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how you doing people how are you it's

been a couple days huh

trying to recover glory to the father

some of this community's mighty name

all right let's do this I need to shave

because I look old

and I'm recovering from Father's Day

weekend and I'm recovering from my cheat

day how's everybody doing good to see


Anila how are you Anila how are you

Thunderclap how are you

all right Protestant believer how are

you brother average Eucharist enjoyer

what's up how you doing guys hit the

like button please oh I forgot something

hold on uh oh hold on you know that

[ __ ]

that prostitute who got violated by his

uncle he's going to come and manifest

because the Shia beat his mother he

likes to be children and his dog

Muhammad beat and molested a child so

hold on guys

I have to do this sorry about that

we were singing along

all right now yeah baby Josiah

apologetics why why man what's that

limited we were saying that we are baby

yeah baby

okay guys now we're ready

glory to the father glory to the son

glory to the Holy Spirit glory to the

father son Holy Spirit the one true God

Almighty Joe Flores good to see you

brother Lord dwelling pray the spirit

will fill us to overflowing

the Holy Spirit used me as his

mouthpiece remember you know the rules

please I'm getting tired repeating

myself we want the Holy Spirit to be the


the teacher we the Disciples of the holy

spirit because the Holy Spirit Works

through the body of the Lord Jesus

Christ he uses us as his mouthpieces his

hands and feet may I be his mouthpiece

may you all be his mouthpiece his hands

and feet and we fully submit to him and

he owns US fully and completely and he

takes over please Holy Spirit come to

the Forefront you teach

because it's a class setting I need you

to stay focused because I'm going to

read your comments to engage to see if

you're getting the point because

anything and everything imperfect

mistaken sinful is from us anything good

and perfect is from the Holy Spirit

working in and through Us in spite of

our imperfection so I asked the Holy

Spirit to save me from Aaron stammering

and help us to hate sin and despise sin

and overcome sin and obey the Lord Jesus

Christ glory to the father son of Spirit

anyway good to see you mcvine how are

you lapanto some of my favorite dudes Mr


Thunderclap Thunder Thunder Thunder oh

I think the last time I did a stream was


Saturday I don't think I did it Sunday

and I had to drive back Monday

and I need to recover the reason why I

didn't do a stream yesterday

is because where I'm at

I know a lot of relatives I have a lot

of relatives I have acquaintances but

it's very hard for me Brethren Catholic

Bible assists good to see you very hard

for me

to get people to help me out because

they have their own lives they're busy

and I don't want to be a burden

and so this is why I need your prayers

for guidance until the Lord Jesus

returns my daughters to me

unto the Lord Jesus does the miracle or

I can be with them every day

ask the Lord to show me where to leave

to where to

move because it's getting expensive for

me here I'm by myself

they rent for a two bedroom here went up

it's about fifteen hundred dollars glory

to Jesus Christ he's sustaining me and

his love and mercy and Grace I don't

deserve it but it's still too much I

need to find somewhere and I'm looking

to leave if God opens the door by the

end of this year if the Lord Wills I

don't mind I'll probably go to Tennessee

I'll probably go to Texas I'll go to

Florida wherever it's very cheap and

affordable until the Lord Jesus brings

my daughters to me so please pray for


pray God will make it easy for me

because I'm by myself what to do with

the furniture and the books

yeah because hope

you're living in an expensive area

remember if you're one person in

full-time Ministry it's not that easy

the reason why it's not that easy is

because remember in full-time Ministry

it fluctuates oh it's then forget

Florida I'm not going to Florida if it's

getting expensive Texas or Tennessee

where it doesn't get freezing cold but

affordable Brethren let me tell you how

full-time Ministry works God's

graciousness and mercy stirring up the

hearts of his body the spiritual body of

our Lord Jesus Christ

by the spirit to want to

contribute to Ministries

so it fluctuates because sometimes

you're going to offend people

I just had someone decrease their


drastically I don't know if that means

they're going through our time or

they're trying to just stop and because

I'm Politically Incorrect

I'm offending people

and they're despising me and there's and

that's it is what it is I only ask the

Lord Jesus to sustain me and provide for

my daughters that I don't [ __ ] myself

or prostitute myself for money

but I am in Ministry because I felt the

Lord told me to do a Ministry in 1999

and I'll be honest with you ever since

I've done it he's been infinitely good

more than I deserve

and he's never left me begging for bread

but in full-time Ministry it fluctuates

when I was in full-time Ministry I was

with my mother helping her then I got

married so I had my ex-wife and her


and then she did what she did then for a

while my brother with me now I'm by



Now by myself so

because of the nature full-time Ministry

sometimes you'll have abundance

sometimes you'll have lack I have to be

wise because I do want to save up for my

daughters my concern is to glorify the

Lord Jesus Christ with integrity and die

glorifying him and not shaming him and

leaving something beyond for my daughter

something my parents did not do for me

so they know that they were in my heart

every day yeah the cat is still here so

pray God will make it clear because I

need help

to relocate if he wants me to move

either sell the furniture I wouldn't

know how to do that or ship it out

but I can't be here too long if it keeps

going up and I'm going to be single and

God's will be done may he consume My

Flesh not to burn not to lust if he

wants me to be singles will be done if

he wants me to find a god his will be

done the Lords will be done

but I pray that if he wants somebody

with someone I can be Jesus to her and

not be a burden because being alone

I got used to being alone doing what I

want and that's hard because you can't

do that when you have someone

you have to mention become one flesh and

you have to sacrifice for the other

so it's hard it's hard right so pray for

that and the reason I mention that let

me give you the context

because I do not have many people that I

can reach out to and ask them to help me

my car is about to die the transmission

is not too good so I cannot take it long

distances so I have to rent a car that's

another expense if I want to go out of

town so get my mind occupied so I don't

sit in my apartment feeling sad I don't

have my daughters I go travel

so I have to rent a car now here's the


when I don't have a ride

I have to drop the Rent-A-Car 11 miles


and then I have to walk back and it's

around 100 degrees so yesterday I

dropped off the rent a car

I have to be there at 10 in the morning

and then 100 degree temperature I walked

over 11 miles and my neck is fried my

hands are fried they're burnt

now I don't mind because I do cardio as

you know I try to keep my weight down so

I don't gain weight and Jesus name May

save me from Glutton obesity never

become obese again so about four or five

times a week I do high intense walking

really fast walking for seven eight

miles but I try to do it at night

I had no choice I had to walk

I don't have Uber app

you know I didn't

you know bother to hunt down a cab

so over 11 months and thank God I had a

cap on this time I learned so I walked

over my minds and I was frying my writer

my back

you can I can feel it it got cooked my

arms so there it is so this is the


I'm not trying to appeal to pity

and get you to feel sorry I'm being

honest with you as my family and I

already talked to Abdul masi

right and I told the man if he can find

abdom see I hope you didn't forget

brother by the start of next year if you

can find some very cheap and affordable

in your area

help me out brother I want to go leave

I'll leave

I can't go to Greece brother I have two

daughters here

I have two daughters here I can't go to


if I didn't have my daughters I would

have left probably America I would have

probably gone to Australia

you can't go to you UK you see what's

happening in the UK right

right you saw they jumped Bob and

Christians and they started beating them


if I didn't have my daughters here

I'm sorry I got you confused with my

buddy Alicia abdom as he say abtimacy my

apologies brother there's a brother in

the Lord Jesus who used to be a Muslim

he's a Christian

Alisha and I keep confusing you with him

oh man sorry about that brother anyway

at least I got my cardio in yesterday to

burn all the calories for Sunday Monday

because I had a

Food Fest for Father's Day

and let me share something else with you

no it's okay sister God bless you today

soon I could not

I could not live in a bedroom and share

a room with someone I would rather have

a a room for myself basement or at least

two bedrooms with my daughters come I

don't want to be a burden I am a burden

on people

right and I don't want to be a burden

and to be honest

I have been at the mercy of people and

I've regretted it I'm going to share

some with you guys a sibling of mine

I know my where my family members are


and I don't want to say because you know

it is honor and shame my own sibling

when I had to come to this state and I

don't give out the state for the

protection of my relatives

my own sibling when I was forced to flee


I came here and it was three months of

hell because he made me feel like

garbage it made me feel like a low life

made me feel unwelcome and he was my own

sibling flesh and blood

and just recently he did it again made

me feel like garbage so I've cut off

ties with him

I don't have nothing doing it because I

cannot deal with that drama because I

don't want to be tempted to sin in My

Flesh and then act in My Flesh and

dishonor the Lord by doing something to

my sibling made me feel like I was some

piece of garbage lowlife in his home so

I had to rush to find an apartment to

get out of there and this was my own

sibling my flesh and blood

you understand and I'm not trying to

appeal to sympathy keep it in mind we

have now Brothers and Sisters in Christ

who are being murdered

or being raped

enslaved in prison beaten and tortured

shame on me if I complain

but I'm just letting you know

it's like I can't find family anywhere

my ex-wife did what she did robbed me of

my daughter so that my daughter called

me on Father's Day wondering why not

come to see and I had to open and be

honest with her my fear going there

and I could see she was sad and my heart

breaks and then from my own siblings

where I can't even get along with them

it is a wicked world we live in

where your flesh and blood treat you

like garbage I you know anyway I don't

know what it is maybe it's it's Me Maybe


I need to do a lot of introspection

maybe it's just me and I'm not seeing it

see that's another thing

people don't see

where are their problems lay they always

see the problems of Others May God

give me

a true insight into myself and I see

myself Through The Eyes Lord Jesus

Christ and confess and repent not

justify it and may He heal me because

maybe it's me

honestly maybe I don't know I'm not I'm

just wondering what is it that just


when they get to know me for a while

just get tired of me I mean I don't know

maybe it is me let's be honest we don't

want to deceive and deny and lie about

ourselves we want to be honest and ask

the Holy Spirit to heal us deep healing

and transform us to be like Christ I

know my issues but to that point

and another thing Brethren another thing

that shocked me do you mind if I open up

a little bit just been a while and it's

like I have no one talking about the cat

the the last two individuals in my life

my ex-wife and my ex-fiance if you ask

me were you ever in love I was in love

with my ex-fiance

my ex-fiance was a Godly woman she still


godly woman loves the Lord and from what

I know she's still in love with the Lord

ironically we're in the same state but I

don't want to pursue that anymore that I

wouldn't mind seeing her for closure

but they were both Assyrian and both

their mothers hated me and that's

another mystery

that's another mystery like why would my

own kin flesh and blood

my own people despise me knowing that

I've devoted myself to the service of

the Lord Jesus Christ but their mothers

despised me and they didn't want their

daughters to be with me now my ex-wife

chose to marry me

thank God because I have two daughters

from her and I don't regret that but oh

but my ex-fiance who was Godly

who made me wait six years decided to

walk away

I don't know that's another thing about

what is it man and

is it again I would feel so

uncomfortable when I visit my ex-wife's

home because her mother made me feel

like I was worse than a Muslim

and then my ex-mother-in-law I don't


I don't I don't get it maybe it's me and

I'm not just saying it to appeal to

somebody maybe it is me so pray God will

open my eyes to see myself through the

way the uh the Lord Jesus because Jesus

is reality he is perfect he is truth he

sees everything

as it is

and may I see myself Through The Eyes of

the Lord and may God show me and heal me

because I don't know

I wouldn't know

all right

so just the

dump on you guys I had to walk over 11

miles yesterday

oh and yeah to add insult to injury

Brethren my ex-wife's mother

didn't come to our wedding

but to spite me she went to the wedding


when my ex-wife married Martin knowing

what her daughter did committing

adultery knowing this is an adulterous

marriage knowing that my daughters are

of my heart from Jesus and she did that

despite me she didn't come to my wedding

but she went to that wedding

is that amazing

sad anyway sorry brother I just wanted

to let you know that's why I was

walked over 11 months and eat and I just

decided to recover in fact I was even

debating should I do something a day or

take another day

so I don't know Brethren I don't know

maybe it's just it's just

maybe it is me because remember may God

save us from our psychological emotional

diseases make us whole narcissists don't

want to believe they're narcissists and

I pray in Jesus name

I am not one maybe if I am a God heal me

you know people don't want to

point the fingers to themselves they

want to blame others but we can't do

that we have to confess and take

take responsibility and I pray I

practice what I preach so just wanted to

share that with you

and I do thank you guys I know who the

regulars are who love me in spite of my

perfection let me for say the Lord may

the Lord bless you and be your reward

to put up with me so that's my situation

I need to get out of the state unless

the Lord wants me to stay and if the

Lord wants me to find someone that I

won't be a burn to ask the Lord to make

that clear because it's easy when you

have someone to do life with

but here I'm by myself having to pay the

bills and having our time to find people

to give me rides to places

and I plan on traveling a little more

because I don't want to be stuck in my

apartment I need to get out I need and I

love viewing people

I made people watch it I love to go to

places where there are hundreds and

thousands of people and I just walk


I'll walk the streets and just look at

the crowds right


yeah so anyway that's what I did and if

you guys wanted to know what I did

are you guys I don't know I wasn't

actually I was in Las Vegas I don't


I don't drink I don't do drugs and all I

did was I walked Las Vegas strip for

about four miles just walking thousands

of people and just watching people

and then engaging with some people and

encouraging some with the word of Jesus

Christ so if you want to know that's

where I was

that's all I love being in crowds so if

I find an event where there are

thousands I'll go

just walk yeah so I don't know if you

guys know no drugs no drinking No

gambling no immorality no

found a cheap hotel didn't cost much and

I just walked and I walked and I walked

and I walked enjoying it man and if

you've been there you gotta walk

upstairs to get to the other side of the

street so man did I do a lot of cardio

and my thighs are still sore

you're asking me a good question let me

put it this way

so tired put it this way

Paul o satire satira Paul says if you

burn get married I'll be honest I burn

if God removes this Burning then I take

that that be content his will be done

so if God wants me to be single his will

be done but it's a struggle In the Flesh

and I beg the Lord that I never succumb

and shame him

so if there is a Godly woman that Lord

confirms his will be done

but I don't know it's it's difficult

because you meet a lot of Godly women

who have their own struggles

and their own trials and they do some

stuff that's very disappointing

right very disappointing

one of the things I struggle with

is when I find out

women who come from Christian background

who were

sleeping with Muslim men now obviously

when they did that they were not walking

in the spirit and I'm not going to

mention aims but I've had several

sisters who realize their sin confess

and repented and walk with the Lord

and they were they had an interest but

something about dating a Muslim man it's

like rips my heart from my chest because

I know how evil Islam is

Islam is from the pit of Hell and I know

the Muslim mindset the Muslims think our

Christian sisters are horse

that Christian women are [ __ ] so you

can sleep with them and defile them and

if you marry them then it's a victory

fall on his messenger so to have women

from Christian background allowing the

Muslim men to do that to them

it eats me up it kills me

no I wouldn't be a priest that's a

burden I wouldn't want to carry

right so

I know of several women who now walk

with the Lord love the Lord but it's my

weakness it's my imperfection it's my

issue that I can't handle it it's and

weakness in me

I can't handle that

all right so anyway to answer your

question God's will be done I mean

obviously burning is a struggle and

put it this way let me just share this

with you

I think my desire to want to be with a

woman a married woman

comes back from my childhood and and as

I grow older

as I grow older I become aware of this

more and more

I become aware of this more and more

when I tell you I'm not trying to be a

psychologist I'm being a biblicist

when I tell you that your childhood

is the most


time in your life because that's when

you are being formed

what they call the formative years your


Satan knows that Satan knows what

happens to you

in your childhood

will then form and shape you emotionally

psychologically spiritually and

physically and until unless the Holy

Spirit heals you of any damage during

those formative years

it will then impact how you function in

society and impact society and will

destroy Society from within that's what

you're seeing around you with the lgbq2

to rsy transgenderism

it is the brainwashing of children

because when you're a child your brain

is a sponge whatever you experience will

shape and form your thoughts your


and so Society under the influence of

Satan knows if you want to destroy

Society from within

and create a society that's anti-god you

got to start with the children in fact

have you not heard of the homosexual

saying we're coming after your children

have you not heard that

we're coming after your children

they've been bold about it you'll hear

it go to YouTube put in a homosexual

Community like uh is it Mamba a group

that's trying to legalize pedophilia

grown men having sex with children

especially boys Mamba right is that the


and they say we're coming after your

children why because they know when

you're a child that's when you're being

shaped and formed

now how does it tie with me and all of


if you have been or nambia is that it


I thought I was member I'm sorry see you

again because I don't follow this

garbage this poisoned this filth Yep

they're out there that's an organization

I don't follow the filth it's an


and they're trying to legalize

pedophilia so that grown men can have

sex with children especially boys it's

the name of the group it's right there

I'm not making it up

yeah it's in America

okay it's in America yeah I'm not lying

I thought man but because men but anyway

it's them yeah

may God destroy these organizations and

this filth yeah yeah they're targeting

your children why do you think they're

inundating your children or they're

bringing transvestites transgenders into

your schools or into libraries and

having reading time with children why do

you think what Satan is the ruler of

this world until the Lord comes Satan

knows if I'm going to destroy societies

and cause them to oppose God and become

anti-god bringing God's Wrath on them I

have to start with the children it is a

fact Brethren examine yourselves the

issues you have are the result of your

upbringing now how does it tie in with


how does it time with me

let me tell you my scar and it's a scar

many of you

I had a very tough Assyrian Woman as a

mother very tough but she was a woman of

dignity what do I mean

she never

cheated on my father even my father left

her because he was a womanizer and drunk

she remains celibate never got married

because my dad left when I was seven She

remain without a man till she died

I have nothing but respect and love for

my mother

but my mother her upbringing was she was

raised in a tough environment with a

tough mom verbally tough and physically

boy when she hit boy she hit

she did her best and as I grew up I

understood she loved me because she

loved me by her Deeds but one thing she

did not have was a love language she

didn't know how to verbalize her love

and she was tough with me and that

scarred me and the more I examined the

more I see that's where it comes from

the need to find a woman

to affirm me

and that came from my childhood because

of my mother my dad typical narcissist

would love by me

so because my language was I needed to

be a firm when my dad left my mom proved

her love by her Deeds but she didn't

verbalize it my dad would then love bomb

me with his words but was never there

for me but as a child I needed that love

language so I thought my dad was my hero

and my mom was wrong

then I grew up and I realized my dad was

the fake

he was the fake

because his words were contradicted by

his actions my mom who never verbalized

the love proved her love for me by her

actions when she'd get up five in the

morning and that freezing cold Chicago


have to take two buses to get to

downtown and work as a maid cleaning

rooms in Sheraton Hotel

and then come back at 5 pm at night

tired and cook food I then saw my mother

love me by her Deeds

whereas my dad was a liar from the pit

of Hell but as a child

my dad's love language verbalizing his

love for me made him my hero

but then I realized he was a con artist

but what did that do

no actually Mother Mary

the Shia live in your mother's head rent


and the Shia I know you're upset that

they molested you and molested your


and you're upset that I live in your

head red free I own your head because

that's why you're here

Mother Mary

and you're not talking about Mary the

Blessed Mother you're talking about

Maryam the sister of Moses whom your God

Allah blew in her vagina

I know that Shia raped you and molested

you like they did your mother but anyway

coming back to the issue



that hole is still there

that desire to hear the words

from my mother that she loved me and

just affirmed me is still there

now glory to God when he gave me my two

daughters that hole was full

when I was with my daughters

I had the world because I had two girls

who loved me for me who loved me as I am

who loved me because I was their Baba

they didn't care if I was 300 pounds

they didn't care if I was 200 pounds

they didn't care if I was obese I was

their Baba and they loved me and I would

put them to sleep and they'd wake up in

the morning and the first thing they do

is come to me and wake me up

and because of this Jezebel this [ __ ]

she robbed me of that so God heal my

heart not to have any resentment so I'm

back to not not only not having

that affirmation but now two daughters

that God blessed me that I can't raise

because of a corrupt legal system

because of an evil [ __ ] judge and

because of a jezebel who doesn't give a

damn about Jesus or her children but her

own desires who married an unregenerate

Heathen who barely speaks English a

divorce divorcee scum of the earth and

trying to see my daughters into thinking

their adulterous marriage is okay

yeah I've been through a lot

but anyway

thank you for allowing me to rant

and I'll never be okay until the Lord

delivers my daughters


hope that answers the question hope you

guys I know you guys don't come here for

that but holy spirit take over speaking

this is why people don't like me because

I'm Politically Incorrect I tell it like

it is and I tell people you know this is

what's done brother you know you

shouldn't be I shouldn't who told you

where did you get that you shouldn't

expose the sins of others and for you

effeminate queers who think you know the

Bible the Bible is full of stories where

the Bible exposes the sins of the main

characters it doesn't cover them up

right so when you think you're being

christ-like Oh Brother Where did you get

that from

have you been reading the Bible did the

Bible cover up Abraham's sin or Isaac's

sin or Jacob's sin or Judas sin or

Samson sin or David's sin or Solomon sin

or Peterson what world do you live in

and thinking you're being christ-like

when you say you shouldn't be exposing

people since if their sin is public and

has damaged the innocent you are Duty

bound to call them out and expose them I

don't know what the hell you're talking

about I don't know what Bible you've

been reading

I I really don't know

a private sin is one thing

but a sin that's public and a sin that

affects innocent it is your duty to call

it out and condemn it

I don't know did the Bible cover up the

fact that David committed adultery and

murdered the man did the Bible corrupt

the fact that Solomon had 700 foreign

wives 300 foreign concubines and

worshiped their gods and goddesses to

the wrath of God did the Bible cover up

that Samson and judges 16 verse 1 went

slept with a harlot a [ __ ] that he

found in Gaza did the Bible corrupt Juda

sin in having sex with a prostitute it

says it it's right there in your Bible

Genesis 38 Genesis 38 it says he went

and found what he thought was a [ __ ] a

prostitute and went in knocked her up

and it turned out it was his

daughter-in-law who disguised herself as

a prostitute now what does that tell you

about these men to them sleeping with

[ __ ] was something common something

they did regularly and felt no shame

because in Genesis 3 it just mentions

past oh Judith on the [ __ ] and he slept

with her thinking she was a prostitute

what world do you live in and thinking

it is not biblical to call out people's

sins and expose their sins and condemn

their sins and may we practice what we

preach and God destroy

the beams of my eyes

all right you get my point I don't know

what world these Christians live in

I really don't know what world they live


they think they are more Pious more

spiritual than the prophets than the

apostles and the writers of the New

Testament this is why Christianity is

being destroyed into us and it's because

of you

you effeminate queers who think you're

Christian people are leaving the

churches in in droves because of the

feminization of Christianity in fact

here a brother had put this

and I asked them to put it in public

make it public his post a private post

and there it says why are men leaving

the church I wish I can find the post I

don't think I will

why are men leaving the church

I I don't think I'll find it now I said

can you put on public he goes well now

here it is glory to God glory to God do

you see God's perfect timing Brethren I

didn't even know whose name God's timing

is glorious in confirmation he's on my

Facebook I was like wondering what is

his name and he just posted something I

just saw his name look what he posted

now I can't share it unless I take a

talk about God confirming that I read

this here it is

he just I was like who's the guy's name

man let me find it and he just popped

out let me read what he put

right here it is

why are men leaving the church here

let me get it for you let me just read

it sorry guys may the Holy Spirit come

to the Forefront have me speak what he

wants me to speak for the glory of the

father son my spirit

I got to find it just I'm scrolling down

his page here

absolutely spot on Smash


churches why don't men attend want to

attend church here this is his meme now

I said could you make it public he goes

they'll download it because he keeps his

post private that's why I won't mention

his name

thank you guys this is confirmation I

didn't know his name and I said man will

I find it boom as I go to my Facebook

page he just posted another Meme and I

found it thank you Father thank you Lord

Jesus thank you holy spirit because that

means you want this to be read look

churches why don't men want to attend


churches it's not a religion it's a


Jesus is my boyfriend worship music

men are only servant leaders unlike

women men are just predisposed to sexual

sin men's bible studies are emotional

introspection sessions that's the reason

did you catch it

the meme spot on

why don't men not go to churches here it

is here's why

it's not a religion it's a relationship

Jesus is my boyfriend worship music men

are only servant leaders they shouldn't

rule as men unlike women women are the


Angels men are predisposed to sexual sin

in other words condemnation making you

feel guilty for being a man men's bible

studies are emotional introspection

sessions and boy this is spot on

smash bales

boy this is spot on

okay I went to a men's bible study

and you know what it was all about

I swear I about six or seven months ago

I went to this Evangelical Church to see

their men's bible study you know what

it's all about brethren

it's all about

what happened to in your life and and

how do you cope and and uh how do you

feel inside and and just let it out talk

about it oh yeah my dad did this and all

my life I tried to live up to my daddy's

expectations and you know and then one

guy was talking about his daddy issues

another guy said oh man you got to just

you know gird your loins mister and that

guy never came back neither did I

neither did I I swear I was what that

here the last part

men's bible studies are emotional

introspection sessions spot on I saw it

I'm sitting there this is what the class

is about

yeah you know I I was trying out my life

to live up to my dad's expectation and I

could never make him happy and then

finally I just said dad you know what I

I love you and you know I hope you could

just attend me for who I am and the dude

was like six foot the guy was six foot


an athlete

and he came off like a [ __ ] like a

little girl uh if you saw the guy you'd

think this guy's like a killer no lie

you think he's a killer I'm not lying

you you look at him six foot two FIT man

I'm like man this guy well yeah in all

my life I try to live up to my dad's

expectations and my dad didn't accept me

and I'm like what a little queer I was

about to say [ __ ] like are you serious

and another dude was trying to just say

how he has a hard time relating to

people and this guy the effeminate queer

well you know brother you just gotta

love yourself it's you it's not other

people it's you you don't love yourself

just you got to forgive yourself make

the guy feel so uncomfortable he never

went back

I never went back but how do I know he

didn't go back because I saw the guy I

actually felt sorry for him

I said hey do you do you still go to

that Bible goes no after that day I

never went back

like I don't blame you


so you're a feminine queer baits you're

destroying the church and the West

you effeminate queer baits

you are destroying the church in the

your feminization of men is why men are

running from the churches

you think you're godly

you think your Pious you think you're

spiritual you are disgusting you are

filth because you are not spiritual

in a court with what the Bible defines



you're not you're disgusting man that's

why check it out you'll find more women

attending churches than men and the

music it's all emotional it's all about

you know that's all about you know look

at those hands oh yeah oh gee really

God have mercy on us anyway let's begin

name of the father and of the son and of

the Holy Spirit

Our Father Art in Heaven

Hallowed be thy name

thy kingdom come

thy will be done on Earth as it is in


give us this day our daily bread and

forgive us our trespasses as we forgive

those who trespass against us

and lead us not into temptation but

those from the evil and for thine is the

and the power and the glory both known

forever unto ages of Ages in the name of

the father and of the son of the holy

spirit in Jesus name Holy Spirit you are

the teacher

own us and fill us and possess us fully

we give ourselves fully to you use my

mouth to teach you're the teacher we are

your disciples save me from error from

misinformation from stammering and

stuttering in confusion and save me from

political correctness as long as I don't

grieve you or anger you Holy Spirit

but I Delight your heart that's all that

matters even if I lose people lose

support your will be done give us power

to be men and women Integrity not to

prostitute ourselves for more money or

status or numbers please Holy Spirit

feed us the holy flesh of Jesus Christ

give us the blood of the Lamb the Lord

Jesus Christ give that to my daughters

our loved ones be a holy fire convicting

their mother and heal us of any

bitterness and hatred

to glorify the father and the son Lord

Jesus Christ to glorify you Holy Spirit

and you do it the father and the son

perfect the gifts you give me a Ministry

to perfectly recall every title portion

of scripture destroy forgetfulness for

me and perfect exegesis and Empower us

to live out that word to love Jesus by

obedience because the Lord said we must

do his will and if we love him we'll

keep his word

have mercy on us transform us to conform

to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ

blessed in our connection the audio

visual quality save me from stammering

and stuttering an error muzzle these

filthy dogs Crush their mouths teach

them to fear of the Lord and deliver

them to our hands so we slay them

spiritually and Crush their mouths

before the glory of Jesus Christ and

those who are hurt heal them

those who are burdened deliver them

and have mercy on us as you wash Us in

the blood of Jesus Christ

your will be done guide this

conversation take over the Ministries

take over our lives take over our

possessions own us to walk worthy Lord

Jesus Christ and never allow us never

allow me to succumb to my lust Deliver

us that we walk worthy of Jesus the

number of betrayer denial or blasting

the name of the Lord Jesus Christ walk

in Holiness and Purity save men from

Jezebels and save my sisters from these

wolves these dogs to trust the Lord

Jesus and love the Lord Jesus and be

satisfied in the love of the Lord Jesus

Christ and Purity and Holiness and guard

our tongues and our mouths and control

our tongues and our mouths to glorify

Christ and never use our tongues for sin

for perversion

for status and position for manipulation

but to magnify the Lord Jesus Christ and

bless the interconnection the other

visual qualities and beatifies with the

beauty of Jesus Christ and Grant me the

health I need that this one to be

healthy and use my health to glorify

Christ and make my voice pleasing to the

ears of your servant's Holy Spirit

and I pray I'm a blessing to my

neighbors and not a curse and a burden

Holy Spirit we also pray for those who

are stuck at sea

have less than 24 hours of oxygen Holy

Spirit you are Almighty the entire

creation is present before you sustain

every part of creation their lives are

in your hands the hands of the Son and

the father because with the father and

the son you are the Creator sustainer

life Giver you know where they are and

if it's your will for them

to remain on Earth may they be found

before it's too late do that Miracle to

bring Christ the lord Jesus your eternal

love and companion all glory you know

where they are as Psalm 139 7-12 says

where can we go from you God's spirit

where can we flee from the face of God

the entire creation to present present

before you as you sustain it and oversee

it with the father and a son

bring them out Comfort them reveal Jesus

to them in that time

year will be done in the name of the

father and of the son of the holy spirit

in Jesus name we pray are we ready

I got to see if my cat wants to come in

I want to play some clips about Mike


man am I going to be politically

incorrect man are people going to

despise me guys help me to help you pray

our numbers increase for the glory of

the Lord not for my praise and we're

going to destroy Bart Urban

let me just find see if my cat wants to

come in hold on

I gotta go to the gym and hit weights

again pray for my discipline not be Vain

about it You're So Vain you thought this

song was about you don't you You're So


what honestly why do you think

scumbags like Edge rotate

get an audience you know why you know

why these scumbags are getting thousands

to follow them even though he's now

being indicted you know why men are

tired of being abused

men are tired of being abused

pray I get my weight under 200 again

stay under 200 and get mostly now muscle

does weigh more than than fat so I may

be bigger on the scale but as long as my

waistline gets you know hold on let me


okay the men are getting tired of being

beaten of getting abused I got to get my

muscles back all right

come on man come on Sam here all right

their men are getting sick of being

bashed beaten

women becoming men


feminized so when they see this tough

masculine dude they're drawn to him

masculinity is a Biblical truth

masculinity is a Biblical reality

there is Godly masculinity and godly


Godly femininity and godly masculinity

but Satan wants to destroy biblical

manhood masculinity make women men and

men women and that will not happen in

Jesus name may we be bold and

uncompromising glory to the Father's

Side spirit

yeah okay Sandra why Sandra if I get my

legs ripped and I have huge calves

you're going to marry me Sandra look at

this look at what up already you can see

she's a picky woman

Sandra your standards are too high lady

if you're a Godly woman loves the Lord

she said hey not only the top part Sam

the bottom part wait so if my I have

chicken legs and my calves are small

that means I'm not godly enough Sandra

I'm sorry Sandra I didn't know you

measure godliness by the thighs of

someone's calves and their thighs sister

Jay I'm so sorry so Sam if you have

these huge biceps and pecs and you start

living out but if you have chicken legs

then I can't even pray if you're the one

Lord you know what he's got chicken legs

Lord I don't want to be with him okay J

stand up tree thank you so much you're

very encouraging

sometimes I even laugh at my own


all right now

I sometimes laugh at my own stupidity

man I I just do things I'm like why did

I just say that

are you okay dude

did I just really come out of your mouth

yeah I did are you okay man maybe your

ex-wife was right maybe you're the

narcissist maybe she was

so you laugh too Sandra you're laughing

at my pain huh

are you sure your name is Sandra maybe

you're Sandro because you're acting very

tough okay I will be Samantha and you

beat Andrew how are you Sandro

Sandro how are you

can I introduce myself Sandro I am


buddy before I begin dude if you want to

stay married brother

James you want to stay married don't

invite me to your home

if you're finding a reason why for your

wife to dump you invite me to stay for a

month she realized

you got serious psychological issues to

have a friend like me so brother for the

sake of your marriage in Jesus name

do not invite me to your home

because after a week your wife is going

to realize you got serious psychological

issues to even be listening to me and

you're going to end up divorced so

another one living in your home will be

you and me and you're not my type sir


all right let's begin I want to play a


I want to play a clip so I want you to

stay married brother

I want to play a clip Catholic

I like when Catholic Bible assist laughs

at me that's why you know at least he's


the utter decimation

the utter decimation and annihilation

of Mike Winger

idol killer has done a multi-part series

that I'm slowly going through

where he is

destroying Mike Winger's butchering of

the church fathers and the Bible showing

that the church fathers Church writers

theologians did not teach penal

substitutionary atonement nor does the

bible explicitly do so

and the series

phenomenal in this particular one I will

be playing certain Clips where Mike

Winger dependent on secondary sources

just like Anthony Rogers see this is

what angers me about protestantism

and I have to be patient because I too

was like Mike Winger I was duped

I was duped

into trusting these Protestant

apologists and theologians and I was

duped brainwashed into thinking penal

substitutional atonement is the only

accurate understanding

of the atoning work of our Lord Jesus

and to deny it is to preach a false

gospel I too was duped

so I have to be gracious because he is

dupe like I was but if he keeps getting


and his arguments are thoroughly refuted

and he refuses to acknowledge his error

and submit then he's no different no

better than a Jamal Muhammad white or

Anthony Rogers because to them it's

their reputation and their pride that's

more important may God destroy our pride

and reputation and give us a humble

teachable spirit
but this is the problem when Mike Winger

trusts secondary sources not going to

the primary sources or at least checking

the citations to see if they're quoting

context and that's one thing I do not to

toot my horn may God destroy my pride

when I find a snippet from someone

quoting the father you'll see it in my

articles I then go back and look at the

paragraphs before and after and then

you'll find that I'll give you a more


contextual reading

to make sure it's not been misquoted go

check out my articles because I now have

learned my lesson not to parent

secondary sources and thinking that

someone has actually given me the

context I go back and look at the

context okay they're spot on

right now

yes Islam you can be Ahmad right here

you want to be a mod guys welcome Islam

typically is going to be Ahmad okay

welcome brother welcome to the team of

moderators hope you enjoyed it yeah

everyone give a flower

I hope you enjoyed being made Ahmad

yeah everyone hey welcome Islam typical

welcome to my channel welcome to my list

of mods I hope you appreciate it sir

anyway let me get you the link we're

going to place a few Snippets this was

an obliteration

of Mike Wingers

dependence on secondary sources

on what John chrysostom taught about

penal substitution air tournament now

you Orthodox are going to love this

because idol killer Warren McGrew


an orthodox priest considered one of the

leading Scholars on the early church

fathers and a scholar of John chrysostom

he interviewed him on his views on

crucism's views on the atonement and

part of that interview is included in

this thorough it's not a response it's

an annihilation of Mike Winger and one

thing I've noticed that Mike Winger does

that I despise he plays the victim it's

not the first time when he's been called

out for misquoting


or saying things of Christians

whether he alienates them and demonizes

them and he's called out on it he plays

the victim and says well he was

misquoted he was misinterpreted that's

not what he meant and it's not what he's

saying then the people come back and say

no that's exactly what you said here's

the clip here's the time step here's the


and yet he still plays the victim I

cannot stand that attitude

the victim mentality I can't stand it

own up and man up to your errors humble

yourself before the Lord humbles you

but it seems like he wants to be humbled

and it doesn't help that he's very soft

and for my taste to a feminate I'm going

to be politically incorrect he's too

effeminate for my taste if those kind of

people suit you go to Mike Winger

okay here it is let me show you the

response and we're going to play it

only I'm not going to play the entire


I highly encourage you listen to Idol

Killers thorough annihilation of Mike

Winger's six-part Series where he tried

to prove from the Bible on the church

fathers that they taught penal

substitution which they did not

now I do have to warn you the man that


sorry Warren McGrew is interviewing he's

got someone that guy is a beast he's

Politically Incorrect he's more

Politically Incorrect than I and he

calls this fate and Spade and sometimes

he'll say things of the fathers that may

upset you Overlook that ignore that and

just focus on the content the man is

Politically Incorrect and I like that I

like him more than Mike Winger because

he's in your face now I wish he was a

little more gentle and some of the

things he says about the church fathers

remember he's still a Protestant so the

church fathers have a place but they're

not authoritative for him anyway let's

play the clips shall we and then we're

going to Bart Ehrman

in Jesus name May the numbers stay

steady and strong and may I be a

blessing to you glory to the father son

my spirit

we ready now I'm not gonna play the

entirety I'm just gonna play certain


it's John chrysostom and PSA answering

Mike Winger episode four watch the

entire series and I've said this and

I'll say it again Warren McGrew is drawn

to the Orthodox Church

Warren McGrew is in love with the

Orthodox Church idol killer loves the

Eastern Orthodox Church in fact if he

keeps studying and he keeps praying

don't be surprised he ends up becoming

Eastern Orthodox and he really was

blessed to find out his view of the

atonement is actually the very position

of the Orthodox Church for centuries

for centuries you see here's Ortho


as an orthodox you fully appreciate and

agree with their responses see yeah Paul


oh he is an orthodox Oh Glory to the

Father the Holy Spirit wait

yes Elsa you can here

so Paul Vendetta became Orthodox all


see there you go

so he became orthodox

see if you steep yourself in the early

church you cannot remain Protestant

all right so there you go let's play

we're going to start around let me tell

you where and then we're gonna go into

Bart Ehrman


here we go

we're going to start at the

12 minute 50 second mark what he says

about chrysum and the response it's

devastating 12 minute 50 second Mark so

bear with me brother it's a link it's

about 10 minutes but we want you to

listen to it and watch the entire series

on your own 12 minute and this again is

advice to you Mike Winger stop parroting

secondary sources

stop pontificating in areas that you're

a novice a neophyte stop thinking you're

a Bible scholar I have to be honest

you're very overrated as an apology

Bible teacher may the Lord transform you

and I that we walk worthy Lord and be

humble and accept correction and stop

with the victim mentality stop

it doesn't make you look good here it is

let's begin

it's excited uh to hear him talk like

that it was it was really refreshing

yeah the Eastern perspective is

definitely different from the Western on

that particular topic and on quite a few

other topics yeah Warren why don't we go

on to uh Mike Winger's second quotation

from John chrysostom I think he's quite

a bit more effective in this quote than

he is in the previous one

the next quote from John chrysostom is

this a king seeing a robber about to

receive his due since his beloved and

only son to death and lays on him not

only the penalty but also the crime as

this and this he does to save the guilty

one and to promote him afterwards to

high dignity now this is in the 300s the

late 300s he's writing John krasosta

he's too I'm sorry Lord have mercy on me

forgive me the guy is too effeminate man

his attitude is the demeanor may God

destroy my pride and arrogance and my

ego and remove the being

I sorry this approach of speaking too

effeminate Lord have mercy on us and us

men you don't have to be a jerk like

Protestant believer you don't have to be

you know mean and nasty like Catholic

biblicist you can be tough like me and

nice and sweet and handsome like me

because I'm the standard anyway

this is what happens when you depend on

secondary sources because

he's going to get nailed because he's

quoting the fathers but he doesn't tell

you where he's croning from and where

you can find them


in the late 300s and he is saying

there's a penalty that was given to

Christ this is clear but you will never

hear this from guys like Boyd and

designed and I don't well I I throw a

boy in there I I'm not confident boy

does this revisionism thing I I haven't

checked into his work enough to say that

so I I don't want to say that

um I'm guessing he does but I could

maybe I'm totally wrong so I'll say

yazan definitely does chalk definitely

does Gustav all in definitely does and a

lot of the guys who Who quote and have

sources in these guys they also do it

all right it sounds like Mike Winger is

on a pretty good foot in there because

that text definitely does sound like

guilt transference which is the hardest


however when Mr Winger went on to accuse

other people of historical revisionism I

thought that was a little bit unusual if

not hypocritical after all like this guy

Paul vandrendi he's a lion

a lion

bold and he goes for the juggler has no

mercy Warren mcgrew's a little nicer but

Paul a man after my heart

a lion

and the man is an expert I would say a

scholar on the atonement theories

throughout church history and he's a

nightmare to penal substitutionary

atonement when he goes after penal

substitution atonement there is no mercy

he's phenomenal

Paul vandendry now he's an orthodox

glory to Jesus Christ there's the guy

who told us that the 4th Century Church

Father athanasius believed in the 12th

century principle of substitutionary


that's all I'm going to say on that

Warren I think in response to Mr Winger

we should play our next clip from

Reverend panayotis that's clip 4D


handsome Godly Orthodox priest father

peniotis he's got phds

and various fields

he is a scholar of the early church

fathers and he's a scholar of John


and Warren McGrew interviewed him a

while back on the atonement views now

he's going to ask him about John

chrysostom's understanding of the

atonement father paniotis in fact if I

show you his face a handsome man you see

godliness in their faces when someone's

truly a servant of the Lord truly

devoted to the Lord you see the joy the

love the beauty of the spirit shining

through their face he's no exception and

he's got a beautiful icon in the back in

fact let me show it to you let me just

take a picture of it

watch here

let me show it to you because you know I

don't know how to screenshot I can bring

products in here but Prada is going to

make me lose my testimony so maybe I


look at that look at the difference

look at the difference between how this

man looks and a fat slop cow porker like

Anthony Rogers home's head I own and

Jamal Muhammad white do you see the

difference do you see that beautiful

icon behind them

see that

look at that

look at that face

and look at that beautiful icon

you see the joy and the love of the Lord

coming through his face go watch

calvinist porker Porky Pig Rogers or

Jamal Muhammad white look how frustrated

and angry they look


so let's continue

or Kelly powerless who's receding

hairlines to the back of his skull look

at him

and his receding hairline all the way up

to here it's now here guys his hair used

to be here now it's over here

all right

what is the what is the um orthodox's

view on the Redemptive work would it be

recapitulation and Ransom or would it be

a is it is it even formalized like that

it's not formalized like that then it's

um those are terms of the Middle Ages

again uh what what we have is um

a lot of the early Christian theologians

they spoke in different terms

um and if you want to see somebody who

kind of sums up everything you need to

go to the end of the fourth Century with

uh Saint John prison for example

who might start it extensively and

that's who I started uh for my

dissertation as well and and he has a

very beautiful


what should I call it image and he says

that God
he he uses the the the lover and the

Beloved so God Is Like a Lover listening

his beloved that's the view begging her

to uh love him back

so do you hear the Orthodox view of what

the atonement is

and he's showing you this is Chris

system's view Chris systems View

God the lover and the mankind the

Beloved he's chasing the Beloved because

he loves

his beloved and beg you're going to come

back and it's ironic

that when I was reading the Bible by the

grace of God I saw this theme throughout

the old New Testament I want to comment

on the message in New Testament when I

saw it that way I actually started not

exaggering I started crying

my heart broke for Jesus and I'll

explain to you what I mean

throughout those entries

from the very beginning God is begging

us through the prophets through the

Great Men of the Old Testament and

eventually in Christ

Thanking us to turn our hearts to him to

love him amen so

uh Saint Joseph uses the word Eros Eros

to to Eros and eromenos John chrysostom

describes God's love Eros eromenas if

you guys don't know what Eros is it's

where you get the word erotic

eroticism Eros that deep sensual love

but obviously it's spiritual

okay spiritual not sexual

so you have the word agape

unconditional love you have

right brotherly love like Philadelphia

city a brother in love and then you have

Eros eroticism erotic and John

chrysostom in the Greek says God's love

is Eros erominos

beautiful man

beautiful the gift that God gave the

church were giving us such holy men

now today we're stuck with people like

Protestant believer and Catholic

biblicist you know the end is near

and we're living in some sad times where

the best we have is someone like

Catholic Bible assist or Protestant


you know the end is near when this is

the level of apologetics that were stuck

with a Catholic biblicist or

a Protestant believer

we're born in the wrong era dude but

anyway let's continue

emphasize these passionate love that God

has for us

he's not an angry father he's not an

Angry God man he's a loving God who

wants us to come to him amen and he

would do anything he even died on the

cross to convince him of his love amen

so that we can come to him I think the

whole um

all these theories of atonement that

have been developed over time have

really destroyed the incarnational and

resurrection of Theology of Christianity

in the west

um right and this is one of the primary

I think differences that you'll find

between the way the Orthodox approach

um salvation and what happened in the

west both in Roman Catholicism as well

as in uh protestantism

of course Roman Catholicism waivers from

one thing to the other depending on the

centuries and what who is important at

the time in the emphasis of this place

was broken up into Parts into pieces and

there is an emphasis on one thing here

in Memphis with one thing there tell me

about it and you you know a lot more

than I do about that I'm a student I'm a

I'm a new student I'm a young young

student in a way if you only see how

beautiful a smile is I gave you the link

watch it Brethren when you see him smile


sister Hold on Sister Sandra Sandra

you know we have a topic now sister I

see that on your channel you have a

video on narcissism

Sandra we have a topic

let's focus on the topic

do me a favor sister I lived with a

narcissist for 10 years my ex

I'm sorry that I have chicken legs I'm

not as attractive as you'd want me to be

and I'm not up to your standard forgive

me not all of us can be perfect

I may be the closest thing to Perfection

but I'm not there your Center but I have

some mercy let's get off of narcissism

let's focus on the topic about Jesus and

his death okay Sandra

I'll go and I'll get someone to sell me

growth hormone

I'll see if there's a guy in the gym

tonight say hey anyone here who sells

growth hormone steroids I need you to

inject my calves calves and my thighs so

they can be huge to match my upper body

because I have a sister named Sandra is

very upset so Sandra please forgive me

I'm sorry I'm not the ideal man

Protestant believer if he was single

then he'd be thyroid but he's married

forgive me sister I apologize

let's focus sister let's focus on the

topic now coming back on the issue

tell me about the issue watch the video

watch when he laughs and smiles when he

smiles he radiates the entire screen

when he laughs you see the joy of the

spirit just flowing out of him beautiful

radiating like this beautiful teddy bear

but anyway Sandra for you tonight I'm

going to look for growth hormone and I'm

going to shoot it in my my calves and my

thighs so that my thighs and calves will

be bigger than my body so that I'm going

to have a hard time walking through the

doors just to make you happy Sandra

okay now let's focus all right

let's focus

on the west and I don't really know as



as uh as I should but it's too much is

just so broken and so um

so multiplied theology so many

multiplied theologies that I don't even

know where to start all right that clip

is jam-packed with information

uh just I'll make it real quick and I'll

let you take over after that

I just want to ask the question if John

chrysostom teaches PSA then what would

we expect to have seen in that clip

listen you're interviewing a John

chrysostom expert and you directly ask

him what is the Orthodox position on the


instead of answering with PSA he answers

with an illustration from the writings

of John chrysostom you see it's an

illustration that is very unlike

anything in PSA

and finally the second part of the clip

that we pasted on there

he said that atonement theories destroy

incarnational theology now is that what

we would expect to see from a John or we

would expect to hear from the John

chrysostom expert when asked about the

atonement if John christison believes in

PSA yeah that was one of the things

about my interview with Father paniotis

uh that was it was really shocking I

mean two more minutes for this clip

we'll play another one we'll put

everything in context I promise you if

the holy spirit is pleased to come to

the Forefront you're going to get a lot

of meat I promise you just be patient

let me just play these clips

um just to see him focus on this

um uh Declaration of God's love as the

motivator uh behind the Incarnation the

sinless life the suffering yes the the

death but also the the Resurrection the

rescue the

um it was it was all a focus on the

motivating of God's love

and uh when you when you hear that

you want to call that good news you know

so it it really does seem to put the

good news in the gospel which is that

God so loved the world he sent his only

begotten son yes yeah and um and it's

not just for the elect but it's for

whosoever would believe in him oh right

there Muhammad white yeah you would

think if you had it James White's way

for God

so hated the world

for God was so angry at the world that

he sent us


now that God has opened our eyes and our

ears and our minds and our hearts the

fullness of the truth

you would think that according Jamal

Muhammad white John 3 16 should have

actually said for God so hated the world

so for God was so angry at the world

that he gave his only begotten son to

appease his anger so that he could then

love the world


but anyway listen to the rest of it and

I have one more clip

and I want to share an angle from the

scriptures that revolutionized my

understanding of the Bible

and actually broke my heart I started

feeling sorry for the Lord I'll explain

it to you I've shared it in the past get


and we're going to do a couple of series

on BART Herman and we're going to finish

Kelly powerless and the like and someone

asked me to respond to Ahmad

would not perish but have everlasting

life that's that's really beautiful good

news and so

in my own rediscovering the fundamentals

of Christianity

um I've really Fallen back in love with

the god of the Bible see that

um I feel like I've grown deeper in my

love and admiration and appreciation

that's really beautiful good news listen

and so

in my own rediscovering the fundamentals

of Christianity

um I've really Fallen back in love with

the god of the Bible now he's saying

that because he used to be a calvinist

and I bear witness brethren

as a calvinist he used to be a calvinist

the god of Calvinism leaves you you



psychologically confused

and pretty much it can leave you in a

state of despair if you don't guard


when God Saves you from this doctrine of

Satan this filthy Wicked demonic

Doctrine from the pit of Hell tulip

and then you read the Bible afresh

and you see the true nature of God you

end up falling in love with him and

adoring him because he becomes


and I'm going to give you an

illustration just let me let him finish

the clip


um I feel like I've grown deeper in my

love and conversation and appreciation

and worship it's awe-inspiring and uh

and to have this expert on my show was

was rather fortuitous because here he is

um extremely well versed in the writings

of John chrysostom and he's not coming

back at me going Warren weren't going

you you uh anachronistic simpleton don't

you know John chrysostom taught penal

substitutionary atonement no he did God

can't simply forgive people yeah exactly

to to you know brutalize and pour out

his wrath on Christ so that he could

impute your evil to him uh so that Jesus

could become the greatest concentration

of evil the world had ever known

according to our space rule so he looks

at you he sees the righteousness of

Christ but instead that's not what I got

from from John chrysostomo uh and and

this expert on his writings instead love

and Redemptive work of God but

having said that Paul

I gotta say I think I think Mike so far

has brought his best argument yes to the

table as far as I could find

I mean this gave me pause he this was I

was using this writing of John

uh where chrysostom is is speaking of an

analogy yep so now

I'm gonna go to the final clip it's

going to start at the 21 minute 53

second Mark and I'm going to explain to

you when you read the Bible afresh and

you read as a love story it will break

your heart and make you cry and where

did it really become Supernatural for me

and deep when I went through hell and

again I had faults I wasn't Guiltless I

was damaged and I didn't know how to

react to the abuse may God forgive me

for my failure and heal her and me but I

want you to pay attention

because Mike Winger depends on secondary

sources his scholarship is questionable

now there's some good stuff he does but

I hope he humbles himself and repents

and doesn't follow the path of Jamal

Muhammad white or Antonia Dodgers

we'll see

because if he's a true sinner of the

Lord he'll accept correction not repeat

these mistakes because he's dependent on

secondary sources and didn't go and

examine look what this brother is going

to say about him around the 21 minute 53

second Mark and then I'm going to give

you the analogy of the Bible here 21

minute 53 second Mark here you go listen

uh from the wicked to his son can you

speak to that listen oh yeah and let me

agree with you Mike Winger has brought

his a game at this point and that's not

a fake quote that's a real quote from

John chrysostone's explication of second

Corinthians 5 21. now before I say

anything first let me launch a complaint

with the Reverend Mr Winger that

complaint is this he gave two quotes

from John chrysostom

and didn't bother to provide the

citation for either of them that makes

it really tough to track down these


that's especially the case with John

chrysostom and as you see that because

he's quoting secondary sources he

doesn't tell you where he's calling from

what section of his writings so you can

go and verify sloppy irresponsible

slopping response and look what he's

going to say now now that he's East

Orthodox it makes me appreciate his

comments more because I thought he was

attacking as a Protestant so Paul

vandendry is in Eastern Orthodox look

what he's going to say about Chris

system prolific as John chrysostom was

chrisism crisostomos means golden mouth

John christensen's contemporaries call

them because it is alleged eloquence

okay in my opinion he could just as

easily have been called the blabbermouth


the man would not stop sermonizing and

writing the shaft collection of the

church fathers comprises 38 volumes John

chrysostom's writings make up 15.8

percent of that series

that's one man one guy's writings

composed near 60 of that huge series on

the church closed that's how prolific

John chrysis was said luckily you and I

both have the PDFs for this we were so

on the acrobat search feature we're able

to type in keywords and phrases and

track it down to uh genre systems

analysis of second Corinthians 5 21.

so that was my rant I'm lodging that

complaint with the Reverend Mr Winger

now let me move on to my analysis okay

that's it no he actually being Eastern

Orthodox he loves John chrysostom so

he's just having fun I didn't know


if he was taking shots but now that you

told me that he's

Orthodox then obviously he loves John


and he wasn't saying that to disrespect

he was just showing that the man wrote

so much to not tell you where you're

quoting from is irresponsible it's lazy

it's sloppy

and that's what might because he's

dependent on secondary sources what

William Lane Craig would write in his

book now with that said can I go a

little deep into

the story of the Bible that when I read

it afresh after the Lord saved me out of

these filthy Wicked satanic doctrines of

Calvinism called tulip it broke my heart

and I could relate because that's how

real Jesus is and we're gonna go into

Bart Ehrman if you're okay it's been a

while you know how my sessions are run

we trust the spirit to come to the

Forefront I may have a topic he may have

something else in mind his will be done

because it's from the spirit we'll be

blessed if you read the Old Testament


it is a love story

that is beyond understanding and it's

it's real

the god of the Bible is Real Jesus is

real he's alive death is not the end of

us he's given us overwhelming evidence

to know it and the Bible is historically


the story of the Old and New Testament

is heartbreaking

and it takes on a deeper meaning for me

because I went through something so I'm

not God

I was the farthest thing

from being Jesus Christ to my ex I

failed the Lord in my anger and lashing

out in the flesh I got what I deserved

so I'm not playing a hero but I

understand now and I need you to listen

now everyone I need you to listen

if you read the story of the Old


and here are the chapters you're going

to read for homework Ezekiel chapter 16.

and Ezekiel chapter 23.

God describes his relationship to Israel

as a man falling in love with a woman so

even as I'm thinking about it I'm

getting emotional may God Purge our

motives not to do it for Praise of men

but for the glory of Christ

the story is Ezekiel 16 he gives a

parable of Israel being an infant girl

left to die

she's born and her parents

toss her into the Wilderness to die

he sees that infant Walling in the blood

and God comes to her salvation and

protects her and saves her from dying

then it says time went on and she

blossomed she ripened she went past the

age of Maintenance and it says in

Ezekiel you had now reached the age of

love now you are mature for marriage and

then it says God married her now here's

where it gets heartbroken

the story of the Old Testament and also

read the book of Hosea chapters one two

and three three chapters Ezekiel 16

Ezekiel 23

Hosea chapter 1 and 3 but read chapters

one two and three right


you wanna be there no what's the story

the story is of a man who's madly in

love with a woman

but this woman does not love him

this woman doesn't find them attractive

this woman keeps lusting for other men

who are Better Built and better endowed

and I'm not exaggerating

if you want to see how God humbles

himself and in quotation marks

humiliates himself quote unquote

read Ezekiel 23 it's one of the most

graphic descriptions of God's

relationship to Israel now during this

time I need you to listen because this

is sensitive material I gotta tread


Israel was divided into two because of



so now you had the southern Kingdom

Judah and the capital of Jerusalem that

belonged to David's heirs and then you

had the Northern Kingdom Israel the

capital Samaria

but they're one people but now God

describes his love for them as a man

who's married to two sisters

and Judah they're actually one people

but now notice how God condescends look

how humble the true God is he will

humble himself to the point of

humiliating himself

describing himself as a man with two


that's Ezekiel 23.

and then he describes the treatment he

received from his wives

and in Ezekiel 23 he says

that his wives lusted after the

Egyptians the Assyrians the Babylonians

the animites so on and so forth

and he describes them now let me put in

perspective he's talking about spiritual

adultery what's spiritual adultery we

are God's spiritual bride

we end up committing adultery against

God when we worship

gods and goddesses

other than God or worship our own

desires or do what we want that's called

spiritual adultery so what is God saying

these two sisters whom we love

committed adultery against him because

they fell after the gods and goddesses

of the Assyrians the Egyptians the

Babylonians and the like

they were more in love with those gods

and goddesses than their God and God

says in doing that they cheated on me

commit adultery and then he gets graphic

are you ready

gets a little graphic and I'm going to

keep it G-rated

he says

that they were so in love with their

lovers because they had huge male


and they would have orgasms like that of

horses that's how graphic it gets I'm

not lying it's Ezekiel 23 20 23. so you

think I'm not lying

and this is where it makes me want to


you're going to wonder why

I'm going to share with you not to be a

sob story

okay I'm thinking about I want to cry

here let me show you Ezekiel 23 20 21.

look at how God humiliates himself

and humbles himself watch her look

Ezekiel 23 20 21.

bear she lusted after lovers whose

genitals were like those of donkeys see

I'm not lying

in fact I remember when Muslims had used

this against me to attack the Bible is

this God's word yeah

and whose emission their orgasm their

semen was like that of horses

so you see and it makes me want to cry

when you think God because when you see

it from God's perspective you'll see

what I mean so you long for the lewdness

of your youth when in Egypt your bosom

your breasts were fondled caressed in

your young breast fondled

you see how God humbles himself in fact

humiliate himself to speak in this way

and what is his point

and I'm gonna tell you why it hit home

with me when I read this afresh are you


you guys ready you really want me to go

deep it's really going to break your

heart you're going to like me feeling

sorry for God wait God is Almighty isn't

it yeah

because the real God is beautiful

the real God is humble

the real God

breaks himself

and allows his heart to be broken out of

his love for creatures

it's amazing

this God

how humbly is

right now watch

what he's saying is this

God is a man

Watcher God is a man

whose wife

doesn't find him attractive

because he's not handsome enough or well


and can't satisfy her so she keeps

running after these other gods and

goddesses whom he's describing as men

because they are physically attractive

and well endowed and can satisfy her in


you know how heartbreaking that is for

me to hear

you understand what God is saying

God is saying

my wife doesn't find me attractive and

doesn't desire me

because I'm not handsome enough or good

enough for her

she finds other men

more attractive

because they're better endowed and they

satisfy her more than me but here's the

story where it gets really really


these men only use her and devour her

and ravish her

as a as a [ __ ] and dumper and I'm the

one who then picks her up and brings her

back home

okay but every time I bring her back

she then gets dissatisfied with me once

again and goes after other men and she's

been doing this to me for 1500 years

exactly Leonidas

exactly Charles you understand

you see why it breaks me wants me to cry

God is saying

for 1500 years no no no Charles he's

right don't delete his message hope he's


for 1500 years

my wife has left me for other men

because she doesn't find me attractive

she doesn't find me desirable

I can't satisfy her but she runs after

Bad Boys

Bad Boys

who use her abuser demean her ravage her

sexually and dump her like a [ __ ]

because she's attracted to Bad Boys

she's not attracted to me

that's the story

see I'm about to cry right now

you understand what God just said

and he goes no matter how much I love


no matter how much I put up

no matter how much I tolerate and I keep

taking her back over and over again

she doesn't want me

she doesn't want me

listen to this

no matter how much I love her

no matter how much I take her back no

matter how much I forgive her no matter

how much

I put up with

I can't make her love me

she doesn't want me

so you know what the story the New

Testament is and this is where my heart

really breaks

the story of the New Testament is Jesus

finally saying to Israel

I can't do it anymore

so I gotta pause

there's not much more I can do for you


the story of the New Testament is Jesus

saying to Israel

this is your final shot

because Jesus is the one who said to be

the husband Mark 2 18-20

John 3 28 to 29 Ephesians 5 25 33 he's

the husband

and he says to Israel his bride

I can't do it anymore

you don't want me

I'll never be

good enough for you

I'll never be desirable enough for you

and I'll never be attractive to you

I can't do it anymore

so now
what a broken heart Israel

I'm going to give you what you want

a divorce

but it's not going to be like before

now you're on your own

now you're going to see what life is

without me taking you back over and over


no matter how many times you commit

adultery against me

now it said Israel I'm done

you've crushed my heart

you've broken my spirit

and now the greatest and most loving

thing I can do for you is give you what

you want

see love doesn't Force itself on you

that's right

so you don't want me

you don't find me attractive

then the most loving thing I can do

is give you a divorce and let you go

and so Jesus is

message was farewell Israel


he says why it breaks my heart

I did what I could

to try to make you love me

but I'm just not good enough for you

that's the message you've been giving me

I am not good enough for you

I'm not desirable enough

I'm not attractive enough

what more can I do

not much

bye bye Israel I'm done

and so the story of the New Testament is


marrying the church meaning

Believers Jews and Gentiles one of the

spirit because now Christ Works

covenantly through the church not

through the nation of Israel

that's the story of the Bible

so when the Orthodox Church told you

it's a love story of the lover chasing

the Beloved

spot on that's the message and I saw

this from my reading of the Bible

I saw this

from my reading of the Bible

see this is the god of the Bible the god


reality the true God revealed in Jesus

he's not the god of Calvinism he's not

the god of Anthony Rogers or James White

this cruel Wicked dictator who's

heartless and cold

the god of the Bible is this God the

real God the real Jesus and here let me

show you Jesus's heartbreak

and I'll tell you why it hit home with


and I'm not trying to play victim I'm

just letting you know

this is what made me my heart break even

more for Jesus

and this is why when we stand before


we won't have an excuse because I'm

going to give you the analogy Luke 19

41-44 here here it is

Jesus look this is God In the Flesh the

human face of God crying human tears to


his heart

Brokenness watch Luke 19 41 44.

as he approached Jerusalem and saw the

city he wept over it so he started

weeping and he said if you even you

had only known on this day

what would bring you peace

but now it is hidden from your eyes

the days will come upon you when your

enemies will build an embankment against


and encircle you

right and hem you in on every side

they will Dash you to the ground you and

the children within your walls

they will not leave one stone on another

because you did not recognize the time

of God's coming to you did you catch it

he's crying

he's weeping this is the true God

revealed in Jesus Christ

I love you Justin

you catch it

you see it

he wept

in other words can you imagine a man


like a baby heartbroken

because the woman he loves and adores

doesn't love him

doesn't want anything to do with him

keeps dishonoring him disrespecting him

she'd rather have bad boys to devour her

treat her as a piece of me

for sexual gratification

she would rather have them than than him

and then

Jesus says all right

it's enough and is enough

I can't do it anymore

the most loving thing I can do for you

is to give you what you want

you don't want me

farewell Israel

this is it that's why even the Jews

today will ask will tell them yes this

is in Yoma

section of someone called Yoma 9 and 39.

the Jews wondered okay when the first

temple was destroyed it's because

there was idolatry immorality right

shedding of innocent blood but then God

allowed them to return in seven years

and rebuild

then they're wondering

during the second temple

the Jews were observant

but God destroyed the temple

because of what what was the reason and

they say because there was hatred

without a reason they hated

unrighteously and that confirms our

Lord's word in John 15 24 25 so the

scripture would be fulfilled they hated

me without reason

you asked the Jews

during the first temple God destroyed it

and Jerusalem because you were steeped

in idolatry immorality and shedding of

innocent blood but he allowed you to

return seven years and rebuild what was

your sin what sin did you commit that

was so great

that from 70 A.D when the temple

destroyed and Jerusalem destroyed for

over 1900 years he allowed you to be

scattered all over the world hated by

all the nations

and even to this day you haven't been

able to rebuild the Temple what sin did

you commit

that made the first sin that was on the

destruction of the first Temple look

like nothing

the sin of rejecting their God who

appeared to them in the flesh handing

them over to be killed and when they did

that the Lord said enough I'm done

for over 1900 years they've been

scattered no mercy because unlike the

first dispensation God would send them

but then they would cry out and his

heart would break and he'd restore them

but with Jesus coming in the flesh he

goes this is your final chance now I'm

going to give you what you want

you don't want me then that's it here's

the divorce

it's final

I'm done

I can't do this anymore

I'm going to finally honor your desire

because I'll never be good enough for


I'll never be attractive enough for you

I'll never be desirable enough for you

and that's it

here you go goodbye Israel but you know


Zechariah Chapter 12 to 14 state

you know what Zechariah Chapter 12-14

State and if you interpret that in light

of Romans 11

exactly you know what it states it says

that there will be a remnant of Israel

that will be preserved when Christ comes

and as he descends on the Mount of


because the New Testament says Jesus

will return to the Mount of Olives and

Paul says when the fullness of the


have come in then he will turn his

attention to all of Israel

that Remnant now that's how I understand

if I'm wrong may the Lord save me then

the news is when he then descends it

says that Remnant that survives when he

returns will realize this Jesus Is Our

God and the spirit will convict them and

they'll cry out

and then the Lord will say

it's where it's moving


now that you've realized

your sin

and your mistake and now that you cry up

to me I will now take you back and now

you'll be one with me part of my church


so that's the story of Jesus that's the

story of the Bible

in other words the New Testament is the

story of the great divorce

and contrary to what many people say

not only did Christ get divorced he got

married again he married the church

do you understand that

he married the church

he got divorce to his first bride and

married another bride

but he will do to this bride what he did

to the first one if we follow their


you understand the story now did it make

sense now practically

how does that apply to us

practically how does it apply to us okay

let me tell you how it applies okay you


now why did this

reading of the Bible afresh with new

lenses with new eyes impacted me

Brethren I'm not trying to play victim


for 10 years I would hear

I'm not attracted to you

I don't desire you I don't love you I'll

never love you I'll never be attracted

to you for 10 years I heard that garbage

and I don't want to make love to you I

feel like I'm forced to make love to you

this is why at the end we became

roommates I wouldn't get near her

I heard it for 10 years

10 years

someone already who has low self-esteem

who struggles with self-worth and

hearing my greatest nightmare

drill it in my mind like Satan's voice

in my ear

and I still didn't leave because of my

daughters I would have stayed in that

abusive relationship for my daughter

said but God saved me no you're leaving

she's not going to do this to you


watch the wrath of God that will fall on


but now let me tell you how it applies

to the Lord you ready when you stand

before the Lord

are you ready

you see what makes Jesus so beautiful

he practices what he preaches and he

knows what you've gone through

by firsthand experience

don't worry about Ezekiel 34 and

misinterpreting it in light of Russia

stop that Paul all you need to know is

that there'll be a Remnant that'll

survive and that Jesus Will engraft them

back in

stop with your end time prophecy Madness

Focus Paul before I send you to Mike

Winger all right

you know what that means practically

when you stand before the Lord he is the

only God that can say this because he's

the only God that exists and a god of

infinite love who became flesh to

experience what we experience you know

when you stand before the Lord no man

can say to the Lord you don't know what

it's like for your wife to cheat on you

I thought he's going to look at you I


have you read my story

you don't know what it's like to keep

taking back your wife

over and over again

and she keeps running to other men and

committing adultery over and over again

you don't know what it's like

I don't

have you read Ezekiel have you heard

Jose in fact you know God told Hosea go

take that woman Gomer

that prostitute why because you will be

an example of Israel being a [ __ ]

whom I married inside of her being a

[ __ ] he says I don't say a one

take that [ __ ] Gomer because that will


analogous you will be assigned and a

symbol of me marrying a [ __ ] called


right then in Isaiah 3

from the context we get that she left

him to go back to be a prostitute

after taking her in as a prostitute

it says

go take your back back your wife buy her

back again

because that's what he did for Israel so

then Hosea had to go buy her back out of

prostitution and take her back after she

left him to go back to the life of

prostitution why because God is saying

that's what I keep doing to Israel

I keep taking her back and she keeps


so Hosea you're gonna live out in your

own life

what I am experiencing at the hands of

my bride Israel can you imagine having

to be a prophet that has to now live out

what God is experiencing through the

nation I gotta marry a prostitute yes

why so you know how it feels

dusk if you're confused I will stick my

foot up your ass and get you out of here

because you're misreading Jesus get lost

if you don't know what I'm talking about

gold relearn the Bible okay

don't make it about what Jesus teaches

about divorce because you don't know the

words that's why you're confused get


that's why it's called the New Covenant

and now he says the Kingdom's taken away

from you and given to a nation that will

produce its fruit the church which part

of that isn't clear that's why you Bible

butchers that don't know how to read the



and think that once

you've been married

there is no second marriage if your

spouse has committed adultery go reread

it because then you're saying that Jesus

contradicted his own teaching anyway

that's another topic for another time

that's why even the Catholic Church will

allow for annulments

if they're valid because they understand

not all marriages are from the Lord

that's another topic but let's let's

focus on this everyone with me

you're so far listening right so when

you go before the Lord no woman can say

the Lord you don't know what it's like

to be married to an abusive spouse

and the Lord's going to smile and say

I don't

for over 1500 years I had a spouse that

constantly abused me

like a narcissist until this day even

there are Christians who claim to be

Christians part of my church who are

constantly abusing me cheating on me

nothing new Under the Sun

nor can you say to the Lord you don't

know what it's like to be raised in a

poor home

you want to bet if you read Leviticus

chapter 12 verses 1 8 specifically verse

8 and then you read Luke chapter two

Brethren Luke Chapter 2

16 all the way to 40.

you'll see that when it came to the time

of purification for Mary

because the law says when a woman gives

birth to a son or a daughter there is a

waiting period of purification then she

has to offer a sacrifice it says if they

are poor then they can offer up two

turtle doves or a pigeon

if you read

the sacrifice that Mary and Joseph gave

it says they gave two turtle doves or

pigeons meaning that Jesus willfully

chose to be born in a family that were

so poor they couldn't afford the


for the purification of a woman

postpartum meaning after giving birth

that they had to give two turtle doves

or a pigeon that's how poor they were

read it Luke 2 start reading at 16 to

40. in fact here let me show it to you

because you guys are skeptical you know

you are

I gotta show it to you hold on

so you can't tell Jesus you don't know

what it's like Jesus

you don't know what it's like Jesus to

live in a poor home here you go

it's this new Indian version Luke 2 here

you go

read it for me

22-24 when the time came for the

purification rights required by the law

of Moses Joseph and Mary took him to


to present him


to the Lord

as it is written in the law

of the Lord every firstborn male is to

be consecrated to the Lord and to offer

a sacrifice and keeping with what is

said in the law of the Lord now watch

a pair of doves or two young pigeons

pair of doves or two young pigeons okay

now that pair of those are two young

pigeons let's see

that was the sacrifice of the poor who

couldn't afford

the prescribed


sacrifice there it is Leviticus 12 verse

8. Leviticus 12 verse 8 I may have to

retitle this unless you don't mind going

another hour on BART ehrmann Leviticus

12 verse 8. but if she cannot afford a


she has to bring two dogs or two young

pigeons what did Mary and Joseph bring

two dubs or two young pigeons because

they could not afford the lamb Leviticus

12 verse 8.

one for burnt offering the other four

Sun offering in this way the priest will

make atonement for her as she will be

clean did you guys catch it

you see how humble your lord is

the Lord deliberately chose to be born

in a home so poor

that they couldn't afford a lamb for the

purification of Mary giving birth which

the law Moses required so that they give

two doves or two pigeons that's how poor

they were and Jesus chose to be born in

that house so when you go before the

Lord saying Lord you don't know what

it's like to be raised poor

he'll smile at you

I don't

beloved have you read my story

my spouse constantly abused me cheated

on me Dishonored me didn't think I was

handsome enough or attractive enough

she ran after Bad Boys

who are more physically endowed more

attractive than me and I put up with it

over and over again and took her back

over and over again and her appreciation

was to then leave me again and again and

again for other lovers

my parents were so poor they could only

afford two turtle doves or pigeons

for the purification rights prescribed

by Moses for every woman who gives birth

to a firstborn

or at children in general

nor will you stand before the Lord and

say you do not know what it's like

to be hated

by people

betrayed by people

family members thinking you're out of

your mind and crazy

or your own relatives wanting to kill

you because they're embarrassed by you

or being betrayed

and he'll say I don't


one of my own disciples

one of the twelve

whom I loved and provided for and

blessed and fed and nourished and gave

them the power to do miracles in my name

betrayed me for 30 pieces of silver

the people that I walked with for over

three years

disciples Apostles Peter

on the night of my betrayal ran and

abandoned me

and Peter denied knowing me three times

my family members

thought I was out of my mind

and they came to take me home because

they were embarrassed by me

and those called my brothers wanted me

to be caught in Jerusalem publicly so I

could be executed because they didn't

believe in me

I don't know what it's like to be


I don't know what it's like to be beaten

and spit on insulted humiliated disgrace

my best friends abandoning me my family

member is wanting to have nothing to do

with me being embarrassed

I don't

and then if you say to him but you don't

know what it's like

for a parent to bury

his or her child

and those gonna remind you they love it

I had to allow my mother

my virgin mother
see her firstborn her only son

beaten to a bloody pulp whipped to the

point of death where my back the skin on

my back was shredded

like shredded paper

spikes driven into my hands and my feet

gasping for air hanging on the cross


people insulting me

before my mother's eyes

John 19 25 27.

she was there by the cross

and I had to allow her

to see me die before her before her eyes

don't tell me I don't know what it's


for a parent to bury their child

I knew in choosing my mother

I would have to pierce your heart

because I knew in choosing my mother

she would have to see me

her flesh her blood her bone


whipped spit on insulted

and die

before her pure beautiful

virginal eyes

so don't tell me I don't know what it's

like for a parent to bury a child

my mother saw me die and expire

and wrap

that body that came from her womb

the theotokos

seeing this body that came from her

that was formed in her belly

being wrapped up by Joseph of arimathey

and Nicodemus

and being buried in a tomb

a tomb that we didn't own but Joseph did

to see her baby

her virgin born son

and see that body broken and beaten

crushing her heart

I know

what you've gone through better than you

think because not only do I observe it

and my heart breaks for you I

experienced it

so that's why you won't have an excuse

before this God was the true God you can

say that to Allah but he's not God you

can say that to these fake Gods but the

true God you can't say that to you can't

say you don't know what it's like to be

abused and cheated by your spouse he'll

smile you don't know what it's like for

a parent to bury his or her child he'll

smile you don't know what it's like to

be hated and spit on and beaten and

whipped and killed he'll smile you don't

know what it's like for your family

members think you're out of your mind

and embarrassed and ashamed of you he'll

smile at you

see this is the god of the Bible

this is the true God revealed to Jesus

he's real he's alive it's not the god of

Calvinism I'm sorry calvinist you make

God sound like this wicked heartless

cold Tyrant may the Lord say people out

of Calvinism

so this is the story

so John chrysostom was right

the Orthodox Church is right it's a love

story of the lover running after the


doing everything he can which destroys

Calvinism and destroys the notion that

you don't have free choice yes the

spirit must convict you enable you to

respond but he does that and allows you

to enact upon it Calvinism is from the

pit of Health when you know what the

real God of the Bible is like this is

why you need to condemn these false

teachers these Bible perverts

they are not teachers of the Lord

they're teaching a false view of God

that's blasphemous thank Jesus in his

love for me and Patience he knew my

heart wasn't to blaspheme him but I

didn't know any better and he waited

patiently to bring me out

is that clear now now we can segue into


if you're if you're up for it got

another hour Lord willing and I'll do a

part two on bar Derman

yeah the lover of mankind

philanthropy to remind us of his

continual pursuit of love for his bride


beautiful right


now you see how humble your God is


beautiful your God is

how merciful for your God is and your

God is not a god of Pride my God is not

a god of Pride because he allows himself

to be humiliated which person would talk

about his wife leaving him because her

lovers were more physically attractive

and better endowed and better in bed

than him which

men would talk like this

do you know of any man that would talk

like this
which man would go on saying my wife

keeps cheating on me because I'm not

that physically attractive and endowed

and I'm not good in bed

would any man say that about himself

too much pride right

and that's how God spoke of himself in

Ezekiel 23.

her lovers the Assyrians the Egyptians

better endowed physically than me

more attractive than me in her mind not

in mine but in her mind

and she'd rather have them ravish her

than me love her

and want the best for her

right exactly jcbm

so for you men who had wives who cheated

on you belittled you dehumanized you and

said you're not attractive

God knows your circumstance because he

experienced it firsthand and his heart

breaks for you he knows your pain you

women who had spouses that abuse you and

cheated you God knows your circumstance

because his spouse abused him

this is the god of the Bible he's the

real God it's the amazing or what

our God is amazing is he not

our God is amazing so this is going to

be part one of our Irma I'll try to

retitle it because we got a lot I'm

going to do a series because Bart Herman

I guess was interviewed showing that the

historical Jesus never claimed to be God

so we'll be looking at some of his

citations but let me see if the cat

wants to come in cats in the cradles in

the silver spoon

the little boy blue and the man on the



Brethren the goal of these classes

is for the Holy Spirit to work through

me to convince you your Bible

Supernatural it's real the god of the

Bible is real

and Jesus is real and he is a god of

infinite love who's mind-blowing if I

accomplish that purpose then I know the

spirit is working through me

that's my purpose

to get you to see

get you to see


100 percent who had Jesus killed by the

Romans his bride

so like you see in some of these

programs where spouses conspire to get

their husbands or wives killed it

happened to Jesus


so you can't say Lord you don't know

what it's like to have your spouse put a

contract on you to be killed you sure

Israel my bride handed me over to be


by the hands of Lawless men

obviously not every Jews


first Believers were Jews right

my goal is the spirit be the teacher

and work through me

work through me to get you to be

convinced the Bible Supernatural

historically accurate the god of Bible

is more real than you can imagine Jesus

is Alive death is not the end of us and

be blown away of how beautiful loving

our God is and fall more in love with

him in Jesus name I hope I accomplish

that no attention to me all attention to



so there you go Bart Airman Lord willing

the historical Jesus claimed to be God

well according to him he didn't


hold on one second

one second guys

one second

these dogs that barking you know

the One Clip that's gotten people

manifest like dogs you know which one it

is there's a clip where I talked about

the true Sabbath boy you should see the

comments of sabbatarians

except in that man they manifest like

dogs and none of those cowards none of

those dogs will even call me on Skype to

refute me they bark in the comment

section but anyway let's begin

what do you mean no sound

no sound what

sound working



what happened to my sound

good job Tippy

good job Tippy

you have no sound now you think the

whole world has no sound Tippy good job

excellent Tippy you make your problem

the world's problems

your problems your problem Missy

no sound you caught it no sound just

because you don't have no sounds I mean

the world doesn't have sound why the

world revolves around you

man dude all right anyway Bart Ehrman

historical Jesus never claimed to be God

all right

let's see where we begin

first of all let's go to this book I

want you to see oh that brings him up

another note

sadly we have Catholics who are their

worst enemies we have Catholics

who do a great job of destroying their

own church from within so you don't need

Outsiders what do I mean

I'm going to give you two examples

remember that young lady who had those

amazing encounters with the Blessed

Mother those Visions dreams who's on her

way to trying to find a solid Church

who's been attending a Catholic Church

do you guys remember her story

look at this idiot only 12 000 Jews are


I mean I met some stupid people but

Angie you take the cake in fact you

better show me where it says twelve

thousand Jews because if you don't I'm

gonna block you and send you to Mecca to

lick the black stone because that's not

what Revelation 7

48 says
okay exactly Tippy you needed a lot of

attention anyway she was just telling me

that she went to

the Catholic church and her husband

who's agnostic hey Jonathan can I debunk

your mother Jonathan Savvy I want to

debunk your mother for giving birth to

you after doing you dumb little bastard

now they're starting to manifest

anyway for the rest of you pay attention

she goes that when her husband went and

asked the priest there

he came off so cold that they both got

the impression

because they have rcia in the fall

and the way he spoke to them they were

left with the bad taste in their mouths

that he was actually discouraging them

from taking rcia classes because this

dumb priest

gave them the impression well hey Islam

and Christianity are a lot alike almost

like discouraging them to convert see

how stupid this priest is

do you see how stupid this priest is

are you with me there as we begin the


refuting Bart Urban this will be part

one Lord willing yep this leads me to

the the next the next problem page 46

this is the transcript of the debate

that Bart Ehrman had with Michael bird

which you can watch online Michael F

bird which you can watch online okay

one of the greatest thorns in the side

of Christian apologists witnessing to

Muslims was the late Dr Raymond E Brown

sadly Raymond Ebro was a notable New

Testament scholar

who was hailed by Academia as one of the

most authoritative knowledgeable

scholars in the New Testament

he was a liberal who held to views that

were Faith destroying not faith building

questioning the virginal birth of our

Lord questioning the bodily resurrection

of Our Lord questioning the deity of Our

Lord wrote books and commentaries or

contributed to books where the authors

were liberal Scholars like him

who attributed heirs to the Bible

mistakes to the Bible

and pretty much

destroyed any confidence in the core

doctrines of the Christian church

and I'm not the only one who's spoken

out against him Robertson genus has

spoken out against him William Albrecht

has in fact Raymond Brown was one of

shabbir Ali's favorite New Testament

Scholars whom he would quote Ad nauseam

at infinitum to attack the historical

accuracy of the New Testament other

Muslims have done so and I even have

articles refuting Raymond Brown because

Muslims were quoting him on answering

Islam you'll see some eye responses I'm

addressing Raymond bronze claims and

books such as the birth of the Messiah

and the death of the Messiah and he also

contributed to a book Mary in the New

Testament where he pretty much destroys

the Orthodox and Catholic doctrines of

Mary's Perpetual virginity and her

essential Purity that she was kept pure

by the grace of God arguing like a

Protestant and when I was staunchly

anti-catholic I would quote Mary in the

New Testament to bash the Catholic

doctrines on Mary and I'm not the only

one Eric Benson wrote a book

right who is my mother

an attack on the Catholic view as well

as the Orthodox view of Mary he

copiously quoted from that book married

the New Testament

you believe that

why am I mentioning him

Bryson you're a [ __ ] like your mother

I've never had respect for you or your

mother Bryson male because her mother's

a shell hoarder gave birth to a bastard

like you so be brave behind the fake


at least your mother was man enough to

do muta to be a prostitute to give birth

to you I've never respected you I'd spit

on you but my spit is better than you

glory to the father son my spirit

Nathan can you come on

and debate me on that later let's see if

Nathan this dog

will come on and try to challenge me on

the pre-existence of Christ come here

dog come here girl I got a bone for you

let's see have your Bible ready so I can

make an example out of you now why do I

mention that

because Raymond Brown who's supposedly a

Catholic priest who supposedly believes

the doctrines of the Catholic Church

like the trinity

influence folks like Bart Ehrman


Raymond Brown argued

in his books


the first Christians

held to what they call an exaltation

christology Lavon I don't know who you

are I didn't invite you you better tell

me who you're on private because I'm

going to send you to Mecca you've got

five seconds five




two one who are you Lavon

can you hear me yeah who are you Lavon

uh my question I have some questions I

didn't ask you to come and ask questions

uh so why are you on

sorry I just I just needed some answers

well why when I said they didn't say

it's q a yet I invited that that dog to

come and debate me on the pre-existence

of Christ so why'd you come on

okay I'll just wait here I won't make a

noise you sure because you're you're

your face is making a noise all right

all right he's kosher

all right now all right

Raymond Brown taught the following and

I'm going to quote from Bart Ehrman so

we can begin our rebuttal it's okay

Orthodox Dina God is teaching you to be

patient because Orthodox you know if you

get married you're going to need a lot

of patience

marriage is going to take a lot of

patience girlfriend and you're too


to emotional you'll probably beat your

husband into repentance

before you can get to the priest that

confess you'll probably already beat his

sin out of him Dina calm down sister

you got to be patient when you get


come on now

all right

all right so now

with that said

Raymond Brown taught the following

guys Catholics

consider one of the greatest new Tesla

Scholars that lived in the 20th century

he taught that the first Christians held

to what he called or what is called

exaltation christology that God raised

Jesus and exalted him to the status of

God that was the original View

then as they start reflecting on it

they started thinking wait

he must have been God before his

exaltation so some started believing he

was made God at the baptism

then Brown claims as they thought about

it even further and more deeply

they conclude no he was always God on

Earth so then they taught that he became

God the Son of God at human conception

and that's taught in Matthew and Lou but

then as they thought about it well wait

if he was God from conception he must

have always been God therefore he

already existed as God before he became

flesh that was Raymond Brown's view of

the evolution of christology you

understand what this priest taught

you understand what this priest thought

and Bart Ehrman adopts that position

because in his debate he mentions it and

it's here on page 46.

Bart Airman adopt the view of Raymond


that at first

Christians thought that Jesus had became

God at his exaltation

but then as they thought about it wait

he must have already been God for him to

be exalted in status of God

so that means at some point in his

Earthly Ministry God had made him God

baptism that's when he becomes Divine

but hold on

if he was divine at the baptism surely

he must have been Divine before that and

as they thought about it ah he was

divine he was God from his mother's


and carnational christology or


conceptional christology Lord save me

from error conceptional christology that

at conception that's when he began to

exist and from conception he was God's


but then hold on if he was God's son at

conception then surely he must have been

God before he was conceived

therefore he was God

in his premium in existence because he

had a premium existence and that's what

you get in John so according to Brown

you go from Christ being made God at the


and you find that let's say in Romans 1

3 and 4.

but then as they reflected on it he

became Divine God at baptism that's what

you find in Mark 1

but no he became God at conception and

that's what you find in Luke 1 and

Matthew 1 that Jesus began to exist at

conception and his conception by the

spirit to the Virgin is when he becomes

the Divine Son of God but then as they

thought about it he must have been God

before that and that's what you get in


you get it that's what Raymond Brown

taught as a Catholic

as a Catholic who claimed to believe in

the Catholic church and her teachings

that's what Raymond Brown taught

you with me there

and that view is being endorsed by Bart

Ehrman so we're going to destroy that

Lord willing

I'm gonna show the historical Jesus

claimed to be God the Divine Son of God

contrary to Urban I'm going to show you

how irman contradicts himself in his

same writing in both he contradicts


and I'm going to show you how ehrman's

views are wacky and I'll give you an

example but here it is page 46 so you

don't think I'm making it up and I'll

open up the Q a

you guys with me are you bored are you

enjoying this

this is a transcript of the debate

there is a very famous scholar of the

20th century a new testament scholar

a new testament scholar

whom some of you may have known


if you are in seminary

I.E Cemetery

you certainly know him because in

seminary Cemetery they

teach you his books Raymond brown one of

the great New Testament interpreters of

the second half of the 20th century

Raymond Brown had a view that I think is

very persuasive

that the Christians as they thought more

and more about how Christ had been

adopted to be God

how he had been exalted to Divine status

pushed the moment at which the

exaltation had happened backward

okay now watch and he's right Raymond

Brown taught this because I had to

engage it

in the early 2000s because Muslims would

quote him

they started out when they believed in

the resurrection thinking God has made

Jesus his son at the resurrection that's

the first view exaltation christology


but they thought about it for a little

while longer

and they thought you know surely Christ

was the son of God not just at his



he must have been the Son of God for his

entire Ministry and so they started

telling stories about his baptism Jesus

gets baptized he comes up out of the

water the heavens split open the spirit

of God descends upon him and a voice

comes from heaven

in Luke's gospel chapter 3 verse 22

what does the voice say you are my son

today I've begotten you it's at the


see the the argument from exaltation to

baptism to conception to pre-existence


so he was the son of God for his entire

Ministry but now watch

people started thinking about it more

and they said you know

actually he must have been the Son of

God for his entire life not just

starting with his baptism and so they

pushed it back further to his birth

now on Mark's gospel Jesus starts at his

baptism and he hears the voice from

Heaven There is no birth of Jesus

reported in mark

there is a birth of Jesus in Matthew

Luke and it's a remarkable story as you

all know Jesus's mother is a virgin

HD Infinity you're not getting the

argument that's why you're going to

embarrass us


why is she a virgin

yeah I am chatalic and I eat a lot of

chocolate I I am chocolate and I eat a

lot of chocolate

you make stupid people look smart Angie

Chateau like I'm not Catholic I'm

Catholic and I need a lot of chocolate

why is she a virgin

because God is his father Jesus becomes

the Son of God already at his birth did

you know that Raymond Brown claims that

in Matthew and Luke Jesus did not have a

pre-human existence

and I wrote an article refuting Raymond

Brown on that point I'll give you the

article in a minute he claims that

Matthew and Luke

believe that Jesus existence started at


they had no understanding of Jesus's

premium existence
can you believe that a Catholic


who's teaching people

who was a professor at a liberal


that Matthew Luke have no knowledge of a

pre-human existence of Christ

they thought that Jesus's life begins at

conception in the womb of the Virgin and

because she can see them of a Virgin by

the spirit that's when he becomes the

Son of God it's only in John that you

get pre-existence

from the four gospels did you know that

that's what he taught Raymond Brown

are you guys listening or no

this is

modern biblical

Academia modern biblical scholarship

it's not just Protestant liberals you

have Catholics and sadly the Orthodox

are catching on as well


now watch and this is barterman summing

up his views accurately

people started thinking about it more

and they said you know actually he must

have been the Son of God for his entire

life not just at you know starting with

his baptism
so Matthew and Luke what do they do

Jesus mother is a virgin why is she a


because God is his father Jesus becomes

the Son of God already at his birth in

Luke 1

the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she is

going to Bear a son and she says I've

never known a man how will I have now

page 47 Assad so I can now refute his

arguments just be patient with me

the power of the most high

will come upon you the holy spirit will

overshadow you the one who is born of

you will therefore be called The Son of

God he'll be called The Son of God

because for Luke

God is literally his father by causing

Mary to get pregnant as a virgin causing

the conception Supernatural about sex he

literally begets Jesus and literally

becomes his father at that time no

premium existence in Luke or Matthew


thus Jesus was originally thought of as

Son of God


Son of God

at his resurrection then at his baptism

then at his birth and then they thought

more about it and pushed it back even


Jesus must have been the Son of God from

eternity past if you read Matthew Luke

carefully look what he says

where you read about the Virgin birth

story there is no hint

there that Jesus existed before the

Virgin birth Matthew and Luke believe

that Jesus

only came into existence at the


that's what Raymond Brown taught that's

what Bart Ehrman is parenting

read them carefully

in Matthew Luke It's not that a

pre-existent Divine being

the Christ had become incarnate through

the Virgin Mary and Matthew Luke Jesus

comes into existence with the Virgin

Mary when God's spirit makes her

pregnant now I'm going to refute that in

a minute you guys okay if I do a series

on this refuting it

are you guys okay if I do a series

refuting him oh

I just got a message from God's Logic

is it

he wants me to go on
I may join them later guys hold on

all right brother let me know if you

want me to join text me later when you

want me to join and write down their

arguments will destroy them

all right you ready

okay now so when

do we find evidence of Christ's premium

in existence that he's got right here

yet as people pondered it more they

thought he must have been the Son of God

from eternity past so they started

developing a different view of you that

is not an exaltation view that at his

resurrection Ascension he becomes divine

not of you where a human becomes a

Divine being

they started developing a view of


a pre-existent Divine being becoming

flesh incarnate in flesh the word

Incarnation means something like having

come in the flesh and Incarnation view

holds that Christ came into the world

after existing before in the Heavenly


Christ was a Divine being who became a

human being

this is not the view of Mark

Martin teach this according to Ehrman

it is not the view of Matthew Luke

Matthew Luke didn't teach us according

Herman and Raymond Brown from whom he

inherited his position it is the view of

the Gospel of John

only John teaches this not Matthew not

Luke not Mark

and the Gospel of John Christ is not

born of a virgin really where does John

say Christ is not born of a virgin

argument from Silence anyone

he didn't exclude Mark he just mentioned

Mark Dan

and the gospel John in the beginning was

the word and the Word was God and the

Word was God the word was with God and

the Word was God he was in the beginning

with God

right all things say into being through

him and apart from him nothing came into

being that came into being and it was

life and his life was a light of humans

and the word became flesh in the world

Among Us chapter 1 verse 1 of 4 and 14.

the word became flesh is Jesus Christ

The Gospel of John understands that

Christ was a pre-existent Divine being

who became a human being that is an

Incarnation christology as opposed to

exaltation christology that only became

God at the Ascension

you find in other early Christians you

see it he's parroting

he's parroting the view of Raymond Brown

and here's an article I wrote responding

to Raymond Brown and let's begin I will

decimate this claim by starting with

Luke and in part two I'll show you from

Matthew markeluke they all affirm

Jesus is prehuman divine existence they

all affirmed Jesus was already existing

before he became flesh and he was

existing as Yahweh

from Matthew Mark and Luke but I'll

start with Luke and open up the Q a

I hope you'll be excited for these



let me find the article

yeah I can't even find

I can't even find my article can you

believe it I there's so many I don't

even know the name of it


ah here it goes

let's see here it is this is the one

right Yep this is it

here's the article

guys I'll put it in the description box


I don't even remember the names can you

believe it that's the one click on it

Christians believe that Jesus has always

been the Son of God even his premium

existence all right

let me see what the name of the article

is can you believe it I I got so many I

don't even remember the name

and I'm one stupid human being

hold on

don't be so honest with yourself Sam

just because

Sandra or thinks you got chicken legs oh

here it is

it did Jesus become the Son of God only

through his virgin birth

did Jesus become the Son of God only

through his virgin birth okay let me

show you

shut up man

you handsome little beast you but I'll

hear your voice here's the article

let's open it up

let me show it to you and I'll show you

the title

this is the article

click on the link

it's the article


but let me show you

all the articles on this section

I'm Like a Bird

only far away I have nearly 2 000

articles here is one this is from the

old site look

is Jesus Is God was he praying to


I'm like a bird and here's that article

you see it's in red

did Jesus become the Son of God only

through his virgin birth I have nearly 2

000 articles folks this is some of my

older materials on the older format then

we went to a new format look at how many

articles folks free of charge we don't

charge you download them upload them

study them understand them and share

them it's yours for free

look at how many articles Brethren glory

to the father's Holy Spirit for putting

my heart to do full-time Ministry he

doesn't need me I need him but then let

me show you the new format

okay and I'm gonna give you another

article we're going to begin responding

to here is the other link to the new

format because that we changed software

so here's some more it's all there

there you go look

sit home all day don't work live in a

cave eat pizza and ice cream read more

because it'll take you about 10 years to

finish them by then you'll be like 400

pounds and you're going to die of a

heart attack

there you go

let alone my blog that has over a

thousand articles all right now the

other article that goes with this is

this one

okay I'm like a bird only Fly Away

Lucan christological pre-existence

Lucan christological pre-existence

Brethren here you go

I don't know where my soul is let me

show you one look I destroying the lie

that Luke does not teach that Christ

pre-existed alive from the pit of Hell

send him back to asheron

unlike a bird I'm only fly away I don't

know where my soul plays I can't do the

low pitch but here it is look at the

article then we're going to begin

so this will be part one brethren

I'm like the bird this is over 10 years

old by the way so when people email me

uh um what's the best of me of cheats

God how do you die did you go and see I

answered that 20 years ago buddy

been there done that got the T-shirt so

are you ready let's begin with Luke is

there proof from Luke

that Jesus pre-existed the Incarnation

he was already the Divine Son of God

before he became flesh does Luke teach

that yes does Matthew teach that yes as

Mark teach that Lord willing I'll Do

Matthew and Mark in part two Lord

willing sometime tomorrow then we'll

finish Kelly powerless and others pray I

stay healthy and fit keep my weight down

get healthier and Holier for the glory

of the Lord

I would love to provision us if he does

I would love to destroy James White on

limit atonement that coward

are we ready now

uh Luke yes sir

if there any proof that Jesus is

pre-existing Luke of course there is you

little monkey really what is it shock

the monkey

monkey get hurt monkey

don't you know a shocked let me see if

it's in this article

let me see a lot okay no it's not all

right let's go from scratch that

all right I'm gonna use revive Standard

Version monkey a monkey

don't you know you shot the monkey

Shock the Monkey


shook the monkey


don't you know you shock the monkeys

a manifesting Sam a manifesting

you ready

damn you're amazing sir the way you're

saying and then we'll open up a q a

okay what's the proof that Luke portrays

Jesus as pre-existent

I'm glad I met your approval Sandra

that makes up for my chicken leg Sandra

thank you sister I know you're an expert

in narcissism because I saw the video

all right here we go Luke 3 verses one

to six pay attention

Luke 3 verse 1 to 6 let's go into meat

you got a lot a lot of meat today by the

grace of the father son Holy Spirit Our

God gets the glory who's real who's

humble not proud or arrogant may we love

Jesus by obedience

Luke 3 verses 106.

right here

what's up Faith don't be so faceless

Luke 3 verses 1 to 6.

don't be in the feminate fifty all Faith

oh girlfriend are you okay that I have

chicken legs will I meet your approval

all right Luke 3 verses 106.

and the 15th year of the reign of

Tiberius Caesar



Gospel of Jesus Christ contact me on

Skype don't distract me here in the 15th

year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar

Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea

and Herod being touchark of Galilee and

his brother Philip tetrarch of the

region of uteria however the heck you

pronounce that name

and trachonitis

and licensius of Abilene and the high

priesthood of anas and Caiaphas the word

of God came to John the son of Zechariah

and the women's now watch who John is

Matthew agrees Mark agrees and John

agrees the Gospel of John this is who

John is now watch

because this will destroy Bart Ehrman

and Raymond Brown

don't be intimidated by scholarship or

phds a PhD is only good for toilet paper

so I'm going to ask Barnum and send me

his PhD because I hear it's PhD is very

soft and it won't be too hard harsh on

my ass when I need toilet paper get it

okay here you go who is John the Baptist

who is John the Baptist according to

Luke which Matthew Mark and John agree

I'll show you tomorrow Lord willing part


and he went

into all the region about the Jordan

provisionist don't let me get the Shia

to piss on your mother you [ __ ] son of

a [ __ ] you bastard like your [ __ ]

Mohammed is in Hell get Provisions out

here before I provide you with more Shia

to do muta with your mother and he went

into all the region about the Jordan

preaching a baptism of repentance for

the Forgiveness of sins as it is written

so who is John the Baptist

as it is written and the Book of the

words of Isaiah the prophet the voice of

one crying in the wilderness prepare the

way of the Lord yahuwah make his pass

rate every Valley shall be filled and

every mountain and Hill shall be brought

low and the Crooked shall be made


and the rough ways shall be made smooth

and All Flesh shall see the salvation of

God according to Luke

Mark as well and the Gospel of John and

Matthew John the Baptist is the voice

that the prophet Isaiah said would be

sent in the wilderness Preparing People

for the coming of God let me show you

watch here

let me show you that

from the prophecy itself Luke just

quoted Isaiah 40 verses 3 to 5. I'm

going to be quoting the Legacy Standard

Version because it uses the word Yahweh

so you can get the point

guys please listen or you're not going

to see how easy it is to destroy these

Bible butchers they're clowns

they're not intelligent they think they

are but God makes them stupid that's why

Bart Ehrman

he's useful in that he says things that

destroys anti-trinitarianism Islam but

again in his arrogance he doesn't see

how stupid and inconsistent he is but

glory to God

we will show him the heir of his ways

here is the prophecy

John is this voice crying out in the

wilderness this voice announced by


700 years before John was born would be

sent to prepare people for who pay

attention look at who this voice is

preparing for

Isaiah 40 verses 3 to 5.

a voice is calling prepare the way of


he's not preparing for a prophet or a

priest or an Angelic creature the voice

is telling people get ready for Yahweh

in the wilderness

make smooth in the desert a highway for

our God so the voice is telling people

Yahweh our God is coming be ready people

now Luke told you John is that voice

which is why he's in the wilderness

baptizing in the wilderness because he's

telling people Yahweh our God is coming

in the wilderness

exactly xjw Laura you can use this in

against the job's Witnesses now watch

let every Valley be lifted up

and every mountain and he'll be made low

and let what let's read it


and let

the rough planes let me quote the rest

of it oh it's right here sorry

and let the rough ground become a plane

and they're all good terrain a broad

Valley then the glory of Yahweh will be

revealed and All Flesh will see it

together for the mouth of Yahweh has


so let's see if you're catching it John

is the voice that Isaiah prophesied over

700 years before the birth of John would

come in the wilderness

and he would be the voice telling people

Yahweh our God is coming you will see

his glory get ready so John is not

preparing for a creature or a mere

Prophet or an Angelic creature he's

preparing for the coming of Yahweh

Israel's God get ready he's going to

show up

and in case you still don't see that


look what Isaiah 40 verses 8 11 says

specifically nine to eleven

hey watch who's coming


an Angelic creature no a mere human

Prophet no who's coming Yahweh Our God

watch here

Isaiah 40 verses 8 to 11.

the grass withers the flower Fades but

the word of our God stands forever get

yourself up on a high mountain o Zion

bearer of good news raise up your voice

powerfully o Jerusalem bearer of good

news why

raise it up do not fear say to the

cities of Judah behold your God

your God is coming Yahweh Our God we're

going to see his glory visibly he's


all right what is he gonna do when he

comes watch here

if you don't get this argument now I'm

going to get the point

behold Lord Yahweh Adonai will come not

a mere creature Yahweh is coming folks

you're going to see his glory visibly

he's coming with a strength his arm

ruling for him behold his reward is with

him and his recompense before him like a

shepherd He will Shepherd his flock in

his arm he will gather the Lambs and

carry them in his bosom he will gently

lead the nursing use all right now let's

see if you got it

according to Luke and I'm going to show

you the same thing from Matthew and Mark

Lord willing tomorrow


John the Baptist begins his ministry in

the wilderness because he's The Voice

that Isaiah said over 700 years before

John's birth would prepare the People

Get Ready for Yahweh Our God make a way

for Yahweh

a highway for our God because you're

going to see his glory people

so is that clear let's see if you got it

is that clear

that John the Baptist will prepare the

people for the coming of Yahweh God

whose Glory they will see

is that clear

did we get that

before I move on to who that Yahweh is

that John prepares for all right

now watch this all right but who is John

preparing for

Luke 3 15 to 17.

Luke 3 15 and 17.

and I'm going to be repeating the same

point when we go into Matthew and Mark

because they all Quote this they all

Quote Isaiah 40. they all apply to John

and they all have John preparing for


Luke 3 15-17

as the people are an expectation and all

men question in their hearts concerning

John whether perhaps he he were the

Christ John answered them all I baptize

you with water but he is mightier than I

is coming the thong over sandals I'm not

worthy let me explain what that means


it was of the customer people to have

house servants

and the house servants would bring water

for the owner and his guests

to wash their feet

because remember they had sandals and

they would walk and open

streets paths and their feet would get

Dusty so it's the job of the servant

to unloose the sandals of the owner and

the guests and bring water to have their

feet washed what John is saying is the

one who's coming after me he's so great

I'm not good enough to be his slave I'm

not even worthy to be a servant a slave

to unloose and carry his sandals that's

how Mighty and great he is

and then he goes on to show how great he

is because he now tells you he does

something that God does

right he will baptize you with the Holy

Spirit and with fire so here's my

challenge to all you anti-turnitarians

quote a single passage in the Old


someone other than God will pour out the


fill people with the spirit immerse his

servants and the power and presence and

life of the spirit show me a single

verse where someone other than God does

that you can't find it it doesn't exist

so you get an idea of who this one is

he's so great so much more powerful than

I I'm not good enough to be a slave and

carry his sandals and wash his feet and

he will immerse you in the power

presence and life of the spirit and fire

now what does that mean fire

dum dum dum watch here

his winnowing Fork

you use a winning Fork to separate the

wheat from the chaff at Harvest time

when you gather the wheat you win all

the wheat to separate the week from the

chav the chaff is useless the wheat is


and so he's going to separate mankind as

wheat from chaff

so what is he going to do with the wheat

and the chap his winning Fork is in his

hand to clear his threshing floor so he

owns the world he owns it

show me where it says that your mother's

not a dog and she's not a [ __ ]

and to gather the wheat into his Granary

so it's his barn he owns the barn but

the chaff he will burn with unquenchable

fire so let me explain

what it means he will immerse you in

holy spirit and fire you guys ready

listen learn context

block this son of a [ __ ] right here

you ready to learn about context

notice this one he owns the Harvest it's

his Granary

that's the world he owns the barn

that's the kingdom

and he will then

destroy you with unquenchable fire

so he owns the world he owns everyone in

the world he owns the barn which is the

kingdom he owns the wheat which are

believers and he owns the chap which

aren't Believers and he can do with them

as he sees fit this one coming now

what it says baptize you in the Holy

Spirit and Fire

John told you what the fire is Christ

either comes to immerse you in the

spirit and gives you life by the spirit

or he'll immerse you in his wrath as a

consuming fire either you'll be baptized

in the spirit by him or in fire if fire

that's destruction if in the spirit that

is life eternal

but he's the one who does both he will

baptize some in the spirit baptize some

in fire

as punishment

he does both he will save or condemn he

will give life or destroy you because

he's the judge

of the living and the dead

you understand

and who is this though who is this

that's greater than John

that John is not good enough to be a

slave to carry his sandals and wash his

feet that baptizes the Holy Spirit

something only God does or destroy you

in his wrath and is consuming fire who

owns the world owns the Harvest owns the

wheat owns the chap meaning owns

humanity and owns the bar in the Kingdom

who is it

well here you go Acts 19 verse 4.

Acts 19 verse 4.

here you go

John who are you preparing for John

who are you preparing for John

Acts 19 verse 4. here you go

and Paul said John baptized with the

Baptist repentance telling the people to

believe the one who has to come after

him that is Jesus wait


and acts confirmed Jesus is the one that

John prepared for so John is telling you

Jesus is the one who's mightier than me

greater than me

who's so great I'm not good enough to be

a slave and carry his thongs or untie

them or wash his feet who will then

immerse you in the Holy Spirit if you're

a Believer something only God does

according Old Testament or destroy you

in his wrath consume you in his fire

because he's a consuming fire Jesus is

the one who owns the witness half

Believers and unbelievers alike who owns

the Harvest the world and owns the

kingdom Jesus

but now let me ask you a question and

we're gonna have to wrap it up after I

take some questions now will be time for

Q a let me get you the link

if I don't know you are you're gonna

have to confirm on


okay let me ask you a question let's see

if you're paying attention

no Stella they were they told him I

couldn't join

I'm gonna do the aftermath

I'll explain in a minute just wait


didn't Luke say John the Baptist is The


of Isaiah 40 verses 3 to 5.

why do the Muslims say Sir scoop your

mother is a [ __ ] a prostitute horse

[ __ ] that did muta with the Shia in Iran

why did they say that too sir scoop sir

[ __ ]

okay didn't they say

Matthew Mark and Luke and John which

I'll show you

but we'll focus on didn't Luke say

John is The Voice

of Isaiah chapter 40 verses three and

five in case you missed it here it goes

one more time

I'll just give you verses two and three

watch here

there's a lot xjw Laura contact me on

Skype because I wanted to interview you

all right

contact me on Skype because I wanted to

interview you

all right now here it is

read with me

and the high priesthood


help me to help you by not helping me

Malachi 3 1 is not relevant right now

and the high priesthood of anas and


the word of God came to John the son of

Zechariah in the wilderness

and he went into all the region about

the Jordan preaching about his

repentance right

for the Forgiveness of sins and then


what does it say as it is written

and the prophet Isaiah and I'm going to

read verse 4 as well watch here

Andre I'm about to punish you for asking

me an irrelevant question or you think

is relevant by blocking you as it is in

the book of the words of Isaiah the

prophet the voice of one crying in the

wilderness prepare the way of the Lord

make his path straight

so John is that voice

that Isaiah said would be shouting on

this get ready for God

our Lord Yahweh our God and here's the

prophecy again

here's a prophecy again

Isaiah 40 verse 3. let's see if you get

it so he can open up the Q a

voice is calling prepare the way of of

the Lord for Yahweh Isaiah 40 verse 3 in

the wilderness make smooth in the desert

a highway for our god so let's see if

you're getting it and we're going to

wrap up let's see if you got it

Luke says John the Baptist

Mr Jason you and your mother are you two

[ __ ] are overrated that's why the Shia

need to find other [ __ ] besides you

and your mother


stop barking like a female dog you're a

[ __ ]

I have no respect for you

go to that effeminate sis if you want


okay now

according to Luke John the Baptist is

the voice of Isaiah

according to Isaiah this voice was John

the Baptist is going to announce to

people Yahweh their God our God is

coming and you will see his glory

and yet Luke tells us John the Baptist

was sent to prepare people for Jesus so

let's help me out because I'm not that


I'm not that smart

I'm as dumb as Protestant Believers

believer looks John the voice of Isaiah

that announces to people Yahweh our God

is coming get ready you're going to see

his glory

but John according to Luke

is preparing people for the coming of

Christ get ready Christ is coming and

it's Jesus

therefore if John is preparing people

for the coming of Yahweh their God our

God whom they will see visibly whose

Glory they will see visibly

and yet John announces it is Jesus that

I'm sent to prepare

then who is Jesus according to Luke

according to Isaiah's prophecy who is


let's see if you got it and we're going

to wrap up and open up the Q a

who is Jesus

according to the prophecy of Isaiah that

John and Jesus fulfill

Jesus is who

he is Yahweh Our God he is the god of


the Yahweh Israel's God Whom The Voice

would announce is about to appear and

you're going to see his glory

how then can Bart Ehrman or Raymond


say that neither Matthew nor Luke nor

Mark taught Jesus's Divine premium

existence if all of them announce Jesus

is Yahweh Israel's God he is that Yahweh

that Isaiah said would come who would be

seen whose Glory would be seen here's

the Yahweh that John the Baptist as the

voice in Isaiah prepared people

in order to get them ready for his


how then can you argue that Luke denied

Jesus's premium existence when Luke has

just announced Jesus is Isaiah's God

Yahweh Our God Israel's God who comes in

the flesh whom John was sent to prepare

what are you guys smoking

what are you smoking Bart Ehrman what

are you smoking Raymond Brown

is Luke 3 not in your Bible

is Acts 19 4 not in your Bible

so to sum up and I'll have more in part

two tomorrow Luke just confirmed Jesus

is Yahweh the god of Israel who became

flesh from the Virgin meaning the Virgin

conceived by the spirit the physical

body the human nature of Yahweh she had

Yahweh being conceived in her womb she

was carrying Yahweh Israel's God in her

womb who is the Son of God who works

with the spirit so there's your Trinity

because he's not the spirit and he's not

the father

whom John said

owns the Harvest

owns the wheat in the chat meaning he

owns the world and Believers and

unbelievers alike whom John said will

immerse you in the Holy Spirit if you're

a Believer something only Yahweh does or

consume you in his wrath with

unquenchable fire if you're an

unbeliever and owns a barn the kingdom

who's So Great and Mighty then John said

I'm not even worthy to be a slave to

carry his sandals or wash his feet

was that clear

was that clear

if I don't know who you guys are in jail

Alex or crisis salvation I'm not

bringing it on

especially with a face like that NG Alex

you're gonna have to pass the test here

it is uh contact me on Skype so you can

see if you're legit

if not I'm going to send you to Mecca

all right if that's clear

you gotta meet for us today glory to the

Father the Son Holy Spirit Glory the

Holy Spirit our teacher may I be his

mouthpiece you got to meet with us today

a lot we learned a lot Lord Wing in part

two I'm gonna do part two tomorrow on

what Mark and Matthew say about Christ's

pre-existence and there will be a lot


now I don't remember you from seven

years ago brother

all right now let's go to q a what's up

brother oh by the way before you ask me

questions yeah

uh guys

sadly unfortunately God's Logic Avery

has got a panel discussion with Sean


young Don [ __ ] I mean Reborn

and Brian Gray but the cowards would not

allow me to join because I talked to

Avery why didn't you ask me they go they

were afraid they don't want you to join

what does it tell you about these dogs

these blasphemers anti-trainitarians

that they don't want me to come and

demolish their arguments and blasphemies

because if they were interested in the

truth then they would have me on to try

to refute me to see where the truth is

so these dogs said they wouldn't come on

if I came on but after show

Avery's going to be after show and I'll

be joining by the grace of God so Lord

willing I'll be joining him maybe in an

hour or two okay brother what's your


all right first of all I want to thank

you for really uh stranding my faith


um I just got a couple questions from uh

like those Muslims um

so in two kings uh 24 verse eight buddy

can I block you now



I I don't know I'm just I don't want to

answer that and then on top of that yeah

you've been following how long have you

been watching me

uh I would say a month okay keep

watching me because you see this is

where you're gonna suck as an apologist

and I said I love you right Lavon okay


number one I'll answer it again for your

benefit thank you because I've answered

10 million times it's the asiah thing is

he 22 or 43
right my Muslim friends keep on like

saying this contradiction and it's so

annoying you know okay number one that's

not how you're


are you gonna work for me and so you can

stop asking me these questions about you

everyone else yeah you sure yes sir

you don't answer alleged Bible

contradictions for Muslims you know why

why they're not interested because when

you answer they're either going to

reject your answer or give you 10 others

in its place

yeah okay why are you casting what a

sacred before dogs and giving what is

Holy to swine meaning Pearls Before

Swine yeah Matthew 7 6. the only time I

answer a question is if someone

sincerely wants to know the answer

but when someone's just arguing for the

sick argument I stuffed them with their

vomit I bury them in their filth and

humiliate them I don't waste time

they're not interested so that's number

one number two

whenever they bring up a Bible concert

if you say thank you for proving to me

Muhammad is a son of Satan now you say

it your own way okay okay uh uh uh

Antichrist who's playing in our lives

because according to your Muhammad whom

you believe not me you believe in him he

confirmed the very scriptures

that the Jews and Christians were

reading at his time as being the

uncorrupt preserved words of God and in

your Quran Muhammad says Jesus confirmed

the very scriptures the very scriptures

that the Jews are reading at the time of

Jesus as the uncrupt words of God those

scriptures included Kings and Chronicles

so according to Muhammad Kings and

Chronicles are the preserved words of

God but if you're telling me there are


and these contradicts move they're not

the word of God you just proved to me

Muhammad is not a prophet he's an idiot

he doesn't know he's talking about so

why are you a Muslim why don't you join

me in spitting on the Quran because you

just proved to me Muhammad didn't know

then why do they say it's corrupted

because people like you don't know what

Muhammad taught so they get away with it

okay you know how many sessions I have

on the Quran to informing the Bible on

YouTube if you did a Scourge or Eminem

articles yeah yeah you got the shirt

so that's step one now secondly once you

say that say thank you for proving to me

Muhammad is and he is Muhammad is the

son of the Devil he's burning him but

for other reasons because if the Bible's

corrupt that means Muhammad is a liar

because he bore witness in your Quran

your filth your trash that the books of

the Jews and Christians that they had at

that time are the uncorrupt words of God

and that you are to study them and

believe them and affirm them but you're

telling me they're not the words of God

you know more than Muhammad that means

Muhammad is a frog so why do you follow

get up and talk to Mommy no it's fine

this one

you wait wait your mom called you and

you hung up on her

no no no


you just broke Ephesians 6 1-3 honor

your father and mother no no no we're

texting we're texting it's that wasn't a

text that was a phone ring mister

because listening to me is more

important than obeying your mom no no no

no no I am innocent of your blood I'm

innocent of your sin when I stand and

judge say Lord I didn't encourage that

but anyway okay that's the first one

okay secondly but wait

um yeah you feel it what do you want me

to wait for no it was um I still want to

like uh get the answer of why I was two

different uh ages there yeah now did you

wait for me to say secondly and you cut

me off go ahead I'm sorry okay

number two if you're listening yeah

yeah okay you're listening you sure

you're listening 100 my phone

in Hebrew there are no numbers

numbers are represented by letters

okay there's not a one or two in Hebrew

letters stand for numbers like aleph

would be one right yeah okay

the oldest extent copies of the Hebrew

Old Testament are all after the time of

Christ this is known as the masoretic

textual tradition

copies of the Hebrew Old Testament

written by miseries that's what they're

called miseries the Jewish scribes that

start in the 500s onwards the copies

that we have of these Old Testaments are

hundreds of years after the time of

Christ so they are copies they're not

original you want me there yeah all

right now with that said we don't

believe copyists

copy perfectly because copyists are

human like you and I who are not

inspired who have to hand copy and at

times they can misread something and in

their copy introduce an error

okay so the 22 and 42 would be a

transcriptional aramini that a copy is

misread what he was copying and put in

the wrong letter to give the wrong

numbering but the fact is we have enough

copies and context to know which is the

right age and which is the wrong age and

the fact that both numbers are still

there shows their integrity what do I


it shows that they weren't trying to

Butcher and change the Bible so that

even when a scribe saw two different

numbers that looked contradictory out of

fear for the Lord he kept those numbers

in and didn't try to change them


so that argues for the Integrity of the

copies that they did their best to

preserve the original but they make

mistakes and this is what we call a

transcriptional era now there's someone

else who thinks that it's not an error

it has a different meaning it's

referring to the dynastic line of Isaiah

but it's a very long complicated

solution and he may be right but I

settle with it's a copious mistake 22-42

but we have enough copies and context to

know which is the original number and

therefore it's no problem unless you

believe that the copies have to be

inspired to make perfect copies which

even today with your technology like

Microsoft Word how many mistakes do you

make when you're writing

yeah true

it's simple buddy that's it

okay yeah because I have another one

like this as well

um you want me to sidekick you right now


um do you know this one

um it's two kings 20 uh with uh which

one is it you just gave me two kings

no it's Chronicles 36 and nine and

tell me

um so it's Jehovah Yashin was eight

years old when he began to Reign and he

ran three months and ten days in


and this is actually um


two kings 24 verse 8.

was 18 years old when it began to Reign

and he rented at Jerusalem for three

months okay now you you answered for me

like you said uh

not a perfect copy thank you so much

because the copies of these books are

after the time of Christ hand copied

with mistakes but again did you notice

there was no cover-up they kept the

numbers intact yeah for a fear of the

Lord it's okay so again they didn't have

numbers they had letters and a copies

can misread a letter

for another one and introduce the wrong


okay that's it so if Muslims are going

to nitpick dude yeah I'm just gonna tell

them what you said yeah and then on top

of that say Okay transcriptional error


what's the big deal now I can I fear I

feared they might say

since it's a not a perfect copy it's not

from God I feared they might say that so

then that means number one did your

Prophet know that there weren't perfect

copies in the hands of the Jews and

Christians or he thought they were

perfect copies because if he knew and he

still confirmed them that means you're

smarter than your Prophet if you didn't

know that they were not perfect copies

that means you're smarter than your

Prophet so you just buried Muhammad

because you're trying to convince me to

become a Muslim but you just proved to

me Muhammad is stupid and not worthy

of trust and then moreover your chronic

manuscripts have thousands of variant

readings your Quran is full of

contradictions not copious mistakes real

contradictions and furthermore your own

Traditions say much of your Quran is

lost and been corrupted

because your uthman burn qurans that

were contradicting one another burning

the evidence any standardized one Quran

and even that Quran

has over 14 different Arabic versions so

I wouldn't be talking if I were you

before I stuff you with the black stone

wow okay okay nice

all right are we gonna keep all this way


um I have two more questions if you

don't mind okay please can you stop with

the transcriptional errors yeah yeah I

understood that yeah okay for the rest

of you you got how to respond to this


I just want to make sure you got these

are simple it's there's no shame in

winning transitional errors but do they

impact the theology no the impact

preservation actually argues for

preservation because they kept the

discrepancies in the manuscript stream

and the beauty of the manuscript stream

is all the original wording is there

nothing is lost glory to the father's

holy spirit so if the Muslim asks you

use this approach to bury him if an

atheist asks you I'd say okay so you're

telling me something contradictory is


but before I can show you why that's not

true you Mr atheists first need to

justify your use of logic logical

consistency in the law of

non-contradiction because if you're a

materialist naturalist you cannot

explain the reality of a metaphysical

concept such as laws of logic so get the

hell out of here you little

all right

all right two more


so you probably know who Hebrew Israel


yeah okay okay okay so they use this

verse to prove that Jesus is black which

it sound which really is okay so I'm

gonna give you the verse

chapter 1 verse 14 to 15. can you

explain that

you read the verse buddy

yeah you want me really

really because no yeah

okay and I turned to see the voices

your face is scaring me dude but I'll

get to you in a minute hold on okay

do I keep going yeah this year buddy

before the Rapture I don't want to leave

I'm being turned I saw seven golden

candlesticks and in the midst of the

seven candlesticks one leg onto the son

of man cloth with a garment down to the


and girth about the paps with a golden

girdle his head and his hairs were like

were white like wool as white as snow

and his eyes were as flame as a fire and

this video right yeah okay and this feed

onto like fine brass as if they burn in

the furnace and this voice as the sound

of many Waters okay so which part shows

he's black

to be honest I I want to learn from you

all right Mama said show me where it

says what


they use like his feet is like fine

breasts oh so because he has Fine brass

feet and then that makes these black so

then when his eyes are fiery

so do we take that literally that his

eyes are really fire no obviously not

or is this Jesus appearing in a certain

shape and form in order to convey

something about his nature and work

because the same Revelation also says

that Jesus appears as a young male Lamb

with seven eyes and seven horns does

that mean he's black too no obviously

not wait Revelation 5 6 says John saw

what looked like

a lamb that had been slain young male

lamb throat slit seven eyes and seven

seven horns so

if Jesus appears as a young Lamb with

seven eyes seven horns that means we

should take that literally so is he a

black lamb or a white lamb or an orange


yeah you're right


what about

uh his hair was uh White like wool what

is that what do you want it to be purple

no I'm I'm just saying okay

Jesus is going to assure you that he's

quite old you want him to appear with

like blue hair and purple or

um rainbow and as a lamb does he have

white hair


so then what is he is he a black man or

is he a lamb and if he's a lamb is he a

black lamb make up your mind what does

Jesus look like

then then why are they saying things

like this I don't get uh they're stupid

they don't know the Bible and they're

hoping that you're stupid like them


because they're saying like they're the

only ones saved and uh yes yes they're

all the only one saved from going to

heaven so they're safe from going to

heaven yeah


unless they repent okay

um one more actually two like two more

you first of all you said two more two

two questions are going now it's two


yeah okay



which church is the most accurate

according to the Bible the one that you

don't go to

uh which one do you go to

stay there it's them ask me man no I'm

just saying because uh stay in the

Orthodox Church that's it don't ask me

anything else which one do you go to

and I I try to avoid the one that you go

through so tell me which one you go to

so I don't go there Sunday

I'm not here to get Orthodox to leave

the Orthodox Church become Catholic

we're Catholic believe the Catholic

Church become Orthodox I know there are

Orthodox who want everyone to be

Orthodox and Catholic want everyone to

be uh Catholic that's between them and

the Lord

for me I love these churches and I

believe there are people there they all

belong to the Lord and they're wolves

there so stay in the Orthodox Church why

don't you ask me and by the way and

let's even take it further let's say I

said it was the Catholic Church who

cares what I have to say I'm not Paul

I'm not here I'm not John

I'm not Elijah even though I'm better

looking than a Protestant believer I'm

nobody dude this is why people freak me

out when they ask me what church you

think does it matter I may be wrong why

make me a big deal

why make me more than I am this is why

we have Fanboys and fangirls who idolize

and worship their teachers

make them the focus of their life and

made them entitled so if you attack them

then they're going to attack you I don't

want people I'm not saying you you're

not doing it to idolize me

to blindly follow me and make me more

than I am I will condemn you and I will

rebuke you if you do that I am not

anyone special

I am not Paul if Paul was here you could

ask him Paul in light of all these

churches there's so many splits which


and if he tells the Orthodox say glory

to God because he's an apostle who sees

Jesus Sees God and hears from God I'm

someone who is also on a journey who's

being perfected and I'm torn between

Orthodox and Catholic because what I

need to settle for myself and I keep

saying it and I know God is merciful and

patient with me because he knows I'm

trying to please him and love him I need

to settle the issue of the papacy in the


not because I want to delay it it's

because I have only so much time

that I I you know then I yeah don't have

more time but anyway don't worry about

me if you're an orthodox you're stay

there but let me know which one you go

to so I can avoid it I'll go to it

all right all right last one

how do you make sure if you're truly


how do you know

what do you mean how do you know be more




um I've been like getting doubts like

um how do you like know fully that

uh you're on your way to heaven

by enduring to the in the faith not

turning away

and abandoning the Lord have you turned

from the Lord never have you abandoned

him never even though you sin you can

acknowledge your sin and ask the Lord

for Mercy yes and you try to do what the

lord requires of you such as Eucharist

confession because Eucharist is the

flesh and blood of Christ for your

healing which I need to take a lot more

of and practice what I preach do you do

these things

um Eucharist

you need to go

okay because it's a requirement of the

church in fact I there are certain

churches if you haven't taken Eucharist

for a period of time you can't take

unless there is a prayer they have to

pray for my knowledge I know the

Assyrian Church does that so the the if

you keep away from the Eucharist too

long that's bad because the uterus is

the flesh and blood of Christ that the

spirit gives to you to heal you

spiritually emotionally psychologically

and physically it's your nourishment

it's your food

and prayer is as well and fasting so if

you're enduring in the faith and

acknowledging your sin and confessing it

because you're going to sin there's no

way you're going to be sinless I mean

besides me and Protestant believer we're

the closest thing to being sinless

everyone else is going to struggle more

than we do you get my point yeah

so you're not going to be as perfect as

me and you know sucks being you but

that's okay

but you need to get here right okay so

do that and then endure because Jesus

says he who endures to the end shall be

saved he who remains till the end and

overcomes meaning you you're not going

to do it perfectly you're going to

succumb but that's where confession

comes in that's where repentance comes

in there's where healing comes in

restoration endure till the end and

never turn away from Christ and deny him

then glory to God you're covered by his

mercy and you'll be with him

thank you all right brother thank you

very much again send me where your

church is so I don't visit it anytime


God bless you thank you thank you


I don't know who this guy is who are you


you have a Muslim name I can't hear you

Ismail Hashem hello Sam hi

um dude well you know I have a Muslim


oh okay but you're not Muslim no I'm



yeah no I'm Catholic um I look I was uh

I didn't know this by the way look at

this idiot who's about to get blocked

Christ's salvation Christ is the church

I met some people who are stupid but

this guy takes it on a level now Christ

is the church Christ is salvation take a

hike buddy get the hell out of here

another [ __ ] Anyway come back anyways

um look I just wanted to say I learned a

lot from your uh your live streams uh

from YouTube but my one question was

so you know how

Muslims have a very quick way of trying

to deny our Christian faith right they

they primarily say Jesus Christ is not

God and that he didn't die right like

their core belief what would you say is

the most concise argument against Islam

from the Christian view like do we deny

the Quran right away and say look it's

illegitimate should we be saying you

know the prophet is not someone to be

followed at all I mean all of that I

feel like we should say but what would

you say is the most what effective

concise way

a general answer because you have to

take the person into consideration of

who you're talking to the no one answer

fits all so it depends on who I'm

talking to because even if I show him

Jesus Is God he's going to say your

Bible's corrupt

okay right

yeah Jesus is god well your Bible's


okay that what does that mean Jesus

didn't say that you lied so no one

answer if it's all you have to take the

person in consideration but I'm going to

ask you something right you ready yeah

I'm gonna read some verses for you you

ready okay

okay and Isaiah 44 verse 6 the true God


I am the first and the last and besides

me there is no God right yeah I'm the

first and the last I'm the first and I

am the last I am he okay that's in

Isaiah 44 6 Isaiah 48 12 there is no God

besides him he is the first he is the

last he is the one

to be the first last means that he was

there from the beginning at the first at

the start of creation and because his

years never end he'll be there till the

very end right meaning he's outside of

time and he's Timeless which is why he

can be there at the beginning of time

and at the end of the age right only God

can say this now in the Quran the Quran

parodying the Bible it says in chapter

57 verse 3 talking about Allah the false

god because the Quran says Allah is God


we know he's not but anyway it says he

is the first the last so the Quran

agrees to be God you're the first and

last right now I'm going to read this

verse you tell me who this is all right

remember only God can say first last


right yes okay now when I saw him I fell

as sweet as dead and he placed his right

hand upon me said do not be afraid I'm

the first and the last now according to

the Old Testament the one who said do

not be afraid I am the first last that

would be who

God God according to the Quran who would

that be God

Allah right oh yeah now let me finish

the passage do not be afraid I'm the

first last I'm the living one I was dead

and now

I'm Alive forevermore and I hold the

keys to death in 80s so who was speaking


I'm not sure I'll I'll headbutt you sir

I was dead and I'm alive forever yeah

okay Jesus

so you just admit Jesus claimed to be

God claimed to be Allah that was

Revelation 1 17-18 you see how easy that

was yeah yeah you see how easy I just

showed using the Quran their books that

just claimed to be God

you see the point

yes yes I think you also I think I

watched another video where you talked


um one of Jesus's teachings reappearing

in the Quran

anyways all I had to say was you know I

appreciate the content online it equips

me to have these type of conversations

with my own father

um but yeah thank you Sam what yeah I

thought you had a question what happened

I just I showed up on the stream I

didn't realize this is the the question

line so I just figured I'd stay and show

my appreciation and then head out no but

wait you ask a question then you ask

someone about Jesus and the Quran and

then you change it so what happened oh

well yeah I mean I was saying like in uh

one of your previous videos I think you

were mentioning how uh there are

teachings that Christ explicitly gives

right that show up later or maybe not in

the Quran but I think in in the Hadith

right I think you you said in a previous

video that there was a Hadith that said


I can't remember now but but that said

something along the lines of what Jesus

said previously said

or you're talking about the Hadith kutsi


where Muhammad has Allah saying what

Jesus in Matthew 25 yes that's the one

but she says I was hungry you did not

feed me yes exactly that's the one

that's in Hadith number 18 where Allah


I was hungry didn't feed me and they go

one well when my servant so-and-so was

hungry you would have found me with him

so Muhammad plagiarized that so would

you wanted that Hadith

uh no don't worry I mean I can find it

in in your previous videos but yeah

that's all all right yeah that's one

that shows you that even Muhammad took

Jesus words puts in the mouth of Allah

proving that Jesus is claiming what only

God can claim right yeah are there any

other examples of that in the hadiths

there's not only Hadith the Quran is

even better if you go you'll see that

Jesus says things that the Quran then

puts in the mouth of Allah

like in John 5 25 20 29 Jesus says the

hour is coming and it has now come when

the dead will hear the voice of the Son

of God and those who hear will live

and then she says truly I say to you the

hour is coming when all who are in their


will hear his voice and come out so

Jesus says at the hour the dead will

hear the voice of Jesus the son of God

and come out of the tombs physically

right and in John 14 6 Jesus says I'm

the way the truth and the life I am the

way the truth and the life

no man comes to the father except the

ring but then in chapter 22 verses 6 and

7 the Quran it says Allah he is the

truth and he gives life to the dead and

the hour is coming have no doubt about

it where Allah will raise the dead out

of their graves


so wait Allah says that he at the hour

will raise the dead out of their graves

and he is the truth but Jesus over 600

years before the Quran was written said

I am the truth and the life and when the

hour comes I will raise the dead out of

their Grace by my voice

that was John 5 25

John 5 28-29

John 14 verse 6 with chapter 22 verse 6

and 7 the Quran I have too many series

on this just look for them

okay yeah now how many siblings do you

have none

God bless you and preserve you so you're

the only child of your parents yes so

glory to God you're following the

Catholic faith not your father's faith

in Jesus name may he preserve you I'm

proud of you thanks be to God thank you

sir if you have more questions come back

but all of that just look in like say go

on my YouTube channel put in Jesus Islam

and things will pop up yeah yeah I find

I think I like your resources I think

the only thing I I have an issue with

your blog is a little bit hard to

navigate I know but brother I'm not

professional I don't know how to run a

Blog just use the search engine thank

you for discouraging me do you want to

bring in millions of dollars maybe if I

got a Million Dollar Ministry I can

prior top actually

I'll send the guy to help you out to

manage your blog all right let me know

all right hey if I uh can I pray for you

how how do you want other people to pray

for you for your well I want people pray

God will preserve me and fill me with

the Holy Spirit to never shame or betray

or deny Jesus Christ love Jesus Christ

even unto death and walk worthy of them

the Lord protect my daughters they fall

over Jesus that he allows me to see them

grow up to be Godly woman and I die in

their arms of the Lord tarries and bring

them to me that's my prayer praise God

Amen all right thanks for having me on



take care brother all right

who are you sir

hello yes who are you hi uh my name is

Freddie yes I see that you're not you're

kind of shady what's going on hi uh

I'm Coptic Orthodox


so yeah um I started uh like uh on Tick

Tock there's a lot of

like filtering and on my filtering I'm

on like religion side of tick tock right

and I've been seeing a lot of things

about Islam and I've had many questions

but I don't really know how to answer

them okay then are you just you know ask

me the first 50 questions I got over 2

000 articles hundreds of videos they're

all answered there but what's the


um okay so on the the I didn't really

know how to find the answer to is

um they claimed that first John

uh chapter five

we're working in heaven for the Holy

Spirit these three are one yeah they say

that that verse wasn't in the original

Greek and it's been added and the point


and yeah so that's the they say that to


they say that's a proof that the Bible

has been corrupted and been like as it

proves the Bible's corrupted if we

didn't know what the original said how

do we know that was added

I I don't know well let's try it again

if I didn't know what the Bible

originally said how would I know this

was added

uh okay so they said that is that you

didn't answer the question I'm gonna ask

it a third time okay if I didn't know

what the Bible originally said how would

I know that was added

I don't know I don't know how to answer

that well I ask you a fourth time is

that what they're doing in school

they're dumbing you down if I don't know

what the original says how do I know

this was added

you don't

ah that means for me to say it was added

means I know what the original says


oh do you go to public school

no I'm good at Catholic School oh my


yeah they they don't really like talk

about driver yeah we should go to Muslim

schools okay did you catch it yeah so

let's say they're right this was added

uh how do you know it was added for me

to know something's added I have to have

enough manuscripts to know what the

original said right yeah

so thank you for proving we know what

the original says it's been preserved

[ __ ] that's what I would say to him

right okay okay did you get it you sure

so okay so because

they don't know like I asked them how do

they know friend you can't tell me

something is added if you don't know

what the original said okay

so you don't know what there is uh you

don't know if something's been added if

you don't know how do you know it's

added if you don't know what the

original author wrote how do I know

things have been added okay

yeah I got it you sure yeah

I'll go I'll write it down right now oh

you're gonna write it down dude we don't

got five hours for you to write down my

words that's why it's recorded dude okay

that's number one yeah number two if the

Bible's corrupt which part of you don't

get that if the Bible's corrupt

that means Muhammad is a liar because he

said the Bible is preserved and it's to

be used to judge him

so if the Bible's corrupt that means

Islam is false and it is for other

reasons but hold on I want to introduce

you my friend this is uh Butch right


yeah I see okay

Butch I want to ask you a question I

want you to help this young man okay you

ready yeah he's gonna help you

um you sure all right here's the help


this man was telling me the Muslims said

they added a verse to John

now I'm not that smart

but I am smarter than Protestant

believer [ __ ] so Butch

unless I know what the author originally


if I don't know what he originally wrote

would I be able to know if something's


oh he says good question Sam and

obviously the answer is

the only way I can know if something is

added is if I know what was originally


so did I get a jump Butch

he goes Sam you're a genius thank you

butch so the only way I can know if

something's added is if I know what the

original said so the original said this

this here it's not part of the original

it's been added so that means the

Bible's been preserved


that's what he said you see okay yeah

okay yeah okay mini a Butch what does

that mean

I don't know you don't know you're just

Coptic man you don't know your language

I I know I moved I moved there when I

was six so I don't really know that so

blame blame your parents for migrating

to a country where you don't know your

language so I'm gonna go off camera for

a minute I hope you don't mind yeah

let's spend the morning okay so now

is that all they said about first John 5

uh yeah so I was on I was on Omegle and

I was talking to people and I showed

them that verse to prove that the

Trinity and he's like that's that it's

been added so we can't trust it so and I

didn't really know what to say so I kind

of shut down and they thought they won

and I just don't know I'm not prepared

and gave arguments that you didn't study

enough and allowed yourself to be

embarrassed without first going and

doing the research and studying to see

what to say what not to say

yeah all right good job for you I'm

proud of you sir don't do that again yes

sir what's the other question

uh I know I know you have a lot on this

online uh it's like that it's about uh

Jesus not knowing the hour

and so if you know I have a lot on this

line what do you want me to do answer it

again after 10 million times

what you want to do you said you know I

have it on mine right yeah I yeah I just

didn't know where to find it exactly so

you mean you're telling me you'll

realize I have hundreds of sessions on

this topic right

and you know that if I answer it again

it'll be like 10 million one time right

yeah and that would be a waste of time

and I've already answered it right yeah

all right now you know any Arabic words

yeah kinda

can you say something in Arabic to me

no no what I said can you say something

in Arabic to me so that means you should

have said something in Arabic to me

because I said something in Arabic to me

oh okay are you laughing at me okay I'm

gonna get you the link in a minute now

before I get you the link I'm gonna ask

you another question

here's the other question I'm going to

ask you

what's your middle name you keep

coughing at me man don't give me kovitz


okay can you spell it

e-m-a-d no I said spell it it is I.T

what are they teaching you in school

what are they teaching you in school I

don't know man I just finished school so

I'm kind of kind of just done with it

can you spell it and you go em whatever

what word were you spelling dude

you asked the middle name

yeah but then I said spell it okay let

me get you the link here here's the link

to Jesus not knowing the Dare hour

here it is everyone ever want me so far

here it is it's a playlist created by

Protestant believer

we'll get speed nothing

to do this stuff I don't you know hold

on play this where is it I thought I had

it here it is

here it is let me show it to you right

here here it is guys the playlist

for you guys watching

there goes right there and here is for

you in the private chat you got it uh

yeah okay neglected

okay you got it yeah I got it

all right so did I help you what else

question do you have

uh that that's just about it you sure

yeah why are you scared uh no I'm not

I'm not scared really I'm just I I

didn't I wasn't really prepared all

right don't be nervous next time but I

hope it helped you come back if you have

more questions but first look for the

answers on the channel and then come ask

me all right okay thank you all right

there's David after many years I have

not seen you sir where you been sir

what's up Sam where you been I've been

in I've been in the background I think I

was blocked like a year ago by you for

distracting so

so I'm in chat on occasion like watching

better question is where have I been

very good idea what happened

um oh nothing I was just uh

who who would dare block my friend here

it was a long time ago it was a long

time ago like I said it was probably

like over a year now I'm not sure

because you got blocked I want to block

Orthodox Dina anyway what's this what's

the question Captain block one Orthodox

but anyway

um uh I want to say thanks thanks real

quick too for the uh Kelly Powers videos

those have been very helpful

um yeah I've uh and it's uh something I

can kind of uh send to other people

because he kind of has more

run-of-the-mill objections yep you know

to uh typical the pathetic typical

arguments that a late person will ask

yes yes

um and I think

it um it's been helpful to watching you

and uh William's sessions on those

because it's taught me to be a little

more cautious when interpreting the

scriptures you know because

illustrating how when you use those

arguments about you know David those

arguments they quote from the Psalms yes

about about David

um being a sinner and then so that would

mean basically you have to apply them to

Christ because they're saying this is a

Messianic Psalm I was like wow you know

we got to be careful with this

interpreting exactly
so exactly but more to God yeah yeah it

was just crazy so but anyway my uh I

just had a quick question

um I've uh since since my views changed

so much you know coming into the ancient

church and um

wanting to be a little more careful with

you know doctrinal stances and such

um I grew up a young Earth creationist I

still am

um one I I always took that as the you

know pretty standard reading of the

Bible just like you know the little

meaning and I grew up with like Ken

Hoven and stuff like that you know my

parents were real big Hoven the man yeah

yeah and


but I know that like people I just read

a an article by Michael Heiser on um on

basically the uh evolutionary theory in

Genesis and he was basically saying

there's no contradiction there's no


I I could Carol I know he's with the

Lord now no that's just him capitulating

with with science because

they're trying to make Genesis

compatible with
the theories of Mac Revolution

and this is why so many scholars are

ninjas like just like William Lane Craig

that heretic yeah now let's argue that


mental history and that Adam and Eve was

selected from a group of

beings that are prior to what did he say

I just played the clip I don't want to

misrepresent him I think he said prior

to Homo sapiens that's because they are

capitulating to the world they're

whoring themselves for the world because

they bought into these theories and want

to make Genesis compatible with those

views no that's that's garbage but go

ahead got you so yeah my question was I

I had heard before that case and I had

watched state-to-day with um inspiring


um Michael Jones and Dr Marcus Ross

because it's my philosophy is heavily

influenced by scholarship like William

and Craig yes and uh John Walden and

Michael Heiser he is who he cites a lot

you know

um but anyway they were saying he was

basically in the in the debate making

the case that there there was death

before sin due to even if I grant that

that that's entered there's a form of

death like plant life right okay

what has that got to do with Adam and

Eve being created from the dust because

you have old Earth creationists who

believe Adam was created from dust and

Eve was created from his side that do

believe there was some form of that that

occurred prior to the sin of Adam eat

because Adam's sin brought debt to

mankind they'll say but there was some

type of that that was already occurring

in the world such as plant life you

would have to eat the plants and that's

a form of death right

yeah okay so what's the problem how does

that then all of a sudden go from yeah

there was some type of kind of debt

taking place to then Adam and Eve being

mytho history so that when the Bible

says Adam eve were created the way God

created them man from dust he from his

side that's more mythical than

historical though there was an enemy if

they were not really created that way

how do you get from one to the other

yeah that that's a good point there is a

jump there and then beyond that do you

believe that the serpent being the devil

was already in sin prior to Adam and Eve



well I they have to right yeah yeah

because who was their original sinner

Satan yeah

so that means death already existed

before Adam me because the soul that sin

shall die so if Satan sinned he already

died before Adam and Eve did right yeah

yeah okay so what's the problem yeah

that's a good point I hadn't really

thought about that Sam that's a great

point right yeah yeah 100 100 that that

would be the original

yeah because if if Satan was the

original sinner who sinned and rebelled

before Adam and Eve that means the soul

that sin shall die he had already sinned

and therefore experienced Death Before

Adam and Eve

yeah hmm

I can't believe I had never thought

about that you might be better looking

than me but not smarter than me sir okay

so then yeah that none of those views

will then make the leap of logic from

saying oh well then macroevolution

is true and therefore the Bible is not

meant to give you history and therefore

we can argue that Adam and Eve though

they may have existed we're not created

the way Genesis said they were created

because that's mytho history who in the

history of the church argued that Adam

and Eve were not created in the way that

God created them

yeah as far as I know the days

I know the days have been argued you can

find fathers who say that the days of

Genesis are thousands of years so that a

day equals a thousand years and they

base this on Psalm 90 verse 4 and 2nd

Peter 3 8.

that you can argue that the days are not

solar days from the church fathers but I

want them to quote

Christians prior to post-enlightenment

or evolutionary theory saying that Adam

was not created from the dust and Eve

created from the side of Adam the way

the Bible teaches

yeah okay and those were kind of my

questions Sam I was just kind of looking

for you know your general approach to

that topic

um uh just some kind of pointers to kind

of push to lead me into that um

because I know I very Gavin Portland I

believe accepts theistic Evolution

um yeah he did a video on why Augustine

he thought would be open to uh

Augustine is the odd man out even with

Augustine where they say well because

William Lynn Craig isn't it ironic they

look to Augustine poor Augustine gets a

bad rap for everything for every

Protestant here say you blame Augustana

galvanism you blame Augustine


he's the odd man out

even with Augustine I want them to show

me where Augustine said Adam and Eve

were not created the way Genesis says

because they will appeal to Augustine

saying that the days of Genesis need not

be literal but they can simply be a

poetic way of describing creation and a

god already

put within creation certain potencies

that would unfold throughout time

because that's William Lane Craig's

argument but I want them to show me if

it's there I'll be corrected I'll accept

correction where Augustine did not think

Adam was created from the dust and he

from the side but Augustine is the

Boogeyman who gets attacked and a bad

rep for all these heresies of the


from Calvinism

to Lutheranism because of his view of

predestination to now Genesis so how

convenient they sing about Augustine all

about the people before August and after

Augustine let's forget they existed why

Augusta conveniently Augustana so forget

at the Nations forget novatian forget

the cappadocian Martyr and yeah they

they don't is it because Augustine is a

scapegoat so that you don't condemn them

for being Heretics

yeah that's true that's true they're

disgusting when people keep appealing to


man anyway yeah and you're right he

definitely does get appealed to even

especially by Calvinists oh yeah because

Luther and Kelvin Even Calvin is quoted

I read him in one of the books he's

saying that

that he sees himself so much in

Augustine that Augustine so much in him

that if you read Augustine you're

reading Calvin because Augustine

after his debate with Pelagius

started adopting a harder form of

predestination that he inherited from

his manichaeism but he was the odd manat

because the church unanimously before

and even after in consensus

condemned hardcore predestination

and Affirmed that God endowed man with

the ability to choose Christ or reject

but Augustine again is the odd man out

and when he disagrees with the consents

of the church or the plain reading of

the text

that's his opinion

but they make him the standard because

they want to find a scapegoat John

Calvin and Luther founded in Augustine

William Lane Craig the heretic finds it

in Augustine dude he gets a bad rap for


I saw that clip from uh uh latent

flowers and Dr David Allen discussing

that the manichaeans used the same

verses as Calvinists yeah in fact John

chrysostom you know he says in John 6 44

what I quoted it John chrysostom and his

commentary in John 6 44 says the


misuse this passage to teach hardcore


let me show it to you that's amazing

here let me give it to you because you

there's people the the

atricians of gnostics really but

mannequins or nonsticks player let me

show it to you I'll put it right here on

the board yeah these guys and poor

Augustine man dude you've got a bad rap

that's why people hate you so much

everyone says that the Catholic Church

started with you Augustine

let me see where's John near John where

is this homilies come on dude where's

the Gospel of John the system

okay I'm trying to find hold on that's

what happens when you ask me questions

off the cuff sir you need to repent here

it is all right what he says about John

6 44. here it is guys

John chrysostom writing in the fourth


who interpreted John 6 44 like

Calvinists here it is

hominy 46.

Omni 46 who interpreted John 6 44 like

Calvinists the church Universal or

Gnostic characters there you go

let me show you

let me find it for you all right

come out of kids right here John 6 44.

okay here he goes guys who butcher John

6 44

to teach hardcore predestination like

calvinist do was it the church Universal

or the mannequin Heretics here it is

guys word for word

John 6 44 the manichaeans spring upon

these words saying that nothing lies in

our own power what does that sound like

wow wow

that's amazing what's your John 6 44

like that false Bible butcher Muhammad

white and Antonio Dodgers to teach man's

inability to choose Christ unless God

has already chosen you

according to John

system who was doing that the church or

manekean Heretics Gnostic Heretics

what does it say amazing yeah

and because remember Augustine was a

mannequin and to respond to pledges he

reverted back to the manichaean

Distortion of scripture where they try

to marry Christianity with their Gnostic

hardcore predeterminism and sadly he

reverted back to that understanding and

founded everyone's scripture whereas the

church universally condemned that and

rebuked mannequins for butchering

scripture to say that and even after


that's amazing fam and here

and here links so you can read it John 6

44 there so you guys got it every one of


any other follow-up questions brother

um no just real quick um

Jesus that uh Paul Vander the uh

converted to uh to the ancient Church

Paul uh uh I can't pronounce his last

name uh what was it yeah Paul vonderdy

or something like that

supposed to be it was uh Warren Magoo

who's with my Warren the group oh he

became more yeah oh that guy yeah I've

been like who you're talking about yeah

according to Ortho Christmas Paul

vandrandi I think yeah you're right yeah

you guys responding to Mike Winger he

became Orthodox I didn't know that but

glory to God praise God I was like

that's amazing listen to Matt Powell

destroying microevolution using

scientific facts and go to Robertson

Jenna's where he tells you that the

church historically even though he's

Catholic the church would have been the

church fathers that the Orthodox except

taught Adam and Eve special creation and

that Genesis gives you an actual history

of how God created the universe and how

the facts of science destroys

microevolution so look for Robertson

Dennis don't let these Protestants and

even Catholics sadly sadly Catholics you

have now Cardinals and Priests saying

that macroevolution is compatible with

Catholicism Roberts in Genesis no that's

a lie it's not and I thank God for

voices like Robertson Janice who shows

you what the Catholic church has

historically taught

and not capitulating to Modern views

that are not even scientific facts

there's still views that are being


darwinian evolution is not the evolution

thought today it's been revised so much

that they disassociate Evolution with

Darwin's view of evolution because

they're not the same because they had to

revise it and re-revise it to make it

fit with the fossil record and the facts

of science

it is true because sadly Jimmy Aiken and

Trent horn both are proponents of

theistic evolution yep that's why I like

the genus and others now if someone

wants to tell me I hold two theistic

Evolution but I leave Adam and Eve were

created the way Genesis says Adam from

the dust and Eve from the side I can

tolerate that it's okay if you believe

Adam and Eve were specially created the

way Genesis says Adam from dust Eve from

his side but you believe everything else

God used Evolution so that Genesis is

poetic I can tolerate that and I can

work with such an individual I can't

that's just me but when you're going to

tell me mytho history no that to me

that's crossing a line I can't do that

okay it's capitulating too much pretty

much you think it's granting too much of

course because you want to go William

Lane Craig where there was already a

group of species alive that closely

resemble human beings and God selected a

couple from them and Infused the soul in

them and then rewrite Genesis as myth of

History default to fit in with your view

get that out here dude

okay yep that was it Sam I appreciate it

appreciate you I've been listening to

the sessions and they've been great

creation let me send me your link on

Skype and I'll unblock you it'll make

you a mod because that's what happens I

think Ortho Orthodox Dina didn't know

who you are she's kind of no I'm kidding

I don't she's trigger happy even with

the Orthodox Brothers huh Dina I don't

know if you're listening but if you're

going to get married you got to control

your temper lady

all right thank you Sam and love you

brother take care

okay I don't know who these guys are

so let's see

how can I help you John

Shalom can you hear me yeah I don't know

the way you said Shalom kind of scared

me man Shalom whoa why is that scary

that shouldn't be scary that's a peace


Shalom oh yes how can I help you are you

making fun of my voice bro no uh with me

make fun of people how dare you you're

right you do do that you do that but


um so how are you doing number one it's

great to actually talk to you that's

crazy I can't believe I'm talking to Sam

shimonian I can't answer your question

because you asked me and then you went

on a speech

how are you doing hopefully I'll be

doing a lot better after the session's

done what's going on all right so

can I ask an Old Testament I can ask a

question Maybe

are you what are you by the way because

you say Tanaka and shalom

um I don't really like labels I don't

like these religious labels that's what

you are I don't care can I tell you what

I believe it depends go ahead all right

so I believe in the god of Israel and I

believe that

uh El Shaddai

that one that God you know that name

don't you yeah yeah okay and then uh who

is Jesus his son

and so he's not all should I

he's the son of El Shaddai and then

according to the Trinity he is El

Shaddai he's what he according to the

Trinity he is El Shaddai himself don't

do the tap dance because I'm gonna treat

you like a Muhammad then I'm definitely

not a hobby then Lord have mercy you may

be worse because you claim to believe in

El Shaddai of the Bible

yes according to the Trinity he's the

son of God opportunity I don't know if

you believe in the Trinity I'm saying

you dude

yeah I would say so you would say so

what about the spirit here let me sound

Hebrew like you


like a hearing it in other words it's a

person or a force

well the Trinity says a person right

father son you're gonna get blocked in

five seconds why would you block me a

person or a force don't tell me what the

Trinity teaches I've done about you

I think that the Trinity is like


okay no it's gonna get to get to the

point I want well the Trinity says what

Muhammad said and Sigmund Freud said

okay so don't this isn't a form of

disrespect it's just a serious question

that I've asked like I've asked a rabbi

this I've asked multiple Christians

okay it's so in Chronicles and then

Samuel one verse yeah second time the 24

one first Chronicles 21-1 God moved

Israel David and Satan can you please

explain this to me yes please explain

this to me so you guys heard the

question now you have your Bible with

you though

I have a children's Bible with me right


I like children's Bibles bro okay all

right so the question is in second

Samuel 24 1 it says God moved David to

number Israel but it's the first

Chronicles 21 1 it says Satan incited


that's too easy to answer but you said

you asked rabbis what did they say the

answer was well the rabbonim they don't

believe that

yeah so they don't believe in the story

of Lucifer falling or anything they just

concerned about what they believe I'm

done about the passage it says Satan

right that's the time

well they say that um the answer I've

gotten from the rabbis is that

um because Satan is not a fallen angel

he's just like the Venom they say that

because he's just the Venom of God he

has no free will that because Satan was


they say that Satan does not have free

will that's what the rabbis but he's the

one of God

like the Venom of God Venom

yeah like poison

like poison yeah like poison God has

poison that comes out of him

apparently I don't know you got to be

careful with all this Jewish folklore

that a lot of it's nonsense but what

they say

yeah but the answer is very easy if you

read the language

the Torah and the ketov

right yes

God will often take responsibility for

the actions of others because those

actions would not be committed if God

doesn't permit it let me repeat it again

I'm going to give you examples from your

children's Bible so you got to get ready

God is awful taking responsibility for

acts others have committed that he

personally did not commit

because those others could not commit

those acts without God's permission so

he's taking responsibility for allowing

what someone else does that's in your

children's Bible if you open up Job

chapter 2. and read for me verses one of


okay let's see this is this is like a

children's Bible like there's


well I'm on my phone right now I don't

have my I only have my new testament

though all right you gotta have to come

back wait can you read it for me can you

read it for me do you want me to can I

come and burp you and bathe you and well

I'm not a bite you bro but you know you

could just read it can I come and I just

want to do it I want to come burp you

and bathe you no don't do that don't do

that that's weird don't do that you

don't have to do it all right sorry so

come back when you have a Bible you can

read for me but

within Joe

say it again what do you want me to do

you don't just want to explain to me


hey hi I don't know who you are so I'm

gonna probably block you

what do you want dude

hey how you doing Sam

I want to ask you a question

um do you ever have you ever written an

article on First Timothy 5 regarding

widows no or what I need to it's

self-explanatory right for 75 verses 3

to 17 about if there are widows or 16

older and have proven themselves to be

Godly and serve the Saints and wash

their feet
then The Church Must provide for those

widows if they have no believing family

members but if they have believing

family members it's their duty to

provide for their widows if not they're

worse than unbelievers

what about that

um I guess I would assume back in the

early church that you didn't have a uh

um I guess a

welfare system

was that

they're saying the early church you

didn't have a welfare system

no I'm thinking in an early church like

nowadays you have a lot of single

mothers who are not married or not

widows or taking care of children on

their own

so in the early church if you had that

situation if that was even present how

would they practice First Timothy five

you're confusing me because obviously

they're practicing it because Paul says

put them on the roster that means that

situation was a reality so what are you

what are you asking okay

okay thank you I mean it's right there

he's not he's not talking about

hypothetical he's saying put them on the

roster unless they have believing family

members then the believing family

members are responsible provide for

their widows to remove that burden from

the church so that the church can use

that resources

for others who are truly in need because

they don't have family members but if

you're under 60 Paul encourages the

woman to get married so they don't

become Busy Bodies because they have

nothing to do no family to raise so they

go from home to home and gossip and

slander like Protestant believer does

who oh yeah man okay 25 3-17 yeah so it

was a reality the the church was doing

that but there were conditions that have

to be met


do you believe this you need to practice

today in churches a lot or is it kind of

not really practiced well if it's in the

Bible they got to practice it unless

yeah they have they're appealing to

government programs because now churches

have government Aid where they can get

the government to help widows like you

have senior care where the government

will assign a person to come and care

for an elderly person to come to their

home cook their food the church can do

that it can appeal to government

resources government programs to help

the widows as long as those widows their

needs are met and not abandoned

okay and I guess the last question I had

about those verses um and 12 when it

says because they have cast off their

first faith what is that speaking of

Well why'd you just read that verse what

was it before and after to get the

explanation it says but the younger

widows refuse for when they have begun

to wax want against Christ they will

marry having damnation because they have

cast off their first Faith oh so that

first Faith would be in Christ okay in

other words their commitment to Christ

they're abandoning because of their

Temptation and struggles of the flesh

which Paul says Reign them in so they

don't cut themselves off from the Lord

okay all right thank you Sam

an interest in widows by the way which

we need to be because God says True

Religion in a sight is to care for the

orphans and widows and keep us ourselves

pure but why you focus on widows so much

is there a reason oh there's a

discussion we was talking about

um among some other believers about the

church and the practice today among

widows and who who we would consider is

truly a widow based on age or like

single mothers who don't have husbands

who never were married

I apply for a single mother


by the skin of her teeth it's your duty

because the Matthew 25 31 of 46 applies

to them it says that when someone's

hungry you need to feed them Thursday

you need to give them to drink clothe

them visit them and be hospital to them

otherwise you reject Christ you reject

the faith so I don't need First Timothy

5 to tell me if there's a single mother

struggling to care for her children

she's a Believer whether I like it or

not and I better damn like it it's my

duty to make sure she's got enough food

on the table for her and her children

have a roof over her head and she's

taken care of otherwise I

reject the faith and abandon of faith

and the Lord will condemn Me to Hell on

that basis that's Matthew 25

31-46 specifically 41-45. okay and the

Widow can be understood as a man or a

woman correct and verse 16. and that

context is talking about a woman okay

but still it would be applicable to the

Widow were and the Widow but there he's

talking specifically of women because in

that culture

remember you're talking about first

century women were looked down upon

their testimony was useless and they

could be at the Peril of people who

would then kidnap them

and treat them as sex slaves so they

needed to be protected and guarded it's

a different reality they didn't have

women acting like men today I mean of

course you had women yes

I guess at that time women were at the

mercy of their parents or their husbands

or children

it was a different reality

so Widow 60 has no one

then she's open for attack she becomes

pray for a predator so she needs to be

protected and guarded

okay all right well thank you Sam I

don't have any more questions tell me

your question to answer sir thank you

God bless you brother how are you too

you got some clowns in the background

thing I'm gonna bring them on like

Gabriel fake name and hi so hey hi let's

say bye and we're done bye hi

bye bye

bye bye Gabriel say hi to the Shia with

the Germany all right Brethren we're


now go to Avery's Channel he's debating

Don reborn [ __ ]

Brian Gray

spineless coward and Sean Griffin three

anti-tunitarian heretic blasphemers who

don't even agree with one another

regarding their heresy

they were two they were too scared to

have me on because I asked savior I'll

come here to bring around they said they

didn't want me on that tells you they're

cowards dogs sons of the devil because

if they're after the truth why not bring

me on but then Avery said afterwards

they're going to have a discussion when

they're done and he's gonna invite me on

so God willing to go to his channel

God's Logic it's God it's gone now guys

help me to help you if you believe the

Lord is using me and thank you I had a

good crowd today May the numbers

increase for the glory of the Lord not

for my praise if you really believe

God's hands upon me and he's called me

to do ministry if you believe that pray

my support stay steady and increase is

in fact because today I lost

uh two patreon had to decrease

one did so substantially pray that for

every person that has to decrease or

stops that God will bring in someone

else that my support stays steady if God

wants me to do the work of medicine use

that money lawfully for the glory of the

Lord not to prostitute myself for money

to provide for my daughters pray God

will grant my daughters and I Divine

miraculous Supernatural physical safety

security health and protection that if

the Lord teres they grow up to be Godly

woman they outlive me and I die in their

hands and I see them every day pray for

that miracle and they're in love with

Jesus and I walk worthy of the Lord and

be holy unto the Lord and stay

disciplined and fit and if the Lord does

that may finish the work he's begun in

us for his glory I will continue serving

You by doing sessions and writing

articles as the spirit uses me as his

mouthpiece to be filled with the spirit

to love the Father the Son Lord Jesus

and the Holy Spirit by our Deeds May the

blood of Christ wash us our loved ones

my daughters their mother may the spirit

fill us and seal US Seal my daughters

their mother be a holy fire convicting

her to repent over adultery seal your

loved ones to walk worthy Lord Jesus and

never fall into any Scandal or ashamed

God keep me pure sexually all of us

emotionally psychologically physically

and walk worthy of the Lord and love him

even unto that until he returns amen

come Lord Jesus the name of the father

and of the son of the Holy Spirit father

Mercy Son of God have mercy Holy Spirit

have mercy own us and fill us to love

and worship you in Jesus name Theo

talkos pray for us holy mother

glory to the father's Holy Spirit in

Jesus name

take care

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