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Grade & Section : 8-Ruby

Designation : English Teacher Subject : English 8

Date & Time : June 14, 2023/ 3:00- Grading Period: 4th/ Week 7
4:00 A.M.

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her

A. Grade Level understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper
Standard appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech

B. Performance based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledge
Standard information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stances, and behavior.

C. Learning Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type (narrative in literature,
Competency expository, explanatory, factual and personal recount, persuasive)
(Code) : Determine the type of text read; and
: Write compositions that illustrate factual, personal recount, and persuasive text

1. Topic Developing Paragraphs

2. Reference K to 12 Curriculum Guide, Englsih 8 Module, Quarter 4, Week 7

Laptop, Power Point Presentation, Graphic Organizer, Hand-outs and TV.

3. Materials

Checking of attendance
Presentation of the Score Board and its Mechanics

Each group were already given 20 points for the day’s lesson under behavior.
Students must observe the following to maintain and earn the perfect score at
the end of the lesson:

1. Preparations  Group cooperation

 Group participation
 Positive and non-violent behaviors
 Practice Group
G-give thoughtful insights
R-respect each other
O-on time
U-use soft voices
P-participate actively
Annotation: This is the
part of the lesson where
the teacher designed,
select and used
diagnostic test, because
diagnostic tests provide
valuable information that
helps teachers assess prior
knowledge, identify
knowledge gaps, inform
instructional planning, 20
monitor progress,
personalize learning, and
identify special educational
needs. By utilizing diagnostic
2. Review
tests, teachers can better
Activity 1: Mystery Box Game
understand their students'
Directions: Students are task to pick a letter and answer the questions, and they
needs and provide targeted must choose between KEEP THE BOX OR GIVE THE BOX TO THEIR CLASSMATE.
and effective instruction to
support their learning and 1.Elouise is tasked to write a text indicating facts and statistics.
growth. (Indicator 9) What type of text is she writing?
A. Factual B. Expository C. Personal recount D. Persuasive

2. A factual text has the following purposes EXCEPT:

A. Inform B. Instruct C. Persuade D. Describe

3. What makes a text persuasive?

A. It informs readers.
B. It attempts to convince readers to agree with a particular viewpoint.
C. It encourages readers to read more.
D. It tells something about the stories.

4. Which of the following BEST defines a personal recount?

A. A text which retells events or experiences in the past.
B. A text which encourages a reader to adopt a particular course of action.
3.Motivation C. A text which informs through the use of facts and information.
D. A text which focuses on educating its reader.

5. Which among the following is NOT an example of a factual text?

A. News report B. Records of history C. Novel D. Recipes

Annotation: In this part of the lesson, the teacher motivates the learners through presenting activity in
a form of game, and that would lead them to the lesson to be discussed. According to Aristotle,
motivation is important because it fuels the pursuit of excellence, enables individuals to fulfill their
potential, and contributes to a flourishing life. In the context of education, motivation is crucial for
intellectual growth,
Annotation: This the development
is the of virtues,
part of the lessonand the cultivation
where the teacherof a applies
love for alearning. By
range of
recognizing and
teaching nurturingto
strategies motivation,
developboth educators
critical andand students thinking,
creative can strive forasexcellence
well asand lead
fulfilling lives.
thinking skills through sets of questions. The sets of questions provided are crucial for
deeper understanding, effective problem-solving, decision-making, adaptability, innovation,
lifelong learning, and career readiness. By developing and honing these skills, individuals can
navigate complex challenges, contribute meaningfully, and thrive in various aspects of life.
(COT-Indicator 3)
A. ACTIVITY/ (I ACTIVITY 2: Directions: Read and understand the texts. Then, answer the
DO) questions that follows.

Reading Text No. 1

Children’s Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1954 as a

day of “worldwide fraternity and understanding between children”. The
UN chose 20th of November as it is the date in 1959 when Assembly
adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the child. The Declaration is
important because it set in stone a key universal value, stating unclearly
that “mankind owes to the child the best it has to give”

Tasks: Solve and answer the following questions:

Problem: If in 1954 was when the Children’s Day was established by the
UN General Assembly and in 1959 was when Assembly adopted the
Declaration of the Rights of the child. What is the year gap between the
establishment of the children’s day and the declaration of the rights of the
Annotation: In this child?
part of the lesson, Guide Questions:
the teacher uses a 1. What is asked in the problem?
strategy that would 2. What are the given?
enhance learners’ 3. What operation to be used?
achievement in 4. What is the mathematical sentence?
numeracy by solving 5. What is the solution?
for the year gap 6. What is the answer?
between the
establishment of the Possible Answer:
children’s day and the
declaration of the 1. What is the year gap between the establishment of the
rights of the child, in children’s day and the declaration of the rights of the child?
which the learners are 2. 1954 and 1959.
asked to analyze the 3. Subtraction
text and solve for 4. If in 1954 was when the Children’s Day was established by the
what is asked through UN General Assembly and in 1959 was when Assembly adopted
applying their the Declaration of the Rights of the child.
knowledge in 5. Solution: Checking:
subtraction and 1959 1954
checking for the right - 1954 + 5
answer. (COT- = -------- = _______
Indicator 2) 5 1959
6. 5 years

Reading Text No. 2

Zamboanga City is located in western Mindanao, the Philippines, has a
rich and interesting past. It was named Samboangan by spanish explorer
Don Álvaro de Saavedra Cerón. It was first a center for trade between the
Sultanates of Sulu and Maguindanao. The Spanish claimed it in 1569, and
in 1635 it became a permanent town. It was vital in the fight against
Moro pirates because it was a Spanish fortress. Zamboanga joined the
Moro Province and experienced expansion as a vital commerce hub until it
came under American authority in 1899. Despite its difficulties, the city
proudly displays its vibrant culture, diversified neighborhoods, and
stunning natural surroundings, showing its tenacious spirit molded by
millennia of cultural influences and historical events.

Task: Direction: Get the main idea and the supporting details of the text.
Create a “TIMELINE of the History of Zamboanga City” based on the
provided text.
Analyze and answer the following Questions:

1. What can you say about the texts read?

2. What is common between the two text read?
3. What is the significance of knowing history?
4. Why is it important for us to properly classify the text?
5. How effective is the author’s use of evidence and examples to
support their claims?
Annotation: This is the part of the lesson where the teacher applies a range
of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
other thinking skills through sets of questions. The sets of questions provided are
crucial for deeper understanding, effective problem-solving, decision-making,
adaptability, innovation, lifelong learning, and career readiness. By developing and
honing these skills, individuals can navigate complex challenges, contribute
meaningfully, and thrive in various aspects of life. (COT-Indicator 3)


A text is usually a piece of any written works and it is classified according to the

Factual Text
 Factual text informs, instructs, or persuades by giving facts and
information. It informs the reader about a particular subject.
Factual texts should give useful information and focus on facts.
Examples of factual texts are news reports, interviews, recipes,
records of history, instructions, Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs), etc.

Personal Recount
 A personal recount often combines elements of both the narrative
and memoir since an insight about life or a personal belief is
usually based upon both experiences and relationships that have
taught the writer what individual values are most important. The
author writes like the way he or she might talk in an ordinary or
everyday conversation.

Generating ideas for writing Personal Recount: In writing a personal

recount, you go one step beyond reminiscing about a significant event
or moment. You choose a period in your life, explain and analyze it, and
put it into context.

 Choosing topic. Think about a significant period of time which

has shaped you into the person you are now. Complete the
sentence “I am who I am today because of the period of time
 Gathering events. Use cluster to help you think about significant
events you experienced during the time in question. Use sensory
and memory details.
 Organizing the events. This time decide on an order for the
details you have gathered. You may organize them following a
chronological order or you may share them according to your
own order of importance.
Persuasive text
 aims to convince the reader to adopt an opinion or a course of
action. A strong persuasive text is logically organized and clearly
describes the issue.

To be effective, a persuasive text should have the following

➢ has a clear thesis on an issue
➢ uses sound reasoning
➢ uses powerful language
➢ presents detailed and relevant pieces of evidence and references
➢ presents alternatives and counter arguments
➢ uses clear organization
➢ provides a clear conclusion
➢ uses effective and error-free sentence structure
Directions: Read the topic sentence and the first supporting detail of each
paragraph. Complete each item by adding more details to support the topic
sentences showing factual, personal recount, and persuasion. Consider the
scoring rubrics below.

Group 1

Paragraph 1
“COVID-19 is a respiratory disease. It was first
reported in China in December 2019”


Group 2

Paragraph 2
(Personal Recount)
“During elementary days, I have so many unforgettable

Directions: Read and understand carefully the following questions. Circle the
letter of the correct answer

1. If the writer provides facts about a topic and believes that it is important for
the reader to understand it, what type of text is it?

A. Factual B. Expository C. Personal recount D. Persuasive

2. You are reading a text that is attempting to convince you that playing
basketball is the best way to a healthy lifestyle. What type of text are you

A. Factual B. Expository C. Personal recount D. Persuasive

3. Why is personal narrative writing different from other writings?

A. Students can write from their own perspective.

B. Students can write whatever they want without penalty.
C. Students can have more spelling and grammar errors.
D. Students can use different styles of writing.
4. What should we include in writing narrative text?
A. Main idea, theme, conclusion
B. Topic sentence, body, conclusion
C. Problem, story, resolution
D. Beginning, topic sentence, resolution

5. When writing a persuasive text, your main purpose is to __________.

A. encourage the reader to do something

B. give instruction
C. describe something
D. provide instruction

Annotation: This is the part of the lesson where the teacher designed, select and used
Summative Assessment to test the students understanding regarding the lesson discussed. In
addition, summative assessment offers a comprehensive snapshot of student achievement. The
teacher viewed this type of assessment approach supports effective teaching and learning
practices. (Indicator 9)

Direction: Research on the different types of Speech.

Annotation: The teacher used differentiated, developmentally,

sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts through 4A's, such as Activity,
Analysis, Abstraction and Application. This application is based on the
constructivist educational philosophy, in which experiences are how students
learn and construct knowledge. It also acknowledges that life experiences are
valuable tools for lifelong learning. (Indicator 7)

V. Reflection I adapt Constructivism (Jean Piaget) because constructivist

approach to teaching asserts that learners gain and build knowledge
through experiences.
Hence, it recognizes that life experiences are rich resources for
continued learning.
In addition, Constructivism is a theory of learning that places an
emphasis on how people actively construct knowledge via their
experiences, relationships, and reflection. It implies that students actively
construct their knowledge of the world by fusing new knowledge and
experiences with their pre-existing understanding and conceptual
Furthermore, in a constructivist classroom, students are given the
freedom to create own knowledge, relate ideas to practical experiences,
work collaboratively with others, and reflect on their learning process. It
encourages critical thinking, in-depth comprehension, and lifetime
learning abilities.

Mastery Level: __________________

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Filipino Teacher OIC, English Dept. School Principal

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