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Auronwrica, Vol. 33, No 12, pp.

2203-2212, 1997
<c) 1997 Elsevw Sc,ence Ltd. All rights reserved
Pergamon PII: SOOOS-1098(97)00147-7 Prmted in Great Britam
Om5-1098/97 $17.00 + 0.00

Brief Paper

Output Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear

Second-Order Systems*

Key WordsModel reference control; sliding mode control; uncertain dynamic systems

Abstract-The solution of a tracking problem for a second- The behaviour of a continuous-time finite-
order nonlinear system with uncertain dynamics and incomplete dimensional system when a sliding mode control is
state measurement is obtained by means of a procedure directly
inspired by the solution of the classical minimum-time optimal applied is characterized by a reaching phase of
control problem. Two different types of uncertainty are con- finite duration which depends on the initial condi-
sidered in the paper: in the first case a constant bound on the tions and on the system dynamics, followed by
uncertain dynamics is assumed to be known; in the second case,
the bound is a function of both the measurable and the un- a sliding motion during which the system trajecto-
measurable state variable of the system. In both cases, the ries are insensitive to uncertainties and distur-
possibility of applying the proposed control algorithms is pro- bances and enjoy a semi-group property, as dis-
ved to be determined by a proper choice of the control signal
features. The resulting system is characterized by a suitable cussed in (Drakunov and Utkin, 1992) and
feedback switching logic and the convergence of the system Drakunov (1994). Recently, the mentioned proper-
trajectory to the desired one (or to a d-vicinity of this latter) is ties of sliding mode control have been extended
proved also in the uncertain case. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved. also to infinite dimensional systems (Drakunov and
Utkin, 1992) and discrete-time systems (see, Bar-
tolini et al., 1995 and the references cited therein).
1. INTRODUCTION The intrinsic limit of the conventional sliding
mode approach relies on the necessity of the com-
Deterministic control of uncertain nonlinear sys- plete availability of the system state, if the system is
tems has gained the attention of many researchers represented in Brunowsky canonical form, or,
during the last two decades. The two representa- equivalently, on the requirement that the system
tives of such an approach consist of the Lyapunov has relative degree equal to one, with stable zero
control design techniques (see, for instance, Leit- dynamics (Isidori, 1989) (i.e., it is minimum phase),
mann, 1979; Ryan and Corless, 1984, Zinober, if the system is in input/output form. Nevertheless,
1994) and the sliding mode control techniques some proposals to overcome this limitation ap-
(Utkin, 1992; Zinober, 1990,1994). In particular, as peared in the literature. In particular, the concept of
far as sliding mode control is concerned, both the- higher order sliding mode, applicable to the incom-
oretical and application aspects of this approach plete state measurements case, has been defined in
have been deeply investigated to provide an axio- Sira-Ramirez (1992) from the differential-algebraic
matic mathematical apparatus capable of describ- point of view, and in Levant (1993) and Levant and
ing the ideal behaviour of systems controlled via Fridman (1996), where some examples of control
sliding mode techniques (Utkin, 1992), as well as algorithms capable of causing the system trajec-
a comprehensive set of regularization procedures tory to undergo a higher order sliding mode are
(Bartolini and Zolezzi, 1985; Utkin, 1992), which also presented. Analogously, in Bartolini and
constitutes the basis to justify the efficiency shown Pydynowski (1993) a control algorithm featuring
in practical applications. a higher-order sliding mode behaviour is proposed,
with the aim of reducing the chattering phenom-
enon which usually appears in conventional sliding
*Received 23 May 1995; revised 9 June 1997. Expanded mode control.
version of the work presented at 13th IFAC World Conference, The contribution of the present paper can be
San Francisco, July 1996, paper no. IFAC-0322/2b. Correspond- located in the context of higher-order sliding mode.
ing author G. Bartolini. Tel. 0039 70 675 5869; fax 0039 70 675 Indeed, the paper deals with the output tracking
5900; e-mail {giob;eusai}
control of nonlinear second-order systems affine in
TDipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica,
Universita di Cagliari, piazza d’Armi, I-09123 Cagliari, Italy. control, under the assumption that the output de-
fDipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Telematica, rivative is unavailable for measurements, and in the
Universita di Genova, via Opera Pia 13, I-16145 Genova, Italy. presence of different forms of uncertainty on the
2204 Brief Papers

system dynamics. More precisely, the type of sys- control scheme for the uncertain nonlinear system
tems considered in this paper can be expressed as must be analysed. Any error induced by the ill-
follows: conditioned evaluation of the incremental ratio
could produce a reduction of the frequency of the
&W = X2(0, oscillation, and this fact could excite unmodelled
i W) =fCx@)l + 4th dynamics of the plant. To prevent this phenomenon
Utkin (1992) proposed a scheme involving ob-
where x(t) = [xi(t), x2(t)lT, x2(t) is unmeasurable, servers. In Bartolini and Pydynowski (1993), this
andf[x(t)], a smooth function satisfying the stan- guideline is followed in an uncertain nonlinear con-
dard conditions of existence and unicity of the text with the introduction of a nonlinear estimator.
solution, is assumed uncertain but such that one of To guarantee the convergence of the estimator and
the following assumptions holds: the fulfillment of the control objective, an uncertain
differential inequality must be solved.
(4 If[x(t)]I I F, withF > 0 a known real con- The solution proposed in this paper is based on
stant. a different philosophy, close, in some sense, to that
@I IfCx(t)lI 5 N + Mx1(0l + IdOl), with NY in Levant (1993), and exploits some robustness
k known positive constants, and x*(O)E properties of the bang-bang control solution to the
B(xz(O),p), B(x$(O),p) being a ball in R’ classical minimum-time optimal control problem
centered in x;(O) with radius equal to p. with respect to errors in the evaluation of the
switching time instants, as well as the possibility of
Note that, in this paper, second order systems are
expressing the commutation logic of the control
considered only for the sake of simplicity: actually,
signal in terms of the available state variable only.
the presented results can be straightforwardly ex-
The main advantages of the proposed control
tended to any uncertain nonlinear invertibly stable
scheme are: no observer needs to be introduced and
systems of higher order having relative degree
the control has a simple structure, any differential
equal to two.
inequality is substituted by simple algebraic in-
The control objective considered in this work is
equalities, the evaluation of the errors induced by
that of tracking a linear reference model of the type
the approximate differentiator is straightforward,
Jil(t) = Y2 w, the steady state is reached in finite time while in
(2) Bartolini and Pydynowski (1993) the convergence
J&(t)= - &Y,(t) - %Y&) + bdt), was asymptotic.
A couple of original control algorithms are pre-
where y(t) = [yl(t), yz(t)lT and u,,,(t) are the refer-
sented which can be viewed as two versions of the
ence model state and control, respectively. If x2(t)
were available, relying on conventional sliding same control procedure relevant to the case in
which the time instant when the measurable state
mode approach, this problem could be solved
by means of a discontinuous control law of the variable (i.e., the system output) presents an ex-
tremal value is determined with ideal precision or
with a delay 6, respectively. Note that the second
a(r) = - HCx(r), y(r), h&)1 x sign{sW}, (3) situation is the one which occurs in practice, since,
having no way to monitor the derivative of the
s(r) = xz(t) - Yz(d + CC%@)- YI(t)l, (4) output, the extremal value of the latter can be
revealed only by checking the changes of the sign of
where the signal amplitude H( *) can be chosen as an incremental ratio computed over a time interval
equal to 6. What is shown is that the proposed
Ht.) = a1 IYl(Ql + GlY&)l + ~l%&)l algorithms enable a second order sliding mode to
+F+k’ be attained so that the origin or a b-vicinity of the
origin (which, in the case considered, play the role
guaranteeing that the so-called “reaching condi- of sliding manifold) of the tracking error state plane
tion”, i.e., si < - k2 IsI, for the manifold s = 0 is is reached in finite time.
fulfilled (Utkin, 1992). The paper is organized as follows. In the next
In contrast, in the case considered in this paper, section the problem in question is formally stated
since x2(t) in not available by assumption, the and the proposed algorithms are discussed dis-
above conventional technique cannot be applied. tinguishing, in the various subsections, among
Indeed, the actual value of s cannot be evaluated. the cases previously mentioned. A simulation
One way to face this problem is to identify a pro- example relevant to the uncertain second-order
cedure for estimating the unavailable state. If the systems considered in the paper is presented in
xl(t) derivative is evaluated approximatively, the Section 3, while some conclusions are gathered in
effect of this approximation on the sliding mode Section 4.
Brief Papers 2205

2. THE PROPOSED CONTROL ALGORITHMS as described in Leitmann (1981) and Kirk (1970),
which is based on the crucial assumption that both
The control problem to be solved can be stated
the state variables are measurable.
as follows. If e2(t) is unavailable, as in our case, the control
law, equation (9), cannot be implemented. Thus,
Problem 1. Given the state error el(t) = x1(t) - a sub-optimal way to solve Problem 2 needs to be
yI(t) and ez(t) = x2(t) - yz(t) and the resulting sought. The motivation for our approach can be
state error dynamics found in the following considerations. Interpreting
the evolution of the optimal trajectory only in
4tQ = et@), terms of the accessible variable cl(t), one observes
i20) =fCWl + 4YlW + a2YzM (6) that, assuming to start with el(0) > 0, e2(0) > 0
(case l), and applying w*(t = - W,, t 2 0, the
+ u(t) - bu,(t)
state trajectory follows a parabolic arc whose pro-
find a control law u(t) = g[eI(t), t] so that the ori- jection on the axis e2(t) = 0 corresponds to an
gin of the error state plane [el (t); e2(t)] is reached in increasing behaviour of e, (t) until a maximum elMis
finite time in spite of the plant uncertainties and the reached. The optimal switching line cl(t) = - +
incomplete state measurements. (e2(t)Ie2(t)I)/WM is crossed at eI(t) = j elM. On the
The aim of this section is to provide a solution to other hand, if e1 (0) > 0, e2(0) < 0, and, for the sake
this problem proceeding with a progressively in- of simplicity, the initial point (el (0), e2(0)) is above
creasing degree of generality. The following three the optimal switching line (case 2), applying
cases will be dealt with in a row: the case of systems w*(t) = - W,, t 2 0, eI(t) turns out to be strictly
of type (1) withf[x(t)] = 0 (no uncertainty), that of decreasing, so that elM = el (0). The optimal switch-
systems with uncertain f[x(t)] satisfying assump- ing occurs when the trajectory crosses the switching
tion (a), and finally the case of systems with uncer- line, and this fact cannot be expressed only in terms
tain f [x(t)] satisfying assumption (b). of el (t).
The first algorithm proposed in this paper, over-
comes this drawback by forcing the control to
2.1. Systems withf[x,(t),x,(t)] = 0
switch from - W, to + W, at the time instant
Consider the system defined by equation (1) with
when eI(t) = ieI, also in case 2. In case 1, the
fCx(Ol= 0, where x2(t) is unmeasurable and the maximum value elM is evaluated with ideal pre-
control signal is chosen as
cision; in case 2, since elM= cl(O), the switching
occurs in a sub-optimal way, in the sense that it
u(t) = w(t) - alyl(t) - a&t) + bu&). (7)
takes place at a time instant &such that el(t*) =
Taking into account equation (6), the resulting state iel(0), which is successive with respect to the opti-
error equation is mal switching time t* (i.e., t* such that e1 (t*) = - f
(e2(t*)le2(t*)I)/WM). Note that the two situations
4 tt) = e2tQ, depicted above repeat analogously when el (0) < 0,
(8) e2(0) < 0 (such as case l), and el(0) < 0, e2(0) > 0
i i*(t) = w(t).
(such as case 2) if elMis the extremal value of cl(t).
If the system defined by equation (8) were required The proposed algorithm can be expressed through
to solve the classical minimum-time optimal con- the following sequence of steps.
trol problem, namely:
Algorithm 1.
Problem 2. Given the state error equation (8), for (i) Set elM= cl(O). Repeat, for any t > 0, the
any el(0), e2(0) find a control law w(t), such that following two steps:
Iw(0l < W&f>which minimizes the performance in- (ii) If cl(t) is an extremal value then set
dex J = tf with eI(tf) = e,(tJ = 0. e1bI= eI(t).
(iii) Apply the control law
The well-known solution would be the so-called
bang-bang control, i.e., w(t) = - W,sign {eI(t) - +eI,}. (10)

(jp =
Until the end of the control time interval.

- WMsign(x2); XI+== 3
With the term “extremal values” the local
minima, local maxima, and horizontal flex points
- W,sign(x: +z); xt ++-$+1, of the signal eI(t) are defined. With refe-
rence to Algorithm 1, the following result can be
(9) proved.
2206 Brief Papers

Theorem 1. Given the state error equation (8) with which is equation (14) if e,(t*) = te,(tM), i.e., t* = f.
ez(t) unavailable, if the extremal value of e1 (t) is So, in case 1, it has been proved that to switch from
evaluated with ideal precision, then, for any el(0), - W, to + W, at the time instant when el (t) = f
ez(0), the sub-optimal control strategy defined by e, is equivalent to the optimal switching.
Algorithm 1 causes the convergence of the system Case 2: (e1(0)e2(0) < 0). In this case, cl(t) < el,
trajectory to the origin of the error state plane. Vt 2 0 and cl(t) decreases as t increases. So the
maximum value reached by cl(t) is glM= cl(O),
Proof: Consider the error equation (8) and the con- which is surely less than elM= el(tM) determined in
trol signal w(t) = - IV, sign {ei(O)}. By integra- case 1. Hence, performing the switching in t^such
tion. one has that ei(i) = ier(O), as suggested by Algorithm 1,
implies that the switching occurs when the optimal
elM = cl(O)+ e2W switching line, equation (16), has already been
crossed. After the switching the state trajectory
-4lV,sign{ei(O))t*, (11) reaches the third quadrant of the error state plane
e,(t) = e*(O) - W,sign (el(0)}t. in finite time. Starting from such time instant, the
system turns out to be as in case 1, then the state is
For the sake of simplicity, assume el(0) > 0 (the steered to zero in finite time. 0
treatment in the case er(0) < 0 is similar), and dis-
tinguish between the following two cases: Up to now, it has been assumed that the value
Case 1: (e1(0)e2(0) > 0. Let tM be the time in- elMcan be evaluated with ideal precision. What still
stant when e,(t) = elM. Such a time instant can be needs to be considered is the actual precision of the
computed by posing e2(tM) = iI = 0, obtaining device used to determine the extremal value of ei (t),
to ascertain the actual performances of the pro-
t _ e2(0) posed control. Since e*(t) is not accessible, it is
&f-p. (13)
WM impossible to determine elM by observing the zero
crossing of e*(t). A possibility to evaluate the ex-
Substituting in equation (1 l), it yields
tremal values is to use a device of the type
1 d(O)
elhf) = cl(O)+ j w (14) - 4 - el(t)lcl(t),
A(t) = Gel@ (20)

where 6 is an arbitrarily small time delay. In prac-

The aim of this part of the proof is to show that at tice, this means that, even if the state e*(t) is not
the time instant f such that el(t*) = $el(tM) the available for measurements, its sign can be indirect-
value of el(t^) coincides with the optimal value of ly determined by observing the signs of both cl(t)
er(t) at the switching time instant t*. From equa- and A(t). The extremal values of ei(t) are stored at
tion (1 l), the time instant when A(t) changes its sign accord-
ing to the following Algorithm 2.
el(t*) = ei(0) + e2(0)t* - f W, t**, (15)
while from the equation of the switching line, Algorithm 2.
namely 0) Set 6 > 0, elM = el(0)
Repeat, for any t > 0, the following steps:
1 e2W2@)l (ii) If (t - 6) < 0 then set el(t - 6) = 0
el(O= -5 w (16)
M (iii) If A(t) < 0 then elmem= el(t),
taking into account that e2(t*) < 0, since it was else elm__= el,_.
e2(tM) = 0, one has (vi) If A(t) < 0 then
if {ei,_ elM > O> AND {lel_l < Ied> then
1 e:(t*) 1 [e*(O) - WMt*]* elM= ek_,,else elM = elM
ei(t*) = z 7 = 2 (17) else elM = elm,,

(v) Apply the control law (10) until the end of the
Solving equations (15) and (17) simultaneously, and control time interval.
discarding the negative solution, we obtain
Then, with reference to Algorithm 2 the follow-
t* = $(e2(0) + fes(O) + el(0) WM). (18) ing result can be proved.

Substituting t* in equation (11) we have Theorem 2. Given the state error equation (8), with
e*(t) unavailable, if the extremal values of cl(t) are
1 e30) evaluated in accordance with the change of sign of
el(t*) = ie,(O) + ; w (19)
M the device A(r) in equation (20), then, for any el(0),
Brief Papers 2207

e2(0), the sub-optimal control strategy defined by the control amplitude is made, as pointed out by
Algorithm 2 causes the convergence of the system the following proposition.
trajectory to a b-vicinity of the origin of the error
state plane. Theorem 3. Given the state error equation (22)
withf[x(t)] as in assumption (a) and e*(t) unavail-
Proof: When a device of type of equation (20) is able, then, if the extremal value of cl(t) is evaluated
used, the “evaluated” extremal value of er (t), say with ideal precision, for any ei(O), e*(O), the sub-
* optimal control strategy defined by Algorithm 1
eiM,is that stored when A(t) changes its sign accord-
ing to Algorithm 2. So, at most, the value is regis- with the additional constraint
tered after a delay equal to S/2 with respect to the W,>2F (23)
time instant tM when the actual extremal value
elM occurs. This implies that le^lMlturns out to be causes the generation of a sequence of states with
less than lelnrl, at most, of the order O(S’). Indeed, coordinates (elnr,,0) featuring the following contrac-
assuming, for the sake of simplicity, e*iM> 0, the tion property:
actual maximum value and its corresponding esti-
leiM,,,II 4ed i = 1,2, . . . , ccE[O;1). (24)
mate can be evaluated by equation (1 l), so that
Moreover, the convergence of the system trajectory
eiN = el(tM + +S) = elM - 6 W,S’. (21) to the origin of the error state plane takes place in
finite time.
As a consequence, the system trajectory when the
device of equation (20) is used differs from the Proof: Let elH, be the ith extremal value of ei(t),
optimal one at most of order O(S*), as far as the tM, the corresponding time instant and t, the time
abscissas are concerned, and of order O(6), as for instant subsequent to tM, at which a switching oc-
the ordinates. Then, the maximum error in conver- curs, and e2,, the corresponding value of the e*(t)
gence, computable as the distance from the origin variable,(i = 1, 2, . . . ). The proof of the finite time
of the points belonging to the limit cycle which convergence to the origin of the state plane can be
appears, is O(6). 0 split into the following steps.
Proof of convergence with contraction property.
Note that the b-vicinity is reached after at most Consider the state error equation (22) with
two switchings. As far as precision is concerned, /w(t)1< WM according to the statement of Problem
applying Algorithm 2 the system trajectory is for- 3, and If[x(t)]I I F according to assumption (a).
ced to reach in finite time a neighbourhood of the Moreover, If [x(t)] I d F < W, since, by assump-
origin of size arbitrarily small with 6, that is, the tion, equation (23) holds. Starting, at time instant
lack of precision is analogous to what one has in t = 0, from any initial condition one has
traditional sliding mode control when the sign of
the constraint variable s is evaluated with a small - F + w(t) I ti2(t) I F + w(t) (25)
error (Utkin, 1992).
and it is trivial to see that after at most a finite
time interval, say tM,, the system trajectory reaches
a point of the abscissa axis, i.e., e2(tM,) = 0. Assume
2.2. Systems with If[xl(t), x2(t)] I I F el(tM,) > 0 for the sake of simplicity; starting from
Now consider the system defined by equation (1) this first extremal point (ei,,; 0), w(t) = - WV and,
with uncertainty f[x(t)] satisfying assumption (a). taking into account equation (25) the possible tra-
Again assume that the control signal u(t) is de- jectories starting from the considered initial point
signed as in equation (7). The resulting state error lie, for t 2 tM,, between the following two limiting
dynamics is trajectories

c,(r) = e2@), 1 &

(22) e;(t) = -2 w _ elM, , (26)
= fCx(tll + 4th
F +

i P*(t) M

Then, the problem in question can be reformulated (27)

as follows.
According to Algorithm 1, in both limiting cases,
Problem 3. Given the state error equation (22), with cl(t) decreases and [e*(t)/increases, until a switching
If[x(t)] ( < F, for any ei(O), e*(O)find a control law of the control signal w(t) from - WM to + WM
w(t), with Iw(t)l < WM, such that el(tf) = e2 (t/) = 0. occurs in t,, such that el(t,,) = jelM,. The corres-
ponding values of e2(t,,) belong to the interval
In this case of uncertainty the proposed algo-
rithms still work provided that a suitable choice of C - JeiM,(W, + F); - JelM,( W, - VI.
2208 Brief Papers

Starting from any point in this interval, for t 2 t,,, so that

the system trajectories lie between the two new
limiting curves t, - t&f, = (34)
1 4(t)
e;(t) = - e&F
(28) After the switching, the considered limiting traject-
ory evolves according to
e&) = ielM, + ez,,(t - t,i) + +(WM - F)(t - tJ2,
Now, according to Algorithm 1, in both cases, el(t) (35)
e2(t) = e2,, + (W, - F)(t - tJ.
and leJt)l decrease, until the axis e2 = 0 is reached
at tM,. The points of arrival (elMz;O)are such that So, the time instant when e2(t) = 0 is


The points belonging to the subinterval [O; (elM,F)/

1 tM,+, (36)

(W, + F)], regarded as new initial conditions for and, from equation (33),
the continuation of the trajectories, satisfy again
the assumption el(tM,) > 0, so the treatment can be (37)
repeated iteratively. Clearly, for all the trajectories
belonging to such a subinterval the contraction
Replacing t, from equation (36)
property of the control algorithm is apparent since,
2WM& (38)
(30) = tMi
+(W, - F),/w’

In contrast, for the points belonging to the sub- and, by successive iteration, from the first of
interval [ - (el,,F)/(WM - F); 01, the contraction equation (32)
occurs if
cc(j- lb/z. (39)
(31) tM,+,5 t&f, +
(WM - F)Jw,+I’
This is verified as equation (23) holds by By the assumption of equation (23) the last of
assumption. equation (32) is true, therefore, with implicit defini-
In the case elM, < 0 the treatment is similar but tion of the constant coefficient y,
with reversed extremes of the relevant intervals.
The treatment can be repeated iteratively and the 1
following relationships hold: lim tM, < tM, + y ~ (40)
i+m 1-G

which concludes the proof. 0

le2,,l < ,/leI,,l(W~ + FL i = L2, ..
The above proposition shows the advantage of
<- ct(i-‘)‘2,/lel,,l (W, + F) (32) the proposed control strategy with respect to con-
ventional sliding mode control. Indeed, the latter
< 1, guarantees only the asymptotical convergence to
‘=W,-F the origin of the error state plane, while with the
and the convergence is a straightforward conse- proposed control algorithm the origin is reached in
quence of the contraction. finite time. Now, considering the version of the
Proof of the Jinite time convergence to the origin. algorithm in which the device of equation (20) is
Consider the ith extremal point (el,,;O) at the time used to evaluate the extremal values of cl(t), namely
instant tMi, and assume, for the sake of simplicity, Algorithm 2, an analogous result can be proved.
elM,> 0, thus it is a local maximum. Starting from
tMp and considering the slowest limiting trajectory Theorem 4. Given the state error equation (22)
defined by f[x(t)] = F sign [e2(t)], it evolves ac- withf[x(t)] as in assumption (a), ez(t) unavailable, if
cording to the extremal values of cl(t) are evaluated in accord-
ance with the change of sign of the device A(t) in
edt) = el,, - %WM+ F‘Xt- td2, equation (20), then, for any el(0), e2(0), the sub-
e,(t) = - (W_M+ F) (t - td, optimal control strategy defined by Algorithm 2
Brief Papers 2209

with the additional constraints consideration the control switches at a time instant
t, such that
2F + Zi, < WMi < 2F + Zi*,
(41) el(tJ E C*ely. -&W, + F); fe,J,
Zil = O(6), ZiI = 0 _sli
0 e2(t,,) E [: - eIM.(w, + F) + %VV, + F)2
causes the finite time convergence of the system
trajectory to a b-vicinity of the origin. Moreover, - e,Jw, - F)l. (44)
a sequence of states with coordinates (el,,,O) is
The subsequent extremal point is such that
generated with the following contraction property:
F% WM FM + 4 62.
3NE f+J+:lery,+,l G 4 Ied
WM-F- 8(Wv - F) ’
i=l,2, ...) N-1,

aiE[O; l),
(42) F
IelJ = 0(S2), i= N, N+ 1, . . . .
WM + FerMs
lel.“, - &,,I = W2), i= 1,2, . . . .
While the right extreme of the interval of equation
where elN, is the actual ith extremal value of er(t), (45) coincides with that appearing in Theorem 3
and ;I, its estimate provided by Algorithm 2. and therefore does not put in question the related
convergence results, the left extreme differs from
Proof: Let elM, be the ith extremal value of eI(t), that in Theorem 3. The new contraction condition
tM,the corresponding time instant, gIM,its estimate is
according to Algorithm 2, t,; the time instant sub-
F WdW, + F$ < e
sequent to tM, at which a switching occurs, and ly, (46)
e2, the corresponding value of the e2(t) variable, WM - FelM, + 8(WM - F)
(i = 1,2, . . . ). The proof of the finite time conver- which is verified provided that
gence to a b-vicinity of the origin of the error state
plane can be split into the following steps. 2F + ZiI < WM, < 2F + Zi,>
Proof of the 62-approximation of the extremal
4elM 5F d2
values. When a device of type of equation (20) is Zil, I = d I---
I32 8 e1.K
used, the evaluated extremal value of eI(t) is stored
when A(t) changes its sign according to Algo-
rithm 2. The corresponding time instant differs from
_+ J-y] (47)
tMp at which an extremal value of eI(t) occurs, of
a time delay which can be proved to be less than +S.
in accordance with equation (41). The previous
Let t, be a time instant preceding tM, and assume,
condition of equaiton (46) implicitly defines the
for the sake of simplicity, eI(ts) > 0, e2(ts) > 0, and
coefficients cli as
eI(tM,) > 0; analogously to the proof of Theorem 2,
it can be shown that, starting from [eI(ts); e2(ts)], + FP2
@‘el,, + WM,(WM,
the interval of the estimate is ai = (48)
8WMi- Fh,,
elN, = ely, - ;(W, f F)d2. (43) which are minor than unity if the corresponding
extremal value satisfies the following inequality:
This implies that le*r,,- elJ is of order 0(S2).
Proof of the convergence with contraction WdW,u, + W2
property. It is straightforward to show that after eLf, ’ (49)
8(WM, - 2F) ’
at most a finite time interval, say tM,, the system
trajectory reaches a point of the abscissa axis, i.e., The convergence is a straightforward consequence
e2(tM,) = 0. Let us consider the ith extremal value, of the contraction. The maximum error in conver-
and assume, for the sake of simplicity, elw, > 0. gence is computable as the distance from the origin
Starting from the considered extremal (er,,,O), the of the points of the strange attractor which, from
system trajectory in the error state plane lies be- equations (44) and (49) turns out to be of order
tween two limiting trajectories. One is that defined O(6).
for f [x(t)] = - F sign[e2(t)] and with no delay in Proof of the jinite time convergence. The finite
the evaluation of the current extremal value, i.e., it time convergence is a consequence of the results of
correspond to equations (26) and (28); the second is Theorem 3, of the contraction property of Algo-
defined for f [x(t)] = Fsign[e2(t)] and takes into rithm 2 and of its 62-approximation property with
account the maximum delay in evaluating the cur- respect of the actual extremal values of eI(t), which
rent extremal value. On the basis of the previous are considered in Algorithm 1. q
2210 Brief Papers

Remark 1. The dimension of the vicinity of the boundness of yl(t) and y2(t), we can write
origin of the error state plane elOez can be mini-
mized by a proper choice of the control amplitude IfCWll 5 N + k MOI + IxzWl)
WMz. By minimizing the bound in equation (49)
with respect to the control amplitude, one can
s N’ + k (IedtI + ledt)lh (55)
obtain N’ = N + k maxClv&)l + IyM1.
W,,=(2+$)F, i= 1,2, . . . Now, distinguish between the initialization phase
and the convergence phase.
which assures the contraction property provided Initialization phase. The idea is to prove that the
that initialization phase is such that the axis e2(t) = 0 is
reached in finite time. From any [eI(0),ez(O)],
5 + 2& F62 by applying equation (53) until the first extremal
e1.w ’
8 (51)
’ value of cl(t) is reached, it is i2(t) =
f[x(t)] - WMsign{e2(t)> with Vi, as in equation
(54). W’, > If[x(t)]l on the basis of the properties
2.3. Systems with If[xl(t),x2(t)]l I of the absolute value function, then ti2(t)e2(t) < 0,
N + k( Ixl(t)l + lx2Wl) i.e., e,(t) + 0 in finite time (Utkin, 1992). Note
Now consider the system of equation (1) with that the sign of e2(0) could be known, if the points
f[x(t)] satisfying assumption (b). Again assume that of the ball B(x;(O),p) has all the same sign,
the control signal u(t) is designed as in equation (7). or evaluable after an arbitrarily time delay z as
The resulting state error equation is again equation sign[e2(0)] = sign [eI(r) - el(0)].
(22) and the control problem to be solved is still Convergence phase. The idea is to prove that
expressed by Problem 3. What can be proved, in starting from a point of the abscissas axis, namely
this case, is that the proposed algorithm, in its two (elH,,0), the next crossing of such an axis takes place
versions, still provides a solution to the problem in (el,,+,, 0) such that a contraction occurs, i.e.,
provided that a suitable choice of the control am-
plitude is made and a proper initialization step is lelM,+,l< Ied (56)
taken, i.e.
To this end, assume to be able to find an upper-
bound F off[x(t)]. Then, choosing WM > 2F, the
Theorem 5. Given the state error equation (22) controlled system satisfies the assumptions of
withf[x(t)] as in assumption (b) and e2(t) unavail- Theorem 3, i.e., the present result could be proved
able, assume that x2(O)E B(x;(O), p), B(x’,(O),p) by virtue of the proof of Theorem 3. Moreover,
known ball in R’ centered in x;(O) with radius under the mentioned assumption, one can use the
equal to p. Then, if the extremal value of cl(t) is fact that the ith maximum value of e2(t), namely
evaluated with ideal precision, for any el(0), e2(0), ezH,,is related to the corresponding maximum value
the sub-optimal control strategy defined by Algo- of cl(t), that is elM,,by the following relationship:
rithm 1 with the additional constraint
le2.J 5 &,,I FM + F) (57)
WM > 2 N’ + k[lle~,,,,l(2
+ WI as shown in the second of equation (32). On the
+ kJ12N’leIJ + 3k(4 + 3k)ef,, (52) basis of the value elH, and of the bound on e2,,, one
can actually evaluate the upperbound on f[x(t)]
and the initialization phase, lasting until the first which, previously, was taken for granted, i.e.,
extremal value of eI(t) is reached, in which,
F = IV’ + kClel,,l+ Jh,,l(W~ + J’ll. (58)
w(t) = - VMsign{e,(0)), (53)
By considering simultaneously equations (56)-(58)
in the worst case, i.e., i = 1, the following inequality
r’, > 2 {N + 4lxdt)l + IvzWll)
is obtained:
+ 2kmaxbW)+ P - y2(0)l (54)
Wti - 2CN’ + k le~ax,lU+ %I
causes the finite time convergence of the
> &/Cle~ax,IW + Wd + k dtax,U+ $)I.
system trajectory to the origin of the error state (5%
Note that inequality (59) is of the type
Proof: Consider the state error equation (22) with (x - b)2 > ax , with a, b positive numbers, which
Iw(t)l < WM according to the statement of Problem admits positive solutions on a semi-infinite interval
3, and If[x(t)]l as in assumption (b). Then, by the defined by equation (27). The result of Theorem 3
Brief Papers 2211

holds (since WY > 2F) also in the present case, and

the finite time convergence of the system trajectory
to the origin of the error state plane is proved. El

In this case as well the convergence is associated

with a contraction. Moreover, in analogy to what
has been done in the previous subsections, the
results addressed by Theorem 5 can be extended to
the case in which the evaluation of the extremal
values of er(t) is performed in accordance with the
time instants when d(t) in equation (20) changes its
sign. In such a situation only the convergence to el 0)
a b-vicinity of the origin is guaranteed. Fig. 2. The tracking error trajectory.

Remark 2. Note that the error system evolution, in

all the previous cases, can be interpreted as a sec-
ond order sliding mode, according to the definition
in Levant (1993) and Levant and Fridman (1996),
since, in finite time, the second order sliding regime
s = e,(t) = 0, S = e*(t) = 0 is attained, while in the
conventional sliding mode approach only the
asymptotic reaching of ei(t) = 0 is ensured.


To complement the theoretical development 2 4 6 a 10

above, let us consider an example relevant to non-
Time [ s ]
linear second-order systems with uncertain dynam-
ics. The control objective is that of tracking a linear Fig. 3. The system state evolution.
reference model described by

J+(t)= Yz(C),
(60) with lf[xl(t), x2(t)]l taken to be uncertain as in
Y2 0) = - 3YlG) - 2 Y2W + %I@) assumption (b) with k = 3, N = 0, i.e.,
with u,,,(t) = 26 _ i(t) (where S_ i(t) is the unitary step
input), and zero initial conditions. The reference
IfCxIw~ x2(01I 5 3(lx1(0l + IX2(00
model behaviour is illustrated, versus time, in
Fig. 1.
The system considered is I4 + 3ClelMl + le2(011,

it(t) = x2(t), x2(t) a non-measurable state variable, and initial

i2 (t) = 2x1(t)sinx2(t) (61) conditions: xi(O) = - 0.3, x2(0)e [l, 23. The time
+ 3 I x,(t)lcosx,(t) + u(t) instants of occurrence of the extremal values of er(t)
are determined according to Algorithm 2, with the
time delay 6 = 0.005 s. The control strategy defined
in Theorem 5 is applied. That is, in the initialization
phase (which leads to the first extremal value), the
control signal applied is expressed by equation (53),
with IpM = 6{2 -t [lxl(t)l + Iy2(t)l]}. While, from
the first extremal value on, the control signal ap-
plied is that of equation (10) with W, = 1.1
(8 + 331eiY,I + 3JC48 lelnrlI + 117 e:,J>. The
evolution of the tracking error trajectory in the
error state plane e10e2 is now depicted in Fig. 2,
I I I I I I while the corresponding behaviour, versus time, of
2 4 6 a 10
the system states is shown in Fig. 3. The conver-
Time [ s ] gence, featuring a second order sliding mode, to
Fig. 1. The reference model state evolution. a a-vicinity of the origin is guaranteed in spite of the
2212 Brief Papers

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