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- Students should explain and elaborate comprehensively on their IDEAS, THOUGHTS, on
- This activity has PERFECT SCORE of 25 ITEMS, and EACH SCORE has a High Score of 5
points of each number.
QUESTION on the folder of the GDRIVE into MICROSOFT WORD.


1. How crucial it is for a person who has a medical diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus who
could not maintain his/her carbohydrate intake? And why is it that person who has this
kind of medical condition should maintain and monitored his/her dietary intake?

Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus must monitor and maintain their food
consumption, particularly carbohydrate intake. One can reach a healthy body weight,
handle medications more effectively, regulate blood sugar levels, and maintain a
balanced, nutrient-rich diet by carefully controlling carbohydrate intake. Regular
monitoring, consultation with healthcare specialists, and personalized nutrition programs
are critical for successful diabetes treatment and better overall health.

2. Does the nutrition care process is important in the field of nursing profession? Why?

Nutritional treatment is critical in the nursing profession. It enables nurses to

deliver patient-centered care by analyzing individual nutritional needs and designing
specific options. Nurses can use this technique to treat nutrition-related issues and
achieve better health outcomes. Collaboration among healthcare providers is facilitated,
resulting in more complete care. Furthermore, the nutrition care process includes
education and counseling activities, allowing patients to make educated decisions about
their diet and lifestyle. Overall, adding nutrition care into the patient care process
improves results and adds to overall well-being.

3. Explain the differences between monosaccharide and disaccharide as part of the

different sugars of carbohydrate.

Monosaccharides are single sugar molecules such as glucose, fructose, and

galactose, whereas disaccharides are made up of two monosaccharide units linked
together and include sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Monosaccharides are already in
their most basic form and may be absorbed straight into the bloodstream, but
disaccharides must first be broken down into monosaccharides before they can be
absorbed. Disaccharides require digestion to be transformed into monosaccharides for
energy generation, whereas monosaccharides are rapidly utilized by cells. Both sugars
have distinct structures, digestive processes, sweetness, and biological roles.

4. When was the time that you ate a lot of foods that is high on carbohydrate? and what
was that kind of food? What was your realization after digesting those large volumes of
food that has a high on carbohydrate?

The last time I ate a lot of food that is high on carbohydrate was during the
birthday celebration of my sister. There were a lot of food and I mostly ate rice with
viands and I ate a lot of spaghetti. I realized that consuming a lot of carbohydrate-rich
food might give you a sensation of fullness and a momentary energy boost, but it can
also cause lethargy and exhaustion owing to blood sugar variations. Excess
carbohydrate consumption without portion management or consideration for total diet
balance might contribute to weight gain.

5. If given a chance to create a food that is healthy but high on carbohydrate, what would
that be? And do you think it is healthy enough to eat that kind of food? Why?

If given the chance to create a healthy food, it would be a whole grain veggie
wrap is a healthful and high-carbohydrate dietary alternative. It consists of a whole grain
tortilla with healthy veggies, lean protein, and a tasty low-fat dressing or spread. Whole
grains give slow-release energy and important nutrients, while veggies deliver vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants. Lean protein promotes muscular development and satiety.
Although the wrap provides a balanced and delicious lunch, portion management is still
necessary in order to practice moderation.

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