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International Journal of English Language,

Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL)

ISSN: 2583-3812 Journal Home Page:

Vol-2, Issue-4, Jul-Aug 2023 Journal CrossRef DOI: 10.22161/ijeel

Buddhism in Indian Himalayan Region

Aadil M K1, Dr Satish Kumar2

1Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India

2Professor, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India
Article Detail: Abstract
Received in revised form: 11 Jul 2023; This study explains why and how Buddhism is significant
Accepted: 17 Aug 2023; to the Indian subcontinent and the Himalayan region. It
starts with the origins in the past and continues with an
Available online: 26 Aug 2023
investigation of certain border areas. The importance of
©2023 The Author(s). Published by fostering Buddhism is emphasized throughout. Buddhism
International Journal of English in the Indian Himalayas: a study groups of Buddhists,
Language, Education and Literature Buddhist temples, and Buddhist communities’ underneath
Studies (IJEEL). This is an open access is a condensed and relevant account of the gatherings,
article under the CC BY license which discuss the current condition of Buddhist culture
( and its shifting patterns.

Keywords— Buddhist Society, Culture,

Indian Himalayan, Region

I. INTRODUCTION The primary school's Arhat ideal places an

About a century after Buddha's death, at the emphasis on individual redemption. Thus, it was
second board, a major schism developed among differentiated from the subsequent Mahayana
the monks, giving rise to the Mahasanghika or school, which proclaimed the redemption of all
Achariyavada and Theravada schools of beings as its purpose, by being given the term
Buddhism. The Mahasanghika further Hinayana, or the Small Vehicle. It was
subdivided into seven schools, while the Nagarjuna, the first and most influential
Theravada split into eleven schools. The rise of representative of the Mahayana school of
the Mahayana school may be traced back to the thought, who, in the second century A.D.,
presentation of new teachings by two groups developed the Madhyamika school of thought
within the Mahasanghika known collectively as and, within it, clarified the concept of the non-
the Saila School. These teachings included the reality of wonderful objects beyond just the non-
Buddhist idea of Bodhisattva and the appearance of soul and all the way to the
glorification of the Buddha. at the first century doctrine of voidness
A.D., King Kanishka attended the Fourth There followed a period of development known as
Buddhist Council at Jalandhara, marking the Vajrayana, characterized by the emergence of
last break in the Buddhist Church and its core doctrinal systems or Tantras characterized by a
ideas that ultimately gave rise to the Mahayana "... love of the female energies (skaktis) of the
school of Buddhism. divine beings related to the male energy..." The

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 48
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

notion of the world's polar antithesis, which finds Buddhism's decline by spreading Theravada in a
its aims in the merger of male and female norms, region where Mahayana and Vajrayana
appears in Vajrayana at this period. According predominate.
to this concept of enormous extreme, increasing Kalmar, Brigitta. (2017). This article examines
numbers of goddesses were associated with how Tibetans, beginning in the middle of the
various Bodhisattvas. These are the many 20th century, have reimagined and reestablished
doctrines of the new school, which were brought their historic pilgrimage sites and rituals in
from India to Tibet between the ninth and India, the home of Buddhism. In this
eleventh centuries A.D. with the active presentation, I first provide an overview of the
assistance of the Tibetan monarchs evolution of Buddhist pilgrimage and a map of
accompanying their heavy texts. the holy Buddhist landscape of India. In the
second section, I examine how Tibetan Buddhist
II. LITERATURE REVIEW pilgrimage traditions have evolved and the
system of holy locations that they visit. I present
Kerin, M.R. (2015). This fresh and lavishly
some of the Tibetan innovations and
illustrated investigation focuses on wall murals
reimagining’s of the pilgrimage tradition from the
from the sixteenth century that may be seen at a
12th to the middle of the 20th century in the
Buddhist monastery in the Tibetan cultural zone
third section. Finally, I use some of the
of northwest India. The paintings were first
information I gathered during my fieldwork to
formed by one religious belief system, but
analyze the ways in which the Tibetan exile
subsequently were assimilated by a Buddhist
community in India has preserved and
community and reinterpreted within its religious
modernized the ancient practice of pilgrimage.
framework and collective memory. Melissa Kerin
explores the religious, political, and creative De Angelis, Romina. (2018). Education for
contexts that shaped the development and sustainable development (ESD) is the topic of
reception of these works of art across many this article, which presents a theoretical
centuries. To decipher religious pictures, she framework for future study and pedagogical
employs an interdisciplinary strategy that brings progress in the field. It incorporates Buddhist
together art historical research with inscriptional and other Eastern spiritual concepts with
translation, ethnographic recording, and transformational learning theories. First, it
theoretical investigation. provides an overview of the present state of ESD
and its deficiencies. Second, it examines key
Williams-Oerberg, Elizabeth (2021).
components of transformational learning theory
Research on "multiple Buddhism’s" in Ladakh,
as they pertain to ESD. Third, it investigates the
India, was conducted by three writers in July and
development of the ideas of "inner experience,"
August of 2018. The authors were from the fields
"oneness of reality," "moral sustainable values,"
of Asian studies, anthropology, and religious
and "community curriculum" via the synthesis of
studies. The Drikung Kagyü Tibetan Buddhist
Buddhist/Eastern spiritual practices and
festival and the Mahabodhi International
pedagogical change. Finally, it provides a concise
Meditation Center (MIMC) in Thailand are
overview of a viable approach to reconciling
mentioned as two examples. Both of these case
competing paradigms, along with some of the
studies have a transnational dimension, and we
difficulties and rewards associated with doing so.
use it to show that Buddhist teachers tailor their
Finally, the report takes into account the
messages to certain demographics in order to
potential influence of this theoretical framework
maintain the faith. Two very diverse European
on future sustainable learning research and
audiences are served by the Buddhist monastery
pedagogies in the Global South and beyond.
festival, which explores both the scientific and
magical or mystical aspects of Buddhism. Stott, Grace. (2020). Cambodia, Thailand,
Foreigners on a Buddhist meditation retreat will Myanmar, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka are where
find a blend of secular spirituality and Buddhism you’re most likely to encounter Buddhists. 3 The
at MIMC. Finally, at MIMC, Thai Buddhist monks danger of food insecurity is higher in these
are given the tools they need to combat "developing countries" because of their

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 49
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

potentially inadequate infrastructure for • Jammu & Kashmir

economic growth and health care.4 These From Ladakh to the slopes of the Mishmi Hills in
regions are more vulnerable to environmental Arunachal Pradesh, you may find the Buddhist
issues as a result of the effects of climate change. belt. Tibetan Buddhism is most closely
Both environmental and nutritional associated with the Mahayana belt. It includes
sustainability are given high priority in Buddhist the regions of Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and
teachings. It places a premium on doing good for Arunachal Pradesh as well as Ladakh, Zanskar,
both people and the environment. While Pongi, Lahaul, Kinnaur, Garhwal, and the
Buddhists have fared better in the face of food Kumaon Hills. The Chakmas of the Chittagong
insecurity due to poverty and climate change hills tracts and the Arakan Yoma, as well as the
than other groups, there is still room for Khamptis and Singphos of the Lohit and Tirap
improvement. Many Buddhists suffer from food districts, are all considered to be part of the
insecurity and the environment is in disrepair, Hinayana belt. Tibetan Buddhism dominates the
which is why 10,11,13 intervention measures are Mahayana region both in terms of population
necessary. The health and happiness of people and religious authority. Gelugpa, Kar-gyupa,
who choose a Buddhist lifestyle, however, are Sakya-dad, Nin-mama-dad, and Zijed-dad are
almost certain to improve. only few of the Indian philosophical schools that
BUDDHIST SECTS may be found here.
• Buddhists Sects Among Monpas Of 1) The Kar-Gyupa Sect: via the travels of
Arunachal Pradesh Lama Marpa of Labrang to Bhutan, where he
A Buddhist monk from the Bumlang region of introduced the sect.
Bhutan introduced Buddhism to the Northern 2) The Sakya-Pa Sect: In 1071 AD, it was
Monpas of the Tawang valley in the eleventh founded by Kon-dhok-mchog-rgyal-Po in Tibet. It
century. That's why the first local gompa had an is especially persuasive in the region of Ladakh.
impact on the Nyingnapa and korgyupa monastic The group adheres to the teachings of
orders in the region. The Drukpa subsect of the Vajraphurpa, the demonic presence, and also
korgyupa party was baptized into Mahayana gives lectures on Arjuna avatansaka and
Buddhism in the thirteenth century. The Mompa Vasubandhu's Paramartha. Mathr, in Ladakh, is
regions near Tawang are said to have been home to the most important monastery of this
converted to the Gelugpa (Yellow Robes order) by group. This religious movement entered Ladakh
1680 A.D., thanks to Mera Lama, a Bhutanese in the year 1300.
monk educated in the fields of Assam who lived 3) The Nin-Ma-Pa Sect: It reveals an
during the first Dalai lama (1617 - 82) and had a amalgamation of Buddhist and Bon beliefs.
place with the Gelugpa faction of Tibet. Even Lamas is easily identifiable by their distinctive
though he was born in a place called Lodre red caps. The Adi Budha, also known as the
Gyatso, he became famous in the nearby town of Metaphysical Buddha or Samanta Bhadra, is
Mera Lama. Tawang's Gelugpa Gompa was revered as the First God. Dorje-tak-dad,
founded by him. Mindolin, Karta dad, and Na-dak-dad are the
• Buddhist Sect in Sikkim four schools of thought. They bear the pen names
Most Sikkimese Buddhists belong to one of three of the respective monasteries' renowned writers.
red-hat sects under Mahayana Buddhism: the Penmayangtse in Sikkim, Manggyu and
Nyingmapa, the Karggupa, or the Sakyapa. TragThog in Ladakh, and Ureling, Sartgeling,
However, the later Tibetan nomads adhere to the and Tserghling in Himachal Pradesh are also
Gelukpa school (Yellow Hat sect) of Mahayana examples of Nin-mama-dad monasteries.
Buddhism. Lhopos (Bhutias), a sizable number There are two schools of thought when it comes
of Lepchas, Tamangs, Sherpas, an area of to Mystery Tantric Teachings: the ancient and
Newars (Sakyas), and a portion of Gurungs are the modern. Nyingmapa refers to those who are
adherents of Mahayana Buddhism, out of a total interested in and engaged with the ancient
of fourteen hill tribal races in Sikkim. heritage. Padma Sambhava traveled to Zanskar,
sakti, and Phokar in Ladakh in the seventh

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 50
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

century. At the same time, the Nyingmapa The 'Galden Namgyal Lhatse', as it is often
religious movement made its debut in Ladakh. known, is a Mahayana Buddhist monastery that
"Wild practitioners or distant religious zealots" is was constructed over a hundred years ago. Mera
an accurate interpretation of the ziged-dad. The Lama, a contemporary of the 5th Dalai Lama,
Pa-dam-dad sans-rygyas, who arrived in Tibet founded the monastery. It's a massive complex
from Kashmir in 1112 A.D. and founded this with sixty-five individual buildings. The library,
sect, no longer seem to be active. stocked with rare Thankas (manuscripts) of
sacred texts including the "Tamgym," "Kangyur,"
4) Gedang Sect: The Gedang sect, which
and "Sungbhum," can be found in the
was founded in 1056, eventually merged with the
monastery's "Parkhang" foyer. 108 'Teaching of
Gelug sect in the 15th century.
Lord Buddha' manuscripts covered in gold leaf
5) Gagyu Sect (White Sect): Founded in the are among the other rare masterpieces of
early Middle Ages. There is an oral tradition Buddhist literature. The monastery is home to a
known as gagyu. Marba and Milha Riba, the towering, superimposed statue of the Buddha
order's founders, wore all white. that measures in at 18 feet in height.
6) Gelug Sect (Yellow Sect): The 2. Ugyen ling Monastery
construction of this one began later than the
Ugyen Sangpo constructs this monastery. This
others, in 1409. Its Dalai and Panchen rebirth
Nyingmapa monastery was the first of three he
structures are particularly lauded. Tsong-khapa
would help in the Mon Tawang area. Tsangyang
is widely regarded as the movement's founder. In
Gyatso was born here in 1683, making him the
an effort to preserve and spread the teachings of
sixth Dalai Lama. Sangyeling and Tsogyeling are
the gelug sect, several monasteries were
the other two monasteries he founded.
established in Nubra, Zanskar, and elsewhere.
3. Tak-Tsang Monastery
• Buddhist Sects In Himachal Pradesh
The Tiger's Den, as it is known, is often believed
The four major schools of Buddhism practiced to have the imprints of the ace and his steed. The
here in this area really stand out. Lamas of the locals supposedly named the area Tak-tsang
Gemur, Tyul, Bokar Shashur, Kardang, Peukar, (tiger's sanctuary) because a tiger attacked the
Gurughantal, and Labrang Gonpas asect follow explorer upon his arrival.
Nyingmpa, which is said to have been shown by
the Sage Padmasambhava in the eighth century 4. Gorzam Chhorten
in Tibet. Lamas from just one Spiti sect (Tangyal, It was supposedly constructed by Lama Prathar
Gelugpa, or the misled group) follow the Shakya in the 1300s. This stupa was inspired by the
Institute. This includes the Kye, Dhankar, Tabo, Bayul Chorten, or Boudhinath Stupa, in Nepal.
and Othang monasteries. Yellow shirts have 5. Brama Dungchung Ani Gompa
become a symbol of this group's identity, and the
Kachen Yeshi Galek, a Buddhist monk, founded
name "yellow group" has been coined to describe
it in 1826. There are several sacred statues,
including those of T song Khpa, the Buddha,
• Buddhist Sects in Uttarakhand Avalokeshteavera, and many more. However,
The literature makes reference to the existence of many unique little monasteries can be found in
the Sakyapa Buddhist sect in Uttarakhand, with the area, such as Gyan Gong Ani Gompa, Jayang
its headquarters located in Rajpur, Dehradun. Choekhorling, and so on.
The analyst also avoided discussing any one 6. Chowkham Monastery
religion, despite conducting several interviews
The locals also refer to this monastery as
throughout the state. This research area requires
Chongkhamp. A Khampti raja named Chaufa-
further attention.
kanan did a much of the construction on this
monastery around the turn of the twentieth
III. BUDDHIST MONASTERIES century. Another monastery now stands in the
• Monasteries Of Arunachal Pradesh place of the first. Stone and metal Buddha
1. Tawang Monastery

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 51
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

emblems, typical of Burmese and Southeast administrative center is located here. Only
Asian sculpture, decorate the platform within. single, physically sound Bhutia priests are
7. Momong Vihara allowed to dwell in this society.

A very old Theravada religious center. 4. Rumtek Monastery

Construction of the monastery began in the year This convent is located 24 kilometers distant, in
1881. Towards the end of the nineteenth the beautiful lower valleys to the south-west of
century, monks from Burma brought one of the Gangtok. The Kagyu (Black Hat) branch of
most precise bronze images of Buddha to this Tibetan Lamaism calls this location home.
monastery. 5. The Enchey Monastery
In the early part of the twentieth century, It is located about 3 kilometers outside of
construction began on the Lathow Buddhist Gangtok on the Nathu La road. The majority of
Vihar. Founded in the final quarter of the Sikkim's religious groups are affiliated with the
nineteenth century, the Sulungtoo Buddhist Nyingmapa sect of Lamaism. The Pemyangtse
temple is located 11 kilometers from Namsai. communicates with all the Nyingmapa
During the early part of the twentieth century, monasteries. The Pemyangtse also oversees the
the monastery at Empong, located 38 kilometers isolated Lepcha religious communities of
from Namsai, flourished. The laity Khamtis hold Lingtam, Jikim, and Fagye.
this monastery in the highest regard. Namsai is
6. Ralong Monastery
home to a fantastic Buddhist monastery built in
1974–1975 and known as Namsai Paryati or After the fourth chogyal returned from his trip to
Buddhist Sasana. Tibet, construction began on this monastery,
which is associated with the Karma Kagyu order.
The government renovated the monastery from
1. Dube-De Monastery 1975 until 1981.
This cloister in Sikkim is the best equipped in the 7. Phensang Monastery
country. Lama Lhatsun Chenpo's solitary prison
In 1721, construction began on this monastery.
cell is where this practice takes place. In
A terrible fire in 1947 destroyed the whole
addition, he amassed cloisters from Tashiding
building. However, in 1948, it was
and Pemyangtse. Cloisters in Sikkim are being
driven by their various religious sects.
8. Sang Choeling Monastery
2. The Tashiding Monastery
In our ascent to the monastery, we passed what
Founded in the year 1716, it is the second most
remained of the shutke (stone position of royalty)
important religious community in Pemyangtse,
where Lhatsun Chenpo is said to have sat and
after the capital itself. According to popular
meditated. The monastery was founded by
belief, Guru Padmasambhava (Rinpoche)
Lhatson Namgkha Jigme in the year 1697 A.D.
launched a bolt into the air and vowed to
meditate wherever it landed. The cliff face where 9. Tsuk-La-Khang Monastery
modern-day Tashiding now sits was hit by the It stands in front of the royal palace in Gangtok.
lightning. Up until 1959, it was a significant The revered place of worship preserves monk
stopping point for Tibetan travelers. utterances, elaborate portrayals of life in the
3. Monastery at Pemayangtse (Perfect monastery, and specially stepped sections,
Sublime Lotus) lavishly adorned with Buddha statues. The
northernmost point, Yuksom, is about 35
The second-largest religious group in Sikkim. In
kilometers from Pemayangtse. The North Sikkim
1705 A.D., construction on the cloister began.
Highway leads 38 kilometers north of Gangtok to
The foundation was designed based on the
the Phodong Monastery.
organizational structure of Tibetan Buddhist
communities. But eventually the primary • Monasteries In Jammu & Kashmir
building was rebuilt in concrete and decorated in (Ladakh)
Sikkimese style. The Nyingmapa sect's 1) Lamayuru Monastery

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 52
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

The distance to the city of Leh is 124 kilometers. 7) Chemde Monastery

In the tenth century, Naropa traveled to After Sengge Namgyal's death in 1645, this
Lamayuru through Zanskar, where he stayed monastery was constructed as a symbol of his
and meditated in a cave. Lotsava Rin-chen- legitimacy and as part of a memorial ceremony.
bzang-po traveled to India in search of Naropa
8) Stakna Monastery
after hearing about him. In this way, he created
a mandala out of Ihakhangs, with one in its During the reign of Jamyang Namgyal,
center and four more to its north, south, east, construction on the monastery began.
and west. During the thirteenth to the sixteenth Avalokiteshvara, who is said to have come from
centuries, this monastery flourished into a major Assam, is shown prominently on the monastery's
religious center. In the sixteenth century, it was most important picture.
declared a holy place. 9) Matho Monastery
2) Likir Monastery The early sixteenth century A.D. is the time
King Lahchen Gyalpo of Ladakh commissioned period in which it is set. The monastery has a
its construction in the eleventh century. The first priceless collection of ancient and beautiful
monastery burned down sometime in the 'thank as' and divider artworks. The Nagrang
fourteenth century, and the current building festival is a two-day celebration held each year
dates back to 1983. on the 14 and 15 days of the core Tibetan
calendar month.
3) Spituk Monastery
10) Tagthog Monastery
It was founded by King Ol-de og Guge between
the years 1040 and 1050, and it is considered This temple is the only Buddhist monastery
part of the Kadampa tradition. The Geluk-dad dedicated to the Nyingma tradition.
order had an effect on this monastery around the Padmasambhava is credited with founding this
year 1430. After then, the Brug-dad sect had an monastery.
impact on it in the 1600s. Spituk monastery, 11) Sani Monastery
however, did fall under Geluk-dad control
The Sani monastery in Zanskar is the oldest and
following the Dogra wars, which effectively ended
most well-known in all of Ladakh; its foundations
the reign of Ladakh's royal line. Sankar
can be traced back to Kanishka's Kushan order
Monastery, which is closely linked to Spituk,
in the second century A.D., but the monastery's
may be found in close proximity to the former.
principal interest lies in the fact that, unlike
4) Shey Monastery most other monasteries in the area, it was built
Once upon a time, it was the royal family's directly into the earth.
residence. It was Lhachen Palgyi-gon's (the main 12) Bardan Monastery
ruler of Ladakh) capital. Deldan Namgyal crafted
This monastery has been the center of the
it in 1633 as a tombstone for his father, King
Drugpa monastic order over the centuries. The
Sengge Nmagyal.
Sani-Monastery is one of many small
5) Thiksey Monastery monasteries under this order's jurisdiction. The
On the way to Hemis, stop at this ancient Bodhisattva-Doba-Gyatso founded this
monastery. The Gelug-dad sect places a lot of monastery in the middle of the seventeenth
importance on it. century.
6) Hemis Monastery • Monasteries In Himachal Pradesh
This monastery is one of the most prosperous in There are literally hundreds of gompas in this
all of Ladakh. The enormous 'thanka' at this valley, but here are a some of the more prominent
monastery is another impressive feature. This and well-attended ones:
thanka has got to be one of the world's largest 1. Ki monastery
ones. In 1627 AD, Stagshang began construction
Twelve kilometers to the north of Kaza, it is
on this monastery.
planned. Located high above Ki town, this
religious enclave is the most established and

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 53
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

significant in the valley. In its halls are exquisite • The Sakya Pa sect, which includes the Kaza
representations of Buddha and other deities as monastery.
well as wonderful spiritual scriptures. Lamas
• The Tangyu monastic center is another
train in dance, song, and the use of horns and
name for Hikkim. It was favored by the
channels. There are a lot of lamas who get ready
Nonos of Spiti and belongs to the sakya pa
in this area. It has expensive, up-to-the-minute
books and divider canvases.
• Lhablamahi dongpa monastery, erected by
2. Thang Yug Gompa
Rinchen b zang-po, may have been relocated
Despite having a lama from Tibet, this monastery to Kibar, and
is located 13 kilometers above Kaza and serves
• Lhalun monastery was established in the
the western part of central Spiti. It was built in a
eleventh century.
remote location in the narrow gorge of Kaza
Nallah. There is a lengthy level above here that • The Dhankar monastery was established
Shilla must climb. around the year 1200 (f).

3. Dhankar Monastery • The Pin valley is home to Gungri, the largest

Nyingmapa monastery.
Located around 25 kilometers east of Kaza, it
provides access to a significant portion of central Kinnaur and Rampur
Spiti. • Rinchen b Zang-po was born at the Sumra
4. Tabo Monastery monastery.
This massive gompa was built to accommodate • the monasteries of Leo, Hango, nako, and
the growing number of people living in the Chango in the Hangrang region.
region's eastern outposts. It was unearthed 50 • The sandalwood Buddha at Tashiganag
kilometers away from Kazahkstan and dates monastery.
back to the eleventh century. Near the more
famous Tholing gompa in Tibet, you'll find this • The monasteries of Chini, Telingi, Panji,
one. The Bible passages, section pictures, and Purbani, and Baring in Kalpa tehsil.
other religious texts in it are extensive. The Beas Valley
gompa's divider artworks are very similar to • Gelug pa established the monastery in
Ajanta's masterpieces. Manali.
5. Lahaul Valley • Dharamsala's MacLeod Ganj Monastery, b.
• Lama Dewa gyasatsho established Shaskhur • The monastery of Rewalsar is located on the
gompa in the seventeenth century in shores of Lake Rewalsar.
• Buddhist Monasteries in Uttarakhand
• Guru Ghantal Gompa is highly regarded as
1. Mind rolling
one of Lahaul's finest monasteries.
Located near Clement Town in Dehradun, Mind
• One of the oldest lamaistic centers, Gemur
rolling Monastery was restored by Khochhen
Gomp, may be found in the Lahaul region.
Rinpoche and a small group of monks in 1965.
• Padmasambhava is linked to Tyul gompa (d). One of the largest Buddhist institutions in India,
• It is widely held that Rinchen b Zangpo Ngagyur Nyingma College, is located there. A
established the Jholing Monastery. 190-foot-tall replica of the Buddha's stupa was
erected by Rinpoche not far from the monastery.
• The Gelug pa Othang gompa, the only Gelug
monastery in Lahaul. 2. Sakya Monastery
Spiti Valley The present king of the Sakyapa, known as the
Sakya Trizin, relocated to India back in 1959. In
• The newer Rangrik monastery was
the western Himalayan foothill city of Dehradun,
constructed next to the older one that
where the Sakya monastery was recently
Dromton had established.
renovated, he seems to live forever.

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 54
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

3. Palden Sakya Phuntsok Ling feet. Twenty-two towns in Zongu have been given
Dunda's Sakya Center is an outpost of a larger names, and eight have been built over the river
network based in the hills above Uttarkashi. As gradually; some of these towns consist of just a
of the year 2000, internal work has begun. When handful of homes, and they are administratively
His Holiness the 41st Sakya trizin first visited and emotionally separated into twelve separate
Dunda in 1984, the residents there presented districts. There are three villages in total:
him with the sanctuary grounds as a gift. In Lingthem, Gyatong, and Tangvoong. Lingthem,
order to provide the people of Dunda with access with its 33 homes, is the largest of the Talung
to Buddhist education, the Skya center has side of Zongu. The Bhutia people, originally from
regularly sent resident lamas to the city. the cold and dry environment of Tibet, were at
first completely unaffected by the warmer areas.
4. Shed up Chumbeling Gompa
This led to a concentration of their settlements in
Mussoorie is the site of this particular gompa. the mountainous areas. Bhutias, also known as
Between 1963 and 1964, it was developed. This inhabitants of Lachen and Lachung, live in the
gompa's construction is on par with that of Lachen and Lachung valleys in northern Sikkim.
Ladakh and Spiti monastery. A senior citizen The Bhutias are dispersed over all four of
house is set up for Tibetan students at the Sikkim's districts, with their main concentration
Mussoorie school. The Gompa is flanked on all being in the state's northernmost region.
sides with Chhorten. A senior monk at the gompa
• Buddhist Settlement in Jammu &
was interviewed by a researcher who paid a visit
to the monastery.
Dardistani vagrants named the Dukpa were the
first to settle in Ladakh. They brought with them
• Buddhist Settlement In Arunachal a kind of Buddhism that was already widely
Pradesh practiced in Dardistan, hence they mostly settled
The Khamtis, a people that arrived in Assam in the lower Indus River and tract known as
about the middle of the 18th century. Sham, which is separated from higher Ladakh by
Specifically, you may find them in isolated the Kongkha pass. The Mons, who migrated from
pockets of the Arunachal Pradesh districts of Kulu and colonized Tibet, brought with them a
Lohit, Namsai, and Changlang, as well as the kind of Buddhism practiced in Mongolia, which
Assam district of North Lakhimpur. Chwkham, eventually became the central tenet of Ladakhi
Kherem, Namsai, Empong, Ningro, Manmow, religious life.
Lathow, Janapather, Momong, and so on are all • Buddhist Settlement In Himachal
significant Khamti villages in the state. Like the Pradesh
Khamtis, the Singphos are relative newcomers to
Pilgrims from Tibet settled in Lahaul, Spiti,
Arunachal. The Singphos are located in
Kinnaur, and Pooh, all of whom are mostly
Arunachal Pradesh's Lohit and Changlang
Mongol. The confined population in the
district, very near to the khamtis. The Tuting of
highlands above joined the pilgrimage. Sangla
Siang district is home to both the Manma and
valley is a beautiful but inaccessible part of
the Memba peoples. The Monpas are a mountain
Kinnaur's mountainous region. There are eleven
people that can be found in the Bomdi La
communities scattered over the Sangla valley.
subdivision, namely in the Dirang and Kalaktang
People often adhere to Buddhist teachings rather
circles, which are located in the Tawang district.
than Hinduism. Spite’s Buddhist communities
The sherdukpens are concentrated in the Rupa
are mostly concentrated in the Pin valley and
circle and a small portion of the Kalaktang circle,
around the Spiti River. Buddhism in Spiti was
as well as the hills in the region's far southwest,
developed several centuries before it was
where the Kameng district is located.
introduced to Tibet.
• Buddhist Settlement in Sikkim
• Buddhist Settlement in Uttarakhand
Zongu is a hilly region that sits to the south of
The Rinpoche of Nainital, Tenzin Tseley, said that
Kinchenjunga. The Lepchas live in Talung valley,
the Khampas, a Buddhist tribe, had a need for
where the dwellings are elevated by around 500

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 55
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

pilgrimage and trading with India during the late the late eighteenth centuries practiced their faith
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when based on traditional beliefs, unaffected by
no official reports were necessary. Gyagar conversion or other influences. This was true in
Khampa (literally "Roaming Khampa") refers to both the western and eastern boondocks. In
the Tibetans who stayed in India after the China addition to paying respect to an important
Conflict of the 1960s and eventually made India Buddhist tradition, this book will also enlighten
their permanent home. According to Rinpoche's readers on the close cultural ties that exist
own interpretation, the term "Gyagar" refers to a among Myanmar, the Chittagong Hill Tract, and
nomadic Tibetan people who moved from one Assam-Tripura in North-East India. The scientist
trading post to another rather than establishing has documented the several conferences he has
down. There was no direct migration of Tibetans presided over in the Indian Himalayas
to Nainital from Tibet; rather, they first settled in throughout the course of the investigation. The
more prosperous regions of North India before current state of Buddhist society and its shifting
eventually settling in Nainital in the 1960s. The patterns are discussed in these sessions, which
city of Dalhousie is where Rinpoche was born. have been depicted in a concise and relevant
According to an interview with Prem Singh manner below.
Khampa Pradhan of the Bhotias in Nainital, we
learn that the Khampas are a nomadic tribe that
first arrived in India from Tibet in the 1930s and
lived there for three months. However, Khampa [1] Kerin, M.R. (2015). Art and devotion at a
communities have been established in the area Buddhist temple in the Indian Himalaya.
for quite some time before then. [2] Williams-Oerberg, Elizabeth & Schedneck,
Brooke & Gleig, Ann. (2021). Multiple Buddhisms
The original Nainital Khampas moved to in Ladakh: Strategic Secularities and
Haldwani, and only started visiting Nainital every Missionaries Fighting Decline. Religions. 12. 932.
three months or so during the summers to trade. 10.3390/rel12110932.
The Haldwani government issued them an arrive [3] Kalmar, Brigitta. (2017). Re-imagining Tibetan
on rent as evidence of their residency. Beas Buddhist pilgrimage culture in India.
Khampa are Khampas who emigrated from the [4] De Angelis, Romina. (2018). Entwining a
Beas region. This includes the Nepalese Darma Conceptual Framework: Transformative,
Khampa, Niti Khampa, Choonksa Khampa Buddhist and Indigenous-Community Learning.
Journal of Transformative Education. 16.
(Uttarkashi), and Hunu Khampa. Khampas did
not establish any long-term communities. When
[5] Stott, Grace. (2020). Buddhist Approaches to
China invaded Tibet in 1952, the Indian
Environmentalism and Food Insecurity.
government handed the Tibetan exiles proof of [6] Roy N (2013) Banasrrijane rajbanshi samajer
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residing in Dharchula, claims that after 1962, [7] Roy M (2019a), Age 89, Interviewed at
when trade links with Tibet were severed, his DakerKamat, Manikgang, Jalpaiguri, 2nd
December 2019a
people relocated to places like Tanakpur,
[8] Roy P (2019b), Age-50, Interviewed at Uttar
Haldwani, Kaladhungi, Pithoragarh, Someshwar,
Kalamati, Kajaldighi, Jalpaiguri, 15th December
Bhowali, Almora, Uttarkashi, Mussoorie, and
gwaldam. They have dispersed to various [9] Roy H (Kabiraj) (2019c) Age-67, Interviewed at
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Buddhist communities of the middle eighth to

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 56
Aadil and Kumar, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(4)
Jul-Aug 2023

[12] Barman B (2019a), Age-65 Patkata Bakshi para,

Rangdhamali, Jalpaiguri, 4th December 2019a
[13] Barman D (2019b), Age-32 Interviewed at
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4th December 2019b
[14] Sarkar K (2014) Uttarerparibesh o lokasankrriti.
Kalbaishakhi, vol. Lokayatasamaj O sankrriti-14,
p 13

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 57

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