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Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0.5 1 1.5 2 3 Content
Lack of explanation Explained the topic briefly Explained the topic briefly Explained the topic clearly. Explained the topic very clearly (3 Marks)

Some points mentioned in the Elaborated some of the points Elaborated some points mentioned Briefly elaborated all points Thoroughly elaborated all points
introduction was not elaborated mentioned in the introduction with in the introduction with some mentioned in the introduction with mentioned in the introduction with
less related examples. related examples. related examples. related examples.
Unrelated or no examples.
0 0.5 1 1.5 Organization
Ideas are not coherently organized Ideas are not coherently organized Ideas are coherently organized Ideas are coherently organized (1.5 Marks)

No transitions between the ideas. Reasonably poor transitions between the Good transitions between the ideas. Very good transitions between the ideas.
0.5 1 1.5 2 3 Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of expression. Sometimes fluent. Reasonably fluent. Good delivery. Naturally conversational and (3 Marks)
Shows a lot of hesitation. Sometimes shows hesitation. Fluent with appropriate style animated.
Really lack of fluency. Mostly
inaudible articulation. Lack of appropriate style & Mostly appropriate style & Audible articulation. Clearly audible articulation.
adequately audible articulation. reasonably audible articulation.
Very lack use of: Good use of: Excellent use of:
Eye contact, facial expression & Lack use of: Appropriate use of: Eye contact, facial expressions, Eye contact, facial expressions,
body language
Eye contact, facial expressions, Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and body language. gestures and body language.
gestures/movement and body gestures and body language.
No audience engagement language. Audience engagement are Audience engagement are
Totally dependent on notes Lack of audience engagement sustained overwhelmingly sustained
No audience engagement
Use of notes often distract from Confident delivery Confident delivery
Use of notes often distract from presentation
presentation Effective use of notes Very little/without notes
0 0.5 1 1.5
Lack creativity in elaborating the topic. Lack creativity in elaborating the topic. Showed creativity in elaborating the topic. Showed excellent creativity in elaborating
the topic. Creativity
Ideas used are neither original nor unique. Ideas used are somewhat original Ideas used display originality (1.5 Marks)
Ideas used display originality and
0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Not fluent Less fluent Fluent Very fluent
Inappropriate words Inappropriate words Appropriate words Appropriate words Language
A lot of grammatical & pronunciation Few grammatical & pronunciation Few grammatical & pronunciation No grammatical & pronunciation mistakes (1 Mark)
mistakes mistakes mistakes Without any stutter.
A lot of stutters. Frequently stutter. Few stutter.

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 1 2 3 4 Content
Lack elaboration. Elaborated the topic briefly Elaborated the topic briefly Elaborated the topic clearly Elaborated the topic very clearly (4 Marks)

Content is not well researched Content is not well researched Content is somewhat researched Content is well researched (new Content is very well researched
(new information, learning points, (new information, learning points, (new information, learning points, information, learning points, (new information, learning points,
examples) examples) examples) examples) examples)

Includes unrelated/no relevant Elaborating some points with less Includes & elaborate one relevant Includes & elaborate relevant Includes & elaborate very
reference (Quranic verses, hadith, related reference (Quranic verses, reference (Quranic verses, hadith, reference (Quranic verses, hadith, relevant reference (Quranic verses,
statistics, facts) hadith, statistics, facts). statistics, facts) statistics, facts) hadith, statistics, facts)
Less relevant moral value Relevant moral values Relevant moral values Very relevant moral values
Irrelevant moral values
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Organization
Ideas are not coherently organized Ideas are not coherently organized Ideas are coherently organized Ideas are coherently organized (1 Mark)

No transitions between the ideas. Reasonably poor transitions between the Good transitions between the ideas
ideas. Very good transitions between the ideas.

0 1 2 3 4 *Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of expression. Sometimes fluent. Reasonably fluent. Good delivery. Naturally conversational and (4 Marks)
Shows a lot of hesitation. Sometimes shows hesitation. Fluent with appropriate style animated.
Really lack of fluency. Mostly
inaudible articulation. Lack of appropriate style & Mostly appropriate style & Audible articulation. Clearly audible articulation.
Very lack use of: adequately audible articulation. reasonably audible articulation.
Eye contact, facial expression, Good use of: Excellent use of:
Lack use of: Appropriate use of: Eye contact, facial expressions, Eye contact, facial expressions,
movement & body language Eye contact, facial expressions, Eye contact, facial expressions, movement and body language. movement and body language.
Not coordinated with co-presenter movement and body language. movement and body language.
Coordinated with co-presenter Very coordinated with co-presenter
No audience engagement Poorly coordinated with co- Sometimes coordinated with co-
presenter presenter Audience engagement are Audience engagement are
Totally dependent on notes sustained overwhelmingly sustained
No audience engagement Lack of audience engagement
Each member’s part is fairly Confident delivery Confident delivery
distributed Use of notes often distract from Use of notes often distract from
presentation presentation Effective use of notes Very little/without notes
0 0.5 0.75 1 *Language
Very not fluent Less fluent Fluent Very fluent (1 Mark)
Inappropriate words Inappropriate words Appropriate words Appropriate words
A lot of grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation No grammatical and pronunciation
mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes
A lot of stutters. Frequently stutter. Few stutter. Without any stutter.
*individually marked

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.5 1 Introduction
Did not identify the occasion/ceremony and its significance Briefly identify the occasion/ceremony and its significance Clearly identify the occasion/ceremony and its significance (1 Mark)

Did not introduce everyone involved in the ceremony Briefly introduce everyone involved in the ceremony Clearly introduce everyone involved in the ceremony
1 2 3 4 5 *Body
No attempt to relate audience to Poor attempt to relate audience to Attempt to relate audience to the Effectively relate audience to the Very effectively relate audience to (5 Marks)
the person/subjects celebrated the person/subjects celebrated person/subjects celebrated during person/subjects celebrated during the person/subjects celebrated
during the occasion during the occasion the occasion the occasion during the occasion
Include very poor chronology/ Include poor chronology/ personal Include somewhat relevant Include detailed & relevant Include very detailed & relevant
personal story/ appreciation/ legacy story/ appreciation/ legacy chronology/ personal story/ chronology/ personal story/ chronology/ personal story/
appreciation/ legacy appreciation/ legacy appreciation/ legacy
Subject matters discussed during Subject matters discussed during
the speech are not relevant to the the speech are less relevant to the Subject matters discussed during Subject matters discussed during Subject matters discussed during
occasion occasion the speech are somewhat relevant the speech are relevant to the the speech are very relevant to the
to the occasion occasion occasion
Very poor transitions between the Reasonably poor transitions
ideas between the ideas Reasonably good transitions Good transitions between the Very good transitions between the
between the ideas ideas. ideas.
0 0.5 1 Conclusion
Missing any of the following: (1 Mark)
End abruptly. Conclude the occasion with proper clincher
Conclude the occasion with proper clincher
Reiterate appreciation/mourn to the persons/subjects at hand
Reiterate appreciation/mourn to the persons/subjects at hand
1 2 3 4 5 *Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of expression. Sometimes fluent, Reasonably fluent presenter. Good delivery, a fluent presenter Natural delivery, a conversational (5 Marks)
Shows a lot of hesitation. Sometimes shows hesitation. with appropriate style and audible and animated presenter with
Really lack of fluency. Mostly
articulation. clearly audible articulation.
inaudible articulation. With lack of appropriate style and Mostly appropriate style,
adequately audible articulation. reasonably audible articulation. Good use of: Excellent use of:
Very lack use of:
Eye-contact, facial expression, tone Lack use of: Reasonably good use of: Eye contact, facial expressions, tone Eye contact, facial expressions, tone
& intonation, body movement and Eye contact, facial expressions, tone Eye contact, facial expressions, tone & intonation, body movement and & intonation, body movement and
language, stage space. & intonation, body movement and & intonation, body movement and language, stage space. language, stage space.
language, stage space. language, stage space. Confident delivery Very confident delivery
Very lack of confidence
Lack of confidence Reasonably confident delivery
0 0.5 1 1.5 *Language
Not fluent Less fluent Fluent Very fluent (1.5 Marks)
Inappropriate words Inappropriate words Appropriate words Appropriate words
A lot of grammatical & pronunciation Few grammatical & pronunciation Few grammatical & pronunciation No grammatical & pronunciation mistakes
mistakes mistakes mistakes Without any stutter.
A lot of stutters. Frequently stutter. Few stutter.
0.5 1 1.5 Creativity
Lack creativity in elaborating the topic. Showed creativity in elaborating the topic. Excellent creativity in elaborating the topic. (1.5 Marks)
Ideas used are neither original nor unique. Display originality Display originality and uniqueness
*individually marked
Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018

*Body *Delivery *Language

Average Mark:

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.25 0.5 Introduction
Doesn’t give salam or/and formal greeting. Give salam and formal greeting. Give salam and formal greeting according to rank. (0.5 Mark)

Missing either: Missing either: Include all:

Attention getter Attention getter Attention getter
Reveal the topic, established listener’s relevance and Reveal the topic, established listener’s relevance and Reveal the topic, established listener’s relevance and
credibility credibility credibility
Previewed main point clearly Previewed main point clearly Previewed main point clearly
0 0.5 1 2 3 Content
(3 Marks)
No supporting information. Lack of supporting information. Sufficient supporting information. Used some relevant & sufficient Used very relevant & sufficient
supporting information. supporting information.
Sources are not mentioned in Sources are not mentioned in Few sources are mentioned in
speech. E.g: According to X, X said. speech. E.g: According to X, X said. speech. E.g: According to X, X said. Some sources are properly All sources are properly
mentioned in speech. E.g: mentioned in speech. E.g:
According to X, X said. According to X, X said.
0 0.25 0.75 1 Organization
Points are very unorganized. Points are not organized. Points are organized. Points are very systematically organized. (1 Marks)
Very good transitions between the points.
Very poor use of transitions between the Poor transitions between the point Good transitions between the points.

0 0.25 0.5
Missing any of the following: Conclusion
Signal the ending (0.5 Mark)
End abruptly. Signal the ending Recap main ideas mentioned previously
Recap main ideas mentioned previously End memorably using (either) quote, question, saying etc.
End memorably using either quote, question, saying etc.
0 1 2 3 4 Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of expression. Sometimes fluent, Reasonably fluent presenter. Good delivery, a fluent presenter Natural delivery, a conversational (4 Marks)
Shows a lot of hesitation. Sometimes shows hesitation. with appropriate style and audible and animated presenter with
Really lack of fluency. Mostly
articulation. clearly audible articulation.
inaudible articulation. With lack of appropriate style and Mostly appropriate style,
adequately audible articulation. reasonably audible articulation.
Good use of: Excellent use of:
Very lack use of:
Eye contact, facial expressions, tone Eye contact, facial expressions, tone
Eye-contact, facial expression, tone Lack use of: Reasonably good use of:
& intonation, body movement and & intonation, body movement and
& intonation, body movement and Eye contact, facial expressions, tone Eye contact, facial expressions, tone
language, stage space. language, stage space.
language, stage space. & intonation, body movement and & intonation, body movement and
language, stage space. language, stage space. Confident delivery Very confident delivery
Very lack of confidence
Lack of confidence Reasonably confident delivery
* individually marked

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.5 1 1.5 Engagement
(1.5 Marks)
Lack of audience’s engagement Audience’s engagement are sustained Audience’s engagement are overwhelmingly
No audience engagement. sustained
Totally dependent on notes. Use of notes often distract from Effective use of notes
presentation Very little/without notes

0 0.25 0.5 Coordination

Not coordinated Sometimes coordinated with co-presenter Very coordinated with co-presenter (0.5 Marks)
Inappropriate grooming Inappropriate grooming Appropriate grooming

0 0.5 1 1.5 Language

Very not fluent Less fluent Fluent Very fluent (1.5 Marks)
Inappropriate words Inappropriate words Appropriate words Appropriate words
A lot of grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation No grammatical and pronunciation
mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes
A lot of stutter. Frequently stutter. Few stutter. Without any stutter.
Technical/special terms are not explained Technical terms are not explained Technical terms are explained Technical terms are explained
0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Visual Aids
*Uncoordinated. *Not well coordinated *Well Coordinated *Very well coordinated. ( 1.5 Marks)
*No visual aids. Most parts are unclear Only some parts are clear Most parts are clear. All parts are very clear.
Not enough, not relevant Lacks, somewhat relevant. Adequate & relevant. Very adequate & relevant.
A lot of grammar mistakes Some grammar mistakes Few grammar mistakes Used correct grammar.
0 0.5 1 Content
No submission Poor use of: Proper use of: Outline
Grammar and sentence structure. Grammar and sentence structure. 1 Mark
Layout (subheadings, indentation, & numbering) Layout (subheadings, indentation, & numbering)
Reference (APA citation) Reference (APA citation)

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.25 0.5 Introduction
Doesn’t give salam or/and formal greeting. Give salam and formal greeting. Give salam and formal greeting according to rank. (0.5 Mark)

Missing any of the following: Missing any of the following: Include all:
Attention getter Attention getter Attention getter
Reveal the topic and include additional facts/details as Reveal the topic and include additional facts/details as Reveal the topic and include additional facts/details as
foundation to demonstration foundation to demonstration foundation to demonstration
Established listener’s relevance and credibility Established listener’s relevance and credibility Established listener’s relevance and credibility
Previewed main point clearly Previewed main point clearly Previewed main point clearly
0 1 2 3 *Body
Points (steps/phases) are very unorganized. Points (steps/phases) are less organized. Points (steps/phases) are organized. Points (steps/phases) are very systematically (3 Marks)
Used a little supporting material such as Used some relevant supporting materials
No supporting information.
examples, facts, tips and details or such as examples, facts, tips and details or Used a lot of relevant supporting materials
Coherence & Clarity: elaboration. elaboration. such as examples, facts, tips and details or
Audience find the demonstration very elaboration.
Coherence & Clarity: Coherence & Clarity:
difficult to follow
Audience find the demonstration a bit Audience find the demonstration easy to Coherence & Clarity:
Very poor use of transitions between the difficult to follow follow Audience find the demonstration very easy to
points follow.
Good transitions between the points.
Reasonably poor transitions between the
Very good transitions between the points.
0 0.25 0.5 Conclusion
Missing any of the following: Signal the ending (0.5 Mark)
End abruptly. Signal the ending Recap main ideas mentioned previously
Recap main ideas mentioned previously End memorably using (either) quote, question, saying etc.
End memorably using either quote, question, saying etc.
0.5 1 2 3 4 *Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of verbal Sometimes fluent, but shows a lot of Reasonably fluent presenter. Good delivery, a fluent presenter Natural delivery, a (4 Marks)
expression. hesitation. Sometimes shows hesitation. with appropriate style and audible conversational and animated
articulation. presenter with clearly audible
Really lack of fluency. Mostly Lack of appropriate style and Mostly appropriate style, articulation.
inaudible articulation. adequately audible articulation. reasonably audible articulation. Good use of:
Eye contact, facial expressions, tone Excellent use of:
Very lack use of: Lack use of: Reasonably good use of: & intonation, body movement and Eye contact, facial expressions,
Eye contact, facial expression, tone
Eye contact, facial expressions, tone language, stage space. tone & intonation, body
& intonation, body movement and & intonation, body movement and Eye contact, facial expressions, tone movement and language, stage
language, stage space. language, stage space. & intonation, body movement and space.
language, stage space. Confident delivery
Very lack of confidence Lack of confidence Very confident delivery
Reasonably confident delivery

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.5 1 1.5 *Engagement
No audience engagement. Lack of audience’s engagement Audience’s engagement is sustained Audience’s engagement is overwhelmingly (1.5 Marks)
Totally dependent on notes. Use of notes often distract from Effective use of notes
presentation Very little/without notes
0 0.5 1 Coordination
Not coordinated Sometimes coordinated Very coordinated (1 Mark)
Inappropriate grooming Inappropriate grooming Appropriate grooming

0 1 2 3 *Visual Aids
Not able to see clearly most of the visual Able to see most part of the visual Able to see very clearly the visual (3 Marks)
demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated.
Not enough, not relevant and not well Enough, relevant and well handled. Complete, very relevant and very well
No visual aids. handled handled
Prepared and arranged prior to the
Not prepared and arranged prior to the presentation. Very well prepared and arranged prior to
presentation. the presentation.
0 0.5 1 1.5 *Language
Not fluent Less fluent Fluent Very fluent and descriptive (1.5 Marks)
Inappropriate words Inappropriate words Appropriate words Appropriate words
A lot of grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation No grammatical and pronunciation
mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes
A lot of stutters. Frequently stutter. Few stutter. Without any stutter
Technical terms are not explained Technical terms are not explained Technical terms are explained Technical terms are explained

* individually marked

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.25 0.5 Introduction
Doesn’t give salam or/and formal greeting. Give salam and formal greeting. Give salam and formal greeting according to rank. (0.5 Mark)

Missing either: Missing either: Include all:

Attention getter Attention getter Attention getter
Reveal the topic, established listener’s relevance and Reveal the topic, established listener’s relevance and Reveal the topic, established listener’s relevance and
credibility credibility credibility
Previewed main point clearly Previewed main point clearly Previewed main point clearly
0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 Content
Arguments proposed are irrelevant Arguments proposed are irrelevant Arguments proposed are relevant to Arguments proposed are relevant to Arguments proposed are very a) Arguments
to the issue and were off tangent to the issue and slightly off tangent the issue and not off tangent the issue and not off tangent relevant to the issue and not off (2.5 Marks)
Both arguments are lack of support Both/either arguments are lack of Both/either arguments are Both arguments are supported with
with substance (facts, statistics, support with substance (facts, supported only with substance sufficient substance (facts, Both arguments are very well
expert opinions, definitions, statistics, expert opinions, (such as definitions, descriptions, statistics, expert opinions, supported with strong substance
descriptions, examples or analogies) definitions, descriptions, examples examples or analogies) definitions, descriptions, examples (facts, statistics, expert opinions,
or analogies) or analogies) definitions, descriptions, examples
Not enough time is allocated for Reasonably adequate time is or analogies)
both arguments. Not enough time is allocated for allocated for each argument. Adequate time is allocated for each
one of the argument. argument. Adequate time is allocated for each
Doesn’t use any persuasive Reasonably good use of persuasive argument.
techniques (Ethos, pathos or Logos) Poor use of persuasive techniques techniques (Ethos, pathos or Logos) Good use of persuasive techniques
(Ethos, pathos or Logos) (Ethos, pathos or Logos) Very effective use of persuasive
techniques (Ethos, pathos or Logos)

0 0.5 1 b) Refutation /
Failed to respond to possible audience objection of argument. Briefly responded to possible audience objection of argument. Included & confidently responded to possible audience Rebuttal
objection of argument. (1 Mark)

0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Organization

Arguments proposed is very unorganized Arguments proposed is unorganized Arguments proposed is organized Arguments proposed is very organized (1 Mark)
Very poor transitions between the points. Poor transitions between the points. Good transitions between the points. Very good transitions between the points.

0 0.25 0.5 Conclusion

Missing any of the following: Signal the ending (0.5 Mark)
Restate topic/thesis
End abruptly. Signal the ending Reaffirm stance
Restate topic/thesis End memorably using (either) quote, question, saying etc.
Reaffirm stance
End memorably using (either) quote, question, saying etc.

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.5 1 2 3 Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of expression. Sometimes fluent, but shows a lot Reasonably fluent presenter. Good delivery, a fluent presenter Natural delivery, a conversational (3 Marks)
of hesitation. Sometimes shows hesitation. with appropriate style and audible and animated presenter with clearly
Really lack of fluency. Mostly articulation. audible articulation.
inaudible articulation. lack of appropriate style and Mostly appropriate style,
adequately audible articulation. reasonably audible articulation. Good use of: Excellent use of:
Very lack use of: Eye contact, facial expressions, Eye contact, facial expressions, tone &
Eye contact, facial expression, tone Lack use of: Reasonably good use of:
tone & intonation, body movement intonation, body movement and
& intonation, body movement and Eye contact, facial expressions, Eye contact, facial expressions,
and language, stage space. language, stage space.
language, stage space. tone & intonation, body movement tone & intonation, body movement
and language, stage space. and language, stage space. Confident delivery Very confident delivery
Very lack of confidence
Lack of confidence Reasonably confident delivery
0 0.5 1 1.5 Engagement
No audience engagement. Lack of audience’s engagement Audience’s engagement is sustained Audience’s engagement is overwhelmingly (1.5 Marks)
Totally dependent on notes. Use of notes often distract from Effective use of notes
presentation Very little/without notes
0 0.25 0.5 Coordination
Not coordinated Sometimes coordinated Very coordinated (0.5 Marks)
Inappropriate grooming Inappropriate grooming Appropriate grooming
0 0.5 1 2 Language
Not fluent Less fluent Fluent Very fluent (2 Marks)
Inappropriate words Inappropriate words Appropriate words Appropriate words
A lot of grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation No grammatical and pronunciation
mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes
A lot of stutter. Frequently stutter. Few stutter. Without any stutter.
Technical/special terms are not explained Technical terms are not explained Technical terms are explained Technical terms are explained
0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 Visual Aids
Uncoordinated. Not well coordinated Well Coordinated Very well coordinated. (1.5 Marks)
*No visual aids. Most parts are unclear Only some parts are clear Most parts are clear. All parts are very clear.
Not enough, not relevant Lacks, somewhat relevant. Adequate & relevant. Very adequate & relevant.
A lot of grammar mistakes Some grammar mistakes Few grammar mistakes Used correct grammar.
0 0.5 1 Content
Poor use of: Proper use of: Outline
Grammar and sentence structure. Grammar and sentence structure. (1 Mark)
No submission Layout (subheadings, indentation, & numbering) Layout (subheadings, indentation, & numbering)
Reference (APA citation) Reference (APA citation)

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.5 1.5 2.5 Content
The script selected contains no moral values. The script selected contains unclear moral The script selected contains good and clear The script selected contains very good and (2.5 Marks)
values. moral values. very clear moral values.
The script selected is irrelevant to the theme.
The script selected is slightly irrelevant to The script selected is relevant to the theme. The script selected is very relevant to the
The content of the drama is inappropriate to
the theme. theme.
the background of the audience. The content of the drama is appropriate to
The content of the drama is slightly the background of the audience. The content of the drama is very appropriate
inappropriate to the background of the to the background of the audience.
0 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 *Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of expression. Sometimes fluent, but shows a lot Reasonably fluent presenter. Good delivery, a fluent presenter Natural delivery, a conversational (3.5 Marks)
of hesitation. Sometimes shows hesitation. with appropriate style and animated presenter
Very lack of appropriate style.
Lack of appropriate style Mostly appropriate style. Criteria: Criteria:
Criteria: Criteria: Criteria: Good vocal projection throughout Excellent vocal projection
the performance (loud & clear) throughout the performance (loud &
Poor vocal projection throughout Reasonably good vocal projection
Very poor vocal projection clear)
the performance (loud & clear) throughout the performance (loud & Good non-verbal expressions
throughout the performance (loud & (facial expression, gestures, eye- Excellent use of non-verbal
clear) Poor non-verbal expressions
contact, pauses, etc.) between expressions (facial expression,
(facial expression, gestures, eye- Reasonably good non-verbal
Very poor non-verbal expressions characters and/or towards the gestures, eye-contact, pauses, etc.)
contact, pauses, etc.) between expressions (facial expression,
(facial expression, gestures, eye- audience. between characters and/or towards
characters and/or towards the gestures, eye-contact, pauses, etc.)
contact, pauses, etc.) between the audience.
audience. between characters and/or Good command of stage; not static
characters and/or towards the Excelent command of stage; not
towards the audience.
audience. Poor command of stage; static Good levelling and blocking on
Reasonably good command of stage; does not block other
Very poor command of stage; Poor use of levelling and blocking
stage; sometimes static members Excellent levelling and blocking
static on stage; block other members
on stage; does not block other
Reasonably good levelling and The script is well-memorized;
Very poor use of levelling and The script is not well-memorized; members
blocking on stage; sometimes improvisations is appropriate
blocking on stage; block other improvisations is appropriate
block other members The script is very well-memorized;
members Good characterizations of the roles
Poor characterizations of the roles improvisations are very
The script is well-memorized; taken
The script is not well-memorized; taken appropriate
improvisations is appropriate
improvisations is appropriate Good style of delivery that is in
Poor style of delivery that is not Excellent characterizations of the
Good characterizations of the roles accordance to the mood of the
Very poor characterizations of the accordance to the mood of the roles taken
taken drama
roles taken drama
Excellent style of delivery that is in
Reasonably good style of delivery accordance to the mood of the
Very poor style of delivery that is
that is in accordance to the mood of drama
not accordance to the mood of the
the drama

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.5 1 Coorperation
The roles and tasks are not fairly distributed among group The roles and tasks are fairly distributed among group The roles and tasks are fairly distributed among group (1 Mark)
members members members
No action-reaction (dynamic) between group members on Average action-reaction (dynamic) between group members Excellent action-reaction (dynamic) between group members
stage on stage on stage
0 0.5 1 *Engagement
No audience engagement. Lack of audience’s engagement Audience’s engagement is overwhelmingly sustained (1 Mark)
Totally dependent on notes. Use of notes often distract from presentation Very little/without notes

0 0.5 1 *Language
Not fluent The script is sometimes not fluently delivered (Frequently The script is fluently delivered (Doesn’t stutter) (1 Mark)
Inappropriate words stutter) Appropriate words
A lot of grammatical and pronunciation mistakes Inappropriate words No grammatical and pronunciation mistakes
A lot of stutter Few grammatical and pronunciation mistakes
Technical terms are not explained
0 0.5 1 Creativity
The students exhibit no creative efforts in delivering the story The students exhibit average of creative efforts in delivering The students exhibit above average of creative efforts in (1 Mark)
(props, costumes, originality, etc) the story (props, costumes, originality, etc) delivering the story (props, costumes, originality, etc)

* individually marked
*Delivery *Engagement *Language
Average Mark:

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0.5 1 1.5 2 3 Content
Poor/No introduction to the Brief introduction to the topic Good introduction to the topic Good introduction to the topic Excellent introduction to the topic (3 Marks)
The topic clear and is elaborated The topic is clear and elaborated The topic is clear and elaborated The topic is clear and elaborated
The topic is not clear and without any angle. from a general and typical angle. from a specific but typical angle from a specific and unique angle.
elaborated without any angle. OR unique angle but too general.
Elaborated some points with less Elaborated all points with some
Most points were not elaborated related details. related details. Elaborated all points with related Thoroughly elaborated all points
details and evidences. with related details and evidences.
No reflective elements Includes irrelevant reflective Includes relevant reflective
elements. elements. Includes relevant reflective Includes relevant reflective elements.
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Organization
Ideas are not coherently organized Ideas are not coherently organized Ideas are coherently organized Ideas are coherently organized (1 Mark)

No transitions between the ideas. Reasonably poor transitions between the Good transitions between the ideas
ideas. Very good transitions between the ideas.

0 0.5 1 2 Delivery
Very hesitant, lack of expression. Sometimes fluent. Good delivery. Naturally conversational and animated. (2 Marks)
Sometimes shows hesitation. Fluent with appropriate style
Really lack of fluency. Mostly inaudible
Clearly audible articulation.
articulation. Lack of appropriate style & adequately Audible articulation.
audible articulation. Excellent use of:
Very lack use of: Good use of: Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and
Eye contact, facial expression & body Lack use of: Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures and body language.
language Eye contact, facial expressions, body language.
gestures/movement and body language. Audience engagement is overwhelmingly
No audience engagement Audience engagement is sustained sustained
Totally dependent on notes No audience engagement
Confident delivery Confident delivery
Use of notes is hidden and not distracting.
Use of notes is effectively hidden and not Use of notes is effectively hidden and not
distracting/Without notes distracting/Without notes
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Online
Obtain less than 10 views Obtain less than: Obtain less than: Obtain less than: Obtain at least: Engagement
(1 Mark)
No likes 25 views in 2 weeks 50 views in 2 weeks 75 views in 2 weeks 100 views in 2 weeks
No comments 7 likes 15 likes 24 likes 30 likes
2 relevant/proper/related 5 relevant/proper/related 7 relevant/proper/related 10 relevant/proper/related
comments (non-spam) from real comments (non-spam) from real comments (non-spam) from real comments (non-spam) from real
YouTube accounts with interaction YouTube accounts with interaction YouTube accounts with interaction YouTube accounts with interaction
(replies) (replies) (replies) (replies)

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Matric No: ____________ Section: ______ HSA0354: Sem 3, 2017/2018


0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Video
Not present at all in video Present for less than 10% (time Present for at least 25% (time Present for at least 50% (time Present for at least 70% (time Presence
duration) of the video duration) of the video duration) of the video duration) of the video (1 Mark)
(less than 30 seconds) (less than 1 minute) (less than 2 minutes) (at least 3 minutes)
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Creativity
Very lacking creative effort in Lack creative effort in delivering the Showed creative efforts in gathering information Showed excellent creative efforts in gathering (1 Mark)
delivering the issue issue. (site visit, etc) and delivering the issue. information (site visit, etc) and delivering the issue.
(Very relevant, effective use of video editing,
(Used good video editing, props, originality, etc.)
props, originality, etc.)
0 0.5 0.75 1 Language
Very not fluent Less fluent Fluent Very fluent (1 Mark)
Inappropriate words Inappropriate words Appropriate words Appropriate words
A lot of grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation Few grammatical and pronunciation No grammatical and pronunciation
mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes
A lot of stutters. Frequently stutter. Few stutter. Without any stutter.

Exceeded time limit: (-0.5 if exceed within 1 minute) (-1 mark if exceed more than 1 minute) | Lateness: (-1 Mark) | Absent from presentation: (-100%)
IMPORTANT: Bring this rubric to class on the day of your presentation and submit it to your lecturer for evaluation. Failure to do so will result in ZERO MARKS.

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