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PE Notebook

Locomotor Movement- canned from the word “locos” which means

place and “motor” which means movement. Step, Walk, Run, and
jump are some of the locomotor movements.
Non-locomotor movements- It don’t allow you to move from one
place to the other. These movements include Flexion, Extension,
Contraction, Release, Collapse, Recover, Rotation, and Twist.

THR (Target Heart Rate)

PMHR (Predicted Maximum Heart Rate)
Follow the step to know how to get the THR:
Step 1: Find your PMHR in beats per minute by subtracting your
age from 220:
 220-_______________=(PMHR)
Example: 220-15=205 (PMHR of a 15-year-old individual)
Step 2: You need to work out your lowest Target Heart Rate that
you need to aim for during exercise by multiplying your PMHR by
60% (or .6):
 _________(PMHR)X60%(or.6) = (Lowest Target Heart Rate)
Example: 205x.6=123 beats/minute (Lowest THR of the 15-
year-old individual)
Step 3: Lastly, you need to work out for your Highest Target Rate
that you can aim for during exercise by multiplying your PMHR by
80% (or .8):
 _____________(PMHR)X 80% (or .8) = (Highest Target Heart
Flexion or bend
Extension or stretch

Step 1:
220-15= 205 (PMHR)

Step 2:
205 X .6= 123 (Lowest Target Heart Rate)

Step 3:
205 x.8= 164 (Highest Target Heart Rate)

Predict the Lowest Target Heart Rate and Highest Target Heart Rate
of a 20-year-old individual. 14 pts

Answer Key:
1. Locomotor Movement
2. Non-locomotor Movement
3-4. Yes, because it will help you pace your workouts.
5.- 6. It can help you because you can improve your heart and
lungs function through it.

7.- 20.
3. How essential is knowing how to get your THR range?
5. How can festival dancing contribute to a heathier lifestyle?
7-20. Solve the Lowest Target Heart Rate and Highest Target Heart
Rate of a 16-year-old individual. 14 pts

Do this in a ½ sheet of paper

How essential is knowing how to get your THR range?

Yes, because it will help you pace your workouts.
How can festival dancing contribute to a heathier lifestyle?
It can help you because you can improve your heart and lungs
function through it.

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