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ost of the gear in this chapter is available

in the Cyberpapacy with the right
connections, although the rarer items
require a mission to obtain, a Perk, or might be
found with the play of Destiny cards.
See the Gear chapter in Torg Eternity for more
information on requisitioning equipment from the
Delphi Council or using personal resources to buy

inDiViDualizeD gear
Many monastic orders specialize in the manufacture
and assembly of cyberware, weapons, vehicles,
and other goods. Individual monks often write
in-jokes or add artistic cosmetic flourishes into
the devices they work on, including, on occasion,
dirty drawings on the engine parts of Samson
hovertanks, or wings on a GodMeeter.
This can even apply to other devices, which can
even modify the artificial intelligence contained
within them, such as a gun that is rather snarky
because the monk writing its routines was in a foul
mood that day.

holy itemS
In addition to cyberware, many high tech devices
are manufactured in the Cyberpapacy. Also, the
Church can occasionally create holy items.
Holy items are objects or devices that have
spiritual power, provided by the Spirit Axiom of
the Cyberpapacy, and require Spirit Axiom 14, or
they cause a contradiction. A character may only
carry and gain the benefit of a single permanent
(non-consumable) Holy item. If more than one
Holy item is carried, none of them function.

magic itemS
Although the Magic Axiom supports Enchanted
items, earlier purges and a loss of knowledge has
significantly hampered the creation of magic items
in the Cyberpapacy. Most magic items are those
smuggled in from Aysle and the Nile Empire, but
there are rumors of some witches redisocvering
the art of enchanting crystals. Some amulets from
Core Earth can appear in black markets, but these
don’t actually do anything.

Item Tech Price Notes
Cyberdeck 26 700 (14) See text. Replaces cyberdeck from Torg Eternity.
CyberEucarist 26 100 (10) Holy. Consumable. See text.
Cyberpapal Vestment 14 3,000 (17) Holy, +1 Armor or more. See text.
TSE DataChip 26 10 (5) Stores photographs, audio, or video data.
Delphi Council 26 Free A rucksack full of useful items in the Cyberpapacy.
Survival Kit
Hacked TempTrodes 26 500 (13) Allows access to the GodNet without a neural jack.
Image Inducer 26 1,000 (15) Allows a being to appear as a human.
MAS SmartGun 25 200 (11) See text.
TSE Hardlight Drone 26 100 (10) Can manifest a single hardlight drone.
TSE Hardlight 26 1,000 (15) Allows manifestation of person from the GodNet in
Hologram Emitter the Flesh as a hardlight hologram.
TL PureSight Glasses 26 100 (10) Filters out holograms displayed in the Flesh.

GENERAL GEAR encrypted and secured through a variety of means,

including passwords or brainwave detection.
Cyberdeck: The most common design of cyberdeck
Delphi Council Survival Kit (Cyberpapacy): The
available through the black market is the First Seal
Delphi Council freely provides this kit to its agents
(see page 70), which allows a person equipped
when going on missions in the Cyberpapacy. No
with a neural jack or TempTrodes to gain access the
requisition request is needed. The kit consists of a
GodNet. This cyberdeck replaces the one in Torg
canvas rucksack full of items useful for surviving
in the Cyberpapacy. The kit contains:
CyberEucharist: This communion wafer is
• An adjustable flashlight.
interlaced with circuitry and is used as a component
• A whistle.
of the cybercommunion miracle (see page 54).
• A small hand mirror.
Cyberpapal Vestment: These clerical robes only • A pair of PureSight glasses.
function for those with at least one skill add in • A set of hacked TempTrodes.
faith, who follow the Cyberpapacy. The vestment • A crucifix necklace.
acts as +1 armor, but if the wearer has the Miracles • One week’s worth of freeze-dried, vacuum
Perk, that increases to +2 and becomes +2 Full Body sealed ration packs.
armor if the wearer also has more than $10,000 • A canteen.
worth of cyberware (or 2 Cyberware Perks). • A hacked identity card granting travel rights
TSE DataChip: These holographic storage throughout the Cyberpapacy, and a Piety
devices effectively have no limit to the amount Score sufficient for accessing the GodNet.
of data that can be stored on them. Decades of • 24 iodine water purification tablets.
very high definition video footage is capable of • A small first aid kit.
being recorded on these incredibly small crystals,
Hacked TempTrodes: This device allows access to
and this data can be stored without loss for
the GodNet without the use of a neural jack. Since
centuries or millennia. Any recording of video,
it has been hacked, the Church is unable to trivially
sound, photographs, or other data has no storage
monitor the wearer’s activities.
restrictions in the Cyberpapacy. DataChips can be

favorite accessory of cyberwitches and other rebels.
TRIGGER LOCKS PureSight Glasses may interface with a smartgun
The high-tech weaponry found in the TSE Hardlight Drone Emitter: A single hardlight
Cyberpapacy is keyed to the individual who drone emitter can manifest multiple types of
owns it. Generally this means only that owner drones, but additional emitters can be purchased
can fire or activate the weapon. The AI that in case one is lost, damaged, or destroyed. The
determines this can be fooled though with a emitter is capable of flight at Speed Value 12. The
Hard (DN 14) computers test, which allows it to emitter can be controlled out to 5 kilometers, but if
function for one scene, but unless the AI is reset it is outside the range of a particular drone variety,
at a chop shop or similar location, the AI will it cannot manifest that drone. The drone emitter
realize the deception and lock that user out for has Toughness 8, but is Tiny (-6 to hit).
TSE Hardlight Hologram Emitter: When
physically connected to the GodNet through a
hardwire connection, this emitter is capable of
Image Inducer: This hologram emitter is an manifesting a single hardlight hologram or a being
advanced version of projection clothing that who is "going holo" (see page 69) through or from
allows the wearer to appear, at least upon cursory the GodNet.
inspection, as someone else. It can even allow
edeinos, elves, and dwarves to appear human.
Image inducers cannot be used to duplicate a WEAPONS
specific person’s appearance, and while upon
GWI and MAS are the primary manufacturers of
cursory inspection it will fool a guard, if the guard
weapons in the Cyberpapacy.
is taking particular care and attention, his evidence
analysis test to detect the ruse is Favored. This GWI Devastator: The Devastator plasma cannon
device does not function in the GodNet. is a larger, vehicle-mounted version of the GodFire
plasma weapon. Heavy weapons is the skill used to
MAS SmartGun Attachment: This weapon
upgrade enhances a single ranged weapon. It has
no effect on its own other than to allow the use of GWI Light of Creation: This high powered laser
smart ammunition (see Gear in Torg Eternity) and is equipped with sophisticated tracking sensors
devices or cyberware that interface with SmartGun and targeting systems and is primarily used in air
features (such as the CSI EyeKill Mk IV and TL defense. The weapon is entirely powered by the
PureSight Glasses). Cyberware that interface with vehicle or emplacement it is mounted on, but its
the SmartGun attachment allow the user to "see" use overwhelms its sensors after about one minute
through the weapon sights. SmartGun attachments of firing and requires a brief rest to recalculate the
do not have any independent interface with the target’s trajectory. This weapon uses heavy weapons
GodNet. Usually. to fire.
TL PureSight Glasses: PureSight glasses were GWI GodSmite: The GodSmite is the most recent
created by Resistance members soon after the weapon manufactured by GWI, and currently
invasion, and are designed to filter out hologram is mostly supplied to elite Cyberpapacy Church
images displayed in the Flesh, to display what Police Paragons. It is a large, high-powered laser
those holograms are concealing.These glasses pistol capable of burst fire. It is equipped with
have no effect on other types of holograms (e.g. a an integral laser sight (see General Gear in Torg
hologram clasp or image inducer). They can be set Eternity).
to completely eliminate holograms, or just reduce MAS God’s Wrath: The God’s Wrath is an
the visibility. For safety reasons, hard holograms advanced grenade launcher that can rain fire from
are never entirely filtered out. PureSight goggles or the skies. If the gunner is equipped with a TSE
glasses are usually mirrored or shaded and are a HUD (or similar device) and has access to the local

Weapon Tech Damage Ammo Range Price Notes
GWI Devastator 26 20 5 20/40/80 60K (24) Heavy Burst, See text
GWI God’s Fire 26 16 10 20/40/80 2,000 (16) Bulky, Small Blast, Fire,
Plasma** Targets lowest armor
GWI GodBeam 26 14 15 100/500/1K 600 (14) Short Burst, AP 1
GWI GodLight 26 14 5 50/100/500 350 (12) Small
GWI GodMeeter* 26 15 25 10/25/40 450 (13)
GWI GodSmite 26 15 30 10/25/40 1000 (15) Short Burst
GWI God’s Voice* 26 24 10 50/150/200 50K (23) Large Blast
GWI Light of 26 28 5 6K / – / – 500K(28) Heavy Burst, +4 to hit air
Creation vehicles, AP 4
MAS God’s Wrath 26 grenade 12 20/40/80 600 (14) Short Burst
MAS Herod IV 25 15 15 10/25/40 300 (12) –2 to hit if fired without
SmartGun feed
MAS Storm 26 15 30 15/30/45 500 (13) Short Burst

Grenade Tech Damage Range Price Notes
MAS AP Grenades 26 16 25/50/– 100 (10) Medium Blast, AP 1
MAS Disruptor Grenade* 26 16 25/50/– 100 (10) Medium Blast, Non-Lethal
MAS Tear Gas Grenade 26 14 25/50/– 100 (10) Large Blast, see text
TL EMP Grenade 26 16 25/50/– 1,000 (15) Medium Blast, see text

surveillance cameras or a Scout Drone, he may the circuitry to connect with the GodNet and can
shoot over obstacles at targets he cannot even see be used by anyone without being hacked.
directly. Additionally, the launcher can fire in a
Short Burst, firing three grenades of the same type. grenaDeS
This can either grant a +2 bonus to hit or increase Grenades manufactured in the Cyberpapacy are
the Blast Radius by one size. The God’s Wrath equipped with small gas jets and fins that allow
can load multiple types of grenades (but MAS the grenade to fly farther and more accurately than
grenades only) which are selectable with a switch. lower Tech grenades.
This weapon uses missile weapons to fire. MAS AP Grenades: These fragmentation
MAS Herod IV: The Herod IV is a bulky grenades break into sharp, hardened spikes when
automatic pistol stabilized by internal gyroscopes, they explode and are capable of shredding into
and was one of the first weapons to use a SmartGun light armor.
attachment (which comes standard). If fired by MAS Tear Gas Grenade: These grenades release
someone who doesn’t have a device to view the an orange-colored gas, which burns exposed eyes
SmartGun data, attacks take a –2 penalty. They are and irritates the lungs. If a person is in the area of
still frequently used by the Resistance, as they lack effect at the start of their turn, they become Stymied

Melee Weapon Tech Bonus Price Notes
GWI Ehud Dagger** 24 +2 220 (11) Armor Piercing 1, Small
GWI GodHammer 26 +5 300 (12) Stagger, Two Handed
GWI Sword of David 24 +4 300 (12) Armor Piercing 2


Armor / Shield Tech Bonus Price Notes
GWI Armor of God* 26 +4 1,000 (15)
Max Dex 8, Fatigues, Full Body
GWI Destroyer Armor* 26 +4 3,500 (17)
Max Dex 8, Min Str 12, Fatigues, Full Body,
Strength based weapons gain +2 damage.
GWI HallowMesh 26 +3 400 (13) Can be concealed under clothing
GWI Reflec Armor* 26 +2 250 (12) Max Dex 10, +2 to dodge vs. energy weapons.
GWI Sanctuary Shield 26 +2 300 (12) Min Str 7, Cancels 2 points of AP
GWI Tower of Babel* 25 +3 200 (11) Min Str 8, Painful, may not move and attack
unless Strength 10+
TL Liberté 26 — 100 (10) Can be concealed under clothing, cancels
Painful electrical weapons
* indicates that this item is also found in the Gear chapter of Torg Eternity.
** replaces item found in Torg Eternity.

and Vulnerable unless they are in sealed armor or an easily concealed weapon on clandestine
their Toughness (without armor) is higher than the missions.
damage. The gas dissipates after 1 minute. GWI GodHammer: Although uncommon, this
TL EMP Grenade: Manufactured only by Tierra double-headed power maul is occasionally used
Libre, these grenades are in short supply. When by Inquisitors. Internal gyroscopes allow it to be
set off, computers and other electronics within used easily despite the apparent imbalance caused
the area of effect shut down for one round. On by the large head.
a Good Success that increases to one minute. GWI Sword of David: Also called a power sword,
Outstanding Success is as Good, but also shuts this longsword is a favored weapon of Inquisitors
down one cyberware or Occultech install for one and Hospitalers.
minute. EMP grenades only do physical damage
to Tech Constructs, with bonus dice for Good and
Outstanding hits as usual. armor anD ShielDS
GWI HallowMesh: This armor consists of tightly-
melee weaPonS woven kinetic fibers that tighten when hit by a fast-
Many melee weapons produced by GWI are power moving object or burst of energy. It is light enough
weapons and have a control button on the hilt to be concealed under clothing and is favored by
which activates a plasma energy field around the cyberknights who need to blend in.
weapon, increasing its effectiveness. Without the GWI Sanctuary Shield: When activated, this
field activated, it counts as a normal weapon of its medium shield generates a plasma field that at
type but still causes contradictions. least partially counteracts armor piercing weapons.
GWI Ehud Dagger: This power dagger is TL Liberté: This thin layer of clothing is interlaced
commonly used by cyberknights who may require with circuitry which creates a field that can ground

electrical shocks, such as those from the Tower of direction at a specific speed, through voice
Babel and Church Police riot sticks. The wearer commands. The autopilot is incapable of making
does not take additional Shock from Painful tests to do stunts or complete Steps in a Chase.
electrical weapons. Most vehicles are keyed to their owners, but
the car’s computer system may be hacked with
VEHICLES a successful computers test. However, if the car
is suspected of carrying heretics, it can be taken
Vehicles in the Cyberpapacy have GodNet access control of by jackpriests acting through the
points, but since there is no direct hardline to the GodNet. Locking them out requires a computers
GodNet, only basic information and communication contest. Simply destroying the transmitter and
functions can be accomplished from a vehicle, even receiver does not work, since vehicles require some
with a cyberdeck. sort of connection to the GodNet to function.
All vehicles can be controlled through a neural
jack. Anyone with a HUD (cyberware or otherwise) lanD VehicleS
can use the internal Wi-Fi to access information Land vehicles in the Cyberpapacy consist of high-
about the vehicle, but a neural jack is to actually tech wheeled versions of less advanced automobiles
control the vehicle without hands. and bikes, as well as hover vehicles.
Cyberpapacy vehicles can also simply be ordered Hover vehicles are held aloft over the terrain
to go to a particular location, or move in a general by about one meter by forcefields. A temporary

Well protected checkpoints are found all over the Cyberpapacy.

Vehicle Tech Top Speed Pass MR Wounds Tough Price
GWI Aaron Hover 26 110 (11) Fast 12 -1 3 26 (10) 1.5M (31)
GWI Icarus Anti- 26 110 (11) Fast 2 -2 3 26 (10) 2.5M (32)
Aircraft Vehicle
Peugeot 26 110 (11) Fast 6 -1 2 13 20K (21)
Peugeot Seraphim 26 7000 (21) Ultra 12 -2 4 22 (4) 12M (35)

strengthening of the forcefields allows hover computers test. However, a Good Success is needed
vehicles to clear objects up to three meters tall, to prevent the violation from being immediately
though some vehicles such as the Peugeot 115 (see noticed by the Church.
Torg Eternity) are capable of higher boosts. Peugeot ChurchCar: These aircars are the most
GWI Aaron Hover APC: The Aaron Hover common seen in the Cyberpapacy, especially in
armored personnel carrier is armored against small and above the sprawls. Although some Anointed
arms fire and passengers may fire out of viewing own their own ChurchCars, most ChurchCars are
ports along the side and back of the vehicle. used as public transportation by the Blessed.
Additionally it is armed with a passenger-operated Peugeot Seraphim: The Seraphim is a hypersonic
Devastator plasma cannon that sits atop the crew VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircraft that
cabin. is exclusively used by the Church. The Seraphim
GWI Icarus Anti-Aircraft Vehicle: This hover is primarily used to transport Church officials who
vehicle is specialized for removing heretical air need to physically be in a particular place, but also
vehicles from the skies. It is armed with quad for inserting Church agents into foreign realms. The
mounted Light of Creation lasers (granting a +2 Seraphim appears somewhat boxy, but forcefields
Combined Action bonus to hit). allow it to travel at high-rates of speed. When it is
hypersonic the aircraft appears as if it is on fire. It is
air VehicleS armed with twin-linked GWI Devastator cannons.
The skies are the "realm of the angels" and only
authorized Church personnel or those who are
Anointed may ride one in an aircar, let alone own CYBERDECKS
one. If someone who is not Blessed or a Church Cyberdecks are the tools of a decker’s trade, and
agent attempts to enter an aircar, she is warned they often reflect their owner’s personality, not
that she is about to commit a sin, and if she does just in capability with regards to hardware and
not heed this warning and enters the car, it disables software, but their physical construction and
itself, closes and locks the doors and contacts the form factor. Some cyberdecks are hardwired into
Church Police. cyberlimbs, others look like books or even musical
Hacking an aircar requires a Hard (DN 14) instruments. They’re not fragile though, as it’s
computers test. expected a decker will have to make a quick escape
from wherever they’re jacked in if they happen to
Generally aircars are programmed to remain
be pulse traced.
below the top of the highest building in a sprawl
(where a cross is always placed) or below the tops Although each cyberdeck is a custom job, they
of the highest trees in a region of the Wilds. This are generally built around a standard core. Each
restriction can be overridden with a successful cyberdeck has the following entries:

Hardware Upgrade: a special ability the cyberdeck created by someone not native to the Cyberpapacy,
provides the decker or ridealongs. possibly Core Earth, Pan-Pacifica, or some other
Hardcoded Programs: an allotment of standard unknown cosm.
or upgraded programs the decker learns and come Because the resources required to multi-task
with the cyberdeck automatically. They do not take programs are significant, only standard programs
up any storage. come hardcoded in the cyberdeck, but programs
Additional Storage (X): a list of additional may be upgraded by selecting the Program
programs the decker learns, and the number which Upgrades Perk on page 24.
can be stored on the cyberdeck at the start of a run. Hardware Upgrade: At the beginning of a run, the
These programs may be swapped out prior to each decker may choose one ridealong to be able to run
run. and gain the benefits of any programs stored on
Flesh App: When a cyberdeck is used to interface the cyberdeck.
with a computer with a Tech Axiom of 25 or less, Hardcoded Programs: DataMiner, Ejection Seat,
computers tests are Favored. However, a custom FireWall
unit often provides an additional benefit while Additional Storage (3): BeatDown, DigitalSwerve,
in the Flesh. This benefit cannot be used in the IcePick, NewSkin
Flesh App: The cyberdeck can analyze the best
way to coordinate multiple teammembers on a
USING CYBERDECKS specific task. Combined Actions gain a +1 bonus.
Possession of a cyberdeck is a heretical act, and as
such are only available on the black market. Even cybergliDe
then, the vast majority of cyberdecks in use are The unique feature of this model is that its form
highly customized rigs, specifically tuned by the factor is significantly smaller than the others. It is
decker who uses them. considered Small (–2 to find tests when searched)
Cyberdecks require a neural jack to operate, and in and can even be hardwired into a cyberlimb for
order to function at their full VR bandwidth, they free. Additionally, the hardware in the Cyberglide
must also be connected physically by a nanotech can spoof the use of a transfer node and reduce
cable to a terminal connected to a Holy Exchange. the surveillance level. However, this cyberdeck’s
However, like TempTrodes, they can also connect power is reduced and it has less storage, so its
wirelessly to the GodNet or lower Tech Wi-Fi capability in the GodNet reflects that of the Flesh:
networks, but only for basic information exchange. it’s sneaky.
More primitive computers without Wi-Fi can still Hardware Upgrade: Once per act the decker can
be accessed through the nanotech cable, which can make a computers test against the sector’s current
configure to any input or output port. surveillance level. On a success, the surveillance
When within the GodNet, programs are accessed level of the current sector decreases by one (e.g.
at will, and a holographic interface appears in Alert to Elevated, or Elevated to Baseline). On a
front of the decker, which can be used by voice or Good or Outstanding Success, the surveillance
manually. level returns to Baseline.
Hardcoded Programs: DataMiner 2.0, NewSkin
2.0, SneakSneak 2.0
Additional Storage (2): BeatDown, DigitalSwerve,
charity IcePick
The Charity is a deck designed for those who Flesh App: The cyberdeck can analyze the local
particularly enjoy working with others. Given the environment and prevent catastrophic mistakes
suspicious nature of the reality, there is speculation when trying to sneak past people or cameras. When
amongst the Resistance that this was actually a 1 is rolled on a stealth test, it counts as 2 instead.

firSt Seal moDelo braSileiro
The most basic type of a cyberdeck, and the only This variety of cyberdeck is new, only created by an
one that is easily available. It is simple enough unknown and anonymous Brazilian decker in the
to use by anyone, even those who are Unskilled last few months. Since this cyberdeck model has just
in computers, but does not have the capabilities shown up out of nowhere, deckers are just calling
of custom rigs. It comes with a standard suite of it "the Brazillian Model." The Modelo Brasileiro
programs, which cannot be modified or upgraded. specializes in versatility. It’s not particularly
It only allows full VR access to the GodNet, without fast, strong, or tough, but it can do practically
any special abilities, but also without penalty. anything—just not as well as a cyberdeck with
The First Seal must be connected to the GodNet specialized functions.
via a hardline, but the decker can use TempTrodes Hardware Upgrade: Ad-
instead of a neural jack to operate it. ditional Storage is in-
This is the cyberdeck listed in the Gear chapter creased by 2 (already
of Torg Eternity. included).
Hardware Upgrade: The First Seal Hardcoded
cyberdeck can be used by anyone Programs: None
equipped with a neural jack. Additional Stor-
Hardcoded Programs: Beat- age (8): Angel-
Down, DataMiner, Digital- Blaster, BeatDown,
Swerve, IcePick, NewSkin DataMiner, Digital-
Additional Storage: None. Swerve, EjectionSeat,
FireWall, IcePick, NewS-
Flesh App: None. kin, OverClock, Priest-
Burner, SneakSneak
marSeilleS hermeS
Flesh App: Computers
This deck, first created by deckers
tests in the Flesh are Favored
in Magna Verita’s version of
against Tech 26 computers, and
Marseilles, France, specializes in
gain a +4 bonus instead of Favored
speed. Its hardware has the highest
against those of Tech 25 or lower.
clock rate, which allows it to run
its software exceptionally fast.
However, it sacrifices raw strength SeconD Seal
and power to do so. Sometimes a decker’s first cyberdeck is
their only cyberdeck. This is a custom
Hardware Upgrade: Once per act, upgrade of the commonly found First
the decker can put her cyberdeck Seal. Its simplicity means it is robust and
into burst mode, and at the end of provides extra protection for the decker,
their turn the decker gets a Flurry. and any ridealongs, in the event of a hard
Hardcoded Programs: DataMiner 2.0, disconnect.
DigitalSwerve 2.0, OverClock 2.0 Hardware Upgrade: When the decker
Additional Storage (3): BeatDown, or any ridealongs test for Defeat
EjectionSeat, IcePick, NewSkin after a hard disconnect they gain an
Flesh App: The Hardware Upgrade ability automatic Second Chance (as the
can be activated when attempting a computers Destiny card).
test during a Dramatic Skill Resolution.


Hardcoded Programs: DataMiner 2.0, Ejection angelblaSter
Seat 2.0, FireWall 2.0 AngelBlaster is designed to do only one thing—
Additional Storage (3): BeatDown, DigitalSwerve, destroy GodNet entities. It manifests as a huge
IcePick, NewSkin, SneakSneak chaingun, and the decker can exchange it for
whatever he is carrying as a simple action, and
Flesh App: Defeat tests ignore Wound Penalties.
vice versa. The AngelBlaster uses heavy weapons
to shoot, but the decker is considered skilled even
SPell checker if he has no adds. It has a range of 50 meters,
Spell Checker is a popular deck used by
fires in a Heavy Burst at up to 10 targets. Targets
cyberwitches, due to its ability to actually store a
hit take 16 damage, but humans and inanimate
magic spell within its matrix.
objects are immune. AngelBlaster cannot be used
Hardware Upgrade: Stores one spell the decker is by ridealongs, and it can only be run while in the
capable of learning. This spell can be swapped out GodNet.
once per act.
AngelBlaster 2.0: Targets instead take 16 AP 4
Hardcoded Programs: DataMiner 2.0, PriestBurner damage.
2.0, EjectionSeat 2.0
Additional Storage (2): BeatDown, DigitalSwerve, beatDown
IcePick, NewSkin, SneakSneak The decker’s virtual weapons are enhanced, and
while in the GodNet gain +1 damage. The benefits
Flesh App: The stored spell can be cast in the
of BeatDown or BeatDown 2.0 do not stack with
Flesh as well.
other weapon programs like AngelBlaster or
WRATH BeatDown 2.0: Additionally, the decker may
reroll 1s on any bonus dice.
Wrath is the superlative combat cyberdeck and is
as nasty as it looks. It is significantly larger than
other models, but is capable of adding power to its Dataminer
attacks in the GodNet. DataMiner was developed to quickly extract
information from computers, downloading
Hardware Upgrade: When this cyberdeck is information in seconds instead of minutes and
chosen, the decker may upgrade two hardcoded making the data available for retrieval later.
The decker’s tests during a Dramatic Skill
Hardcoded Programs: AngelBlaster, BeatDown, Resolution involving extracting information from
PriestBurner a computer are Favored, and all Drama cards are
Additional Storage (3): DataMiner, FireWall, considered to have Step A showing on the card.
IcePick, NewSkin DataMiner 2.0: If the Dramatic Steps line on the
Flesh App: Ignore 2 points of Range penalties current Drama card is not a dilemma and does
with a SmartGun attachment. not include the current step, it counts as if it only
includes the current step.


This program defends the decker (and her
Each program has an effect or action that it can cyberdeck) against incoming attacks. While in the
take while in the GodNet. These effects and actions GodNet, an Active Defense has a minimum +2
can only be run or benefit the decker running bonus instead of +1.
the program, unless otherwise specified. Each
program entry also includes an upgraded effect DigitalSwerve 2.0: If the decker does not currently
that enhances or replaces the standard effect. have an Active Defense bonus in effect, the decker
can choose to make an Active Defense after the

result of the attack is known. This sacrifices the oVerclock
decker’s next action, and the Active Defense bonus The decker sets up a list of commands that can
lasts till the end of the decker’s next turn. temporarily take control of her avatar. Once per
act, the decker can ignore 2 points of Multi-Action
ejectionSeat penalties for the rest of the scene.
Stories are whispered about Angel Bait...those
OverClock 2.0: The decker ignores 4 points of
deckers who were unfortunate enough to have
Multi-Action penalties instead.
been killed or captured in the GodNet and had their
souls trapped in Purgatory...or worse. EjectionSeat
attempts to mitigate this danger. While in the
PriestBurner can only be used in the GodNet,
GodNet, the decker’s tests for Defeat are Up.
and only affects the avatars of humans or other
EjectionSeat 2.0: Additionally, the decker, as an living creatures. It has no effect on inaminate
action, can choose to initiate a hard disconnect. objects, GodNet entities, or hardlight holograms.
This program manifests as a comically large
firewall flame thrower that can materialize in the decker’s
This program hardens the decker’s avatar and hands as a simple action, replacing anything he is
protects her against physical attacks. While in the currently holding. He may switch back to his other
GodNet the decker gains an additional +1 bonus items as a simple action.
to Toughness, which stacks with all other bonuses.
The PriestBurner has unlimited ammo but may
FireWall 2.0: The decker gains a +2 bonus to only fire a single Medium Blast Radius shot per
Toughness. turn, and has a range of 30 meters. It does 16 fire
damage. The hero is considered skilled in heavy
icePick weapons while firing the weapon even if he has no
This program counts as a set of lock picks, adds.
specifically targeting secure nodes, and is PriestBurner cannot be used by ridealongs.
manifested as a large icicle stabbing into the lock.
The decker’s lockpicking tests are Favored and may PriestBurner 2.0: The weapon also attacks the
be used unskilled. target’s lowest armor.
IcePick 2.0: The decker’s first failed attempt to hack
a secure node in a construct does not cause a blip.
SneakSneak allows the decker to move silently
A Mishap causes a blip but does not automatically
and nigh invisibly, avoiding detection from the
raise surveillance level to High Alert.
omnipresent Church surveillance. This program
also degrades attempts to detect spoofed Piety
newSkin Scores.
NewSkin allows the decker to appear as someone
else while in the GodNet. There are hundreds of While in a VR network, the hacker’s stealth tests
options for the avatar’s appearance and voice but are Favored, and the first blip created in a scene is
it’s locked when jacking in. Duplicating a specific ignored unless it was a Mishap. Attempts to detect
person is not possible. a nodder’s spoofed Piety (both in the Flesh and the
GodNet) are contests, and decker’s test is Favored.
NewSkin 2.0: The decker can create and store
multiple avatars and the decker may swap between SneakSneak 2.0: The hacker gains a +4 bonus to
avatars by taking an action. Additionally, weapons stealth tests instead of Favored. Tests to detect a
and armor can be "reskinned" and appear like other decker’s spoofed Piety Score, are Disfavored.
wepaons but still function normally (e.g. making a
Godmeeter look like a spear).


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