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The worldview of the Mediterranean Population

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The worldview of the Mediterranean Population

 Worldview is a significant aspect of every society. To help the inhabitants of a

particular place to develop an understanding that incorporates various viewpoints.

 For instance, how community functions can be understood by identifying what

they believe in. the world view allows societal inhabitants to defend what they

believe. This takes into account Christianity midst and differences in religions

 Generally, the Mediterranean population worldview holds that time is linear,

supported by a belief that a person features the autonomous although liable to

consider the behavior of a supreme being.

 Among the population, individuals' self-reliance is a significant aspect of life.

However, there is considerable flexibility that is allowed based on the established

rules that are defined by the religious teachings.

 Besides, a person's dressing and informality of expressing themselves, especially

in instances that reflect achievement intangible assets, are significant and

considerably valued within the population over their social status by themselves.

Further, the population features a low-touch culture.

 Only close friends can touch each other, and people of the same sex, especially

among males, refrain from touching each other. This implies that an individual's

personal space is significant.

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