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SocIety of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 26062

Improved Oxygen Activation Logging for Waterflood

Surveillance Measurements
D.R. Schnorr, Schlumberger Well Services; G.W. Targac, ARCO Alaska Inc.; R.J. Guillory,
ARCO E&P Technology; and C.M. Pearson and M.E. Eck, ARCO Alaska Inc.
SPE Members

Copyright 1993, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the Western Regional Meeting held iii Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., 26-28 May 1993.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are sUbject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessariiy reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment
of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A. Telex, 163245 SPEUT.

ABSTRACT information could be used to make an assessment of ultimate

recovery, the need for inflll drilling and enhanced recovery pro-
This paper reports the results of using an improved impulse oxygen cesses.
activation logging tool for water flood surveillance in the Kuparuk:
River Field, Alaska. The modified logging tool now enables the
monitoring of water injection proflles in the "selective single" well INTRODUCTION
completions over a wider range of injection rates with better
vertical resolution when compared with an earlier impulse oxygen The Kuparuk: River Field is located on the North Slope of Alaska
activation tool configuration. approximately 40 miles west of the Prudhoe Bay Field (Figure 1).
It is one of the United States' largest oil fields, producing approxi-
The resolution and dynamic range of this service have been im- mately 320,000 STBD. Waterflooding started in 1983 and now
proved with a modification to the pulsed neutron tool. The covers 85 percent of the 115,000 acres currently developed. Evalu-
modification increased the vertical resolution at high injection rates ation of waterflood performance is essential for efficient manage-
from 15-ft to 6-ft. Using a series of station measurements, it is ment ofthe existing waterflood, assessment ofultimate production,
possible to measure water velocities from less than 2 ftlmin (0.01 and determination of the potential for infill drilling and enhanced
m/s) to 300 ftlmin (1.5 mls). Knowing the cross sectional area of recovery processes in the field.
the casing/tubing annulus, water flow rates from 10 to 9500 BWPD
are directly calculated. Production occurs from two horizons within the Kuparuk: River
Field, referred to as the A and C sands. For waterflood management
These measurements have provided injection profiles to determine purposes, "selective single" completions are used to isolate the
vertical conformance and the need for profile modification. Three prolific C Sands behind production tubing and to enable the lower
case histories are discussed. 1.) The results of the pre- and post- A Sands to be fracture stimulated. Figure 2 shows a "selective
logging programs are presented as well as the results of the single" completion for both an injection and production well. Since
successful profile modification. 2.) Detection of thin high perme- most currentinjection wells were initially completed forproduction
ability thief zones. 3.) Multiple water velocities measured in the service prior to conversion, all wells have hardened blast joints
same direction at same time to determine the injection proflles across the C Sand perforations to minimize the potential for
inside and outside of the tubing. This has all been possible with the erosional cuttingofthe tubing. Given this completion type, the only
successful modification of the WFL* tool to increase its vertical successful method of making a direct measurement of vertical
resolution. Impulse oxygen activation logging has become crucial conformance bas been the use of impulse oxygen activation log-
to the continued surveillance of the secondary recovery project of ging'!
the prolific C Sand in the Kuparuk River Field. Additionally, the

·Mark of Schlumberger

During the past three years, impulse oxygen activation logging has was quickly implemented in a small portion of the field in 1983 to
been successfully applied to both injection and production wells to maintain reservoir pressure and oil rate. In late 1985, immiscible
identify thiefzones behind the production tubing and to provide the WAG injection began and a full field waterflood was implemented.
quantitative vertical sweep infonnation necessary for better man- In 1988, an enhanced recovery pilot was implemented using mis-
agementof the waterflood. This measurement has provided a new cible enriched gas alternating with water injection. The field
capability to trace water at very high flow rates and is particularly presently has some 380 production and 320 injection wells.
well suited to measure water flow in the tubing-casing annulus.
Infonnation obtained to date has been used to place and evaluate Fieldproduction history is shown inFigure 5. Oil rate has increased
cement squeezesandpolymer treatments to improve vertical sweep, steadily to the current yearly average of 320,000 STBD. Water
verify floodable pay, and analyze injection perfonnance of production was initially observed in 1983 and has trended up to
Kuparuk's waterflood. 300,000 BWPD. At present, the vast majority of water is being
produced from the higher penneability layers within the C Sands
Geology which effectively water-out before water breakthrough occurs in
the lower penneability layers. If this condition were to continue
The Kuparuk reservoir is a lower Cretaceous sandstone fonnation unchecked, the time required to recover remaining reserves would
deposited in a marine shelf environment and contains in excess of be significantly extended with the potential that significantreserves
5 billion barrels of oil-in-place. The field produces from two could be lost during the remainder of field life.
separate zones, referred to as the A and C sands. A typical log of
the Kuparuk interval is shown in Figure 3. The lower producing Over the past three years, significant amounts of water injection
zone, the A Sand, is present throughout the Unit development have been diverted from more mature, high penneability C Sand
Although the average thickness is typically less than 30 feet, with intervals to immature A Sand and C Sand intervals. In some cases,
penneability ranging from 20 to 80 md, the A Sand contains 65% this has been achieved through mechanically shutting in the C Sand
of the total reserves in the Kuparuk Field. The C Sand is separated using the "selective single" completions. In other cases, it has been
from the A Sand by an impenneable zone consisting of sands, possible to use impulse oxygen activation logging to identify thief
siltstones, and shales ranging in gross thickness from 0 to 150 feet zones for selective treatment using profile control techniques.
referred to as the B Sand. The impenneable B Sand benefits the oil These logs have provided the necessary infonnation to test a variety
recovery at Kuparuk by allowing the two zones of distinctly of profile control techniques including squeeze cementing and
different producing characteristics to be waterflooded separately. polymer injection. The injection and production profiles presented
in this paper were obtained in support of several profile control
Since field start up, the C Sand has contributed the majority of field projectson Drill Site2W, a core drill site in the heart ofthe field with
production. The net pay of the C Sand is up to 80 feet with an significant A Sand and C Sand reserves.
average penneability of 150 md. The C Sand is an extremely
complex and heterogeneous reservoir. It is divided into four
subintervals as shown in Figure 4. The two main C Sand reservoir
flow units, Cl and C4 contain low volumes of dispersed clay and IMPROVED IMPULSE OXYGEN ACTIVATION
high volumes of siderite cement and glauconite. Core plug data MEASUREMENT
show that air penneabilities range from 0 to 1 darcy in both
intervals. The C2 interval, an interbedded series of2 to 4 feet thick The oxygen activation technique to measure water flow in the
very-fine sandstones and siltstones, has core plug air penneabilities borehole is well known.2-6 This technique was observed in Alaska
typically below 2 to 3 md. The C3 interval is a continuation of the in 1982 as a method to identify zones that produced water. When
upward coarsening trend seen in the C2 interval with core plug air the impulse oxygen activation technique was introduced in 1990,
penneabilities that are somewhat higher, ranging from 10 to 50 md. the measurement of water flow in water injection wells that have
The C3/C4 boundary is an erosional inconfonnity that is often perforated zones behind tubing became a qualitative measurement
characterized by high <± 1 darcy) core plug air penneabilities. This technique and its advantages have been described in reference
Field Development
Tool Modifications - Old vs New Tool
Primary production from the Kuparuk River Field began in late
1981. Initial development is on 160 acre spacing with some 80 acre The tool modifications pfovide several advantages to the standard
infill wells. The Kuparuk reservoir is a sandstone in which the configuration. The standard tool configuration has gamma ray
primary producing mechanism is solution gas drive. Because the detector spacings of 1-ft, 2-ft, and 15-ftfrom the neutron generator.
reservoir was initially in an undersaturated condition, waterflood This standard tool was modified, after several water injection wells


were logged, to improve the evaluation of the water injection Figure 8 represents the range of water velocities that can be
profile. The standard tool configuration measures water velocities measured with the 2-ft, 6-ft, 15-ft, and 20-ft detectors.
from less than 2 to over 200 ft/min. This range of velocities was
acceptable for most ofthe wells logged, but at higher injection rates
the vertical resolution of the 15-ft detector was not acceptable. The Measuring Multiple Water Velocities
reliable measured water velocities were also limited in some cases
at the upper water velocity range ofthe 2-ftdetector and at the lower It has been known for some time that the WFL tool has the ability
water velocity range of the 15-ft detector. The limitation for these to measure multiple water velocities in the same direction at the
conditions for both detectors is about 30 ft/min. In some conditions, same time. This is possible due to its three detectors at 2-ft, 6-ft. and
the detectors did not measure the velocity of the water because the 20-ft spacing and the impulse oxygen activation technique. The
water was flowing too fast for the 2-ft detector and too slow for the impulse oxygen activation technique activates the water in the
IS-ft detector. The tool configuration was improved by adding an tubing and in the annulus between the tubing and casing at the same
additional detector 6 ft from the neutron generator and positioned time. These small volumes of activated water flow, at their own
at the tool's sonde and cartridge makeup point. A comparison ofthe velocities, toward the detectors as displayed in Figure 9. The water
two different WFL tools is presented in Figure 6. injection rate in the tubing and in the annulus are then determined
from the measured velocities and known cross sectional areas,
The modified tool has detectors spaced at 2-ft, 6-ft. and 20-ft from respectively.
the neutron generator. The I-ft detector is not used with the
modified tool. The 6-ft detector bridges the gap between the 2-ft All water injection wells completed as "selective singles" in the
and 2Q-ft detectors in the modified tool by over lapping into each Kuparuk River Field have two water injection paths. These
detector's region of confidence. injection paths are inside the tubing and in the annulus between the
tubing and casing. With the multiple velocity capability, the WFL
An advantage of the new tool configuration is the increased Method is starting to replace conventional spinner surveys that
resolution of the 6-ft detector over the IS-ft detector. Figure 7 were run in the past to determine the A Sand and C Sand water
shows two different interpretations of the same measured velocity injection splits and the A Sand injection profile below the tubing
data from Well 2W-1O in the December 1990 and March 1991 tail. This ability to measure two water velocities in the same
surveys. The data was acquired with the 15-ft detector and direction has eliminated the need for setting a blanking plug in the
interpreted by using an "overlapping interpolation method", case tubing tail. The blanking plug was set in the tubing tail to eliminate
one, and "mid-point between the neutron generator and detector the complexity of two water velocities in the same direction, so the
method", case two. The interpretations from the two different tradition oxygen activation method could be used. This was also
methods indicated that in case one, thief zones at the top, 8570 ft. done with the impulse oxygen activation technique until it was
and bottom, 8675 ft, of the C Sands perforations occurred after the observed that this technique could differentiate the different injec-
polymer treatment. These two zones when interpreted with the tion velocities in the tubing and annulus at the same time, Figure 9.
"mid-point method" indicated that the injectivity was reduced by This technique saves the cost of additional equipment, surveys,
the polymer treatment. After reevaluating the data, the mid-point man hours, and the associated costs and risks of running the
interpretation was used to determine the profile of the post-polymer blanking plug.
treatment. However, these different interpretations demonstrated
the need for a tool with better vertical resolution and was one of the
reasons that the 6-ft detector was added to the tool. Reference 1 CASE HISTORIES
discusses the "overlapping interpolation method" that is used to
increase vertical resolution when water velocities are greater than Three case histories are discussed in the following examples.
90 ft/min.
Example A: Proflle Modification-Wells 2W-12 and 2W-14
The impulse oxygen activation tool measures the average velocities Example B: Detecting thin high perm thief zones-We1l2W-08
between the neutron generator and the different detectors. The Example C: Dual injection profiling - NC split - Well 2W-04
interpretation of a velocity profile becomes more precise as the
distance between the neutron generatorand detector is reduced. For
most cases, the 2-ft detectoroffers excellentprecision, however, the EXAMPLE A - Profile Modification
velocity calculations become suspect as the velocity approaches 30
ft/min since the flow signal comes so soon after the neutron burst. Over the past three years, twenty-four WFL logs have been run in
The 6-ft detector is a good compromise between the precision of the the Kuparuk River Field and over half of these logs have been with
2-ft detector and the ability to accurately read higher velocities. the improved detector spacing. At Drill Site 2W, a core drill site in


the heart of the field with significant A Sand and C Sand reserves, A large amount of C Sand water injection is considered to be at or
a total of 14 WFL logs have been run to date. The WFL logs have above formation parting pressure. The near-well profile modifica-
been used for identifying thief zones for both selective and non- tion performedon We1l2W-14 may be hinderedby thispractice due
selective treatments using profile control techniques. The tool has to the potential of hydraulically fracturing past the treatment.
also been used to monitor the longer term effectiveness of the Injection pressure has intentionally been kept below parting pres-
profile control treatments. Specifically, these logs have provided sure after the polymer treatment for this reason. The limitation of
the necessary information to justify a cementsqueeze, two thick gel keeping injection pressure low in the C Sand is that lower
polymer treatments and a five well injector treatment using Deep permeability layers are less apt to flood. The DDG process can
Diverting Gel (DDG) in the Kuparuk C Sand. The DOG process potentially overcome this limitation by having the capability of in-
involves the novel application of a polyacrylamide polymer gel
cross linked with aluminum citrate, details of which have been
Table 1.
Figure 10 shows the WFL log for producing Well 2W-12 in
November, 1990. The log was performed in the up flow mode with phi*H. % Flow, % Comments
all the production entering the tubing string through the upper two
C Sand production mandrels. As indicated in Figure 10, the C-I
2W-04 C-4 67 25
interval, approximately 7610' to 7640', was producing 100% of the
water or approximately 4500 BWPD. The produced water rate for
C-3 11 o
C-l 22 75 Major C I Thief
Well2W-12 subsequently increased to over 5500 BWPD over the
next two years, due to increased water injection support. In
October, 1992, a workover was performed on this well to repair the
2W-05C-4 (upper) 60 o
C-4(lower) 4 57 Major C34 Thief
upper C Sand production mandrel to allow fracture stimulation of 14
C-3 18
the Kuparuk A Sand. As part of the workover justification, the C-l 22 25
opportunity to cementsqueeze the C Sandand selectivelyreperforate
the C-3 and C-4 intervals was pursued. The C-I interval from 7604
to 7644 ft was notreperforated. Post workoverresults indicated me
2W-08 C-4 67 o
WFL log that was run in November, 1990, was correct and the
C-3 11 o
C-l 22 100 Major Cl Thief
produced water rate was reduced to approximately 300 BWPD with
theoilrateremainingatapproximately500STBD. The300BWPD 2W-09 C-4 45
is probably leaking from the Co.l squeezed perforations.
C-3 17 o
C-I 18 55 Major CI Thief
Figure II is a summary plot of the WFL logs performed on Well
2W-14. This injector was treated in December, 1990 with 550 2W-16 C-4 60 45
barrels ofa thick gel polymer. The thick gel was used to selectively
treat the C-I interval that was taking 31 % of the injected water and
C-3 17 o
C-I 23 51 Major CI Thief
has been identified in waterflood analysis as a thiefzone. Selective
placement was performed using a coil tubing with a packer set
between the upper and lower C sand production mandrels that are
at 7845 ft and 7975 ft. The polymer was injected down the coil
tubing into the lower C Sand mandrel at 7975 ft. Sea water was depth profile modification. Table 1 shows a summary of the WFL
simultaneously pumped down the 3.5" tubing/coil tubing annulus logs performed on five injectors at Drill Site 2W. The table lists the
into the upper C Sand mandrel at 7845 ft. Theoretically, this should corresponding pore (net) feet versus injection percentage for the C
form a sea water/polymer interface slightly above the C-l Sand in Sand intervals in each well. The WFL log has been effective in
the 3.5" tubing by 7" annulus and should protect the upper interval determining the location of water thief zones. This information
from damage due to non selective gel placement. Also shown in coupled with increased oil recovery and reduced water cycling is
Figure II are the injection profiles taken approximately 3 months the justification for the DOG project. This project is currently
and 16 months after polymer injection (labeled Post 1 polymer and scheduled for implementation in mid-summer 1993 and will inject
Post 2 polymer, respectively). Post 1 polymer confirms the treat- approximately 150,000 barrels of treated sea water per well.
ment was successful and Post 2 polymer confirms the long term
effectiveness of the treatment.


EXAMPLE B- DETECTING TffiN HIGH PERM C Sand water injection profile behind tubing and at the same time
THIEF ZONES detennine the A Sand water injection profile. Figure 9 shows the
measured WFL signature for two different water velocities at 6985
The C Sand is divided into four subintervals which are extremely ft The water velocity inside the tubing is 191 ftlmin and the water
complex and heterogeneous. The C-4 and C-l flow units are the velocity in the annulus is 71 ftlmin. These velocities and the cross
main producing intervals and have penneabilities that range from sectional areas inside the tubing and in the annulus are used to
oto 1darcy. These units are made up ofseveral thin laminated sands calculate the injection rates. An injection parameter of Barrels/Ftl
that vary from a few inches to several feet thick. The WFL log has Day is detennined from the injection profiles and combined with
been able to identify these thin thief zones by measuring water the porosity and pay flags to define how much water each zone was
velocities at different depths across perforated zones. These taking as shown in Figure 14.
perforations are located behind tubing and the water is injected
through two injection mandrels located in the tubing above these
Well2W-08 has all C Sand subintervals perforated. The injection
rate was 4040 BWPD and there was a blanking plug setin the tubing Accurate water injection profiles continue to be the cornerstone of
tail so that no water was injected into the A Sand. WFL measure- evaluating and optimizing multi-layered waterflood perfonnance.
ments were made at ten ft intervals across the C-4, C-3, and C-2 Application of the impulse oxygen activation logging technique
Sand intervals as shown in Figure 12. If any loss in water velocity provides perfonnance datapreviously notpossible. Dataresolution
was detected, additional measurements are taken between these limitations and mechanical completion impacts precluded any
measurements to further define the interval taking the injected effective analysis.
water. WFL measurements were made at five ft intervals across the
C-l Sand. To get a complete C sand interval profile, 24 measure- The assessment of the maturing Kuparuk River Unit C Sand
ments were taken across theC Sand perforations as indicated by the waterflood is madepossible by effective application ofthis technol-
spikes on the post gamma ray log shown in track one of Figure 12. ogy. Detailed understanding ofboth thefundamental theory and the
tool limitations led to effective modifications used in evaluating the
The injection profile detennined that all water was being injected reservoir perfonnance with mechanically complex completions.
into a thief zone in the C-l Sand from 7313 to 7321 ft, Figure 13. These results have proved the oil and water production by specific
The thiefzone has been selected for profile modification to seal the intervals confinning the opportunity for profile modifications as
zone and divert injected water into the other penneable zones that well as providing a method to assess profile modification effective-
are not being water flooded at this time. ness.

Ultimately, this data has significantlyreduced the traditional uncer-

EXAMPLE C - DUAL INJECTION PROFILING tainties associated with the economics ofattempting to shut in high
-AlC SPLIT watercut intervals. With these advances, the emphasis can now turn
to assessing improved modification techniques. The [mal result
There are 320 injection wells in the Kuparuk River Field. Many of will be increased recovery from the Kuparuk River Unit.
these wells have been completed as selective single completions.
This means water is being injected inside the tubing and in the
annulus, between two or three packers, at the same time. The WFL
log is used to measure the velocities ofthe injected water both in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tubing and annulus. The impulse oxygen activation technique
activates small volumes of water in the tubing and annulus at the The authors would like to thank the management of ARCa Alaska
same time. These small volumes of activated water then flow at Inc. and Schlumberger Well Services for their support and for
their own velocities past the gamma ray detectors that are spaced at pennission to publish this paper. Numerous personnel have been
different distances from the neutron generator. The water injection involved in the logging activities detailed in this paper. Particular
rates are then detennined with the measured velocities and known recognition is due to the contributions of ARCO Exploration and
cross sectional flow areas. Production Technology cased hole logging group, ARCO Alaska
Inc., and Schlumberger Well Services Operations and On-Site
Well2W-04 is a water injection well with water being injected into Engi,neering personnel.
both the A and C Sands at the same time. The surface water
injection rate is 41()() BPD. The WFL log was used to detennine the



1. Scott, H.D., Pearson, C.M., Renke, S.M., McKeon, D.C.,

and Meisenhelder, J.P.: "Applications of Oxygen Activation for
Injection and Production Profiling in the Kuparuk River Field,"
SPE Paper #22130 presented at the International Arctic Technol-
ogy Conference, Anchorage, AK, May 29-31,1991.

2. Wichmann, P.A., Hopkinson, E.C., and Youmans, A.H.:

"Advances in Nuclear Production Logging", Trans., SPLWA 8th
Logging Symposium, Denver, Colorado, June 11-14,1967, paper

3 Arnold, D.M. and Paap, HJ.: "Quantitative Monitoring of

Water Flow Behind and in Wellbore Casing", Paper SPE 7107
(1978): also J. Pet. Tech., 31, January 1979, p. 121-130.
4. Lamb, G. and Webber, G.: "Measurement of Water Flow
Deviated Production Wells by Oxygen Activation Logging",Trans.,
SPWLA 24th Annual Logging Symposium, Calgary, June 1983,

5. Webberm, G.D. and Lamb, G.D.: "Pulsed Neutron Tool

,Experiments to Find the Limitations of Oxygen Activation Flow
Measurements In and OutsidePipe",Trans., 10th European Forma-
tion Evaluation Symposium, Aberdeen, April 22-25, 1986, paper
6. DeRosset, W.H.M.: "Examples of Detection of Water
Flow by Oxygen Activation of Pulsed Neutron Logs", Trans.,
SPWLA 27th Annual Logging Symposium, Houston, Texas, June
1986, paper CCC.

7. McKeon, D.C., Scott, H.D., and Olesen, J.R., Patton,

G.L., and Mitchell,RJ.: "Improved Method for Determining Water
Flow Behind Casing Using Oxygen Activation", Paper SPE 20586,
presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 23-26, 1990.

8 Fletcher et al, "Deep Diverting Gels for Very Cost Effec-

tive Waterflood Control", Sixth European Symposium on Im-
proved Oil Recovery, Stavanger (May 1991) Volume 1,329-335.


Injector Producer

......---1._- Mandrel
Gas Lift

Blast Joints


A Sand

Location Ma

Figure 1. Figure 2.

Location of Kuparuk River field on the North Slope of Alaska. Selective single completion for an injection and production well.

Log Signature Gamma Ray Resistivity

.:; ~
Upper Shale
10 70 '20 10 '01

.....:i!! Unit 0

;> ~
IntelVal C-4
IntelVai C·3
IntelVal C·2
IntelVal C·1
3: c
CD '0 C
3'0 '0
.,CD., .'"
~~ ('
11 ~
"'!t, ~ 1lI8IV. Ao!l
3~ ".3
~ ? IntelVal A-4 lTCD
Unit A ~
\ -r- ? IntelVai A·3 0
f ~ Lower Shale
Figure 3. Figure 4.

Typical log of the Kuparuk sand members. Typical log of the C Sand and its four sub-intervals.


Comparison of Different .... CCL

WFL Tools
~ 300
Twenty F1 DMector
~ 250
a:as 200
-8 150
l 100
D. 50

1_1_1~1~1~1~1_1_W~1m~21~ Six FI DetItctor

Year TWo F1 DeIec:tor

Orw FI Detector


WFLTool Modified
Figme5. WFLTool

Field production history.

Figure 6.

Comparison of the different WFL tools. The I-ft detector is not

used with the modified tool.

Depths 150 BBLS/Ft/Day o BBLS/Ft/Day 150 50 BBLS/FtlDay o BBLS/Ft/Day 150

Pre- Polymer Post Polymer Pre- Polymer Post Polymer


CSands CSands


BSand BSand

"Overlapplng Interpolation Method" "Mld-Polnt Method"

8750 Case One Case Two

Figure 7.

Comparison ofthe overlapping andthe mid-point methods to determine waterinjection profiles using the 15-ft detector. The
two methods give different answers due to the different vertical resolutions used by both methods.

SPE26062 D. R. SCHNORR, O. W. TAROAC, C. M. PEARSON, R. 1. OUll.WRY, M. E. ECK 9

40 to > 300 fpm _ _ Tubing Water Flow
20 Signature 190.6 fpm.=
120 -
30 to > 200 fpm
80 -
u Annulus Water Flow
Signature = 71.0 fpm.
40 -

2 _<2t030fpm
~~ ,
0 12 24 36
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (Sec)
Water Velocity, fIImln
Figure 9.
Figure 8. Water Flow Signature for two water velocities in the same direction
inside and outside of tubing.. This Water Flow Signature was
Comparing maximum and minimum velocities for each detector acquired with the 15-ft detector in the "down flow mode". The
spacing when the water flow signal is large. The maximum and neutron burst was 2 seconds long and six cycles of data were
minimum velocities are calculated with a signal strength of 4 half summed. Casing size is 7 inch with 3-1/2 inch tubing/blast rings
lives. A time of4 seconds after the neutron burst is used for the high inside it. Near TCHK =45669 CPS and Far TCHK =21754 CPS.
velocity and 28 seconds after neutron burst for the low velocity. Total flowing signal =525.6 +/- 12.4 counts/cycle. Peak stationary
These values represent what has been observed with field results. signal =39.6 +/- 2.2 cps/cycle. Peak background signal =26.7 +/
- 0.4 cps/cycle.
Open Hole Log Data Comparlaon of Water Flow Log Data
1.D 1DO.o Water
Production OammeRs Dua'induction Nov 26 1990 M.r 26 1991 A r 111992
J!t.IIUII 120
P .....Poly....r Pom 1 Poly

t C-3
I Interval

c... Interval
c..- 0%

1 11%


"') :',

- ~


Figure 10. Figure 11.

Water Flow Advisor in We1l2W-12 when it was producing 4550 Comparison of Water Flow Logs before and after polymer was
BWPD. The Col Sand was later squeezed off and the water squeezed into the C-l Sand..
production was reduced to 300 BWPD.


Gamma Ray Down Hole Water Velocity

o (GAPI) 70 0 IF_tlMln) '50

~I' OpenGLM

1 C-4 Interval
T o

~ 20 Ft Detector_


~ 7250

C-3 Interval

: . . - 7300 T
1\ l

r ',
6 Ft Detector - ,

1 C-1 Interval
, _ 2 Ft Detector
) - -CloaedGLM

Figure 12.

Velocity profile on We1l2W-08 that has a thin sand thief zone.

Gamma Ray BBLS Wat.r/Ft Porosity

70 o BBLSlFtlDay -1000 3D (%) o
A-3 Sand

! C-4lnterval
0% 67%



C-3 Interval
0% 11%
Figure 14.
C-1 Interval
7300 100% 22% Dual injection profile on a "selective single" well that has water
injected into both the C and A sands at the same time. The
C Sands are behind tubing.


Figure 13.

Injection profile on Well 2W-08 presented with porosity log to

identify the thin thief zone. The spikes on the post gamma ray log
indicate the depths where WFL measurements were taken.


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