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A Study on Locus of Control among Employees and its Influence on their Job-Related Issues

Please indicate your level of agreement to following statements

1-strongly disagree; 2-disagree; 3-Neutral; 4-agree; 5-strongly agree

Locus of Control 1 2 3 4 5

Nothing is controllable and hence setting goals is useless

My accomplishments are likely to go unnoticed because of my bad fate

Promotions are usually a matter of good fortune

What is going to happen will happen

Getting a good job depends mainly on our fate

I have no control over what happens to me

Important decisions of mine are influenced by deeds of others

Success depends purely on luck rather than hard work

However best we plan, end result is already pre-determined and cannot be
When I encounter problems or opposition, I leave it to God

Work Satisfaction 1 2 3 4 5

I feel that my job is secure

I enjoy the work that I do

My compensation is fair for the work that I do

My work environment is positive

My work gives me a feeling of accomplishment

There is good morale at work

I feel comfortable at work

My efforts at work are duly appreciated

Employee Engagement 1 2 3 4 5

I have confidence in the senior managers at the company

I will not quit my company even if I get a similar job

I am provided with ample opportunities in the organisation to learn and grow

I always felt that this organization is a good place to work

My opinion and ideas are given due importance


I can easily put myself in other people‘s shoes

I am aware of and sympathize with others

I try to help my co-workers relieve their suffering

I am aware of my co-workers’ needs

Spirituality 1 2 3 4 5

Spirituality is an important part of who I am as a person

Spirituality is an essential part of human existence

I am more aware of my lifestyle choices because of my spirituality

I try to consider all elements of a problem, including its spiritual aspects, before I
make a decision
My life has benefited from my spirituality

I believe that attention to one's spiritual growth is important

Section B: Demographic profile

1. Gender : Male ( ) Female ( )
2. Age : Less than 30 ( ) 30-45 ( ) More than 45 ( )
3. Marital Status : Married ( ) Unmarried ( ) Separated ( )
4. Education qualification : Less than degree ( ) Degree ( ) PG and above
() Others Dploma/technical)
5. Job Type : Permanent () Contract ()
6. Cadre: worker ( ) supervisory ( ) managerial ( )
7. Average hours spent on office work per week: Upto 48 hours ( ) more than 48 hours
8. Number of years of your experience in this organization: Less than 2 years ( ) 2-5
years ( ) 5-10 years ( ) more than 10 years ( )
9. Which service do you belong to? Private ( ) Government ( )

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