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TAXC221 - Court Cases summary

Relevant to Words or phrase Name of the court case Summary of case

“ordinary residence” would be the country to which a
Ordinarily resident Cohen vs CIR person would naturally and as a matter of course return
from his wanderings.

CIR vs Kuttel
“ordinary residence” = place where you normally reside,
apart from temporary/occasional absences.
Not just money/cash is applicable. Anything (property)
CIR v Lategan earned that has a money-value must be included in
The onus of establishing an amount rests upon the
CIR v Butcher Bros (Pty) Ltd
Interest-free loans granted to a TP in consideration for the
acquisition of life-interest in units does constitute a benefit
CSARS v Brummeria of which a value can be determined to be included as part
Definition of gross income. (A benefit with an ascertainable value is
of gross included in gross income)
income CIR v People’s Stores (Walvis Accrues to when TP becomes entitled to it.
Bay) (Pty) Ltd
Mooi v SIR Accrues to only when TP is unconditionally entitled to it.
accrued to
The disposal of income after it has accrued to a TP does
CIR v Witwatersrand Association
not influence the taxability of that accrual in the hands of
of Racing Clubs:
the TP.
Geldenhuys v CIR On his (or her) own behalf and for his (or her) own benefit
Obtaining physical control over “money” – not mean a
CIR v Genn & Co (Pty) Ltd
received by receipt for GI purposes – must be for his own benefit

MP Finance Group CC v CSARS:

An amount will be “received by” a Tax payer if his intention
was to benefit from it for his own purpose.
of a capital nature – Original intention may change to a scheme of profit
CIR v Richmond Estates (Pty) Ltd
intention making.
TAXC221 - Court Cases summary
· The sale of asset does not mean intention
of a capital nature – Elandsheuwel Farming (Edms)
· Consider whether there was a scheme of profit-
intention Bpk vs SBI (1978 A)
· May realise asset to the greatest advantage of TP.
· Intention at purchase could be decisive unless
other factors intervene.
of a capital nature –
CIR v Stott · The decision to dispose of asset does not mean
Definition mixed or dual intention
there was a change in intention.
of gross · May realise asset to the greatest advantage of TP.
Factors such as planning, scope, nature, duration and
of a capital nature –
Natal Estates Ltd v SIR marketing will determine intention change. Must establish
change in intention
whether a business was operated. Cross the “Rubicon”
of a capital nature – the CIR v Visser Capital is tree and the fruit of the tree is income in nature
nature of the “asset” which must be separated from each other.

The intention of company is determined by the actions and

of a capital nature – the
CIR v Richmond Estates (Pty) Ltd decisions by directors.
intention of company

An annuity has two characteristics:

Special • it is an annual or periodical payment (repetitive); and
Annuity KBI and another v Hogan:
inclusions • the beneficiary has the right to receive more than one
such payment
TAXC221 - Court Cases summary
Relevant to Words or phrase Name of the court case Summary of case
Not necessary to show that expenditure will have effect upon
General Sub-Nigel Ltd v CIR production of the income for that year.
As long as the expenditure is incurred to earn the future income.
This definition gives a wide and well established interpretation. It
Burgess v CIR is not to be seen as exhaustive. Consider the following:
carrying on a trade
· Is there continuity of the activities?
· Is the long-term objective of the trade to generate profit?
· Expenditure incurred must originate from operating a
business operation with the goal to earn an income.
Port Elizabeth Electric Tramway
Co Ltd v CIR · The expenditure incurred must in other word have a
close connection with the business’s income-earning
operations. (necessary concominant)

in the production of income · Expenditure incurred to induce employees to enter and

Deductions – remain in the service of a taxpayer may qualify for a
Provider v COT:
section 11(a) deduction since the purpose is to produce current or
future income.
The expenditure or the act leading to the expenditure as has to
Joffe & Co (Pty) Ltd v CIR be a “necessary concomitant” of the business operation to be in
the production of income.
Amounts paid and amounts for which there is a responsibility to
Caltex Oil (SA) Ltd v
pay but is not yet payable (liability)
Unconditional legal obligation before it can be seen as actually
Edgars Stores Ltd v CIR
Actually incurred If not explicit and absolute liability to pay, expense not actually
Nasionale Pers Bpk v KBI
If the outcome of a dispute over expenditure / claim remains
CIR v Golden Dumps (Pty) Ltd undetermined at end of tax year, the obligation is not actually
TAXC221 - Court Cases summary
Floating or circulating capital vs fixed capital: cost of performing
New State Areas Ltd v CIR income-earning operations vs cost of establishing or improving
or adding to the income earning plant.
not of a capital nature
If the expenditure is more closely related to the TP’s income-
Rand Mines (Mining & Services) Ltd
generating structure than to his income-earning operations, it is
capital in nature.

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