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Quantitative Research

presented to

Claret School of Zamboanga City – Senior High School


Ma. Cassandra N. Abalos

Trixie Keith Q. Calanza

Jianne N. Jimenez

October 2021


Quantitative Research presented to

Claret School of Zamboanga City – Senior High School in

partial fulfillment of the requirements in

MATH121 Practical Research 2


Ma. Cassandra N. Abalos

Trixie Keith Q. Calanza

Jianne N. Jimenez

October 2021


The use of chemical inputs like pesticides has increased agriculture production
and productivity. With the use of Pesticides, it can control different harmful
organisms on the farm. This chemical/s is used by farmers in the cultivation of crops.
However, there was also an increase in negative externalities resulting from such use.

These externalities includes damages to farmland/s, the fishery, as well as the

health of a person who is exposed to this chemical/s. In addition, the costs of these
externalities are substantial to the point that it has had an impact on financial revenues
as well as the health of farmers.

In this paper, the study sought to identify the cause and effect of pesticide use
in the financial instability and health of farmers. Researchers used correlational
research design to determine the extent of relationship between the control and
experiment group. This study examines the paradox and shows how pesticides
influence farmers' financial instability and health during this pandemic.

The gathered scores were analyzed by independent t-testing for comparison.

Statistical results show that there are significant effects into the influence of pesticides
to the farmer’s health and financial instability amid the pandemic. Thus claiming that
pesticides do have a significant effect towards the farmer’s health and financial
instability amid the pandemic through in the consistent usage of it, regardless if it is
made synthetically or chemically.


(A) Cover Page i

(B) Abstract iii
(C) Chapter I
a. Background of the Study 1
b. Review of Related Literature 2
c. Conceptual Framework 5
d. Statement of the Problem 6
e. Research Hypothesis 6
f. Scope and Limitations (Delimitations) 7
g. Significance of the Study 8
h. Definition of Terms
(D) Chapter II
a. Research Design 10
a. Research Instruments 11
b. Population Sampling 11
c. Research Locale 12
d. Data Gathering Procedures 12
e. Data Analysis 12
i. Statistical Treatment 14
(E) Chapter III
a. Respondent’s Profile 15
b. Using Experience 16
c. The relationship of pesticides between… 16
(F) Chapter IV
a. Summary 20
b. Conclusion 21
c. Recommendations 22
(G) References 23
(H) Appendices 26



Over the past few years, Corona virus disease or COVID-19 has experienced

rapid growth in the Philippines. The occurrence of this event became most felt by

those who engaged in agriculture. Most farmers use pesticides to kill harmful

organisms so the farmstead can grow. But using this chemical substances to destroy or

kill pest can be beneficial but at the same time it can be very disadvantageous not only

to the health of people who use it but it can also affect the financial instability of

someone who is using pesticide, along with the environment. The pesticide is

something that is manufactured by chemicals, it can also be manufactured from

natural materials that are not expensive. There are many types of pesticides, but the

most common pesticides that farmers use are organophosphates, carbamates, and

provided it's done through chemicals. In Philippines small farms only use pesticides

that are made from natural materials, some natural materials they used to make

pesticide is from animals, plants and the most common is the bacteria which is kind of

problematic when it comes to health. The continued use of pesticides has resulted in

environmental harm, human health issues, negative impacts on agricultural

production, and a reduction in agricultural sustainability.

One evidence that was related to this topic was the study of Antle and Pingali

who conducted a health study consist of two groups of farmers in the Philippines

where they have been using pesticides for over two decades. They found five health

issues in their research. These are eye problems, dermal problems, respiratory

1 1
problems, Neurological problems and lastly Kidney problems.

Many pesticides have been linked to health and environmental problems.

( Stamati, Maipas, Kotampasi, P Stamatis and Hens. 2016). According to their

research study on the effects of pesticide use, people, particularly farmers, who are

overly exposed to this chemical substance can develop serious health problems, which

can have a financial impact owing to medication costs. To summarize, pesticides will

continue to be a part of agriculture and the environment in order to boost agricultural

output, but they will have both a positive and negative impact on the people who are

exposed to pesticides. With this issue at hand, this research paper can help future

researchers that can actually help out the farmers.




To better grasp the matter, using pesticide is a smart decision because it can

eliminate pests in the farm. However, too much exposure to pesticide can be quite

dangerous and have a negative impact on one's health, which can also lead to financial

problems. Aktar, Sengupta, and Chowdhury (2019) all agree that pesticides are

generally regarded a quick, easy, and is an economical approach for controlling weeds

and insect pests in the urban landscape, according to their research. Using it can be

simple and effective in growing crops, and it is inexpensive, but being overly exposed

to pesticides can be very costly during this pandemic due to medicine demands if

people have health problems as a result of being overly exposed to pesticides.

There may be challenges, such as the risks to human health posed by

pesticides. Due to financial constraints, some Farmers do not seek immediate medical

attention if they experience symptoms, especially given the current state of affairs.

Farmers are important because they ensure crop cultivation. Farmers can adapt

quickly due to their agricultural expertise; they know what to do when the weather

seems to be unpredictable. The more time they devote to agriculture, the more

knowledge they gain in this field, but agricultural knowledge and chemical knowledge

are not the same.

According to Chefsbest, people who work with pesticides on a regular basis,

such as farmers, are at a higher risk of developing cancer. A pesticide is a chemical

substance(mostly made out of glyphosate, Acephate, Deet, Propoxur, Metaldehyde,

Boric Acid, Diazinon, Dursban, Malathion,), and it is obvious that it is not in its

purest form. It is dangerous and expensive, and only a few people have in-depth

knowledge of chemical substances. The thing about here is that when it comes to

health, it also revolves around money.

There is a pursuit of a sustainable society, generating great concern for human

health as well as the environment, which occurs as a result of pesticide action or

persistence in the environment. (Bernardes, Pazin, Pereira and Dorta. 2015). Farmers

work very hard that they are extremely productive in the field. There is evidence that

Philippine farmers do not use pesticides efficiently or safely, which may result in a

health problem. A related study was also conducted as part of a United Nations

Environment Programme (UNEP) project on Environment, Health, and Pollution, as

well as a project on Enhancing Knowledge and Capacity for Inclusive Green

Economies. Kim J. (2020) led and carried out the research stated that pesticides and

fertilizers contain toxic content that can harm the environment and human health. Not

to mention that the price of crops sold in the Philippines is lower than it was before

the pandemic. The value of agricultural production at constant 2018 prices fell by -3.8

percent in the fourth quarter of 2020. Crops, which accounted for 57.9% of total

agricultural output, contracted by -0.4%. Production of palay and corn fell by -1.4

percent and -0.3 percent, respectively. He also stated that the value of agricultural

production at current prices was PhP 503.8 billion, which was 5.0 percent higher than

the previous year's level (Mapa, 2021). According to their research, the price of the

crops they sell is dropping rapidly during the pandemic, which has a direct impact on

the farmers' earnings. He mentions that the decreasing rate occurred in the fourth

quarter of 2020. Adjusting is easy for farmers, but keeping up during this pandemic

that is affecting not only their health but also their financial earning is decreasing to

the point where it has become a life or death situation.


Other types of benefits include the preservation of aesthetic quality, the

protection of human health from disease-carrying organisms, the suppression of

nuisance-causing pests, and the protection of other organisms, including

endangered species, from pests, according to Damalas. Farms are where fruits,

vegetables, and crops are grown. Farms dealing with bugs, insects, and other pests.

Pesticides are not only harmful to the environment, but they are also harmful to

one's health. (Jakuboski, 2011). Furthermore, pesticides have an impact not only on

human health but also on the environment. There are numerous theories about

pesticide dangers. In addition to their potential negative effects on human health,

they also have negative effects on the environment, including water, soil, and air

contamination, as well as toxic effects on non-target organisms ( Damalas and

Eleftherohorinos , 2011).

There are numerous benefits to using pesticides, but there is also a higher risk

in doing so; no field of human endeavor is completely risk-free. To avoid being

severe, people must all consider the greatest risk of something. Despite ongoing

disagreements about the level of risk posed by pesticides, it appears that public

concern about pesticide and other agrichemical use has grown in recent years. When

used incorrectly, all pesticides have the potential to be harmful to humans, animals,

other living organisms, and the environment. (E.S Lorenz. 2017). Despite all of these

consequences and costs, farmers in most countries continue to use pesticides at an

increasing rate.


This study was conducted to determine how pesticides affect farmers' financial

instability and health.

The framework depicted below shows how the independent variable, pesticide

use, affects the dependent variables, which are financial instability and health of

farmers during the pandemic..

During Pandemic

Financial instability of

Use of Pesticides
Health of the farmers

Figure 1.0
Research Paradigm


This study aims to know how pesticide use affects financial instability,
whether it decreases or increases during the pandemic, as well as the health of farmers
who are overly exposed to pesticides. To be more specific, this study seeks to answer
the following questions:

1. What is the effect of frequent usage of pesticides to the financial instability of


2. What is the effect of frequent usage of pesticides to the health of farmers?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the frequent use of pesticides to the

health of the farmers?

4. Is there a significant effect between the frequent use of pesticides to the

financial instability of the farmers?


This study sought to learn how pesticide use affects farmers' financial instability
during the pandemic, as well as the health of farmers who are overly exposed to
pesticides, which led to the following hypothesis:

Ho: The financial instability of the farmers remain the same during this pandemic
Hµ: The financial instability of the farmers will become unstable during this

Ho: The effect of frequent usage of pesticides to the health of farmers, can have no
effect to their health.
Hµ: The effect of frequent usage of pesticides to the health of farmers, can lead them
to have minor or major health problems.

Ho: There is no significant effect between the frequent use of pesticides to the
financial instability of the farmers
Hµ: .There is a significant effect between the frequent use of pesticides to the
financial instability of the farmers.

Ho: There is no significant effect between the frequent use of pesticides to the
financial instability of the farmers.
Hµ: There is a significant effect between the frequent use of pesticides to the financial
instability of the farmers


This study can help broaden the comprehension of the effects of using
pesticides. A farmer’s contribution into one’s society is greatly important, it is stated
by IMPOFF(2020), that farmers are the backbone of the agriculture system, thus
making them an important asset to the country. Knowing this effects may bring the
people some form of protection or financial help to keep them afloat. The
generalization of this study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge in
relation to the following:

To the Farmers
This raises awareness towards their line of work. They can have a great
benefit in learning this study, as to it can help protect their crops, health as well as

To the Pesticide Manufacturers/Suppliers

This study can be used as an advantage towards on how they can advertise
the product, as it gives the information they need to create they pesticide of which
the consumers will approve of, thus enhancing their business.

To the Agriculture Students

This raises awareness to the students of variety of age that they can enhance

their understanding of the world of agriculture. Students who are studying
agriculture can learn about this research and may as well add into it.

To the Future Researchers

Present researchers as well as future researchers can use this study to bring
this topic into awareness and its fullest potential to those who will study agriculture
as well as to those who is already working.


This study focuses on the effects of pesticides on the financial status and
health of selected farmers amid the pandemic. Data will be collected from selected
participants in Manicahan, Zamboanga City. This study will not cover any other
issues that are not considered as a result of the selected farmers' financial situation
and health. The study would be carried out by distributing questionnaires to
participants as a survey and reference tool. The researchers will discover the benefits
and drawbacks of pesticides on the financial status and health of the selected farmers
during the pandemic.

To deeply scrutinize this research, the following terms are rationally defined:

Pesticide - This refers to the a substance used for destroying insects or other
organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.

Pandemic - This refers to a a global epidemic, an epidemic that spreads to more

than one continent.

Financial Instability -  This refers to the condition to lack of stability or the the

state of being unstable.

Agriculture - This refers to the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing
crops and raising livestock.



This chapter describes the research flow, which includes the research design,

population sampling, research instrument, data gathering procedure, data analysis

procedure, and research locale.


This research made use of correlational research design to grasp on the variables
of How Pesticides affect the Financial Instability and Health of Farmers Amid the
Pandemic, presented and produced under the institution of Claret School of
Zamboanga City. The purpose of this correlational research design is to establish and
determine the extent of relationship between the independent and dependent variables
that will be used in this research study. To summarize, a correlational research design
attempts to determine the extent of relationship between two or more variables.

To form this study, the research went through the following steps: Elucidating

of the topic and Construction of the hypothesis, Formulation and Validation of

Questionnaire, Analysis and Interpretation of Data. Figure 2.0 shows the work

flowchart of the research study.

Elucidating of the topic and

Construction of the Hypothesis

Formulation and Validation of


Analysis and Interpretation of


Figure 2.0
A Work Flowchart for the Study


The questionnaire method was used by the researchers to collect important

information from the Farmers. The researchers created significant questions for the

respondents to fill out in order to collect the necessary information for conducting the

questionnaire. The survey-questionnaire was designed to determine the effects of

pesticide use on farmer health and financial stability.


The farmers of Manicahan in Zamboanga City are the study's target

population. Farmers will be given a questionnaire on an individual basis; the overall

total is unknown, but the probability will be 10 or higher.


The researchers conducted the study to provide a personal questionnaire

because Internet access would be difficult in the Mountains area, but rest assured that

all of the researchers are fully vaccinated. For this study, the respondents are farmers

who use pesticides and want to share their personal perspectives on how pesticides

affect financial instability and health.


The researchers asked permission to conduct this study to the Senior High

School Unit Research Adviser Of Claret School Of Zamboanga City. After the

approval, the researchers had scheduled an appointment with the selected farmers

from Manicahan in Zamboanga City, for the distribution of the survey questionnaires.

The survey questionnaires was personally distributed by the researchers, after all the

farmers are done answering, the researchers were to analyze and interpret the results.


The respondents answered the questionnaire form. The results were

accumulated from the survey was interpreted and analyzed through the use of

hypothetical testing. The researchers have collected the results of the survey and

collected data from the questionnaire that was interpreted and correlated.

Table 1.0
Summary of Statistical Tools used in the Study

Research Problem Hypotheses Statistical Tool

1. What is the effect of Ho: The financial

frequent usage of
instability of the
pesticides to the
financial instability of farmers remain the
same during this Mean

Hµ: .The financial

instability of the
farmers will become
unstable during this
1. What is the effect of Ho: The effect of
frequent usage of
frequent usage of
pesticides to the health of
farmers? pesticides to the health Mean
of farmers, can have no
effect to their health.

Hµ:The effect of
frequent usage of
pesticides to the health
of farmers, can lead
them to have minor or
major health problems.

2. Is there a significant Ho:There is no

relationship between the
significant effect that
frequent use of pesticides
to the health of the can alter the health and
financial instability in Correlation
the coming

Hµ: There is a
significant effect that
can alter the health and
financial instability in
the coming future.

3. Is there a significant Ho:There is no

effect between the frequent significant effect
use of pesticides to the between the frequent
financial instability of the use of pesticides to the
farmers? financial instability of
the farmers. Regression

Hµ: There is a
significant effect
between the frequent
use of pesticides to the
financial instability of

the farmers.


The new data gathered from the questionnaire were calculated and arranged

using the statistical tool which is the hypothetical testing and was inferential

statistical treatment. SPSS was used for the hypothetical testing to see if there are was

a significant difference in the results of of the controlled and experimental group.

Columns and tables were used in data organization and summarization. The

researchers composed an interpretation based on the SPSS results for the hypothetical




This chapter presents the gathered data regarding on how pesticide affects the

financial instability and health of farmers. In this chapter, the researchers will present

the included figures, charts, tables and other tools to present the results of the study.


In Manicahan, 20 farmers were chosen to participate in this study. They are

separated in 2 groups—namely Group A and B, 10 farmers each. Both groups were

briefly explained on the subject matter by the researchers and was interviewed

regardless of the capacitance of their understanding. Group A(experimental group)

formed with the participants who used synthetically-made pesticides, while Group

B(controlled group) was formed with participants who used organically made


Table 2.0
Respondents Profile

Group Farmers

Group A 10

Group B 10

Total 20

Shown in Table 2.0 is the profile of the respondents. All participants are Farmers from

Manicahan Zamboanga City.


In conducting the study,the survey form made by the researchers consisting

the survey questionnaire which is based on the two choices of using organic pesticides

and synthetically- made pesticides. It is revealed that 50% (10) of the participants use

synthetically-made pesticide(Group A), claiming to have bought it. The other 50%

(10) of the participants claimed to use organic pesticides(Group B) of which they

made themselves.

Figure 3.0 Viewing of the Preference Product of the Farmers



The effects of using pesticide of the farmers in both controlled and

experimental groups are based off the scores of the respondent in the survey

questionnaire. The total result will determine to reject or support the hypothesis and

will answer the given statement of the problem.

Figure 4.0 Result of the Survey questionnaire

In Figure 4.0 is the result of the survey questionnaire that was answered by the

farmers from Manicahan Zamboanga City. The figure shows that The result of the

control group, 100% (10) participants manage to present the same range scale of 3,

has very similar answers in which it conveyed a stagnant slope of data. The

Experimental group on the other hand, had a more noticeable different set of opinion

in which the data can be seen being slightly more diverse. 60% (6) manage to get the

scale range of 3.07, 20% (2) manage to get the scale range of 3, and last 20% (2)

managed to get the scale range of 3.21.

Table 3.0 T-Test Results of Experimental and Controlled Group

Group No. Of Mean Standard df T-Test Sig.
Participants Score Deviation (n,n-l) (t- Value
Value) (p-
Experimenta 10 3.09 0.07
18 0.002 0.005
Controlled 10 3 0

The mean scores are compared and analyzed using independent sample t-test

using the significant level of 0.05. The mean score of the controlled group

(organically made pesticide) of x=3 is near from the mean score of experimental

groups (synthetically made pesticide) x=3.09 presented in Table 3.0. Using this result,

the number of farmers in controlled group and experimental group is equal white

corresponds to the mean score of the statistical test.

According to the result of the analysis, it shows that there is a significant

difference between the controlled and experimental group with p=0.005 where the

significant value is lower than the critical value set at 0.05. With this information, the

null hypothesis (Ho) of problem one, two, three and four are all rejected hence

accepted the alternative hypothesis (Hµ). These result were also evident in the studies

of a global enterprise named Bayer (2022), stated in their articles that consumers are

buying less fresh produce and more processed and canned items with longer shelf life,

following initial strong sales during panic buying waves that will affect the driving

down agricultural market prices; therefore rejecting the null hypothesis (Ho) of the

first problem and accepting its alternative hypothesis (Hµ) indicating that the financial

instability of the farmers will become unstable during this pandemic. In the study of

P.N Stamati, Maipas, Kotampasi, P Stamatis and Hens (2016), it was stated there that

The need for pest control is self-evident, and its origins can be traced back to

antiquity, when both organic and chemical substances were used as pesticides and

there was a major effect or impact in the health of people. Hence, rejecting the null

hypothesis (Ho) of the second problem and accepting its alternative hypothesis (Hµ)

indicating that the effect of frequent usage of pesticides to the health of farmers, can

lead them to have minor or major health problems. For the third problem, rejecting the

null hypothesis (Ho) and accepting alternative hypothesis (Hµ) indicating that there is

a significant effect that can alter the health and financial instability in the coming

future. This was also evident in the studies of Hughes (2021), he indicated that using

pesticides have been shown to have negative effects on the environment. Furthermore,

there is mounting evidence of harm to human health. Since the critical value is set at

0.5, with p=0.005, seen in Table 3.0, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis( Ho) of

the fourth problem and accepting its alternative hypothesis that indicates that there is

a significant effect between the frequent use of pesticides to the financial instability of

the farmers.



This chapter contains the summary of results, conclusions made by the

researchers from the analyzed data and recommendations necessary for the

improvement in determining how pesticides effects the financial instability and health

of the farmers amid the pandemic that was tested through survey questionnaire.


The researchers conducted a study on how pesticides affects the financial

instability and health of the farmers amid the pandemic. The purpose of this study is

to determine the relationship between how pesticides affects the financial instability

and health of the farmers. The needed data for this study, with the use of a controlled

group along with the experimental group is conducted in the surrounding areas from

the farmers of Manicahan in Zamboanga City, 20 participants were chosen to

participate within this study as they were split into 2 groups— namely Group A which

is the Experimental group who uses chemically-made pesticides and Group B

presenting the control group which uses organically-made pesticides, each group has

10 participants that has answered our survey questionnaire.After the test scores are

collected and tallied, inferential statistical treatments are used to determine the

difference between the survey scores of the controlled and experimental groups such

as independent sample t – test.

Based from the acquired results, the control group, 100% (10) participants

manage to present the same range scale of 3, has very similar answers in which it

conveyed a stagnant slope of data. The Experimental group on the other hand, had a

more noticeable different set of experience in which the data can be seen being

slightly more diverse. 60% (6) manage to get the scale range of 3.07, 20% (2) manage

to get the scale range of 3, and last 20% (2) managed to get the scale range of 3.21.

According to the statistical analysis of the results from the survey questionnaire, the

controlled and experimental groups shows that there is a statistical difference at

a>0.05, where p=0.05 which means that there is a significant difference since the

mean scores of both classes have 0.9 difference from each other. The significant

difference is from using paired sample t – test and provides a clear distinction and

difference between controlled group and experimental group scores. This shows that

there is a significant difference in between the relationship on how pesticides affects

the financial instability and health of the farmers amid the pandemic.


The researchers have concluded that pesticide use has a substantial impact on

farmers' health and financial stability during the pandemic. This can be based on the

results of the survey questionnaire given to the farmers, which showed that the

experimental group had a greater result than the controlled group. Having to use the

statistical analysis using independent t-test, statistical result show that there is a small

significant difference between the controlled and experimental group where the

critical value of 0.05 is greater than the significant value at p=0.005. This result to the

acceptance of the alternative hypotheses of problem one, two, three and four,

indicating that using pesticide do bear significant effect to the health and financial

instability of farmers especially during this pandemic.


For further improvement and modification of the study on how pesticides

affect the financial instability and health of farmers amid the pandemic, the

researchers would like to recommend the following points:

1.Compare the experience of farmers before and during the pandemic.

2.Conduct the research with other parts of the city.

3.Organize a medical evaluation in a span of months


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APPENDIX A:Letter for Respondents

APPENDIX B:Permission Letter

A P P E N D I X C: Survey Questions

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. I/ we regularly use pesticides

2. I/ we do not regularly use


3. I use organic pesticides

4. I use synthetically made


5. The consistent usage of pesticide

lays out additional gains in my

6. The consistent usage of pesticide

lays out additional losses in my

7. The cost of pesticides does not

affect my budget.

8. The cost of pesticides does have

an effect on my budget.

9. Pesticides causes an
reaction/irritation when in contact
or when exposed .

10. I don’t feel anything when in

contact/exposed to pesticides.

11. Pesticides may be a factor in

my health issues/problems.

12. Pesticides is certainly not a
factor in my health

13. The usage of pesticides add as

an additional problem(health-wise
and financially-wise ) for u during
this pandemic.

14. The usage of pesticides did not

affect us(health-wise and
financially-wise ) during this

APPENDIX D: Acceptance Letter


Personal Profile:

Name: Ma. Cassandra N. Abalos

Nickname: Cass

Date of Birth: October 15, 2003

Civil Status: Single

Address: Flamingo Village Upper Calarian

Zamboanga City

Parents: Maria Carluz N. Abalos

Alfred B. Abalos

Educational Background:

Secondary: Claret School of Zamboanga City

Ruste Drive, San Jose Cawa- Cawa, Zamboanga City


Primary: Southern Support Command Elementary School



Personal Profile:

Name: Trixie Keith Q. Calanza

Nickname: Trixie

Date of Birth: March 24, 2004

Civil Status: Single

Address: San Jose Boa Road Zamboanga City

Parents: Russell B. Calanza

Juvy Joy Q. Calanza

Educational Background:

Secondary: Claret School of Zamboanga City

Ruste Drive, San Jose Cawa- Cawa, Zamboanga City


Primary: Maluso Central Elementary School



Personal Profile:

Name: Jianne N. Jimenez

Nickname: Ji or Jay

Date of Birth: February 23, 2004

Civil Status: Single

Address: Manicahan, Zamboanga City

Parents: Aireen Gail N. Jimenez

Joey O. Jimenez

Educational Background:

Secondary: Claret School of Zamboanga City

Ruste Drive, San Jose Cawa- Cawa, Zamboanga City


Primary: Manicahan Elementary School



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