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Online Learning

This project is for school, university, tuition Centre, private organization to perform online
learning which let the teachers/instructors and students to perform some common class
activities online. Instructors and students have to register themselves and wait for the admin to
approve their registration request in order to login to the portal. When the admin approves or
rejects the request, the instructor/student will receive an email notification. Then, they can login
to the portal. Instructors can upload reading materials in the form of documents (ppt, doc, txt,
excel, csv), videos, audios, texts, and links. Students can download the reading materials for
each chapter. Instructors can also give assignments to their students and the students can
submit the assignments. There is also an interesting quiz game section where instructors can
create for the students to play. The quiz game has correct/wrong sound effects and the
questions can be randomized. Instructors and students can also create discussion threads in a
course channel to have discussion together.
Admins can:

 Admin Login
 Approve / reject user's registration request
 If an instructor/student has left the school, if admin still need to keep their data for some
years, admin can Disable the user from login to the portal first, then only delete their
data when needed.
 Edit a user's detail
 Help a user to reset password
 Make announcement for the all the users to see
 Setting (Change background color- light theme or dark theme according to his/her
 View Profile
 Edit Profile
 Change Password

Instructors can:

 Register and wait for approval

 Login
 Dashboard
 View announcement made by admin
 Create course channel, change cover image for a course channel
 Manage Chapters and upload reading materials for each chapter
 [Announcement] Manage announcement for a course channel
 [Assignment] Give assignments, receive submission, give marks and comment
 [Quiz] Create quiz game for the students, view student's result
 Share enroll link to the students
 Unenroll a student from his/her course
 [Discussion] Create discussion thread
 Setting (Change background color- light theme or dark theme according to his/her
 View Profile
 Edit Profile
 Change Password
Students can:

 Register and wait for approval

 Login
 Dashboard
 Search and enroll into a course channel
 Download reading materials in a course channel
 View announcement made by admin and instructors
 [Assignment] View assignments, submit assignments, view instructor's grade and
 [Quiz] Play quiz game
 Unenroll from a course channel
 [Discussion] Create discussion thread
 Setting (Change background color- light theme or dark theme according to his/her
 View Profile
 Edit Profile
 Change Password

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