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Written Communication
& Telecommunications
Yasser A. Tashkandi, Pharm.D., MBA.
Former Assistant Secretary General for Classification & Registration at SCHS
Consultant, Clinical Pharmacist
Consultant, Self-Development Trainer & Life Coach
15 Sep 2021
Information technology (or IT) is defined as “the application of computers and internet to store, retrieve, transmit, and
manipulate data, or information.” Network Administration & Security is a specific category of Information Technology,
focused on the transmitting data aspect of IT. Computer technology is used across the business world in every
department and has become vital to business operations in the modern world including healthcare organizations.
Previously, we have discussed the pros & cones of IT in healthcare field to a greater extend.
Why is writing important in healthcare?
First and foremost, writing in a legible manner is:

1. Imperative for good clinical practice,

2. For the prevention of poor prescribing, and
3. To practice good documenting.

Which will minimize harmful consequences on the patient. The ability to write effectively is also an important
medium in conveying complex scientific concepts and critical clinical information.
What are effective communication skills in
They are numerous, including but not limited to:

1. Use of suitable language,

2. Active listening,
3. Responding appropriately to patients’ needs and concerns,
4. Properly assessing body language, and
5. Possessing a non-judgmental attitude.
Diltiazem Case
✓ RN did not know what “UD” meant after pharm added it to directions on the
eMAR since the rate of infusion of IV diltiazem was unknown in pharm.
✓ RN thought it meant that the 125 mg infusion was a “unit dose” inj.

✓ RN give dilt. @ 125 mg/hr. & infused it over 1 hr. (rate should have been 5 mg/hr.,
i.e., over 25 hr.).
✓ RN requested another dilt. Drip from pharm & administered it again over hr.

✓ Pharm did not question why another bag was needed so soon. Pt later expired.

✓ At a subsequent review meeting, it was revealed that the majority of RN thought

“UD” meant “unit dose.”
ISMP; Jan 14, 2010 Vol 15 Issue 1.

T = Together

E = Everyone

A = Achieves

M = More
Improving Patient Safety
means . . .

Reducing Healthcare Errors = Reducing Patient Harm &

Building Strong Healthy Culture
Dr. Yasser A. Tashkandi, Pharm.D., MBA
Consultant, Clinical Pharmacist
Consultant, Self-Development Trainer & Life Coach
1 Mar 2020

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