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Problem for
Arlene A. Pagar, MAEd, RPm
Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

⬤ Design a research useful to daily life;
⬤ Write research title.
Designing a
Research Topic

01 You will expand your

understanding of the
characteristics and different
applications of quantitative
research and be able to
design a study useful in

daily life.
What You Need to Know
The first and foremost step in research is selecting and properly
defining a research problem.

- What it is that you want to find out

- Where and how you are going to
find answers to your questions
- What specific qualities are you
looking for
Developing a research topic can be done
in four steps

1. Choose a broad topic

2. Do a preliminary research
3. Define the problem
4. Refine the question
1. Choose a broad topic
Relevant topic
Interesting topic Significant topic to your field
Research is a very
A topic that is
Choosing a topic that
challenging task that
demands your time and worth researching
you can relate will
persistence. must be able to
certainly make your
your research topic must be answer or solve research project less
something that you are problems in the challenging.
passionate about community.
Other sources of Ideas/Topics
 Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Harmonized
National R & D Agenda for 2017-2022.
 Review of literature
 Field experts – someone that you know that can help you
conceptualizing relevant topic
 Brainstorming – Do not underestimate the ideas of your group
mates, friends, and family members
2. Do a preliminary review
● Much more time consuming
● Once you have chosen a broad topic, you need to have a better
understanding of it by reading some more articles, journals, and
related research studies.
● Look into:
○ Data collection procedure
○ Instrument used
○ Data analysis
○ Results & Recommendations
● Take note of every relevant research study for future reference.
3. Define the problem
● After getting enough information, you may be able to list some
questions or problems that you want to research.
● Narrow down broad topic into feasible and manageable
research questions
○ Limit the population, place, period or certain characteristics
● But be very mindful that your problem may not be too narrow
○ Doing a comparative study
○ Expanding the scope of the study
4. Refine the question
● Evaluate the questions formulated
○ What specific questions should you ask?
○ How should you gather your data sufficient to answer the
○ Are the questions too narrow, or does it need to be trimmed
Research It is important that you make
your research title accurate
Title yet captivating.

- How to make a good Once it captures the

title for quantitative attention of the readers, they
research? will be enticed to read the
- a suitable and entire work and learn
something from your
captivating title for the
research study
Research Title
● is a concise description of the content of the
research study containing the fewest possible words,
yet adequate to describe the contents of the paper for
a simple reason that we do not want to mislead the
Basic Guidelines: Research Title
01 Use an accurate description of the subject and
scope of the study instead of using general terms
02 Do not use abbreviations except for commonly
known ones like DNA and ICT

03 Do not include words like “The study of,” “analysis

of,” “an investigation of” or similar construction as
these would only lengthen the title.
Basic Guidelines: Research Title
04 Include the main dependent and independent
05 Be mindful of the proper use of grammar and

06 Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives,

adverbs as well as the first letter of the first and
last words.
Basic Guidelines: Research Title
07 State in a declarative form, although you may also
see titles in question form from time to time.
08 The year the study has been conducted should
not be indicated unless it is a historical study.

09 Depending on the institutional requirements, 5 -12

words are sufficient to describe the research study
Basic Guidelines: Research Title
10 Use the common name instead of chemical
formula (e.g., NH4)
11 Write and italicize the full scientific names.

12 Must reflect the tone of the paper. An academic

research paper has title which is not casual, or
informal, or does not contain humor.
Steps in Writing Research Title
● Determine what it is that you wish to accomplish or
know from your study. Write one to two sentences to
state the main objectives of your research.
● Include important keywords and variables.
● Shorten the title by eliminating unnecessary words.
Make sure that the main thought of the research study
is retained.
● Correct grammar and punctuation errors if there is any.

● Observe proper formatting.

Thank you!
Do you have any questions?
Let’s Practice
Directions: Evaluate the following research title
and justify what makes it wrong.
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of S.
trifasciata leaves
The scientific name was abbreviated and not
italicized. (Sansevieria trifasciata)
1. An investigation of the effects of electronics
uses on Interpersonal Relationship in adults.

 The phrase “an investigation of” should not be

 Capitalization of nouns and verbs
 Proper grammar
The Effects of Electronics Used on
Interpersonal Relationship among Adults.
2. Effects of Coconut Oil and Beeswax Edible

 Dependent variable is not specified

 Capitalization (coating)

Effects of Coconut Oil and Beeswax Edible

Coating on Postharvest Quality of Lemon at
Ambient Storage
3. The Effects of Arts-Integrated Instruction on
Arithmetic Skills of Students for S.Y. 2018-
 School year should not be indicated

The Effects of Arts-Integrated Instruction on

Arithmetic Skills of Students
4. Antibacterial effects of C2H5OH extract of
Carica papaya leaves
 Common name should be used instead of
chemical formula
 Capitalization

Antibacterial Effects of Ethanol Extract of

Carica Papaya Leaves
4. Designing and developing a drone

 Capitalization
 More specific

Designing and Developing a

Single-Rotor Drone
Meet with your
group and decide
for the topic for
Group Output 1:
Deciding on a research
Topic for
Research Template: Research Topic & Title
● To be posted in our classfeed


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