polygons, and all options are available.

Defining which attribute to use for the label

1. From the Label Tool window, click the General tab.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

2. Choose an attribute from the Attribute list box.

3. Type a name for the labels in the Label set name box.
4. To label only the shapes that you have selected in the layer, select Label selected shapes only. Clear
the check mark to label all the shapes in the layer.
5. To clear existing labels and relabel the shapes in the layer, select Overwrite existing labels. Clear the
check mark to label only the unlabelled shapes. If you selected Label selected shapes only in the previous
step, only the shapes that you have selected are relabeled.
6. To display NoData as a label for records containing null values or lacking data, select Include NoData.
Clear the check mark to hide the NoData labels.
7. Click OK.

See also
Setting label representation on page 309
Setting the position for point layer labels on page 310
Setting the position for line layer labels on page 310
Setting the position for polygon and raster layer labels on page 311

Setting the position for point layer labels

The Offset determines the location of the label's anchor relative to the point, not the alignment of the label's
text relative to the label's anchor. To change the alignment of the text, change its style (see Setting label
representation on page 309).

1. In the Label Tool window, click the Point Options tab.

2. In the Vertical list, type or select the value representing the vertical position of the label relative to the
point. In the list, select the measurement unit.
3. In the Horizontal list, type or select the value representing the horizontal position of the label relative to
the point.
4. Select Keep equal to keep the vertical and horizontal offset the same distance. Clear the check mark to
keep the offsets independent of each other.

See also
Setting label representation on page 309
Defining which attribute to use for the label on page 309
Setting the position for line layer labels on page 310
Setting the position for polygon and raster layer labels on page 311

Setting the position for line layer labels

The Position and Offset determine the location of the label's anchor relative to the line, not the alignment of
the label's text relative to the label's anchor. To change the alignment of the text, change its style (see Setting
label representation on page 309).

1. In the Label Tool window, click the Line Options tab.

2. Under Vertical in the Position list, select whether you want the label to appear above or below the line.
3. In the Offset list, type or select the value representing the space between the line and the label. In the
list, select the measurement unit.
4. Under Horizontal in the Position list, select whether you want the label to appear to the left, right, or in
the middle of the line.
5. In the Offset list, type or select a value to adjust the position of the label. In the list, select the measurement

310 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

See also
Setting label representation on page 309
Defining which attribute to use for the label on page 309
Setting the position for point layer labels on page 310
Setting the position for polygon and raster layer labels on page 311

Setting the position for polygon and raster layer labels

The Offset determines the location of the label's anchor relative to the centroid, not the alignment of the label's
text relative to the label's anchor. To change the alignment of the text, change its style (see Setting label
representation on page 309).

1. In the Label Tool window, click the Area Options tab.

2. In the Vertical list, type or select the value representing the vertical offset of the label relative to the centroid
of the area. In the list, select the measurement unit.
3. In the Horizontal list, type or select the value representing the horizontal offset of the label relative to the
centroid of the area.
4. Select Keep equal to keep the vertical and horizontal offset the same distance. Clear the check mark to
keep the offsets independent of each other.

See also:
Setting label representation on page 309
Defining which attribute to use for the label on page 309
Setting the position for point layer labels on page 310
Setting the position for line layer labels on page 310

Designing a symbol
The Symbol Editor contains tools to create or edit symbols. A symbol is composed of one or more parts. A
symbol can be a single design or a compilation of overlapping designs and are stored in files with a .sym
extension. Symbol files can be used in one or more RSTs.

Understanding the symbol working area

The working area of the Symbol Editor equals four units square in the map. If you draw a symbol that occupies
the whole working area, it will be two units high on the map. The bounding box is the blue box that appears
inside the working area. This box is one unit square on the map. The measurement unit is defined in the RST
Properties window.

Creating a symbol
1. From the Maps tree, right-click a layer and click Representation Editor.
2. In the tree, right-click Symbol Files and click NewSymbol.
3. Double-click NewSymbol.sym.
4. In Symbol Editor, click Symbol and then click Create Symbol.
5. In the Attributes window, type a number that will represent the symbol in the New box below Current
6. Type a label for the symbol in the New box below Description.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

7. Click OK.
8. Draw a symbol. Use the tools explained in Adding points to an active layer on page 258, Selecting a single
shape on page 273, and Accessing the Vector Editing tools and toolbar on page 275.
9. From the File menu, click Save Symbol.

Creating a multi-part symbol

If you want your symbol to contain different colors, you must divide your design into parts. Each part of the
symbol contains the design elements of one color. You can use the Symbol Editor to determine the form and
structure of the symbol, but the parameters of the symbol, such as color and scale, are determined in the
Representation Editor. (See Editing the representation styles on page 305)
You can rename and save a symbol file to a new location with the symbol file Save As window. To open the
symbol file Save As window, right-click a symbol layer in the Maps tree and click Save As. (See About the
symbol file Save As window)

1. Create a design. (See Designing a symbol on page 311)

2. From the Symbol menu in the Symbol Editor, click Duplicate Symbol.
3. In the Attributes window, type a number that will represent the symbol in the New box below Current
4. Type a label for the symbol in the New box below Description.
5. Click OK.
6. Keep the shapes that you want and use the Selection tools to delete all the other shapes that are destined
for another color.
7. Change the style of the remaining shapes. (See Setting symbol representation on page 312)
8. Select the source symbol (See Selecting a symbol from the symbol file on page 312) and repeat for each
part of the symbol.
9. From the File menu, click Save Symbol.

Selecting a symbol from the symbol file

The Select Symbol window lists all the symbols in the symbol file. You can select individual symbols from
the symbol file.

1. From the Symbol menu in the Symbol Editor, click Select Symbol.
2. Click a symbol.
3. Click OK.

Setting symbol representation

1. Use a Selection tool to select a shape.
2. From the Edit menu in the Symbol Editor, click Set Style Attribute.
3. Click a style.
4. Click OK.

Editing the symbol RST

The Symbol RST controls the width of the lines, the size of the text, and the font.

• From the Tools menu in the Symbol Editor, click Edit RST.
If you want to change a style, select it and make any modifications.

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Chapter 7: Spatial analysis

About the symbol file Save As window

The symbol file Save As window lets you rename and save a symbol file in the Maps tree to a new location.
The Input area shows the name and location of the current symbol file.
Reports the name and location of a symbol file.
Lets you choose a different symbol file, select a format for the output, and rename a symbol file.
Lets you choose a symbol file from the current data.
Opens a File Selector window, where you can select a different location for the output.
Lets you select a format for your output.
Lets you enter a new name for the output symbol file.

PCI Geomatics 313

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Saving a project file

When you prepare data for a publication, it is recommended that you organize the information in a Focus
project file. (See Working with project files on page 20)

• From the File menu, click Save Project.

Renaming a map
1. In the Maps tree, right-click a map and click Rename.
2. Type a name for the map and press Enter.

Starting a new map

Focus must be in Map View mode in order to work on Map projects. By default, when you open data files,
Focus is in Area View mode.

1. From the View menu, click Map View Mode.

2. In the Maps tree, click a map element to select and change it.
If you want to open the Properties window for a selected item, double-click it in the Maps tree.

You can create a Map by either clicking the New Map button on the Maps toolbar or by right-clicking the area
under the Maps tree and clicking New Map.
When you create a new Map, Focus automatically places an empty frame in the view pane that represents
the paper on which the Map is printed. Maps have several properties that you can change with the Map
Properties window.

Working with map properties

• From the Maps tree, right-click a map and click Properties.

You can change the Map description by typing in the Name box. When you click Apply, the text appears in
the Maps tree as the Map name.
You can name Maps, Areas, and layers the same way you would rename a file in other Windows applications.
Click the file name in the Maps tree and type a name for the Map or layer.You can also right-click a file name,
and click Rename.

Changing the paper size by dragging a resize handle

By default, new Maps have a paper size of 215.9 x 279.4 millimetres (8.5 x 11 inches). You can change the
paper size to several standard sizes in the Map Properties window. You can also set a custom paper size by
dragging the Map handles in the view pane.

1. On the ViewMap toolbar, click the Map View button.

2. In the Maps tree, select a Map.
3. In the view pane, drag a resize handle.

314 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Drag a map handle in the view pane to resize a map sheet.

Changing the paper size from the Map Properties window

1. Double-click a Map.
2. In the Map Properties window, click the Page Setup tab.
3. Enable an orientation option.
4. Select a standard paper size from the Page Size list box.
If you want to use a custom paper size, choose Custom and enter the dimensions in the Width and Height
spin boxes. Choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
5. Click OK.

Working with areas

Areas hold the file boundaries for image (raster) and vector layers. They can contain several layers for the
same geographical region, and you can have as many areas in a project as you want. Each area has a unique
georeferencing system. When you add a layer, it is automatically georeferenced and scaled to the area.
You can add an area to a map and place layers within it. The new layers hold vector and raster data, such
as polygons, points, and segments that you need for the map. Surrounds and indices are held in similar areas,
but you can work with these elements independently. (See Working with surrounds on page 319)
You can adjust the bounds of an area independently from a map. When you add an area, files are shown
below the map in the Maps tree. Vector and raster layers contained within the area are shown below it. If
you resize or move an area so that part of it lies outside the extents of the map (paper), the area appears red
in the Maps tree.

Creating a map area

• From the Maps tree, right-click a map and click New Area.
A new map area is displayed in the Maps tree.

Removing a map area

• From the Maps tree, right-click the area you want to remove and click Remove from Map.
The map area is removed from the map.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Scaling an area
In cartography, scale is the ratio of the distance between two points on a Map, and the actual distance between
the same two points on the Earth's surface.
Scales can be represented as a
• Ratio or representative fraction (RF), such as 1:50,000 or 1/50,000, which means that one unit of
measurement on the Map equals 50,000 of the same units on the Earth's surface.
• Graphic scale, usually a straight line on which distances (most often in kilometers or miles) have been
marked off.
• Scale statement, such as 1 cm = 100 km. This scale statement means one centimetre on the Map
represents 100 kilometers on the Earth's surface.
New Areas are automatically scaled to the best fit for the dimensions of a Map. For example, Focus sets the
area scale for a standard 8.5 x 11 page to a scale factor of 1:20000 by default. A new Area contains no raster
or vector data. When you add new data, Focus automatically scales it to the area scale.
When Focus is in Map mode, you can click on an area in the Maps tree. you can modify the area in the view
pane by dragging one of the eight handles in the viewer.
Note: With an area, the middle handles crop the image. The corner handles rescale it.

Use the area handles in the view pane to rescale, crop, or enlarge an Area.

1. From the Maps tree, double-click an Area.

2. In the Area Properties window, click the General tab.
3. Choose a scale from the Scale list box.
If you want to create a different scale, choose Custom and enter a value in the Scale box.
4. Click OK.

When you change the scale in the Area or Math Model Area Properties windowes, it becomes the scale for
all new layers added to that Area.

Rescaling an area
When you rescale data in the view pane, you extend or compress both the horizontal and vertical planes of
the data. The aspect ratio stays the same. All features in a selected Area are enlarged or reduced by a factor
corresponding to the ratio of rescaling. You can change the Scale Factor.
You can perform rescaling operations in both Map or Area view mode.

1. Ensure Focus is in Map view mode.

2. In in the Maps tree, select an Area.
3. Drag a corner of the Area to a new position.

Note: Surround areas can be resized and rescaled. However, scale bars and neatline will not be affected by

316 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

The paper range and the scale factor are adjusted automatically when you rescale a selected area, but the
georeferenced information remains the same. To view the new scale values, open the Area Properties window.
The paper range and the geographic range are adjusted automatically when you resize a selected area but
the appearance of the existing layers does not change.

Setting area properties

An Area is a rectangular frame that holds layers of data and serves as a window into a location on the Earth.
Its properties determine how the layers of data are displayed.
The features available on the Layout tab on the Area Properties window determine the position of the Area
on the Map. The Map represents the sheet of paper on which the project is printed. You can have several
Areas on a Map and each Area retains its own projection and georeferencing information.

Figure 7: Understanding areas

• From the Maps tree, right-click a New Area and click Properties.

Setting area properties

1. From the Area Properties window, click the General tab.

2. Type a name for the Area in the Name box.
If you want to have a border around the Area, enable the Show Outline check box.
3. Choose a scale to determine the ratio of the distance between two points from the Scale list box.
If you want to use a custom scale, choose Custom and type the ratio value. (See also Scaling an area
on page 316)
4. Click the Layout tab.
5. Enter a value used to rescale the representation displayed on the Map in the Scale Factor spin box.
For example, if the symbol is 1 millimeter wide, a scale factor of 5 will display the symbol as 5 millimeters
wide on the Map.
6. Enter a value representing the priority of the Area relative to other Areas in the Priority spin box.
Areas with higher priority levels (larger numbers) mask overlapping Areas with lower priorities. (See
Changing the layer priority on page 18)

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

7. In the Position area, enter a value representing the horizontal distance from the left edge of the Map in
the Left spin box and choose a unit of measurement for the position and size.
8. Enter a value representing the vertical distance from the bottom edge of the Map in the Bottom box.
9. In the Size area, enter a value for the Area as it appears on the Map in the Width and Height spin boxes.
If you want to automatically adjust the extents of the Area to accommodate the data, enable the Automatic
Resize check box.
10. Click the Projection/Extents tab.
11. Enable one of the following options in the Bounds list box:
• Geocoded: displays the bounds in georeferenced units
• Geographic: displays Longitude/Latitude units

12. Enter the coordinates of the upper-left corner and lower-right corner of the Area in the appropriate boxes.
13. Enter a value for an angle of rotation in the Rotation box and choose a unit of measurement.
If you want to limit processes to a subset of the data, click Define Clip Region. Select the checkbox to
activate the clip region.
14. Click OK.

Opening the Math Model Area Properties window

A Math Model Area is similar to an Area, except the projection is determined by a math model segment
contained in the image file. A Math Model Area is a rectangular frame that holds a layer containing a raw
image displayed without correction, but accurate ground coordinates are calculated for each pixel using the
pixel and line coordinates, the math model, and the digital elevation model (DEM) or an approximate elevation
value that you provide. For more information, see Using a math model with images on page 16.
You cannot open other images in a Math Model Area, because the math model is computed for a specific
image. You can, however, add geocoded vector layers to the Math Model Area. Due to the special nature of
a Math Model Area, surround elements, such as grids and north arrows are disabled, and the extents are
determined by the file.

• From the Maps tree, right-click a Math Model Area and click Properties.

Setting Math Model Area properties

A Math Model Area is similar to an Area, except the projection is determined by a math model segment
contained in the image file. A Math Model Area is a rectangular frame that holds a layer containing a raw
image displayed without correction, but accurate ground coordinates are calculated for each pixel using the
pixel and line coordinates, the math model, and the digital elevation model (DEM) or an approximate elevation
value that you provide. For more information, see Using a math model with images on page 16.

1. From the Math Model Area Properties window, click the General tab.
2. Type a name for the Math Model Area in the Name box.
If you want to have a border around the Math Model Area, enable the Show Outline check box.
3. Choose a scale to determine the ratio of the distance between two points in the Math Model Area from
the Scale list box.
If you want to use a custom scale, choose Custom and type a value ratio. (See also Scaling an area on
page 316)
4. Click the Layout tab.
5. Enter a value used to rescale the representation displayed on the Map in the Scale Factor spin box.
For example, if the symbol is 1 millimeter wide, a scale factor of 5 will display the symbol as 5 millimeters
wide on the Map.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

6. Enter a value representing the priority of the Math Model Area relative to other Areas in the Priority spin
Areas with higher priority levels (larger numbers) mask overlapping Areas with lower priorities. (See
Changing the layer priority on page 18)
7. In the Position area, enter a value representing the horizontal distance from the left edge of the Map in
the Left spin box and choose a unit of measurement for the position and size.
8. Enter a value representing the vertical distance from the bottom edge of the Map in the Bottom box.
9. Click the Projection/Extents tab.
10. Enable one of the following options in the Bounds list box:
Geocoded: displays the bounds in georeferenced units
Geographic: displays Longitude/Latitude units
If you want to limit processes to a subset of the data, click Define Clip Region. Enable the Enable check
box to activate the clip region.
11. Click OK.

Working with surrounds

A surround is a collection of graphical elements that gives meaning or clarifies the meaning of geographical
information displayed in a Map. It puts the data into context that can be analysed, organized, and communicated
Focus provides the following surround elements:
• Neatline: a visible or invisible line marking the boundary around the Area beyond which no data is displayed.
• Border: a decorative frame around the Area. It is drawn behind the Area and can be used as a background.
• Grid: a pattern of regularly-spaced lines, usually used to indicate coordinates or used as dividers.
• Legend: a table listing and describing the symbols and elements in the Area.
• Picture: a graphic such as an image or logo that you place on a Map.
• North Arrow: a graphic used to indicate the direction of True North, Magnetic North, or Grid North in
relation to an Area.
• Scale bar: a graphical representation of the ratio between a distance in the Area and the actual distance
on the ground.
• Title: a name or phrase given to identify the Area.
• Paragraph: a block of text, such as an explanatory paragraph, that is placed on the Map.
Surround elements are positioned relative to the neatline of the Area. If an Area does not contain a neatline,
the positioning is based on the Area extents. Any surround element, except for the neatline, can appear more
than once in an Area. For example, if you want to show two different scales in your map, such as one in
kilometers and the other in miles, you can create two scale bars.
You can modify the look of the surround elements and save those settings as a Quick Style, which can be
applied to the same type of surround element in the project. For more information, see Selecting an existing
quick style on page 339.

Creating a surround
The surround elements are displayed in the Maps tree for the Area to which they are associated. If you place
a surround element so that part of it lies outside the boundaries of the Map, it appears red in the Maps tree.
For more information about surrounds, see Working with surrounds on page 319.

1. From the View menu, click Map View Mode.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

2. In the Maps tree, right-click an Area and click Surround.

3. In the Surround window, click a box next to any element you want to use in the Map.
A check mark next to an element indicates it is selected.
4. Choose a style for a selected element from the Select a QuickStyle list.
If you want to create a new style, click Properties and follow Creating a custom quick style on page 340.
5. Click OK.

Setting a default surround element

1. From the Surround window, click a box next to any element you want to use in the Map.
A check mark next to an element indicates it is selected.
2. Click Preferred surround.

Setting a default quick style

1. From the Surround window, click a box next to any element you want to use in the Map.
A check mark next to an element indicates it is selected.
2. Choose a style for a selected element from the Select a QuickStyle list.
3. Click Set as Default.

Setting surround element properties

You can change the look and position of a surround element through the Properties window.

• From the Maps tree, right-click a surround element and click Properties.

About neatlines
A neatline is a line around an Area that separates data from the rest of the surround. It is a line marking the
boundary around the Area beyond which no data is displayed. Unlike the other surround elements, the neatline
can only be used once in each Area. The neatline also serves as the frame of reference for positioning other
surround elements.
To add a neatline to an Area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the Neatline Properties window,
see Setting surround element properties on page 320.
The look of a neatline is determined by its:
• General properties
• Position (see Setting the updating behavior on page 338)
• Quick Style (see Selecting an existing quick style on page 339)

Setting the position of a neatline in relation to an area

A neatline separates data from the rest of the surround. For more information, see About neatlines on page
320. You can set the position of the neatline in relation to the boundary of the Area or according to specific

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a neatline and click Properties.

2. In the Neatline Properties window, click the General tab.
3. Click the Style button and create a style for the line (see Selecting a style on page 305).

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

4. In the Distance From Area area, enter a value representing the distance from the left neatline to the Area
in the Left spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
If you want to keep the distance between the neatline and the Area the same on all sides, enable the
Keep equal check box and go to step 8.
5. Enter a value representing the distance from the right neatline to the Area in the Right spin box.
6. Enter a value representing the distance from the top neatline to the Area in the Top spin box.
7. Enter a value representing the distance from the bottom neatline to the Area in the Bottom spin box.
8. Click OK.

Specifying neatline boundaries

• Click Advanced (see Setting specific extents for a neatline on page 321).

Setting specific extents for a neatline

Instead of using the extents of an Area as the basis of a neatline position, you can define specific coordinates.
The X values are measured from left side of the Map (paper) and the Y values are measured from the bottom
of the Map.

1. In the Neatline Properties window, click Advanced.

2. In the Neatline Advanced Properties window, enable one of the following options:
• Paper: bases extents on paper measurements
• Georeferenced: bases extents on a geographic coordinate system

3. Enter a value measured from the left edge of the Map to the lower left corner of the neatline in the X min
spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
4. Enter a value measured from the left edge of the Map to the lower right corner of the neatline in the X
max spin box.
5. Enter a value measured from the bottom edge of the Map to the lower left corner of the neatline in the Y
min spin box.
6. Enter a value measured from the bottom edge of the Map to the upper left corner of the neatline in the Y
max spin box.
7. Click OK.

About borders
A border is a decorative frame that surrounds a Map. You can build a border as simple or as complex as you
To add a border to an area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the Border Properties window,
see Setting surround element properties.
The look of a border is determined by its:
• General properties (see Changing border style and proximity to neatline on page 321)
• Position (see Setting the updating behavior on page 338)
• Quick Style (see Selecting an existing quick style on page 339)

Changing border style and proximity to neatline

A border is a decorative frame around a Map. For more information, see About borders on page 321. The
position of a border is based on the position of a neatline or on the Area if the neatline is not set.

PCI Geomatics 321

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a border and click Properties.

2. In the Border Properties window, click the General tab.
3. Click the Style button and create a style for the border (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. In the Distance To Neatline area, enter a value representing the distance from the left border to the left
neatline (or Area) in the Left spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
If you want to keep the distance between the border and the neatline (or Area) the same on all sides,
enable the Keep equal check box and go to step 8.
5. Enter a value representing the distance from the right border to the neatline (or Area) in the Right spin
6. Enter a value representing the distance from the top border to the neatline (or Area) in the Top spin box.
7. Enter a value representing the distance from the bottom border to the neatline (or Area) in the Bottom
spin box.
8. Click OK.

About grids
A grid is an array of regularly-spaced parallel and perpendicular lines arranged over an Area. Each cell is
used as a reference point for determining locations or coordinates. For example, they can be used in
conjunction with street indexes.

Figure 8: A grid

A graticule is drawn along latitude and longitude lines or a representation that relates points in an Area to
locations on the ground.

Figure 9: A georeferenced graticule

Georeferenced grids are linked to Area data. They can be used to locate and reference Map features with
the Earth through georeferenced coordinate systems. Georeferenced grids are not always rectilinear. For
example, latitude/longitude grids have curved grid lines, while UTM grids have both curved and straight lines.
The position of a grid is based on the position of a neatline or on an Area if a neatline is not set.
To add a grid to an area, see Creating a surround on page 319. You cannot create a grid in a rotated Area
(Raster Up). For more information, see About rotated rasters on page 23.

322 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

To open the Grid Properties window, see Setting surround element properties on page 320.
The look of a grid (or graticule) is determined by its:
• General properties (see Changing grid pacing and proximity to neatline on page 323)
• Layout properties (see Changing the style and layout of the grid on page 324)
• Headings properties (see Changing the location and style of the grid headings on page 324)
• Label properties (see Changing the location and style of the grid labels on page 325)
• Position (see Setting the updating behavior on page 338)
• Quick Style (see Selecting an existing quick style on page 339)

Changing grid pacing and proximity to neatline

The position of a grid is based on the position of the neatline or on an Area if the neatline is not set.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a grid and click Properties.

2. In the Grid Properties window, click the General tab.
3. In the Distance To Neatline area, enter a value representing the distance from the left border to the left
neatline (or Area) in the Left spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
If you want to keep the distance between the border and the neatline (or Area) the same on all sides,
enable the Keep equal check box and go to step 7.
4. Enter a value representing the distance from the right border to the neatline (or Area) in the Right spin
5. Enter a value representing the distance from the top border to the neatline (or Area) in the Top spin box.
6. Enter a value representing the distance from the bottom border to the neatline (or Area) in the Bottom
spin box.
7. Enable one of the following options:
Fixed Interval: sets the grid spacing according to a fixed distance between the lines. Follow step 8 to
step 10.
Fixed count: sets grid line spacing according to a fixed number of lines. Follow step 11 and step 12.
8. In the Fixed Interval area, enable one of the following options:
• Paper: bases a grid on paper measurements
• Georeferenced: bases a grid on an Area projection
• Latitude/Longitude: bases a grid on latitude and longitude coordinates

9. Enter a value representing the horizontal width of the column in the Column Width spin box and choose
a unit of measurement from the list box.
10. Enter a value representing the vertical width of the row in the Row Height spin box.
If you want to keep the column width and row height the same size, enable the Keep equal check box.

PCI Geomatics 323

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

11. In the Fixed Interval area, enter a value representing the number of columns that you want to cover the
Area in the Column spin box.
12. Enter a value representing the number of rows that you want to cover the Area in the Row spin box.
If you want to keep the number of columns and rows the same, enable the Keep equal check box.
13. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Changing the style and layout of the grid

You can change the look of a grid.

1. In the Grid Properties window, click the Layout tab.

2. In the Border area, enable the Show border check box and click the Style button.
3. Create a style for the line (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. In the Display area, enable one of the following options:
• Lines: forms the grid using solid lines
• Crosses: displays only parts of the grid where the lines intersect. Enter a value representing the
measurement for the crosses in the Size spin box and choose a unit of measurement.
• None: hides the grid lines

5. Click the Style button and create a style for the lines or crosses.
6. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Changing the location and style of the grid headings

Headings are numbers or letters (or both) positioned on the edges of the grid that identify the lines or sections
on the grid.

1. In the Grid Properties window, click the Headings tab.

2. In the Location and Appearance area, enable any of the check boxes to indicate where you want the
headings to appear.
3. Click the Style button and create a style for the text (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. Enter a measurement representing the space that you want between the grid border and the headings in
the Distance from grid spin box.
5. In the Type area, enable one of the following options:
• Geo style: aligns the headings with the grid lines. Choose a format representing how you want the
headings to appear in the Format list box.
• Paper style: center the headings between the grid lines. Choose an alphabetic or numeric format from
the Rows and Columns list boxes.
By default, headings are ordered from the top down and from left to right. If you want to reverse the order,
enable the Reverse check box for the row or column, or both.
6. Click OK.

See also

324 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Setting the updating behavior on page 338

Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Changing the location and style of the grid labels

Labels are the numbers positioned on the grid lines that show the Northings and Eastings for a grid. You can
change the look of the numbers and adjust the position of Northings and Eastings relative to the grid lines.

1. In the Grid Properties window, click the Label tab.

2. In the Easting Placement area, enable any of the check boxes to indicate where you want the label to
be positioned in reference to the lines on the X-axis. UR represents upper right, UL represents upper left,
LR represents lower right, and LL represents lower left.
3. Enter a value representing the space between the label and the Y-axis as the label moves along the X-axis
in the Horizontal Offset spin box.

If you want to have both the horizontal offset and vertical offset the same distance from the lines, enable
the Keep equal check box and skip step 4.
4. Enter a value representing the space between the label and the X-axis as the label moves along the Y-axis
in the Vertical Offset spin box.

5. In the Northing Placement area, enable any of the check boxes to indicate where you want the label to
be positioned in reference to the lines on the Y-axis. UR represents upper right, UL represents upper left,
LR represents lower right, and LL represents lower left.
6. Enter a value representing the space between the label and the Y-axis as the label moves along the X-axis
in the Horizontal Offset spin box.

If you want to have both the horizontal offset and vertical offset the same distance from the lines, enable
the Keep equal check box and skip step 7.
7. Enter a value representing the space between the label and the X-axis as the label moves along the Y-axis
in the Vertical Offset spin box.

8. In the Appearance area, click the Style button and create a left-aligned style for the text (see Selecting
a style on page 305).
9. Choose a format that represents how you want the labels to appear from the Format list box.
10. Click OK.

PCI Geomatics 325

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

About legends
A legend is a list of colors, symbols, and patterns displayed in an Area with a description or label explaining
what each means. Each color, symbol, and pattern is represented in the legend by a small sample or example
of itself. The legend is anchored to the neatline or to an Area if a neatline is not set and is positioned in
reference to that anchor.

Figure 10: Example of a legend

To add a legend to an Area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the Legend Properties window,
see Setting surround element properties on page 320.
The look of a legend is determined by its:
• General properties
• Title properties
• Filter properties
• Structure properties
• Columns properties
• Position (see Setting the updating behavior on page 338)
• Quick Style (see Selecting an existing quick style on page 339)

Setting the number of columns and designing a border for a legend

The General properties of a legend control the number of columns into which it is divided, the alignment of
the columns, and the style of the borders.

326 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a legend and click Properties.

2. In the Legend Properties window, the General tab.
3. In the Columns area, enter a value for the number of columns that you want in the Number of columns
4. Enable one of the following Column alignment options:
• Top: aligns the columns along their top edges
• Bottom: aligns the columns along their bottom edges

5. In the Borders area, enable any of the following check boxes:

• Show legend border: creates a border around the legend. Click the Style button and create a style
(See Selecting a style on page 305).
• Show sample border: draws an outline around each sample in the legend. Click the Style button and
create a style.

6. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Adding a title to the legend

A title is the main heading for a legend. It identifies the information included in the legend. Subtitles inside a
legend are controlled on the Structure tab (See Organizing sections in a legend on page 328).

1. In the Legend Properties window, click the Title tab.

2. Enable the Show title check box.
3. Type the legend title in the Title box.
4. Click the Style button and create a style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
5. Enable one of the following Title placement options:
• Top: places the title at the top of the legend
• Bottom: places the title at the bottom of the legend

6. Enter a value representing the distance between the title and the legend in the Spacing from columns
spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
7. Enable one of the following Alignment options:
• Left: aligns the title along the left edge of the legend
• Center: centers the title over or under the legend
• Right: aligns the title along the right edge of the legend

8. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Adding styles to a legend

You can make a first draft of the legend in a filter table. The table contains all layers in an Area. You can
select layer styles or whether you want the legend to contain all the styles in the Representation Style Table

PCI Geomatics 327

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

(RST) linked to the selected layers or only the styles that are used in the Area. Once you have made an initial
selection, you can refine the legend.
Cells that appear gray under the All Repcode column in the filter table indicate the layer is not associated to
an indirect RST and cannot be used in the legend. For more information about RSTs, see Understanding
representation on page 301.
If a style in the RST contains a text attribute, you can include it in the legend. The style associated to a text
attribute is represented in the legend by a capital letter T in the corresponding style. For more information
about text attributes, see Using an attribute as part of the style on page 307.

1. In the Legend Properties window, click the Filter tab.

2. Click a layer in the Generate column.
A check mark indicates a layer is included in the legend.
3. Click a layer in the All Repcode column that you want in the legend.
A check mark indicates a layer is included in the legend.
If you want to include styles associated to the text attributes in the legend, enable the Add text to RST
hierarchy check box.
4. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Organizing sections in a legend

You can refine a legend and design its look. The RST hierarchy list contains all RSTs associated with layers,
even those not uses in the Area. Items listed in the Legend hierarchy box appear in the legend.
You can group items under sections and subsections to make the information more easily found in an Area.
In the following figure, the items are separated in two sections: Transportation and Sports Facilities. The
Sports Facilities section is divided into two subsections, making it easier to find the Indoor Pool.

Figure 11: Example of the organization of a legend

1. In the Legend Properties window, click the Structure tab.

2. To add sections, do the following:

328 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

a) In the Legend hierarchy list, select the section under which you want to add a subsection.
b) Click the Add button.
3. To remove sections, do the following:
a) In the Legend hierarchy list, select the section you want to remove.
b) Click the Remove button.
4. To move an item to a section, drag the item and drop it in the desired section.
5. To add an item from an RST to a legend, do the following:
a) In the Legend hierarchy list, select a section.
b) In the RST hierarchy box, select an item.
c) Click the button between the lists. For more information, see:
• Setting the updating behavior on page 338
• Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Creating a design for sections in a legend

Once you have decided the groupings that you want in the legend (see Organizing sections in a legend on
page 328), you can define the font for the titles and the design for the delimiters.

1. In the Legend Properties window, click the Structure tab.

2. Select a section title in the Legend hierarchy box.
The default section titles are Base Section, New Group, and Default Section.
3. Enable the Show section title check box.
4. Click the Title style button and create a title style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
5. Click the Item text style button and create an item text style.
6. Click the Delimiter style button and create a delimiter style.
7. Enable one of the following Sample placement options to determine which side the samples appear in
the legend:
• Left: places the samples on the left followed by their descriptions
• Right: places the descriptions followed by samples on the right

8. Click Advanced and determine the position of descriptions, the size of samples, the position of section
titles, and the length of delimiters. For more information, see Customizing a section layout on page 329.
If you want to change the selected section or subsection title, click it and type a new title.
9. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Customizing a section layout

Using the legend advanced properties, you can customize the alignment and spacing of the legend titles,
subtitles, and delimiters, and determine the size of the color, symbol, and pattern samples.

1. In the Legend Properties window, click the Structure tab and click Advanced.
2. Enable one of the following Description alignment options:
• Left: aligns the description or label for the sample to the left
• Right: aligns the description or label to the right

PCI Geomatics 329

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

3. Enter a value that represents the indent between the left border and the left side of the legend in the Left
spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
4. Enter a value that represents the indent between the right border and the right side of the legend in the
Right spin box.
If you want to have both the left and right sides the same distance from the border, enable the Keep equal
check box.
5. Enter a value that represents the space between each item in the list in the Inter-item spacing spin box.
6. In the Sample size area, enter a value representing the width and height of the box in the Width and
Height spin boxes.
7. In the Section title area, enable an Alignment option.
8. Enter a value that represents the spacing above and below the title in the Above and Below spin boxes.
9. Enable the Delimiters check box.
10. Enter a value for the Minimum length, Lead, and Tail spin boxes for the delimiters.
11. Click OK.

Organizing legend columns

You can specify the list item that appears at the top of each column, customize the width and margins of the
individual columns, and define a style for a border.

1. In the Legend Properties window, click the Columns tab.

2. Choose the number for the column you want to edit in the Edit column list box.
3. Choose the legend item that you want listed as the first item in the selected column in the Select start
item for this column list box.
If you want to reinstate the default, click Reset start items.
4. Enter a value that represents the width of the selected column in the Width spin box and choose a unit
of measurement from the list box.
5. If you want all columns to be of equal width, enable the Keep all columns same width check box.
6. Enter a value that represents the distance between the left border and the left side of the legend items in
the Left spin box.
7. Enter a value that represents the distance between the right border and the right side of the legend items
in the Right spin box.
If you want to keep the margin sizes equal, enable the Keep equal check box.
8. Enable the Show column border check box.
9. Click the Style button and create a style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
10. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Adding a picture to a map

You can add a picture, such as an image, a graphic, or a logo to a Map. The picture is anchored to the neatline
or to the Area if a neatline is not set and is positioned in reference to that anchor.
To add a picture to an Area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the Picture Properties window,
see Setting surround element properties on page 320.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a picture element and click Properties.

330 PCI Geomatics

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

2. Click the General tab and click Browse.

3. In the File Selector window, locate and select a file, and click Open.
4. In the Picture Properties window, enter a value that represents the horizontal size of the picture in the
Width spin box and select a unit of measurement from the list box.
5. Enter a value that represents the vertical size of the picture in the Height spin box.
6. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

About north arrows

North arrows are graphical representations indicating where north is in the Area. By default, north arrows are
placed vertically in the Area, which usually points north, except in a rotated Area (Raster Up). When you
create a north arrow in a rotated Area, the north arrow is rotated by the amount set in the Area properties.
For more information, see About rotated rasters on page 23. North arrows are anchored to a neatline or to
an Area if a neatline is not set, and are positioned in reference to that anchor.
Focus offers three arrow types:
• True North: the arrow points to geographic north pole where the lines of longitude converge.
• Magnetic North: the arrow points to the magnetic north pole, which is the direction indicated by a magnetic
• Grid North: the arrow points in a northerly direction along a grid line parallel to the central meridian of the
Area projection. This arrow is most often used in topographic maps.
You can add more than one north arrow to an Area and set each arrow property separately. Several default
symbols are available; you can also use the Symbol Editor (see Designing a symbol on page 311) to design
your own.
To add a north arrow to an Area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the North Arrow Properties
window, see Setting surround element properties on page 320.
To define a North Arrow, see:
• True North
• Magnetic North
• Grid North
• Position (see Setting the updating behavior on page 338)
• Quick Style (see Selecting an existing quick style on page 339)

Setting the angle and style for a true North arrow

A True North arrow is a symbol that indicates the direction of the geographic north pole in an Area.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click an arrow element and click Properties.
2. In the North Arrow Properties window, click the True North tab and enable the Show true north arrow
check box.
3. Enter a value that represents the counterclockwise rotation that you want to apply so that the arrow points
north in the Angle spin box and choose a unit of angular measurement from the list box.
4. Click the Style button and create an arrow style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
5. Enable the Show arrow label check box and choose a label from the list box.
If you want to customize the position of the label, click Advanced.
6. Click the Style button and create a font style.

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7. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Adjusting the position of a north arrow label

1. In the North Arrow Properties window, click the True North tab and click Advanced.
2. In the North arrow heading - Advanced window, enter a value that represents the space between the
arrow and the label in the Distance from arrow spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list
3. Enable one of the following Angle options:
• Custom: adjusts the angle of the label. Enter a value that represents the rotation that you want in the
spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
• Perpendicular: changes the angle of the label so it is vertical to the baseline of the map
• Parallel: changes the angle of the label so it coincides with the baseline of the map

4. Enable one of the following Alignment options:

• Left: places the label to the left of the arrow
• Center: centers the label over the arrow
• Right: places the label to the right of the arrow

5. Click OK.

Setting the angle and style for the magnetic north arrow

1. In the North Arrow Properties window, click the Magnetic North tab and enable the Show magnetic
north arrow check box.
2. Enter a value that represents the counterclockwise rotation that you want to apply so that the arrow points
north in the Angle box and choose a unit of angular measurement from the list box.
3. Click the Style button and create an arrow style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. Enable the Show arrow label check box and choose a label from the list box.
If you want to customize the position of the label, click Advanced.
5. Click the Style button and create a font style.
6. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Setting the angle and style for the grid north arrow

1. In the North Arrow Properties window, click the Grid North tab and enable the Show grid north arrow
check box.
2. Enter a value that represents the counterclockwise rotation that you want to apply so that the arrow points
north in the Angle box and choose a unit of angular measurement from the list box.
3. Click the Style button and create an arrow style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. Enable the Show arrow label check box and choose a label from the list box.
If you want to customize the position of the label, click Advanced.

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5. Click the Style button and create a font style.

6. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

About scale bars

A scale bar is a visual aid to help you measure actual ground distances in an Area. It is marked with
measurement units in proportion to the scale of the Area. Scale bars are anchored to a neatline or to an Area
if a neatline is not set and are positioned in reference to that anchor.
You can create two types of scale bars:

Line and Tick

If you want to show two different scales, such as kilometers and miles, you must create two separate scale
bars. If you want both scale bars lined up at zero, you must align them manually.
To add a scale bar to an Area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the Scale Bar Properties window,
see Setting surround element properties on page 320.
The look of a scale bar is determined by its:
• General properties
• Scale bar type
• Division
• Subdivision
• Style
• Position (see Setting the updating behavior on page 338)
• Quick Style (see Selecting an existing quick style on page 339)

Determining the style and position of the title for the scale bar

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a scale bar and click Properties.
2. In the Scale bar Properties window, click the General tab and enable the Show title check box.
3. Type a title for the scale bar in the Show title box.
By default, the title is the current scale in the Area.
4. Click the Style button and create a font style of the scale bar title (see Selecting a style on page 305).
5. Enable one of the following options for the title placement:
• Above: displays the title on top of the scale bar
• Below: displays the title under the scale bar

6. Enable a title Alignment option.

7. Enter a value that represents the space between the title and the scale bar in the Distance from scale
bar box, and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
8. Click OK.

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See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Selecting a scale bar type

1. From the Scale bar Properties window, click the Scale bar type tab.
2. Enable one of the following options:
• Line and Tick : uses a Line and Tick scale bar.
• Single bar: uses a scale bar type with one row
• Double bar: uses a scale bar type with two rows
• Triple bar: use a scale bar type with three rows

3. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Setting the divisions for the scale bar

A scale bar is separated into sections called divisions. Divisions represent the actual ground distances as
displayed in an Area. To provide a greater degree of accuracy, you can provide smaller increments by
subdividing a division, as shown in the following example. Divisions and subdivisions can display headings
that indicate the distance in the selected measurement unit.

1. From the Scale bar Properties window, click the Division tab and enable the Automatic divisions check
If you want to manually set the number of divisions, disable the Automatic divisions check box, enter
the number of divisions that you want in the Number of divisions spin box, enter a value that represents
the real distances on the ground that the division covers in the Division size spin box, and choose a unit
of measurement.
If you want to display a unit of measurement on the scale bar and set which tick represents zero, click
2. Enable the Show headings check box.
3. Click the Style button and create a heading font style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. Enable one of the following Placement options:
• Top: places the headings on top of the divisions
• Bottom: places the headings under the divisions
• For the Line and Tick scale bar type, ticks are placed on the same side as the headings.

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5. Enter a value that represents the space between the headings and scale bar in the Distance from scale
bar spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
6. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Labeling a scale bar with a unit of measurement and setting a zero tick
You can specify where a unit of measurement is displayed on a scale bar and which tick represents zero.

1. From the Scale bar Properties window, click the Division tab, disable the Automatic divisions check
box, and click Advanced.
2. In the Scalebar Divisions - Advanced window, enable any of the following check boxes:
• Place units label at the start of scale bar: displays a unit of measurement to the left of the scale bar.
Choose a unit of measurement from the Label list box.
• Place units label at the end of scale bar: displays a unit of measurement to the right of the scale
bar. Choose a unit of measurement from the Label list box.

3. Click the Style button and create a label font style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. Enter a number of the tick on your scale bar where you want the zero mark to appear in the Zero is at
tick spin box.
5. Click OK.

Setting subdivisions for a scale bar

To provide a greater degree of accuracy, you can provide smaller increments by subdividing a division.

1. From the Scale bar Properties window, click the Subdivisions tab and enable the Show subdivisions
check box.
2. Enter the number of subdivisions you want in the scale bar in the Number of subdivisions spin box.
If you want to specify how many and which divisions to subdivide, click Advanced.

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3. Enable the Show headings check box.

4. Click the Style button and create a font heading style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
5. Enable a heading Placement option.
6. Enter a value that represents the space between the headings and scale bar in the Distance from scale
bar spin box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
7. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Specifying which divisions to subdivide

You can choose the number of subdivisions you want in a scale bar and where to show the subdivisions.
For example, one subdivision in the scale bar can be displayed in the second division, as shown in the
following illustration.

1. From the Scale bar Properties window, click the Subdivision tab and click Advanced.
2. In Scalebar Subdivisions Advanced window, enter the number of divisions you want to subdivide in the
Divisions to subdivide box.
3. Enter the number of the division where you want to begin showing the subdivisions in the Starting at
division spin box.
4. Click OK.

Designing a Line and Tick scale bar

For a Line and Tick scale bar, you can determine the color, thickness, and height of the ticks. For a Single,
Double, or Triple scale bar, you can determine the color and pattern of the divisions and subdivisions, and
the height and the outline.
For example, in a Line and Tick scale bar, the ticks can overlap the scale bar as shown:

You can also choose the colors for a scale bar pattern:

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

1. In the Scale bar Properties window, click the Scale Bar Type tab and enable the Tick and Line option.
2. Click the Style tab.
3. In the Scalebar area, click the Style button and create a style for the bar (see Selecting a style on page
If you want the ticks to overlap the scale bar, enable the Center ticks vertically on scale bar check box.
4. In the Division Ticks area, click the Style button and create a division ticks style.
5. Enter a value that represents the length of a division tick in the Tick height spin box.
6. In the Subdivision Ticks area, click the Style button and create a subdivision ticks style.
7. Enter a value that represents the length of the subdivision tick in the Tick height spin box.
8. Click OK.

Designing a single, double, or triple scale bar

1. In the Scale bar Properties window, click the Scale Bar Type tab, enable the Single bar, Double bar,
or Triple bar option, and click the Style tab.
2. In the Colors area, click any section box and choose a color from the color palette.
3. Enter a value that represents the total height of all sections in the scale bar in the Scale bar height spin
box and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
For a triple-bar style, you can set the height of the middle row differently than the top and bottom rows by
entering a value representing the height of the middle row of the scale bar in the Middle section height
spin box.
4. Enable the Show outline check box and click the Style button to create an outline style (see Selecting a
style on page 305).
5. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Adding a map title to an area

You can add a title and subtitle to an Area, adjust their positions, and change their font styles. The title and
subtitle are anchored to a neatline or to the Area if a neatline is not set and positioned in reference to that
To add a title and subtitle to an Area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the Title Properties
window, see Setting surround element properties on page 320.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a title element and click Properties.
2. Click the General tab and type a title for the Area in the Title box.
3. Click the Style button and create a font style (see Selecting a style on page 305).
4. Enable the Subtitle check box and type a subtitle in the box.
If you want to change the font of the subtitle, click the Style button and create a style.
5. Enter a value that represents the space between the title and subtitle in the Spacing from title spin box
and choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
6. Enable one of the following Alignment options:
• Left: aligns the title and subtitle to the left
• Center: centers the title and subtitle
• Right: aligns the title and subtitle to the right

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

7. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Adding text to a surround

You can include a paragraph of text with the other Map surround elements. You can set a text style, import
text from another file, set the position of a paragraph, and change the Quick Style format of the paragraph
text. A paragraph element is anchored to a neatline or to the Area if a neatline is not set and positioned in
reference to that anchor. Multiple styles are not allowed in individual text elements.
You can also rotate a paragraph. Text remains perpendicular to the baseline of the element.
To add a text to an Area, see Creating a surround on page 319. To open the Paragraph Properties window,
see Setting surround element properties on page 320.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a paragraph element and click Properties.
2. Click the General tab and type in the Text box.
If you want to change the font of the text, click the Style button and create a style (see Selecting a style
on page 305).
3. Enter a value that represents the angle of rotation you want to apply to the text in the Angle spin box and
choose a unit of angular measurement from the list box.
If you want to import text from a text file, click Import Text, locate and select a file in the File Selector
window, and click Save.
4. Click OK.

See also
Setting the updating behavior on page 338
Selecting an existing quick style on page 339

Setting the updating behavior

Depending on the type of surround element, the positioning method differs:
For Neatline: The position of a neatline is calculated relative to the extents of the Area.
For Border and Grid: The position of a border and grid is calculated relative to the extents of a neatline. If
no neatline is used, the positions are calculated relative to the extents of the Area.
For Legend, Picture, North Arrow, Scale bar, Title, and Paragraph: Elements are anchored to a neatline
and are positioned in reference to that anchor. If no neatline is used, the surround element positions are
calculated relative to the extents of the Area. The location of a surround element is determined by the Offset,
which is the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) coordinates measured from the anchor. You can see the neatline
or the Area represented by a rectangle with white handles. The surround element is represented by a rectangle
with gray handles. You can anchor any one of the surround element handles to any one of the neatline or
Area handles. To change the location of a surround element, you can drag the surround element by its handle,
or you can enter new values.
If you want to modify the neatline or Area after you have set the properties for the surround elements, you
can set how they behave:
• Reposition: the surround element automatically adjust its position in correlation with a neatline (or Area),
but retains its original settings.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

• Regenerate: the surround element is recalculated and positioned based on new settings for a neatline
(or Area). This behavior is useful for the neatline, border, grid, and scale bar elements.
• Do nothing: the surround element does not adjust to the new settings and remains as originally positioned.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a surround element and click Properties.
2. In the surround element Properties window, click the Position tab.
3. In the Updating area, choose how you want the surround element to react when a neatline (or Area)
changes position from the When neatline/area moves list box.
4. Choose how you want the surround element to react when the scale of a neatline (or Area) changes from
the When area/neatline is rescaled list box.
5. In the When area/neatline is resized list box, choose how you want the surround element to react when
a neatline (or Area) is enlarged or reduced in size.
6. Click Apply.

Setting the offset (not available for neatline, border, and grid)

1. In the Offset area, enter a value for the horizontal position in the X spin box and a value for the vertical
position in the Y spin box.
You can also click a gray handle and drag the surround element into position.
2. In the preview area, click a gray handle.
3. Click a white handle to determine the anchor point.

By default, the origin of a starting point of a grid is the lower-left corner of a neatline.

Setting a grid starting point

1. Enable the Use starting point check box.

2. Enter an X-coordinate for the new starting point in the X spin box.
3. Enter a Y-coordinate for the new starting point in the Y spin box.

Understanding Grids

Selecting an existing quick style

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a surround element and click Properties.
2. In the surround element Properties window, click the Quick Style tab.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

3. Select a Quick Style.

4. Click OK.

Removing a custom quick style from the list

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a surround element and click Properties.
2. In the surround element Properties window, click the Quick Style tab.
3. Select a custom Quick Style and click the Remove QS button.

Creating a custom quick style

As you set the properties for surround items, you build a Current Working Style. You can save the settings
for a surround element in a Quick Style.
When you select a Quick Style, the settings are copied to the Current Working Style and are applied to the
surround item. If you change the properties, the changes are applied to the Current Working Style, not to the
Quick Style.

1. From the Maps tree, right-click a surround element and click Properties.
2. In the surround element Properties window, make changes to the properties of the surround element.
3. Click the Quick Style tab and click the Add QS button.
If you want to rename the new Quick Style, double-click it, type a name, and press Enter.

Creating an index for a project, you must provide

Indexing a Map means you extract information, sort it as text information, and present it as part of a surround.
For example, you can create an index of streets, cities, buildings, or parks, or a combination of these.
An index lists the Map locations and features. The names of the items are usually listed in alphabetical order.
You can use combinations of letters and numbers that correspond to grid locations on the Map.

1. Index Information: All content used in the index matching specified conditions. You can compose a list
of these items.
2. Information: A reference that identifies a location for each item in the index, information matches specified
conditions. You can specify grid information.

Adding a default index to a map

1. On the toolbar, click Map View Mode.
Note: The image must be in Map View Mode for the Indexation window to be accessible.

2. From the Maps tree, right-click an Area and click Indexation.

3. In the Indexation window, click OK.

Indexation properties
You can set the properties for an index, including filters and lists.
Specifies the type of information you want to include in an index. For example, you may want to include only
road and building names. You can also edit redundant words, such as 'street' from appearing in the index.

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Index List:
Generates an alphabetical listing of index entries with grid locations. You can add, delete, and modify list
entries. Verification Mode, when enabled, is used to interactively locate a list entry within the current Map.
An index is generated in its own area on a Map, which is designated as Indexation. There is only one layer
in an index area.
A grid created by the index is also generated in its own area on the Map and is designated as Index. There
is only one layer in a grid area.

Setting general parameters for an index

You can set the number of columns, column spacing, and RepCode for an index.

Changing headings, entries, and delimiters in the RepCodes area of the General page.

1. On the toolbar, click Map View Mode.

Note: The image must be in Map View Mode for the Indexation window to be accessible.

2. From the Maps tree, right-click an Area and click Indexation.

3. In the Indexation window, click the General tab.
4. Enter a value that represents the number of index columns in the Number of columns spin box.
5. Enter a value that represents the width of the index columns in the Column width spin box.
6. Enter a value that represents the spacing between columns in the Inter-column spin box and choose a
unit of measurement from the list box.
7. Enter a value that represents the spacing between items in the index in the Inter item spin box.
8. In the Repcode area, enter a code in any of the following boxes:
• Index Item
• Headings
• Delimiter
• Index Border
You can also click Browse for the corresponding box and select a RepCode.
If you want to include a border, enable the Show index border check box.
9. Click OK.

PCI Geomatics 341

Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Change these parts of an index with the Indexation properties window

Adding or change the index title

1. From the Indexation window, click the Title tab.

2. Enable the Show index title check box and type a title in the box.
3. Type a RepCode in the Index title RepCode box.
You can also find a title code by clicking Browse and selecting a RepCodes in the Browse RepCodes
4. Click OK.

Opening an indexation parameter file

1. From the Indexation window, click the Title tab.

2. In the Parameter File area, click Load.
3. In the File Selector window, locate and select a file, and click Open.

When accessing an existing parameter file, it must be used with the same Area for which it was originally
created. If you select another Area, the settings are reset to the default.

Setting up an index
The Indexation process requires a grid to properly reference the location of text. The grid defines the location
of the text that is to be extracted.

1. In the Indexation window, click the Grid tab.

2. In the Extents section, do one of the following:
• Accept the default values in the X min, X max, Y min, and Y max boxes.
• Type a value in one or more of the following boxes: X min, X max, Y min, Y max

3. Click the Display Grid check box.

Setting the spacing for rows and columns

You can set the spacing of columns and rows; the spacings correspond to the height of the rows and to the
width of the columns.

1. In the Indexation window, click the Grid tab.

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2. In the Settings section, do one of the following:

• Accept the default values in the Spacing/Rows and the Spacing/Columns boxes.
• Type a value in one or both of the following boxes: 1)Spacing/Rows 2)Spacing/Columns
The row and the column counts are automatically determined by the spacing.
3. Click one of the following:
• Lock Spacing to lock the spacing values.
• Lock Count to lock the count values.
• No Lock.

Setting the count for rows and columns

You can set the number of rows and columns.

1. In the Indexation window, click the Grid tab.

2. In the Settings section, do one of the following:
• Accept the default values in the Count/Rows and the Count/Column boxes.
• Type a value in one or both of the following boxes: 1)Count/Rows 2)Count/Columns
The row and the column spacings are automatically determined by the count.
3. Click one of the following:
• Lock Spacing to lock the spacing values.
• Lock Count to lock the count values.
• No Lock.

Setting headings for rows and columns

1. In the Indexation window, click the Grid tab.

2. In the Settings section, do the following:
• In the Headings/Rows cell, choose Alphabetic or Numeric.
• In the Headings/Columns cell, choose Alphabetic or Numeric.

Setting a RepCode for a grid heading

1. In the Indexation window, click the Grid tab.

2. Click Browse to the right of the Headings RepCode box, select a RepCode from the Browse RepCodes
window, and click OK.

Setting a RepCode for grid lines

1. In the Indexation window, click the Grid tab.

2. Click Browse to the right of the Line RepCode box, select a RepCode from the Browse RepCodes
window, and click OK.

Filtering an index
You can specify the type of information you want to include in an index. For example, you may only want
road and building names to appear in the index. You can also exclude redundant words from the index.

1. From the Indexation window, click the Filtering tab.

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2. Select any of the following from the left-hand list:

• Group
• RepCode

3. Click the right-arrow button.

Making a word exclusion list

A word exclusion list defines words, numbers, or a combination of words and numbers that you do not want
in the index. When building an index, all lines of text on a Map are scanned. Lines matching specified words
in the word exclusion list are ignored.
The word exclusion list is not case-sensitive or space-sensitive. It does, however, pay attention to accent
marks. A word cannot be duplicated in the list.

1. From the Indexation window, click the Filtering tab.

2. Enable the Word exclusion list check box.
3. Click the Add button.
4. Click in the text box, type a word, and press Enter.
If you want to remove a word from the exclusion list, click the word and click the Remove button.
5. Click OK.

Generating an index list

You can generate an alphabetical listing of index entries with grid locations. You can also add, delete, and
modify list entries. Verification Mode, when enabled, interactively locates a list entry within the current Map.
Note: If you are using a grid element in the project, only the text inside a grid is added to the index.

1. From the Indexation window, click the Index List tab.

2. Click Build.
The Item count box shows the number of index entries listed. If you want to add an item to the index list,
click Add Selection , click in the new row, type an index entry, and press Enter.

Once you have generated an index list, you can edit the information.

To... Do the following:

Sort an index alphabetically Click Sort.
Delete an item from the index list Select a row and click Delete Row.
Add alphabetical headings to the index items Click Add Headings.
Delete index headings Click Delete Headings.
Rename an item in the list Click in a row, type a new name, and press Enter.
Re-generate an index list Click OK.

Verification Mode
You can verify an index list by selecting an entry. Focus displays the precise location on the Map where the
text is located. If a location is not within the view pane, the Indexation module shifts to where the text is
located. The layer where text is located must be active for the Verification tool to work properly.
Using the Verification Mode option

1. In the view pane, set a zoom factor that will make the text easy to see.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

2. In the Indexation window, click the Index List tab.

3. Enable the Verification mode check box.
4. Select the row for the index entry you want to verify.

Setting advanced indexation properties

You can set attribute and prefix list properties for an index.
You can add attribute information to the entries in an index. For example, you can define a RepCode for cities
with a population attribute, and include the population values in the index, as follows:
Ottawa (300,000)..................................D4

1. In the Indexation window, click the Index List tab.

2. Click Advanced.
3. In the Indexation Advanced window, enable the Show Attributes check box.
4. Select an attribute from the Select attribute to use list.
5. Select one of the following formats from the Attribute display format list:
• Keep format : displays a value as 5, 12
• Integer : displays this value as 5 if a value of 5, 12 is displayed in the index

6. Click OK.
7. Click in the Attributes column for the cell where you want to add the attribute information and type the
attribute information in parentheses.
8. Press Enter.
9. Click OK.

Prefixes List
The prefix list words are entered in an index in reverse order. For example, if the word "Lake" appears in the
Swap prefixes list, then "Lake Rice" appears in the index as "Rice, Lake." Index entries are sorted according
to the most meaningful names.

The prefixes list follows a set of rules

1. Words to be swapped must be specified in the list. The Indexation module looks for text lines beginning
with the specified words.
2. If a word is specified in the prefixes list, then the Indexation module looks for text lines in the view pane
beginning with that word. Lines containing only the specified word cannot be swapped.
3. When two or more words are swapped, they must be specified in the prefixes list if you want them to
appear in the index.
4. If the prefixes list contains a repeated word, the Indexation process considers only the longest prefix. For
example, when "Township of" and "Township" are in the same list, only "Township of" is used. A word
cannot be duplicated in the list.
5. If the prefixes list is empty, the Swap Prefixes option has no effect.
6. The prefixes list is not case-sensitive or space-sensitive, but it is aware of accent marks.

Creating or editing a prefixes list

1. From the Indexation window, click the Index List tab.

2. Click Advanced.
3. In the Indexation Advanced window, click the Add button, type a word, and press Enter.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

If you want to delete a word from the list, select the word and click the Remove button.
If you want to copy the word exclusion list to the prefixes list, click the Filtering tab and click Copy
exclusion list.
4. Click OK.

Using the Swap Prefixes option

1. From the Indexation window, click the Index List tab.

2. Click Swap Prefixes.
3. Click OK.

Saving an indexation file

You can save your index settings.

1. From the Indexation window, click the Title tab.

2. In the Parameter File area, click Save.
3. In the File Selector window, select a folder.
4. Type a name in the File name box.
If you want to overwrite an existing indexation file, select it.
5. Click Save.

Adding text to an index

You can add text to an index and set the color and font. The text exists as an overlay on top of an image or
vector layer. The text is different than a title; a title is a surround element on a Map, which is associated with
a single area. This area is called the application area.

Setting the text color

1. On the Focus Display toolbar, click the Set Text Color arrow and choose a color from the palette.
2. If you want to choose a custom color, click More Colors and create a color in the Change Color window.

Setting the text style

On the Display toolbar, click the Set Text Style arrow and choose a style.
If you want to choose a custom style, click More Styles and create a style in the Style Selector window.

Using the New Text tool

1. On the Editing toolbar, click the New Text button.
2. In the Text Editing Tools window, enter a value that represents the text angle in the Angle spin box, and
choose a unit of measurement from the list box.
3. Select a font style from the list.
4. Click OK.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Printing a map
You can print a Map. The Print Setup window specifies the options for printing your publication.
Vector layers placed below a raster transparency in the Maps tree appear in the view pane but are not
supported for printing. To print all layers as they appear in the view pane, you can export the map to a file
with Export Map and print that file separately. For more information about exporting a map, see Opening the
Export Map window on page 349.

• From the File menu, click Print Map.

Selecting printer options

If you have more than one printer available, use the Name list to choose a printer. If you want to use a printer
driver that is not on the list, you must add it.
The Print to File option saves the project data as a .prn file. This is useful if you want to print a Map to a
remote printer. For more export options when printing to a file, see Opening the Export Map window on page
Note: Other printer and paper properties can be set using the corresponding Map Properties window.
To choose how your printer handles a print document, click Properties. Use the Document Properties window
to set paper size, orientation, print duplexing, and color appearance.

Selecting page layout options

When you print a Map, the entire publication is printed by default. You can also print large maps on more
than one page, and assemble the parts after they are printed.

1. From the Print Setup window, click Options.

2. In the Options window, choose an overlap option from the Overlap list box.
The overlap margin for each page is 6.25 mm (1/4 inch).
3. Choose one of the following options from the Scaling list box:
• Actual Size : automatically prints the number of pages required for the entire publication
• Fit to Page : scales the Map to fit on a single sheet of paper
• Print Screen : prints only what is currently displayed in the view pane

4. Choose one of the following options from the Wysiwyg list box:
• As Screen : prints the Map according to selected Wysiwyg options
• Full Wysiwyg : prints the Map with full representation of lines, patterns, and text

5. Choose an image quality from the Print Quality list box.

6. Click OK.

Printing color separations

You can separate the colors in a publication for commercial printing. Most color separation processes are
based on the colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK).
You can define spot (individual) colors in the Change Color window color palette. In color separations, one
plate or film is produced for each color. The information for each plate is stored in a .ps file.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

• From the Print Setup window, click Color Separation.

Even if spot colors are defined in a color palette, only the colors actually applied to features in the RST are
listed in the color list box.
Separate Color:
Enables all other items in the window.
Negative Image
Inverts the colors in an image. By default, the color separations process produces a normal image. Negative
printing is useful if you want to produce films for the Map.
Specifies that the film emulsion faces down. Emulsion is the coating of light-sensitive material on a piece of
Convert to CMYK:
Separates all spot colors of a color palette into CMYK colors. Separating colors in only four plates avoids
producing an unnecessary number of plates.
Reg Marks and/or Crop Marks:
Prints registration marks or crop marks on plates, or both. Registration marks serve as guides to perfectly
align different color separation plates. Crop marks are useful when trimming the page to the proper size. Both
marks are displayed slightly outside the graphics page extent.
Space for these marks is added to the extents of the map, even if they are disabled.
Label Marks:
Prints a label containing the names of the colors used in the separation process. This label is displayed
outside the Crop Marks.
Color column:
All spot colors listed in the color list box are removed from the list, since they are all converted to CMYK
For each color in the list box, define the Frequency of the grid.
Process color separations are printed using grids of black dots for each color. The frequency in lines per inch
defines how close the dots appear. The higher the frequency, the closer the dots and the darker the color.
Defines the orientation of the grid screen or the dots. For each color in the list box, define the angle of the
grid in degrees.
Enables the Overprint color option for each color in the list box.
Overprinting is used when two overlapping objects of different color are printed on two different plates. For
example, when creating color separations for a magenta-colored circle on a cyan background, the cyan plate
would have a white circle knocked out where the magenta circle prints. The cyan and magenta do not mix;
however, you can set the magenta to print over the cyan. This results in the circle not being knocked out of
the cyan. The two colors overprint in that area, resulting in a purple circle on a cyan background.
When a color is selected to overprint, an X appears in the Overprint column of the color list box beside the
color and the color is printed on a corresponding plate. No holes corresponding to an overlapping color will
be knocked out.

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If you set color frequency, angle, and overprint options individually, you must select all the colors you want
to process. However, if you click on the Convert to CMYK option, all four basic colors are automatically
You can interrupt a print job at any time by clicking Cancel.
Note: For UNIX systems, select the PostScript Level 2 driver. Color separations on UNIX are available for
this driver only. The color separations information is printed to a single PostScript (.ps) file, which can be
printed by most commercial shops.

Opening the Export Map window

Maps (see Starting a new map on page 314) and charts (see Viewing data as a chart on page 287) can be
saved as a file.

1. From the File menu, click Export Map to open the Export Map window.
2. To lock the record and field selection in the chart, open the Chart window (see Creating a chart from the
layer on page 289) and click Export Chart.
3. In the Export Map or Export Chart window, type a path and file name for the file to export in the File box.
You can also click Browse to locate and select a location.
4. Choose a file format from the Save as type list box.
5. In the Options area, set the parameters, depending on the following format types:
• Adobe Illustrator: see Exporting a map or chart as an Adobe Illustrator file on page 349
• JPEG: see Exporting a map or chart as a JPEG on page 349
• JPEG 2000: see Exporting a map or chart to a JPEG 2000 file on page 350
• PCIDSK: see Exporting a map or chart to PCIDSK on page 350
• TIFF: see Exporting a map or chart to TIFF on page 350
• BMP: see Exporting a map or chart to BMP on page 351
• HP RTL: see Exporting a map or chart to an HP RTL file on page 351
• EMF: see Exporting a map or chart to EMF on page 351

6. Click OK.

Exporting a map or chart as an Adobe Illustrator file

The .ai file format is the native format for Adobe Illustrator and is used primarily for vectors.

Exporting a map or chart as a JPEG

The .jpg format is best used for continuous tone images, such as photographs. It uses lossy compression,
which means that some data is discarded to reduce the file size. Once a file is compressed with lossy
compression, the original data cannot be recovered.
The Quality measure is the used to control the balance between the quality of the image and the reduction
in the file size. The higher the Quality value, the less data is discarded. You must decide a balance between
file size and image quality, which usually falls between 0 and 80. Values over 80 usually produce an increased
file size with little visible improvement in image quality.

1. In the Export Map or Export Chart window, choose JPEG (.jpg) from the Save as type list box.
2. Enter a value that represents the resolution produced by the display or printer in the DPI spin box.

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

The closer the match between the resolution of the file and the display or printer, the better the quality of
the results.
3. Enter a value that represents the image quality in the Quality box.
The lower the number, the lower the quality of the image (more data discarded) and the smaller the file
4. Click OK.

Exporting a map or chart to a JPEG 2000 file

The .jp2 format reduces a file size of extremely large images. It uses wavelet compression that produces
highly compressed files, while retaining better image quality.
Lossless compression reduces the file size by reducing data redundancies. With lossless compression, the
original data is restored when a file is decompressed. With lossy compression, some data is discarded to
reduce the file size, which means that the original data cannot be recovered when the file is decompressed.
The Quality measure is used to control the balance between the quality of the image and the reduction in the
file size. The higher the Quality value, the less data is discarded. Lossy compression with a Quality value of
100 is virtually the same as choosing lossless compression. You must decide a balance between file size
and image quality, which usually falls between 0 and 20. Values over 20 produce an increased file size with
little visible improvement in image quality.

1. In the Export Map or Export Chart window, choose JPEG 2000 (.jp2) from the Save as type list box.
2. Enter a value that represents the resolution produced by the display or printer in the DPI spin box.
The closer the match between the resolution of the file and the display or printer, the better the quality of
the results.
3. Enable one of the following options:
• Lossless: uses lossless compression
• Lossy: uses lossy compression. Enter a value that represents the image quality in the Quality box.

4. Click OK.

Exporting a map or chart to PCIDSK

The .pix format is the native file format for the Geomatica product line.

1. In the Export Map or Export Chart window, choose PCIDSK (.pix) from the Save as type list box.
2. Enter a value that represents the resolution produced by the display or printer in the DPI spin box.
The closer the match between the resolution of the file and the display or printer, the better the quality of
the results.
3. Click OK.

Exporting a map or chart to TIFF

A .tif is the standard image exchange format. It is a platform-independent file format used for bitmap graphics.
It offers lossless and lossy compression options.
PackBits is a lossless compression method. It reduces a file size by reducing data redundancies. With lossless
compression, the original data is restored when a file is decompressed.
JPEG is a lossy compression method. It reduces the file size by discarding some data. Once a file is
compressed using lossy compression, the original data cannot be recovered. In any lossy compression

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

method, you trade the quality of the image for a reduction in the file size. More compression means a lower
quality image. You must decide a balance between file size and image quality.

1. In the Export Map or Export Chart window, choose TIFF (*.tif) from the Save as type list box.
2. Enter a value that represents the resolution produced by the display or printer in the DPI spin box.
The closer the match between the resolution of the file and the display or printer, the better the quality of
the results.
3. Choose one of the following options from the Compression list box:
• PACKBITS : uses lossless compression
• JPEG : uses lossy compression. Enter a value that represents the image quality in the Quality box.

4. Click OK.

Exporting a map or chart to BMP

The .bmp file format is the native bitmap file format for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

1. In the Export Map or Export Chart window, choose BMP (*.bmp) from the Save as type list box.
2. Enter a value that represents the resolution produced by the display or printer in the DPI spin box.
The closer the match between the resolution of the file and the display or printer, the better the quality of
the results.
3. Click OK.

Exporting a map or chart to an HP RTL file

The .rtl format is used with printing devices that support RTL, such as HP DesignJet printers. Using the .rtl
format can speed printing by saving the data in the printer processing language. Because a printer does not
have to process an .rtl file, it can print the file upon receipt.

1. In the Export Map or Export Chart window, choose HP RTL (.rtl) from the Save as type list box.
2. Enter a value that represents the resolution produced by the display or printer in the DPI spin box.
The closer the match between the resolution of the file and the display or printer, the better the quality of
the results.
3. Choose a printer type from the HP RTL Options list box.
4. Choose a color or black-and-white option from the Color list box.
5. Choose a dithering method from the Dither list box.
Dithering is a process that places pixels of different colors together to create the illusion of a color that is
not available in the palette.
If you want to save paper when using roll-fed printers, enable the Print long edge first check box. This
option positions the file to make the optimum use of the paper and generate the least amount of waste.
6. Click OK.

Exporting a map or chart to EMF

The Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (.emf) is a vector format that can also support bitmaps. It is compatible with
Microsoft Windows operating systems and is a good format to use if you want to import the Map into a Microsoft

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Chapter 8: Publishing map projects

Exporting to Google Earth

You can export an image of the current view to KML or KMZ and open the exported image in Google™ Earth.
The exported image is essentially a snapshot of the Focus current view, which is in turn a rendering of the
actual data. This means that the opaque background of the current view is also exported and appears when
the result is displayed in Google Earth. The original pixels of the actual rasters and the original vertices of
the actual vectors, however, are not exported.
To include the original pixels and vertices and exclude the opaque background, use the EXPORT2KML
algorithm. For more information, see the Geomatica Algorithm Reference.
During the export, Focus creates the KML file and a folder bearing the same name as the KML file but
appended with "_files". For example, if the KML file name is irvine, the folder name becomes "irvine_files".
The KML file and the folder appear in the directory location that you specified. If you specify KMZ as the
export format, the KMZ contains the KML file and folder in a single compressed file.
The folder contains tiles and overviews of the KML file. These tiles and overviews are used as super-overlays
by Google Earth for optimal display.

1. Click File and then click Export to Google Earth.

The Export to Google Earth window appears.
2. In the Output file field, type or Browse to specify the location and name of the file to which you want to
export the current view. Specify the KML extension, or the KMZ extension if you want to compress the
file. If you clicked Browse, click Save to return to the Export to Google Earth window.
3. Select Display results in Google Earth if you want the output file to appear in Google Earth upon export.
If Google Earth is your default application for KML and KMZ files, your output file appears in the Google
Earth viewer.
4. Click Export.

Viewing overlapping layers from a Web mapping service

When you open maps from a Web mapping service, the data in the topmost layer in the Maps tree may
obscure all other maps. To view the map layers simultaneously, you must edit the Opacity of the layers.

1. Right-click the map layer and select Representation Editor.

2. Under the Style column, click the white style.
3. Click the Edit Style tab.
4. In the Values column beside Opacity, enter the value 0.
5. Click OK.

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