Rules & Regulations (3rd Open MTF National Championship 2023)

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• All rules and regulations will be in accordance with the standard ITF Combined Rules of
Competition, except for any special rules stipulated in these Persatuan Taekwon-Do
Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya ITF-MTF General Rules and Regulations. The Organizing
Commitee reserves the right to make changes or alterations to the Rules and Regulations
without prior notice.
• All competitors must be punctual and present in the tournament hall. Any competitor who
fails to report to the ring upon the call of their participant number or name for three times
will be disqualified.
• The minimum grade to participate in the 3rd Open MTF Taekwon-Do National
Championship 2023 is 8th Gup (Yellow Belt) and must be a minimum age of 7 years old in
the YEAR of 2023 and above.
• Age category is based on the age of participant in 2023 (YEAR of birth). For example, if
participant was born in the year 2016 despite any month they’re considered 7 years old
and will be competing 7 to 9 years old category.
• The organizing committee deserves the right to make changes or alterations to the
duration of the tournament, divisions, categories, and matches of the events during the
• No jewelleries, watches or any adornments may be worn, hair must be kept in place using
soft elastic materials only, no grips or slides are allowed.
• Any category with lesser than 4 people, the organiser has the right to merge the nearest
weight or grade category according to the committee decision.
• The organizing committee and officials of Persatuan Taekwon-Do Wilayah Persekutuan
Putrajaya ITF-MTF will not be held responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities that
occur during or after the tournament.
• Each category for Pattern and Free Sparring will be awarded with 1 Gold Medal, 1 Silver
Medal, 2 Bronze Medals.
• The competitor preferable to wear garments (such as T-Shirt, Singlet, etc.) of a solid white
colour, Only those garments that are visible while competitor is competing should be in
solid white.

• All protest to the result must be done immediately only by the competitor's coach before
the competitor leaving the ring, once his/her match result displayed.
• Protest fee of RM500 must be submitted to the Jury President of respective ring with a
valid reason.
• Jury President will proceed with the necessary investigation and decision. Jury President’s
decision is FINAL.
The Organizing Committee will NOT be financially or morally responsible for any possible injuries
occured during the competition.

The Organizing Commitee highly recommends that all participants will have personal insurance
valid for the duration of the competition.

Chef De’ Party (Head of Delegation) & Coaches

• Coaches must wear a training suit (i.e. pants, t-shirt or polo shirt and/or athletic jacket),
gymnastic shoes and carry a towel.
• All coaches and Chef De’ Party (CDP) must be registered in the google form given by the
organiser committee.
• Coaches must not interfere in the competition with action or words.
• The minimum age for ring side coaches is 15 years old.
• The coach in charge of individual or a team event is the ONLY person allows appealing
against any disputes or submitting any protest. The Organizing Committee will not
entertain dispute/protest by parents/teachers/etc
• Video recording will not be accepted in event of protest/dispute.

• Umpire must do your registration in the google form given by the organizing committee.

The ITF Umpire's dress code consists of:

i. A navy blue suit jacket

ii. White, long-sleeved shirt
iii. Navy Blue trousers
iv. Navy Blue tie
v. White socks
vi. White sport shoes
The Organizing Commitee reserves the absolute right and authority to remove, dismiss, or
suspend any umpire from their duties in the event of a breach of tournament rules or failure to
fulfill their stipulated responsibilities.
Individual Pattern Rules:
1. The pyramid system of elimination will be used.
2. Black Belt Competitors will compete 1 to 1 and will perform two (2) Designated Patterns
appropriate to their degree. The first designated pattern will be randomly chosen from one
of the last three patterns regarding the level of Degree of the Division.
a. E.g. 1st Degree Black Belt, first pattern will be randomly chosen from Kwang Gae,
Po Eun and Gae Baek. Second Pattern will be randomly chosen form Chon Ji to Gae
Baek excluding the first called-pattern that has been performed.
3. Colour Belt Competitors will compete 1 to 1 and will perform one (1) Designated Patern.
a. The first designated pattern will be of the lowest grade participant.
i. E.g. If participant (1/HONG) is 8th Gup (Yellow Belt) and participant
(2/CHONG) is 7th Gup (Yellow Green Belt), the pattern will be DAN-
GUN tul.
ii. E.g. If participant (1/HONG) is 1st Gup (Red Black Belt) and participant
(2/CHONG) is 2nd Gup (Red Belt), the pattern will be HWA-RANG tul.
4. The Umpires shall give a score between 0 and 10 points, after having deducted points for
errors, for each pattern performance based upon technical content, power, balance,
breathing and sine wave.
5. In the case of a draw, an additional designated pattern will be randomly chosen from the
remaining appropriate patterns and must be performed until the winner is decided.
6. Participant who FAILED TO PERFORM designated Pattern will be Disqualified as default.


You have 10 points in the beginning – Points will be deducted for each offense committed


1. Not calling, or calling the incorrect pattern name
2. Shouting or "Kihap" at any time during, or at the end of the pattern
3. Performing a technique at the incorrect height, or incorrect alignment
4. Losing balance
5. Hesitating and/or stopping for more than a split of a second
6. Not returning to the starting spot (within a distance of one shoulder radius)
7. Lack of, and/or incorrect application of power
8. Returning to the starting spot with the wrong foot
9. Stepping completely out of the ring (See Glossary)
10. Inaccurate or Incorrect Stepping (foot placement after kicking, spot turning, pivoting, foot
to foot placement, shifting, sliding….)
11. Inaccurate or Incorrect Breathing
12. Inaccurate or Incorrect Preparation or Execution of technique (i.e. crossing, pre-action,
flying, jumping…)
13. Inaccurate or Incorrect Sine-Wave in an individual movement and/or incorrect or
inaccurate Rhythm in stepping or transitioning between movements
14. Inaccurate or Incorrect Stance
15. Inaccurate or Incorrect Motion (i.e. continuous, connecting, slow, fast, natural, normal)
16. Attacking or defending with a wrong technique
17. Incorrect suspension (holding) or termination (retraction) of a kick, according to the
technical definition for that technique.

GIVE 0 POINTS (for entire pattern) FOR:

1. Stopping the pattern completely or pausing for more than 2 seconds
2. Failing to perform the designated pattern requested or performing a pattern out of the
grade of the competitor
3. Starting the pattern toward the wrong direction (side/front/rear)
4. Starting a pattern with a different ready position than that specified by the technical
directions of the pattern.
5. Adding or omitting any movement or changing any sequence of movements that are not
prescribed by the technical direction of the pattern. (e.g. performing two or more rising
blocks in sequence rather than punches in Dan-Gun; mixing patterns)
6. Failing to complete the prescribed sequence and direction of steps that complete the
pattern diagram.

For example: If the pattern requires a walking stance – high fore fist punch, however the competitor
performs an L-Stance – middle fingertip thrust, deduct 0.2 points for the incorrect technique. 0.2 for
incorrect height, and 0.2 for incorrect stance; for a total of 0.6 deductions)

Situation 1:
During the performance of the Dan-Gun Pattern, if Competitor A executes movement 9
as a Walking Stance High Punch (consisting of 4 walking stance punches), 0 point will be
Situation 2:

During the performance of the Won-Hyo Pattern, if Competitor starting position Parallel
Ready Stance (correct starting position is Parallel Ready Stance A. When Jury said “Sijak”,
0 point will be given.
Situation 3:
During the performance of the Won-Hyo Pattern, if Competitor starts in a Parallel Ready
Stance (which is the incorrect starting posion), but changes to the correct starting posion,
Parallel Ready Stance A, before the performance begins, no point will be deducted.
Situation 4:
During the performance of the Won-Hyo Pattern, if the Competitor performs movement
12 as L-Stance Knife Hand Guarding Block (which is the incorrect movement), instead of
the correct movement, Walking Stance Straight Fingertip Thrust, the following deductions
will be made: 0.2 points for incorrect hand technique, 0.2 points for incorrect stance, and
0.2 points for incorrect body facing. In total, there will be 0.6 points deducted.

Situation 5:
During the performance of the Hwa-Rang Pattern, if the competitor performs
movement 1 as Sing Stance Palm Pushing Block by moving the right foot (which is the
incorrect way), the correct way is to move the left foot. In this case, 0 points will be

Situation 6:
During the performance of the Hwa-Rang Pattern, if the competitor ends the
Pattern by assuming the Parallel Ready Stance (correct posture being Close Ready Stance
C), a deduction of 0.2 point will be applied.
Free Sparring Rules

• Sparring Glove, Boot & Head Gear. CLOSED FINGERS type COMPULSORY as in ITF Rules.

• Mouth Guard is COMPULSORY for 10 years old and above. It must be transparent, non-
• Groin guard (mandatory for males/females) must be worn inside the Dobok. Groin guard
is COMPULSORY for participant age 10 years old and above both male & females.
Participants age 9 yrs old and below are encourage to wear groin guard.
• Head Gear is COMPULSORY with Red & Blue.
• Participant must remove their spectacles in free sparring event. Wearing contact lenses
or approved soft sport goggles are allowed.
• If a competitor’s weight does not comply with the weight for the division in which they
are registered they will be given 1 hour to reduce weight. If on a second weigh-in they do
not make the weight they will be disqualified for the individual sparring event in which
they are registered or if they want to continue, it is allowed by paying a fine of RM30 to
change to another category by showing the payment receipt to "weigh in" officer.
• Participants entering the ring without the required gear may be disqualified from that
• Scoring points with hand to the head is allowed for participants 12 years old and below in
Free Sparring, but it must be done with control. Umpires will not hesitate to issue
warnings, deduct points, or disqualify participants if the match becomes aggressive.
• Scoring points with hand technique such as straight punch, hook punch, upset punch, back
fist are allowed. It must be executed with control (non full contact). Point will be given for
clear score.
• Maximum 4 consecutive punches for each attacking cycle. More than 4 punches will be
given warning. Points for each 4 consecutive punches will only be counted maximum 2
points. Interception of kicking and in between punches will be counted into different cycle.
4 consecutive punches for each attacking cycle will be given maximum 2 point with
difference technique or difference target area.
▪ E.g. Jumping Back fist, straight punch, turning kick to the body, and 3 straight
punches. Here will be given 2 points for punches, 2 points for kick to the body
and 1 point for same technique to punches, total 5 point.
▪ E.g. 1 punch to the body, 1 punch to the head and kick to the head. Here will
be given 2 points for punches, 3 points for kick to the head, total 5 point.



1. Weight that registered in the online system/excel format given by Team Manager
2. Weigh-In during verification ID card participants on 28th Sept 2023.
3. 2nd attempt weigh-in (only if he/she doesn’t make the weight, then he/she shall be
removed from the sparring category)

Point Awards
1 Point Awarded for any legal hand attack directed to mid or high section.
2 Point Awarded for any legal foot attack directed to mid section.
3 Point Awarded for any legal foot attack directed to high section.

Target Area
a. Head:
I. At the front, sides, and top of the head, but not at the back.
II. Excluding the neck.
b. Trunk of the Body:
I. From shoulder to navel vertically
II. From a line drawn from the armpit vertically down to the waist on each side (that
is frontal area only, excluding the back.)

Light Contact Scoring Procedure System

In competition a technique is valid according to a light contact system if:

a. Executed correctly.
b. Dynamic (i.e., it is delivered with strength, purpose, speed and precision.)
c. Controlled on the target.
Minus Point / Fouls
One point will be deducted for the following offences:
a. Heavy contact.
b. Attacking a fallen opponent.
c. Leg sweeping.
d. Holding / Grabbing.
e. Intentional attack to a target other than Target Area.


Warning will be assigned for the following offences:

a. Pretending to have scored a point by raising one or both arms.

b. Stepping completely out of the ring (both feet).
c. Falling down, whether intentional or not (i.e., any part of the body, other than the
feet, touching the ground).
d. Faking a blow, pretending to be injured to gain an advantage.
e. Intentionally avoiding sparring.
f. Adjusting equipment during the bout without the consent of the Centre Referee.
g. Unintentional attack to a target other then Target Area.
h. Pushing with either the hands or body
The sum of three (3) warnings automatically results in the deduction of one (1) point

Situation 1:
Competitor A hit to the back of the opponent, followed by kick to the front of body, no
point will be given and given warning.
Situation 2:
Competitor A kick and hit the head of opponent, but opponent push competitor A falling
down. Point is still given to competitor A, before any warning issued.

Situation 3:
Competitor A pushing opponent, followed by kick to the head, no point will be given and
Situation 4:

Competitor A avoiding atack for consecutive of 10 second will be given warning. Warning
will be given.
Situaon 5:

Any jumping kick, kick or punches form competitor A which hit the opponent but he or
she falls down thereafter, point will not be given.


a. Misconduct against officials or ignoring instructions.

b. Uncontrolled or excessive contact.
c. Receiving three (3) minus points/fouls directly given by the Centre Referee.
d. Being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs.
e. Loss of temper.
f. Insulting an opponent, coach, and/or official.
g. Bing, scratching.
h. Attacking with the knee, elbow or forehead.

Duration of Bouts and Decisions

a. In the case of a draw, a further one (1) minute round will take place.
b. If this results in a further draw, then the first scored point assigned by at least two (2)
Referees at the same split second will decide who the winner is.
Category Item Grade/Dan Age Division Point System Information
7 – 11 years old
Color Belt 12 – 14 years old
Scoring System 1 minute 1 round
(8 Gup – 1 Gup) 15 – 17 years old
Matsogi (Free 18 years and above
By Weight
12 – 14 years old Electronic
15 – 17 years old Scoring System 2 minutes 1 round
(1st Dan – 4th Dan)
18 years and above (ESS)
• For sparring event, time allocation may be change due to time constrains and other issue
7 – 11 years old
12 – 14 years old
Flag System
15 – 17 years old The referee and judge will select
Color Belt one pattern, which must be either
(8 Gup – 1 Gup) your current grade or lower grade
ITF registered
Tul (Pattern) 18 years and above Scoring System

12 – 14 years old Electronic The referee and judge will select

15 – 17 years old Scoring System two patterns, which should be your
(1st Dan – 4th Dan)
18 years and above (ESS) current grade and lower one.
• 1 on 1 knock out system will be implemented for pattern category.
• Participants who FAILED TO PERFORM designated pattern will be DISQUALIFIED as default.


• Teams (five (5) competitors) must perform one (1) OPTIONAL pattern:
Team Pattern Color Belt: from CHON-JI to CHOONG MOO
Team Pattern Blackbelt: one (1) OPTIONAL Pattern being any of KWANG GAE, PO EUN
• Team members may perform movements individually, or together, as they choose,
but it must be seen as teamwork.
• Teams must prepare their entrance and exit to the ring by lining up at the border of
the ring, facing the Umpires. The marching in and out the ring is NOT part of the
choreography and no points will be given for this.


• Each Sparring Team (Male and/or Female) must consist of a minimum of five (5)
competitors and may have one (1) optional reserve.
• The team obtaining - after five (5) sparring bouts - the majority of total umpire votes
shall be declared the winner and advance to the next round of competition.
• In the case of a draw after the five (5) sparring bouts, each coach will select one (1)
competitor to spar an extra bout of two (2) minutes.
i. The competitor obtaining the majority of umpire votes, with a minimum of two (2)
Umpire votes in his favour, shall be declared the winner and the Team shall advance
to the next round of competition.
ii. In the case of another draw, the same competitor will spar again until the first scored
point is made; the competitor with the majority of umpire votes, with a minimum of
two (2) Umpire votes in his favour, will be declared the winner and the Team shall
advance to the next round of competition.

• Competitors must choose: one (1) hand technique, and one (1) foot technique.
Chosen by themselves from the following list:

Hand Techniques Foot Techniques

I. Ap Joomuk Jirugi (Forefist Punch) I. Yop Chagi (Side Kick)
II. Sonkal Taerigi (Knifehand Strike) II. Dollyo Chagi (Turning Kick)
III. Dung Joomuk Taerigi (Backfist Strike) III. Dwit Chagi (Back Kick)
IV. Sonkal Dung Taerigi (Reverse Knifehand Strike) IV. Bandae Dollyo Chagi (Reverse Turning Kick)

• Competitor must announce their choice of technique to the Centre Referee prior to
beginning the bout.
• The winners will be decided by the highest total accumulated score for both hand and
foot techniques.
• Is permitted to step forward, to slide, skip and or jump
• A forearm guarding block must be adopted before and after each attempt to break
the board(s).
• Each competitor is allowed a total of one (1) minute to set the correct heights for both
breaking techniques.
• The following procedure shall take place:
After a signal by the referee, each competitor has two (2) minutes to attempt to bend
or separate the board(s) of the two (2) chosen breaking items from the listed which
must include one (1) pre-judgement of distance with one (1) touch allowed, followed
by the attempt to break the board(s).
• Competitors that exceed the prescribed time shall receive 0 points for any item not
yet performed.
• A forearm guarding block ready posture must be adopted before and after the
attempt to break the board.
• In the event of a tie the Jury President will randomly draw one item from the list of
eligible techniques to be the tiebreaker.
i. The Jury President will decide how many boards are to be used.
ii. The competitors will perform the chosen technique according to the procedures
iii. In the case of a further tie, this procedure will continue until a winner is found.

• Competitors that did not score any points at their first attempt during the match will
not be allowed to continue the power breaking competition to determine any place
and will not receive any medal.

• A machine designed for the specific test will be used.

• It is compulsory for each competitor to attempt, according to the mentioned order:
i- Twimyo Nopi Ap Cha Busigi (Flying High Front Kick)
ii- Twimyo Nomo Yop Chagi (Flying Overhead Side Kick)

• After a signal from the referee, each competitor has sixty (60) seconds for each item in
order to pre-judge the distance – compulsory, with no touch allowed, followed by the
attempt to break the board.
• Competitors that exceed the prescribed time, or touch board during their pre-judging
shall receive 0 points
• A forearm guarding block ready posture must be adopted before and after the attempt
to move the board.
• Referees may disallow a break for:
i- Failure to utilize the correct attacking tool in the correct manner.
ii. Knocking down the obstacle when performing Twimyo Nopi Yop Chagi.
iii. Falling down (i.e. any part of the body, other than the feet, touching the ground).

• In the event of a tie the Jury President will select one item from the list by drawing to
be the tie - breaker. He/She will decide how high the jump will be. The tied competitors
will then carry on until the places are decided.
• Competitors that did not score any point(s) at their first attempt during the match will
not be allowed to continue the special technique competition to determine any place
and will not receive any medal.

• Competitors, while competing must wear the ITF TKD dobok with the ITF logo. All
competitors must indicate the competitor’s degree/belt correctly.
• Female competitors may wear a white T-shirt under the dobok jacket.
• For muslim female, hijab MUST be in a solid white color (color belt and blackbelt
• Any competitors who failed to follow the rules of the dobok will be DISQUALIFIED
as default.


• All competitors attending the weight verification must wear an ITF Dobok Trousers
and either a T-shirt OR Polo Shirt. No other clothing, accessories or other items
may be worn or carried onto the scale.
• Competitors are not permitted to remove any of the required articles of clothing
in attempt to lower the weigh measurement.

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