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Question 1: Theme

What are the effects of social media to


Kristal- it can cause anxiety to the students. Using social media can cause anxiety

Lyka- it can be a hindrance to their studies. Burden to the studies of students

Jave- the effects of social media to students Social media as a tool for improving skills,
knowledge and confidence.
are it allows the students to improve their

skills together their knowledge and boost their

confidence to interact with others.

The versatility of social media in enhancing
Charemie- the effects of social media is students learning and growth
essential for students, it can help the students

in different fields of learning.

The impact of social media on academic
Cherish- those students who are using social performance and productivity.

media especially active always don’t spend

less time studying.

Social media as a tool for academic success.
Mary- it will helps students with their school

performances. The double-edged sword of social media use.

Kat- there are positive and negative effects of

social media, to us students. Just like we are

able to communicate easily and can access

information faster, but using social media too

much might lead to addiction and

The dual nature of social media benefits and
uncontrolled time management. risks for students

Neadith- social media affects students in both

positive and negative way. Aside that it helps

students on their research, this also affects The impact of excessive social media use on
student well-being and academic success.
them in a way that they become addicted to it.

Joeceth- it can affects their mental health and

Social media is information sharing and
also their academic when they are overuse of learning.
social media.

Haiku- it can give knowledge to the user.

Box 1: The researcher notices that based on their answer, social media use can also lead to

negative outcomes for students, including distraction from academic tasks and exposure to

inappropriate content.

Box 2: while social media can provide benefits such as facilitating communication and

collaboration, providing access to information and enhancing activity and self-expression, it can

also lead to addiction, distraction and negative impacts on mental health and academic


Question 2: Theme

What are the benefits of social media?

Kristal- It can give us information about the Social media as a tool for promoting
awareness and engagement with local
our surroundings. communities.

Lyka- They can be aware of any issues Social media as a promoting social activism
and awareness.
happening in our society.

Jave- The effects of social media to students Social media is enhancing social skills and
knowledge acquisition.
are it allows the students to improve their

skills together with their knowledge and boost

their confidence to interact with others.

Emphasizes the importance of responsible
Charemie- The benefits of social media is social media use that students are accessing
accurate reliable information.
that, it will help the students in learning and


Cherish- Social media helps children

communicate share and learn also build the

skills they need for the future.

Mary- It helps things to be more accessible

and way easier. INFORMATIVE

Kat- It helps us in so many ways, it allow us

to try and discover new stuff that will make us

our daily activities be more productive.

Neadith- Social media helps an individual

learn, think critically and build the skills they

need for the future.


Joeceth- Can get an information.

Haiku- It can help us to have a learners.

Question 3 Theme

Based on the problem, what are the ways to

proposed to avoid over usage of social media.


Kristal- Stop using it. TIME MANAGEMENT

Lyka- Limit your time in using your gadgets. TIME MANAGEMENT

Jave- Schedule the usage of electronic devices TIME MANAGEMENT

and learn self-control.

Charemie- Limit time or set only a schedule, TIME MANAGEMENT

when using social media.

Cherish- Let they be creative.
Mary- Always put limitation, because too

much use of it can be harmful or destructive.

Kat- Time management and putting up

limitations boundaries.
Neadith- Think of something more important

to do or replace your time on social media

with other activities.

Joeceth- We can void over usage of social

media by limiting using cell phones. TIME MANAGEMENT

Haiku- Limiting phone.

Question 4 Theme

How to use social media properly?


Kristal-Use it for important purposes only IMPORTANT PURPOSES

Lyka- You should use it for communication, SOCIALIZATION

source of information and also for

Jave- Respect and follow its regulation in

order to avoid conflict with others.

Charemie- Use it in a right way or use it if it

will be needed.
Cherish- By putting a limitation.
Mary- Use it in a right way, like spreading

informative and helpful data.

Kat- Stop joining and participating in groups

that are spreading false information, instead

try to help disseminate awareness of the

issues that are happening in our society. TIME MANAGEMENT

Neadith- Simply think before you click and

manage your time properly.

Joeceth- Make a time management.

Haiku- You can used it properly directly.

Question 5

What do you think the world be like if there


were no social media apps?

Kristal- Individuals could not easily know the


Lyka- Peaceful and no issues happening

around the world because of social media.

Jave- People will tend to interact with others

more personally.

Charemie- The world would be boring.

Charish- If no social media the studies is not

make studies more fun and easily.

Mary- It would hard to communicate with

people with a long distance but the toxic

mentality cause by it will be minimize.

Kat- Our lives would be probably become

more difficult but at the same time people will

have a lot of time to appreciate and spend

time with their loved once and will be more

focus on being productive.

Neadith- There would be a chance in the way

of living.

Joeceth- Less information about what happen.

Haiko- I think no!

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