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Nama : Danny Bahari Kusnadhy

Kelas : FEB/Manajemen F
Nim : 120113356

1. 3 important things in any business

1. Customer
In business, customers are the most important thing. A business agent has to be
more sensible of what the customers’ need. If you fail to take the customers’ views
into account in your business, it is likely your campaigns will not be successful. We
all know that customers are the backbone of the reason businesses exist. These days,
they are more than just a number – they are Number One: the number one asset of
any business. Of what being said above, the business agents need to overview which
product is now on ‘hype’ to catch the customers’ attention.
2. Innovation
In this new normal era, business agents must think ‘out of the box’. The sense
of knowing what products are in demand could help the business growth. Creating
a new product which can interest the costumers are needed. In this case, to emerge
the creativity, the business agents need to sharpen their knowledge. For example: if
you want to start a business in the field of culinary you need to make an outstanding
menu to make your business unique.
3. Promotion
Promoting a product is also important in business. After you decide what
product you will be sold and to whom the product will be marketed, you need to
promote your product to gain the interest. In this globalization era, the best way to
promote your product is by social media. However, we need to make it more
specific to whom we promote the product. We need to know which social media
are frequently used by the customers. For instance, if the target customers are
teenagers or early 20s, Instragram and Twitter are the best promoting platform. But
if your target customers are adult or oldster, Facebook and WhatsApp are the great
platform to be used.
2. Scramble words
a. May I apologized for the delay
b. I’m very sorry to hear about the delivery problem I hope that this problem will not
happen again
c. There is a mistake in your invoice number 3857
d. I would like to an (???)
e. I am writing to complain about your offer of the changes explanation level
3. Filled the blank
1) Preparing
2) Submit
3) Appreciate
4) Taking
5) Bid
6) Participation
7) Company
8) Considerable
4. Match the extracts
I. i
II. j
III. g
IV. d
V. b
VI. f
VII. h
IX. c
X. e
XI. a
5. Correspondence is an activity or relationship carried out continuously between two
parties by sending letters from one to another party to other party can be on behalf of a
position in a company / organization and can be on behalf of individual (individual).
According to Tarigan in "Language Skills Teaching Techniques" explained that writing
skills, although often in the last position in the language skills order, got the most
important position in one's scientific life. " Hence, one can said to be a good
academician if he has tested his writing skills. Doesn't like reading and listening, as
well as speaking, writing skills require process specifically in order to become more
skilled. This special process is called continuous writing practice. This process of
continuous practice is a process of habituation that should be done someone from an
early age.
1. The students' weak English skills.

Many students do not have sufficient background in English Inadequate family

environment that also does not understand English. Plus, none efforts to gain additional
knowledge of English from outside the school. As an example by attending additional
courses, either by bringing home tutors (private) course), or enter an English course

2. students' mental attitude.

There are several mental attitudes of students that can be considered as obstacles in mastery
correspondence skills

3. Lack of exercise.

Sufficient and repeated practice will solidify students' mastery of correspondence. This is
inseparable from the mental attitude of students who feel that correspondence is such a
difficult thing that they are reluctant to repeat it

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