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Module 5

Customs of the Tagalogs

Learning Activity 1
Name: Bautista, Catabian, Duran, Yee
Section: ZGE 1106-1ECE-2A

Reinforcement Activity
1. Appreciating the culture of the inhabitants of the islands in their pristine nature

Complete the matrix below.

Cultural practices How were they practiced? What do they tell or picture
of the Tagalogs at that
Social classes Governing system is led by the This tells that the Tagalogs
datos. The caste composts of back then was already has
nobles, commoners, and slaves. their own civilization.
The maharlicas are the free-born
nobles, If Maharlica marries a
slave, the first child goes to the
father and so on. The children will
inherit the status of the parent it
belonged. The slaves or
namamahay Can’t be sold
or can’t be transferred to other
barangay unless by inheritance,
provided they stay in the same
village. meanwhile, the saguiguilid
can be sold.

Civil relations When the parents gave a dowry to The slaves are called
(marriage, dowry, any son, when, in order to marry aliping sa guiguilir. They
inheritance) him to a chief’s daughter, the serve their master in his
dowry was greater than the sum house and on his cultivated
given the other sons, the excess was lands, and may be sold.
not counted in the whole property The master grants them,
to be divided. Any other thing that should he harvest, so that
should have been given to any son, they may work faithfully.
though it might be for some For these reasons, servants
necessity, was taken into who are born in the house
consideration at the time of the of their master are rarely, if
partition of the property, unless the ever, sold. That is the lot of

parents should declare that such a captives in was and of
bestowal was made outside of the those brought up in the
inheritance. harvest fields.
Manner of worship mannere of worship include to Early Filipinos were
honoror show reverence for as a animists who believed in
divine being or supernatural power the existence of a supreme
being whom the Tagalogs
to regard with great or extravagant referred to as Bathala
respect, honor, or devotion
they made offerings to
particular trees that were
thought to be the habitation
of benevolent deities, or

even certain ancestral

spirits. Other trees were
thought to house
malevolent spirits, and care
was taken to avoid sleeping
under these trees.
Death (view and During the Pre-Hispanic period the Due to different cultures
practices) early Filipinos believed in a from various regions of the
concept of life after death. This Philippines, many different
belief, which stemmed from burial practices have
indigenous ancestral veneration emerged. For example, the
and was strengthened by strong Manobos buried their dead
family and community relations in trees, the Ifugaos seated
within tribes, prompted the the corpse on a chari before
Filipinos to create burial customs it was brought to a cave
to honor the dead through prayers and buried elsewhere.
and rituals.
Spirit world Spiritual world include the Most early Filipinos
relationship to a superior being and believed in
are related to an existential worshiping(spirit world)
perspective on life, death, and the different gods, creatures,
nature of reality. Spirit world and spirits. They appease
include practices/rituals such as them through various
prayer or meditation and practices, sacrifices, and
engagement with religious rituals. However, due to
community members. the Philippines having a
long history of
colonization, religious
beliefs and traditions have
changed from animism to


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