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Benefit Illustration

Proposal No. :
Name of the Prospect/ Policyholder : NATRAJ Name Name of the Product: Edelweiss Tokio Life- Smart Lifestyle
Age (in years) : 33 Individual, Non-Linked, Par, Savings, Life Insurance
Tag Line: Product
Name of the Life Assured : NATRAJ Name
Unique Identification No.: 147N040V02
Age (in years) : 33
GST Rate - Base Product (first year) : 4.50%
Policy Term (in years) : 15
Premium Payment Term (in years) : 12 GST Rate - Base Product (second year onwards) : 2.25%
GST Rate - Rider (first year): 18.00%
Amount of Instalment Premium (including Rider
Premiums and First Year Applicable Taxes in 1,04,500 GST Rate - Rider (second year onwards): 18.00 %
Rupees) :
Mode of Payment of Premium : Annual

Additional Information
Gender of the Prospect / Policyholder : Male
Gender of the Life Assured : Male
Category : Others
Distribution Channel : Direct Marketing (Worksite Marketing)

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

This Benefit Illustration is intented to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy, at two assumed rates of interest i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a.
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of the Company. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then these will be clearly marked "guaranteed"
in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this page will show two different rates of assumed future investment returns, of 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. These assumed
rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance.

Policy details
Policy Option Base Option Sum Assured on Maturity Rs. 7,31,258
Bonus Type Simple Reversionary Bonus Sum Assured on Death (at inception of the policy) Rs. 10,60,324

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(Amounts in Rupees)
Premium Summary
Base Plan Riders Total Instalment Premium
Instalment Premium without GST 1,00,000 - 1,00,000
Instalment Premium with First Year GST 1,04,500 - 1,04,500
Instalment Premium with GST 2nd Year Onwards 1,02,250 - 1,02,250

(Amount in Rupees)
Non-Guaranteed Benefits @4% Non-Guaranteed Benefits @8% Total Benefits including Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed
Guaranteed Benefits p.a. p.a. Benefits
Single / Maturity Benefit Death Benefit
Policy # Total Maturity Total Maturity Total Death Total Death
Year Annualized Guaranteed Loyalty Survival Death Maturity Reversionary Cash Surrender Reversionary Cash Surrender Benefit, incl Benefit, incl Benefit^, incl Benefit^, incl
Premium Sum Benefit Surrender Benefit Benefit
Additions Bonus Bonus Benefit Bonus Bonus Benefit Terminal Bonus, Terminal Bonus, Terminal Bonus, Terminal Bonus,
Assured Benefit
if any @4% p.a. if any @8% p.a. if any @4% p.a. if any @8% p.a.
(8+9+10) (8+12+13) (7+9+10) (7+12+13)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 1,00,000 14,625 - - - 10,74,950 - - - - 40,219 - - - - 10,74,950 11,15,169
2 1,00,000 14,625 - - 60,585 10,89,575 - - - 60,585 40,219 - 83,059 - - 10,89,575 11,70,013
3 1,00,000 14,625 - - 1,21,009 11,04,200 - - - 1,21,009 40,219 - 1,50,365 - - 11,04,200 12,24,858
4 1,00,000 14,625 - - 2,01,521 11,18,825 - - - 2,01,521 40,219 - 2,29,128 - - 11,18,825 12,79,702
5 1,00,000 14,625 73,126 - 2,72,194 11,33,450 - - - 2,72,194 40,219 - 3,22,211 - - 11,33,450 13,34,546
6 1,00,000 16,088 - - 3,51,390 11,49,538 - - - 3,51,390 44,241 - 4,23,709 - - 11,49,538 13,94,875
7 1,00,000 16,088 - - 4,38,949 11,65,626 - - - 4,38,949 44,241 - 5,37,103 - - 11,65,626 14,55,204
8 1,00,000 16,088 - - 5,35,162 11,81,713 - - - 5,35,162 44,241 - 6,62,392 - - 11,81,713 15,15,533
9 1,00,000 16,088 - - 6,40,173 11,97,801 - - - 6,40,173 44,241 - 7,99,576 - - 11,97,801 15,75,861
10 1,00,000 16,088 1,09,689 - 7,54,128 12,13,889 - - - 7,54,128 44,241 - 9,63,250 - - 12,13,889 16,36,190
11 1,00,000 18,281 - - 8,77,934 12,32,170 - - - 8,77,934 50,274 - 11,47,634 - - 12,32,170 17,04,746
12 1,00,000 18,281 - - 10,11,568 12,60,000 - - - 10,11,568 50,274 - 13,83,175 - - 12,60,000 17,73,301
13 - 18,281 - - 10,69,722 12,68,733 - - - 10,69,722 50,274 - 15,28,741 - - 12,68,733 18,41,857
14 - 18,281 - - 11,31,232 12,87,014 - - - 11,32,573 50,274 - 16,81,163 - - 12,87,014 19,10,412

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15 - 18,281 1,46,252 - 11,49,327 13,05,296 13,05,296 - - 12,26,978 50,274 - 18,60,229 13,05,296 19,78,968 13,05,296 19,78,968

Notes : Annualized Premium excludes underwri ng extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any and Goods & Service Tax. Refer Sales Literature for explana on of
terms used in this illustration.

I, ___________________________ (name), have explained the premiums, and benefits under the I, NATRAJ Name , having received the information with respect to the above, have understood the
product fully to the prospect / policyholder. above statement before entering into the contract.

Date: Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder

Terms & Conditions

1) This document is for illustra on purposes only. This illustra on is based on the terms and condi ons of the life insurance policy as on date of the illustra on. The above informa on must be read in conjunc on
with the sales literature & policy document.

2) #The Premiums are to be paid in the beginning of the chosen mode of payment. For e.g. in case of Annual mode of payment, premiums are payable at the beginning of the respec ve policy year and in case of
Monthly mode of payment, premiums are payable at the beginning of the respec ve policy month. The amount shown in this column is the sum of all the premiums payable in the respec ve policy year, excluding
underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any and Goods & Service Tax.
3) Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance - Smart Lifestyle is only the name of the policy and does not in any way indicate the quality of the policy, its future prospects or returns.
4) Applicable Taxes will be levied on the premium as per the prevailing Tax Laws and the same shall be borne by the policyholder.
5) Surrender value shall be higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value and is payable at the end of the policy year. Special Surrender Value is not guaranteed. Before making a request for
Surrender, you may approach the company to know about the Special Surrender Value in respect of your Policy at that point in time.
6) Maturity Benefit under 'Total Benefits' includes Sum Assured on Maturity, Accrued Guaranteed Addi ons, Loyality Sum Assured, Accrued Reversionary Bonus, if any and Terminal Bonus, if any. Maturity Benefit
under 'Guaranteed Benefits' includes Sum Assured on Maturity, Accrued Guaranteed Additions and Loyality Sum Assured.
7) Simple Reversionary bonuses, if any, may be declared every financial year. It will be expressed as percentage of (Sum Assured on Maturity plus Loyalty Sum Assured accrued ll the beginning of the applicable
policy year). The Reversionary Bonus, if any, is not guaranteed and would depend on the performance of the par fund. Once added to the policy, the bonus is guaranteed to be payable either on death or on maturity
whichever is earlier in case of Base Option. For Family Protection Option it will be paid on maturity. There may also be terminal bonus, which will be payable either on death or maturity.
8) ^ If Policy Op on 'Family Protec on Op on' is opted, then, on the death of the Life Assured the Sum Assured on Death, as shown in the above Illustra on, will be paid and all the future premiums will be waived
off. The Loyalty Sum Assured, guaranteed addi ons and reversionary bonuses con nues to accrue to the policy ll maturity. On the maturity of the policy Loyalty Sum Assured on Maturity, accrued guaranteed
additions, accrued reversionary bonuses and terminal bonus, if any, are payable along with Sum Assured on Maturity.

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