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Health Teaching Plan

General objective: To educate the mother and her malnourished children on the concept of
malnutrition, its etiology, and its holistic impact on middle childhood. Its proper methods for dealing
with its occurrences, restoring health, and preventing it from happening again.

Learning Content Strategy Strategy Time Venue Resources Evaluation

objectives: Rationale Date Method

Members of the
family would be
able to:

A. Define what is Interactive Interactive Time: 7:00 Patient Patient

child malnutrition I. Understanding the Discussion Discussion: AM to 10:30 Education teach-back
and its concept of through the This strategy is AM Materials method
importance as Malnutrition use of Patient utilized because (PEMs):
well as to Education it is important Venue: Printed Ask the
describe the A. Definition of Materials to engage Navotas City, Pictures and patient to
various forms of Malnutrition (PEMs) clients in Philippines Brochure repeat the
child conversations information
malnutrition; B. Forms of and it will be Date: back in their
Malnutrition feasible to September 13, own words
integrate 2022 regarding the
1. Undernutrition information to following:
the client. The
a. Kwashiorkor educators will A.What is
b. Marasmus also show Malnutrition?
2. Micronutrient- posters, and B.What are
related malnutrition brochures, that the different
contain forms of
a. Protein-energ information Malnutrition?
y malnutrition about child
b. Vitamin A malnutrition. C.What do
deficiency Moreover, this they think is
c. Iodine is to increase the
deficiency their importance of
d. Iron knowledge, being
deficiency comprehension, knowledgeabl
and e about
3. Overweight and interpretation of malnutrition
obesity the subject at and how can
hand as the they
C. Importance of
clients will be implement it
knowing Child
encouraged to in their family
assess their own and to
thoughts and themselves?
present their
point of views. Note: The
patient can
base on the

B. Recognize the Evocative Evocative Time: 7:00 Patient The student

common causes II. Common causes of Discussion Discussion: AM to 10:30 Education nurses will
as well as the malnutrition in This strategy is AM Materials show the
signs and children utilized because (PEMs): printed
symptoms of it comprises a Venue: Printed pictures and
different forms of A. Diet range of Navotas City, Pictures and ask the client
malnutrition in open-ended Philippines Brochure to identify
children; 1. Poor diet questions, an what form of
exchange of Date: malnutrition is
2. Problems with ideas, and September 13, shown in the
absorbing food evaluation of 2022 picture.
how the
B. Limited learners
knowledge about understand the
proper diet causes, as well
as the signs and
C. Poor maternal symptoms of
health malnutrition.
As opposed to
III. Signs and the lecture
symptoms strategy, the
A. Undernutrition strategy is more
1. Kwashiorkor
which allows
the clients to
a. Change in
share what they
skin and hair
have learned or
color and
if they have a
regarding the
b. Failure to
subject matter.
grow or gain

c. Edema on
the ankles,
feet, and belly

d. Bloated

e. Damaged

f. Dermatitis

2. Marasmus

a. Visible
wasting of fat
and muscle

b. Prominent
skeleton and
face may
appear old

c. Sunken
fontanelles in

d. Weight loss
of more than

e. BMI below
the range of

B. Micronutrient-

1. Vitamin A

a. Dry eyes

b. Night

c. Increased
risk of

2. Zinc

a. Loss of

b. Stunted

c. Delayed
healing of
wounds, hair
loss, diarrhea

3. Iron

a. Impaired
brain function

b. Issues with
regulation of
the body

c. Stomach

4. Iodine

a. Enlarged
thyroid glands

b. Decreased
production of
the thyroid

c. Growth and

C. Overnutrition

1. Weight gain
2. Diabetes
3. High
4. Cloudy urine
5. Eye irritation
or sensitivity
6. Cracked lips

C. Identify the Evocative Evocative Time: 7:00 Patient Question and

common physical IV. Physical effects Discussion Discussion: AM to 10:30 Education Answer
and mental This strategy is AM Materials
effects of child A. Common utilized as an (PEMs): Ask the
malnutrition; medical-related aim for the Venue: Printed patient to
complications client’s Navotas City, Pictures and enumerate the
knowledge and Philippines Brochure underlying
1. Anorexia, poor comprehension physical and
appetite to be more Date: mental effects
enhanced; the September 13, of child
2. High fever discussion will 2022 malnutrition.
be more
3. Intractable interactive A.What are
vomiting because the the common
clients are medical-relate
B. Common changes encouraged to d
in physical share what they complications
have learned or of child
appearance if they have a malnutrition?
1. Stunted growth regarding the B. Enumerate
subject matter. the common
2. Skin lesions The educators changes in
will also show physical
3. Unplanned printed pictures appearance
weight loss and brochures when the
that contain patient is
V. Mental effects information suffering from
about child child
A. Common malnutrition for malnutrition.
behavioral responses the clients to
visualize the C. What are
1. Mood changes physical and the common
mental effects behavioral
2. Lack of energy that will be responses of a
and concentration tackled. child with
3. Reduced social

D. Provide a VII. Ways to prevent Evocative Evocative Time: 7:00 Patient Matching
more holistic and malnutrition Discussion and Discussion: AM to 10:30 Education Type Game
scientific-oriented Return This strategy is AM Materials
way of keeping I. Eat a healthy Demonstration utilized because (PEMs):
the client’s balanced diet. it comprises an Venue: Printed Asking the
overall exchange of Navotas City, Pictures and patient to
well-being and A. Pinggang ideas, and an Philippines Brochure match the
health; Pinoy evaluation of pictures of
how the Date: foods to their
1. Go, Grow, learners September 13, proper
Glow foods understand the 2022 section,
causes, particularly to
B. Ten consequences, the go, grow,
kumainments and prevention and glow
of malnutrition. foods.
II. Eat meals As opposed to
three times a the lecture
day. strategy, the
III. Drink an strategy is more
adequate interactive
amount of allowing the
water. learners to
share what they
A. Kids = 6 - 8 have learned or
glasses of if they have a
water question
regarding the
IV. Maintain subject matter.
ideal weight
for the child’s Return
height and Demonstration:
age. This strategy
determines if
V. Engage in the individual
light physical has understood
activities and developed
regularly. the skills
required to
A. Walking and prevent
Running malnutrition. It
is also one of
B. Home the effective
activities strategies for an
individual who
C. Physical is malnourished
games to retain
VI. Take vitamins particularly if it
regularly. needs to be
applied in
A. Vitamin D real-life
B. Vitamin A

C. Calcium

D. Zinc

E. Iron

E. And identify VIII. Health Evocative Evocative Time: 7:00 Patient Question and
the ways for restoration through Discussion Discussion: AM to 10:30 Education Answer:
health restoration physical activities This strategy is AM Materials
of children with utilized because (PEMs): 1. What are
malnutrition. A. Types of it comprises a Venue: Printed the three types
physical range of Navotas City, Pictures and of physical
activity open-ended Philippines Brochure activity?
questions, an
1. Home exchange of Date: 2. What are
activities ideas, and an September 13, some
evaluation of 2022 important
2. Physical how the dietary
games learners changes you
understand can do to
3. Moderate different ways improve your
exercises of health overall
restoration to nutrition?
B. Standard combat
measures for malnutrition. 3. What are
engaging in As opposed to some
physical the lecture supplements
activity strategy, the you can take?
IX. Health restoration strategy is more
through dietary interactive
changes which allows
the learners to
1. Intake of share what they
healthy and have learned or
balanced food if they have a
2. Intake of regarding the
foods and subject matter.
drinks that are
high in

X. Health restoration
through intake of

A. Vitamins

1. Vitamin A

2. Vitamin B

3. Vitamin D

B. Minerals

1. Iron

2. Iodine

3. Zinc

XI. Health restoration

through treatment of
any underlying
medical conditions
that caused the

Department of Science and Technology. (n.d.). The Pinggang Pinoy [Online Image].

FoodCorp. (2018). Go, Grow, Glow [Online Image].


Liu, J., Raine, A., Venables, P. H., & Mednick, S. A. (2004, November). Malnutrition at age 3 years
and externalizing behavior problems at ages 8, 11, and 17 years. The American journal of
psychiatry. Retrieved September 18, 2022, from

Table 11.3, common medical complications in severe acute malnutrition ... (n.d.). Retrieved
September 18, 2022, from

The changing face of malnutrition. (n.d.). Retrieved September 18, 2022, from

Department of Health. (n.d.). The 10 kumainments. The 10 Kumainments.

Department of Health website. (n.d.). Pinggang Pinoy: Healthy Food Plate for Filipino adults
Home Visit Plan

Goal: After 3 days of home visits within the community of Navotas City, each family will be able to
understand the concept of malnutrition and be informed about how it develops within the age bracket,
what causes them, and what the consequences are for each child. This is done to accurately assess the
family's health, especially the child's access to a healthy diet, and to help each family become more
conscious of the signs that a child's health needs to be monitored. Additionally, the goal of this home
visitation is to observe positive changes in the family's health 1 week after the visit and teaching were

Date Specific Activities Methods/ Evaluation

Objectives Strategy

Date: September Conversing with The nursing students Methods: 1. Establish

13, 2022 (Day 1) the local state will: connections
representatives in 1. Planning with the
Time: 8:00AM - person will be 1. Make an residents, local
10:30AM granted to the introduction to 2. Consultatio health
student nurse/s. the barangay n officials, and
and barangay the barangay
officials that 3. Data
they will have a Finding 2. Receive
home visit information on
Materials: households
2. Secure an suffering from
authorization 1. Paper and malnutrition
letter from the pen
health official
before 2. Patient
conducting a Education
home visit to Materials
the community (PEMs):
3. If the area is Pictures
dangerous, and
attempt to get Brochure
some assistance
from a barangay 3. Facemask
official, also
known as 4. CHN Bag

4. Seek a health
from the
barangay center
if you are
acquainted with
suffering from
5. Thank the
authorities for
involvement to
end the

Date: September Speaking with the The student nurse will: Methods: 1. Establish
14, 2022 (Day 2) family and asking professional
for their 1. Introduce 1. Consultatio connection
Time: 7:00AM - willingness to themselves to n and develop
9:00AM participate in a the family rapport with
home visit members and Materials: the family
discuss the 1. Paper and
purpose of the pen 2. Ask for
visit permission to
2. Patient conduct a
2. Evaluate the Education home visit
family’s Materials
condition by (PEMs):
assessing their Printed
home Pictures
environment, as and
well as their Brochure
lifestyle if
possible, and 3. Facemask
document the
observations 4. CHN Bag

3. Seek for 5. Weighing

permission or scale and
consent from measuring
the head or tape
of the family to
conduct a home

4. If permitted, ask
the family’s
availability then
plan the desired
schedule for a
home visit,
including their
preferred time
and date

5. Before
departing and
proceeding to
the next family,
commend the
client and show
appreciation for
cooperation and
adherence to the
student nurse’s

Date: September Determine the The nursing student Methods: 1. Document the
14, 2022 (Day 2) family's health will: family’s health
condition which 1. Perform the status
Time: 7:00AM - will be conducted 1. Place the general
9:00AM by the student nursing bag in a Health 2. Ask if there
nurse convenient and Assessment are any
appropriate occuring
place 2. Check vital problems
signs regarding the
2. Wash the hands family’s health
and put out the Materials: status
needed for 1. Paper and
conducting a pen
assessment 2. Patient
3. Begin to assess Materials
the health (PEMs):
condition of Printed
every member Pictures
of the family and
by: Brochure
a. Assessing 3. Facemask
client’s age, 4.
weight, height, 5. CHN Bag
build, posture, a.
gait and hygiene 6. Weighing
scale and
b. Examining measuring
their hair, skin tape
and body by
percussion and

4. Observe their
and take note of
the family’s
living condition

5. Complete the
assessment and
thank the family
for their

Date: September Assess the dietary The nursing student Methods: 1. Consult if they
14, 2022 (Day 2) distribution within will: 1. Consultatio have properly
the family as well n obtained
Time: 7:00 AM - as its nutritional 1. Emphasize the 2. Light information
9: 00 AM contents importance of Discussion from the
the assessment assessment
of the family’s Materials:
diet 1. Paper and 2. Exchange
pen contacts if
2. Ask for consent they have any
before inquiring 2. Patient dietary-related
the following Education inquiries in the
question Materials future
regarding: (PEMs):
a. If the family Pictures
has an existing and
meal plan. Brochure

b. If the meals 3. Facemask

are properly and
evenly 4. CHN Bag
amongst the
family members

c. If they
change their
dietary plans

d. The
contents of their
food as well as
its benefits

e. If they had
encountered any
regarding food
in the past

3. Evaluate the
given answers
from the
questions and
start probing if

4. Reiterate the
importance of
having a proper
nutritional diet
within the

5. Ask the family

if they have any
questions or
concerns that
they would like
to ask about
nutritional diet

6. Conclude the
assessment by
appreciation to
the family’s

Date: September Educating the The student nurses will: Methods: 1. The student
15, 2022 (Day 3) family the value of nurses would
health, what 1. Introduce 1. Evocative evaluate the
Time: 7:00 AM - malnutrition is, themselves Discussion client and
9: 00 AM and how it is again to the patient
diagnosed. family members 2. Interactive through using
and discuss the Discussion the patient
purpose of the teach-back
visit, which is to 3. Return method,
conduct a health Demonstrat matching type
teaching ion game, and
question the
2. Teach the Materials: patient about
family about the topic
malnutrition 1. Paper and
and the pen
diagnosis result
of the child by 2. Patient
discussing the Education
following: Materials
a. Child Printed
malnutrition Pictures
and its and
significance, as Brochure
well as discuss
the many types 3. Facemask
of child
malnutrition 4. CHN Bag
b. The signs and
symptoms of
different forms
of malnutrition
in children

c. The physical
and mental
effects of child

d. How to
maintain the
client's total
well-being and

e. The ways for

restoration of
children with

3. Ask the family

if they have any
questions or
concerns that
they would like
to ask about the

4. Ask the family

when are they
available for the
next session

5. Conclude the
health teaching
by showing
appreciation to
the family’s

Date: September Evaluation of both The student nurses will: Methods: 1. Student
20, 2022 (Day 4) family's acquired nurses,
knowledge and 1. Pay another 1. Evaluation barangay
Time: 7:00 AM - their current state visit to the authorities,
9:00 PM of health. barangay's 2. Interpretati and local
families for a on health officials
follow-up check worked in
up 3. Recommen collaboration
dation with the
2. Provide the reports on the
barangay health Materials: results gained
officials with 1. Paper and from the
information pen families
regarding the assessment
health of the 2. Patient provided to
families Education work together
residing in their Materials with the data
local (PEMs):
neighborhood Printed
3. Talk to the and
individuals who Brochure
work in the
health care 3. Facemask
department of
the barangay 4. CHN Bag
about making
follow-up home
visits, getting
referrals, or
any health care

4. Conclude the
health teaching
activity by
gratitude to the

Cleveland Clinic. (2022a, May 18). Kwashiorkor: Definition, Symptoms, Causes & Diagnosis.

Cleveland Clinic. (2022b, June 11). Marasmus: Definition, Symptoms & Causes.

Kwashiorkor: Definition, symptoms, causes & diagnosis. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved

September 15, 2022, from


Lehman, S. (2021, May 26). The Different Types of Malnutrition and Your Health. Verywell Fit.

Micronutrient supplementation program: Department of Health Website. Micronutrient

Supplementation Program | Department of Health website. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15,

2022, from

PatientEngagementHIT. (2020, November 19). Developing patient teach-back to improve patient

education. PatientEngagementHIT. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from


PatientEngagementHIT. (2021, September 15). 4 patient education strategies that Drive Patient

activation. PatientEngagementHIT. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from https://patienten

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