Clin Experimental Optometry - 2007 - Armstrong - Visual Signs and Symptoms of Parkinson S Disease

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Visual signs and symptoms of

Parkinson’s disease

Clin Exp Optom 2008; 91: 2: 129–138 DOI:10.1111/j.1444-0938.2007.00211.x

Richard A Armstrong DPhil Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common disorder of middle-aged and elderly people, in
Vision Sciences, Aston University, which there is degeneration of the extra-pyramidal motor system. In some patients, the
Birmingham, UK disease is associated with a range of visual signs and symptoms, including defects in visual
E-mail: acuity, colour vision, the blink reflex, pupil reactivity, saccadic and smooth pursuit
movements and visual evoked potentials. In addition, there may be psychophysical
changes, disturbances of complex visual functions such as visuospatial orientation and
facial recognition, and chronic visual hallucinations. Some of the treatments associated
with PD may have adverse ocular reactions. If visual problems are present, they can have
an important effect on overall motor function, and quality of life of patients can be
improved by accurate diagnosis and correction of such defects. Moreover, visual testing
is useful in separating PD from other movement disorders with visual symptoms, such as
Submitted: 27 February 2007 dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and progressive
Revised: 21 June 2007 supranuclear palsy (PSP). Although not central to PD, visual signs and symptoms can be
Accepted for publication: 15 July 2007 an important though obscure aspect of the disease and should not be overlooked.

Key words: adverse ocular reactions, differential diagnosis, dopamine pathways, Parkinsons’s disease, visual signs and symptoms

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common and pupillary function. and in more

neurodegenerative disorder affecting complex visual tasks involving the ability
middle-aged and elderly people. It was to judge distance or the shape of an
named after the physician James Parkin- object. The symptoms of PD can be
son who described the first known cases in treated successfully using drug therapy or Prevalence
1817. Parkinson called the disease ‘paraly- surgery and these treatments may have PD is a common disorder throughout the
sis agitans’ but the physician Charcot sug- ocular side-effects. This article reviews: world, although it is less frequent in China
gested that the disorder should be named 1. the general features of PD, including its and Japan, and in the black population.1
after Parkinson. PD is a disease character- prevalence, signs and symptoms, diag- A study in Wellington, New Zealand,
ised by deficiency of dopamine in areas nosis, pathology, and possible causes reported a prevalence of 106 per 100,000
of the mid-brain causing akinesia, rigidity 2. the visual signs and symptoms and in Queensland, Australia, 146 per
and tremor. Although many patients may 3. the pathological changes in the eye and 100,000.2 On average, the disease is
be visually asymptomatic, the disease can visual system, which may explain these believed to affect 1 per 750 of the popula-
be associated with visual signs and symp- symptoms tion. Prevalence of PD increases with age,
toms including defects in eye movement 4. the ocular reactions to treatment. reaching a peak in the seventh decade,

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Parkinson’s disease Armstrong

after which the disease declines. Under set of muscles often deforming a limb into adverse reactions to drugs, poisoning,
40 years of age, the prevalence in males an abnormal posture. genetic disorders, head trauma, normal
(28 per 100,000) is greater than that in Some patients with PD develop memory pressure hydrocephalus and thyroid dis-
females (15 per 100,000) but this trend problems and mood changes and a few ease. The term ‘parkinsonism’ is often
is reversed in the seventh and eighth individuals may develop dementia simi- used to describe PD-like symptoms result-
decades (females 645 to 830 per 100,000; lar to that found in Alzheimer’s disease ing from these causes. The diagnosis of
males 465 to 736 per 100,000). The risk of (AD).4 Depression is also common, a con- true ‘idiopathic’ PD is based on the pres-
an individual developing PD at some stage dition which can occur either early or late ence of the characteristic movement prob-
in their life is approximately 1 in 40. in the disease. A variety of additional prob- lems and elimination of the conditions
lems is often experienced by PD patients. that closely resemble it. A brain scan using
These include constipation, urinary diffi- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
Signs and symptoms culties, sexual dysfunction, sweating, sali- other laboratory tests are often used to
The symptoms of PD are caused by prob- vation, dizziness and ankle swelling. Many distinguish between parkinsonism and
lems in the co-ordination of the muscle of these symptoms may be related to the idiopathic PD.
groups involved in movement and there- disease process, for example, urinary diffi-
fore it is referred to as a ‘movement culties result from problems in co- Pathology
disorder’, a group of diseases which ordinating the muscles, which control the Several brain regions contribute to the
also includes corticobasal degeneration opening and closing of the bladder. initiation and control of movement
(CBD), multiple system atrophy (MSA), The rate of progression of PD varies (Figure 1). These involve areas of the cere-
progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and considerably. About 10 per cent of bral cortex, including the pre-motor and
Lewy body dementia (LBD). patients may show little progression of motor cortex and areas deeper in the
The three most characteristic signs of the symptoms and the disease can be con- brain collectively known as the basal
PD are akinesia, rigidity and tremor.3 trolled successfully by minor adjustments ganglia. The basal ganglia (which con-
Akinesia describes the ‘slowness of move- in treatment. In patients with mild symp- stitute the extra-pyramidal system) are
ment’, the initiation of a movement being toms, the medication can lose efficacy important in the co-ordination of a move-
especially affected. Rigidity describes the with time and may need to be replaced. ment. This system functions as follows.
increase in muscle tone resulting in stiff- Greater problems usually develop after 1. The decision to make a movement is
ness of the limbs and manifests as ‘lead- about eight to 10 years, although this made in the cortex and this informa-
pipe’ and ‘cog-wheel’ rigidity. Lead-pipe depends on the age of the patient. tion is transferred to the basal ganglia.
rigidity refers to the general stiffness of Younger patients have a better prognosis. 2. The basal ganglia co-ordinate the infor-
a limb, which changes little as the limb, Patients rarely die of the disease, as chest mation necessary for the movement to
usually the arm, is moved. In cog-wheel infections and general disability are the take place and this is transferred to the
rigidity, the arm ‘catches’ as it moves, commonest causes of death. On average, thalamus.
rather as if it were controlled by a cog- PD shortens the life span and the risk of 3. The thalamus passes the processed data
wheel. In addition, the patient may have a death at any particular age is about two to back to the motor cortex, which then
‘dead-pan’ facial expression with loss of three times greater than normal. initiates the movement via the descend-
blinking and emotional content. More- ing pyramidal tract.
over, increased flexion of muscles in Differential diagnosis In PD, the substantia nigra, an area
the upper back may cause the spine to There is no single test that is able to defini- with extensive connections with the basal
bend forward, leading to a characteristic tively diagnose PD and up to 25 per cent ganglia, appears to be particularly af-
stooped appearance. Stooping may also be of cases may have been misdiagnosed.5 fected. In a patient with PD, this region is
due to decreased postural reflexes, which The greatest difficulty in diagnosis is often reduced in size as a result of the death
usually function to prevent a fall. Tremor, separating PD from PSP early in the of most of the pigmented neurons.6 Cells
which occurs at a frequency of four to disease process. A brain scan employing in the substantia nigra (cell group A9)
eight hertz, primarily affects the fingers, positron emission tomography (PET) may project to the basal ganglia via the stria-
hands and head. Tremor is most acute be helpful in separating these two disor- tonigral pathway (Figure 2), a projection
while the limb is at rest but improves as it ders. In addition, if the patient is given the that uses dopamine as neurotransmitter.
is used. Tremor is often increased by fear drug L-dopa notable improvements in This pathway has an inhibitory influence
and anxiety and disappears during sleep. symptoms can be seen in PD but the drug on the activity of cells of the basal ganglia
In addition, patients treated with levodopa is less beneficial in PSP. and the resulting increased activity of
(L-dopa) may exhibit dyskinesia or dysto- There is a variety of conditions and dis- these cells may be responsible for the
nia. Dyskinesia is a state in which the orders that can result in symptoms similar tremor and rigidity.
patient fidgets, twitches or is generally to those of PD. These include viral infec- There are six central nervous system
restless, while dystonia is a spasm of one tion (‘post-encephalitic’ parkinsonism), pathways that use dopamine as neu-

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Parkinson’s disease Armstrong

rotransmitter (Figure 2). In addition to

Cerebral cortex
the striatonigral pathway, there are do-
pamine neurons in the inner plexiform
layer of the retina. A major pathway origi-
nates in the ventral tegmentum (cell
groups A8, A10) and projects to the
amygdala, septum, nucleus accumbens,
olfactory tubercle and frontal cortex.
Put There are also two small dopamine path-
ways within the hypothalamus. All the
GP dopamine pathways are affected to some
extent in PD.
The surviving neurons of the substantia
nigra and cerebral cortex often contain
Thalamus structures called Lewy bodies (LB) in PD
(Figure 3). LB are found in the cytoplasm
SubTh of the cell and may be derived from cytosk-
eletal filaments. Recent research suggests
that LB differ significantly from other
Figure 1. The extrapyramidal system showing the anatomical neurofibrillary pathologies in neurode-
connections between various areas of the basal ganglia generative disease, for example, the neuro-
(SN = substantia nigra, PT = putamen, CN = caudate nucleus, fibrillary tangles (NFT) found in AD,4 in
GP = globus pallidus, SubTh = subthalamic nucleus) that they contain significant amounts of
the protein a-synuclein.7 a-synuclein is a
small pre-synaptic protein without a well-
defined function and the entire molecule
undergoes a conformational change to
result in the insoluble protein that forms a
major component of the LB.

Very few ‘risk factors’ have been unequivo-
cally identified in PD. The disease does
not appear to be associated with stress,
overwork, pregnancy, smoking, alcohol or
social class. PD has not been shown to be
linked to diet. Some occupations appear
to be associated with an increased inci-
dence of PD, including farmers, forestry
workers, gardeners, teachers and welders.8
Some cases of PD are familial with about
Figure 2. The dopamine projections of the central nervous (OB = olfactory bulb, one in 10 of all patients coming from fami-
SFC = superior frontal cortex, PC = parietal cortex, OC = occipital cortex, STG = lies with a history of the disease. Recent
superior temporal gyrus, PHG = parahippocampal gyrus, HC = hippocampus, research suggests that mutations in the
DG = dentate gyrus, CG = cingulate gyrus, ST = striatum, NA = nucleus accumbens, PARK7 gene DJ-1 are associated with auto-
Th = thalamus, A = amygdala, Hy = hypothalamus, VT = ventral tegmentum, SN = somal recessive PD.9 Moreover, mutations
substantia nigra, Ce = cerebellum) system superimposed on a two-dimensional map of of the LRRK2 gene are associated with
the brain. Based on the map of WJH Nauta and M Feirtag. Fundamental Neuroanatomy, PD with dopaminergic neuronal degen-
WH Freeman & Co, 1986. eration and accumulation of either a-
synuclein or tau within the cells.10 Some
forms of parkinsonism have been linked
to a heterozygous missense mutation
together with a heterozygous deletion in
the ‘parkin’ gene (PARK2).11 This results

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Parkinson’s disease Armstrong

cifically aware of their reduction in acuity

when no other disease is present.

Colour vision
Vision has been reported to be blurred
for coloured stimuli18 with reduced col-
our fusion times,19 which indicates the
acuity of perception of monochromatic
contours. A progressive deterioration of
colour discrimination is also evident
and is often associated with impairments
of higher motor function.20 Using the
Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test, colour
visual discrimination is not consistently
impaired in the early stages of PD.21

Visual fields
There have been few studies of visual field
defects in patients with PD, probably due
Figure 3. Highly magnified cells from the cerebral cortex of to the difficulties when testing patients
a patient with Parkinson’s disease showing the presence of with severe movement disorders. Retro-
Lewy bodies (a-synuclein immunohistochemistry, haematoxy- spective analysis of PD ophthalmic charts
lin stain, bar = 25 mm) using a cup-to-disc ratio of 0.8 or greater
to define glaucoma revealed glaucoma-
tous visual field defects in approximately
24 per cent of patients, suggesting an
increased rate of glaucoma in PD.22 In
in a parkinsonism with a mild gait ataxia, any of these specific causes, the evidence addition, intraocular pressure (IOP) was
spinocerebellar syndrome and tau pathol- does implicate environmental factors. slightly higher in PD patients with com-
ogy but without the presence of distinct pared with without glaucoma (mean 18.9
LB or NFT. compared with 16.0). Of the eight PD
The majority of cases of PD cannot be patients with glaucoma, five were con-
attributable directly to defective genes. sidered to have low tension glaucoma. In
There is no convincing evidence either PD is associated with a variety of visual one study, visual fields were investigated
that idiopathic PD is caused by a virus or signs and symptoms that are summarised in patients undergoing posterior palli-
other infectious agent. Evidence support- in Table 1. dotomy, a procedure that risks damaging
ing an environmental cause comes from structures such as the optic tract.23 Of 40
three sources. First, the substance MPTP, Visual acuity patients studied, three had visual field
a contaminant of certain street drugs, There is little detailed information about defects likely to be attributable to the
can produce signs very similar to PD,12 changes in visual acuity in PD. PD patients surgery, namely, contralateral superior
symptoms that can be relieved by L-dopa. often complain of poor vision, especially as quadrantanopias associated in two pati-
Second, workers exposed to dust rich in the disease progresses, resulting, in part, ents with small paracentral scotomata.
manganese develop some of the symptoms from poor visual acuity,14 with low contrast
of PD. Third, the Chamorro Indians on acuity being especially affected.15,16 Im- Eye movement
the island of Guam develop a disease that paired visual acuity appears to be a risk Eye movement problems are a particularly
combines the symptoms of PD with factor for the development of chronic important aspect of PD. Assessment of ocu-
dementia. Exposure to the seed of a cycad hallucinations in PD.17 Poor visual acuity lomotor function can be made clinically or
plant, used by the Indians for food, may is only marginally improved by drug by using electro-oculography (EOG). EOG
be the cause of this condition.13 A toxic therapy.16 Poor visual acuity may be responses are often normal in PD patients,
amino acid (L-BMAA) has been isolated caused by lack of dopamine in the retina, when the eyes are in the primary position
from the cycad and this substance admin- abnormal eye movements or poor blink- or when resting, however, abnormal sac-
istered to monkeys can produce some of ing. Many diseases can produce poor cadic and smooth pursuit eye movements
the signs of PD. Hence, although it is not visual acuity in older patients and it is have been reported in about 75 per cent
probable that idiopathic PD results from not known whether PD patients are spe- of patients.24 Both reaction times and the

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Parkinson’s disease Armstrong

maximum saccadic velocity of horizontal

Ocular aspect Change in Parkinson’s disease References gaze are slower in PD and probably a
PRIMARY FUNCTION consequence of akinesia,24 although there
Visual acuity Poor, especially at low contrast Jones et al, 1992; is often overlap between PD patients
Repka et al, 1996
and controls.25 Saccadic eye movements
Visual fields Increase in glaucomatous visual field Bayer et al, 2002 may exhibit hypometria, that is, ‘under-
reaching of task’,26 while smooth pursuit
Colour vision Vision blurred for coloured stimuli Price et al, 1992
movements may be interrupted by small
Shortened colour fusion time Buttner et al, 1993
Progressive deterioration Diederich et al, 2002 saccades.24 In addition, the amplitude of
saccadic eye movements is increased in
Reaction time Slower than normal Shibasaki et al, 1979 normal subjects, when there is a change
from externally cued saccades to self-paced
Saccadic gaze Slower than normal Shibasaki et al, 1979
saccades and this effect is often greater in
Saccadic eye movement Hypometria Crawford et al, 1989
PD.27 EOG recordings have been made
Smooth pursuit movement Affected early in disease process Bares et al, 2003
before and after apomorphine treatment
Superimposed saccades Shibasaki et al, 1979
Reduction in response magnitude Lekwiewa et al, 1999 in patients in the early stages of PD and
Optokinetic nystagmus Abnormal in some patients Shibasaki et al, 1979 have confirmed that smooth pursuit move-
ments are affected during the initial stages
Convergence Impaired in about 80% of cases Corin et al, 1971
of the disease and are under dopaminergic
BLINK REFLEX control.28 Patients with PD often have diffi-
Blink frequency Reduced, but increased blink Garland, 1952
duration and excitability Peshori et al, 2001 culty in sustaining repetitive actions and
Biousse et al, 2004 hence, smooth pursuit movements exhibit
Habituation Habituation not observed Garland, 1952 a reduction in response magnitude and a
PUPIL REACTIVITY progressive decline of response with stimu-
Pupil diameter Larger after light adaptation with Micieli et al, 1991 lus repetition.29
anisocoria Abnormal optokinetic nystagmus
Light reflex Longer latency Micieli et al, 1991 (‘train nystagmus’)24 and convergence30
Constriction time Increased have been reported in PD patients,
Contraction amplitude Reduced Biousse et al, 2004 although the former has not been con-
firmed by all studies. Further abnor-
Contrast sensitivity Abnormal in 60% of cases Hutton et al, 1993 malities that have been observed include
Temporal sensitivity Reduced ‘jerkiness’, ‘cogwheeling’ and limitation
of eye movement. Vertical eye movements
are often more impaired than horizontal
Flash ERG Reduced amplitude of ‘b’ wave using Gottlob et al, 1987
photopic and scotopic stimuli movements. Convergence can be associ-
Pattern ERG Reduced amplitude Gottlob et al, 1987 ated with relatively large exophoria and
Delayed P50 Peppe et al, 1995 the result is often diplopia.31
Cortical VEP Delayed P100, changing to normal Bodis-Wollner &
with L-dopa Yahr, 1978; Blink reflex
Bodis-Wollner Patients with PD exhibit a reduced fre-
et al, 1982 quency of blinking leading to a staring
Chromatic VEP Increased latency and reduced Sartucci et al, 2006
appearance.32 Reduced blink rate can
Amplitude (esp. blue-yellow)
cause an abnormal tear film, dry eye and
COMPLEX VISUAL FUNCTIONS reduced vision. A characteristic ocular
Visuo-spatial Severe impairment in some cases Levin et al, 1990
Davidsdottir sign may be the blink reflex, elicited by a
et al, 2005 light tap on the glabella above the bridge
Orientation and motion Impaired Trick et al, 1994 of the nose, successive taps in normal indi-
discrimination viduals producing less and less response as
Facial perception Impaired ability to perceive and Lang, 1979 the reflex habituates.33 In PD, the blink
imagine emotional faces
reflex may not disappear on repeated
Visual hallucinations Chronic in 30–60% treated cases Diederich et al, 2005
tapping and this reaction may be present
in a high proportion of patients. Habitua-
Table 1. Visual changes in Parkinson’s disease tion may improve after treatment with
L-dopa or amantadine. Eye blink rate does

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Parkinson’s disease Armstrong

not appear to be significantly different in in visual processing at one or more stages cits are also seen in AD4 and there could
PD and controls and therefore may not be of the visual system.41,42 This delay could be a degree of overlap in these symptoms
a good indicator of bradykinesia.34 Blink be retinal in origin as dopamine neurons with PD.
duration and excitability appear to be are rare in the visual system other than in
increased in PD and may reflect loss of the retina. Consistent with this suggestion, Visual hallucinations
dopamine neurons.35 studies show that the amplitude of the Visual hallucinations are a chronic com-
ERG ‘b’-wave may be reduced in PD plication in about 30 to 60 per cent of
Pupil reactivity patients under a variety of light condi- treated PD patients53 and especially those
Significantly larger pupil diameters with tions.43 As the amplitude of the ‘b’ wave treated with L-dopa and dopamine ago-
anisocoria after light adaptation have may be a diagnostic indicator of the func- nists. Hallucinations are complex with
been reported in PD,36 with no differences tioning of the inner nuclear layer, the flickering lights and illusionary miscon-
being observed after dark adaptation. In reduction may reflect defects in visual pro- ceptions often preceding the most
addition, longer light reflex latencies and cessing involving dopamine neurons. In common manifestation, namely, stereo-
constriction times have been observed, addition, the amplitude of the ERG to typical colourful images. Visual hallucina-
while contraction amplitudes may be re- a checkerboard stimulus is decreased43 tions may involve a disturbance in the
duced.32 These results suggest that there is and the latency of the P50 component regulation of the gating and filtering of
an autonomic imbalance in PD patients delayed44 in PD patients. The latter obser- external perception and internally gener-
involving the parasympathetic system. vation may be particularly significant ated visual images. Risk factors for halluci-
because of the assumed involvement of nations in PD patients include poor
Psychophysics dopamine neurons in the P50 response. primary vision and reduced activity of the
Contrast sensitivity is affected in PD, at Evoked responses to coloured stimuli are primary visual cortex (area V1).
least in a proportion of patients.37,38 also affected,45 supporting the hypothesis
Where contrast sensitivity is affected, it is that dopamine modulates the retinal
performance at the high or intermediate colour system. In idiopathic PD, ampli-
frequencies that is reduced. Whether the tude is decreased and latency increased
abnormality is related to the severity of the for all chromatic stimuli and especially for
disease is controversial. In some individu- those using blue-yellow (B-Y) horizontal Ocular pathology
als, a substantial decrease in contrast sen- gratings46 and this test may be a simple Few pathological changes have been
sitivity can be demonstrated as the disease tool for separating MSA from PD. reported in the eye in PD with the excep-
progresses. Deficits in contrast sensitivity tion of the retina.54 The maximum con-
could be one explanation for the reports Complex visual functions traction of the iris muscle measured in
of poor vision often made by PD patients. PD patients may exhibit a variety of defi- vitro is greater in PD than in controls,
Abnormalities in visual contrast sensitivity cits in visuospatial orientation,47,48 includ- suggesting that the muscle may acquire
are likely to be related to dopamine dys- ing difficulty in judging verticals and the adaptive sensitivity changes.55
function but are often orientation specific, position of body parts and in carrying out Dopamine is an important neurotrans-
suggesting cortical involvement.39 L-dopa a route-walking task. Patients may have mitter in the retina. Its precursor, tyrosine
therapy generally improves contrast sen- problems with memory tasks involving hydroxylase, has been detected in the
sitivity performance to close to that of spatial orientation. PD patients often show majority of animal retinas that have been
normal patients. In addition, apomor- an impairment of orientation and motion studied. In the human retina, dopamine is
phine significantly improves achromatic discrimination.49 This suggests that the present in amacrine cells and along the
spatial contrast sensitivity at all spatial visual pathway beyond the retina may be inner border of the inner nuclear layer.56
frequencies but appears to have mini- affected as these tasks are most likely In addition, dopamine may be accumu-
mal effects on colour vision.40 There may to involve the visual cortex. In addition, lated by interplexiform cells.57 Two types
be decreased sensitivity to temporally impairment in the ability to perceive and of amacrine cells appear to be involved
changing stimuli, suggesting a deficit in imagine faces has been reported in PD.50 (Figure 4). Type 1 cells send ascending
motion perception in PD. Medicated and unmedicated patients processes to the inner plexiform layer
exhibit facial recognition problems but where they synapse with g-aminobutyric
Visual evoked potentials they are most frequently present in the acid (GABA) interplexiform cells in
Significant effects on the electroretino- unmedicated group.51 Normal subjects stratum 1, whereas type 2 cells have their
gram (ERG) and visual evoked potential contract their facial muscles while imaging dendrites stratifying above those of the
(VEP) have been found in PD. Increased faces, a process that is often impaired in type 1 cells of the inner plexiform layer.
latency of the VEP P100 peak to a check- PD patients. Pathological changes affect- Dopamine may be involved in the organi-
erboard stimulus has been reported in a ing the basal ganglia could be the cause of sation of the ganglion cell and bipolar cell
proportion of patients, suggesting a delay this problem.52 Complex visuospatial defi- receptive fields, and appears to modulate

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Parkinson’s disease Armstrong

why both are affected in PD. Dopamine

also has a peripheral role in sympathetic
ganglia, visceral ganglia and in mesenteric
and renal artery walls. Hence, reductions
in dopamine in some of these areas could
Type 2 neurites
be a factor contributing to eye movement
GABA IPC problems and defects in pupil reactivity.

Type 1 TOH+

Several drugs alone or in combination are

used to treat PD (Table 2). With the pos-
sible exception of selegiline and rasa-
giline, the majority do not appear to slow
the progression of the disease but control
its symptoms. Most act on the brain either
by reducing cholinergic activity or by
encouraging dopamine activity in the
basal ganglia.63
Figure 4. The layers of the retina (PE = pigment epithelium, PR = visual receptors,
ONL = outer nuclear layer, OPL = outer plexiform layer, INL = internal nuclear layer, Anticholinergic drugs
IPL = internal plexiform layer, GC = ganglion cell layer, St1 = stratum 1 of IPL). Dopam- Anticholinergic drugs such as benzhexol
ine neurons (TOH+ = Tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons, Type 1 cells and Type 2 and diphenydrine were some of the first
amacrine cells) are primarily concentrated in the INL and dopamine positive neurites preparations used to treat PD. They act to
(Type 1 in stratum 1 and Type 2 ramify above stratum 1) in the IPL. Type 1 cells may decrease acetylcholine levels, the effect of
synapse onto to GABA IPC. Some dopamine activity may also be observed in the ganglion which is enhanced by the lack of dopam-
cell layer. ine. As a group they are regarded as
particularly beneficial in treating tremor.
Benzhexol may have a significant mydri-
atic effect and therefore, should not be
the physical activity of the photorecep- bral cortex with significantly less activity in given to patients with angle-closure glau-
tors.58 In addition, dopamine is involved in the visual cortex, however, cerebral meta- coma and should be used with caution in
the coupling of the horizontal and ama- bolic rates for glucose are reduced by up those with a narrow anterior chamber
crine lateral system.59 to 23 per cent in the primary visual cortex angles. In a few patients, prolonged expo-
Pathological changes that have been of PD patients.61 Reductions in dopamine sure to this drug may cause an angle-
observed in the PD retina include cell levels in the basal ganglia and frontal closure of gradual onset but without acute
losses, which often affect the peripheral cortex may also deplete levels in the supe- symptoms. Optometrists may be the only
segments of the retina most severely and rior colliculus and thus be a factor in practitioners aware of this risk, therefore,
reductions in retinal dopamine.60 In addi- the production of defective saccades.26 it is always important to assess anterior
tion, in normal subjects, the foveola con- Within the cerebral cortex, functional chamber depth in PD patients. In addi-
tains no dopamine neurons, innervation MRI (fMRI) and EEG studies have both tion, photophobia and decreased accom-
being achieved by processes originating revealed the essential role of the occipital modation can occur resulting in blurred
in the avascular zone. In PD, swelling cortex in producing saccadic eye move- vision.64
and loss of these processes have been ments, while PET studies have revealed
observed. These observations are consis- occipital hypometabolism in these areas in Dopamine agonists
tent with the ERG data and support the PD. Within the basal ganglia, the substan- Dopamine agonists are another early treat-
hypothesis that at least some of the corti- tia nigra pars reticulata, the subthalamic ment for PD and act by enhancing the
cal VEP changes could be retinal in origin. nucleus and the caudate nucleus are all effect of dopamine by directly stimulating
involved in saccadic eye movements.62 dopamine receptors. These drugs may
Brain pathology There is an overlap in the anatomical cause less motor complications and dyski-
Significant dopamine activity is limited to pathways involved in saccadic and smooth nesia than L-dopa but are often given in
the frontal and limbic areas of the cere- pursuit movements, which may explain combination with the latter. Use of

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Parkinson’s disease Armstrong

Treatment Examples Ocular side-effects DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS

Anticholinergic Benzhexol, Diphenydrine Mydriasis, photophobia, dry eyes, Middle-aged to elderly patients who have
decreased accommodation, anisocoria, not been diagnosed with PD may exhibit
blurred vision, anterior angle closure
visual signs and symptoms suggestive of a
Dopamine agonists Bromocriptine May exacerbate hallucinations diagnosis of PD. The most important of
L-dopa L-dopa/carbidopa Mydriasis, miosis, blepharospasm eyelid these signs involve oculomotor function
ptosis, diplopia, reduced vision
and pupil reactivity. Hence, a patient with
MAO inhibitors Selegiline May cause loss of visual acuity and unexplained symptoms or signs of this
Rasagiline blurred vision
type should be referred for neurological
Antiviral Amantadine Mydriasis, superficial keratitis,
examination. Nevertheless, the exact pre-
sentation of PD is highly variable and
Antidepressant Imipramine Mydriasis, cycloplegia, dry eyes, ocular
muscle paresis, nystagmus many patients with PD will be visually
asymptomatic. It may also be difficult to
Surgery Pallidotomy Saccadic eye movements affected, visual
field defects separate PD from other disorders with
parkinsonism such as progressive supra-
nuclear palsy, especially before visual sym-
Table 2. Adverse ocular reactions to treatment for Parkinson’s disease ptoms become apparent. When ocular
signs and symptoms appear, the separa-
tion between PD and PSP becomes more
straightforward. Atypical features of PSP
dopamine agonists may exacerbate visual Amantadine and Imipramine include slowing of upward saccades, mod-
hallucinations in PD. The anti-viral drug amantadine is also erate slowing of downward saccades, the
used to treat PD. The mode of action of presence of a full range of voluntary verti-
L-dopa amantadine is uncertain but it does cal eye movements, a curved trajectory of
L-dopa itself has been one of the most appear to have a beneficial effect on oblique saccades and absence of square-
successful therapies in PD. It is a precursor many of the symptoms of the disease. A wave jerks.69 Particularly useful in separat-
of dopamine and can penetrate the blood- few adverse reactions have been reported ing PSP from PD is the presence in the
brain barrier more successfully than do- including a superficial keratitis, mydriasis former of vertical supranuclear gaze
pamine itself. It is often given with a and reduced accommodation while in palsy, fixation instability, lid retraction,
peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor, for some patients visual hallucinations may blepharospasm and apraxia of eyelid
example, carbidopa or benserazide, to occur.67 By contrast, imipramine has anti- opening and closing.70 Downgaze palsy is
reduce the breakdown of L-dopa outside depressant and anticholinergic properties probably the most useful diagnostic clini-
the brain. Mydriasis may occur at first and and acts by inhibiting the reuptake of cal symptom of PSP. Deficits in colour
this may be followed by miosis. Lid ptosis dopamine. Ocular side effects include vision appear to be more important in PD
and blepharospasm have been reported mydriasis, cycloplegia, dry eyes, nystagmus and directly related to the dopamine
in a few patients.65 In addition, L-dopa and the paresis of ocular muscles. system, however, in early untreated PD, no
may also prolong the latency of saccades, consistent deficits in colour vision could
although the magnitude of this effect be demonstrated, making this alone an
varies greatly among patients.25 Surgery unreliable indicator of PD.21 Some of the
The globus pallidus (Figure 1) is overac- saccadic eye movement problems will be
MAO inhibitors tive in PD and hence pallidotomy, a treat- evident only with the benefit of sophisti-
Monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibi- ment in which a small part of the globus cated technology not readily available to
tors, such as seliginine and rasagiline, pallidus is destroyed surgically, may help ophthalmic practitioners in the practice.
slow the breakdown of dopamine at the to relieve movement problems such as Patients who have been diagnosed with
synapse. In a PD patient treated with tremor and rigidity in more advanced PD may develop a range of visual prob-
MAO-B inhibitors and multiple ergotene- patients. Patients have been monitored lems during the course of the disease.
derived dopamine agonists, there was before and after pallidotomy and the data Visual deficits in PD are important in
blurring of vision.66 This effect was at- suggest that after surgery, peak saccadic influencing overall motor function20 and
tributable to inhibition of dopamine velocity of internally mediated saccades are a risk factor for developing hallucina-
receptors in the retina and/or excessive decreased but that visually guided sac- tions.17 Hence, identifying and correcting
stimulation of post-synaptic dopamine cades were unaffected.68 the visual problems of a PD patient as far
receptors resulting in faulty retinal infor- as possible can significantly benefit quality
mation processing. of life. Clinical examination of the patient

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