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Palaeolithic Age (Old Stone Age) Neolithic Age (New Stone Age)

1. Age and Period: The age and period of the 1. The age and period of the Neolithic Age
Palaeolithic Age extended roughly from ughly from extended from 8,000 B.C. to 4000
500,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C. B.C.

2. Food: Man used jungle vegetation and 2. Man became a producer of his own food;
animal flesh for food. developed agriculture and growing of
3. Animals: Men only chased and killed animals 3. Man tamed and domesticated animals.
for their meat or for his own safety. Besides their flesh, animals were used for
agriculture, riding and carriage.

4. Tools: Tools and weapons of this period were 4. Man of this age made better tools and
mostly made of flint, but they were rough weapons rough and like handled axes,
and like handle crude. sickles, bows and arrows. These were
sharper, stronger and more beautiful.
5. 5.
Discoveries and inventions: Man in this Age The discovery of agriculture and invention of
discovered fire by chance. He also invented so invented wheel were the major
crude tools. achievements of this age.

6. 6.
Way of life: Man in this age led a nomadic Man began to live a settled life in small
life. His life was only a little better than that villages. He made small huts near his fields.
of animals. Some leadership patterns emerged in the

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