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Formal invitation

Formal Invitation
What is an Invitation?
- An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a
specific event.
- “a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere”(Oxford
Learner’s Dictionary)
The purpose is “To invite someone attend/come an event.”
For example:
- An invitation of meeting OSIS
- An invitation of meeting company
- An invitation to a wedding
 Birthday party      
 Anniversary     
 Graduation  
 Dinner          

The expressions are:

Making invitation

 I invite you to come…

 I invite you to join…
 Would you like to come
 Would you like to join us
 I would like to invite you
 Request the present of…
 Would you like to … (go with me)?
 Do you want to … (dance with me)?

Accepting invitation:

 I’d love to. (Dengan senang hati).

 I’d like to. (Dengan senang hati).
 I’d be happy to. (Dengan senang hati/ saya akan senang).
 I’d be glad to. (Dengan senang hati/ saya akan senang).
 That sounds great! (Kedengarannya bagus!).
 That would be terrific. (Itu akan menyenangkan).
 That would be fun.
 Thank you for inviting me. (Terima kasih sudah mengundangku).
 Thank you for the invitation.

Declining invitation:

 I’m terribly sorry. I don’t think I can. (Saya sungguh meminta maaf. Saya rasa
saya tidak bisa).
 I really want to, but … (Saya sangat ingin, namun …).
 I’d really like to, but … (Saya benar-benar ingin, namun …).
 I’m sorry, but … (Maaf, namun …).
 Sorry, I’m already tied up. (Maaf, saya sangat sibuk).
 I’m very sorry, I can’t. (Saya sungguh meminta maaf, saya tidak bisa).
 Thank you very much, but … (Terima kasih banyak, namun …).
 Thanks for asking, but … (Terima kasih sudah menanyakan, namun …).
 I can’t, … (I have got a lot of work to do).  (Saya tidak bisa, … (Saya mempunyai
banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan).

The structures are:

1. Invitee: Siapa yang diundang

2. Body of invitation: Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut ini:

 Occasion: Undangan ini dibuat untuk acara apa

 Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal
 Time: Waktu yang ditetapkan
 Place: Tempat yang diharapkan kehadirannya para undangan

3. Inviter: Siapa yang mengundang

LK 2
a. making invitation

Dialog 1

Raffa: _________ my birthday party this Saturday?

Izza: Of course! What time?
Raffa: at 8 pm. don’t be late! And don’t forget the dress code!
Izza: what should I wear?
Raffa: cover your face with the most mysterious mask.
Izza: Wow, that would be very exciting. Would you like me to bring something for the gift?
Raffa: No, thanks.
Zarah : Good afternoon, dear friend!
Etra : Good afternoon. Why are you very happy ?
Zarah : Don’t you know , today is my birthday.
Etra : Really ? Oh, happy birthday
Dialog 2
Andra : Hello Dian, how are you?
Dian    : I am alright, what about you?
Andra  : I am fine, too. I got a brochure that there will be Sheila on 7 concert on next Sunday.
Dian    : Whoah, I just knew that.
Andra  : Yeah, that’s why I tell you now, because you are a big fan of Sheila on 7.
_____________with me if you don’t mind.
Dian    : Sure. It’s my pleasure. And please save me in the crowded 😀
Andra  : Of course, I will.

b. Accepting invitation
Enni : Hi Tino. Do you get a birthday invitation from Zindah?
Tino : Yeah, the party will be held Tonight, right?
Enni : How about going there together after piano course?
Tino : _____________! What are you going to give to Zindah?
Enni : Hhmm, I think it will be great to give her a surprise.
Tino : Hhmmm, how about playing One Day song in her birthday?
Enni : _____________! That’s one of her favorite song.
Tino: Yeah, let’s practice for Tinoght’s show.
Enni : But we have to wait until Zindah go home. Oh look, she’s already picked up by her driver.
Tino: Let’s go come to the class!

c. Declining invitation

Dialog 1
Vina is very busy doing her English homework, while Sheila, her friend,phones Vina to come to
her party.
Sheila   :  Hello, this is Sheila. May I speak to Vina?
Vina       :  This is Vina speaking.
Sheila  :  Oh, hi Vina. I wonder if you’d like to come to my house tonight. We’re having a great
Vina     : _____________. I’m doing my homework. I’m afraid I couldn’t finish my homework.
Sheila  :  That’s alright.
Vina     :  I hope you enjoy your party.
Sheila  :  Thanks Vina.

Dialog 2
Tom      : What do you do tonight? Will you join us to go to movie?
Brian      : _______________, I have an appointment. I received a dinner invitation by Mr. Paul.
He aksed me to come to his home.  
Tom       : No problem. Maybe in the next time
Brian      : Thank you, Tom. I hope so

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