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Jasmine Sibay

1st year BSIS/Batch 2

Implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system in a business involves several stages
that need to be carefully planned and executed.
Planning: Identify business objectives: Determine the specific goals and objectives that the CRM system
should help achieve. This could include improving customer satisfaction, increasing sales, streamlining
processes, or enhancing customer retention.
Assess requirements: Understand the specific needs and requirements of the business. This includes
analyzing existing processes, identifying pain points, and determining the desired functionalities and
features of the CRM system.
Define scope and budget: Clearly define the scope of the CRM implementation project, including the
departments or teams that will be involved. Set a realistic budget that covers the costs of software
licenses, hardware, implementation services, training, and ongoing maintenance.
Selecting a CRM system: Research and evaluate options: Conduct thorough research to identify CRM
systems that align with the business requirements. Evaluate different vendors, their offerings, and their
track records.
Request for proposals (RFP): Create an RFP document that outlines the business requirements, and send
it to shortlisted CRM vendors. Evaluate the proposals received, and select a vendor that best meets the
needs and budget of the business.
Data migration: Data assessment and cleansing: Assess the existing data to identify any inconsistencies,
duplicates, or errors. Cleanse and standardize the data to ensure accuracy and reliability.
Data mapping: Map the existing data fields to the corresponding fields in the CRM system. Determine
how the data will be structured and organized within the CRM system.
Data migration plan: Develop a comprehensive plan for migrating data from the existing systems to the
CRM system. This includes determining the migration sequence, data validation procedures, and any
necessary data transformation or consolidation.
Training : User training: Provide training sessions for employees who will be using the CRM system.
Train them on the system’s functionalities, workflows, and best practices.
Change management: Communicate the benefits of the CRM system to employees and address any
concerns or resistance. Foster a positive attitude toward the new system and encourage adoption
through effective change management strategies.
Testing :System testing: Perform comprehensive testing of the CRM system to ensure it functions as
expected. Test different features, integrations, and workflows to identify and resolve any issues.

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