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We have spent time reading a short novel (Of Mice and Men) and learning literary devices that are in connection to
the story. We looked specifically at narration, plot, themes, setting, diction, symbols, the portrayal of characters
and much more. For a reader to understand the message in the novel, one must closely read and accurately
analyze according to the elements of a novel.

Choose one of the following prompts and compose a literary analysis essay based on the novel we’ve read and
discussed as a class. Through these writing prompts, I hope to give you a dose of inspiration to make your literary
voices heard, practice your technical writing skills, and provide excellent content. Your essay must be a minimum 3
pages, written in MLA format, 12 font, Times New Roman/Calibri, doubled space and printed. Your essay will have
in-text citations as well as a Works Cited Page. Your essay will have an introduction paragraph with an intriguing
hook, and a focused thesis appearing in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph. Each body paragraph
should be well developed with supporting details/evidence. Open each body paragraph with a topic sentence and
closing it with a sentence that ends that idea and transitions to the new paragraph. The transition between ideas
and paragraphs should be smooth. The conclusion should end your paper and not introduce a new idea.

1. Analyze the theme, the inevitable failure of the American Dream, in Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men.
Analyze the dream of living off the “fatta of the land” and how it influences the characters in the novel
(George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, or Curley’s wife). What does Steinbeck say about the impossibility of the
American Dream through these characters? At the same time, what is the power of the dream, even if it is
fruitless? Use direct quotations and specific examples to support your views.

2. Analyze Steinbeck’s portrayal of Curley’s wife as the lone female on the all-male ranch. What ways does
Curley’s wife exercise power over others and in what ways is she subject to the power of others? What
impression does he create for women? Use direct quotations and specific examples to support your

3. What is the significance of the killing of Candy’s dog, and how does it mirror the killing of Lennie? What
does this say about the importance of sentiment, “usefulness,” and responsibilities for others? Use direct
quotations and examples to support your views.

4. Analyze how Steinbeck portray friendship in Of Mice and Men. For example, look at the complex
relationship between George and Lennie as well as other character relationships in the novel. What keeps
them together, the difficulties they each have, and how are they different from the others in the farm
(Specifically George and Lennie). How does its (friendship) presence or absence affect different
characters, in their actions and in their relationships? What does it require of people, and what does it
offer them in return?

5. Discuss three to four symbols in the novel and how they help develop specific themes.

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