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This document is Reflective Journal

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

Reflective journal

Student name: Date:

Coachee: ☐1 ☐2 ☐3 ☐4 Did an RTO assessor observe this coaching Did an RTO assessor observe this coaching
discussion? ☐ Yes ☐ No session? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Identify the need for coaching

Explain how you identified that this colleague required coaching. What information did you use or personnel did you consult with in this regard?

There are different ways to identify a colleague who needs coaching. They are:
If the talented employees would not achieve the expected result. so managers have to provide coaching to them.
If the organization is introducing a new system or machinery, the employees must be proficient.
Sometimes managers set a new or different program or target goal, so employees need to update their skills and abilities.
Today's world is competitive, employees have to adapt to the changing environment, and managers have to provide coaching to them.

The information I used to identify this colleague whether he needs coaching or not is:
Analysis of a colleague's practical skills.
Monitor colleague's work completed after task
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

Identify coaching needs

Discuss the conversation you had with the coachee about their needs. Explain how you worked out their specific needs and what type of coaching was required.

After talking with the coachee about his needs, some coaching is needed for him:
Relational coaching must ensure that the coachee communicates dynamically and effectively with other people. It helps resolve conflicts between employees.
Health and wellness coaching helps improve employee performance.
Life coaching refers to an employee who feels stuck and cannot find a way out of a problem, it can be helpful.
Career coaching offers support, guidance to those who want to achieve their career goals

Describe the communication strategies you used during this discussion.

1. Give the coach an opportunity to speak and express his opinion

2. Respecting the coach's point of view

3. Analyzing the right move for the right topic

4. Noticing the trainer's reaction to the session

This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

5. Creating a friendly environment for the trainer

6. Stay connected with the coach

First, I spoke with the coach to discuss the goals they want to achieve with their team. I then researched what resources would be needed to help the coach
achieve these goals. I also spoke to the team to find out what their needs were and what they wanted to get out of the coaching sessions. I then created a
schedule of coaching sessions and sent it to the coach and the team. I also provided the coach with a list of resources they can use during the coaching sessions.
Finally, based on the needs of the coach and the team, I calculated the duration of the coaching sessions.

Organise coaching session/s

Explain the process you took to organise the session/s for this coachee. In your response refer to:
● the coaching required
● what resources were required for the coaching
● where the coaching was held
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

● how you calculated the duration of the coaching session/s

● any information that you needed to provided as part of the coaching
*Attach your email to this coachee.

The coaching session/s

How did you make sure you had considered safety and hygiene when completing this training?
"I have taken care to keep in mind the importance of both safety and cleanliness by putting into practice the precautions described in the following paragraphs."
"In order to gain the knowledge needed to handle food in a way that does not endanger anyone, I paid very close attention to the demonstrations given to me and
followed them very closely. I made sure to stay up to date on all the latest information regarding with food and hygiene by making it a habit to regularly read
industry news and keep abreast of current best practices.I put what I have learned about food safety and cleanliness into practice to gain confidence in my ability
to apply it in the real world.

How did you describe the purpose of the coaching to the coachee?
Part 1.

The purpose of coaching is to help the coach improve his skills and knowledge so that he can better help his team. Coaching can give a coach new ideas and
perspectives on how to approach the game, as well as help them improve their own skills to better teach and lead their team.

Part 2.

The purpose of coaching is to help the coach create a plan and structure for his team to improve their performance. A good coach will be clear about the goals he
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

has for his team and create a plan to help them achieve those goals.

They will also give their team the structure and support they need to succeed.

Part 3.

The purpose of coaching is to provide feedback and guidance to the coach to help his team make progress. Coaches must be able to give their team feedback that
is both positive and constructive so that the team can learn from their mistakes and continue to improve.

Part 4.

The purpose of coaching is to help the coach resolve any issues they may have with their team. If a coach is having trouble getting their team to work together or
has other issues, coaching can provide them with the resources and support they need to address these issues.

Part 5.

The purpose of coaching is to motivate and encourage the coach to continue to do their best to help their team succeed. A good coach will be passionate about
his team and its goals and will work hard to help the team reach its potential.

Coaching can give a coach the motivation and encouragement they need to keep going when the going gets tough.

Describe how you used ‘explanation’ during the coaching.

I used a power point presentation to explain to the coaches during their coaching session. PowerPoint helps to easily explain the topic you want to explain. It is
necessary that every coaching session helps to visually explain. I also used a hands-on approach to explain the topics to them.

Describe how you demonstrated the specific tasks or key skills.

1. Make sure your sentences are short, to the point and easy to understand.
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

2. Always pay attention to quick and useful things.

3. The task is performed jointly by coaches and trainers.

4. Verify and supervise the task of the coachee.

5. Support and encourage each other

6. Advice is provided for the necessary work.

How did the coachee respond to your demonstration? Explain how you checked that they understood what you had demonstrated, as well as your explanations.

After the demonstration is complete, review the coachee's performance and allow time for discussion. Ask them how they felt about their performance and
getting them to think about the positives and areas for improvement. It's a good way to find out if they've actually identified any performance issues and why this
could have happened - it shows that they are thinking about what they are doing while they are doing it.

In order to keep the session positive and the coachee comfortable and confident, the feedback must be constructive and supportive. Any areas for improvement
should be discussed explaining why you have identified problems with their performance and the impact if they continue their incorrect approach (e.g. for
example, correct knife handling technique can lead to the risk of slipping and injury).

You may need to return to the demonstration stage and continue to explain and clarify if the employee's performance has shown that it was not adequate
absorbed the demands of the activity.
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

What procedures or requirements were applicable to the task/skills? Explain how you informed the coachee of these.
This is a difficult question to answer as it will vary greatly depending on what the coaching will involve, who it will involve and the skill and skill level. Knowledge to
pass on.

As a trainer, you will have an excellent idea of how long it will take you to complete an activity task. This means you have already found out how long it will take
you to demonstrate it at least once. Consider how long it will take to explain processes, procedures, rationale, benefits, etc. to the coachee and allow time for
questions and other discussions. Then consider the time it takes for the coachee to practice and get feedback. Remember that they will not be able to do the task
as quickly as you, so add more time (maybe half again, depending on what you're doing)

Explain how the coachee went when it was time for them to practise. How well do you think they absorbed the skills and knowledge you demonstrated? Explain your
answer. What types of questions did the coachee ask, and why do you think they asked these questions (for example, was it because you had missed something in your
demonstration or explanation, did the coachee not listen or watch carefully, were your explanations unclear, etc)?
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

What performance problems or difficulties were encountered during the coaching? What steps/strategies did you take to address them? Were you successful?
This will depend on the type of coaching and the complexity of the skills and knowledge. If the coaching is for a routine job skill that the coachee performs
regularly as part of their role they may have ample opportunity to improve their performance (for example, it may be a cooking method or techniques that or
their skills in customer service, use of equipment, cleaning procedures, etc.).

Provide examples of the feedback you gave the coachee and the points at which you did so. What was the coachee’s reaction to your feedback?

I shared with them some of the concepts that are necessary to adapt to a changing environment. The coachee's reaction to my feedback was one of pure joy. They
mentioned that they learned a lot from this coaching session and would like to express their gratitude to all the team members who attended the coaching session.
However, unlike the employee who expressed complete satisfaction, not all employees were satisfied with their work. A disgruntled worker expressed that they did not
enjoy the session and that they did not experience any changes as a result of receiving the training. I believe that for whatever reason they could not fully concentrate on
this meeting.
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

Following up

Over what period of time did you monitor the coachee to ensure that they were progressing in performance? What did you identify during this time and what types of
support and assistance did you offer?
*Attach evidence of how you monitored them.

In some cases, monitoring will be similar to the processes that helped determine that coaching was required and may include:

observation of the coachee while performing tasks related to coaching

control of work output

monitoring their morale and self-esteem

observing how they work with their team

getting feedback from others in the workplace

reviewing documentation completed by the coachee (such as an updated self-assessment or other workplace forms and documents) and comparing it to previous

Monitoring should always be done over a period of time to look for improvements, changes in work contexts that may lead to the performance of the coachee.
changes (for example, coaching may have covered key aspects of customer service techniques, but they may not have received coaching on how to deal with a
difficult customer who has different needs), "ebbs and flows" in performance, and so on.

Always be available to provide support or advice to your coachee. They may want reassurance that they are doing things right, so follow them provide feedback.
Maybe they forgot something from the coaching session, so talk to them and fill in the blanks. Then don't just leave them lying around session while you are
watching you should support too!
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

Who did you need to report to in regards to the coachee’s progress/improvement?

*Attach evidence of your report/s.

You may be asked to report to your supervisor or other appropriate personnel (such as the coachee's supervisor if different from your own, or a human your
workplace's resource department) about coaching progress and outcomes. This can be as simple as writing an email, or you have to complete some forms or draw
up a brief report. These processes will vary depending on your workplace and its practices.

Were there any further issues or difficulties you had to attend to after the coaching session/s? If yes, explain what you did to address them. If no, explain why you believe
this was the case.
After the session is over, review the coachee's performance and allow time for discussion. Ask them how they felt about their performance and get to reflect on
the positives and areas for improvement. This is a good way to find out if they have actually identified any performance issues and why could have happened - it
shows that they are thinking about what they are doing while they are doing it.
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

In order for the session to be positive and the coachee to feel comfortable and confident, the feedback must be constructive and supportive. Any areas for
improvement should be discussed explaining why you have identified problems with their performance and the impact if they continue their incorrect approach
(e.g. for example, correct knife handling technique can lead to the risk of slipping and injury).

You may need to return to the demonstration stage and continue to explain and clarify if the employee's performance has shown that it was not adequate
absorbed the demands of the activity.

Reflection (highlights, skills and techniques shown, what did I learn, what would I do different in future?)

I was able to teach him. I even learned more about him and his abilities. I used probing methods, listened to him carefully and also provided him with a pleasant
atmosphere. I feel like I've been practicing and

Coachee Endorsement

Please provide some feedback on the coaching experience. You may like to discuss:
● how well the student identified your coaching needs
● whether you understood the explanations provided by the student during the coaching session
This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

● whether you could follow the demonstration/s provided by the student during the coaching session
● whether you believe you had enough time to practise and ask questions
● how well the student communicated with you and put you at ease
● how much support you received from the student once the coaching session was over.

I enjoyed the session. I think I've gotten over it quite a bit. I had to ask for some clarifications a few times because there were a few things I wasn't sure. I am now
more confident that I will do my job properly. After the session was over, my trainer was pretty good about coming over and asking me how I was doing to go and
if there was anything I needed. I'm fine most of the time, but recently I've made a few mistakes.

I'm going to ask for more help as there are a few other things I'm not so sure about now that I'm a bit better in other areas.

Coachee name: Position: Signed:

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

This document is Reflective Journal
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 (option 2) of SITXHRM001

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