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The Key Players in

Who are the Key Players in Contemporary Society?
Contemporary Society

Contemporary society, according to social

and political scientists, is characterised by
at least three fundamental directions

* increasing human interconnection

through a network of relationships
that is progressively covering the
whole planet;

* the pace and depth of the evolution

of human ways of life determined by
technological innovation represent
an absolute novelty in human history;
* the scale of anthropological and
ecological transformation due to the
interaction between evolutionary
factors (social, cultural, economic,
and technological) has no historical

Contemporary studies of public participation in

postindustrial societies suggest that a new style of politics
has emerged over the course of the last several decades

The contemporary grassroots citizen organizations and

associated social movements that arise in this context are
considerably more likely to engage in protest politics or
elite challenging political activities
Congress is a central institution in the policy process
because of its legislative authority.

Congress, as one of the three coequal branches of

government, is ascribed significant powers by the

Constitution. All legislative power in the government is
vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of
the government that can make new laws or change
existing laws.


The qualifications to become a senator, as stipulated
in the constitution, are:
1. a natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
2. at least thirty-five years

3. is able to read and write
4. a registered voter; and
5. a resident of the Philippines for not less than two
years before election day.


The President and The Executive Bureaucracy

the president is mandated by the Constitution as a

partner in the policy process.

But, unlike Congress, the
president can only approve or disapprove legislation,
he or she has no power to amend.

What's the role of the President?

1. Chief of the State
2. Chief Executive
3. Legislative power
4. Chief Diplomat
5. Commander-in-chief
6. Chief of Party
7. Guardian of the Economy
The Courts
The main role of the courts is to interpret
and apply the law. In terms of a criminal
justice process the court serves as the
place in which a trial is heard and a
sentence decided.
Noninstitutional Actors
social movements.

groups have been effective advocates of public

policies that are intended to promote
the environment, peace, human rights, consumer
rights and women’s movements provide
convincing examples of the power of voluntary
action to change society.

Examples of social movements.

Notable social movements are the feminist

movement, anti-fascist, pro-choice and anti-
abortion movements, and many others.


The “elite-directed” mode of political action is

represented by socio-political institutions, such as
political parties, bureaucratic agencies, labor unions, and
industry associations that are hierarchical in nature and
mobilize citizens into action in a coordinated, “top-down”


what is the role of the

1. voting in elections.

2. working on political campaigns for

candidates or political parties, which could
include convincing others how to vote,
attending rallies or meetings, and fund-
raising activities.

3. communal activities such as working with

groups to solve community problems or
contacting governmental officials.
“unconventional” political participation
could include:
1. signing petitions

2. participating in lawful demonstrations.

3. participating in boycotts.

4. participating in unofficial strikes.

5. taking part in “sit-ins” and the occupation

of buildings or facilities in order to dramatize
a claimed injustice.

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