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 R&W Unit 7 p.168-169  Check and reflect, Track your success (warmer)
1. good to review simple past and past cont + compound sentences

 L&S Unit 8 p.168-172  Listening 2: Is it possible to be too clean?, Vocab, Speaking

1. Word unscramble race
2. Do gap fill pg.169
3. Do discuss part B preview pg.169
4. Do listening A pg.170 – focus on taking notes – use blank page
5. Do C and D and E
6. Discussion about being too clean or being dirty….
 If you were eating a piece of food fell on the floor, would you pick it up and eat it? What if it was
a piece of fruit? A French fry? A piece of BBQ meat?
 How often do you shower? How often do you wear clothes you wore the day before?
 What part of hcmc is the cleanest?
 If you had kids, how important would their cleanliness be to you?
 Overall, is your house cleaner, or dirtier than others?

 R&W Unit 8 p.170-171  Unit question: How can we prevent disease?

 R&W Unit 8 p.172-176  Reading 1: University healt centre: Cold news, Vocab, Write what you think
1. write what you think – change topic to “Do you think its possible to be too clean?”

 L&S Unit 8 p.172-173  Vocabulary skill: Using the dictionary

 L&S Unit 8 p.174-179  Grammar: If clauses for future possibilty, Pron: Function words and stress, Speaking
skill: Participating in a group discussion
1. Do pronunciation + critical thinking strategy pg.175-178
2. Do grammar – if clause for future possibility – pg.174-175
controlled writing
a. print table below on separate colored paper
b. students fill in boxes with random, crazy ideas
c. swap and fill in other side
free speaking
d. partners take turns asking what would happen if…
e. use slips of paper random nouns and actions – partners create question from the phrase
f. must answer the question in full grammar form I would…
3. re-do speaking – F Evaluate – pg.178
4. Do pg.179 (group discussion) if time
 L&S Unit 8 p.180  (SAT 4 set-up*) Give a persuasive presentation (Link to SAT material HERE)
1. need to setup outline like on pg.181
a. can set as HW if not enough time
Be Make Come Use Seem

Have Go Think Find Feel

Do Know Look Tell Try

Say Take Want Ask Leave

Get See Give Work Call

Time Thing Part Work Company

Person Man Child Week Number

Year World Eye Case Group

Way Life Woman Point Problem

Day Hand Place Government Fact

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