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- Tissue, structures, where to find, function

- tissue, collective amount of cells.. SIMILAR CELLS. Bcoz cells perform diff function.
- Prokaryotes doesn’t have tissues bcoz it is unicellular.
- through mitosis, tissue creation happens.. *replication of cells
- bcos of incompatibilities in cells that had grouped, abnormalities in organs can happen. Ex. Ur body
needs 10k cells, ur body releases double. Causing of double production that bcoms exest tissue by the
appearance of fluid filled.
*osmosis – sometimes the cyst is fluid filled… wherein the passive transport is responsible for the liquid
- growth & dev is a part of a function of the cell.
classified 2 groups Tissues in diff specisies
Animals 4
- Epithelial – for covering. For lining in our body.
2 groups for diff categories
- Numb of layer
- Numb of thickness – stratified Epithelium
*walls in blood vessels, ex. Fats(macromolecules) deposit in blood vessels, atherosclerosis can cause
obstruction.. bloodflows decreases. If genetic lining of bv is thin, it is prone to hypertension. U have to
increase your fiber. Apirin, pampatunaw ng fats medicine.
-protection – of theorgans, protection in other cases of bacteria. It first penetrates the ephit
-secretions- an enzymes(act as catalyst, pinapabilis ang process)for ex. Digestion.
-excretion-excratory system.. kidney(nitrogen most of the time that is present in proteins elements
present in protein,HON) Nitrogen should be excreted out of our body.. If there is an elevation of
nitrogen in our body, there is a problem in kidney filtration.
- cleaning – it clears the passage, ducks, vessels like the fiber.
-Diffusion -
Classification of Simple epithelium
Squamous – Thin and flat plates.Horizontal flat ended (covering/lining in mouth or heart.
* secretes lubricating substances to avoid friction. Alveoli can be found in the lungs (it is lining is has
lubricating substance.. Heart, right ventricle.
-cuboidal – Roughly square.. opposite of squamous..shperical nucleous center. Found in the gland
(controls by pituitary glands – masterblueprint) Glands produces diff hormones. And in the lining of
kidney tubules.
-columnar – patayo ang pagtubo. Like hair-like structure called cilia. Cilia, have a rapid, rhythmic,
wavelike beatings. Parang talahib na inihipan ng hangin, sumasayaw sa ugoy..Can be found in the air
passages. Important in female. After fertilization, transportation of ovum
-Glandular – columnar in shape but with goblet (c structure sa baba). Specialized as gland cells capable
in synthesizing ..module.
insulin – act as a key to let blood sugar cells
glucagon – production of insulin
Mammary gland – produces milk.
sweat gland, ovaries, testes etc.. secretes diff hormones.
Connecive Tissue – connects /binding diff parts of the body.. Present in whole body. Char by
large ..module
Diff types of connective t elastic fibers
1. Loose connective tissue
1.1. areolar – connects most of the vital organs, framework..
1.2. Adipose – Storage of fat globules ex. Bilbil.. purpose as insulator or energy reservoir 3 specific
hormones for metabolism LRA.
1.3. Reticular –Support specific bones, sometimes combines with the adipose to perform their specific
functions.Most commonly found in the bone marrow.
2. Dense Connective Tissue
2.1 Denseregular – made up of fibroblast, contains collagen (pampabanat), connects a specific organ to
a muscle heart and lungs.
2.2 dense Irregular - provides strength and skin resistance, can be found between the digestive
tract..Irregular shape.
3. Cartilage
Condrocites made up diff cart.
3.1 Hyaline – joints flexion, extension in thumbs, hips, shoulder, etc.
3.2 Fibrocartilage – presence of protection of intervertebral disc. The connective and a cushion in spinal
column. Prevent friction inbetween the bones.
3.3 Elastic – bloodvessels to stretch, elastin (for arteries, etc.)
4. Bone
4.1 Compact Dense – bones that u cansee (white visible bone) for strength
4.2 Sponge/ Cancellous – like sa bulalo,bloodmaking process pa check, responsible for this..

5. Blood and Lymph –

Blood - Eritrocites RBL nutrients, Lucosites WBC soldiers phagocytes,platelets covering.. responsible for
transporting nutrients, oxgen, bloodcloths (repairing itself) sometimes can cause blockage.. Stroke or
hemmorage.., Carry antibodies.
engulfing bacteria – phagocytosis
Lymp – Release or allow the removal of waste products.. Lymph nodes are natural.. Sometimes
prominent because it is working and theyre trying to eliminate bacterias etc,causing nana or etc.
3. Muscle tissues – movements
3.1 Skeletal muscle – prominent or largest,head to toe…

3.1 Smooth Muscle Tissues- uterus contracts bcoz it produces or trying to release 1 st lining of the uterus
through blood,
* Skeletal muscle Tissues – Enclose muscle fibers..module
sacolema – stretchiness..
* cardiac muscle – Heart. Involuntarily contrast..
* Nervous tissue – groups of neurons.. Send, analyzes stimulus…integrated in our brains..
Dendrites – receives the message
soma – cell bud
Nucleous – holds genetic info of the
3 types of neurons
Sensory – sense organs, receives message…
interneuron – module
Nervous tissues
-unipolar – 1 process
- bipolar -

plant tissues – next meeting

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