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Digital marketing 2A assignment 1 st10032220

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Digital marketing 2A assignment 1 st10032220.................................................................1
Question 1....................................................................................................................................1
Question 2:...................................................................................................................................3
Question 3:...................................................................................................................................6
Question 1
1. There are a range of strategies to incorporate into one's digital marketing strategy to
turn customer acquisition into customer retention.

The first of these is Personalisation: this involves tailoring marketing offers and messages to
the individual client based on their interests and consumer information such as past
purchases (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). This is useful when you have access to sufficient
information on the client.

For example, Amazon uses personalised recommendations based on a customer's browsing

and search preferences.

2. Loyalty programs: loyalty programs and an amazing way to incentivise repeat

business and customer retention (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). By offering rewards and
incentives for doing business with the company, businesses can encourage users to
do more business with them. Loyalty programs can be integrated into many
marketing channels including social media, emails and the website.

For example the Starbucks loyalty program, this program offers clients in-store rewards
on their app for purchases. These rewards can be redeemed in-store.

3. Customer service: providing good customer service is key to retaining customers. This
includes responding timeously to consumer enquiries and complaints, as well as
offering individualized service (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). Customer service can be
linked to a variety of digital marketing channels such as email, social media, and a

Zappos, for example, is well-known for its great customer care, which offers free shipping
and returns as well as 24-hour customer support.

4. Social Media Engagement: Using social media to interact with customers can help
establish brand loyalty and encourage repeat business. Responding to customer
concerns and comments and distributing user-generated content, can all fall under
this category (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). Social media interaction can be included in a
variety of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Airbnb, for example, engages with consumers on social media by reacting to their
comments and publishing user-generated material.

5. Email Marketing: Providing individualized offers and updates on products and

services via email can be an effective approach to retaining customers (Chaffee and
Smith, 2023). This includes segmenting email lists depending on client behaviour and
interests, as well as sending customized email advertisements. Email marketing tools
such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact can be used to combine email marketing
(Chaffee and Smith, 2023).
Sephora, for example, uses email marketing to deliver clients personalised discounts and
product recommendations based on their browsing and purchase history.
Question 2:
The Ansoff Matrix can help marketers decide strategic priorities. It assists firms in identifying
and evaluating various growth opportunities based on their present product and market
position (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). There are four tactics in the matrix: market penetration,
market development, product development, and diversification.

Market development strategy: Diversification strategy:

 This strategy entails introducing  This strategy entails developing new

existing products into new markets products for emerging markets
(Chaffee and Smith, 2023). (Chaffee and Smith, 2023).
 Starbucks can implement this  Starbucks can implement this
strategy by expanding its reach into strategy by entering new industries
new geographies, focusing on new or creating new product lines.
client categories, or creating new  Starbucks, for example, could enter
consumer-reach platforms. the healthy food sector or begin
 Starbucks, for example, might supplying meal kits for customers to
launch mobile ordering and delivery prepare at home.
to target customers who prefer to
buy online or via a smartphone app.

Market penetration strategy: Product development strategy:

 The strategy entails selling more  This strategy involves creating

existing products to existing clients innovative products for established
(Chaffee and Smith, 2023). markets (Chaffee and Smith, 2023).
 Starbucks can put this approach into  This strategy can be used by
action by providing additional Starbucks by launching new goods
discounts, creating promotional or increasing its product line.
campaigns, and expanding its  Starbucks, for example, can debut
product selections. new food items such as sandwiches
 Starbucks, for example, can add new or pastries, as well as new coffee
flavours or versions of its popular varieties such as cold brew.
coffee drinks, or create a reward
programme to entice people to
purchase more regularly.

people and automation both have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, but one
cannot exist without the other and there is a place for both in the modern age (Trompert,
Automation has a major impact on efficiency and productivity in various industries (Chaffee
and Smith, 2023). Machines can perform repetitive tasks faster and more accurately than
humans which saves businesses both time and money (Trompert, 2021). However, machines
cannot replace human creativity, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities. Humans are
incredibly good at problem solving and adapting to new situations in a way that machines
cannot match (Chaffee and Smith, 2023).

Humans alone cannot match the level of efficiency and accuracy that automation brings to
the business. For example, automated assembly lines can produce goods at a much higher
rate that that of human workers, while still making fewer mistakes (Trompert, 2021).

Therefore it is nessarary to have a balance of both people and automation in the modern
workplace we should take advantage of the speed and accuracy of machines and leverage
the unique attributes of having human workers to create new things.

1. Quality products or services:
Businesses that provide high-quality products or services can earn customers' trust by
consistently delivering on their promises (Chaffee and Smith, 2023), (Wyzowl, 2023). Apple,
for example, is known for producing high-quality items, which has contributed to the
company's loyal consumer base.

2. exceptional customer service:

Companies that provide exceptional customer service can demonstrate that they care about
the needs of their consumers (Chaffee and Smith, 2023), (Wyzowl, 2023). Amazon, for
example, is well-known for excellent customer service, which has contributed to customer
trust and loyalty.

3. Social responsibility:
Companies that participate in social responsibility projects can demonstrate their dedication
to making a beneficial impact on society (Wyzowl, 2023), which can help them gain trust
(Chaffee and Smith, 2023). TOMS Shoes, for example, distributes a pair of shoes to a child in
need for every pair of shoes purchased, which has helped to establish customer trust.

4. Consistency: Companies that are consistent in their language and behaviour can earn
clients' trust by displaying dependability and reliability (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). Coca-Cola,
for example, has continuously positioned its brand as a pleasant drink, which has helped to
establish customer trust and loyalty (Wyzowl, 2023).

5. Transparency:
Companies that are open about their processes, policies, and prices can earn customers'
trust (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). Online retailer Zappos, for example, gives clear information
about their return policies, which has helped to establish customer trust (Wyzowl, 2023).

companies can make use of reviews to better their conversions and sales in many ways.
The first of these is displaying customer reviews prominently on their website (Chaffee and
Smith, 2023) and social media posts, this helps build trust and potentially gives consumers
the information they need to make the purchases.
The next is responding to reviews it is good for companies to respond to reviews both
positive and negative as it shows the consumers that they are listening to the feedback they
are getting and that consumers are being heard.

Companies should encourage users to leave reviews this will not only make the consumer
believe that the company wants their feedback and this will also help populate the review
board (Chaffee and Smith, 2023).
Companies should use these reviews in their marketing to provide social proof of their
Question 3:

Web 2.0 refers to the World Wide Web's second generation, which is distinguished by the
emergence of social media, user-generated content, and interactive web applications
(Chaffee and Smith, 2023). While there is some disagreement about when the Web 2.0 era
began and when it will end, it is generally agreed that we are now in the Web 2.0 era (Ally
Biring, 2012).

There is no clear consensus on what will come after Web 2.0, but some experts believe we
are on the verge of a new web era known as Web 3.0 or the Semantic Web (Ally Biring,
2012). Web 3.0 is intended to be more intelligent and context-aware than the existing web,
capable of understanding and interpreting data in more meaningful ways.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and the Internet of
Things are predicted to power Web 3.0. It is expected to provide users with more
personalised and targeted experiences, with a stronger emphasis on privacy and security
(Ally Biring, 2012).

While Web 3.0 is still in its early stages of development, and there is no set timeline for its
adoption, it is widely expected to represent a significant shift in the way we interact with the
web, as well as the opportunities available for digital marketing. Companies that can adapt
to and remain ahead of these developments are more likely to succeed in the future (Ally
Biring, 2012).

Social media has grown in importance as a tool for businesses to build better brands and
communicate with customers more meaningfully (Reno, 2022). Businesses can boost their
marketing efforts and establish a stronger online presence by embracing the power of social
media. Here are some specific ways social media can be used to achieve these objectives:

Customer engagement: Social media allows businesses to interact with their customers in
real time, offering a more personalised and interactive experience (Reno, 2022). Businesses
may strengthen their customer relationships and generate a sense of loyalty by responding
to customer enquiries and feedback (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). A restaurant, for example,
may respond to a client's complaint on Twitter and give a remedy, demonstrating their
devotion to customer service.

Influencer marketing: Using social media influencers to reach a larger audience and develop
brand trust may be a great strategy for businesses (Reno, 2022). Businesses may harness
their followers and receive more visibility by working with influencers that share their brand
values and target demographic (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). A beauty firm, for example, may
collaborate with a popular beauty influencer on YouTube to display their products and gain a
larger audience.
Building brand recognition: Social media allows businesses to reach a larger audience and
build brand awareness. Businesses may boost their visibility and gain new followers by
continuously producing relevant and engaging content (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). For
example, a fashion retailer may use Instagram to display new arrivals or style suggestions in
order to attract new customers (Reno, 2022).

User-generated material: Businesses can utilise social media to market their products or
services by leveraging user-generated content (Reno, 2022). Businesses can foster a sense of
community and brand loyalty by encouraging customers to share their experiences or
images on social media (Chaffee and Smith, 2023). A travel firm, for example, may encourage
consumers to submit their travel images on Instagram with a branded hashtag, which can
help establish a feeling of community and highlight the company's products.

Customers can use the Starbucks (, 2023) app to pre-order and pay for drinks
and food, which can then be picked up at a local Starbucks location. The app includes
numerous features that provide added value to clients, such as:

Convenience: The app lets consumers to pre-order and pay for their drinks and meals, saving
them time and avoiding large lines at the store. Customers can also bookmark their favourite
orders for quick and easy ordering via the app.

Personalization: The app allows users to personalise their orders by selecting the type of
milk, syrup, and toppings for their drinks, resulting in a more personalised experience for

Customers can earn stars for their purchases and redeem them for free drinks and food
through the app's loyalty programme. This encourages people to use the app and make
more purchases at Starbucks.

Offers based on location: The app makes use of location-based services to provide users with
special promotions and discounts based on their proximity to a Starbucks store.

Overall, the Starbucks app adds value to the ordering process by making it more convenient,
personalised, and rewarding, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and retention.
Reference list

Ally Biring (2012). What Comes After Web 2.0? [online] Hongkiat. Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2023].

Australian Government (2023). Social Media for Business. [online]

Available at:

Reno, G. (2022). Why Social Media Is Important for Business Marketing - Marketing Insider
Group. [online] Marketing Insider Group. Available at:
business-marketing/ [Accessed 4 May 2023]. (2023). Homepage | Starbucks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2023].

Trompert, J. (2021). Automation vs. human skills in the workplace: which one is best?
[online] Available at:
human-skills-in-the-workplace-which-one-is-best [Accessed 4 May 2023].

Wyzowl. (2023). 13 Ways to Gain Customer Trust and Boost Sales | Wyzowl. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2023].

D, C. P. (2023). Digital Marketing Excellence, Planning Optimizing and integrating Online

Marketing. cape town : 2023 Routledge.

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